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N duplicated their votes Mr. DIXON was very anxious for - New York Courier Jf Enquirer, whilst 5th. That voters the discus- ( The for said Nuttall. sion of the resolution, for it embodied very near- - Lneakinof President Taylor, and the manner Proposals lor Indian Goods. I III' llejllle 1 .1 MOKE NEW GOODS! who were under the v llri1 ot tile 1.1 If KENTUCKY Gth. That persons, J i rio "s. iii iiiuiseii iiiu a which the great objects of his administration age 21 years voted for said Nuttall. honor to submit, but he was desirous that the DtFUHHT o TBS IsTKIlnit, of far carried out, as regards the Offus 1sim CONVENTION. citkeus of Shelby county voted discussion should be postponed until the return have been thus Frankfort Clothing Emporium, Affair, 29. 19 STATE 7th. That annihila- PROPOSALS said Nuttall. of the gentleman from Bourbon. That gentle- softening of party aspirants, and the Corner of 3Inin nnd St. Ctiir Slrcetn. SEALED will be received at the Offic. jor there was Commissioner of Indian Affairs at Washing- Sth That in these and other respects, man, he satisfied, desired a discussion of tion of party dissensions, makes the following ton t ity, until in o'clock on Thursday, for Nuttall. EN BU RG & PRUETT. tl.e first day of OFFICIAL KETOUTS. were two hundred illegal votes said this question. The gentleman lid thrown down SPANG November next, lor furnishing the followine gouds in cry well timed and sensible observations: V OL'Ll) inform their fiiciuli anJ the quantities the Wherefore, vur memorialist prays that the the gauntlet to his friend on the left, Mr. C. A. annexed, or thereabouts. f.,r the use f the In- He came into office free from all the prejudi public, that haviie ut received their dians, and deliverable iu the city of New York, proper steps mav be set on foot to ascertain the Wickliffe and himself, and they hail taken it Irnm viz: R. SUTTOX, Cbiip up envenomed resentments which longyeara entire Stock iNEV GOODS MR. Riromi. truth of the easel and that your honorable body very promptly he believed, lie was, therefore, ces and the, (where they were selected Blanket. fastened upon the men and mea ieiic-e- memorialist entitled to a seat not disposed to have any fight of conflict had with sreatcare by an old exiet n will declare your whilst his friend 2,100 pairs point white Mackinac Ma meas- Whig party. His name had never Merchant.) are now prepared to - OCTOBER 1849. as a memberthereof, provided from Bourbon was absent. sures of the ure tin by :- inches, wei-- h MOXDAY, in this convention, show and cheap as and pound. Mr. been connected with projects which time, and sell for C.ISff. 1,900 pan point white it shall turn out that your memorialist is, in C. A. WICKLIFFE had no objection to a of Mackinac blankets, to meas- tlie Rev. Mr. Norton. the obso- - handsome selection CLOTHS, ure 54 by Gti inches, IYaver by law, entitled thereto. And your memorialist postponement of the subject. the course of public opinion, had rendered CASSl.Mi:Hr, SATTINLT, ami weiih 6 pounds. 1,175 pairs j point white M.uinac blankets, meas-ui-e OF COMMITTEES. Its consideration ete. Professional slanderers had not been en VKSTI.M. Fancy .An ie Ivn, kc. to CEASCE THE will everpray.ic was then further postponed 42 byili inches, and weit'h 5 pounds. LEC0MPTE. accordingly. gaged for years, in poisoning the public mind &c, as can he found in the city, and U point said that on examina- 10 pairs white Mackinac blankets, to rreas-ur-e Mr. MERIWETHER vic- no mistake. Jaal call and se? them, : PRESIDENT TRO against him. He had never Ih'cii made the 6 by 50 inches, ami weieh 4i poumts. would bo found that the comniirtet's as at OF A MESSENGER. TEMPORE. and the articlfs will tell the tale for tion it APPOINTMENT of a systematic and gigantic conspiracy, 900 pahs I p..ii.t while Mackinac I hnkeis to measure amend-lmnto- tim themselves. We feel tree to say that organized by th? rules, under the f sregeant-at-arm- s The PRESIDENT here requested Mr. DIX- "2 by inches, and present Mr. MERIWETHER moved that the which had aimed at his destruction, by destroy is fine as any offered in !; wrjh ?J pounds. from Nelson, (Mr. C. A. ON to take the Chair, and our stock as Ut market. 400 pairs 3 p.iii t scarlet Mac kinac the to employ some lad as a preside for the resi- On hand constantly, a LA KGB AM) SPLEX-Dll- ) blauhets, to meas- be authorized ing public confidence in his character. He came Also ure bo by J inches, ami pounds. 'iclf!iT?,) did not provide for nine members of him in discharge his due of the day. LOT OK midc up 4y tunelces, wei.h messenger to assist the of into office without the shadow of an imputation CMTilI.G, C00 pairs2J point Mackinac blankets. e is, there would be nine and good. scarlet to meas-ui- the convention. That duties.3 to allow that officer this ORDERS OF THE DAV. warranted 34 by Cli inches, and It was usual upon his integrity, covered with the glory of a visuins our city who wish a ood article in weiih 6 poi'iids. uot embraced on any committee.. He Stransers 100 point green Mackinac e dcUcUes in the legislature. The consideration most war, and beyond reach a pans?, blankets, t. meas-ui- member Ik? assistance of the resolution of the brilliant the of any the t'lothin? line, woulJ tin well to give us call. fid by w ould therefore move that one added words from Mr. HARDIN in favor will be e4 inches, and weich 10 pounds. After a few gentleman from Boone, (Mr. Chambers), offered animosity but that which had its root in oppo The rihional)le Tailoring Depart mrnt P00 pairs 3 inch point .Mackinac to ea- fe of the tandinr committees except the the .Mr. cren blankets, to of the motion, it was agreed to. on the 5th inst., in reference sition to the political principles which he main under immediate direclion of SpiifBKR.. measure TO by .2 inches, would provide for every niemoer of to the order of already to the public as an experienced and and weight pounds. first, which 1 well known 250 paii . J point l- - TO AMEND. business being next in order, tained. here was no room lor any considera Thev keep on hand a full assortment cieeu Mackinac blankets, meas- convention. PROPOSITIONS successful Cutler. ure 54 h 61J inches, and 6 the Mr. CHAMBERS moved ble and hostility man. iVc. CUSTOM weich poun1 s. w that they lie on the permanent to such a of Cloths. Cassimeres, VeJtuis, Ac, f.r 100 pairs r; point This wa azn ed to. Mr. IRWIN offered the following, hich, on which be liable rices. rei.tiiiella blue Mackinac blankets, table remarking that the action of the conven- Even the most zealous of the partizans who op- - WOKK. will sold at ieae, to measure 2ti by inches, following: F.mpori-uw,- c4 and weinh 10 lbs. Mr. HARDIN then proposed the his motion, was referred to the committee on the directing U' "pKememher that tbe Fran! fort Clothing " del-pat- tion the format lOII of Pllllilnittaua Vn.l osed him could not suppress admiration for his pairs 3 point gentinella blue Mackinac blankets, Resolved, That a select committee of nine legislative department, and ordered to be printed. corner of .Main and St. Clair sireets, is the place , dispensed with any necessity that existed public services, nor refuse their confidence to to measure 60 by inches, and wtih eight be appointed, whose duty it shall be to en- 1. Resolved, some constitutional reiorm for to get Good Clothi.mj, Chkai for Mkn. pounds. mat their adoption. his character; and this generous temper was in- Frankfort. Sept. If, 4 tt the public debt of the State, the best should be made upon the SCO pans 24 point centineMa blue Mackinac blankets, (J quire into and restriction subject They were so disposed of. creased bv the very means which political mode, not only to prevent its future of new counties in Ken- his to measure 54 by to incites, and weigh 6 lbs. practicable of the future formation Mr. IRWIN said opponents took to check it, so that no man ever & but to liquidate" the tame by the time that there had been a good GREGORY CO. increase, tucky. many propositions presented to went into high office with less regret on the part MANAGERS OF KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY. Dry Goods. it shall fall due. 2. Resulted, That the house of representatives the house, of which no of his opponents than General Taylor. l.orn raids scarlet strouds. resolution was agreed to. in Kentucky ought not to consist of a greater disposition had as yet been made. Scheme for the Week ending Oct. 19. SU0 yards blue srrn.-- U This He His administration thus far has confirmed and IS number f representatives than sixty five, nor would move therefore that they be now ta- MO.YDJiY, OCTUBF.R 15, 1819 1. yards fancy 1st tlutb. blue STANDING COMMITTEES. ken up and referred greatly strengthened this general friendliness and 750 yards fancy !: it cl.,tl Scarlet should svr.ate consist of a greater number ol either to the standing com- CAPITAL Ticket $2 5 .