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#687111 in Books Swami Lakshmanjoo 2016-08-18Original language:English 9.00 x .78 x 6.00l, #File Name: 0996636579344 pagesThe Mystery of Vibrationless Vibration in Kashmir Shaivism Vasugupta s Spanda Karika Kshemaraja s Spanda Sandoha | File size: 66.Mb

Swami Lakshmanjoo : The Mystery of Vibrationless-Vibration in Kashmir Shaivism:: Vasugupta's Spanda Karika Kshemaraja's Spanda Sandoha before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised The Mystery of Vibrationless-Vibration in Kashmir Shaivism:: Vasugupta's Spanda Karika Kshemaraja's Spanda Sandoha:

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful. A cornerstone within Kasmir ShaivismBy Frank-in-SanDiegoIf you follow/study kasmir saivism this is an excellent book.... You will note that trika has 4 schools in it. Spanda is one of them.This offer is well written and steeped in the knowledge of one that actually knows - Svami Laksman-ju.The benefit of this book is the second book inside of it, Spanda Sandoha. The term sandoha means 'milking, milking of the whole herd' ....It is the inspection, review and insight of the very 1st karika ( terse verse) found in the Spanda Karika of which you will read in the very first section of the book. Just this one verse contains the 'milk' of all the shastra-s. It is quite profound.Now, if you are new to this knowledge and this is your fist book, well it shouldn't be. What should? I would recommend "Kashmir Shaivism The Secret Supreme Revealed by Svami Laksamanjoo" ; this is how it is written on the book itself, transliteration would be written a bit differently.YET - this book is a rare occurrence in this age... I'd purchase it and hold on to it till one's understanding grows, then read it.Good reading to you...2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. I had read Jaidev Thakur's Commentary on Spanda karika before(which ...By Deepak SoporiI had read Jaidev Thakur's Commentary on Spanda karika before(which no doubt is a classic) and was always waiting for a book to publish with Gurudev's take on the same.Swamiji has taken the verses and their in-depth meaning to a different level of conciousness.This is totally out of world and takes you to journey taking about the Spanda Devi and its different minute aspects.Jai Girudev...Waiting for Tantraloka ,PratyabijnaHridyam and Janam Maran Vichar to get published soon.

A central theme of the philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism is the highly esoteric principal known as spanda. Swami Lakshmanjoo tells us that the word spanda means established stable movement. That is, it is movementless-movement, vibrationless-vibration. It is this secret, mysterious and yet essential principle that Swami Lakshmanjoo clarifies and elucidates in his revelation of the two texts dealing specifically with this principle, the Spanda Karika and the Spanda Sandoha.The theory of spanda is not new. It was hidden in the body of the and extracted by Vasugupta, founder of the Sutras, and initiator of monistic Shaivism in the valley of Kashmir. Vasugupta composed the Spanda Karika, a text filled with the fundamental precepts (karikas) regarding spanda and the philosophy surrounding it. Kshemaraja, the chief disciple of the very important and central figure in the tradition of Kashmir Shaivism, , is the author of the second pivotal text regarding spanda, the Spanda Sandoha. This text is an extensive exposition (sandoha) on the first verse of the Spanda Karika.

About the AuthorSwami Lakshmanjoo was the last in an unbroken line of Kashmir Shaiva masters. As a boy his life was filled with a spiritual thirst to know and realize God. From a very early age he was filled with spiritual experiences. In fact these experiences were so intense that his parents thought he was suffering from hysteria. They were very concerned and approached their family , Swamijirsquo;s grand master Swami Ram, requesting him to help their son with his hysteria. Swami Ram laughed and said to them, ldquo;Donrsquo;t worry, I should have such a disorder.rdquo; As Swamiji grew older his desire to completely realize and apprehend the world of spirituality became paramount. To make this a reality he sat at the feet of his guru Swami Mahatabakak and took up the study and practice of Kashmir Shaivism. He became completely engrossed and enthralled with his spirituality wholeheartedly practicing day and night, ultimately experiencing the fullness of Kashmir Shaiva realization. It is to his beloved Kashmir Shaivism that he devoted the whole of his life teaching it to those who asked and translating and commenting on what he considered to be the most important texts of this system. He became renowned as a philosopher saint steeped in the tradition of Kashmir Shaivism. With the growing interest in Kashmir Shaivism over the last thirty years, hardly any publication has appeared without a mention of his name.

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