abdominal opening of the anteriorly laterally inguinal ligament Superior bounded by medially Laterally posteriorly. adductor longus Medially , pectineus Boundaries floor adductor longus medial to the femoral vein in the lata fat, areolar roof Contains cribriform fascia lymph nodes and vessels Femoral canal Nerve lower limb and perineum Transmits lymphatics from to the peritoneal cavity. vein potential weak area site of femoral herniation femoral Contains Lymphatic Lateral to medial NAVL transversalis prolongation of the Surrounded by Femoral Sheath iliac fasciae inferior to the midpoint of inguinal ligament pulsation Femoral sheath and vein Contains femoral branch of the femoral canal

Anterior and Medial common in women Ring Begins at the apex of the femoral triangle passes through the femoral Canal ends at the lateral and inferior to the pubic tubercle adductor magnus deep and inferior to the inguinal ligament adductor longus sac is formed by the parietal peritoneum between interferes with the blood supply sartorius To Herniated Intestine fascia causing death of it femoral vessels Contains nerve to the vastus medialis descending genicular artery

or pulled groin strain, stretching, or tearing Groin injury aperture in the tendon of insertion of adductor magnus of the origin of the flexor and adductor of the thigh Adductor hiatus of the femoral vessels Allows the passage occurs in sports th at require quick starts into the

Femoral oval gap in the Nerves below the inguinal ligament Obturator covered by the cribriform fascia part of the superficial fascia of the thigh