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GRG 56/68/34 Shipping casualties: regional index

Series This series was created by the South Australian Description Archives (now State Records of ) to assist researchers investigating the principal shipwrecks in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The series divided the state into nineteen regions (including the Northern Territory) and then describes shipwrecks that have occurred in each region.

Series date range 1837 - 1922

Agency State Records of South Australia Responsible

Access Open Determination

Contents 1836 - 1976

The List is arranged by numerical sections.

Sections 1 to 19

3 November 2016




From the westePn bo1.mdar~r to Point Brmvn (northern end of' aky Bay), _including·nuyt's Jnocilipelago, and t,he Isles of St. and othe:r isl:::mds. The section includes Point Br·o,;m~ Streaky Bay.


F·l~om Point Brmm. to Catastrophe, includi.LJ.g all islands as Flinders, 1!!hict"bey, the Ner•t1.mes, out not . int BrovYn· itself is excluded., out the section includes. Calle Cat as- .


From 0.?-:?e Catastrophe to the no1~thern extrer.1i ty of Gulf, eluding Thistle' Islru1d, the Sir Jose;)h Bar1ks Group and othez· is.- ' lJ.1.1t not the·e1o Islands. (Cai)e Catastrophe its·elf be- to Sect.ion ·2. ) • ---


'The east coast of Spence1~ Gulf from its northern e:::tremi ty to and including Cape Elizabeth. The section includes Port and Tiparra Shoal.


, The western coast of ~ south of Cape Elizabeth ich ·belongs to Section Lt.), dovm to and. including Reef Ree.d. The. Gambier Islands and 17s.Pdang Isl9J.J.d.

SEC~ION .6. ·, The southern c.oa'st of Yol~ke Peninsula~ frmn Ca:9e SDencel~ to oubl~ictge Shoal. The section includes the 17l10le of Ti.-.oulJridge al a.nd the Al thm.~pes. ·

SECTTON 7· :'7,

The '7est coast of Gulf st. Vincent from Edithlnn~gh north''."8.1~ds: ,.., SECTION o .

. .. The. east eoast cf Gul~ st. Vincen.t as. rEtr so1.r'c~ ':.~.s :Po1")t Sa~~tler; inclucled j_l'l tb.e sectio11 ..

· SSCfPTQl! 9·

The east coast of' Gulf' st. Vi:c1.cent, Jervis. The section Cape -2-



The co2,st i'l'"'Om Caye Jervis to the }.lu:>..":>..~ay hlouth. The section include Caue Jervis itself', no1~ the MuPray !,louth: -·,:hich is in Sec:t.ion-16. · SECTIO:N '12.

Fl"om the l:l1:n"i"ay Eou tl1 to ca1Je Jaf'f'a. The section includes Jaf'f'.a, out not the To!Iu:c·:!:·ay 1v1cn.. 1t.h, ';:rhich "belongs to section 16.

~Le section excludes Caye Fl~on1 Care Jaf'f'a to Ca~)e Bui'f.On. out inc.ludes .. Cape B1..1i'f'on.

SEO'~'IOiT · lL~. The coast f'rom Cane :s·o.. f'f'on to the eastern.'..ary. ,,. .. ,..,.~-~ i tseJ.f'.·lies -in Section 13.- SECTION 15·

Kangaroo Island. S'PCTIOlT 16.

The River· M1..n•r·ay, including t-he EurraJT Mouth. SECTION 17·


Horthern Terri tol"Y·


Unidentifiable localities. §._ E C 'T' T 0 N l.

From the western "bm ..mcLar~,r to the north

1:1\'s P.. T•chipelago~ the Isles of' St. Francis~

a:hc1 othel"' islands.

Tl1e s·ecticn inchi.des Point Brov:n~ 'tn.1.t.

not"" st.T• Bay.

------oOo-----~-- .. ~ - .~ - -" •··-- -. SEC'T'TQ:H l.

,, Date Vessel --· ... ~-·-- ':Locality

: -~ ·- MG!.j :20 1860: ""'. J=t1:=:e St. Fx•ancis Islan.d

1886:* March LOTTIE St. Francis Isle

1904: JJ,.Ule 17 JE.SSIE DJ1.P..LHTG Denial Bay

190:5: Jao.22 _:IRIS Deoial Bay

1913: Oct. 24 PARIUGA Murat Bay

1946:* Oct .4 CECILIA Port Le Huote

1948: Oct.31 ENTERPRISE Ceduna /

1949: Sep.l9- LAMBROOK Bight '(300 miles west o:f Cape Borda)

1966: Sep.-29 ELEI~l: K Ced:~ SECTION 1 (SuPplementary)

Date Vessel Locality' 1878: Sep.(?) • ANNIE TAYLOR Point Sinclair, about 35 miles east of' Fowler's Bay.

19:33: Feb.6 -YalTDP.A Cape 'livonoe SEO'~'I01;:

From Point Bl"ovm to Cape Catastrophe, including all islands such as Flindel'"'S, Y1hid-

"be;;r, . the lTe1)t1..mes, "but not Thistle Island.

-Point Brom1. itseJ_f' is e:cclndecL, l)ut the

section includes Cape Catastrophe.



··.:;;.' 2.


Ne_ptune Islands Coffiris &t.r. · · -- 1-80 !U; l .f:t C.u Pel c· J, · 18LJ-4: ~...., ,:r~all~ May O.tlMILL.4, 181!-.5: li]_:)l~•l9 ELISABETH BEB;B]OC.:-fl_ Trial Bay~ to the south of' Str~ea}~r Bay. 181).5: Apl". 22 VULO..!'.~.:r;r Flinders Island l8L!-5: c. JL1.1_g: (9\ • I FPi,CO On 01~ nea1~ .Plindel"'S Island 1848: -, ..:1P~:..C}:l'TE Trial Bay, to the so1..-cth of' Oc-t ~I Stl~ea1:::r B~;~;,.. 1866: ~. FIP..EFLY ~- Jlmr::i Ol.lS B8.'J.,. 1877: ~~1e 12 FP~3RIDGE W:o~terloo Bay 1877£ ..1lu.z~ 7 FJ.J.'IT·IY '!iate:rloo Ba;y- WRIGHT 1881: July SPHiD?:IFT Waterloo Bs.;;r 1883:Fel). 8 AHELL<;. 1883: Feb.8 GR.ll.CE Avoid Bay DJ.P.LING 1883: ;· Feb.ll "?!OOLLOMP.I ·Between Fli11del~s and Ward Is- i lands. 1884: ·I _Ii,l~g. 1J'!P26..T.-tt-I Po::..~t Elliston. 1887: Feb.:b5 Y.E3ROl'JJ or 16. ..!lrD:i ous Ba;;r

l89L~: Jmg.l MEEHIDEP..RY Flinders Isla.nc1. 1902: 15 ~~!ELL IEGTOIT Nea1~ Point Sil" Isaa.c, Oof'f'in Ba;;r; 1907: .

1914: Jan.l3 FErt:RET Po.rt Elliston

1937: probably LADY FLI1IDE:rtl3 Flinders Island in Oct. 1942: nov. Ki!..P.d.:rt.i.c- near Flinders Island 1950: Aug. 19 MILL HILL Cape Radstock, near Streaky Bay 1961 March ? LINCOLN 3TAR Reported missing off Eyre 1961 Peninsula July 16 FLORENCE Founders near Point Drummond. SECTION 2. (Supplementary)

Date Vessel Locality

1870: Feb. 2_ LUCY Outside Streaky Bay

1888: Feb._25 ALTO Waterloo Bay

1966! June ll TU.JOR South of the S E C T I 0 N 3·

From Cape Catastrophe to the northern

extremity of ~ including This- tle Island, the Sir Jose1)h Banks Group and other islands, but not the Gambier Islands.

(Ca}!e Catastx•o:phe itself belongs to

Section 2.)

------~oOo------SEIJ'T'T Ol~ 3 ·

Vessel LoceJ ity

l8L~4: June l.i.O miles north o:f Po:>t Linco1n.

1847: Aug.l GO\TEPlTOR Joseph Be.nJ::s Gro1..:.:p. GA'?!LER.

. WJ!.LTER & o:r:r !?oint Bcliil[;'bl~oke' D.e9~r ~01.1th··--. JOh"1:T BaiT.·

187.5: l'Tov. 5 E!'.. PPE.P..BY Ne2.l" Point Lowl~".

1877: __ Ju1Y 6 LUBP..A. •. Point Boling_"broke:,,::.". r.o, l3?F·

1880: Jan~21 L_qny KIN­ lTear Cape B"Lu"r: between, Tc1!."I:.l!;;_'" Ba;:_r ··HAIRD and Arno Ba;y-.

1880: Sep.iO Ahocct 1 0 miles :fl"OEc l2t. Yonng. Near 1884: JcLil:e 28 N... ~7.1'IJ:T g· . j_ ~: I.1t-~ Yoll.l~f3-· SCOTT

1884: Se:P~ 2L~ 1.1ernor~r Co1re.

1885:._ ~une .. 2-or .::5 CPJEBRI.A.N PRilTCESS 1BE'>6: .Auz. 6 Jomrc. l -or 13. M"l.llTIW Shoal~ater Point, Ee::tr Fl... ar.klin ~ Har1.Jour. '· . . )

' ; .. P.t-'\L}.iERSTOU . Seei.;e_t Rocl:, .· nt;;ar Point ·. --fne!;tr Lo1..1th Bay]. - 1837: Ocl. 9 FREY Shoa:C':iat;eJ..; Point, near Franklil'l BEI:TOS Earbour.

~ 1889: Dec. 28 P.:POLLO · - Betweei<_. Point Lovrly s.n~. Doi..1glass. Point.

BEACOITB'­ ·slioe.hva tel' -Point, near Franklin FIELD Harbour.,.

_ ,11?97: _Feb. 1j. B~TRICE North Shields, neai' Po:-·t Lincoln.

- :l/?97: Aug. 3 EDITH S})ils!Jy Ishmd, Sir Joseph Banks · GrocTJ!·

~·~-~ -,~· ··wREE ii:ps6i1.' s Cove, nol"'th o:f 'l\.1tnby Bay. •.• _,.. s·ISTERS

B'ui':falo Ree:f, 8 miles :fr·or::1 Port Lincoln.

1901: Se::g. 21 · Spilsl);:,r Islo.nc1, Sir JoserJh Ban.J::::s

t} 1'"101.1}.-:· 9

. 1902= FelJ. COL1.;;;.1Bii~ Shoalwater· Point, neHP Franl::lin EarlJoUJ.".

1902: July 22 l:~t"miles N.N.E. Douglass :Sanl;:, south o:f Pol"'t Auzu,st8.• \ SEC'T'IOIT 3· -2-

·.Date Locality

1903: Aug.l7. H!VE.!:.iliYON Plan:.:. Point, of: ?ran.klin Hal.,lJOl..U'.

1,901.~: c. Jsm. ~ _flJ:TIUE SilJsey Island, Sir Joseph Ba1ll:s G:!..... oup._. 22. I BRO~~T

1904:Sep.2"0 IlTVEP..ESK c. 500 "feet ':Vest of: Point Lo\!ly _Light.

1906; .< MELVILLE c. 30 miles oor~h of Franklin Earbour or 10 ISL~llW

1917: LILLIE::: . .-~ ~J?ort_Gibbon ~WKIHS 1917: nov.10 INA Sibsey Island. Sir Josepb Banks Group

. '1920·; Feb .29 BOSSUET Franklin Harbour

_.:----- 1928: ARIEL Near Cape Dooington

1928: hlay 29 MilrNTPA · · Near·1?ort Lineal o

1932: Aug • .5 TOLKEN Port Lincoln 1932: Apr.9 VIVID. Believed lost between Point Bolingbroke and Port Lincoln. 1940; Dec .19 RERT.ii'ORD Off Neptune Island

1947; Feb.l . ElliJ?IRE 6 miles east of Nbyalla MAURITIUS

1951: Dec~? MORIALTA Cowell Harbor At entrance of Boston Bay 1952: Feb.l9 ARKABA Whya11a_ (north side of channel) 1952: Mar. 5 IRON PRINCE Port Neill 1953: Mar. 18 NI.ORIALTA An island of .the Neptune group. 1959: Jan.24 Y.A.NDRA. 1959: Oct.27 MILFORD Near Cowell CROUC~ 1960: Nov.l3 TIMBARRA At Whyalla

,1968: June. 25 HA.l1ACOO?A Off Point Bolingbroke S E C rr I 0 ]IT 4.

The east coast of S11encer G1.1.lf f'rom its nortlie-ril extreniity dovm to and including

Cape Eliza"beth.

The section includes Port Aug1.1sta and

-----~-ooo------SECTimT 4.

Vessel Locality

1862: Me.y Wallaroo 1865: Mar.26 K.l\.HGJ!..ROO !:.bout f'i ve miles i'T•om Vlallal"oo Bay.

1865: I!I~T 8 SP.Jif MIGUEL Tipal"ra Reef'. 1865: July 25 BL.?U!GHE . 1872: c.Ma._y 25 BLACK Will)erta Reef', betvveen Wallm"oo) Dil)}WliiD and Noonta. ) A little later, on Walrus Rock,) in the same locality.,' ) 1872: Se:p.l3 Tipara Reef'. 1873: Feb.iO KlUifGP..ROO Cape Elizal)eth~ near ]\Ioonta Bay. · 1873: Oct.30 ii.DELAIDE Ylallaroo.

1875: ll.[a~r 11 K..ADIN.A Wallaroo Bay.

1875: May ll WA.LL..A..RO 0 Wallaroo Bay.

.1875: Dec. KITTY Port Augusta. CdBURJ.IT A.MEE._'R . . ) 1876: Je.n. Mooc1y Point, near Port Eoonta.)

1876: Feb. 20 MALVIJ:i4.. 01'1' Point Jarrold. Mli_UD 1878: .A:pr.22 ~·,;-().~(. ,' "'..f.? -:.>~""~.;:_.,.,,.n';:J;,\E'l;·,,"'J'(":tti-'1'- BRIER ·. Wood's Point, neal" Port Broughton. HOLME

1878: June 19 MERC1JRY Port PiPie.

1878: Dec.6 J}.J.I[ES _6.JiiD .Telowie Beach. IvL4. .1?.G_4 .. HET

1879: Jan.2 M1UIDE · Cockle Spit, near Port Pirie.

1(379: Apr. l G...~'TYMEDE -1880:+ M2.r. 24 VEHULJ\Iv.I 1882: Oct.l8 YOU1TG LION Cape Elisabeth, Spence:_o GlJ.. lf.

188.5: Iifov. 26 _Bet·Preen Ti:pal'a Ligl1t and Port Victoria. (.Also entePed in Section 5). 1887: c.Mar. 6 Bi\.lTKVILLE EastePn Sho?.l, 1"est of' Port ?j_pie. -1888: Jan. 7 SATlTP..H Po:;:>t Pil"ie. 1888: I:Yov. 24 G.A.WOOLF WallaPoo. -,f- 1890: Dec. . DRUMPARK Within one mile of' Pox•t Jtugusta. -2-

Date. Vessel

1895: c. 25 H.ll.W'l:rlORN Tickera. 1895: . Oct.l5_ G.A.MBIER­ L..L\..SS

1896:· July 4 C.P~ELL..~ We.1lal'oo.

1898: . J1..u1.e 4 LAR:Ff.A.CA In FlincLe1.,s Channel, near Port Augusta.

1898: Jnne ~.0 DAYJN Ward S:9i t, near Por·t Pirie. RIPPINGill\lVI Near Ti:para Li:;hthouse. GRANGE.

1900: Jan. 28 Port Pirie.

19o'0: · Jan. 28 SIR WILFRID Port Pirie. h~"'JSON

1900: May 2 BO'VERIC :Port Pirie.

1900: May 2 lo:::ELLA.S -

1901: Jan.17 BEATRICE Port PiPie.

1901! JaJ.1..l7 KNIGHT Port PiPie. TEMPLAR_ Gi!V'LDIR

1901: Oct..28 HELCEBEE - Bird~ RE)ef', near Wallaroo~

1903: ELIZA One mile north of Point Riley, near Wal1aPoo. _

1903: Jan.23 . Sri!-l.MROCK At Port Pirie wharf •

1903: July 27 SIXTUS. ,Cockle Spit, near Por_t GeJ:'mein.

1903: . Se:;). 31.. BRENN Western Shoal, neal" Port Pirie. l.9ph:. ELIZ.l\.BETH •, ~-. Near Wallaroo.

1904: Apr. 22 or~ BE?J.1UDA Wallaroo. . 2~:J

190L~: May 13 CL..'l.VERDON Port Pirie. 1904.: July 6 WINFIELD

1904: c. Oct. Llll.RY LEF:"IS Yatala Earbm_u., Spit, south of Pt. Auc;clSta.

190L!.: Oct. l 01"> 2 MOliilffiCH Hear Port Pil'ie. /6


Date Vessel Locality

1890: Feb~3 CJIJ,ffiRIAN Near· Ylallaroo PRINCESS- 1880: Oct. 21 !I tt

1905: June 10 ·UEW .aRRIVAL ·,'lallaroo Flats

1909: Oct.3 DIANELLA Moonta Bay

1910: :.:J..Ug.l5 IU'lESTIG..:>.TOR 7 miles from 11oonta Bay l9li: Hov. 'WILJ?Eil'A South west of ?ort Pirie

1911; Dec.l8 BIELEFELD Port Pirie

1913: Mar .23 PORT C.A.ROLillii: Port Pirie /

1913: J U[]_€l 17 GO-lERl::roR Lm.:>Gllil..V.E Little Island, north of Cape Spencer

1916: . July 12 I.iT'lESTIGA.r:::'OR I:Torth eastern bank of . Port Augusta Channel

1920: ..:>.Ug.13 KIGONA Port Pirie

1921: June 6 LILLIE ~y Cape Elizabeth

19 22: hlay 29 TRIO 9 miles north of Ticke na

1926: l\is.r ·!- 8 FllAMLIN::iTON COTB.T -;"~a.llaroo

- 1935: Sep.4 KING LUD Eastern Shoal t' near Port Pirie

1937: May 18 RZATRER BELLE Wal1aroo 1952: Aug. 6 MACEDON Cockle Spit_(near Pt. 1952: Sep. 11 KOORAKA It "' It n S E 0 T I 0 H "·

The westel~n coast of' Yorke Peninsula, south of' Cape Elizabeth (which belongs to

Section 4), do'l"m to and includLllg Reef' Head.

The section includes the Grunbier Islru1ds ana_ Wardang Is_]_~"lo..

------000------SECTTON 5.

Vessel Locality t 1849: M0-l". ox• Apr. YOUNG HEBE 40 miles f'rom Care Spencer. · (Also entel"ed in Section 6). 1876: Au& . 'L AGI'f.ES. Wardang (or_ SeJl~ 15~J 1879: · Fel). 24 Reef' .Head .. . ) 18.80~ May 31 BROUGHTON J!!Iinlacowie.

J:TELCEBEE Betwe'en- TJ.:para· Light m1.d Port Victoria. (Also entered in Section 4). 1890: Feb.l M:P..RY About 6 miles north of' Corny :VJEBSTER Point.

ZEPHYR About 6 miles nol"th of' Col"ny· Point.

189_5: Aug.24 POSTBOY PoPt £:Iinle.cowie. '1898: Feo• 20 . CAI:IDIDA

1898: May 14 ARIEL Wedge I~land. ... 18,99: July 8 MJ...ID OF Of'f' .west coa,st of' Wardang AUSTRfl..LIA

l901: Feh.l GLENP.. APJ\: Of'f'·Wedge Island~ " i9bi: nec.30 LJillY DALY Of'f' Wardimg Island.

,_ ' - ·· ·· 1904: Jan~ 2 ETHEL North of' :Re~i Heac1, · near· · Spencer. ·

190.5: Oct.26 COCKERMOUTR Port Victoria

1907: Oct .12 ilGOT

/ i909: MONARCH Wardang Island '"-"'· .. . 1911': Dec.l6 EL,IZ.d.:BETR .cilHT.E Mi nlacowi e

1912: Apr .14 SONGV~. Wardang Island

·::1912: llay 8' AUSTRALIAN 'Nardang Island

. 1913: Mar .7 J E.hlf :&i.RT iVarclang Island SECTION ,5. _;2-

Date Vessel :r..oaality

Mar.l4 GENERaL DE SO NI S Port Victoria

ward.ang Island. , 1918: Apr~24 INVESTIGATOR

1.920: Feb.4 :BOIELDIEU Corny :Point

·1920: Mar•2.0 NOTRE DAME D'ARVOR . Ward.ang Island.

1920: Nov .14 · FBR.-zET. Near;_Ree:f Read. ' ·1921: Jan.2 EUGENE SCHNEIDER J?ort \victoria

Off wardang Island 1927: May or -· '· ~Macll~TYRE ' J1; i -----. 10 miles :from Corny 1936: Oct.-zf>· K.Il:TGFISRER

Wedge Island. i937: Oct. 20 AL:BA:ffi.OSS

· Corny Point · 1939: Aug. ·:BO:B:BIE . :BURNS Near Port Victoria l948: Apr.lO :BETTY.J Alffi :p·ort .Victoria. . ·,~948: Apr.lO :HAWK. / .J Off Daly Read '1948-: .June T.ARNA Port Turton June 9 NELCEBE& S E C T I 0 N 6.

The southern coast of' Yorke Peninsula, f'rom Ca}_)e S}?encer to Tl"'Ol..1]Jl"idge Shoal.

IJ:'he section the whole of' Trou-



Date. Vessel. Locality.

18_38: April Trouoridge Shoal, about 8 miles fi.. om larid.

1838~ Ifov. 7 P.ARSEE Trouoridge Shoal. -1845.: Feo. T4 .. Tl.. OUOP:idg_e S_hoal. ~ ~ ~. r ·..... ':... l8LJ.9: Mar. or _tpr. YOUNG HEBE 40 miles f'rom Care Spencer.

~·, ~~· .,; (A~s() ~I).ter·ed in Section 5). -· -" ~- .. - --- '. __ .',,. 1849: Sep.O? M Trouoridge Shoal. 28) ...;_ '*"_·'_, . 1850: Oct.3l P.P.JifPJIA Tl~ouoridge Shoal. 1'8'51::· Jl.ll;<,r· 29 l\~arfon Reef', Trouoridge Shoal

l852:''Ji:Iayi --... l WASF.. HTGTOU Trouoridge_ Shoal. 1854: Feo.:_42 -- - Cfu\RLES Trouol"idge ShOal. C!'.B.TER J. }:_ ~:;, : .:: . ·' ~- : - ' ; :_, 1862: July ll 1\'LL\...!?.ION - 1\fear Ca1Je Spence1.. , (Har•ion Bay) •. 1867: J"Llly 9 Sultana Point, neal... ~ 1873: Dec.n IRON KIEG - Tl.. oubridge. 1875: Apr. 27 ROYllL Troubridge Shoal. SREPEEP.D lB76: July 6 LIGHTIHNG

1~(8: Jan._3.. YOUNG ST. AlthorJ)es. GEORGE ( GJl.ROl'll].Jf. . .. 1(}79:F.eb.19.::.::. (Tapley. s Shoal-, 3 miles f'rom

1~-~p~:,, ;B'e}:>.·J~ · ;;·: IHCJiMARNOCK \ Fo1.ll Eay, c. 2 ·111i1es east of' Point. •\,f'-'-! ·' ,.,_ l88i:. :Jail. 9-~- Ma.rion Reef', Tro

18Bi~,; iro-v-~ '9 Of'f' the A1thorpes. 1884: J!'Ul.. 17 CHITTOOR

1886: Feb.3 _/.\_HT_4,RES Marion Reef'. (Troubriclge?) 1886: Jl.lly 24 PIOir.EER Harion Bay.

1888: nov. 6 _LI_SID:IORE Hear Ma:eion, :Eteef', Trouln'idge.

1892: Mar. 6 -:• ENTR."RPRISE NeaP the _il_:;J. thorpes.

1893: c. GIJ

Vessel. Localit;:r.

1895: _t~_:pi•.12 or 13 CAST""J...E HOUlE .Sturt. Bay.

1904: July 22 JJuTET Of'f' Wattle Point, insicte Tl~ou1Jridge.

1907 : .13 WILLY~ Rbino Read, near Qape Speneer

1908: lliar.20 SI:a. YHLFRI:U Point hloorowie, near sturt LAWSON Bay ·

CUN ::W.lJ.aLil -~-..:.

1912: Dec.l8 CE.b.T:&aU:ORI-"-IW Sturt Bay

1917: Feb.? SUCCESS Troubridge Rill

1918: Sep.3 MALDON LEWIS Stenhouse Bay

l 919 : Se p .18 Pi>.REOR..b. .<>.1 thor pes._ , ... '. ·

1933: Mar.26 REGINALD ~- near

1937: Sep.l9 RAPID Althorpes

1948: Feb.l2 ~ILLEi:3D:Clr near the i:..ltborpes

1948: ~pr.ll LISllOID1 ;::Er~R Hear Marion Bay

1953: Ma.r.19 CARCOOLA Stenhouse Bay

1953: Mar. 25 KOORALYA Stenhouse Bay 1962; Jan. 26 KOOLIGA Stenhouse Bay Of'f' Port Moorowie 1964: Feb. 12 LEPRENA \ SECTION 6 (Supnlementary).

Date Vessel Locality 1870: May OMEO sturt's Bay 1850: May 3 DESLANDES Troubridge Shoal -·;r

S E D T I 0 N 7-

The west coast of' Gulf'' St.. Vincent

. f'rom Edi thln.1rgh northwal"'ds.

---:----:--000------SECTION 7-

Date. Vessel. Locality.

1877: Je.n.l7 R.!CJYIBLER West of' T:Vool Bay~ [nee.r Yol~ketoWn. J. 1878: Oct.l5 GLEN _ Long Spit. OSMOND

1879:. S:~~lfl Clinton.

1879: Mar.26 FOUR Trear Pol~t Wakei'ield. (Off' Long S]Jit, BROTHERS on the west side of' the Gulf'.)

1898: May 9 EXCELSIOR On CoolJowie Spit, oi'f' Se.l t Creek~ near Edi·'chburgh.

1899: Nov.9 YOUl1G _I)JJout 5 U!.iles west of' Long S:pi t Bay. StTRVEYOR

1952: Aug.],.4 MULCRA-,, Ardrossan

\_.- 8 E C ~ I 0 N 8.

The. east coast or Gulr St. Vincent a~

- f'ai~ south as Port Gawlel", which is includ..:.

- ed in the section.


\._- SECTION 8.

Vessel LOC2litY

1852: Jm1.e 29 TRITON Gawler Flats, 3miles aooye entx•ance to the Gawler RiYer.

1855: Sep. 20 Gawlel~ Flats. (Also entered in Section 9). 1855: Dec. LEI CHEI.lL1IDT POl'"'t Yvakef'ielcL 1872: Jan.ll BLACK DD..MOIID

1875: DlTh1MORE Gawler Flats (_~so entered in Section 9). 1902: Hov.4 YOUNG Pm'"'t Gawler. RECRUIT S E (Frp T. 0 N 9·

The east coast of Gulf St. Vincent, south of' PoPt Gawler to Port Nos.rhm._za.

'l'he section-includes Port NoarJ:, and the Port River, but not Port Gawler i tseli'~

------000------SECTION 9.

Vessel Locality

1836: Dec.18 Tl!J.i O' ·· At the bal~ of' the Pol"'t River. SH..ItiifTER

1837: Oct.17 SIR CR~~ES Glenelg. McC_~..RTh"Y

1838: l)ef'ore} EHlil<. Glenelg. Mar. 17 )

LP~Y Port Adelaide • .Y:IELLINGTON

1839: Ma1~.17 DAVID WITTON Witton Bluf'f', near Port

1839: May 2 BP~~ZIL . 1839: ,Dec. JANE FLP-XII:I.LUT Port Noa:Plunga. 184L~: Jan. JLlillRAS ~: Hear False Channel (Pm"'t River). . l l8L~8: 26 se:P. TIGRESS· Heex Davia Witto:1 "\~'Pooh, ;i: s., -...... - - . ~'!Hi; en JiP u;r-e n"' 2r ::?o -" + '\]:9~ :c-:J..veii·Ba. . ·_ . ~At the .t'nouth. of the O"k4f'ctrin~

1853~, Apr. 26 AUGUSTA Below the North Arm. SCID:rEIDER 1853: J\me ·CONCORD Sna.p:per Point, Port River. 1853: Se:Q.10 ··PUNCH Ho ldf'as t Bay. I 1853: Oct. NINP.. "Near the Reedbeds. 11 1~55: Se:p.20 L UOI.A- .M.t~..RIA Gawlel" Flats. *' (Also entered in Section 8). 1859:* Feb. 1\ Of'f' Port J:Toar1m~ga.

186.2:* Mal'. 7 SU11IMER CLOUD Ir. or neal... the Pol"'t Rivex·. 1865: bef'Ol"'e) _·. AUNT LIZZIE Neal"' Witton's Bluf'f', Po.rt 18) Hoarl1..mga. 1867:- Feb.ll Z..ii.:HOlTI - Of'f' Sem.a_phol"'e. ~. ? :?72..: ·rj ~ .. {? T cmr_ Dli'DQIJSSQTT Qff -p-. if >t" "1- ,:-, : ~,,

.q tri 0

SECTION 9. -2-

Date Vessel

1872: * Mar.7 ROYAL SrlEPHEP.D l'rear Li.zht' s Pas-sage. 1873: .Apr.28 Point Malcolm, near . 187L~: Jan.17 PJI.JTGATIRP_ Port Rive1.,.

1874: Jan.17 ST. M_t._G]\lliS Port River.

1874, Ja.n.l7 SOPHIP~ Port River. 1874: Feb.19 GTRV.AH· Near Pt. Adelaide 1<374: Aug. 23 CITY OF ADELAIDE Kir1walc'Ly Beach. l874:..-Ho>r.14 Oh north barut, near Pt. Adelaide light.

1875: DTJT1l~ORE Gar-,rler Flats. {Also entel'ed :in Section 1875:

1875: P.~.p1~ .. 15 EMPREZ..4. Four r.1iles south of Semaphar'e. 1875: July 27- NnmoD ' Po:t.,t. Adelaicle lighthouse.

1876: JmJ.. 7 ~:L'lLOOLM 1876: Jan.7

1876: .Aug.l5 UMG:$NI Nea1., Gle1J.elg. .1876: Dec.15 POSTBOY Six miles W. S. W. of Glenelg. 1877: Jan.6 COORONG

1877: Feb.6 WILLUNGA Port River·.

1878: Fer). 2 IV_41if'rlOE Oi'i' Point Ealcolrn.

_1878: June 17 AGNES -Off Point l'!Is.lcolm. 1878: July 18 ELLERB_!Uil1<.: Wonga Shoal, south of Sema­ phore Jett::l· 1879: Apr.19 or 20 KilliK!\.. North Arm.

'MA~y Heal" Po1.,t J:.del8.ic1e lighthouse. 1880: Uay 7 T.P'.Ivi 0 ' S ILUIT'ER . Near Pol"t !~deJ.e.ide li_shthouse: or in Po1"lt ?..iv·e.I.~t: -

:).882: SeiJ. 30 or' 29 MISS KILJ:v.L:U1SEGG Between L::n.,gs mJ.d. Ser~iaphOl"e. 1883: Jan.5 GAIHSBOROUGH 1883: Jan. 5 VIOTORDJ:T Port Rive1~. .. *)u_·~~~ SECTIOJif 9. -3-

Date Vessel Locality

1883: Feb.lL~ Port Ri ve1.-.. 1883: Fel); 14 EMU Port Ri ·yel..... 1883: -Jcliy 5 1883: July 5 WILLui'l"GA .. Port Ri Yel.,. 1883: Dec.13 LITTLE ORIENT LEu'gs. l88l.j.:" Mal-.. 3 188l.j.: }.J:ay 27 PHOEBE ·Port River. 1885: M8.P.29 ELIZ.ll.BETH A11J:TIE In Port Ri Yer ~ near Snappel.,· Point-•. 1889: i\Xi.g-31 -l~_YFLO~~R Glenelg. 1890: Fel).15

1890: Feo.15 PORT DJI.RFii:I:T 1890:· Jifov. lL~ J:T01'P..E D.AlviE DE L.u_ G_-L.'ffiE

~,tay 1892: 2··or 3 ~'71:.ROOKA.

1893: A:pr.22 Dli.LP•.Y.MPLE c. 3mi1es :from Port Adelaide lighthouse. 1893: .ll-J!r. 22 FLEEIT'WIHG c. 3 miles :from Pm..,t _2l_de1aic!.e lighthouse. 1893: S.e:r.12 DER111JEliT Port RiYer. 1893: Sep.12 HUB BUCK

-~-' '.~.- 1893: ~NOY.l4. STORMBIP.D Port Ri vel'. 1893: NoY.l4 TEETE2IDEH 1893: J.ITov.lL~ 'liCTOR 1896:·· J"U11.e i6· 1!/EliiDOUP..EE POl.,t ACJ.elaide. 1896: Jul~r 29 BlJLIM:BA Port River. 1896: JL.lly 29 l.'lUTTR.A_

-~· « ·-'-' 1901:- -Jtpr.l3 HTVESTIG_u_TOR

1901: AlJr.l3 M_ll.RY .1'\IEBSTER

1901: 16) LE llilEL or 17.) Vessel

In the Com1'any' s Basin, : 19.0:t-:. Dec~ 16 !,ETTERE11yE . .i·~:..-· "Port ..Adel~a±de • .'- .1. ' -··

In the:Comps.ny' s Basin, l96l~ ·nee.l6 '- Port Adelaide. ~ ~-- '., __ _ -- _.; ... ..;:....' ENCJL"..NTRESS Port River.

FALCON:: Port l:l:del:.aide :. ;

MIUT.aRO Port il..Cie1 aid.e J • '· ,. ' ' ·;; _; ... :.,.:' '< .-_ ... ~-- .t ARDEN CRAIG

semaphore . 1 ~07_: .<>.pr-. 2~" JE.SSIE D.J.RLIHG ..... ;;~~~~ ;.¥.tl..,;' ;- •.

190'].:t ;.&pr:~21

,i .. , :-_; \~:. _;~:.. _;.; ~~ i .:·._,.. . ' ., 1907: July 26 .ARIEL Outer Harbour ~:._ ~.: ~ ~i-· ; .D ~:~ ·:e --;- ;,.;~: :;.:::_ :·.·;_

NARDOO Outer Harbour

EVERTON GR.!.NGE J?ortc-Ri ver ...<, ·

.-~ :: . .-.. ' . __ ,._ ~·- .. :~, .%?~ :. /~1~!...... 1--~·::..<·.J;.... ~:.'-·'·•-~~:tt-~-~~ . )---·:-"" . - :_· 1907: .,;.ug.·29 ROBINSON Port River l 2.~2; ~\.fl ::· -· ~-, '

.. :_. ~: '- -.. . . J?ort River

Por~_).Uver . L908::: Oat.~ 2..5". YARRA .. ~

190 9 : • 7 CECIL I.<>.

EXC~.s.IOR ·

SOUTH ;:Jl'RICil. North .arm

._,_ ( . .SECTION 9.


Date · Vessel Locality

1910: ()ct.2 JJ.ANET ' Glenelg.

1911: May ~.5 GEELONG Port River. · 1911:_: May 15 WARRAWEE 1?or.t River. ·

1912: Nov~l7 ·· :DIMSDiLE Wonga Shoal•

191.5: Sep.22 · ,i!J)V ANCE Outer Harbour.

1917: Sep.3 MINNIE A. CA.INE... p,jJ:t Adelaide.

1919~ Jan.16 FRAS:mli RIVER Ed:~t Ad:el, ~ide: •· < ·1919.: oct.21 YOUNG FOSTER Ntil'ar' 6ut er. Harbour. 1920: Feb. :BUCK. Outer Harbour. 192o-:- l!ai 3r ·. .HWA.E: .. :Pil~G Port Adelaide. ·.1920: May 3.1 RE;NA •:Port Adelaide,.

1921: 'Jan.?. . WALTON EA.LL J?ort Adelaide•

1921: Apr .23 WE NOMA. Port Adelaide·.

. 1921.: Nov. 23 CITY OF MILAN . :Between .Largs Bay a ad Outer Harbour •

1922: Jan • .5· .ALBATROSS Glenelg • 1·922': Jan. 23 .. BELMSLOCK :Port Adel ai'de·. i922: Apr~4 · GIL GAl. Port River •. 1922: Apr .4 . SAWAHLOENTS Port River.

.. 19 22: 4 WOONDa·· ::Fort River~· 1922: .Mayll FREE SELECTOR· McLaren Whar:f, Port

.·1922: May 11 ..• YARRA MeLare n 1lbar:t,

1922:. Noval . INJ)UNA Port River •

' ~.; .1922: Nov.ll Plt.RINGA · Por.t River. ·1924: Apr.;26 CITY OF· SING1l.1?0RE :Port Adelaide.

' . 192.5: Nov .3 · WELLINGTOl'f Birkenbead • .·'1933: ' .1.5 .. .· .i!..LtA,RA P.ort Rive-r • ··

1933: Aug.l.5 LADY. DORIS Port River.

1934: June .18 . NERBUD~ ~erriapbore • ' ·.. ·, . .,,:·· ·.. ' . . l934: ~u1.y 9. .· ·... BELIA~CE'~~.,:;.. ~~ OtlterHai-bour~- ., - ',· ..-, 193.4': 3ECTIOH 9. -6-

Date Yessel · Locality

1935: Apr .12 No.2 Q.uay, Port .,._del aide. 19.35: .12 :::.'UJ)OR ITo .2 Quay' Port .A.delaicle.I 1937: Oct.20 CROWU No.2 Q.uay, Port ,.de1aide. 1939: apr.24 ELIZ.~BETH il..l:HT.E Semapbore Soutb. 1939; aug .1 Port il..de1aide.

1947: Apr.? CHUM Outer Harbour.

1947: apr. 27 IHNX Outer Harbour. 1948: .ll Port :::ti ver.

194P: Outer Esrbo1.rr.· 19 48.: .6.LJr .11 _.- -- .S.UPI?~ DIP.Z: Port River.

1948: .... pr .u HOLl.Y3.->.lE Port Ri VE:r.

1948: .:,.pr .n RIVEn :l.lUR-JliiSOH Port River •

. 19~8: ..;.pr .11 3~000 Glenelg. 1948: Sep.2 liTLAliTIC .iiR Birkenbead.

19 48.: Oct.6 KOOMILYA Port River. 1948: Nov.13 PAPAROA Port River. 1948: Nov.13 ELLARoo- Port River. 1950: Sep.l9 CORVAIR ·Outer Harbour.

1951 June 6 WESTRALIA Outer Harbour. I 1951 Oct. 22 KING NEPrUNE Port Adelaide. I

1952 Mar. 29 CITY OF CARLISLE Port Rfver ~ j .::

1952 Mar. 29 MARILEN Port Rfv:er .. , ~

1952 Oct. 1 CALTEX: BOMBAY Port River 1952 Oct. 30 STRATHNAVER Outer Harbour 1953 Feb. 17 ADONIS Outside entrance to the 1953 June 28 EOHUNGA Port River. At entrance to Ft.R1ver. 1953 JUlY 13 _ULOOLOO outer Harb.crnrmeL 1957': MaY 9 CITY Q]· BIRREl~HEAJJ At entrance to R:River. 1957 : May 9 ·GALLIC At -ent.tan.:!e to Pt.Rlver. 1957: Mw 13 RIVER MURP~Y At entr~1ce to P~.R1ver. 1960: Dec. 7. NAUTILUS Glenelg 1961 : June 17 LA PRA.JERA Outer Barb our 1961 July 5 ORION Outer Harbour 1961 Sep. l PROCYON Wonga Shoal, off Largs Bay. SECTION 9. · (Supplementary)

Date Vessel

1860: J;'eb. 28 YOUNG AUSTPJ!..LI.AH i 850: May 3 JANE FLA:XMP.. N East coast of St. Vincent Gulf. 1856: c.lJov.26 ROBERT CLIVE About a mile north of the Onlmparinga. 1857: Jan.15 PRINCE REGENT Port Rivei'. 1870: Aug-.5 ECLAIR 1848: April 6 SUCQESS Near entrance to Port River.

A I.L Hh!Cf ~ ~ , 6 n - t8'47 . ~·£1 ~f:U( vtt .. ;\Jwc /~ (trt=£ ' 1849: June 2 CHILDE HAROLD About two miles north of Glenelg. 1868: Aug.25 · VVHO'D HAVE THOUGHT IT! Off the Nort~ Bank, ) near the entrance to) the Port River. ) 1902: July 31 PASQUALE LAURO Arrived at Semaphore with burning cargo. Towed to - the I1orth Arm. 1954 April 24 JOHN aoBB, ketch Sinks at Outer Harbour 1906 February 7 LOCHEE Grounded orr Grange.

{)[,,~. -r-;-,f\i J'l (!)E fi!tc;; ... "'

SECTION 9. P-35 Date -7- Vessel Loca li t;y: 1961 Nov. 15 LA.K.E!; COLAC Outer Harbour. 1970 Jan. 7 POLARIS Port Adelaide

i I. l.

I' 'I 1: I I The .seetion ir!cludes Os.:Je Jervis: "but




Alclings. Be.zr.

· 1841·~ Be:p. 23

,lB~I; Fciv: 13 . <:TOSEP:S: LEE • 'll 'R.GffER

.?oole 's Fle.t7 eJJout lf lior•th of' Second Vallejr• •V.ALEU1'Il:JE. "-HELIOAR ALI(JE. MiiRTIH · :,.1'TlLBHl!lA1JK

IIi Yanl::alilla Ba;}'". IDA Por.t. ·Willnn.s·:'l· JI~Ui HOU~ late 1'Villunze,. COROllPJ:T.DEL

·. PE1TOLA -~-

.., r~or ...


1.339: J'U.21P 6

l900: · JE~n. 28 SOll..ats. Poi::1t;. r'_,s~.:.-;. c;~l.r'"== ~_:erT·js., (,b...... ,,.~., J''J'~zu:$;~~#$~) .. - l902: J\me 7

l'l108:: Dec .12 D~LER 1:~-= :miles.: nortb of Jervis

19.38: June 6 Rapid 3ay

_1946: llf:Lr .16 LLB.LilJE dell i: ck t s Beacb ::--:• {;t.:t) ( (

SECTION 10. (Su-pplementary)

Vessel Locality ~ Yankalilla 1854: Aug.l8 ENDEAVOUR Near Cape Jervis Jan.19 AGllliS Near Cape J·el"'vis t57'1857: Jan.19 WHITE sw.w ( At or nearf'ort Willunga.:l LADY FERGUSSON 1870: April 16 I J Cape Jervis · 1864: c.Mar-30 FREAK About i of a mile north 1866: c.Sep-7 TR..lillER of Port Willunga Jetty;\ Cape Jervis 1864: Dec. VANQUISH 6ff Carrickalinga 1976: July 6 ULONGA Beach

.. I i

. I §_E C T I 0 N 11.

The coast fPom_ Cape Je1~vis to the J\1Ul'-

The section does not include Cape Jep-

rrhich is included in Section 16.

------oOo------"4-- -;,\ j •"!¥"

SH:C'PI OJ:J 11 •


lS37: Dec. 8 or i 0 SOUTH AUSTP_,:U,IDT Rosett2. Head.

1837: Dec. 21 o1~ 22 JOHN PIP.IE li!ear Rosetta Head.

1837: Dec. 21 or 22 SOLWAY Rosetta Head. *- l8LJ.6: (no date) RESOli'RCE Near Encotmter :SR;'/ •

. .·l847: Jul;:T z.4

1852: Ma~r EncoDJ."ltel' Ba-;-r Bluf'f's.

185,3: May l .Elli:U Port Elliot. . *1856: FelJ. 29 OOHHODOHE 1856: July 10 JOSEPHINE .- -· L'OIZR:m

1856: Sep~5 01' 6 L.ll.PWIHG Pol~t Elliot. 1856: Sep.5 or 6 SWORDFISH Port Elliot. -t- 1859: Dec.9 Pol't Elliot. *1860.: Dec. 3 FLYIHG FISH Port Elliot.

l86LJ.: Mar.~ 20. ATI-IOL Port Elliot •. 1878: LJWY OF THE LAKE ~"' J.900: Jan. 28 Sonata Point~ near c e.p e Je:t~vis.

1908: Jan.l2 TRITOIT Port Victor. .- .•,,.;c_r:.c '" 1932: Dec .23 FERRZT ~inga .B~cb. ~"~' P"'"'"Ji,.·;;;c. 1934: Oct •.5 VICTOP.I-2. Tunkalilla Beacb.

·. 1948: .aug.l4 .tilo::l ECHO Victor Harbour. '] .

1961: Nov. 21 MOREE At Murray mouth. (First grounding occurred on Coorong - see Sectio.n 12.)

i.' SECTION 11. (Supnlementary)

Date Vessel Locality Probably Dec.1856 SCHNEIDER. Port Elliot

1857: May 8 BLAl~CHE Victor Harbour r857: Jan.19 AGNES 1857: Jan.19

1857: May SWALLOW Near the Biuf'f', .

. -./ 1857: May VALENTINE HELICAR Near the Bluf'f', Encounter Bay.

1855: Nov.3 BURRA BURRA Of'f' Cape Jel->vis 1855: Nov.3 \'VHITE SWAJ:r Of'f' Cape Jervis

1874: Dec. 21 HYGELll.. Of'f' Cape Jervis 1874: Dec.2i PENOLA Of'f' Cape Jervis 1880: Sep.3 SORA.T.A About a mile south of' Cape Jer­ vis. 1890: Sep.9 CATHCART Near Cape Jervis 1855: Jan.30 S.AJJSP.AREIL South east of' Cape Jervis. Sbe't..,ocn ~ 844: lSep •. 22 dnA Oct.-5 ST. VINCENT Near the Murray Mouth. S E 0 T I 0 N 1?.

The section includes Oa::_;e Jaf':f.'a, but not the Hurl'"'ay Mouth: vrhich belongs to

Section 16.

------000------l;~. "' ; '

SEC':!.'IOE i 2. / 'lessel

Jl 18.:?8: June 21 c. 100 miles to the east­ B"al~d of' E'Ilcotmter :S8_zr. 1838: Aug. ELIZ!-i:sETH c. 100 miles to the east­ Wal"cl of' Encounte1~ B2:r. 1840: Jhly * I~~IA On Coorong Beach. 1844: 1~1·. SOPHIA J.lU\TE Ab.vt 60 miles~f'" of' !\Iur1~2y Mouth. 18L~5: Nov. 7 HJl..RIEER Co01~onc; Beach ( st Idr-n~ia Cl~eel: 7 n.eRl'"l 18LL6: June )t VICTORL'\.. 1852: J:•Tov.23 l'.!Ul.RGJl.RET BROCK Eargg_l~et Bl~ocl: Reef': nee.1~ CaJ;e Jc.:ffa.

Jl.l)Ol_lt 1!1. r!2iles YTept of' Cs~~·e Jafra.

1854: Aug. 19 o:t~ 21 UOZ..£:!1BIQUE 1\fear~ Mlll"ll-.e~~l or.:_ 0obi.. o:n.s Beacl1~ 1856: J\ll;r 19 SIR 1NILLIJ:.M FORSTER c865: .ftbr BOQlf.Ep,_p.JTG Lace:pede Bay. _865: Em~.13 AGNES Of'f' Cape Jaf'f'a. 1872: Jan. LILY

1874: Auc;.24 iWEL.AIDE "'if:i~ '1;,., I; 187LJ.: ----u; .._ • RESOLUTE 18/'Li.: ~~~a~ --...... ' --- Lacepede .Ba;;r. 1882: July *'"' 19 FER?..ET 18 miles f'l~om Eingston. 18C>h: Sep.15 ELSIE c. 4- E:.i1es nol~th of' Ca;Je Jaf'f'a li,s;hthouse. 1891: Hay 12 Giu-'l.liiS Ki!lzston. 1895: Se?. KIHGSTOJ:Y 1901: J"LcJ.l.e L1- ELSIE Coorong Beach.

1904: 1:-~!r·. 9

_;~~08: IJ6v.16· BUCE3.0S' ·.... · ·~· ·::, ' Lacepede Bay. 1911: .Nov .1 0 34 miles north of Kingston. 1916: July 4 Gl;.M Coorong. 1917: July 9 IJYORA. 12 miles w.s.~. from Jaffa. SECTION 1 2- (Supplementary}

I Vessel I Locality I. About 1840 RIVALS Margaret Brock Reer, off Cape Jaf:fa. 1848:- ~ ~ u} GAZELLE

18 78: June 11 ELSIE Lacepede Bay. 1878: June 1~ RESOLUTE Lacepede Bay.

c~f ------SECTION 12

MOREE On the Coorong, south-east 1961 July 9 of the Murray mouth. (Second grounding occurred at Murray Mouth - see Section ll.)

r VI. C-

S E 0 ~ I 0 N 13·

From Oal'e Ja:ff'a to 0a1~e Buf':fo:.1.. The

section exclu~des Cape Ja:ff'a, "but includes

Cape Bu:ffon.


SEC/jliON 1.2_~

Vessel Localit;r


.l..-'-~..J.... ~~-.¥ '-"-v .~ -.. v ., \_;o,_.ll ..;,._]_ Q C I _t_ ,.l:,?.Jf :k::.~ Gw 1 iS~: .... :~ T'_::._~r~ RESOT.JP..CE 1851; June 28 P.ESOUP.CE Rivoli Ba~r. 'Ap,-i1 _rl_.,l.,_.l~. 9 0..;.. 1353: 15 DUILIUS · Gnichen Ba;)T-. A"t: ~OSEPE: LEE ~ C+L:.icl-.Lel1 i8CtiER

1857: FelJ. 2 PlL4.ETON

Guicl1en Bay. 1857: J"Lme .30

:?..ivcli BRJ.'· l ,., 1';0. -0---,.;. Jan.l

1861: Dec. Section

l861; Dec.15

186!..: Dec:.l6 LHTIIJrJ-STOH

1875:.. FEROFI..i=:..

Jcl:r 2L). O'r :t:J *1879; F...i:.J:.;.;~'tJ:Ql.J.!: Gle11' s Poi11.t ;· 1182!.·· P-22:~zt:.i:.1 I;sl::l~c15 :::s..=.:.: Bec.Cl!.I)OJ..•tc

El'TGLEBlliT RivoJ.i Bc:q, 1381: .L.. 1.'.2;. 24

::!.883: J\:1~e 8

:E>::t..,.·r-eeJJ C!o.I,,? 2"~·_!~:...... 3. ~.2.:r.:l :tl:i_•toli 3:::.~-

('~,-..-~ 00 -- ~- -tf ~-

1911: Jao.l3 THIE Betweeo Nora Greioa Bay ~ j,u ~.~U: aod Beacbport. '~_,

SECT I-OTT 13. ( Sunp 1 ementa~~y)

~ Ve,ssel Locality g /D. 1876: bef'ore ~, CYGNET ?.ivoli Ba3r. Se::;.1,

1948: July 7 RON.a.LJ) Near Robe jetty. 1948: May ,, 29 EBOR Near Robe. 1948: May 29 Jennifer Near Robe. 1948: May 29 LA PALOMA Near Robe. - 1960: Nov. MARCO POLO Ne~r Robe.

J.968 : Jan.6 TOi.IAR Near Robe.

i , I S E C rr I 0 N 14.

The coast f'Pom Bu:ff'on to the eastern bomld.aJ>y.

Cape Buf'f'on itself' lies in Section 13.


Oct. (?) IS!:.EELLL Bet1r.reel1. ~ii.'Oli 3:::-~.:.r I~o~~t.ln..:Eli.Jerl8.2.ldr - .fC:i--.,-~,:;~:;.....,·-,:.'~~----~-,!';.;.:;;o?.;;,::."•·;;::i":,::,.-_;:;·:.,~'-,"'·~'"="'""·--;.,"';,.;;o-,;,;··.,.-,.,,,... ("'*-·J ln. :::.0• Ri~~ovgy _B~y ~~-'~.4)_., -·v" __ l .. _.-- .. - ..; .. ··- -·'-' ..;_ ...... _... :.··-· ._ .... _'-.-_, ( q i 2-· .. J..' ·.:.;~ :..__._1~- ~=-~t·)"


11 135L;.: Oct.1.S· or 20 JT.El'IE Vi· T.L:B:;f c.. 8 ~-~lile2 1: •· .7. of C::::~.~e r~ol~tl:..m:J.­ ']y:;-:·18.:'-d.

YO'JI':G f-'_U s T!~.P T 'IJ.. IT ITe2.:.."" t11e l~~Tle \T~*l='-e:,- ( r::. 8 2:::-:iles IT. 1T!. o~ C>:::.~:~e 1Tr~l~tl'l 1J?::ll)·=!-=-~1?.!20_ .. I

,, "H' 1355:. ~el.J1

1856: J:?l'l~r J.. V!C:?nOH 01"'· 20 rniles ~T. ~-.r. o'r.., -O;:.~:rz .ITOr~t.l-l.,~ii·b'e.~~-- · l1J:..P.0.01'T 1EU-:!.c1.·

lB58: no d2.te. \.T.ERVTJE 01~ -~~P..OI·ill

-./ 1659~ _~';..<,}.. [:. 6 i\.D!:.iEJ~LA

l861: ...'·yr>-.~-- • lO..,/#/"'I 7 I0EL,\IDE

l2-6:!.~ ;_''_ -.-_,l"l.. l9o-~- 1$ B.i\J"'IDIOCIOT 2?oL~t .}L::-~cDon.:'lell ..

H-o·,~ l-36l: ...... '--·t..- 2L!. MLIIJ·!!E

1!361; Oct. 2l JO::fr! CiRF;;:DO!.J"

~ l36J.' Dec. E1.IT_T !'!A'"=!l'"".l 'D-i\TQ} i -:J.CIT!"'~ ... ,,_.("_LJ_lg-; · el'lte;;-~ i:.1 Sectio!l 13);


?LYil1G OLOLlJ) l873: SEf~I:TI A:p::.'. 28 (I 1j-7o 2&

1 P7-::: .. ..J..'-'1-·· 20 1273: June 28

------~------Cti:T'0mT f!'";',~ 1 11 -.~..L..,·..,;' ..I.. ..I...,__~ '-·T·

I ..:; ~'- ;_. ~':..:=:.


1877: J'r~.:ne 20

cT 9_I"l •.-. 8. SOU~~IElTII CROSS 2 r.1iles Yres t of ·:!z·_"'-)e Dni_:_t;las, ~l;).O~ & 11· rniles S. E.- C~f Cs-l~e 3cnll:s.

1882: ~ Pel:J. 9 Oar::_>en tel"' Ro cl:s.


1893: Dec.23 TEHT3P.DEE


LOIS 1\70 rnilec ~.-~est of Ca11e . \, l~Ol'"lt.}-J.1Jl"0.1J·2J~J_aJ.J.Cl~

·, 1921 :· July 31 LE I.'ft~.EL 1lorth of Cape Banks.

1947: July 1.5 BROUGHTOn Near Port MacDonnell.

1951 :Feb. 18 SAN L30NARDO Near Cape Banks. · 1951: Feb. 26 CORIO Adme11a Rock, near Cape Banks. SECTION ·14 (Supulementary).

Vessel Locality

1870: May 12 CREST OF THE WAVE Near Cape Northumberland. 1867: Apr. 25 FLYING SQUIRREL Port MacDonnell



I i

--~-·--~--=---::----·- -~~~~-~--.,._, ______,. ___ ,_ --· ~===~===~------S. E C-J1 I 0 N


-----oOo--- -

i. r SECTIOlJ 15.

Vessel Locality

1847: Aug. 23 WILLI.Al!JI Hog Bay. 1853: July MIDGE Near Cape Willoughby.

1853: nov.25) OSlfL:Uffii D 1 Estre~ Bay, Krulgaroo Island. -or 26)

1860: May 22· FIDES 16 miles east of Cape Borda.

1863: July 5 BREEZE , .

1871: Aug. 20 BELTAl\fA On x•eef south of KangaT•oo Island~

1874: Aug. i 0 FAIRFIELD Cape Cassini, Krulgaroo Island. 1875: June 1\.LBERT Kangaroo Island (Antechamber Bay). 1877: May 15 EMILY SMITH Near Cape Borda.

1877: .:fuly 27) TASMAN Snug Cove, Kangaroo IslanJ.. or 26)

1878: Jan. 24"'"25:TR.Er\SURE TROVE

1879: Feb.9 ALICE PLATT Off Kingscote. 1879: Feb.l6 COURIER Quin Rocl\:, on south side of Kan­ gax•oo Islruld.

1880: Apr.30 CREST OF THE At Smith's Bay, on north coast WAVE of Kangru.>oo Island. 1880: June 24 TASI:iW\f Smith's Bay, Kangaroo Island. 1883: Ma;;r 1 0 VifiND:&'ThTEP..E Outside knerican River.

1884: Apr.l4 MHIOS.?~ Stokes .Bay, Kangaroo Island.

1885: June 15) F_tll.D:IT M. Heac:· Kingscote. to 17)

1885: June 16 Iill>...:.R.s West Ba;:r. 1885: Aug.10 WilliNG In Hog Bay Basin. 1889: Jan.26 MP.LDON LEf.'J:S Morrison's Point;. 1890: June 14 YOU l"PJTGS On Kangaroo Island, a little \lest of Ca1)e Gantheaume.

1895: GOLDEH HOPE . close to the chffs t1e:1:r ~ do 1897: Ma~r 25 DUJ:WOW B-@ du·l:.. e Roeks, new OEtJ;e e3:u Oeudic.

l898:Dec.7 NA.PPERBY Beatrice Islet, nea:..· Kin§ifco.te. f Nea:r J., CouJ;c, \ 1899: Apr.24 LOCH SLOY (Maupel~tuis Bay. \

I SEC::i.'IOH 15. -2-

Date Vessel Local; t:r

1900: Feo.26 VP.LE c. 10 miles i'rom CaJ)e. Bol~da.

1900: .Aug. TIME Heal~ Kangaroo Island • 1902: Jurie 15 ARIEL Off North CG..rJe, Kangaroo Island. 1903: EVffi.Al:lK K::mgaroo Island. 1903: Sep.4 EVA ]l_:ntechamber· Bay, Ke.nga1•oo Island.

1904: Nov. RUBY Kangaroo Island. 190.5: Sep. LOCH VLlm.;;.ClffiR West Bay.

/190.5: Sep.1 RIPPINGRi~ Scraper ~boal. GRAITGE 1906_: Iiov.tB EONTEB~LLO i.iear Stun sail boom::Ri ver.

1908: Dec.4 3.0BERT BURJ:JS Ki ngscote.

1911: Jan • .5 .EVERTO:l:J Z:ingscote. G:aE..lJGE

1916; BROr:::'RERd Cape Cassini.

1917: GEI.I 3asteri-Cove.

1917 ~ Cape du · Coudi~.

1917: .?eb .3 KOJ:IA Cape St. 111 bans.

l 91 9 : June 2 8 :JOO~C~ ;,n tecbamber Bay.

1920: ~ep.14 1UIJDORO

193 2: c .30 ROUGOI10lTT I:Jear Kangaroo· Island. · 1C(3 5 : r>1Arc.l" 2. o PoR.TI-.FtrJ.J> MR-IN ..A:.-.-t:..r-Co~; ~~- 1938: c. llar.29 . J.->.lJET Cape Cassini.; ~

1947; 1l.Ug.22 DUHDDLil.. 4 miles from Z:iogscote.

1948; ...ipr.4 Jbalebooe Jeacb. 1951: Aug.l MARY Antechamber Bay.

1955: Jan.26 GRELKA Approximately off Cape St. Albans. 1958: July 15 r ULONGA Off Point Morrison. \ 1960: Oct. 27 KOORAKA Aground in Kingscote Harbour.

-- --·-----~- S"RC'T'TON l6.

The Ri Yel~ Murray, including the lJc:trra;,r




Date Vessel Locality

1842: .Dec. 5 YJATR..'?.~'!ITCH Neal' Moor·uncle ·

i)Ctl 56 8 r ~ bt5 VIii?" liFT'*' :_t We Yi6Jt :r !JZ;f~eel .. aw 1856: Jan~8 GEIHNI Near oow.J.dar;y- ( 1 0 miles oelow Springe art Gully).

1856: Nov-. STURT Inside M1.u•ray Mouth. 1857: c.Oct.l9 CORIO Inside Murray J\Iouth. i I 1857: Hov-. HALCYON Murray Beach.(h ~ ~- j

1859: Nov-.16 liiELBOUR.lTE Murl~ay Mouth (ofT Point Pullen}) 1863: Dec.8 BUlr>.:IP 10 miles al:Jove Chowilla stat.ion. I ! 1870: Nov-.11 .ARIEL

1872: Nov-.9 PROVIDENCE Murray River.

1874: July 21 MOOLG E1NAIJ'KE .SHan Reach.

1876: July 29 Q1JEEN 17 nliles f'l'Om i.Tannum. 1876: Aug.2l HUNDOO 7 miles f'l"'Om. Goolvm.

1877: oef'ope? Cl.TMBEROOHA In the :tiive:c"' Murray July

1877: J-cme 4 EIJTERPRISE Murray Mouth. 1878: Nov-.3 QUEEN OF TliE SOUTH Murray Mouth

1880: J1me 18' CLARA~ Mol~gan. Ol'=' 17~ 1880: .Aug.25 RUBY Just aoove Poonc&rie.

1882: July ll VESTA- In the Ri Yer Mm"'ray.

1883: AIJr.l7 JP.lTE ELIZA. 1Te2,l"' l:l'hll"'l:Jl;:o Station, at old ·'I Muroko Reach.

1884: Jah.20 TELEGRAPH Lal;:e Alexandx•ina. l88LJ.: img.25 DUCK

1885: .l\.pr.l7 GOOLWA

1885: Oct.l7 s:r.w~mon

1836: Dec.26 ROlJ!-~o Tailen Bend.

1887: Oct.l7. BILUBLA Off· Point; Macleay.

1888: July 23 BRITATIT'ITA Craigie 1 s Cl""'eek, 150 miles ~~~II. above Horgan, near Book­ t :t;n:trnong Station. SECTION 16. -2-

~ Vessel Locality

1890: Feb. 2 PAB.IEGA Renmm'k.

1896: No~r.27 LAUREL Iv11.:u>ray B:c~idge. 1897: HoY.20 TYRO A :few miles :fr·om M<:tllllD..m , at Landing. Hanckel's 1902; .Aug. ROhl.A Ri~rer Murray. l90L~: Feb. M.ARAlifOA Goolwa. 1904: Feb. MIRIAM Goolvra. 1909: Feb. 22 H..illTLEY .Murray Bridge. 1917; 1-~ar .14 MERLE Point Sturt. 1921: 1Iay 22 Lld.lHTUM Ma.ooum. 1926: nov .27 1\i,;.R_I 0 H 1:urray Bridge. 1950: Feb.23 L!IURRUNTII Murray Bridge. 1951: Feb.2 RENMA...'tK Goolwa. 1957; Aug.22 COONAiilARRA Between Mil dura and Renmark. 1961 : Nov. 21 MOREE Murray mouth.

-~ ------__ :.. __ :;,.___.: --·--...... ::..~..:------~ ~~:-~· -· I -- - -· --· S E 0 T I 0 N 17.

Casualties aW8_y f'l"'om the coast.


. '

' ' . •'],,: ' . \i

• I_,.,;' I .~ . ·. '\ .. .. - ' ,'I j SEcrrroN 17. I

Date. Ves::.ie1. Locality.

1851: Apr.24-26 GEORGE HOME c. 350 miles S. S. E. of' Kangal"oo Island.

1854: Dec.20 Clli\JilF IOU .

185L~: Dec. 20 MELBOUFJf.E Backstairs Passage.

1856: Ju~1e 29 GOULBURN Between Cape Jervis and Kangaroo Island.

1866: ~--k OMEO Of<2:JVilwcl'b Gal f'. J::!:f f-w'.ui~~ :u, 1'6(,,_ ...¥~.....,..,. -d k ~ L.!:...L ~-t+ ' .,-- .. -(;~_I 1877! Sep. Spencer Gulf'. · ·

/1880: c.Aug.l3 PP..IM.A DOMlA Betv7een IviacDom1.ell Bay and Port Adelaide.

1882£ HELEN WHITE Between Newcastle and Port Adelaide.

1889: Oct.6 EAlT.KOW Spencer Gulf'.

1890: c. July 20. RUBY St. Vincent Gnlf', 'bet\Teen StaiJ.Sr)Ul'Y and Port Adelaide.

1900: Jan. SONJ.\fEBERG St. Vincent Gulf'.

1900: c. Mar.2> MORT.W~:E· S.S.E. of' K.3.ngaroo Island.

1901: Oct.l4 CITY OF c. 100 miles south of' C;::,:pe Boi'd3.. LTNCOLH

1902: Jan.2 MOONTA, former-- South of the Bight. ly LA SEREJ:\JA

190.5: ~.;.ug. CYGNET .

1907: Apr.5 Backstairs Passage.

1908: Sep.l7 TRIU1i:i:?H

1914: J:aa. B\D. ..SI.DOiilil.. Great AUstr&lian Bi~bt. 1920: .... ug. No.2 Spencer Gulf.

I I , I

. -~--~a(.,,I 8 E U ~ I 0 N lB.



IT_ . - -­ ~ SECTIOH 18.

Vessel Locality

1836: Nov.25 PELORUS Port Essington.

1838: Dec. ORONTES Ol~ontes Reef': near Port Essing­ ton.

1840: Feb. PEL OR US Port Essington.

18 5'8 : JlLTJ.e l i\I.AGD.A. Mel ville Isl·::md.

1873: June 11 KP:..TElLEElJ Of'f' Point Emel'Y·

1876: .Aug. 28 WILD DUCK Melville Islanct. 1881: Oct. early in month.ELLEHGOWAH Daly River.

1881: Oci.10 BRISBAHE Fish Reef', of'f' Quail Island, near Port Dm'nin ( 26 miles away).. [ 1881: Nov.5 DAiiVN 5 miles from Southport, N.T. 1882: Sep.26 HIBEHHIA Port Darviin.

1884: Jan.l5 YlillR4.. Scott's Reef'.

1884: July 24~ 'l'AIWAN Hol'th-West Vernon Island. or 28 1, 1885: Nov.12 BEl:lTEAUX Browse Island. 1886: Feb.8 BERTIE Of'f' Port Bremer.

1886: July 2) J.ANE .ANDERSON Of'f' Cape Fourcroy, S.TI. Cape of' or l) Ba thm~st Is d.

1886: Oct.l Zu"'LEIKA Ho:c'seshoe Reef', 7 mile_s ':test of' Grose Is d. , betTveen River and Port Darwin.

1887: ;E'eb. 14 . EllPHHP.TES Point Charles or Charlotte Point.

1887: .c-:Lf,1.1IT Mo• 28 ~ RED GAUNTLET '.Ere11ang Ba;;r, (betlreen Cape Don , or 27 and Vaughm1. Head) • Lat. 11° 1 0 ',! Long. 131° 51'. 1

1888: J:.:pr. E~LEHGOWJi.lT

1891: Dec. ALICE Intercourse Islan(J_.

1892: nov.29 GOOD INJ.'ENT Of'f' Point Charles, near Port Darv,'in. ·

1894: .F_ug.l5 CiiliCUTT.A Vashon Head . 1899: June 19 FLOI:YE:RDALE

1899: JUJ.J.e 27 AIRLIE Wes-I:; point of: lTorth-'.'Iest Vel'non J;.sland.

------~---- ~ ------~~ . SECTION 18. -2-

Vessel Locality

1901: Be:p.J o:r:r Peioon Is Island, neal' illouth or the lO. ver Daly. 1906: Jlov .17 .d.USTRALI.iR Vasboo Hes.d. 1908: Hov .13 HOI Roper River. .191.5: Feb. AFRIC Bowen Stfait • 1917: Jan. MELVILLE .Melville Island. 1918: Apr. Mel~i1le Island. 1919: June IOITIC Q.uan Isla nc. l919:_Hov.- EBSIHGTOlr Victoria River. 1921: July ?oint Dang<_'lr., 1921 :· 1Tov.l6 JOEl~ i!.LOE Darwin. 1922: .Dec. K..o.TRIE :31 under .Bay.

·t· '"'·'<,, ' ~-- S E 0 i' I 0 N 19.

UJliden tif'iable local·i ties.



I 'I ' SECTIOJJ 1.2·

Date Vessel Localit_;z-

1Jii18 OlJ:t G:.i:l:t I ROSE

l:~6G il _J\.._llgu. 1882: July PAP..ARA Spencer Gulf'. 1885: Feb.9 SWALLOW 188_5: Nov.24

1890: May 17 LtAVEHIR Spencer Gulf'. 1897: A:pr._9 BOTHVI"ELL · CASTLE Put back to on f'iJ.<•e. 1898: Jan.4 MINORA 1902: Fe1J.14 AG.A.PAHTHUS Disa1Jled and towed ·to Port Adelaide:· 1902: June 14? IRIS To>v-ed to POl~t ·Adelaide.

Se:p. 1902: OSPP..EY 1952: Jan.25 DUBBO St. Vincent Gulr 1963: Jan. 14 BAR. WON 50 miles South of Kangaroo Is land ..