
GPO Box 464 Adelaide SA 5001 Tel (+61 8) 8204 8791 Fax (+61 8) 8260 6133 DX:336 [email protected] www.archives.sa.gov.au GRG 56/68/34 Shipping casualties: regional index Series This series was created by the South Australian Description Archives (now State Records of South Australia) to assist researchers investigating the principal shipwrecks in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The series divided the state into nineteen regions (including the Northern Territory) and then describes shipwrecks that have occurred in each region. Series date range 1837 - 1922 Agency State Records of South Australia Responsible Access Open Determination Contents 1836 - 1976 The List is arranged by numerical sections. Sections 1 to 19 3 November 2016 P~GIOR~ ItiDEX ~0 Sh~PPING CASUilli~IES. LIST. OF P~GIONS. SEC~ION l. From the westePn bo1.mdar~r to Point Brmvn (northern end of' aky Bay), _including·nuyt's Jnocilipelago, and t,he Isles of St. and othe:r isl:::mds. The section includes Point Br·o,;m~ Streaky Bay. SECTIOH 2. F·l~om Point Brmm. to C8.pe Catastrophe, includi.LJ.g all islands as Flinders, 1!!hict"bey, the Ner•t1.mes, out not Thistle Island. int BrovYn· itself is excluded., out the section includes. Calle Cat as- . SEC~ION 3. From 0.?-:?e Catastrophe to the no1~thern extrer.1i ty of Spenc..er Gulf, eluding Thistle' Islru1d, the Sir Jose;)h Bar1ks Group and othez· is.- ' lJ.1.1t not the G8.moi·e1o Islands. (Cai)e Catastrophe its·elf be- to Sect.ion ·2. ) • --- SECTION 4. 'The east coast of Spence1~ Gulf from its northern e:::tremi ty to and including Cape Elizabeth. The section includes Port and Tiparra Shoal. SECTION 5· , The western coast of Yorke Peninsula~ south of Cape Elizabeth ich ·belongs to Section Lt.), dovm to and. including Reef Ree.d. The. Gambier Islands and 17s.Pdang Isl9J.J.d. SEC~ION .6. ·, The southern c.oa'st of Yol~ke Peninsula~ frmn Ca:9e SDencel~ to oubl~ictge Shoal. The section includes the 17l10le of Ti.-.oulJridge al a.nd the Al thm.~pes. · SECTTON 7· :'7, The '7est coast of Gulf st. Vincent from Edithlnn~gh north''."8.1~ds: ,.., SECTION o . .. The. east eoast cf Gul~ st. Vincen.t as. rEtr so1.r'c~ ':.~.s :Po1")t Sa~~tler; inclucled j_l'l tb.e sectio11 .. · SSCfPTQl! 9· The east coast of' Gulf' st. Vi:c1.cent, Jervis. The section inctuo.es Cape -2- ·¢: SECTION ll. The co2,st i'l'"'Om Caye Jervis to the }.lu:>..":>..~ay hlouth. The section include Caue Jervis itself', no1~ the MuPray !,louth: -·,:hich is in Sec:t.ion-16. · SECTIO:N '12. Fl"om the l:l1:n"i"ay Eou tl1 to ca1Je Jaf'f'a. The section includes Jaf'f'.a, out not the To!Iu:c·:!:·ay 1v1cn.. 1t.h, ';:rhich "belongs to section 16. ~Le section excludes Caye Fl~on1 Care Jaf'f'a to Ca~)e Bui'f.On. out inc.ludes .. Cape B1..1i'f'on. SEO'~'IOiT · lL~. The coast f'rom Cane :s·o.. f'f'on to the eastern. 1Jo1..mc'..ary. ,,. .. ,..,.~-~ i tseJ.f'.·lies -in Section 13.- SECTION 15· Kangaroo Island. S'PCTIOlT 16. The River· M1..n•r·ay, including t-he EurraJT Mouth. SECTION 17· . I SECTTON 18. Horthern Terri tol"Y· SECTION ~19. Unidentifiable localities. §._ E C 'T' T 0 N l. From the western "bm ..mcLar~,r to the north 1:1\..l.yt's P.. T•chipelago~ the Isles of' St. Francis~ a:hc1 othel"' islands. Tl1e s·ecticn inchi.des Point Brov:n~ 'tn.1.t. not"" st.T•e8.ky Bay. --------oOo-----~-- .. ~ - .~ - -" •··-- -. SEC'T'TQ:H l. ,, Date Vessel --· ... ~-·-- ':Locality : -~ ·- MG!.j :20 1860: ""'. J=t1:=:e St. Fx•ancis Islan.d 1886:* March LOTTIE St. Francis Isle 1904: JJ,.Ule 17 JE.SSIE DJ1.P..LHTG Denial Bay 190:5: Jao.22 _:IRIS Deoial Bay 1913: Oct. 24 PARIUGA Murat Bay 1946:* Oct .4 CECILIA Port Le Huote 1948: Oct.31 ENTERPRISE Ceduna / 1949: Sep.l9- LAMBROOK Bight '(300 miles west o:f Cape Borda) 1966: Sep.-29 ELEI~l: K Ced:~ SECTION 1 (SuPplementary) Date Vessel Locality' 1878: Sep.(?) • ANNIE TAYLOR Point Sinclair, about 35 miles east of' Fowler's Bay. 19:33: Feb.6 -YalTDP.A Cape 'livonoe SEO'~'I01;: From Point Bl"ovm to Cape Catastrophe, including all islands such as Flindel'"'S, Y1hid- "be;;r, . the lTe1)t1..mes, "but not Thistle Island. -Point Brom1. itseJ_f' is e:cclndecL, l)ut the section includes Cape Catastrophe. --------000-------- ) ··.:;;.' 2. Vessel Ne_ptune Islands Coffiris &t.r. · · -- 1-80 !U; l .f:t C.u Pel c· J, · 18LJ-4: ~...., ,:r~all~ May O.tlMILL.4, 181!-.5: li]_:)l~•l9 ELISABETH BEB;B]OC.:-fl_ Trial Bay~ to the south of' Str~ea}~r Bay. 181).5: Apl". 22 VULO..!'.~.:r;r Flinders Island l8L!-5: c. JL1.1_g: (9\ • I FPi,CO On 01~ nea1~ .Plindel"'S Island 1848: -,Tu.ne ..:1P~:..C}:l'TE Trial Bay, to the so1..-cth of' Oc-t ~I Stl~ea1:::r B~;~;,.. 1866: ~. FIP..EFLY ~- Jlmr::i Ol.lS B8.'J.,. 1877: ~~1e 12 FP~3RIDGE W:o~terloo Bay 1877£ ..1lu.z~ 7 FJ.J.'IT·IY '!iate:rloo Ba;y- WRIGHT 1881: July SPHiD?:IFT Waterloo Bs.;;r 1883:Fel). 8 AHELL<;. 1883: Feb.8 GR.ll.CE Avoid Bay DJ.P.LING 1883: ;· Feb.ll "?!OOLLOMP.I ·Between Fli11del~s and Ward Is- i lands. 1884: ·I _Ii,l~g. 1J'!P26..T.-tt-I Po::..~t Elliston. 1887: Feb.:b5 Y.E3ROl'JJ or 16. ..!lrD:i ous Ba;;r l89L~: Jmg.l MEEHIDEP..RY Flinders Isla.nc1. 1902: J1..me 15 ~~!ELL IEGTOIT Nea1~ Point Sil" Isaa.c, Oof'f'in Ba;;r; 1907: .<ipr.5 .tlARY ELLIS or 6 ~leaford Bay 1914: Jan.l3 FErt:RET Po.rt Elliston 1937: probably LADY FLI1IDE:rtl3 Flinders Island in Oct. 1942: nov. Ki!..P.d.:rt.i.c- near Flinders Island 1950: Aug. 19 MILL HILL Cape Radstock, near Streaky Bay 1961 March ? LINCOLN 3TAR Reported missing off Eyre 1961 Peninsula July 16 FLORENCE Founders near Point Drummond. SECTION 2. (Supplementary) Date Vessel Locality 1870: Feb. 2_ LUCY Outside Streaky Bay 1888: Feb._25 ALTO Waterloo Bay 1966! June ll TU.JOR South of the neptune Islands S E C T I 0 N 3· From Cape Catastrophe to the northern extremity of Spencer Gulf~ including This- tle Island, the Sir Jose1)h Banks Group and other islands, but not the Gambier Islands. (Ca}!e Catastx•o:phe itself belongs to Section 2.) -------~oOo-------- SEIJ'T'T Ol~ 3 · Vessel LoceJ ity l8L~4: June l.i.O miles north o:f Po:>t Linco1n. 1847: Aug.l GO\TEPlTOR Joseph Be.nJ::s Gro1..:.:p. GA'?!LER. WJ!.LTER & o:r:r !?oint Bcliil[;'bl~oke' D.e9~r ~01.1th··--. JOh"1:T BaiT.· 187.5: l'Tov. 5 E!'.. PPE.P..BY Ne2.l" Point Lowl~". 1877: __ Ju1Y 6 LUBP..A. •. Point Boling_"broke:, n.es,::.". r.o,J.th l3?F· 1880: Jan~21 L_qny KIN­ lTear Cape B"Lu"r: between, Tc1!."I:.l!;;_'" Ba;:_r ··HAIRD and Arno Ba;y-. 1880: Sep.iO Ahocct 1 0 miles :fl"OEc l2t. Yonng. Near 1884: JcLil:e 28 N... ~7.1'IJ:T g· . j_ ~: I.1t-~ Yoll.l~f3-· SCOTT 1884: Se:P~ 2L~ 1.1ernor~r Co1re. 1885:._ ~une .. 2-or .::5 CPJEBRI.A.N PRilTCESS 1BE'>6: .Auz. 6 Jomrc. l -or 13. M"l.llTIW Shoal~ater Point, Ee::tr Fl... ar.klin ~ Har1.Jour. '· . ) ' ; .. P.t-'\L}.iERSTOU . Seei.;e_t Rocl:, .· nt;;ar Point ·. --fne!;tr Lo1..1th Bay]. - 1837: Ocl. 9 FREY Shoa:C':iat;eJ..; Point, near Franklil'l BEI:TOS Earbour. ~ 1889: Dec. 28 P.:POLLO · - Betweei<_. Point Lovrly s.n~. Doi..1glass. Point. BEACOITB'­ ·slioe.hva tel' -Point, near Franklin FIELD Harbour.,. _ ,11?97: _Feb. 1j. B~TRICE North Shields, neai' Po:-·t Lincoln. - :l/?97: Aug. 3 EDITH S})ils!Jy Ishmd, Sir Joseph Banks · GrocTJ!· ~·~-~ -,~· ··wREE ii:ps6i1.' s Cove, nol"'th o:f 'l\.1tnby Bay. •.• _,.. s·ISTERS B'ui':falo Ree:f, 8 miles :fr·or::1 Port Lincoln. 1901: Se::g. 21 · Spilsl);:,r Islo.nc1, Sir JoserJh Ban.J::::s t} 1'"101.1}.-:· 9 . 1902= FelJ. COL1.;;;.1Bii~ Shoalwater· Point, neHP Franl::lin EarlJoUJ.". 1902: July 22 l:~t"miles N.N.E. Douglass :Sanl;:, south o:f Pol"'t Auzu,st8.• \ SEC'T'IOIT 3· -2- ·.Date Locality 1903: Aug.l7. H!VE.!:.iliYON Plan:.:. Point, north-ee.st of: ?ran.klin Hal.,lJOl..U'. 1,901.~: c. Jsm. ~ _flJ:TIUE SilJsey Island, Sir Joseph Ba1ll:s G:!..... oup._. 22. I BRO~~T 1904:Sep.2"0 IlTVEP..ESK c. 500 "feet ':Vest of: Point Lo\!ly _Light. 1906; .<~.ug.9 MELVILLE c. 30 miles oor~h of Franklin Earbour or 10 ISL~llW 1917: .d.pr.b LILLIE::: . .-~ ~J?ort_Gibbon ~WKIHS 1917: nov.10 INA Sibsey Island. Sir Josepb Banks Group . '1920·; Feb .29 BOSSUET Franklin Harbour _.:----- 1928: -.a.pr.2-12 ARIEL Near Cape Dooington 1928: hlay 29 MilrNTPA · · Near·1?ort Lineal o 1932: Aug • .5 TOLKEN Port Lincoln 1932: Apr.9 VIVID. Believed lost between Point Bolingbroke and Port Lincoln. 1940; Dec .19 RERT.ii'ORD Off Neptune Island 1947; Feb.l . ElliJ?IRE 6 miles east of Nbyalla MAURITIUS 1951: Dec~? MORIALTA Cowell Harbor At entrance of Boston Bay 1952: Feb.l9 ARKABA Whya11a_ (north side of channel) 1952: Mar.
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