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[email protected] GRG 56/68/34 Shipping casualties: regional index Series This series was created by the South Australian Description Archives (now State Records of South Australia) to assist researchers investigating the principal shipwrecks in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The series divided the state into nineteen regions (including the Northern Territory) and then describes shipwrecks that have occurred in each region. Series date range 1837 - 1922 Agency State Records of South Australia Responsible Access Open Determination Contents 1836 - 1976 The List is arranged by numerical sections. Sections 1 to 19 3 November 2016 P~GIOR~ ItiDEX ~0 Sh~PPING CASUilli~IES. LIST. OF P~GIONS. SEC~ION l. From the westePn bo1.mdar~r to Point Brmvn (northern end of' aky Bay), _including·nuyt's Jnocilipelago, and t,he Isles of St. and othe:r isl:::mds. The section includes Point Br·o,;m~ Streaky Bay. SECTIOH 2. F·l~om Point Brmm. to Catastrophe, includi.LJ.g all islands as Flinders, 1!!hict"bey, the Ner•t1.mes, out not Thistle Island. int BrovYn· itself is excluded., out the section includes. Calle Cat as- . SEC~ION 3. From 0.?-:?e Catastrophe to the no1~thern extrer.1i ty of Gulf, eluding Thistle' Islru1d, the Sir Jose;)h Bar1ks Group and othez· is.- ' lJ.1.1t not the·e1o Islands. (Cai)e Catastrophe its·elf be- to Sect.ion ·2.