
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 04/10 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 267 - März 2010 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 editorial

Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, ständlich auch in Zukunft so handha- liebe Filmfreunde! ben können. Wir freuen uns jedenfalls Der Countdown läuft! Früher als ur- schon sehr auf die neue Örtlichkeit, in sprünglich geplant werden wir unsere der wir unser Kerngeschäft, den Ver- neuen Büroräume beziehen und damit sandhandel, optimal abwickeln können. bereits ab 01. Mai 2010 unter neuer Adresse zu erreichen sein. Um den Um- Und noch etwas worüber wir uns sehr zug möglichst reibungslos über die freuen: unser Hollywood-Girl Anna gibt Bühne zu bringen, werden wir daher sich in dieser Newsletter-Ausgabe end- unser Ladengeschäft wie auch unsere lich wieder die Ehre! Die vielen telefonische Bestellannahme vom 19. Genesungswünsche haben offensicht- April 2010 bis einschließlich 02. Mai lich geholfen. Was Anna zu sagen hat, 2010 geschlossen halten. Während das können Sie in ihrer Kolumne ab dieses Zeitraums können Sie gerne Ihre Seite 3 lesen. Wünsche auf unserem Anrufbeantwor- ter hinterlassen oder Ihre Bestellungen Während wir diese Zeilen schreiben, einfach per E-Mail an uns schicken. Zu geht gerade die Oscar-Verleihung zu DO bereits auf DVD und Blu-ray Disc beachten ist jedoch, dass während die- Ende. Und da haben wir auch schon verfügbar ist und einiges von Ihrer ser 14 Tage umzugsbedingt mit einem einen dritten Grund zur Freude. Denn Heimkinoanlage abverlangen wird. Ab- temporären Ausfall unserer Telefonan- nicht genug damit, dass die Academy verlangt wurde auch uns einiges: denn lage zu rechnen ist. Aufmerksamen Le- in diesem Jahr einen Außenseiter-Film die Oscar-Verleihung “live” im Fernse- sern unseres Newsletters dürfte es zum “Besten Film des Jahres” gekrönt hen anzuschauen bedeutet eine wahr- nicht entgangen sein, dass wir in unse- hat, sie hat auch zum ersten Mal in haft schlaflose Nacht. Trotzdem hat es rem neuen Domizil keinen Verkaufsraum ihrer Geschichte den Regie-Oscar einer großen Spaß gemacht und die Mütze mehr integrieren werden. Somit besteht Frau verliehen! Herzlichen Glück- voller Schlaf haben wir uns jetzt redlich für Sammler, die gerne in unseren Be- wunsch daher an Kathryn Bigelow und verdient. Süße Träume! ständen herumstöbern, am Freitag, den ihren tollen Film THE HURT LOCKER 16. April 2010, letztmals die Möglich- (TÖDLICHES KOMMANDO)! Wer den Ihr Laser Hotline Team keit, dieser großen Leidenschaft zu Film verpasst hat oder nur die Mög- frönen. Aber keine Bange: wer gewohnt lichkeit hatte, ihn in einem ist, die bestellten Waren direkt bei uns suboptimalen Kino zu erleben, dem sei abzuholen, der wird dies selbstver- gesagt, dass TÖDLICHES KOMMAN- Achtung! Zu folgenden Ungewöhnliche Architektur und viel Glas: das neue Domizil der „Laser Hotline“ Terminen bleiben unser Verkauf und das Büro geschlossen:

25.03.2010 bis 31.03.2010 (Widescreen Weekend in Bradford, UK)

19.04.2010 bis 30.04.2010 (Umzug in unser neues Büro)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010

“Mittler zwischen Hirn und Händen muss das Herz sein”

Vor drei Wochen erholte ich mich langsam von gesundheitlichen Strapazen bei meinen Eltern . Zum Rekonvaleszenz-Programm gehörte eine or- dentliche Dosis Film. Am 12. Februar sendete Arte die Liveübertragung des rekonstruierten Metropo- lis. Darüber brach eine typische Familien- diskussion aus. Mein Vater wollte Metropolis. Mei- ne Mutter wollte lachen und war für Men In Black. Ich wollte A View to a Kill. Wir warfen mit Argu- menten für unseren jeweiligen Favoriten herum, als ich merkte, dass wir in einer ganz anderen Diskussion gelandet waren: Wir stritten uns dar- über, ob Metropolis Nazi-Gedankengut trägt oder nicht, wenn ja wie viel und sollte man ihn dann überhaupt mögen dürfen?

Auch nachdem wir den James Bond wählten, ließ mich diese Diskussion nicht mehr los. Kann man das Werk unabhängig von seinem Erschaffer be- urteilen? Darf man ein Werk mögen, obwohl sein Inhalt und/oder seine Erschaffer moralisch nicht tragbar sind?

Ich habe Metropolis als junges Mädchen zum er- sten Mal gesehen. Damals hatte ich noch keine Ahnung davon, dass die Drehbuchautorin Thea von Harbou eine bekennende Nationalsozialistin gewesen war. Metropolis war einer der ersten Stummfilme, die ich wirklich liebte und verstand. Als Märchen. Für mich war es ein wunderbares Märchen. Aschenputtel nicht unähnlich, aber viel faszinierender. Ich fand es toll, dass hier eine Urahnin von C3PO, der mich immer so zum La- chen brachte, ihren spektakulären Ursprung hatte. Von dieser Faszination werde ich bis heute über- wältigt, wenn ich Fritz Langs Film sehe. Ich saß schon in Filmtheoriekursen und musste schluch- zen, wenn Freder und Maria die Kinder der Unter- stadt retten. Heute weiß ich mehr über von mus tummelt. Heißt das, Metropolis sollte nicht Harbous geistigen Hintergrund. Ich kann die Stel- mehr gesehen werden? Immerhin hat Fritz Lang, len ausmachen, in denen sich Nationalsozialis- ein späterer Nazi-Gegner, das Projekt seiner da-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 maligen Frau realisiert. Lang hat die Gefahr der zehnte sogar freigemacht von seinem nationalso- Nazis erkannt und ist nach Hollywood geflohen, zialistischen Beigeschmack. Denn die Aussage später hat er sich von Thea von Harbou getrennt. und der Inhalt des Films lassen sich genauso gut Es wird ihm der Nazi-Subtext im Drehbuch kaum auf die Apartheid anwenden wie auf den heutigen, entgangen sein. Trotzdem hat er Metropolis er- wachsenden Graben zwischen Reich und Arm in schaffen. Wieso? Den Sinnspruch am Anfang und Amerika. Ende kann man exemplarisch für den ganzen Film analysieren. Für unsere heutigen Ohren klingt er Ben Burtt hat einmal gesagt: “A film isn’t released, im besten Fall kitschig, im schlimmsten Fall nach it escapes.” Sobald einem Film die Flucht Nazi-Hausfrauenweisheit. Doch ganz ohne Vorur- gelungen ist, entwickelt er ein Eigenleben. Er teil betrachtet: Ist er falsch? Kann man die Wörter erfüllt nicht jede Erwartung des Regisseurs, er hat nicht verstehen, annehmen, sogar für gut befin- Erfolg oder nicht, er wird von Kritikern zerrissen, den, wenn man davon absieht, wer sie in die Welt von den Massen geliebt. Manchmal wird er ganz gesetzt hat? Ist es denn nicht so, dass wir, um anders verstanden, als er ursprünglich gedacht vollständig zu sein, nicht einfach nur draufhauen war. Paul Verhoeven war sehr überrascht, als oder kalkulieren müssen, sondern auch die Moral Kritiker in Starship Troopers Genozidverurteilung einschalten sollten? Ich finde es schwer, an die- sahen. Er hatte nur einen rasanten Sci-fi-Film sem ikonischen Sinnspruch Anstoß zu nehmen. machen wollen, bei dem gutaussehende Soldaten Als Kind liebte ich seine Einfachheit und Richtig- Aliens abschießen. keit. Ist diese Beurteilung nicht mehr relevant, weil Thea von Harbou diese Worte geschrieben hat? Filme, wie Gedichte, kommen in unseren Herzen Ich bin keineswegs dafür, dass man neue Informa- und Köpfen immer unterschiedlich an. Nehmen tionen in Urteile nicht einbeziehen sollte. Ansich- wir ein Werk an, läuft es durch unsere einzigarti- ten können und dürfen sich ändern. Aber etwas im gen Filter, die aus Erfahrungen, Emotionen und Ganzen zu verschmähen, weil ein kleiner Teil Wissen bestehen. Die Essenz davon ist so ein- schlecht ist, ist auch nicht immer die Lösung. Ich malig wie ein Fingerabdruck. Letztendlich kann ein habe nicht aufgehört, mit Amerikanern zu reden, Film durchaus ohne Kontext gesehen, geliebt, ver- als Bush jr. Präsident war. Mein kleiner Bruder standen werden. Manchmal ist es bereichernder, pickt die Rosinen aus dem Milchbrötchen raus sich von seinen Vorurteilen zu verabschieden und und genießt den Rest. Es würde mir nicht einfal- nur das Werk zu erleben, manchmal ist das Ge- len, den Inhalt von Triumph des Willens gutzuhei- genteil der Fall. Erlaubt ist alles. Sonst wären wir ßen, dennoch kann ich objektiv sagen, dass die tatsächlich seit den Nazis nicht weit gekommen. Bilder eine cinematographische Meisterleistung Anna Rudschies darstellen.

Metropolis ist ein Film, der sich auf verschieden- ste Weisen interpretieren lässt. Wenn man darin Nazi-Propaganda sehen will, wird man sie pro- blemlos finden. Wenn man aber eine Geschichte sehen will, die sich ausspricht für Toleranz und die Freiheit, einen jeden lieben zu dürfen, den Anna freut sich über Ihr Feedback: man lieben will, dann wird man auch das finden. In [email protected] gewisser Weise hat sich Metropolis über die Jahr-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 22. Februar 2010 Irland. Auf einer Halbinsel trifft sie auf Sänger auf dem Abstellgleis den Eigenbrödler Martin. Der lebt ganz Musik, Zigaretten und Alkohol – im allein in einem großen Haus und bietet heutigen Pressefilm gab’s davon mehr ihr Essen gegen Arbeit. Ihre Bedin- als genug! gung: keine Fragen. Im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt sich zwischen den beiden CRAZY HEART (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Geheimniskrämern eine Beziehung... OT: Crazy Heart Der in Kapitel unterteilte Film von Verleih: Fox Urszula Antoniak ist eine der unge- Land/Jahr: USA 2009 wöhnlichsten Liebesgeschichten der Regie: Scott Cooper letzten Zeit. Den grandiosen Hauptdar- Darsteller: Jeff Bridges, Maggie stellern ist es zu verdanken, dass diese Gyllenhaal, Robert Duvall, James auch ohne viel Worte funktioniert. Die Keane, Anna Felix überragende Landschaft tut ein Übri- Kinostart: 04.03.2010 ges, um die Geschichte über Einsamkeit und Zweisamkeit zu illustrieren. Wenn Bad Blake, ein in die Jahre gekommener der Zuschauer dann ganz am Ende des abgewrackter und alkoholsüchtiger Films noch genau soviele Fragen hat Country-Sänger, tingelt sich von einem wie zu Beginn, dann hat der Film sein schäbigen Gig zum nächsten. Dabei Ziel erreicht: wir denken darüber nach! steht er ständig im Schatten seines Das große Manko des Films dürfte je- weitaus erfolgreicheren Ex-Proteges doch die deutsche Synchronfassung Tommy Sweet. Erst als er sich in die sein, welche die unterschiedlichen Dia- CHLOE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) alleinerziehende Journalistin Jean ver- lekte glatt bügelt. OT: Chloe liebt, findet er wieder Halt im Leben... Verleih: Kinowelt Jeff Bridges spielt Bad absolut über- Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2010 Land/Jahr: USA, Kanada 2009 zeugend. Und das liegt nicht nur daran, Lola und Chloe Regie: Atom Egoyan dass er seine Songs alle selber singt. Kinderkost und Erwachsenenkram im Darsteller: Liam Neeson, Amanda Er ist Bad Blake wie er leibt und lebt. flotten Wechsel – und das bei früh- Seyfried, Julianne Moore Die Oscar-Nominierung hat er sich de- lingshaften Temperaturen! Kinostart: 15.04.2010 finitiv verdient. Was den Film selbst angeht, so gab es Filme dieser Art si- HIER KOMMT LOLA (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Um seine Treue zu überprüfen, setzt cherlich schon mehr als nur einmal. Verleih: Constantin die Gattin eines Musikdozenten das Neu hingegen ist das Ende, das ich Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2010 junge Call-Girl Chloe auf ihn an. Die hier aber nicht verraten möchte. Wer Regie: Franziska Buch hat seiner Frau dann auch einiges zu Country & Western Musik mag, dem Darsteller: Meira Durand, Felina erzählen. Denn der graumelierte Dozent wird Scott Coopers Regieerstling ganz Czycykowski, Fernando Spengler hat offensichtlich mehr als nur ange- bestimmt gefallen. Kinostart: 04.03.2010 bissen. Doch es kommt anders... Mit seinem Erotikthriller wandelt Regisseur Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010 Lola wünscht sich nichts so sehr wie Atom Egoyan auf den Spuren eines Gemeinsam einsam eine beste Freundin. An der neuen frühen Brian De Palma. In diesem Film Nach dem heutigen Film waren sich alle Schule hat sie aber wieder einmal Pech gibt es nichts wirklich Neues zu be- irgendwie einig, dass die weibliche damit und flüchtet sich in Tagträume, staunen. Stattdessen wird ein Klischee Hauptrolle eigentlich Tilda Swinton in denen sie sich als großen Gesangs- nach dem anderen abgearbeitet. zugestanden hätte... star sieht. Ihr brasilianischer Vater ist Egoyan hinterlässt leider keine eigene gerade dabei, zusammen mit ihrem Opa Handschrift. Einzig Julianne Moore hat NOTHING PERSONAL (1:1.85, DD 5.1) ein Restaurant zu eröffnen. Alles geht mich wieder begeistert! Und das nicht OT: Nothing Personal drunter und drüber und sie erkennt zu nur, weil sie sich unverhüllt präsen- Verleih: MFA (24 Bilder) spät, dass sie tatsächlich schon längst tiert. Land/Jahr: Irland, Niederlande 2009 eine beste Freundin gefunden hat... Ein Regie: Urszula Antoniak Film, in dem Themen wie Vorurteile, Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2010 Darsteller: Stephen Rea, Lotte Verbeek Freundschaft, Trennung der Eltern Engpass Energie Kinostart: 08.04.2010 kindgerecht aufbereitet werden. Bis auf Die Tatsache, dass es sich bei dem die etwas nervigen Gesangseinlagen heutigen Film um eine Dokumentation Eine junge Holländerin trampt auf der (die ein bisschen an die CHIPMUNKS handelt, macht den Film umso gruseli- Flucht vor einer schmerzvollen Vergan- erinnern!) durchaus für Kinder bis 8 ger! genheit durch das wild-romantische Jahren geeignet.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog DIE 4. REVOLUTION – ENERGY Folgen... Die Neuverfilmung von Oscar nicht Burtons bester Film, aber durch- AUTONOMY (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Wildes Klassiker gibt sich ambitioniert aus nett anzuschauen. Verleih: Delphi im Hinblick auf Ausstattung und Atmo- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009 sphäre und lebt ganz speziell von der Sonntag, 28. Februar 2010 Regie: Carl-A. Fechner Schauspielkunst eines Colin Firth in Sunday at the Movies Kinostart: 18.03.2010 der Rolle des Henry Wotton. Aufgrund Meine sonntägliche Filmauswahl seiner in Form von Flashbacks einge- passte hervorragend zum Orkan-Wetter. Hoch interessanter Dokumentarfilm streuten Sado-Maso-Spielchen und Denn der erste Film hatte den “Sturm” über erneuerbare Energien, der das sonstigen Brutalitäten musste der Film bereits im Titel und der zweite Film bot Beharren der großen Energiekonzerne in England Kürzungen hinnehmen. Es eine Orkan-Sequenz. auf umweltschädigenden Methoden zur schien mir, als ob uns heute eben jene Stromgewinnung als reine Profitsucht gekürzte Fassung gezeigt wurde. DIE RUHE VOR DEM STURM (1:1.85, entlarvt. An vielen Beispielen wird ge- 3D, 2K Digital) zeigt, dass es für Jedermann er- ALICE IM WUNDERLAND (1:1.85, 3D, Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2010 schwinglich und vor allem lohnenswert 2K Digital, PCM 5.1) Regie: Nikolai Vialkowitsch ist, auf alternative Energien umzustei- OT: Alice in Wonderland gen. Anhand der genannten Fakten Verleih: Walt Disney Eine Filmpremiere der ganz besonderen lässt sich auch unschwer erkennen, Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Art zog mich am Sonntagmittag in ihren dass die Menschheit unmittelbar vor Regie: Bann. Aus einem Flohmarktfund (man der größten Energiekrise ihrer Ge- Darsteller: Mia Wasikowska, Johnny munkelt Ebay) von etwa 20 stereosko- schichte steht. Was dagegen getan Depp, Anne Hathaway pisch aufgenommener Fotografien aus werden kann oder vielmehr muss, wird Kinostart: 04.03.2010 den zwanziger Jahren erstellte Regis- unmissverständlich vermittelt. Eine seur Nikolai Vialkowitsch zusammen mit sehr sehenswerte Dokumentation, die England im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhun- seinem Schnittmeister Philipp darüber hinaus auch noch mit einer dert: als die junge Alice gerade um ihre Käßbohrer eine 45minütige Collage, in beeindruckenden Filmmusik unterlegt Hand angehalten wird, rennt sie einem die auch privat aufgenommene Film- ist. seltsamen Kaninchen hinterher und sequenzen aus der gleichen Zeit inte- fällt in ein tiefes Loch. Alsbald befin- griert wurden. Es war die Zeit zwischen Freitag, 26. Februar 2010 det sie sich in einer höchst wundersa- dem Ersten und dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Berühmte Literatur men Welt, die eigentlich nur ein Traum – die Ruhe vor dem Sturm. Unterlegt Gleich zwei Verfilmungen berühmter sein kann. Die seltsamen Lebewesen wurde die Stummfilmcollage mit einer Vorlagen standen heute auf dem Pro- dort haben aber offensichtlich alle auf von Henrik Albrecht eigens dafür kom- gramm... Alice gewartet. Denn sie soll das ponierten Musik, die vom Trio Wunderland von der Macht der Roten Parnassus bei dieser Premiere im Stutt- DAS BILDNIS DES DORIAN GRAY Königin befreien... Tim Burtons Neu- garter Metropol-Kino live aufgeführt (1:1.85, DD 5.1) interpretation des bekannten surrealen wurde. Das ganze Projekt war höchst OT: Dorian Gray Märchens von Lewis Carroll bietet eine beeindruckend und war in seiner Wir- Verleih: Concorde ganze Menge Stoff für die Augen! Mit kung wesentlich nachhaltiger als die Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2009 perfekter Tricktechnik wird hier eine typischen Kriegsdokus aus jener Zeit. Regie: Oliver Parker vollkommen fremde Welt erschaffen. Darsteller: Colin Firth, Ben Barnes, Allerdings sind viele darin enthaltene SHUTTER ISLAND (1:2.35, 2K Digital, Rachel Hurd-Wood Elemente Überbleibsel aus sattsam be- PCM 5.1) Kinostart: 15.04.2010 kannten Fantasyfilmen, so dass OT: Shutter Island Burtons Film nur wenig wirklich Neues Verleih: Concorde Schönling Dorian Gray kehrt Ende des zu bieten hat. ALICE IM WUNDER- Land/Jahr: USA 2010 19. Jahrhunderts nach London zurück, LAND wird vornehmlich in 3D-Kinos Regie: Martin Scorsese um das Erbe seines Großvaters anzutre- zu sehen sein, obgleich der Film nur in Darsteller: Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark ten. Schnell wird die feine Londoner 2D aufgenommen wurde. Die dritte Di- Ruffalo, Sir Ben Kingsley Gesellschaft auf ihn aufmerksam und mension wurde hinterher per Computer Kinostart: 25.02.2010 sein Aussehen wird von dem Künstler hineingerechnet. Burton verzichtet fast Basil Hallward in einem Bild festgehal- komplett darauf, seinem Publikum Ge- Zusammen mit einem Kollegen wird US ten. Der Zyniker Lord Henry Wotton genstände an den Kopf zu werfen, son- Marshal Teddy Daniels 1954 auf eine nimmt Dorian unter seine Fittiche und dern nutzt wie bereits AVATA R die drit- hermetisch abgeriegelte Insel gerufen, bringt ihn auf den Pfad der Untugend – te Dimension allein zur räumlichen Tie- auf der geistig gestörte Kriminelle in- er verspricht seine Seele dem Teufel. fenwirkung. Wie immer bei Burton ist terniert sind. Eine hochgradig gefährli- Fortan altert nicht er, sondern das Ge- auch wieder ein imposanter Score von che Insassin ist auf mysteriöse Art und mälde. Das bleibt natürlich nicht ohne Danny Elfman zu hören. Sicherlich Weise spurlos verschwunden. Je tiefer

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Daniels in den Fall eintaucht, desto richtig wahrgenommen werden (wie Einmal in der Woche nehmen sich zwei mysteriöser wird die Geschichte und etwa die Concierge), aber genau diese Eheleute eine Auszeit von ihren Kin- seine eigene Vergangenheit holt ihn selben Gefühle und Bedürfnisse haben dern und gönnen sich ein schönes Es- ein... Martin Scorsese wagt einen Aus- wie alle anderen. Ein sehenswertes sen zu zweit in einem netten Vorstadt- flug in das Genre-Kino. Und er macht Stück Kino mit einer schönen Film- lokal. Das wollen die beiden dann es virtuos. Die CinemaScope-Bilder musik von Gabriel Yared. durch den Besuch des angesagtesten von Robert Richardson, die Shutter Restaurants in der Großstadt toppen. Island in geheimnisvolles, düsteres, DER VATER MEINER KINDER (1:1.85, Doch die Plätze dort sind rar gesät. Um gar bedrohliches Licht rücken, sind DD 5.1) den Abend nicht durch Warten zu genauso fesselnd wie die perfekt ein- OT: Le Pere De Mes Enfants runinieren, ergreifen die beiden eine gesetzte Filmmusik (die nicht speziell Verleih: farbfilm (24 Bilder) Chance: als ein Tisch frei wird, geben dafür komponiert wurde!), die an Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Deutschland sie sich als die Reservierer, das Ehe- Bernard Herrmanns brillante Musik zu 2009 paar Tripplehorn aus. Das klappt wun- KAP DER ANGST erinnert. Auch Regie: Mia Hansen-Løve derbar. Doch alsbald werden sie von Scorseses Schauspielerensemble macht Darsteller: Chiara Caselli, Dominique zwei Bodyguards bedrängt. Die sich prächtig. Nicht nur Di Caprio gibt Frot, Sandrine Dumas Tripplehorns sind offensichtlich in hier sein Bestes, auch kleinste Neben- Kinostart: 20.05.2010 dunkle Machenschaften verstrickt. Das rollen wie z.B. Max von Sydow als Dr. Abenteuer beginnt... Wem seichter Hu- Naehring, der Leiter der Nervenklinik, Filmproduzent Gregoire Canvel, stolzer mor mit vielen sexuellen Anspielungen brillieren. Leider jedoch ist der Film mit Vater dreier Töchter, steht vor dem fi- liegt, der dürfte hier auf seine Kosten seinen 138 Minuten viel zu lang gera- nanziellen Ruin. Oberflächlich sieht kommen. Alle anderen (mich einge- ten. Speziell dann, wenn man die Ge- man es ihm nicht an, doch innerlich schlossen) wird diese Version von schichte relativ schnell durchschaut brodelt es ihm. Die Probleme werden so INTO THE NIGHT nur langweilen. und sie damit für Vielseher wie mich groß, dass er nur noch einen einzigen Richtige Lacher sind leider nur ganz keine besonderen Überraschungen Ausweg sieht... Als Hommage auf ihren spärlich verstreut. Für einen Film, der birgt. Mentor, den Filmproduzenten Hubert als Komödie funktionieren möchte, ist Balsam, der im Jahre 2005 Selbstmord das einfach zu wenig. Dienstag, 02. März 2010 verübte, erschuf Mia Hansen-Love ei- Eine Concierge und ein Filmproduzent nen vorzüglich besetzten Film, der zum Französische Filmemacherinnen domi- einen die Hektik des Produzentenjobs nierten die heutigen Presse- fühlbar macht und zum anderen auch Screenings. ein Film über das Filmemachen ist. Al- lerdings passiert es sehr leicht, dass DIE ELEGANZ DER MADAME MI- man das Kino verlässt und sich fragt, CHEL (1:2.35, DD 5.1) was das Ganze eigentlich soll. Es gibt OT: Le Herisson immer wieder Szenen, deren Bedeutung Verleih: Senator sich auch gewieften Zuschauern nicht Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Italien 2009 erschließt, was in Folge dazu führt, Regie: Mona Achache diese als Banalitäten oder Belanglosig- Darsteller: Josiane Balasko, Garance Le keiten abzutun. Guillermic, Togo Igawa Kinostart: 06.05.2010 Mittwoch, 03. März 2010 Seichter Humor DIL BOLE HADIPPA! – MEIN HERZ Die kleine Paloma beschließt, sich an Heute musste ich während des RUFT NACH LIEBE (1:2.35, DD 5.1 EX) ihrem 12. Geburtstag umzubringen. Das Screenings gegen gesunden Schlaf OT: Dil Bole Hadippa Leben mit der Familie in einem noblen ankämpfen. Verleih: Rapid Eye Movies Pariser Wohnhaus hat sie satt. Einzig Land/Jahr: Indien 2009 die etwas mürrische Concierge macht DATE NIGHT – GANGSTER FÜR EINE Regie: Anurag Singh ihr Freude. Die wiederum igelt sich in NACHT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Darsteller: Shahid Kapur, Rani ihrer Wohnung ein. Niemand kennt ihre OT: Date Night Mukherjee, Anupam Kher Leidenschaft für Bücher. Da zieht ein Verleih: Fox Kinostart: 17.09.2009 neuer Eigentümer in das Haus: ein ge- Land/Jahr: USA 2010 heimnisvoller Japaner... Mit viel hinter- Regie: Shawn Levy Die junge Inderin Veera spielt besser gründigem Humor erzählt Regisseurin Darsteller: Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Mila Cricket als alle Männer zusammen. Mona Achache in ihrem Film über das Kunis Nichts wünscht sie sich sehnlicher als Sterben und den Tod, aber auch über Kinostart: 15.04.2010 in einem Männer-Team zu spielen. Als Menschen, die von anderen gar nicht eine Mannschaft aufgestellt wird, die

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gegen die pakistanische Mannschaft des Eindrucks nicht erwehren kann, antreten soll, bewirbt sich Veera – ver- dass es dem Regisseur weniger auf Gott hat die Schnauze voll von der kleidet als Mann. Zu ihrer Überra- Authentizität als vielmehr auf Polarisie- Menschheit. Deren tödliches Schicksal schung wird sie angenommen... Opu- rung ankommt. Daran ändern auch die ist damit beschlossene Sache. Doch lentes Bollywood-Kino – bestens ge- guten Darsteller (speziell Pegah einer seiner Engel hat den Glauben an eignet als Seelenmassage. Wie üblich Ferydoni in der Rolle der Ayla) nichts. die Menschheit noch nicht verloren. in solchen Filmen werde natürlich alle Der Abtrünnige steigt hinunter auf die verfügbaren Klischees hineingepackt BLACK FOREST (1:1.85, Dolby SR) Erde, um den Menschen am Weih- und sämtliche traditionellen Werte her- Verleih: Kinostar nachtsabend zu helfen. Die sind in ei- aufbeschworen. Doch die knallig bunte Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009 ner kleinen Tankstation mitten im ame- Verpackung ist so überzeugend, dass Regie: Gert Steinheimer rikanischen Niemandsland zu einem man geneigt ist, die Klischees zu ak- Darsteller: Johanna Klante, Nikola kleinen Haufen zusammengepfercht. zeptieren und schließlich mit den sym- Kastner, Adrian Topol Die himmlische Legion eröffnet den pathischen Darstellern mitzufiebern. Kinostart: 15.04.2010 Kampf... Wenn Engel zu Zombies mu- Und man wird belohnt. Denn DIL tieren, um ein ungeborenes Kind zu BOLE HADIPPA ist auch gleichzeitig Zwei junge Paare wollen ohne TV und töten, dann hilft natürlich nur noch ein Film zum Thema “Emanzipation”. In ohne Handy in einer abgelegenen Hüt- rohe Gewalt. LEGION entpuppt sich allerfeinstem CinemaScope und über- te mitten im Schwarzwald Urlaub ma- also letztendlich als der alternative zeugendem 5.1-Soundmix inszenierte chen. Die anfängliche Idylle wird jäh Film zur Weihnachtszeit. Daraus hätte Anurag Singh seinen Film mit Technik zerstört, als ein Fernsehapparat auf- ein wirklich richtig sarkastischer Film auf höchstem Niveau. Und wem das taucht, der Trugbilder wiedergibt... entstehen können oder eben ein richtig alles noch immer nicht genug ist, der Schwabens Antwort auf BLAIR bluttriefendes Werk. Was dabei heraus- wird sich spätestens an den Kostümen WITCH PROJECT. Immerhin versucht gekommen ist, ist weder Fisch noch der weiblichen Darsteller begeistern: sich hier ein Regisseur an einer deut- Fleisch und dürfte beide Lager (die eine solche Nabelschau ist besser als schen Genre-Produktion, was man ihm Sarkastiker ebenso wie die Zombiefans) jeder Softporno! hoch anrechnen muss. Das ganze Pro- enttäuschen. Handwerklich indes ist jekt scheitert aber letztendlich daran, der Film solide inszeniert. Donnerstag, 04. März 2010 dass man ständig den Eindruck hat, Blair Witch im Schwarzwald einen Amateurfilm anzuschauen. Da ist GREEN ZONE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Ein deutsches Doppel schickten die einmal die mangelnde Ausleuchtung OT: Green Zone Filmverleiher heute in den Ring... der Bilder, die zu kontrastarmen, unan- Verleih: Universal sehnlichen Einstellungen führt. Dann Land/Jahr: USA 2010 AYLA (1:1.85, DD 5.1) das Drehbuch, das offenkundig davon Regie: Paul Greengrass Verleih: Zorro zeugt, dass die Filmemacher mit ameri- Darsteller: Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear, Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009 kanischen Vorbildern aufgewachsen Brendan Gleeson Regie: Su Turhan sind. Ferner sind die Handlungsweisen Kinostart: 18.03.2010 Darsteller: Pegah Ferydoni, Mehdi der Darsteller nicht nachvollziehbar. Moinzadeh, Sesede Terziyan Und zu guter Letzt wird der ganze Brei Ein Offizier der US-Armee mit der Auf- Kinostart: 29.04.2010 dann auch noch mit brachialem Vogel- gabe, nach den berüchtigten Massen- gezwitscher und einer unpassenden vernichtungswaffen im Irak zu suchen, Deutsch-Türkin Ayla lebt ganz nach Filmmusik überzogen. wird skeptisch, als sich sämtliche westlichem Vorbild. Tagsüber jobt die Geheimdienstinformationen als Farce junge Single-Frau als Kindergärtnerin, Freitag, 05. März 2010 herausstellen. Er beginnt zu recherchie- abends stylt sie sich als Garderobiere Eine alternative Weihnachtsgeschichte ren und kommt einem abgekarteten für einen angesagten Club auf. Mit Die letzten beiden Presse-Screenings in Spiel auf die Schliche... Ein spannend ihrem patriarchalischem Vater hat sie dieser Woche...aber der Kalender für inszenierter Action-Thriller, der nicht längst gebrochen. Da lernt sie durch die nächste Woche ist auch schon wie- wesentlich Neues zu bieten hat. Zufall den Fotografen Ayhan kennen, der voll. Wackelkamera mit dokumentarischer ebenfalls ein Türke. Noch ahnt sie Wirkung und die irakischen Locations nicht, dass ausgerechnet Ayhan auser- LEGION (1:2.35, DD 5.1) (aufgenommen in Marokko und Spani- koren wurde, an seiner eigenen Schwe- OT: Legion en) kennt man bereits zur Genüge aus ster einen Ehrenmord zu vollziehen... Verleih: Sony Pictures anderen Produktionen. GREEN ZONE Nach dem erstklassigen Film DIE Land/Jahr: USA 2010 gehört zu jener Welle von Filmen, mit FREMDE nun noch ein Film zum Thema Regie: Scott Charles Stewart denen sich die amerikanischen Filme- Ehrenmord. Nicht unbedingt schlecht, Darsteller: Paul Bettany, Lucas Black, macher auf ihre Weise kritisch mit dem doch häufen sich die Zufälle in diesem Tyrese Gibson, Dennis Quaid Irakkrieg auseinandersetzen. Zumin- Film etwas zu sehr, so dass man sich Kinostart: 18.03.2010 dest das ist als gut zu werten.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

DVDs) 18.03.2010 Animation Little Princess 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034697 Dir. Edward Foster Zeichentrick 2006-2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Dragon Tales - Geschichten aus (D) 100min. dem Drachenland DVD 01 Foreign Media Group Germany(company of Film kids) 18.03.2010 Dragon Tales 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034657 Dir. Tim Eldred, Michael Hack, Phil Wein- 13 Semester - Der frühe Vogel stein Peterchens Mondfahrt kann mich mal Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD Dir. Wolfgang Urchs Max Riemelt, Alexander Fehling, Robert 2.0 (D) min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1987-1990 FF DD Gwisdek, Claudia Eisinger, Amit Shah, Die- ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(Studio100 2.0 (D) 80min. ter Mann, Raúl Semmler, Tobias van Dieken, Media) 18.03.2010 ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(Studio100 Daniel Zillmann, Roberto Cappelluti, Michael 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034728 Media) 18.03.2010 Herl, Moritz Pliquet, Cyril Sjöström, Alex Grisu, der kleine Drache, Vol. 2 (2 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034726 Holike, Benjamin Kramme, James Meuser, Maria Vogt, Ole Micha Spörkel, Johannes DVDs) Puschel, das Eichhorn, DVD 1 Suhm, Alina Rank, Uschi Morlang, Tobias Draghetto Grisù Seton Dôbutsuki Risu No Banner Jundt, Cédric Monnier - Dir. Frieder Wittich Dir. Toni Pagot Dir. Yoshiyuki Kuroda Komödie 2009 min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975-1977 FF (D) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1979 FF DD 2.0 (D) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 330min. 92min. Germany 07.05.2010 KSM(NewKSM) 06.04.2010 ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(Studio100 tba BestellNr.: 20034750 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034688 Media) 18.03.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034727 Absolution Gundam Seed - Complete The Journey: Absolution Collection 2 (5 DVDs) Die Schatzinsel Mario Lopez, Jaime Pressly, Richard Kidô Senshi Gundam Seed Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2002 FF DD 2.0 (D) Grieco, Greg Serano, Justin Walker - Dir. Dir. Mitsuo Fukuda DD 2.0 (E) 70min. David DeCoteau Featurette, Vor- und Abspann ohne Text, Trailer Foreign Media Group Germany(FM Kids) Trailer, Wendecover Science Fiction 2002-2003 FF DD 2.0 (D) 18.03.2010 Science Fiction 1997 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Jap) 625min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034698 2.0 (D) 90min. AV Visionen(Beez Entertainment) epiX Media AG 16.04.2010 02.04.2010 Tabaluga 03 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034747 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034806 Tabaluga Dir. Yoram Gross Action Warrior Inspector Gadget’s letzter Fall Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD Forest Warrior Inspector Gadget’s Last Case: Claw’s 2.0 (D) 96min. Norris, Terry Kiser, Max Gail, Revenge ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION 18.03.2010 Roscoe Lee Browne, Trenton Knight - Dir. Dir. Michael Maliani 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034716 Aaron Norris Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2002 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD Trailer 2.0 (E) 73min. Time Kid Abenteuer/Action 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 93min. Foreign Media Group Germany(FM Kids) Time Kid Intergroove(Voulez Vous Film) 26.03.2010 18.03.2010 Dir. Will Meugniot 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034782 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034694 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2003 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 74min. Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 15 (2 The Invincible Iron Man Foreign Media Group Germany(FM Kids) The Invincible Iron Man 18.03.2010 DVDs) Dir. Patrick Archibald, Jay Oliva 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034695 Erdogan Atalay, Tom Beck, Katja Woywood, Making of, Alternativer Anfang, Bildergalerie, Trailer Gottfried Vollmer, Dietmar Huhn, Daniela Zeichentrick/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Ultimate Avengers - The Movie Wutte, Niels Robert Kurvin, Carina Wiese - (D) DD 5.1 (E) 80min. Ultimate Avengers Dir. Axel Sand, Heinz Dietz, Sascha Thiel, KSM(NewKSM) 03.05.2010 Dir. Curt Geda, Steven E. Gordon, Bob Franco Tozza 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034666 Richardson Action/Kriminalfilm 2009 360min. Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Universum Film(RTL video) 14.05.2010 The Invincible Iron Man (Blu-ray) Zeichentrick/Action 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034733 The Invincible Iron Man (D) DD 5.1 (E) 69min. Dir. Patrick Archibald, Jay Oliva KSM(NewKSM) 03.05.2010 And Then Came Lola (OmU) Making of, Alternativer Anfang, Bildergalerie, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034667 And Then Came Lola Zeichentrick/Action 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Ashleigh Sumner, Jill Bennett, Cathy MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 84min. Die unendliche Geschichte DVD DeBuono, Jessica Graham, Angelyna KSM(NewKSM) 03.05.2010 Martinez, Candy Tolentino, Linda Ignazi, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034682 01 The Neverending Story Jenoa Harlow - Dir. Ellen Seidler Kurzfilm „Happy Day“, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Karlsson vom Dach - Astrid Dir. Mike Fallows Trailer, Bildergalerie Lindgrens Karlsson vom Dach Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD Komödie/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (E) 2.0 (D) 88min. DVD 03 67min. ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(Studio100 PRO-FUN MEDIA 25.03.2010 Karlsson Pa Taket Media) 18.03.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034670 Dir. Vibeke Idsøe 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034730 Zeichentrick 2002 FF DD 2.0 (D) 96min. Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(Studio100 The Winx Club - The Winx Club 3 - Season 3.2 (3 DVDs) Media) 18.03.2010 Staffel, Box 1 (2 DVDs) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034729 Andromeda The Winx Club - The Winx Club Science Fiction 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Kleine Prinzessin - Box 01 (2 Fantasy/Zeichentrick FF DD 2.0 (D) 176min. DD 2.0 (E) min. Foreign Media Group Germany(FM Kids) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.04.2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034700 Beverly Hood KSM(NewKSM) 06.04.2010 Leila Arcieri, Jamar French, Beyoncé 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034653 Angel Heart (Blu-ray) Knowles, Kelly Rowland, Michelle Williams, Angel Heart Kym E. Whitley, Eddie Who, Richard Balin, Cargo - Da draußen bist du allein Mickey Rourke, Lisa Bonet, Robert De Niro, Arif S. Kinchen - Dir. Tyler Maddox-Simms Cargo Michael Higgins, Charlotte Rampling, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Filmografien, Diskografie Anna-Katharina Schwabroh, Martin Rapold, Brownie McGhee - Dir. Sir Alan Parker Komödie 1999 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Claude-Oliver Rudolph, Michael Finger, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Interview, Bio- und 84min. Yangzom Brauen, Maria Boettner, Pierre Filmografien, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover Intergroove(Best Entertainment) Semmler, Regula Grauwiller - Dir. Ivan Thriller/Horror 1987 Ltbx (D) (E) (F) (Sp) 26.02.2010 Engler, Ralph Etter 112min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034663 Making of, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Bilder- Kinowelt Home Entertainment 06.05.2010 galerie, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20034769 Der blaue Vogel Science Fiction/Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD The Blue Bird 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 117min. Anna und die Liebe - Box 10, Fol- Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Jane Fonda, Ava Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.04.2010 gen 271-300 (4 DVDs) Gardner, Cicely Tyson, Robert Morley, Har- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034692 Jeanette Biedermann, Roy Peter Link, Heike ry Andrews, Patsy Kensit, Todd Lookinland Jonca, Mathieu Carrière, Karolina Lodyga, - Dir. George Cukor Cargo - Da draußen bist du allein Lars Löllmann, Franziska Matthus, Musikfilm 1976 94min. (Blu-ray) Josephine Schmidt, Bernhard Bozian, Rai- ZYX Music(Diamant) 19.03.2010 Cargo ner Will, Alexander Klaws, Sebastian König 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034719 Anna-Katharina Schwabroh, Martin Rapold, - Dir. Cornelia Dohrn, Kai Meyer-Ricks Claude-Oliver Rudolph, Michael Finger, Komödie/Lovestory 2008-2009 Ltbx 16x9 Blutrache in Montana Yangzom Brauen, Maria Boettner, Pierre DD 2.0 (D) 690min. The Showdown Semmler, Regula Grauwiller - Dir. Ivan polyband Medien GmbH 30.04.2010 Jim Davis, Walter Brennan - Dir. Dorrell Engler, Ralph Etter 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034762 McGowan, Stuart McGowan Making of, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Bilder- Bildergalerie galerie, Trailer Astropia - Hier gelten andere Re- Western/Abenteuer 1950 FF DD 1.0 (D) Science Fiction/Thriller 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 122min. geln! 82min. Intergroove(Voulez Vous Film) 26.02.2010 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.04.2010 Astrópía 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034676 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034701 Ragnhildu Steinunn Jónsdóttir, Snorri Engilbertsson, Davíð Þór Jónsson, Sverrir Bollywood Box Casanova (2 DVDs) Þór Sverrisson (Flóki), Pétur Jóhann Gunaah / Soch / Cheraa Casanova Sigfússon, Halla Vilhjalmsdottir, Jörundur Drama Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD David Tennant, Rose Byrne, Peter O’Toole, Ragnarsson, Halldór Magnússon - Dir. Gun- 5.1 (Hindi) DD 2.0 (Hindi) 840min. Rupert Penry-Jones, Shaun Parkes, Laura nar B. Gudmundsson KNM Home Entertainment(Cult-Movies) Fraser, Nina Sosanya, Clare Higgins - Dir. Audiokommentar, Making of, Outtakes, Interviews, Musikvideo Sheree Folkson Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 01.03.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034707 2 DVDs; Trailer, Biografien, Bildergalerie 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Isländ) 94min. Historienfilm/Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 AV Visionen(Eye See Movies) 26.03.2010 Bonanza - Season 6 (Neuauflage) (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 172min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034758 KSM(NewKSM) 03.05.2010 (8 DVDs) tba BestellNr.: 20034664 Die Auflehnung Bonanza Jan Fedder, Kirsten Block, André Hennicke, Lorne Greene, Michael Landon, Dan Blok- Charlie Chaplin - Frühe Meister- Jodie Leslie Ahlborn, Daniela Schulz, Rai- ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung werke 1 (OmU) ner Piwek - Dir. Manfred Stelzer Western 1959-1973 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Ein Hundeleben / Gewehr über! / Der Pil- Trailer (E) 1600min. ger Drama Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 90min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Pierrot Sir Charles Chaplin, Edna Purviance, Tom Studio Hamburg Distribution & Le Fou) 26.03.2010 Wilson, Albert Austin, Henry Bergman, Syd Marketing(ARD Video) 23.04.2010 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034741 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034743 Chaplin, Kitty Bradbury, Mack Swain, Dinky Bright Star - Meine Liebe. Ewig. Dean - Dir. Sir Charles Chaplin Awaydays Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Bright Star Drama/Komödie 1918-1923 108min. Awaydays Abbie Cornish, Ben Whishaw, Paul Schnei- Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) , Nicky Bell, Liam Boyle, der, Kerry Fox, Eddie Martin, Thomas 06.05.2010 Oliver Lee, Lee Battle, Michael Ryan, Ian Brodie Sangster, Claudie Blakley, Gerald tba BestellNr.: 20034794 Puleston-Davies, Holly Grainger - Dir. Pat Monaco, Antonia Campell-Hughes, Samuel Holden Roukin - Dir. Jane Campion Charlie Chaplin - Frühe Meister- Interviews, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Wende- B-Roll, Interviews, Featurette, Trailer, Promo cover Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 werke 2 (OmU) Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 114min. Auf der Sonnenseite / Vergnügte Stunden / (E) 105min. Universum Film(Tobis) 04.06.2010 Die müßige Klasse / Zahltag Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034763 Sir Charles Chaplin, Edna Purviance, Tom tba BestellNr.: 20034765 Wilson, Mack Swain, Henry Bergman, Allan Garcia, John Rand, Phyllis Allen - Dir. Sir Barfuß ins Bett - Die komplette Die Brücke von San Luis Rey The Bridge Of San Luis Rey Charles Chaplin Serie (4 DVDs) Robert De Niro, F. Murray Abraham, Kathy Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Drama/Komödie 1919-1922 98min. Jörg Panknin, Renate Blume - Dir. Peter Bates, Gabriel Byrne, Geraldine Chaplin, Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Wekwerth Emilie Dequenne, Adriana Dominguez, 06.05.2010 Booklet Harvey Keitel, Pilar López de Ayala, John Drama 1988-1990 FF DD 1.0 (D) 770min. tba BestellNr.: 20034795 Lynch, Mark Polish, Michael Polish, Samuel Studio Hamburg Distribution & Le Bihan, Emilio Gavira, Dominique Pinon - Marketing(ARD Video) 16.04.2010 Chase - Tödliches Spiel (k.J.) Dir. Mary McGuckian 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034805 Interviews, Bildergalerie, Biografien, Trailer Chase Historienfilm/Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 William Zipp, Paul Smith, Jack Starrett, Beverly Hood (D) DD 5.1 (E) 115min. Brainbridge Scott, Reggie DeMorton, Paul

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Bruno, Ct. Collins, Christine Cowell - Dir. Dick Cramer, Ben Turpin - Dir. Gordon Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy - Dir. Lloyd David A. Prior Douglas French, Clyde Bruckman, James Parrott Action/Thriller 1987 FF DD 2.0 (D) 94min. Kurzfilme, Making of, Bio- und Filmografien, Produktions- Kurzfilm, Bildergalerie, Produktionsnotizen, Making of, Bio- KNM Home Entertainment(Spirit Media) notizen, Bildergalerie, Wendecover und Filmografien, Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 1940 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Komödie 1928-1933 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 18.03.2010 56min. (E) 80min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034713 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 Der City Hai (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20034797 BestellNr.: 20034796 Raw Deal Dick & Doof - Der große Fang / Dick & Doof im Krankenhaus & Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kathryn Harrold, Sam Wanamaker, Darren McGavin, Blanche Selige Campingfreuden u.a Als Retter in der Not u.a. Baker, Paul Shenar - Dir. John Irvin Laurel & Hardy - Going Bye-Bye / Tit For Laurel & Hardy - Their Purple Moment / Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover Tat / Them Thar Hills County Hospital / One Good Turn Action/Thriller 1986 Ltbx (D) DTS-HD 5.1 Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy MA (E) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) (Sp) 106min. Bildergalerie, Clip, Wendecover Kurzfilm, Bildergalerie, Making of, Bio- und Filmografien, Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 Komödie 1934 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Wendecover Komödie 1928-1932 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 tba BestellNr.: 20034773 117min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 (E) 81min. Coming of Age, Vol. 3 (OmU) tba BestellNr.: 20034798 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover tba BestellNr.: 20034802 Kurzfilm/Erotik 2002-2008 DD 2.0 (E) 86min. Dick & Doof - Die Doppelgänger cmv-Laservision 19.03.2010 Our Relations Dr. Fummel und seine Gespielin- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034745 Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Ben Turpin, nen James Finlayson, Sidney Toler, Daphne Michael Cramer, Veronika Faber, Robert Dark Angel: Die komplette Serie Pollard, Iris Adrian, Noel Madison - Dir. Fackler, Doris Arden, Sissi Engel - Dir. Al- (12 DVDs) William C. McGann) mit einem Cameo-Auf- bert Trenalg James Cameron’s Dark Angel tritt von Laurel und Hardy, zusätzliche Erotik 1969 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 77min. Jessica Alba, Michael Weatherly, John deutsche Synchro-Fassung „Die lieben WVG Medien(101Pixel) 14.04.2010 Savage - Dir. David Nutter Verwandten“, Starinfos, Produktions- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034759 Interviews, Game Trailer, Featurette notizen, Fotogalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Science Fiction/Thriller 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD Quelle Kinowelt Eastern Double Feature 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (It) min. Kurzfilme, Bio- und Filmografie, Produktionsnotizen, Bilder- Bruce Lee - Seine Erben nehmen Rache / Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment galerie, Trailer, Wendecover Qi Lin Zhang Komödie 1936 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Germany 09.04.2010 Bruce Lee 72min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034753 Bildergalerie, Trailer Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 Eastern/Action 1973-1977 min. Dark Angel: Season One tba BestellNr.: 20034799 Intergroove(Voulez Vous Film) 26.02.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034668 Collection (6 DVDs) Dick & Doof - Die Teufelsbrüder James Cameron’s Dark Angel Pack Up Your Troubles Elizabeth I - The Virgin Queen (2 Jessica Alba, Michael Weatherly, John Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Billy Gilbert, DVDs) Savage - Dir. David Nutter James Finlayson - Dir. James Parrott Interviews, Game Trailer Kurzfilme, Making of, Bio- und Filmografien, Produktions- The Virgin Queen Science Fiction/Thriller 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD notizen, Bildergalerie, Intro, Wendecover Anne-Marie Duff, Sienna Guillory, Tom 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (It) min. Komödie 1931 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Hardy, Ian Hart, Dexter Fletcher, Richard Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 65min. Syms, Tara Fitzgerald, Ulrich Thomsen - Germany 09.04.2010 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 Dir. Coky Giedroyc 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034751 tba BestellNr.: 20034800 2 DVDs; Trailer, Biografien, Bildergalerien Historienfilm/Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Dark Angel: Season Two Dick & Doof - Gelächter in der (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 198min. Collection (6 DVDs) Nacht & Ohne Furcht und Tadel KSM(NewKSM) 03.05.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20034665 James Cameron’s Dark Angel u.a. Jessica Alba, Michael Weatherly, John Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy Das Fischkind - El niño pez (OmU) Savage - Dir. David Nutter Kurzfilme, Bildergalerie, Making of, Bio- und Filmografien, El Niño Pez Science Fiction/Thriller 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD Wendecover Inés Efron, Mariela Vitale, Pep Munne, 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (It) min. Komödie 1927-1932 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Arnaldo André, Carlos Bardem, Diego Ve- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (E) 113min. lázquez, Sandra Guida, Julian Doregger, Germany 09.04.2010 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 Ailín Salas, Paloma Contreras, Jerónimo 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034752 tba BestellNr.: 20034801 Perassolo - Dir. Lucía Puenzo Day of the Dead 2: Contagium Dick & Doof - In der Fremdenlegi- Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (Sp) 92min. on Salzgeber & Co. Medien 30.03.2010 (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034673 Day Of The Dead 2: Contagium The Flying Deuces Laurie Maria Baranyay, Simon Burzynski, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Jean Parker, Flash Gordon (Blu-ray) Reginald Gardiner, Charles Middleton - Dir. Shasa Dabner, Johnny Diaz Reyes, Chris Flash Gordon Estes, Melissa Frederick - Dir. James Glenn A. Edward Sutherland Kurzfilme, Bio- und Filmografien, Making of, Bildergalerie, Sam J. Jones, Max von Sydow, Ornella Dudelson, Ana Clavell Wendecover Muti, Melody Anderson, Chaim Topol, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Behind the Scenes Komödie 1939 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Timothy Dalton, Brian Blessed, Peter Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 69min. Wyngarde, Mariangela Melato - Dir. Mike (E) 88min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 Hodges Intergroove(Best Entertainment) tba BestellNr.: 20034803 Audiokommentar, Interview, Trailer, Wendecover 26.02.2010 Science Fiction 1980 Ltbx (D) DTS-HD 5.1 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034656 Dick & Doof als Schornsteinfeger MA (E) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) (Sp) 112min. & Am Rande der Kreissäge u.a. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 06.05.2010 Dick & Doof - Auf hoher See tba BestellNr.: 20034770 Saps At Sea Laurel & Hardy - Dirty Work / Busy Bodies Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, James Finlayson, / They Go Boom / The Finishing Touch

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

The Football Factory (Blu-ray) chim Tomaschewsky, Horst Schulze, Sven Drama 1968 FF DD 1.0 (D) min. The Football Factory Martinek, Dieter Wien, Hans-Jürgen Schatz, MORE Brands and Products(feinArt) Danny Dyer, Frank Harper, Neil Maskell, Saskia Valencia, Hannes Stelzer, George 26.02.2010 Roland Manookian, Jamie Foreman, Tamer Lenz, Eva Habermann - Dir. Joe Coppoletta 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034731 Hassan, Sophie Linfield, Dudley Sutton - Action/Thriller 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Dir. Nick Love 92min. Imperium - Schlacht der Gladia- Alternative Szene, Audiokommentar, B-Roll, Entfallene Sze- Intergroove(Starlight Film) 12.03.2010 toren (3 DVDs) nen, Bildergalerie, Featurettes, Kurzfilm, Making of, Musik- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034661 video, Trailer, Wendecover Empire Santiago Cabrera, Vincent Regan, Emily Drama 2004 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Der große Diktator (Blu-ray) HD 5.1 MA (E) 90min. Blunt, James Frain, Jonathan Cake, Christo- The Great Dictator Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 pher Egan, Michael Maloney, Fiona Shaw, Sir Charles Chaplin, Jack Oakie, Reginald tba BestellNr.: 20034774 Colm Feore, Michael Byrne, Orla Brady, Gardiner, Henry Daniell, Billy Gilbert, Grace Trudie Styler, Graham McTavish, Dennis Gamer Hayle, Carter De Haven, Paulette Goddard, Haysbert, Amanda Root, Ian Bartholomew, Maurice Moscovitch, Emma Dunn, Bernard Gamer Michael Culkin, Alan David, Roger Ashton- Gorcey, Paul Weigel, Chester Conklin, Gerard Butler, Amber Valletta, Michael C. Griffiths, Ed Stoppard, Caroline Ashley, Esther Michelson, Hank Mann, Florence Hall, Kyra Sedgwick, Ludacris, Logan Inday Ba, Felix Dexter, Alessandro Dieli, Wright, Rudolf Anders - Dir. Sir Charles Lerman, Alison Lohman, Terry Crews, John Julian Firth, Amelia Curtis, Giacomo Chaplin Gonnella, Michael Jenn, Ian Redford, Clive Leguizamo, , Zoe Bell - Dir. Dokumentation, Making of, Bonusfilm, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor Wendecover Riche, Anna Särnholm, Luca Venantini, Interviews, Making of, BD-Live, B-Roll / Gekürzte Fassung Komödie 1940 FF (D) (E) 124min. Robert Willox, Bart Ruspoli - Dir. Greg Action 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Yaitanes, John Gray, Kim Manners (E) 83min. 06.05.2010 Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD Universum Film 04.06.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20034779 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 250min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034739 KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Evelyn Hamanns Geschichten aus 18.03.2010 Gamer (Blu-ray) (k.J.) dem Leben - Volume 3 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034708 Gamer Evelyn Hamann, Hildegard Krekel, Friedrich Gerard Butler, Amber Valletta, Michael C. In Control von Thun, Gerd Baltus, Ines Baric, Fabian Hall, Kyra Sedgwick, Ludacris, Logan The Maker Harloff, Alexander Haugg, Billie Zöckler - Lerman, Alison Lohman, Terry Crews, John , Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Dir. Hans-Christoph Blumenberg, Ralf Leguizamo, Milo Ventimiglia, Zoe Bell - Dir. Mary-Louise Parker, Michael Madsen, Gregan, Stephan Meyer Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor Interviews, Trailer Fairuza Balk, Jesse Borrego, Matthew Da- Interviews, Making of, B-Roll, BD-Live Komödie/Drama 1993-2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) vid James, Marc Worden, Kate McGregor- Action 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- 540min. Stewart, Lawrence Pressman - Dir. Tim HD 5.1 MA (E) 94min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.04.2010 Hunter Universum Film 04.06.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034699 Trailer, Wendecover 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034754 Drama/Thriller 1997 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Happy Tears DD 2.0 (E) 92min. Gamer (k.J.) epiX Media AG 16.04.2010 Happy Tears Gamer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034748 Demi Moore, Parker Posey, Rip Torn, Ellen Gerard Butler, Amber Valletta, Michael C. Barkin, Christian Camargo, Billy Magnus- Hall, Kyra Sedgwick, Ludacris, Logan Die Jagd beginnt sen, Sebastian Roché, Roger Rees - Dir. Lerman, Alison Lohman, Terry Crews, John El Trailer Asesino Mitchell Lichtenstein Leguizamo, Milo Ventimiglia, Zoe Bell - Dir. Mario Almada, Fernando Almada, Alma Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor Delfina, Norma Lazareno, Jose Magana, (E) 95min. Interviews, Making of, BD-Live, B-Roll Gerardo Vigil, Enrique Lucero, Bruno Rey - Intergroove(Great Movies) 28.03.2010 Action 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Dir. Alfredo Gurrola 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034647 (E) 90min. Action 1985 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 80min. Universum Film 04.06.2010 High Chaparral - 1. Stafffel (7 KNM Home Entertainment(World Pictures 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034738 Home Entertaint) 18.03.2010 DVDs) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034715 Das Geheimnis Der Eisernen Tür The High Chaparral Tajna Schelesnoj Dweri Leif Erickson, Cameron Mitchell, Henry Jockei Monika (3 DVDs) Dir. Michail Jusowski Darrow Miroslava Safránková, Hans-Georg Körbel, Abenteuer 1970 (D) (Russ) 69min. Episodenübersicht, Trailer Hilmar Eichhorn ZYX Music 19.03.2010 Western 1967-1968 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Booklet 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034718 (E) 1350min. Abenteuer 1981 FF DD 2.0 (D) 540min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 Studio Hamburg Distribution & Goldrausch (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20034766 Marketing(ARD Video) 09.04.2010 The Gold Rush 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034742 Sir Charles Chaplin, Mack Swain, Henry Hollywood, je t’aime (OmU) Bergman, Tom Murray, Georgina Hale - Dir. Hollywood, Je T’Aime Der Junge und der Wolf Sir Charles Chaplin Eric Debets, Chad Allen, Jonathan Blanc, Loup Dokumentation, Featurette, Intro, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Diarra Kilpatrick, Michael Airington, Whitney Nicholas Brioudes, Pom Klementieff, Wendecover Anderson, Randall Bacon, Sarah Domin - Vantha Talisman, Bernard Wong, Gurgon Komödie 1925 FF DTS-HD 1.0 (D) DTS-HD Dir. Jason Bushman Kyap, Kaveil Kem, Vassiliev Guerassine - 1.0 (E) 73min. Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, Dir. Nicolas Vanier Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Trailer, Bildergalerie Komödie/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover 06.05.2010 Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 94min. tba BestellNr.: 20034789 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (F) 102min. PRO-FUN MEDIA 25.03.2010 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034671 Götterdämmerung - Morgen stirbt tba BestellNr.: 20034767 Berlin Der Idiot (2 DVDs) Christiane Paul, Tim Bergmann, Christian Der Junge und der Wolf (Blu-ray) Gerd Baltus - Dir. Rolf von Sydow Oliver, Rüdiger Vogler, Reiner Schöne, Joa- Loup

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Nicholas Brioudes, Pom Klementieff, Portrait (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Poln) 121min. Vantha Talisman, Bernard Wong, Gurgon Action Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 238min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.04.2010 Kyap, Kaveil Kem, Vassiliev Guerassine - KNM Home Entertainment(Madison Film) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034725 Dir. Nicolas Vanier 08.03.2010 Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034712 Das Massaker von Katyn (Special Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) Edition, 2 DVDs) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 106min. Lichter der Großstadt (OmU) (Blu- Katyn Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 ray) Maja Ostaszewska, Artur Zmijewski, tba BestellNr.: 20034777 City Lights Andrzej Chyra, Danuta Stenka, Jan Englert, Sir Charles Chaplin, Virginia Cherrill, Die Knickerbockerbande Magdalena Cielecka, Pawel Malaszynski - Florence Lee, Harry Myers, Allan Garcia, Dir. Andrzej Wajda Janette Kössler, Daniel Lehner, Michael Henry Bergman, Albert Austin, Hank Mann - Drama/Kriegsfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Steinocher, Christina Karnicnik, Dagmar Dir. Sir Charles Chaplin (D) DD 5.1 (Poln) 118min. Leitner, Doris Pascher Dokumentation, Featurettes, Intro, Outtakes, Intro, Bildergale- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.04.2010 Kinderfilm 1997 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) rie, Trailer, Wendecover 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034705 100min. Komödie 1928-1931 FF DD 1.0 (E) 86min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION 18.03.2010 Meat Grinder (k.J.) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034724 06.05.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20034790 Cheuat Gon Chim Der Komödienstadel - Klassiker Mai Charoenpura, Rattanaballang Tohssawat, Duangta Tungkamanee, der80er Jahre, Vol 2 Inga Lindström Collection 6 (3 DVDs) Tirachaya, Anuwat Niwatwong, Wiradit Die Tochter des Bombardon / Wenn der Srimalai, Somchai Sakdikul - Dir. Tiwa Rasmus und Johanna / Sommer in Hahn kräht / Das Prämienkind Moeithaisong Norrsunda / Hannas Fest Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne DD 2.0 (D) Thriller/Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 270min. min. DD 5.1 (Thai) 87min. Universum Film(ZDF Video) 30.04.2010 KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Sunfilm Entertainment(I-On New Media) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034756 18.03.2010 08.01.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034714 Little Britain USA 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034736 Ein König in New York Little Britain USA Menace David Walliams, Matt Lucas, Brett Gentile, A King In New York White Boy Davenia McFadden, Brad Grunberg, Peggy Sir Charles Chaplin, Dawn Addams, Michael Johnny Green, Alison Lohman, James Miley, Harry J. Lennix - Dir. David Schwim- Chaplin, Oliver Johnston, Maxine Audley, Andronica, John G. Avildsen, Merced Ba- mer, Michael Patrick Jann Harry Green, Jerry Desmonde - Dir. Sir con, Lysa Flores, Allen Garfield, Romany Komödie 2008 min. Charles Chaplin Malco, David Proval, Michael Tierney, Warner Home Video Germany 14.05.2010 Dokumentation, Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wende- Terence Tierney, Al Vincente, Jan-Michael cover 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034646 Komödie 1957 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Vincent, Aesha Waks, William L. Calhoun jr. 107min. Making of Süße Stuten 7 - Die - Dir. Jon Marino Kriminalfilm/Drama 2002 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Porno-Comedy 06.05.2010 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 88min. Jörg Buttgereit, Alexander Gregor, Jakob tba BestellNr.: 20034786 KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Bieber - Dir. Daniel Hyan 18.03.2010 Audiokommentar, Interviews, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Kundun (Blu-ray) Musikvideo 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034691 Kundun Komödie/Episodenfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Tenzin Thuthob Tsarong, Gyurme Tethong, 2.0 (D) 56min. Der Millionär und das Waisen- Tulku Jamyang Kunga Tenzin, Tenzin Yeshi epiX Media AG 28.05.2010 mädchen - King Uncle Paichang, Tencho Gyalpo, Tenzin Topjar, tba BestellNr.: 20034757 King Uncle Tsewang Migyur Khangsar, Sonam Shah Rukh Khan, Jackie Shroff, Nagma, Phunstock, Gyatso Lukhang, Robert Lin - Martina Sushmita Mukherjee, Debesh Mukherjee, Dir. Martin Scorsese Jeanette Schultze, Cornell Borchers, Deven Verma, Dinesh Hingoo, Anu Agrawal Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover Siegmar Schneider, Albert Hehn, Werner - Dir. Rakesh Roshan Drama 1997 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Hinz, Arno Paulsen - Dir. Arthur Maria Trailer; Songs in OmU HD 2.0 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS-HD 2.0 Rabenalt Komödie/Action 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) (F) 134min. Drama 1949 FF DD 1.0 (D) 90min. 157min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) KSM(Magic Picture) 06.04.2010 Rapid Eye Movies HE 21.04.2010 20.05.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034684 tba BestellNr.: 20034669 tba BestellNr.: 20034775 Das Massaker von Katyn Willy Millowitsch - Box 2 (3 DVDs) Bruce Lee - Die Kollektion (5 Katyn Bei uns im Viertel / Drei kölsche Jungen / DVDs) (k.J.) Maja Ostaszewska, Artur Zmijewski, Der Raub der Sabinerinnen Die Todeskralle schlägt wieder zu / Die Andrzej Chyra, Danuta Stenka, Jan Englert, Willy Millowitsch Todesfaust des Cheng Li / Todesgrüße Magdalena Cielecka, Pawel Malaszynski - Komödie 263min. aus Shanghai / Mein letzter Kampf / Die Dir. Andrzej Wajda KSM 06.04.2010 Legende Drama/Kriegsfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034687 Bruce Lee (D) DD 5.1 (Poln) 118min. 32-seitiges Fotobooklet, Sammlerpostkarten Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.04.2010 Moderne Zeiten (Blu-ray) Action 481min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034704 Modern Times Universum Film 07.05.2010 Sir Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034781 Das Massaker von Katyn (Blu-ray) Allan Garcia, Stanley Sanford, Hank Mann, Katyn Lloyd Ingraham, Juana Sutton, Cecil Bruce Lee - Silber Collection Vol. Maja Ostaszewska, Artur Zmijewski, Reynolds, Louis Natheaux, Henry Bergman, 2 Andrzej Chyra, Danuta Stenka, Jan Englert, Stanley Blystone, Heinie Conklin, Frank Die Todesklaue des Tigers / Der Tiger Magdalena Cielecka, Pawel Malaszynski - Moran, Richard Alexander, Wilfred Lucas, hetzt sie alle / Der reißende Puma Dir. Andrzej Wajda Edward Kimball, John Rand, Myra Bruce Lee Drama/Kriegsfilm 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA McKinney, Sam Stein, Edward LeSaint - Dir.

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Sir Charles Chaplin Nord Drama 2008-2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Dokumentation, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Intro, Bilder- Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Kyrre 540min. galerien, Trailer, Wendecover Hellum, Marte Aunemo, Mads Sjøgård Universum Film(ZDF Video) 30.04.2010 Komödie 1936 FF DTS-HD 1.0 (D) DTS-HD Pettersen, Lars Olsen, Astrid Solhaug, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034755 1.0 (E) 87min. Astrid Solhaug, Even Vesterhus, Ragnhild Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Vannebo, Celine Engebrigtsen (Sir Power Rangers - Ninja Storm 06.05.2010 Trøndelag), Ole Dalen - Dir. Rune Denstad tba BestellNr.: 20034791 (Staffel 11) (5 DVDs) Langlo Power Rangers - Ninja Storm Trailer Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2003-2004 FF DD 2.0 Mondo Box (2 DVDs) Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) (D) 836min. Ivan Rassimov, Me Me Lai - Dir. Umberto (Norweg) 75min. Foreign Media Group Germany(company of Lenzi, Ruggero Deodato, Gualtiero AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing kids) 18.03.2010 Jacopetti AG(Alamode) 16.04.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034655 Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034804 Abenteuer/Horror 1960-1978 250min. Intergroove(Best Entertainment) Nostalghia Privatunterricht (OmU) 26.02.2010 Élève Libre Nostalghia 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034658 Jonathan Zaccaï, Yannick Rénier, Claire Oleg Jankowski, Domiziana Giordano, Er- Bodson, Pauline Etienne, Anne Coesens, land Josephson, Patrizia Terreneo, Laura Monsieur Verdoux - Der Frauen- Johan Leysen - Dir. Joachim Lafosse de Marchi, Delia Boccardo - Dir. Andrej mörder von Paris Casting, Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerie Tarkowski Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (F) 106min. Monsieur Verdoux Drama 1983 (D) (Russ) 127min. PRO-FUN MEDIA 25.03.2010 Sir Charles Chaplin, Mady Correll, Allison ZYX Music(Diamant) 19.03.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034672 Roddan, Robert Lewis, Audrey Betz, Mar- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034717 tha Raye, Ada May, Isobel Elsom - Dir. Sir Rampenlicht Charles Chaplin Open Season - Jagdzeit! Dokumentation, Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wende- Limelight cover Los Cazadores Sir Charles Chaplin, Claire Bloom, Sydney Drama 1947 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Peter Fonda, Cornelia Sharpe, John Phillip Chaplin, Nigel Bruce, Buster Keaton, 119min. Law, Richard Lynch, Alberto Mendoza, Marjorie Bennett, Geraldine Chaplin, Micha- Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) William Holden - Dir. Peter Collinson el Chaplin, Josephine Chaplin - Dir. Sir 06.05.2010 Thriller/Drama 1973 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Charles Chaplin tba BestellNr.: 20034787 95min. Dokumentation, Bonusfilm, Intro, Entfallene Szene, Bilderga- KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) lerie, Trailer, Wendecover Moselbrück- Staffel 3, Episode 21- 18.03.2010 Drama/Komödie 1952 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034722 (E) 132min. 30 (3 DVDs) Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Liane Hielischer, Christoph Engen, Bernd OSS 117 - Pulverfass Bahia 06.05.2010 Seebacher, Andreas Schulz, Jocelyne Furia A Bahia Pour OSS 117 tba BestellNr.: 20034788 Boisseau, Hans Putz, Margot Léonard - Dir. Frederick Stafford, Mylène Demongeot, Dr. Michael Braun Raymond Pellegrin, Perrette Pradier, Annie Red Heat (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama 1993 DD 2.0 (D) 490min. Anderson, Jacques Riberolles - Dir. André Red Heat KSM(NewKSM) 06.04.2010 Hunebelle Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Belushi, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034685 Abenteuer 1965 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD Peter Boyle, Laurence Fishburne, Ed O’Ross, Gina Gershon - Dir. Walter Hill Die Nächte einer schönen Frau 1.0 (F) 96min. KSM(Magic Picture) 06.04.2010 Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover Action/Komödie 1988 Ltbx (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (OmU) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034660 A Woman Of Paris MA (E) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) DTS-HD 5.1 MA Edna Purviance, Adolphe Menjou, Carl Percy Stuart - Die komplette Se- (Russ) 104min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 06.05.2010 Miller, Lydia Knott, Charles K. French - Dir. rie (8 DVDs) Sir Charles Chaplin tba BestellNr.: 20034771 Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Claus Wilcke, Horst Keitel, Günter Lüdke, Drama/Melodram 1923 FF DD 1.0 (E) 78min. Robert Meyn, Ulrich Beiger, Georg Eilert, Red Sonja (Blu-ray) Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Gerd Frickhöffer, Albert Lippert, Alf Red Sonja 06.05.2010 Marholm, Otto Stern, Curt Timm, Ferdinand Brigitte Nielsen, Arnold Schwarzenegger, tba BestellNr.: 20034785 Dux, Jan Hendriks, Bernd Herzsprung, Sandahl Bergman, Christian Ferry, Paul Benno Hoffmann, Gerda Maria Jürgens, Smith, Ernie Reyes jr., Ronald Lacey, Pat Netherworld Karl-Heinz Kreienbaum, Heidrun Kussin, Roach, Donna Osterbuhr - Dir. Richard Netherworld Katharina Mayberg, Werner Riepel, Fried- Fleischer Michael Bendetti, Denise Gentile, Anjanette rich Schütter, Frank Straass, Günther Un- Featurette, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Comer, Holly Floria, Robert Burr - Dir. David geheuer, Alexander Welbat, Gerhard Fantasy 1985 Ltbx (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) Schmoeller Wollner - Dir. Ernst Hofbauer, Hans-Georg DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) (Sp) 89min. Fantasy/Horror 1991 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DD Thiemt Kinowelt Home Entertainment 20.05.2010 2.0 (E) 81min. Abenteuer/Komödie 1967-1971 FF DD 1.0 tba BestellNr.: 20034776 Intergroove(Voulez Vous Film) 12.03.2010 (D) 1300min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034652 Studio Hamburg Distribution & Road Rage Marketing(Straßenfeger-Edition) A Friday Night Date Ninja - The Battalion 19.03.2010 Casper Van Dien, Danielle Brett, Joseph Ninja: The Battalion 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034744 Griffin, Catherine Oxenberg, Chuck Byrn, Alexander Lou, Sam Huxley, Roger Anthone Tullo, James Millington - Dir. Crawford - Dir. Victor Sears Rosamunde Pilcher Collection X - Sidney J. Furie Eastern/Action 1987 DD 2.0 (D) 86min. Sehnsucht nach Liebe (6 DVDs) Trailer, Wendecover Action/Thriller 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) KNM Home Entertainment(Madison Film) Eine Liebe im Herbst / Entscheidung des DD 2.0 (E) 93min. 18.03.2010 Herzens / Herzenssehnsucht / Liebe ge- epiX Media AG 16.04.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20034721 gen den Rest der Welt / Wiedersehen in 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034749 Rose Abbey / Lass es Liebe sein Nord Interviews Robotworld (FSK 18)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 16 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

The Outsider Haden, Frank Ferguson, Walter Baldwin - Smirnow, Alexandr Schatow, Igor Dmitrijew Xavier Declie, Stacey Williams, Gabriel Dell Dir. Norman Foster - Dir. Sergej Gerassimow jr., Bridget Flanery, Jerry Doyle, Lindsey Bildergalerie, Trailer, Deleted Scenes Drama 1955-1958 (D) (Russ) 330min. Lee Ginter, David Leisure, Julia Dahl, Bob Western 1948 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) ZYX Music(Diamant) 19.03.2010 Koherr, Glenn Takakjian, Gail Harris, Jodie 79min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034720 Fisher - Dir. David Bishop Intergroove(Voulez Vous Film) 26.02.2010 Trailer, Wendecover 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034678 Subspecies Science Fiction/Action 1997 Ltbx 16x9 DD Subspecies 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 87min. - Smallville - Die kom- Angus Scrimm, Michael Watson, Laura epiX Media AG 16.04.2010 plette 8. Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Tate, Anders Hove, Michelle McBride, Irina 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034746 Smallville Movila, Mara Grigore, Adrian Vâlcu - Dir. Tom Welling, , Erica Durance, Ted Nicolaou Der Rote Punkt John Schneider, Allison Mack, Michael Horror 1990 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Yuki Inomata, Hans Kremer, Orlando Klaus, Rosenbaum, John Glover, Annette O’Toole, (E) 85min. Imke Büchel, Zora Thiessen, Toshihiro Cassidy Freeman, Aaron Ashmore, Sam Intergroove(Voulez Vous Film) 12.03.2010 Yashiba, Mikiko Otonashi, Shinya Owada, Witwer, Justin Hartley, Charlotte Sullivan - 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034649 Yuichi Saito, Toru Minegishi, Nahoko Fort - Dir. David Nutter, James Marshall, Greg Dir. Marie Miyayama Beeman, Terrence O’Hara, Jeannot This is Love Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Szwarc, Michael Rohl Corinna Harfouch, Jens Albinus, Lisa (Jap) 78min. Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2001-2009 min. Nguyen, Jürgen Vogel, Devid Striesow, AV Visionen(Movienet) 30.04.2010 Warner Home Video Germany 21.05.2010 Ernst Stötzner, Valerie Koch, Tatja Seibt, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034761 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034681 Jesper Christensen - Dir. Matthias Glasner Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Trailer, Die Schuld des Dr. Homma Smallville - Smallville - Die kom- Bildergalerie, Wendecover Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 107min. Werner Hinz, Ilse Steppat, Albrecht plette 8. Staffel (6 DVDs) Schoenhals, Viktoria von Ballasko, Liane Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Smallville Croon - Dir. Paul Verhoeven 20.05.2010 Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Erica Durance, Drama 1951 FF DD 1.0 (D) min. tba BestellNr.: 20034768 John Schneider, Allison Mack, Michael MORE Brands and Products(feinArt) Rosenbaum, John Glover, Annette O’Toole, 26.02.2010 This is Love (Special Edition) Cassidy Freeman, Aaron Ashmore, Sam 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034732 (Blu-ray) Witwer, Justin Hartley, Charlotte Sullivan - Corinna Harfouch, Jens Albinus, Lisa Dir. David Nutter, James Marshall, Greg Serpico (Blu-ray) Nguyen, Jürgen Vogel, Devid Striesow, Beeman, Terrence O’Hara, Jeannot Serpico Ernst Stötzner, Valerie Koch, Tatja Seibt, Szwarc, Michael Rohl Al Pacino, Tony Roberts, John Randolph, Jesper Christensen - Dir. Matthias Glasner Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2001-2009 min. Jack Kehoe, Biff McGuire, Allan Rich - Dir. Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Trailer, Warner Home Video Germany 21.05.2010 Sidney Lumet Making of, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Audiokommentar, Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034645 Drama 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) Thriller/Action 1973 Ltbx (D) (E) (F) (Sp) 111min. 130min. Bud Spencer & Terence Hill (5 Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Kinowelt Home Entertainment 06.05.2010 DVDs) 20.05.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20034772 Freibeuter der Meere / Karthago in Flam- tba BestellNr.: 20034778 men / Der Sizilianer / Hügel der blutigen Sidekicks Stiefel / Die letzte Rechnung zahlst du Time Travelers Sidekicks selbst u.a. Retrograde Chuck Norris, Beau Bridges, Jonathan Bud Spencer, Terence Hill Dolph Lundgren, Silvia De Santis, Joe Mon- Brandis, Julia Nickson-Soul, Mako, Richard Wendecover tana, Gary Daniels, Joey Sagal, Ken Samu- Moll - Dir. Aaron Norris Komödie/Action 1970-1985 1240min. els, David Jean Thomas, Marco Lorenzini, Trailer KSM 06.04.2010 Scott Joseph, James Chalke, Nicolas de Action 1992 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034686 Pruyssenaere, Jamie Treacher - Dir. Chri- 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) min. stopher Kulikowski Intergroove(Voulez Vous Film) 26.03.2010 Starhunter - Season 1.2 (2 Discs) Action/Science Fiction 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034783 Starhunter 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 85min. Michael Paré, Claudette Roche, Tanya Allen Intergroove(Starlight Film) 26.02.2010 Sir Francis Drake, Vol 1 (2 DVDs) - Dir. Patrick Malakian, George Mendeluk 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034662 Sir Francis Drake Trailer Terence Morgan, Jean Kent, Michael Science Fiction 2000-2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD Todeskommando Russland 3 Crawford, Milton Reid, Howard Lang 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 517min. Nesluzhebnoe Zadanie Abenteuer 1961 FF DD 1.0 (D) 150min. epiX Media AG 30.04.2010 Pawel Majkow, Michael Prismotrow, Kirill KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034677 Pletnew, Ivan Mohovikov, Sergei Grekov, 18.03.2010 Alexej Ilyn, Vasily Slusarenko - Dir. Vitaly 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034709 Stepfather 3 - Vatertag (k.J.) Vorobjev Stepfather 3 Action/Kriegsfilm 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Sir Francis Drake, Vol 2 (2 DVDs) Robert Wightman, Priscilla Barnes, Season 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Russ) 90min. Sir Francis Drake Hubley, David Tom, John Ingle - Dir. Guy KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Terence Morgan, Jean Kent, Michael Magar 18.03.2010 Crawford, Milton Reid, Howard Lang Horror/Thriller 1992 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034711 Abenteuer 1961 FF DD 1.0 (D) 172min. DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) min. KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Intergroove(Starlight Film) 26.03.2010 Tomahawk - Aufstand der Sioux 18.03.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034651 Tomahawk 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034710 Van Heflin, Yvonne De Carlo, Alex Nicol, Der stille Don Preston Foster, Jack Oakie, Tom Tully, John Sklavin der Wildnis Tichij Don War Eagle, Rock Hudson - Dir. George Rachel And The Stranger Pjotr Glebow, Sinaida Kirijenko, Jelena Sherman Loretta Young, William Holden, Robert Bystrizkaja, Alexander Blagowestow, Daniil Western 1951 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Mitchum, Tom Tully, Gary Gray, Sara Ilitschenko, Anastassia Filipowa, Nikolai min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

KSM(NewKSM) 06.04.2010 Keith Berkeley, Lena Endre, John Force, (E) 120min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034679 Kjell Bergqvist, Joana Berglund, Jonas Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.04.2010 Olsson, Johannes Brost - Dir. Joakim 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034706 Trapez Ersgård Trapeze Horror 1988 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Die Wildgänse kommen (Special Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Gina (E) 90min. Edition, 2 Discs, Digital Lollobrigida, Katy Jurado, Thomas Gomez, Intergroove(Starlight Film) 12.03.2010 Remastered) (Blu-ray) Johnny Puleo - Dir. Sir Carol Reed 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034659 Wild Geese Drama 1956 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Richard Burton, Sir Roger Moore, Richard 105min. Warrior Box (2 DVDs) Harris, Hardy Krüger, Stewart Granger, KSM(NewKSM) 06.04.2010 Action/Kriegsfilm 184min. Jack Watson, Winston Ntshona, John Kani, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034675 KNM Home Entertainment 18.03.2010 Frank Finlay - Dir. Andrew v. McLaglen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034723 Der Vagabund und das Kind Kriegsfilm 1978 Ltbx 125min. Was Liebe heißt - Sa raison Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.04.2010 (OmU) (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034702 The Kid d’être (OmU) Sir Charles Chaplin, Jackie Coogan, Edna Sa Raison D’être Die Wildgänse kommen (Special Purviance, Carl Miller, Tom Wilson, Chuck Nicolas Gob, Michael Cohen, Clémentine Edition, 2 DVDs, Digital Riesner, Albert Austin - Dir. Sir Charles Célarié, Nozha Khouadra, Bérénice Bejo, Chaplin Valérie Donzelli, Valérie Mairesse, Sophie Remastered) Dokumentation, Entfallene Szenen, Intro, Bildergalerie, Quinton - Dir. Renaud Bertrand Wild Geese Trailer, Wendecover Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (F) 200min. Richard Burton, Sir Roger Moore, Richard Komödie 1920 FF DTS-HD 1.0 (E) 53min. Salzgeber & Co. Medien 30.03.2010 Harris, Hardy Krüger, Stewart Granger, Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034674 Jack Watson, Winston Ntshona, John Kani, 06.05.2010 Frank Finlay - Dir. Andrew v. McLaglen tba BestellNr.: 20034780 - Arthaus Close-Up Kriegsfilm 1978 Ltbx 16x9 125min. (3 DVDs) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.04.2010 Vaterland - 3 Filme, 1 Fragment, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034693 7 Töne Citizen Kane (Restaurierte Fassung) / Der dritte Mann / Macbeth Heiner Müller, Alexander Weigel, Michael The Witcher Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Agnes Gwisdek, Dieter Montag, Hermann Beyer, Wiedzmin Moorehead, Harry Shannon, Ruth Warrick, Thomas Neumann, Peter Dommisch, Horst Michal Zebrowski, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Dorothy Comingore, Everett Sloane, Erskine Hiemer, Jan Josef Liefers - Dir. Thomas Maciej Kozlowski, Grazyna Wolszczak, Sanford, Buddy Swan, Sonny Bupp, Ray Heise Anna Dymna, Andrzej Chyra, Marek Collins, William Alland, Paul Stewart, Sieben Töne Walczewski, Agata Buzek - Dir. Marek George Coulouris, Fortunio Bonanova, Gus Drama 1987-2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) 220min. Brodzki Filmgalerie 451 26.03.2010 Schilling, Philip Van Zandt, Gregoria Trailer, Biografien, Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034740 Backus, Alida Valli, Trevor Howard, Ernst Fantasy/Abenteuer 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Deutsch, Erich Ponto, Siegfried Breuer, (D) DD 2.0 (Poln) 128min. Die vierte Art Paul Hörbiger, Hedwig Bleibtreu, Bernard KSM(NewKSM) 06.04.2010 The Fourth Kind Lee, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Jeanette Nolan, tba BestellNr.: 20034654 Milla Jovovich, Elias Koteas, Will Patton, Dan O’Herlihy, Edgar Barrier, Roddy Hakeem Kae-Kazim, Corey Johnson, Enzo McDowall, Alan Napier, John Dierkes, Der Zirkus (OmU) Cilenti, Daphne Alexander, Alisha Seaton - Keene Curtis - Dir. Orson Welles, Sir Carol The Circus Dir. Olatunde Osunsanmi Reed Sir Charles Chaplin, Merna Kennedy, Allan Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Dokumente, Bildergalerie, Featurettes, Kurzfilm, Audiokommentar, Biografien, Produktionsnotizen, Alternativer Garcia, Henry Bergman, Harry Crocker, Thriller/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Anfang, Hörfilmfassung für Blinde (Der dritte Mann), Trailer Stanley Sanford, John Rand, Steve Murphy 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 94min. Drama 1941-1949 300min. - Dir. Sir Charles Chaplin Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.04.2010 Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Dokumentation, Entfallene Szene, Intro, Featurette, Bilderga- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034696 06.05.2010 lerie, Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 1927 FF DD 1.0 (E) 69min. tba BestellNr.: 20034764 Die vierte Art (Blu-ray) Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) The Fourth Kind Werwolf - Kuss der Bestie (k.J.) 06.05.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20034784 Milla Jovovich, Elias Koteas, Will Patton, Meridian - Kiss Of The Beast Hakeem Kae-Kazim, Corey Johnson, Enzo Sherilyn Fenn, Malcolm Jamieson, Hilary Cilenti, Daphne Alexander, Alisha Seaton - Mason, Phil Fondacaro, Vernon Dobicheff, Dir. Olatunde Osunsanmi Alex Daniels - Dir. Charles Band Special Interest Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Trailer, Making of Thriller/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD Horror 1990 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 98min. 83min. Achterbahn Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Circle Intergroove(Voulez Vous Film) 12.03.2010 Dir. Peter Dörfler Three) 15.04.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034650 Interview 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034703 Dokumentarfilm 2009 DD 2.0 (D) 89min. Western Edition, Vol. 1 AV Visionen(Eye See Movies) 30.04.2010 Vineta Die Unbesiegten / Gefährliches Blut / Die 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034760 Peter Lohmeyer, Ulrich Matthes, Susanne scharlachroten Reiter Wolff, Justus von Dohnanyi, Matthias Western DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) min. Das geheime Leben der Meister- Brandt, Helmut Krauss, Herbert Fux, KSM(NewKSM) 06.04.2010 werke (7 DVDs) Kristina Karst, Sascha Göpel - Dir. Franzis- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034680 Private Life Of A Masterpiece ka Stünkel Dir. Michael Burke, Lucie Donahue, Mick Drama 2006 93min. Wildgänse 2 Gold, Judith Winnan Renaissance Medien 12.03.2010 Wild Geese II Dokumentation/Kunst 2003 FF DD 2.0 (D) tba BestellNr.: 20034648 Scott Glenn, Barbara Carrera, Edward Fox, DD 2.0 (E) 1070min. Sir Laurence Olivier, Robert Webber, Ro- Kinowelt Home Entertainment(BBC) Visitors bert Freitag - Dir. Peter R. Hunt 26.03.2010 The Visitors Action 1985 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 65,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034690

LASER HOTLINE Seite 18 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 19 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Dragon Ball Z purists, this set isn’t an addition to your more confident Sasahara. Things have changed in between archive - it is your archive. Your wish is finally granted. The semesters (for all the details, check out the bonus Genshiken Animation Dragon Box is here. OVAs included on the Kujibiki Unbalance TV series), and the International TV, Japanese, Martial Arts otaku club now has a new otaku-hating member named Ogiue. 1000min. Sasahara’s initial goal of starting a dojin circle and selling Ah My Buddha: Complete those fan-made magazines at the next Comic Festival becomes Funimation 04.05.2010 a reality, but reality is a cruel master. Who apparently Collection 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092151 crossplays. Afterward, the club is abuzz with talk about Ikkou is your everyday teenage boy with everyday teenage Tanaka and Ohno’s relationship, which takes a hesitant step desires. Too bad he’s training to be a priest in a Buddhist forward. temple full of incredibly gorgeous and obviously available Dragon Ball: Season Four Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Japanese, priestesses. The temple is usually called on to perform Goku’s headed for a showdown with a sinister green fiend! A Prebooks 2009 300min. exorcisms, and Ikkou’s inner power is on hand for whenever new breed of evil - more powerful than anything ever things get out of control. A little flash of skin (usually a lot) experienced - is taking the world’s greatest martial artists Media Blasters 16.03.2010 from his female colleagues is enough to supercharge him, but down for the count. Goku is quick to join the fight, but he’s 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092038 the aftermath involves dealing with an extra turned-on priest about to meet his match in the form of King Piccolo. This whose loins were blazing to begin with. It’s enough to make menacing monster has the power to pulverize the planet, and anyone cry out for Buddha to save them. his murderous rampage will not stop until he controls the Gintama: Collection 1 Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Japanese, power of the seven magic Dragon Balls. When Krillin is the Life isn’t easy in feudal Japan - especially since the aliens first hero cut down by the monster’s minion, the stage is set landed and conquered everything! Oh sure, the new health Prebooks, Sexy Comedies 2005 650min. for a brutal grudge match between Goku and Piccolo. Earth’s care is great, but the public ban on the use of swords has left Media Blasters 06.04.2010 greatest champion vows to avenge the loss of his best friend, a lot of defeated samurai with a difficult career choice! This is 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092052 but first, he must journey to Korin Tower on a quest for the especially true if they’re not particularly inclined towards Ultra Divine Water: a magical elixir that could give him the holding a day job, which is why Gintoki Sakata’s opted for the strength to save humanity - or send him straight to the grave! freelance route, taking any job that’s offered to him as long as Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Volume Japanese, Martial Arts 1986 745min. the money’s right. Unfortunately, in a brave new world filled with stray bug-eyed montsters, upwardly mobile Yakuza and 7 Funimation 04.05.2010 overly ambitious E.T. entrepreneurs, those jobs usually don’t Adult Swim, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dark 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092150 pay as well as they should for the pain, suffering and Comedy, Prebooks 2009 143min. indignities endured! Thrillers, Adventure, Anime, Drama, Warner Bros. 15.06.2010 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092041 - Part 1 Japanese, Prebooks, Science Fiction Edward and Alphonse Elric’s reckless disregard for 325min. Curious George Goes To A alchemy’s fundamental laws ripped half of Ed’s limbs from his body and left Al’s soul clinging to a cold suit of armor. To Section23 Films 27.04.2010 Birthday Party restore what was lost, the brothers scour a wartorn land for 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092011 the Philosopher’s Stone, a fabled relic which grants the Prebooks, Animated Animals 108min. ability to perform alchemy in impossible ways. The Elrics are Universal Studios 18.05.2010 not alone in their search; the corrupt State Military is eager Hidamari Sketch X365: Complete 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092059 to harness the artifact’s power. So too are the strange Homunculi and their shadowy creator. The mythical gem lures Collection exotic alchemists from distant kingdoms, scarring some deeply You didn’t think Yuno’s story was over, did you? Of course it Dragon Ball Z Kai: Part 1 enough to inspire murder. As the Elrics find their course isn’t, but if you’ve seen the first series of Hidamari Sketch, For the first time in history, experience the legendary Z as the altered by these enemies and allies, their purpose remains you should know not to expect the „A happens after B after C“ master intended: bigger, faster, stronger, and packed with the unchanged - and their bond unbreakable. pattern of the rest of the world. In fact, instead of just taking pulverizing power to blow your puny minds! Beef up your Drama, Japanese, Science Fiction 320min. place after Yuno’s first year at Yamabuki High, X365 collection with this manga-centric, fresh take on Akira Funimation 25.05.2010 continues the saga on both sides, around and in-between, Toriyama’s original vision, featuring more action than you can filling in the details in an ever-expanding collage that’s both handle; revitalized animation; and an amped-up audio 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092166 avant-garde and slice of life! And if the format’s not experience that will make your ears beg for mercy! The last completely unexpected, we guarantee that some of the things descendants of an evil race of warriors known as the Saiyans Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood that you never knew about before WILL be! are on a collision course with Earth, and Goku - the strongest Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Inter- fighter on the planet - is all that stands between humanity and - Part 1 (Blu-ray) national TV, Japanese, Prebooks 400min. extinction. To save his friends and the world he loves, Goku Edward and Alphonse Elric’s reckless disregard for Section23 Films 06.04.2010 must travel to a realm from which few return, but should he alchemy’s fundamental laws ripped half of Ed’s limbs from his survive, he’ll discover the power to face the villainous Saiyan body and left Al’s soul clinging to a cold suit of armor. To 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092007 warlord - Prince Vegeta. restore what was lost, the brothers scour a wartorn land for Japanese, Martial Arts, Adventure 325min. the Philosopher’s Stone, a fabled relic which grants the Huntik: Volume 4 Funimation 18.05.2010 ability to perform alchemy in impossible ways. The Elrics are not alone in their search; the corrupt State Military is eager On the trail of Lok’s father, the Huntik Team retrieves the 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092165 to harness the artifact’s power. So too are the strange Ancient Amulet of Will from Atlantis and the Legendary Titan Homunculi and their shadowy creator. The mythical gem lures Tao from King Solomon’s Tomb. However, disaster strikes Dragon Ball Z Kai: Part 1 (Blu- exotic alchemists from distant kingdoms, scarring some deeply when Rassimov calls in a secret weapon, his personal enough to inspire murder. As the Elrics find their course assassin team of Shauna and Wind. As Zhalia spearheads a ray) altered by these enemies and allies, their purpose remains mission to discover the truth behind the founding of the unchanged - and their bond unbreakable. Organization and Lok’s Father, the Professor initiates his For the first time in history, experience the legendary Z as the greatest deception yet. Leveraging Dante’s feelings for Metz, master intended: bigger, faster, stronger, and packed with the Drama, Japanese, Science Fiction 320min. he prepares to manipulate the unflappable Huntik team leader pulverizing power to blow your puny minds! Beef up your Funimation 25.05.2010 himself! But without Dante, only Lok will be able to lead the collection with this manga-centric, fresh take on Akira final mission: stop the Professor and defeat the Organization! Toriyama’s original vision, featuring more action than you can 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092178 handle; revitalized animation; and an amped-up audio Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, experience that will make your ears beg for mercy! The last GaoGaiGar: Season Two - Lite Prebooks, Adventure 160min. descendants of an evil race of warriors known as the Saiyans Media Blasters 23.03.2010 are on a collision course with Earth, and Goku - the strongest Box 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092040 fighter on the planet - is all that stands between humanity and Gai, Galeon, Volfogg, ChoRyuJin, Goldymarg, Mic Sounders extinction. To save his friends and the world he loves, Goku and Mamoru. These are brave heroes who hold fate of must travel to a realm from which few return, but should he humanity in their hands! The Four Machine Kings finally take Initial D: Fourth Stage - Part 1 survive, he’ll discover the power to face the villainous Saiyan the fight to GGG personally while all of Tokyo is turned into warlord - Prince Vegeta. Nobody drives like Takumi; his instincts, confidence, and an enormous Zonder metal plant. Before every person in the downhill expertise make him seem unbeatable. Now that he’s Adventure, Japanese, Martial Arts 325min. city is Zonderized, the brave robots must fight with everything joined the Project D racing crew, his reputation precedes him Funimation 18.05.2010 they have, revealing Mic Sounder’s true purpose, sacrificing as the team travels the region, facing the competition on its 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092177 one of their own, and even activating the ultimate weapon, own turf. Every challenger brings a unique style and each Bullet X, which supercharges the G-Stones with the side course holds its own dangers, but no matter the obstacle in effect of burning them out permanently! But they have to hold Takumi’s headlights, he’ll do whatever it takes to put it in the Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Three out against the original cause of the Zonders, Gai’s space rearview mirror. accident and the death of Mikoto’s parents... Japanese, Racing 280min. Originally produced in limited quantities in Japan, the Anime, Giant Robots, Adventure, Prebooks, incredibly rare Dragon Box has long been the ultimate prize Funimation 11.05.2010 Robots / Androids, Science Fiction 1998 for avid Dragon Ball Z collectors. Now this coveted collection 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092154 has been reproduced for the first time in the United States, 600min. delivering the authentic original Dragon Ball Z experience to Media Blasters 16.03.2010 hardcore fans. The battle to harness the power of the seven Initial D: Third Stage - The Movie Dragon Balls explodes in vivid detail like never before. The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092037 Dragon Box features over 40 uncut episodes, remastered and Anyone can drive fast. Only one driver can be the fastest. It restored frame by frame, rendering the legendary action in takes nerve, skill, and the right car - and Takumi’s got all pristine clarity. Each episode is presented in Japanese with Genshiken 2: Premium Box three. His rep as a dominating downhill racer is growing, but the complete opening and closing credits and includes the The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture, when he’s invited to drive for an all-star team that could original episode previews. Truly the essential edition for otherwise known as Genshiken, is now under the charge of a change the face of local racing, Takumi’s got to beat his

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 20 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) stiffest competition before he’ll join their ranks - himself. across strangely familiar personalities from a long-forgotten guests - With 13 outrageous uncensored episodes the Japanese, Racing 100min. era in their search for Hikaru’s missing brother. As past and possibilities are endless! Wanna play a game of hide and present collide, the enigmatic, black-coated man known as drink? Falling off the wagon is always better with company! Funimation 11.05.2010 Mansairaku may once again tip the scales of destiny. Shin Chan: Get yours or die!?! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092155 Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Prebooks, Sa- International TV, Japanese, Adult Swim murai, Action 2005 650min. 625min. Kenichi: Season 2 - Part Two Media Blasters 30.03.2010 Funimation 11.05.2010 Kenichi’s a lot tougher than he used to be - living in a dojo 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092043 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092157 with six martial arts masters will do that to you. But thanks to his reputation as a skilled fighter, the guy’s got more problems than ever. The goons in Ragnarok are gunning for him in a big Phoenix LiteBox Shin Chan: The Complete Second way, especially the gang’s leaders: the Eight Fists, a Throughout time, mankind has chased after the dream of Season dangerously unpredictable crew known to play dirty. Luckily, immortality. The Phoenix, in the form of a bird of fire, is said to Kenichi’s got allies like Miu by his side. She’s as tough as hold the key to eternal life. Great warriors, greedy Shin Chan is back and banging large. You feelin’ me, vato? she is hot, and even if he still hasn’t scored with the blonde princesses, ambitious scientists and ordinary people desire Sin and his crew throw down against outer space speed brawler, her very presence makes Kenichi train harder to be its power. Great wars are fought in a vain attempt to possess freaks, and the meth lab ain’t the only thing blowing up. Shin the best. Yeah, he’s come a long way - but Kenichi’s fight to it and, as a result, civilizations rise and fall. Phoenix is a gets in Mitzi’s pants after some body swapping, and Whitey be the mightiest disciple isn’t over yet. collection of five stories from the past, present and future. does it the only way he knows how - doggy style. When International TV, Japanese, Martial Arts Many will perish because of their desires, and they are the mom’s eyes start buggin’ after Shin brings home a vibrating lucky ones. True pain comes for those who find immortality bastard shaft, it’s enough to make a kid drink. And the whole 2006 280min. gang’s leaning like a cholo after scoring some primo Happy Funimation 25.05.2010 and experience the burden of living forever. Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Pills. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092167 International TV, Japanese, Adult Swim Japanese, Magic, Prebooks 2004 325min. 625min. Media Blasters 16.03.2010 Funimation 11.05.2010 Kenichi: Season One 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092035 Yeah, Kenichi’s a total wimp. He’s always getting picked on 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092158 and doesn’t have a lot of friends to stick up for him. The guy needs motivation if he hopes to graduate in one piece. Well, Le Portrait De Petite Cossette Sukisho: LiteBox Miu’s the perfect motivation. She’s hot, she accepts him, and What happens when the face you see in a reflection isn’t your she just so happens to live at a dojo with six martial arts own? That’s the shock that awaits Eiri Kurahashi when he Sora fell from the roof of his high school and was knocked masters. You could say fate has led Kenichi to their door, or sees the living image of Cossette d’Auvergne in a glass in his unconscious. When he finally awoke, he found a kind-hearted you could say he was just following the hottie. Either way, uncle’s antique shop. Infatuated, he becomes possessed and boy named Sunao waiting over him. Sunao claims to be his he’s about to get whipped into serious shape. If he can mysteriously makes contact with the beautiful young best friend, but the fall erased some of Sora’s memory. He survive some hard-core training, he might survive another day aristocrat, only to learn that she was murdered 250 years doesn’t remember Sunao at all, the wide-eyed young man acts at school. He might even score with Miu. Yeah, you could call earlier. Now, her soul trapped inside the goblet, she can only like much more than just a friend. From that day on, Sora Kenichi a wimp. But let’s go with underdog instead. be set free if someone is willing to pay for the sins of her begins to experience flashbacks in which he is not himself, International TV, Japanese, Martial Arts murderer, the artist Marcelo - who may very well have been but a mysterious alternate personality with hidden powers. He 2006 600min. reincarnated as Eiri! As shadowy forces surround Eiri, his begins to search for the secret of his lost memory and the love for Cossette drives him down a tortuous path of self- flashbacks, but will Sunao be his companion, or his enemy? Funimation 25.05.2010 destruction, while those who love him in the real world can Anime, Boxed Sets, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092168 only watch in horror! Interest, Japanese, Mystery, Prebooks, Thrillers, Anime, Drama, Foreign, Horror, Romance 2005 325min. Living For The Day After International TV, Japanese, Prebooks Media Blasters 06.04.2010 Tomorrow: Complete Collection 120min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092044 There are far worse things than having to deal with your ex- Section23 Films 20.04.2010 boyfriend’s little sister or your older brother’s ex-girlfriend. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092010 Tekkaman Blade: Complete But that’s something Karada Iokawa and Shoko Nogami have to learn the hard way when a magic wishing stone Queen’s Blade Wandering Collection inexplicably grants Karada’s wish to be older. And does it by It is the near future, United Space Calendar Year 192. The stealing the years from Shoko! Now Shoko, who’s already Warrior: A Single Step evil alien Radam has besieged the Earth, gaining control of graduated and studied overseas, is Karada’s age, just about In a land where a queen is chosen every few years solely by the enormous Orbital Ring that surrounds the planet, and to enter junior high school. Meanwhile Karada must suddenly raining down mysterious spores that fill Earth with alien face the real facts about what being grown up entails. And winning a tournament, there can be no short supply of formida- ble opponents. For one woman warrior however, an early plants. Aki and Noal, two pilots from the Outer Space just to make a bizarre situation even more awkward, there’s Development Group, find one of the alien lieutenants who the issue of how to handle their existing romantic interests! defeat clearly shows her that she is lacking in experience though she may be bountiful in body. Fortunately, while defeat crash-landed on Earth. The stranger claims to have no Adventure, Anime, Drama, Fantasy, could spell one’s doom, her life is saved by a powerful memory, and is determined to fight to protect humanity! His Foreign, International TV, Japanese, stranger. But unfortunately for this savior, less-than-pure name is D-Boy, and he appears to be a normal human, until he Prebooks 300min. motives and shrewd family members mean her reward is a transforms into the bio-mechanical warrior, Tekkaman Blade! Anime, Foreign, Giant Robots, Japanese, Section23 Films 13.04.2010 prison cell. Her release is prompt when the unseasoned warrior she saved, tired of her current lifestyle of nobility, Prebooks, Robots / Androids, Science 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092008 sets off to prove herself. Fiction 1992 1250min. Action, Anime, Based On Video Game, Media Blasters 06.04.2010 Foreign, Japanese, Prebooks 2008 100min. One Piece: Season Two - 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092053 Seventh Voyage Media Blasters 30.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092042 Fresh off their adventure in Alabasta, the Straw Hats wash up Tom And Jerry: The Movie on an island inhabited by a penny-pinching money lender who lives amongst the livestock. This greedy old goat longs for the Rozen Maiden: Complete Series Tom And Jerry return in a magical, music-filled extravaganza! life of a pirate, but his boat doesn’t float and his tuckered out The celebrated cat-and-mouse team meet Robyn Starling, a ticker won’t hold out long enough for him to hoist the Jolly Box Set runaway who desperately needs their help to find her missing Roger. Nevertheless, Dr. Chopper and the gang do their best father. Despite heroic efforts, Tom And Jerry are captured by Jun struggles to find meaning in his life, as he adapts to his Robyn’s nasty Aunt Figg and her lawyer Lickboot, then tossed to make the old man’s dream come true, and he returns the new reality among a collection of living dolls. This is the favor by leading a goat-brigade raid on a marine fleet in hot into pet prison by the villainous Dr. Applecheeks. Tom And story of a young boy who locked himself away from his Jerry brilliantly mastermind a great escape and free their new pursuit of the Going Merry. This barnyard diversion creates classmates, finding security in solitude. This is the tale of an an opening for the Straw Hats to sail out of trouble - and friends, Puggsy and Frankie Da Flea. Together with Robyn, exquisite doll, her only wish to one day become a normal they set off on a wild cat-and-mouse escapade, full of thrills straight into the mysterious and deadly Rainbow Mist! human girl. The mortality she covets will be her reward if the Japanese, Pirates, Adventure 2008 320min. and adventure like you’ve never seen boy and the doll can create a trust between them. Real life Children’s, Family, Animated Animals 1992 Funimation 11.05.2010 will begin for each if they survive the perilous Alice Game. min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092156 Drama, International TV, Japanese 2005 600min. Warner Bros. 23.03.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092160 Otogi Zoshi: Collection Of Ages Funimation 04.05.2010 At the peak of the Heian Era, famine and disease tear the 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092152 country apart. The legendary samurai Minamoto is sent on an Tsubasa: Collected Memories imperial quest to restore the world, but even his skill with the Shin Chan: The Complete First (Blu-ray) bow cannot save him from illness. His young sister is forced to take his place, and her survival in the emperor’s court Season Tsubasa is the epic tale of noble Syaoran and his love, the princess Sakura. They are joined in a perilous quest by the depends on keeping her true identity hidden. She journeys Laugh to hide your tears... He’s rude. He’s crass. He’s afar with her companions to find the artifacts that will help gruff warrior Kurogane, and Fai, a carefree wizard. As they unbelievably obnoxious and he likes showing his @$$. He’s search for the feathery remnants of Sakura’s scattered accomplish her goal, only to be thrown into an epic turn of Shin, and he’s the star of this train wreck. From superhero events. Karma dictates that souls will be reincarnated to right memories, this band of four disparate souls finds they share a sell-outs, hotties and half tards to bunny abuse and dirty old single fate - a fate nudged by the elegant finger of the Dimen- the wrongs of history. Driven by a need to complete what was men, Sin Chan’s packed with sweet dead piggy goodness - So left unfinished, 17-year-old Hikaru is joined by the freelance sional Witch Yuko. By her design, faces from Tsubasa mingle sweet it would make an anorexic eat! Learn the fate of Whitey, briefly with the faces of xxxHOLiC in the space where writer Tsuna. They travel across modern Japan and stumble poke fun at Mitzi’s breasts or follow along on the Ench-Man’s

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 21 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010

LASER HOTLINE Seite 22 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) destinies cross. In Tsubasa: Collected Memories, truly powers out of the claws of mankind’s most fearsome enemy. Thrillers, Aerial Action, Disasters, Drama anything is possible. The monolith is called the Zohar, and the evil Gnosis will stop 90min. Adventure, International TV, Japanese at nothing to get it. Enter KOS-MOS, a robotic weapon as Asylum Home Entertainment 29.06.2010 2007 1280min. dangerous and misunderstood as she is beautiful. Designed to protect humankind, she may be its last hope... or the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092149 Funimation 04.05.2010 instrument of its downfall! The hit videogame series becomes 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092163 a spectacular sci-fi action event in Xenosaga: The Complete Collection! American Bandits Frank And Based On Video Game, Japanese, Robots / Tsubasa: Season Two (Blu-ray) Jesse James Androids, Science Fiction, Space 282min. After Jesse James is wounded by a bullet to the chest, Frank Adventure, International TV, Japanese Funimation 11.05.2010 splits the gang up and plans a rendezvous in four days time. 625min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092159 With the Marshalls in hot pursuit, and betrayal within the Funimation 04.05.2010 outlaw band, the stage is set for a blazing and climactic 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092162 shootout in the deserted town of Gila Wells. Prebooks, Western, Action, Adventure, Cowboy, Drama 2010 88min. Tsubasa: The Movie / XXX-HOLiC: Film E1 Entertainment 18.05.2010 The Movie (Clamp Double Fea- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092032 ture) (Blu-ray) 35 Shots Of Rum Tsubasa: The Movie. Our intrepid adventurers have once American Bandits Frank And again encountered a people oppressed, this time landing in a Prebooks, Art House, Drama, Foreign, virtual paradise trembling on the very edge of existence. A French 2008 min. Jesse James (Blu-ray) princess silenced, but not into submission. An evil king who Cinema Guild 20.04.2010 Peter Fonda, Jeffrey Combs, Tim Abell, seeks an end to light and happiness. Only the brave of heart will prevail, rescuing the kingdom from darkness eternal..... 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092000 George Stults, Anthony Tyler Quinn xxxHolic: The Movie. Yuko drags her pawns along, invited to After Jesse James is wounded by a bullet to the chest, Frank a mysterious auction at an intriguing mansion. There, The 7 Adventures Of Sinbad splits the gang up and plans a rendezvous in four days time. confronted by greed, vanity and pride, they will navigate With the Marshalls in hot pursuit, and betrayal within the through rooms and passages that twist like the souls of In this modern adaptation of the tale of the original Prince of outlaw band, the stage is set for a blazing and climactic holics, the mongers of material satisfaction. As the other Persia, Sinbad, a wealthy industrialist, must compete seven shootout in the deserted town of Gila Wells. guests disappear one by one, the puzzle must be pieced task in order to save the world from catastrophe. Cowboy, Drama, Action, Adventure, together before they become part of the collection, too. Adventure, Drama 90min. Prebooks, Western 2010 88min. Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Double Asylum Home Entertainment 25.05.2010 E1 Entertainment 18.05.2010 Features, Japanese 2005 100min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092148 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092049 Funimation 04.05.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092164 Absolute Power And Then Came Lola Clint Eastwood, Ed Harris, Laura Linney, In this time-bending, sexy, lesbian romp - with an irreverent Vandread: Ultimate Collection Judy Davis, Gene Hackman nod to the popular art-house classic „Run, Lola, Run“ a The battle of the sexes may seem bad on Earth, but in a space He was where he shouldn’t have been and saw what he talented, but distracted photographer, Lola, (Ashleigh Sumner) colony far, far away, things are even worse. Men and women shouldn’t have seen. Now, who will believe the word of a on the verge of success in both love and work, could lose it haven’t seen each other for decades, so they don’t just argue career thief and ex-con? Who will trust Luther Whitney when all if she doesn’t make it to a crucial meeting on time. But, as in the future - they go straight for each other’s throats. Enter he says he saw a woman killed - and that the man responsible usual, Lola is late. With her job and girlfriend Casey (Jill lowly Hibiki, a little guy with big dreams of adventure, who for her death is the President of the United States? Clint Bennett) on the line, she has three chances to make it right. In finds himself in the middle of a firefight after stowing away in Eastwood portrays Whitney and directs this crisp, finely a desperate race through the streets and backrooms of San a top secret mech designed to purge the galaxy of estrogen! acted thriller based on David Baldacci’s best-selling novel. A Francisco, time grows short - will Lola make it? But as the gender war rages on, a mysterious crystal weapon stellar cast which includes Gene Hackman and Ed Harris Prebooks, Romance, Comedy, Gay / forever links their starships - and their destinies. Time is creates well-rounded characters that intensify a constantly Lesbian Interest 71min. running out as men and women explore their sexual spiraling game of cat and mouse between Whitney, local differences, struggle to suppress raging hormones, and fight police and the highest levels of White House power. Wolfe Video 18.05.2010 to survive the threat of a deadly common foe! Eastwood is a master at steadily raising the stakes in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091989 Adventure, Giant Robots, International TV, thrillers. Here his mastery is absolute. Japanese, Robots / Androids 766min. Thrillers, Crime, Drama 1997 121min. Any Which Way You Can Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Funimation 04.05.2010 Clint Eastwood, William Smith, Harry 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092115 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092153 Guardino, Sondra Locke, Ruth Gordon, Geoffrey Lewis When They Cry: Complete Box Absolute Power (Blu-ray) They’re back. Philo Beddoe, the easygoing truck driver and Clint Eastwood, Ed Harris, Laura Linney, bare-knuckle brawler, and his 165-pound orangutan friend Set Clyde get into more mischief in this faster and funnier sequel Grisly Murders, Demonic Cults, Mysterious Judy Davis, Gene Hackman to Every Which Way But Loose. Clint Eastwood stars again Disappearances.... It’s tough to be the new guy in town, but He was where he shouldn’t have been and saw what he as Philo, now thinking he’ll „retire“ from fighting. But a new when Keiichi joins an after school club with four cute girls, he shouldn’t have seen. Now, who will believe the word of a contender lures him back- and mobsters kidnap Philo’s girl thinks he’s got it made. Then he learns about demonic cults, career thief and ex-con? Who will trust Luther Whitney when (Sondra Locke) to ensure he’ll turn up for the showdown. the failed dam construction project and the murders that he says he saw a woman killed - and that the man responsible Ruth Gordon as Ma, Geofrrey Lewis as Orville and those happen every year after the town festival. How many of his for her death is the President of the United States? Clint hapless motorcycle morons called the Black Widows all „friends“ from his club are involved- and what are their plans Eastwood portrays Whitney and directs this crisp, finely return in fine form. Songs by Glen Campbell, Jim Stafford and for him?! acted thriller based on David Baldacci’s best-selling novel. A Snuff Garrett make up a tuneful country score, including an Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, Japanese, stellar cast which includes Gene Hackman and Ed Harris Eastwood/Ray Charles duet on „Beers to You.“ As ever, creates well-rounded characters that intensify a constantly Clyde steals the show, particularly in a courtship scene with Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Prebooks 2007 spiraling game of cat and mouse between Whitney, local the lady orangutan of his dreams. Any Which Way You Can, min. police and the highest levels of White House power. and you’ll be entertained. Eastwood is a master at steadily raising the stakes in Funimation 13.04.2010 thrillers. Here his mastery is absolute. Action, Comedy 1980 116min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092055 Crime, Drama, Thrillers 1997 122min. Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092119 Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: Wubbzy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092139 Goes Green The A-Team: The Complete Environmental, Nickelodeon, Prebooks 2010 According To Jim: The Complete Series 58min. Second Season Robert Vaughn, George Peppard, Mr. T, Dirk Starz / Anchor Bay 06.04.2010 Jim Belushi, Larry Joe Campbell Benedict, Dwight Schultz, Lance Legault, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092015 ABC, Comedy, Family 2002 595min. Eddie Velez Lionsgate 04.05.2010 Action, Adventure, Boxed Sets, NBC, Xenosaga: The Animation - The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092077 Prebooks min. Complete Collection Universal Studios 08.06.2010 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092054 The Mega-Hit Video Game Comes To Life In An Explosive Airline Disaster Sci-Fi Adventure!. 4,000 years after abandoning the Earth, the When the President learns that the jet liner her brother is fate of humanity now hangs on the actions of a tiny few! Under piloting has been skyjacked by domestic terrorists, she must The Babysitters (Blu-ray) attack by a merciless enemy from another dimension, the crew choose between family and the safety of the people in the of the spaceship Woglinde must fight not only to save their cities below. Cynthia Nixon, Katherine Waterston, John own lives, but also keep a mysterious monolith with unknown Leguizamo, Lauren Birkell, Andy Comeau

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 23 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

When Shirley Lyner (Katherine Waterston) starts babysitting Billy Owens and The Secret Of fashioned theme,“ Eastwood says. „But if, as a film director, I for Gail and Michael Beltran (Cynthia Nixon, John ever wanted to say something, you’ll find it in Bronco Billy“. Lequizamo), her life becomes wilder than she could ever The Runes ABC-TV. imagine. Shirley and Michael begin a dangerous affair and Billy Owens is back for another enchanting adventure! Along Romance, Adventure, Western 1980 when he pays her a big tip to stay quiet, she takes her with his three fellow friends in magic, they come together to 117min. babysitting service to a whole other level. As more of help their teacher, Thurgood, when his soul becomes trapped Michael’s married buddies learn of his arrangement Shirley’s in an ancient amulet. Legend says that inserting the Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 calendar is soon filled with student-babysitters and more empowered amulet into a cursed scepter will unlock vast 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092117 married fathers than she and her friends can manage. Their powers and unworldly Viking treasures! Now, with the lives begin to unravel into a world of sex, money and greed, powers of magic, friendship and teamwork, our four young making getting into college the least of their problems. heroes must take on the evil wizard, Mr. Mould, to find away Carteles En Guerra Drama, Prebooks, Troubled Youth 2007 to release Thurgood before he is trapped in the amulet - Big trucks, Big dollars and girls, the life of the cartels, but not 90min. forever! everything last forever and it comes with a price; your own Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy 2008 life. The best package ever assembled with the best titles that Phase 4 Films 16.03.2010 features the „narco“ in all its splendor. But think twice if you 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092064 85min. think these stories have a happy end. The movies will always MTI Home Video 11.05.2010 be commercial for its features and sadly most of them are 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092105 based on real life that have died because of the drugs. Truly The Bandit Of Sherwood Forest amazing and nonstop action that will take your customers to a Cornel Wilde whole new level. Romance, Swashbucklers, Action, Bird Action, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 2009 Adventure, Classics, Historical / Period Forest Whitaker, Diane Venora 480min. Clint Eastwood brings a lifelong love of jazz to and won a Distrimax 13.04.2010 Piece 1946 97min. Best Director Golden Globe Award for this gripping story of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment pioneering jazzman Charlie „Yardbird“ Parker. Like a jazz riff, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092086 11.05.2010 past and future overlap as the movie explores Bird’s soaring skill and destructive excesses. In his Cannes Film Festival Catalina 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092089 Best Actor performance, future Academy Award Winner Forest Whitaker in the title role is a candle ablaze at both Science Fiction, Comedy min. Batman & Robin (Blu-ray) ends. Diane Venora shares that glorious light, the New York Celebrity Video Distribution 06.04.2010 Film Critics’ Best Supporting Actress choice as steadfast Vivica A. Fox, Uma Thurman, Pat Hingle, wife Chan Parker. Blending Parker solo recordings with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092072 Alicia Silverstone, Elle Macpherson, modern musicians, Bird soars on its soundtrack, winner of a Best Sound Academy Award. In Eastwood’s hands, Bird truly Celestial Films: Hong Kong George Clooney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, stunningly lives. Michael Gough, John Glover Music, Substance Abuse, Biography, Godfather Chills and thrills: Will Gotham City be put on ice? George Clooney is Batman as the Dark Knight battle his greatest Biopics, Drama, Jazz 1988 min. Ninjas, Prebooks, Action, Foreign, Martial threat yet: Cold-hearted Mr. Freeze (Arnold Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Arts, Mixed Martial Arts min. Schwarzenegger) and venomous Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman). 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092120 Funimation 27.04.2010 Batman has more than Gotham City to protect: The youthful eagerness of crimefighting comrades Robin (Chris O’Donnell) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092057 and Batgirl (Alicia Silverstone) puts them frequently in harm’s Blood Work way. New very special effects include a wild sky-surfing Celestial Films: Opium And The sequence and Freeze’s outrageous ice-blasting arsenal. It’s Clint Eastwood, Anjelica Huston, Paul state-of-the-art excitement from our Batman family to yours! Rodriguez, Tina Lifford, Wanda de Jesus, Kung-Fu Master Prebooks, Superheroes, Action, Based On Jeff Daniels, Dylan Walsh Ninjas, Prebooks, Action, Foreign, Martial Comic Book 1997 min. FBI profiler Terry McCaleb almost always gets to the heart of a case. This time, that heart beats inside him. He’s a cardiac Arts, Mixed Martial Arts min. Warner Bros. 04.05.2010 patient who received a murder victim’s heart. And the donor’s Funimation 27.04.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091999 sister asks him to make good on his second chance by finding 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092056 the killer. That’s just the first of many twists in a smart, gritty suspense thriller that’s „vintage Eastwood: swift, surprising Batman (Blu-ray) and very, very exciting“ (Jim Svedja, KNX/CBS Radio). Clint Jackie Chan & The Kung Fu Kids Kim Basinger, Jack Nicholson, Michael Eastwood produces, directs and stars in this edgy acclaimed 10 Film Set Keaton, Jack Palance, Pat Hingle, Billy Dee mystery based on Michael Connelly’s novel and scripted by Brian Helgeland (L.A. Confidential). With a superb cast Adventure, Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts Williams, Jerry Hall, Michael Gough, Robert brought to a hard boil playing characters to quicken your 750min. Wuhl, Tracey Walter, William Hootkins pulse and hold you spellbound, Blood Work works After a young boy witnesses his parents’ murder on the exceptionally well. Video Asia 08.06.2010 streets of Gotham City, he grows up to become the Batman, a Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers, Crime, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092145 mysterious figure in the eyes of Gotham’s citizens, who takes Drama, FBI 2002 Ltbx 111min. crime-fighting into his own hands. He first emerges out of the shadows when the Joker appears - a horribly disfigured Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 City Heat individual who is out for revenge on his former employer and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092121 Clint Eastwood, Burt Reynolds, Sam generally likes to have a good time, but the identity of the ‘bat’ is unknown. Perhaps millionaire Bruce Wayne and Brown, Joseph C. Stinson, Fritz Manes, photographer Vicki Vale have a good chance of finding out? Bottom Land Richard Benjamin, Charles Reynolds, Rip Prebooks, Superheroes, Action, Based On Three generations of males from one family - a grandfather, Torn, Madeline Kahn, Jane Alexander, Irene father, and son - are in emotional turmoil after the tragic death Comic Book 1989 min. of the young son’s mother. Stephen Sommers returns home to Cara, Richard Roundtree, Tony Lo Bianco Warner Bros. 04.05.2010 the family farm in southern Ohio six months after the accident When a hotshot cop and a wise-guy detective get together, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091998 that killed his wife and sent him to a mental hospital. He the heat is on!. In Kansas City 1933, wisecracking detective notices that his elderly father and his young son have bonded Murphy (Burt Reynolds) tracks the killer of his partner. in his absence, creating a rift among them during a time when Police Lt. Speer (Clint Eastwood) doesn’t have much Batman Returns (Blu-ray) they should be healing. A powerful exploration of three men tolerance for the local mob war’s body count. Neither guy incapable of expressing emotion, BOTTOM LAND is a likes each other, so that makes them a dream team. And it Danny DeVito, Pat Hingle, Vincent heartfelt tale from the heartland from indie director Edward provides the ideal scenario as they clean up the town with Schiavelli, Jan Hooks, Michelle Pfeiffer, Radtke. slugfests and shoot-’em ups that parody Reynolds’ and Eastwood’s macho screen images. Director Richard Benjamin Cristi Conaway, Anna Katarina, Christopher Prebooks, Drama, Family Relationships gets the ’30s stylishly right and the supporting cast - Jane Walken, Michael Murphy, Michael Keaton, 1991 75min. Alexander, Irene Cara, Rip Torn, Richard Roundtree, Tony Lo Michael Gough, Andrew Bryniarski Facets Video 25.05.2010 Bianco and Madeline Kahn - makes the antics sparkle. Hard- Gotham City faces two monstrous criminal menaces: the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092002 boiled and hilarious, City Heat is your red-hot ticket to starry bizarre, sinister Penguin (Danny DeVito) and the slinky, entertainment. mysterious Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer). Can Batman (Mi- Action, Comedy, Historical / Period Piece chael Keaton) battle two formidable foes at once? Especially The Bridges Of Madison County 1984 97min. when one wants to be mayor and the other is romantically attracted to Gotham’s hero? Like the 1989 groundbreaking Clint Eastwood, Meryl Streep Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 original, Batman Returns is directed by the wizardly Tim Romance, Drama 1995 135min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092118 Burton. And like the first blockbuster, it’s a dazzling Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 adventure that leaves you breathless. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092116 Prebooks, Superheroes, Action, Based On Classicas Del Barrio Comic Book 1992 min. Just a few number of titles deserve the distinction of classics Bronco Billy these titles belong to that category. The cinema of the barrio Warner Bros. 04.05.2010 is among the top sellers categories for its wide appeal among 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091997 Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke DVD consumers, these titles have the edge your customers Ask Clint Eastwood to select personal favorites among his are looking for. Remember da Barrio and live the stories over movies and you might be surprised by one choice. „It’s an old- and over again.

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Comedy, Foreign, Mexican 2009 240min. Kurt Russell portrays The King from his beginnings as a 35- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092076 dollar-a-week truck driver to one of the most popular music Distrimax 13.04.2010 and film stars the world has ever seen. As the film opens 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092085 Elvis is about to return to the stage in his heroic Las Vegas Firefox comeback show. Alone in his hotel room Elvis flashes back to his past, a lifetime away. He remembers his rebellious youth Clint Eastwood The Closer: The Complete Fifth at Humes High School in Tupelo, Mississippi, his early days It rips through the skies at six times the speed of sound, is Season in Memphis, and then his meteoric rise to fame and fortune and invisible to radar and spits death - launching and guiding the one true love of his life... Priscilla. Elvis also features missiles purely by the ’s thoughts. It’s the MIG-31, the Kyra Sedgwick, J.K. Simmons Shelley Winters in a strong performance as his beloved most devastating war machine ever built, code name Firefox. Crime, Detectives, Drama, Independent mother Gladys, Kurt’s dad Bing Russell as Elvis’ dad Vernon, But Firefox belongs to the Russians. To maintain the balance and Pat Hingle as his shady manager, Colonel Parker. of world power, the West must steal it. Clint Eastwood directs Women 2009 min. Country singer Ronnie McDowell does an uncanny job of and stars as ace U.S. pilot Mitchell Gant, the man for the job. Warner Bros. 29.06.2010 recreating Elvis’ singing vocals. Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Aerial 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092176 Music, Biography, Biopics, Drama, TV Action, Military 1982 137min. Movies 1979 min. Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Cold Storage Shout Factory 25.03.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092123 When a brutal car accident takes place in the desolate 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092107 backcountry, the only onlooker is Clive, a lonely man who Focus / Refocus lives nearby in an isolated shack. As he approaches the scene, he sees the girl of his dreams, dead among the debris. The Enforcer / Sudden Impact Prebooks, Thrillers, Gay / Lesbian Interest Certain that she is „the one,“ Clive will do whatever it takes (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) min. to keep her by his side. When the victim’s sister and boyfriend arrive, they quickly become unwitting hostages. Clint Eastwood Breaking Glass Pictures 30.03.2010 Prebooks, Thrillers, Horror 2006 95min. Action, Classics, Cops, Cops On The Edge, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091985 Lionsgate 04.05.2010 Crime, Detectives, Double Features 241min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091994 Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 The Gauntlet 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092141 Clint Eastwood, Pat Hingle, Sondra Locke, Confessions Of A Porn Addict Mara Corday, William Prince Entourage: The Complete Sixth Phoenix cop Ben Shockley’s dream of breaking „the big case“ Prebooks, Comedy 2008 80min. has faded through the years. His assignment to escort from Phase 4 Films 18.05.2010 Season Las Vegas „a nothing witness for nothing trial“ seems like just 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092062 another meaningless exercise. Until the fireworks star. Clint Kevin Dillon, Kevin Connolly, Adrian Eastwood runs „The Gauntlet“ into an explosive movie Grenier, Jeremy Piven, Jerry Ferrara, embodying its title with a vengeance. The witness is a Cruda Realidad Perrey Reeves hardened hooker whom everyone - including Vegas When hard times hit innocent people sometimes what was HBO 2009 326min. oddsmakers - wants dead. Trapped between both sides of the supposed to be illegal turns out to be the only option to law, the two must survive an obstacle course of raging survive in the city. These four superbly films, one of them HBO Home Video 22.06.2010 gunfire, blazing cars, swooping helicopters, murderous even directed by Arturo Ripstein, are true examples of extre- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092173 ambushes, crazed bikers and crooked police. Building to a me situations in Latin America that will force viewers to re- ferocious that shoots an armored bus to smithereens examine their lives and discover the true beauty of sadly with more than 8,000 bullets, The Gauntlet is a trip you can’t glorious people around Latin America. It can be both funny and Entourage: The Complete Sixth miss. Leave the driving to Eastwood: sit back and enjoy the dramatic but either way you will have to see it to believe it. Season (Blu-ray) ride. Action, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 2009 Thrillers, Action, Cops, Crooked Cops, Dra- Kevin Dillon, Kevin Connolly, Adrian 360min. ma 1977 111min. Grenier, Jeremy Piven, Jerry Ferrara, Distrimax 13.04.2010 Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Perrey Reeves 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092084 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092124 HBO 2009 Ltbx DTS 326min. HBO Home Video 22.06.2010 Gran Torino Curb Your Enthusiasm: The 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092181 Complete Seventh Season Clint Eastwood Korean War vet and retired autoworker Walt Kowalski Cheryl Hines, Susie Essman, Larry David, Entre Piernas (Between Legs) doesn’t much like how his life or his neighborhood has turned Jeff Garlin out. He especially doesn’t like the people next door, Hmong Romance, Comedy, Foreign, Mexican min. immigrants from Southeast Asia. But events force Walt to HBO 2009 300min. Distrimax 13.04.2010 defend those neighbors against a local gang that feeds on HBO Home Video 08.06.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092083 violence and fear. For the first time since Million Dollar Baby, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092174 Clint Eastwood works on both sides of the camera, winning the National Board of Review Award as Best Actor for his Everwood: The Complete Third bone-deep playing of Kowalski, burnished with experience, The Dukes Season grace and gravitas into a „prime vintage Eastwood Robert Davi, Miriam Margolyes, Peter performance“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone). Treat Williams, Emily Vancamp, Vivien Drama 2008 Ltbx 116min. Bogdanovich Doo Wop singers may not be the usual suspects, but in The Cardone, Debra Mooney, Gregory Smith, Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Dukes, a once top-selling singing group is now barely making Chris Pratt, John Beasley, Tom Amandes 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092125 ends meet. To earn the money they need to build a nightclub The WB, Troubled Youth, Drama, Family, and revive their careers, the aging misfits decide to rob a dentist’s office of its gold - cavity-filling gold. Prebooks 2004 min. Haunted: The Complete Series Prebooks, Comedy, Crime, Drama 2007 Warner Bros. 15.06.2010 Lynn Collins, Matthew Fox, Michael Irby 98min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091991 UPN, Detectives, Drama, Horror, Prebooks E1 Entertainment 04.05.2010 2002 495min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092031 Every Which Way But Loose Phase 4 Films 13.04.2010 Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke, Ruth Gor- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092060 The Dukes (Blu-ray) don, Geoffrey Lewis Philo Beddoe is your regular, easygoing, truck-driving guy. Honkytonk Man Robert Davi, Miriam Margolyes, Peter He’s also the best barroom brawler west of the Rockies. And Bogdanovich he lives with a 165-pound orangutan named Clyde. Like other Clint Eastwood, Kyle Eastwood Doo Wop singers may not be the usual suspects, but in The guys, Philo finally falls in love - with a flighty singer who Red Stovall (Clint Eastwood) is a Depression-era rascal Dukes, a once top-selling singing group is now barely making leads him on a screwball chase across the American whose fire-in-the-belly passion comes from the whiskey he ends meet. To earn the money they need to build a nightclub Southwest. Nothing’s in the way except a motorcycle gang, slugs and the dream he chases: singing at the Grand Ole and revive their careers, the aging misfits decide to rob a two sneaky off-duty cops and legendary brawler Tank Opry. He takes off on a drive from Oklahoma to audition in dentist’s office of its gold - cavity-filling gold. Murdock. Nashville with nephew Whit (Clint’s son Kyle Eastwood) Prebooks, Comedy, Crime, Drama 2007 min. Action, Comedy 1978 114min. along to help keep the car on the road and Red on the straight and narrow. The elder Eastwood also directs this funny, E1 Entertainment 04.05.2010 Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 warmhearted film, which also serves up a beguiling country 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092048 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092122 soundtrack featuring Marty Robbins, Ray Price, John Anderson, Frizzell and West, Linda Hopkins for a scorching touch of the blues - and Eastwood himself. Richly nostalgic Elvis Falling Star and marvelously acted, Honkytonk Man hits all the right notes Kurt Russell, Pat Hingle, Shelley Winters, Romance, Comedy 97min. for solid entertainment. Season Hubley Osiris Entertainment 27.04.2010 Music, Comedy, Country Music, Drama,

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Historical / Period Piece 1982 123min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092073 ray) Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Pat Morita, Ralph Macchio 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092137 It’s Complicated Sports, Boxed Sets, Drama, Family, Martial Steve Martin, Mary Kay Place, Rita Wilson, Arts, Action min. Housebroken Lake Bell, Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, John Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Danny DeVito, Katey Sagal, Ryan Hansen, Krasinski 11.05.2010 Tom Wilson, Skyler Stone Prebooks, Romance, Comedy 2009 121min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092103 With its irresistible combination of out-of-control antics and Universal Studios 27.04.2010 raunchy humor, Housebroken rocks the house with nonstop laughter! Dad (Danny DeVito, TV’s It’s Always Sunny In 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092025 Kelly’s Heroes Philadelphia) has finally retired and wants to enjoy his golden Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Donald years relaxing at home with his lovely wife. But his two It’s Complicated (Blu-ray) twentysomething slacker sons have no plans to leave the nest Sutherland, Don Rickles, Troy Kennedy anytime soon! So there’s only one solution - Dad and Mom Steve Martin, Mary Kay Place, Rita Wilson, Martin, Gabriel Katzka, Sidney Beckerman, (Katey Sagal, TV’s Married With Children) move out! It’s Lake Bell, Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, John Brian Hutton either sink or swim for clueless Elliot (Ryan Hansen, TV’s Krasinski They were goldbricks until they found out about the gold Party Down) and Quinn (Skyler Stone, Van Wilder), who find bricks — a fortune in Nazi-confiscated bullion! Clint themselves home alone for the first time with no one to pay the Comedy, Prebooks, Romance 2009 121min. Eastwood reups with the director of his Where Eagles Dare bills. Universal Studios 27.04.2010 for this alternately action-filled and tongue-in-cheek tale of Prebooks, Comedy 2009 91min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092029 GIs who decide to get something extra out of the war. Image Ent. 30.03.2010 Eastwood, North America’s #2 box-office star at the time, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092067 plays Lt. Kelly, mastermind of a scheme to slip behind enemy Kamikaze Hearts lines and steal the loot. Co-stars include a trio on the verge KAMIKAZE HEARTS combines narrative fiction with of big-time TV success: Carroll O’Connor, Telly Savalas and Housebroken (Blu-ray) documentary techniques to tell the tumultuous tale of Sharon Gavin MacLeod. Plus, Don Rickles plays the expectedly „Mitch“ Mitchell and Tina „Tigr“ Mennett, two real-life lovers outspoken Crapgame. And in the same year as his starmaking Danny DeVito, Katey Sagal, Ryan Hansen, and junkies. Mitch is an actress, and Tigr is a producer - it’s M*A*S*H, Donald Sutherland is Oddball, World War II’s only Tom Wilson, Skyler Stone a match made in hell. Uncompromisingly underground and hippie. Dig it! With its irresistible combination of out-of-control antics and fashionably feminist, Kamikaze Hearts will „drag you to a Action, Caper, Classics, Comedy, War, raunchy humor, Housebroken rocks the house with nonstop certain place,“ according to the L.A. Weekly, and that place is World War II 1970 146min. laughter! Dad (Danny DeVito, TV’s It’s Always Sunny In „the world of lesbian-junkie porn stars. If you’re excited by Philadelphia) has finally retired and wants to enjoy his golden that place . . . you’ll like this film because it’s so resolutely Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 years relaxing at home with his lovely wife. But his two inside the world of naked bodies, make-believe, addiction, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092136 twentysomething slacker sons have no plans to leave the nest despair, two-bit sleaze, and two-bit dreams.“ anytime soon! So there’s only one solution - Dad and Mom Prebooks, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest Kelly’s Heroes / Where Eagles (Katey Sagal, TV’s Married With Children) move out! It’s 1986 80min. either sink or swim for clueless Elliot (Ryan Hansen, TV’s Dare (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Party Down) and Quinn (Skyler Stone, Van Wilder), who find Facets Video 25.05.2010 themselves home alone for the first time with no one to pay the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092003 Clint Eastwood bills. War, World War II, Caper, Classics, Comedy, Prebooks 2009 91min. The Karate Kid (Blu-ray) Comedy, Double Features, Action, Image Ent. 30.03.2010 Adventure 302min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092071 Pat Morita, Ralph Macchio, Elisabeth Shue From Academy Award®-winning director (1976, Rocky) John Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 G. Avildsen comes the highly entertaining, coming-of-age 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092144 Hung: The Complete First Season classic that will leave you cheering! Starring Ralph Macchio and Noriyuki „Pat“ Morita in his Academy Award®-nominated Anne Heche, Thomas Jane, Jane Adams, performance (Best Supporting Actor, 1984) as Mr. Miyagi. Leap Year Eddie Jemison There is more to karate than fighting. This is the lesson that , Amy Adams, Matthew Drama, HBO 2009 315min. Daniel (Macchio), a San Fernando Valley teenager, is about to learn from a most unexpected teach: Mr. Miyagi (Morita) an Goode, Adam Scott HBO Home Video 22.06.2010 elderly handyman who also happens to be a master of the 2010 101min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092172 martial arts. So when he rescues Daniel from the Cobra Kai, a Universal Studios 04.05.2010 vicious gang of karate school bullies, Miyagi instills in his young friend the importance of honor and confidence as well 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092147 Hung: The Complete First Season as skills in self-defense, vital lessons that will be called into (Blu-ray) play when a hopelessly outclassed Daniel faces Johnny, the Leap Year (Blu-ray) sadistic leader of the Cobra Kai, in a no-holds barred karate Anne Heche, Thomas Jane, Jane Adams, tournament for the championship of the Valley. John Lithgow, Amy Adams, Matthew Eddie Jemison Drama, Family, Martial Arts, Action, Sports Goode, Adam Scott Drama, HBO 2009 Ltbx DTS 315min. 1984 127min. 2010 101min. HBO Home Video 22.06.2010 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Universal Studios 04.05.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092180 11.05.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092161 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092102 In Desert And Wilderness Letters From Iwo Jima While traveling with their parents who are engineers on the The Karate Kid: Part II (Blu-ray) Ken Watanabe, Ryo Kase, Shidou Suez Canal, two youngsters are kidnapped and taken into the heart of the African desert. They manage to escape the Pat Morita, Ralph Macchio Nakamura, Tsuyoshi Ihara, Kazunari clutches of their kidnappers, along with two African children, The price of honor. The power of friendship. The Karate Kid, Ninomiya to embark on the long journey home. Lost deep inside the Part II. Ralph Macchio and Noriyuki „Pat“ Morita re-create The powerful companion to Flags of Our Fathers. From continent, the kids experience a perilous adventure fraught the roles that brought them international acclaim in The Karate Academy Award-winning director Clint Eastwood comes the with excitement and danger as they find their way back to Kid, when karate student Daniel Larusso (Macchio) untold story of the Japanese soldiers who defended their civilization. Along the way, they learn the meaning of accompanies his wise and whimsical teacher Mr. Miyagi homeland against invading American forces during World War friendship and family. (Morita), to his ancestral home in Okinawa. For the boy, it’s a II. With little defense other than sheer will and the volcanic Prebooks, Adventure, Drama, Family, journey to an exotic new world, offering new clues to his rock of Iwo Jima itself, the unprecedented tactics of General mentor’s secret past. For Miyagi, it’s an opportunity to see Tadamichi Kuribayashi (Ken Watanabe, The Last Samurai) Foreign 2001 111min. his father one last time and to rekindle a romance with his and his men transform what was predicted to be a swift defeat Facets Video 25.05.2010 childhood sweetheart (Nobu McCarthy). But Miyagi’s return into nearly 40 days of heroic and resourceful combat. Their 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092006 also re-ignites a bitter feud with long-time enemy Sato (Danny sacrifices, struggles, courage and compassion live on in the Kamekona) - a feud that involves young Daniel in a brilliant taut, gripping film Rolling Stone calls „unique and collision of cultures and combat. Now, far away from the unforgettable“. In My Father’s Eyes tournaments, the cheering crowds and the safety of home, Daniel will face his greatest challenge ever when teacher Drama, War, World War II 2006 140min. Challenged by the murder of his cousin, Jeremy Jenkins not becomes student, and the price of honor is life itself. Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 only begins to lose his way, but also struggles with his faith in God. After denouncing his faith, he finds success in a Drama, Martial Arts, Action, Romance, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092113 seedy underworld of drugs and crime in New York. When he Sports 1986 113min. reunites and falls in love with an old childhood sweetheart, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Lonely Wives / Sorry Wrong his feelings for her awaken long buried emotions. This new 11.05.2010 found romance makes him question his sinister new role as a Bedroom (Double Feature) drug dealer. Can the love of this woman pull him from the grip 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092101 of the streets... Comedy, Double Features, Exploitation min. Code Red 27.04.2010 Religion/Spirituality, Drama 2010 100min. The Karate Kid: Parts 1 & 2 (Blu- Celebrity Video Distribution 06.04.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092081

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 28 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

million times, comes this strangely hilarious, completely Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 unique film that’s been called „Encyclopedia Brown meets Marathon Napoleon Dynamite meets Ace Ventura“ (Cinematical.com). 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092132 Prebooks, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest Mystery, Art House, Comedy, Detectives 2009 min. 2009 94min. Pale Rider Breaking Glass Pictures 02.03.2010 Lionsgate 25.05.2010 Clint Eastwood, Richard Kiel, Richard 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091983 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092087 Dysart, Chris Penn, Michael Moriarty, Douglas McGrath Midnight In The Garden Of Good Mystic River After corporate mining boss Coy LaHood (Richard Dysart) begins a campaign of terror to drive independent pan miners & Evil Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Kevin Bacon, out of the area, a nameless stranger called Preacher Laurence Fishburne, Marcia Gay Harden, (Eastwood) rides into the underdogs’ camp. He becomes their John Cusack, Jack Thompson, Alison avenger. The tycoon then hires a badge-wearing killer and Eastwood, Kevin Spacey Laura Linney his duster-shrouded deputies, men loyal to whomever pays the The most important party of the Savannah Christmas season Jimmy. Dave. Sean. Friends who grew up in working-class most. LaHood pays gold. But in a climactic shootout to ends with a bang! When affable host Jim Williams (Kevin Boston, they drift apart after a terrible tragedy. Years later, remember, Preacher pays in lead. Spacey) shoots a man to death. The party is over, the mystery brutal events reconnect them. Jimmy’s 19-year-old daughter is Action, Western 1985 116min. begins. Director Clint Eastwood weaves murder, mystery and coldly murdered. Dave is a suspect. And Sean, now a cop, voodoo into a suptuous adaptation of the John Berendt scrambles to solve the crime before volatile Jimmy takes the Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 bestseller based on true events. Spacey and John Cusack as law into his own hands. Working from Brian Helgeland’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092131 a journalist drawn to Savannah’s decadence and eccentrics adaptation of Dennis Lehane’s novel, director Clint Eastwood lead a nimble cast that includes Jack Thompson, Alison shapes a masterwork, a brooding thriller built on family, Eastwood and The Lady Chablis. For „one of te best American friends and innocence lost. Sean Penn, Tim Robbins and Pale Rider (Blu-ray) films of the year,“ rendezvous at Midnight in the Garden of Kevin Bacon play the pivotal threesome, joining Lawrence Fishburne, Marcia Gay Harden and Laura Linney in one of the Clint Eastwood, Richard Kiel, Richard Good and Evil. Dysart, Chris Penn, Michael Moriarty, Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 1997 most powerful casts ever. The river has many depths. Let it wash over you. Douglas McGrath 156min. Murder Mysteries, Revenge, Thrillers, In Pale Rider Clint Eastwood returned to the saddle after nine Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Academy Award Winners, Drama 2003 years - and Western movies rode high again. Here the star/ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092135 director crafted an exciting film in the suspenseful tradition of Ltbx 138min. Shane and High Noon. After corporate mining boss Coy Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 LaHood (Richard Dysart) begins a campaign of terror to drive Million Dollar Baby 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092133 independent pan miners out of the area, a nameless stranger called Preacher (Eastwood) rides into the underdogs’ camp. Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan He becomes their avenger. The tycoon then hires a badge- Freeman New Town Killers wearing killer and his duster-shrouded deputies, men loyal to Clint Eastwood plays Dunn and directs, produces and whomever pays the most. LaHood pays gold. But in a climactic composes music for this acclaimed, multi-award-winning tale Dougray Scott, Alastair Mackenzie, James shootout to remember, Preacher pays in lead. of heart, hope and family. Hilary Swank plays resilient Anthony Pearson Western, Action 1985 116min. Maggie, determined not to abandon her one dream. And Thrillers, British, Chases 2008 100min. Morgan Freeman is Scrap, gym caretaker and counterpoint to Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Dunn’s crustiness. Grab your dreams and come out swinging. Morningstar Entertainment 25.05.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092143 Million Dollar Baby is an absolute knockout. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092171 Sports, Academy Award Winners, Boxing, A Perfect World Drama, Independent Women 2004 Ltbx The Notebook (Blu-ray) Clint Eastwood, Laura Dern, Kevin Costner 132min. Gena Rowlands, Rachel McAdams, James Double Academy Award® winners Kevin Costner and Clint Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Garner, Ryan Gosling, Sam Shepard, Joan Eastwood confront each other from opposite sides of the law 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092134 in A Perfect World, an acclaimed, multilayered manhunt saga Allen, James Marsden (directed by Eastwood) that rumbles down backroads As teenagers, Allie (Rachel McAdams) and Noah (Ryan toward a harrowing collision with fate. Costner plays Butch The Moment After 2: The Gosling) begin a whirlwind courtship that soon blossoms into Haynes, a hardened prison escapee on the lam with a young tender intimacy. The young couple is quickly separated by hostage (T.J. Lowther in a remarkable film debut) who sees in Awakening Allies upper-class parents who insist that Noah isnt right for Butch the father figure he never had. Eastwood is wily Texas Kevin Downes, David A.R. White, Brad her. Several years pass, and when they meet again, their Ranger Red Garnett, leading deputies and a criminologist passion is rekindled, forcing Allie to choose between her (Laura Dern) in a statewide pursuit. Red knows every road Heller soulmate and class order. This beautiful tale has a and pothole in the Panhandle. What’s more, he knows the In the new world order, who can you trust? The government? particularly special meaning to an older gentleman (James elusive Haynes - because their paths have crossed before. Ragtag militia? Religious „fanatics“? After a dramatic escape Garner) who regularly reads the timeless love story to his from death row, former FBI agent Adam Riley (David A.R. aging companion (Gena Rowlands). Based on the best-selling Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Kidnapping 1993 White) reunites with his friend and mentor Jacob Krause novel by Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook is at once 139min. (Brad Heller) leader of The Way, and his small remnant of heartwarming and heartbreaking and will capture you in its Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Christians. Little do they know of the forces that are out for sweeping and emotional force. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092130 their destruction. Global Alliance leader Commander Drama, Tearjerkers 2004 124min. Fredericks (Monte Perlin) has forced Adam’s former partner New Line Home Entertainment 04.05.2010 Charles Baker (Kevin Downes) to hunt them down while a Pink Cadillac ragtag militia, led by „Captain“ Jackson (Lonnie Colon), spy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092183 on them for their own gain. As events lead to an explosive Clint Eastwood, Bernadette Peters confrontation, all will be forced to an awakening of the real Jump bail and skip-tracer Tom Nowak (Clint Eastwood) will struggle... for their very souls. One Deadly Summer nail you before the ink on your fake ID dries. He always gets Prebooks, Religion/Spirituality, Thrillers, End Isabelle Adjani, Alain Souchon, Suzanne his man. But will he also get his woman (Bernadette Peters)- especially one with an infant in her arms, a quarter-million in Of The World 2006 93min. Flon the trunk of a stolen ’59 Caddy and gun-toting goons on her Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Mystery, Prebooks, Thrillers, Crime, Drama, trail? In Eastwood’s wily hands, Nowak is a master of 04.05.2010 Foreign, French 1983 130min. disguise who becomes a radio DJ, a rodeo clown or a Vegas- style huckster to nail his target. As Nowak’s frisky quarry 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091992 Bayview Entertainment 11.05.2010 Lou Ann, Peters easily nabs her leading man’s heart. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092063 Supporting players Geoffrey Lewis, William Hickey and future My Wife & Kids: Season 2 superstar Jim Carrey (briefly seen as a Reno lounge entertainer) also help make this action comedy vehicle a sure- Damon Wayans, Tisha Campbell, Jennifer The Outlaw Josey Wales handler. Freeman Clint Eastwood, John Vernon, Sondra Lok- Action, Comedy, Drama 1989 121min. ABC, Comedy, Family, Family Relationships ke, Bill McKinney, Chief Dan George Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 2002 616min. As The Outlaw Josey Wales, four-time Academy Award 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092129 winner Clint Eastwood is ideally cast as a hard-hitting, fast- Lionsgate 11.05.2010 drawing loner, recalling his „Man with No Name“ from his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092097 European Westerns. But unlike that other mythic outlaw, The Prince Of Thieves Josey Wales has a name - and a heart. After avenging his family’s brutal murder, Wales is on the lam, pursued by a pack Jon Hall Mystery Team of killers. He travels alone, but a ragtag group of outcasts Romance, Swashbucklers, Action, Aubrey Plaza, Dominic Dierkes, Donald (including Sondra Locke and Chief Dan George) is drawn to Adventure, Classics, Historical / Period him - and Wales can’t leave his motley surrogate family Glover, D.C. Pierson unprotected. Eastwood’s skill before and behind the camera Piece 1948 72min. They were kid detectives. Now they’re eighteen and still connected with audiences for its humor and tenderness as Sony Pictures Home Entertainment solving child crimes. But when the Mystery Team is well as its hair-trigger action. challenged to solve a murder, they see an opportunity to prove 11.05.2010 they’re real detectives - and to save the world of sex, crime National Film Registry, Classics, Western 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092090 and swear words. From Derrick Comedy, the Internet 1976 135min. sensation whose short films have been viewed over 100

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Prison Girls LiteBox Spirituality 1185min. Collection Horror icon Tony Todd (Clive Barker’s CANDYMAN series) 20th Century Fox 04.05.2010 With the power of the Treasure Sword at his command, the delivers his most powerful and evil performance as 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092033 King of Valhalla has maintained peace and prosperity across SHADOW, an executed and resurrected serial killer who the universe. But when the sword goes missing it’s up to three invades a women’s prison in search of the girl known only as magnificent female warriors - Sting Blue, Orna Black and Solitaire (Carla Greene)! Solitaire senses her impending Sesame Street: Love The Earth! Caliban Red - to set forth on a mission and recover it before doom and prepares to single-handedly take on Shadow and the forces of darkness can steal it for their own! his army of zombies in a supernatural martial arts showdown! Environmental, Puppets, Sesame Street Unfortunately, while the warriors are magnificent, they really SHADOW: DEAD RIOT is a unique stylistic fusion of Asian- 45min. don’t get along well and foolishly divide their forces, even as style action, zombie horror and women’s prison drama. Warner Bros. 06.04.2010 the nefarious Dron Brothers of the Dark Planet close in on the Planning to expose the corrupt practices of a women’s prison, sword itself! Now, in a horribly backwards part of the galaxy, Emanuelle goes undercover as an inmate. She is shocked by 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092098 on an insignificant world known as Earth, the fate of all the guards’ brutal treatment of the inmates, but she never gets creation will be determined in a knock down, hand to hand a chance to report these horrors. When her actual identity is The Shadow Within battle to the finish! revealed, she finds herself on the receiving end of even Prebooks, Science Fiction, Action, worse tortures. Starring Laura Gemser, Franca Stoppi (Buio Propelled by grief over the death of Maurice’s twin brother, Omega) and Lorraine De Selle (Cannibal Ferox). Covering Jacques, at birth, his mother, Marie, falls under the influence Adventure, Drama, Foreign, Japanese min. for her brother, who killed a Brazilian drug lord, Angela of Madame Armand, who convinces Marie to force her son to Section23 Films 13.04.2010 Duvall is sent to a women’s prison. Trapped behind bars, act as a medium to the next world. As Jacques asserts himself 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092009 Angela’s beauty excites the in her fellow prisoners through Maurice, he comes to the realization that they both and the guards alik desire the same thing: their parents? love. Only Jacques does not want to return to the living, he wants them all to join him.... Spartacus: 50th Anniversary Editi- Prebooks, Prison, Action, Classics, Cult In the afterlife! Film / TV, Exploitation, Femme Fatales Thrillers, Horror 2008 93min. on (Blu-ray) 280min. MTI Home Video 25.05.2010 Laurence Olivier, Kirk Douglas, Jean Shriek Show 16.03.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092106 Simmons, Tony Curtis, Peter Ustinov, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092036 Charles Laughton Smash Cut Prebooks, Classics, Drama, Epics, Raising The Bar: The Complete The special effects on director Able Whitman’s new shlock- Historical / Period Piece, Academy Award Second Season horror film just aren’t cutting it. Sick of the bad reviews from Winners, Action, AFI Top 100, Ancient critics and fans alike, Able decides to bring a new level of Currie Graham, Gloria Reuben, Jane horrific reality to his film set. He realizes that nothing looks Greece / Rome, Biography, Biopics 1960 Kaczmarek, Mark Paul Gosselaar, J. August more like a dead body than an actual dead body, and embarks DTS 197min. on a prop-hunting killing spree. When her sister turns up Universal Studios 25.05.2010 Richards missing, a local TV reporter decides to investigate, eventually Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2009 landing a role in Whitman’s film. Can she solve the case 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092051 645min. before ending up on the cutting room floor? Lionsgate 11.05.2010 Prebooks, Thrillers, Foreign, Horror, Sports Night: The Complete First 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092096 Japanese 2009 85min. Season Shriek Show 16.03.2010 Robert Guillaume, Felecity Huffman, Josh 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092039 Real End Of The Great War Charles, Peter Krause Master director Jerzy Kawalerowicz (Quo Vadis; Mother ABC, Comedy, Drama, Sports 1998 min. Joan of the Angels), who along with Andrzej Wajda, helped Space Cowboys define the legendary Polish School of the 1950s and 1960s, Shout Factory 30.03.2010 offers a melancholy meditation on the impact of WWII and the Clint Eastwood, Donald Sutherland, Tommy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092092 Holocaust. Roza and Juliusz, a talented young architect, Lee Jones, James Garner, James Crom- marry just before the outbreak of war. When Juliusz is well, Marcia Gay Harden, Loren Dean, A Star Is Born (Blu-ray) deported to a concentration camp, Roza fears the worst. William Devane, Courtney B. Vance Convinced he will never return, she falls in love with another Judy Garland, James Mason, Tom Noonan, man and starts a new life. After the war, Juliusz returns from They trained body and mind for America’s leap into space. the camp physically drained and emotionally disturbed by the When the moment came, the brash flyboys of Team Daedalus Charles Bickford, Jack Carson torments he has suffered. Reluctantly, Roza tries to care for were replaced. Now, 40 years later, another moment has Classics, Drama, Music, Musical, National him, but her life has changed, and his scars are too deep. come. And this time, it’s all theirs. Directing for the 22nd time Film Registry 1954 min. REAL END OF THE GREAT WAR explores the emotional and and starring for the 42nd, Clint Eastwood leads a stellar cast spiritual impact of WWII, revealing that merely surviving the into orbit in this exhilarating high-tech adventure. Tommy Lee Warner Bros. 22.06.2010 war was not enough. Jones, Donald Sutherland and James Garner join him as old- 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092182 school test pilots whose grasp of outdated technology makes Prebooks, War, World War II, Drama, them the only ones able to repair a primitive, deorbiting Holocaust 1957 89min. Russian satellite that imperils Earth. Strap in for „some of the A Star Is Born: Deluxe Edition Facets Video 25.05.2010 rightest stuff around“ (The Wall Street Journal). With an irresistible payload of heart, humor and heroics, Space Judy Garland, James Mason, Tom Noonan, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092005 Cowboys is all-systems-go. Charles Bickford, Jack Carson Science Fiction, Space, Adventure, Music, Musical, National Film Registry, Regoregitated Sacrifice Comedy, Drama 2000 130min. Classics, Drama 1954 min. Prebooks, Horror min. Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Warner Bros. 22.06.2010 Unearthed Films 02.03.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092114 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092175 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091986 Space Cowboys (Blu-ray) Survivors: Complete Seasons Rhoda: Season Two Clint Eastwood, Donald Sutherland, Tommy One And Two Julie Kavner, Valerie Harper, Nancy Walker, Lee Jones, James Garner, James Crom- BBC, British, Foreign, International TV, Harold Gould, David Groh well, Marcia Gay Harden, Loren Dean, Prebooks, Science Fiction 2008 641min. CBS, Comedy, Prebooks 1975 min. William Devane, Courtney B. Vance BBC Home Video 27.04.2010 Shout Factory 30.03.2010 They trained body and mind for America’s leap into space. When the moment came, the brash flyboys of Team Daedalus 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092021 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092047 were replaced. Now, 40 years later, another moment has come. And this time, it’s all theirs. Directing for the 22nd time Survivors: The Complete Original Rogues Of Sherwood Forest and starring for the 42nd, Clint Eastwood leads a stellar cast into orbit in this exhilarating high-tech adventure. Tommy Lee Series Romance, Swashbucklers, Action, Jones, Donald Sutherland and James Garner join him as old- BBC, British, Foreign, International TV, Adventure, Classics, Historical / Period school test pilots whose grasp of outdated technology makes Prebooks, Science Fiction 1975 1878min. Piece 1950 80min. them the only ones able to repair a primitive, deorbiting Russian satellite that imperils Earth. Strap in for „some of the BBC Home Video 27.04.2010 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment rightest stuff around“ (The Wall Street Journal). With an 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092020 11.05.2010 irresistible payload of heart, humor and heroics, Space 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092093 Cowboys is all-systems-go. Comedy, Drama, Adventure, Science Sword Of Sherwood Forest Fiction, Space 2000 130min. Saving Grace: Seasons 1 & 2 DVD Romance, Swashbucklers, Action, Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Adventure, British, Classics, Foreign, Set 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092138 Historical / Period Piece 1960 80min. Holly Hunter Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Cops, Drama, Fantasy, Prebooks, Religion/ Space Ranger: Complete 11.05.2010

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092094 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092001 Clint Eastwood, Mary Ure, Richard Burton The mission is clear. Get in. Get the general. Get out. Commandos charged with freeing a U.S. general from an Sympathy The Trouble With Romance Alpine fortress should also be told to trust nothing - including Recalling and Brian DePalma in both style Prebooks, Romance, Comedy, Drama 2009 the search-and-rescue orders just issued. Richard Burton and suspense, first-time director Andrew Moorman has made and Clint Eastwood go Where Eagles Dare in this twisty an extraordinary debut film that is guaranteed to keep even min. World War II thriller written by action master Alistair the most jaded viewer on the edge of their seat. In a dingy Breaking Glass Pictures 30.03.2010 MacLean (The Guns of Navarone, Ice Station Zebra) and motel room in the middle of nowhere, a bank robber holds a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091984 directed by Brian G. Hutton (Kelly’s Heroes). Known for fiery young, attractive woman hostage. Keeping her handcuffed to dramatic roles, Burton ventures into the realm of movie the bed until he is able to formulate a plan, things go from bad pyrotechnics with dynamic efficiency. And Eastwood’s cool- to worse when an escaped convict takes them both prisoner True Crime fire presence heightens one searing action sequence after and sets in motion a dangerous and very bloody cat-and- another. The film became Eastwood’s then-largest hit and its mouse game of one-upmanship. Who wins in the end isn’t Clint Eastwood, James Woods, Denis studio’s #1 moneymaker of the year. always about who has control of the gun - but it certainly Leary, Sidney Poitier, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Action, Adventure, Classics, War, World helps. A trio of newcomers - Aaron Boucher, Steven Pritchard Diane Venora, Isaiah Washington War II 1968 155min. and Marina Shtelen - each gives a stand-out performance in Boozer, Skirt chaser, Careless father. You could create your this twisty thriller whose unrelenting tension and own list of veteran reporter Steve Everett’s faults, but right Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 unpredictable chills announce a major, new talent on the now there isn’t time. A San Quentin Death Row prisoner will 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092109 contemporary movie scene. die at midnight - a man Everett has suddenly relized is Prebooks, Thrillers, Horror 2007 104min. innocent. Breaking Glass Pictures 27.04.2010 Thrillers, Crime, Drama 1999 128min. White Hunter, Black Heart 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092034 Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Clint Eastwood, Jeff Fahey, George 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092111 Dzundza, Marisa Berenson, Alun The Taste Of Relation Armstrong For a film of „excitement, wit and intelligence“ (Rex Reed, Eastern culture clashes with Western values when an Indian Unforgiven New York Observer), your hunt is over. As star and director father uproots his family and moves to Canada. The movie Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Morgan of White Hunter, Black Heart Clint Eastwood crafts one of the looks into the lives and relationships of a close Hindu family most acclaimed movies of his enduring career. He plays that is torn apart by greed and ambition. As the family Freeman, Richard Harris, Jaimz Woolvet brilliant, driven filmmaker John Wilson (loosely based on the assimilates into a new society that contradicts much of the Los Angeles Times. The American Film Institute Top-100 legendary John Huston) , who’s determined to turn his new culture they have grown up with, they struggle to hold on to American Movies selection rode off with four 1992 Academy project in Africa into a grand personal adventure hunting a the meaningful teachings of their past. Throughout their Awards, including Best Picture, Director, Supporting Actor wild elephant. Jeff Fahey, Marisa Berenson and George emotional journey, can they ever become a loving, caring, (Gene Hackman), and Editing (Joel Cox). Eastwood and Dzundza co-star in thsi rugged and absorbing tale from the whole family again... Morgan Freeman play retired outlaws who pick up their guns novel by co-screenwriter Peter Viertel, who worked with Drama, Family Relationships, Foreign min. one last time to collect a bounty. Richard Harris is an ill-fated Huston in Africa in 1950 on The African Queen. Filmed in killer-for-hire. And Hackman is a lawman of sly charm...and Zimbabwe and London, White Hunter, Black Heart is a bold Celebrity Video Distribution 06.04.2010 chilling brutality. Unforgiven is „a Western for the ages“ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092074 trek into the heart of adventure. Set your sights. (Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times. Adventure, Drama, Film About Film, National Film Registry, Academy Award Wilderness 1990 min. Winners, Action, AFI Top 100, Classics, The Things We Carry Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 Cowboy, Western 1992 131min. Emmie has returned to Los Angeles after 3 years of traveling. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092108 She has received a letter from a companion of her recently Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 deceased, drug addicted, mother. The letter contains a clue to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092110 the location of a package that her mother left for her. Her Women In Trouble intense search magnifies when her sister, Eve, shows up. The sisters had departed on bad terms because of differences on Venus Ranger Filmmaker Sebastian Gutierrez writes and directs this dealing with their mothers addictions. Eve had stayed to care ensemble comedy following 10 Los Angeles women over the for their mother while Emmie had taken off to travel and live When four beautiful girls sneak into the hideout of a course of 24 hours. When porn starlet Electra Luxx (Carla her own life. They are united in an effort to find the package, shadowing organization, they suddenly find themselves being Gugino) discovers that she’s pregnant, her wild world of but still emotionally estranged with their personal conflict. As drafted as holy warriors in the ancient war of good versus pleasure and excess is suddenly turned upside down. old wounds are exposed, will they find the package and, will evil! On the side of darkness is the Golden Venus, on the side Subsequently stuck in an elevator with neurotic Doris they ever be able to gain back their lost connection... of light, the Mysterious Silver! Scheming beastly goddesses, (Connie Britton), Electra realizes she’s standing at a pivotal massive girl on girl battles and an epic spin on the entire crossroads in life. Meanwhile, adult-film up-and-comer Holly Drama 2009 81min. powered ranger genre propel the V-Forces through an epic Rocket (Adrianne Palicki) struggles with her reluctance to go Celebrity Video Distribution 06.04.2010 tribute to classic Japanese live action entertainment! No girl-on-girl in front of the cameras by putting on a private 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092075 punches are pulled! All breasts are mostly real! show with her sexy friend Bambi (Emmanuelle Chriqui); a Prebooks, Science Fiction, Action, therapist (Sarah Clarke) turns to the bottle after discovering Adventure, Fantasy, Femme Fatales, her husband has been unfaithful; a flight attendant (Marley Thirst Shelton) applies for membership in the Mile High Club with a Foreign, Japanese 95min. Thrillers 2008 90min. famous passenger; and a precocious teen (Isabella Gutierrez) Section23 Films 27.04.2010 realizes that the adults in her life aren’t nearly as well- First Look Home Entertainment 22.06.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092012 adjusted as they’d like her to believe. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092146 Prebooks, Sexy Comedies, Comedy, Drama 90min. Tightrope Wacky Taxi / Superargo (Double Screen Media Films 16.03.2010 Clint Eastwood, Dan Hedaya, Alison Feature) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091988 Eastwood, Genevieve Bujold, Jenny Beck Comedy, Exploitation min. Lured by the promise of kinky sex, two men prowl the French Code Red 27.04.2010 Women In Trouble (Blu-ray) Quarter. One is a cop. The other is a killer. Clint Eastwood is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092080 Filmmaker Sebastian Gutierrez writes and directs this Wes Block, a lawman walking a Tightrope separating him from ensemble comedy following 10 Los Angeles women over the the man he strives to be and the man he fears he is. When course of 24 hours. When porn starlet Electra Luxx (Carla investigating brutal sex murders, he uncovers a link between What’s Underground About Gugino) discovers that she’s pregnant, her wild world of himself and the suspect. To the killer, the only good hooker is Marshmallows? pleasure and excess is suddenly turned upside down. a dead one - especially if she’s been with Block. Soon no Subsequently stuck in an elevator with neurotic Doris woman who knows Block is safe, including those dearest to What’s Underground About Marshmallows?. highly acclaimed (Connie Britton), Electra realizes she’s standing at a pivotal him (Genevieve Bujold and Alison Eastwood). Showcasing theater piece Roy Cohn/Jack Smith, first staged in 1989 in crossroads in life. Meanwhile, adult-film up-and-comer Holly New Orleans at its moody best, writer/director Richard New York City and then performed nationally until Vawter’s Rocket (Adrianne Palicki) struggles with her reluctance to go Tuggle (Escape from Alcatraz) adds shadings to Block that death from AIDS in 1994. Jack Smith was a vanguard girl-on-girl in front of the cameras by putting on a private make him more than a stoic action hero. And Eastwood grabs underground filmmaker, who was sometimes hailed as the show with her sexy friend Bambi (Emmanuelle Chriqui); a the challenge with one of his best performances ever. father of performance art. In his later films and performances, therapist (Sarah Clarke) turns to the bottle after discovering Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 1984 such as the one re-imagined here, Smith explored a her husband has been unfaithful; a flight attendant (Marley 114min. deceptively frivolous camp aesthetic that transformed bits of Shelton) applies for membership in the Mile High Club with a Hollywood B movies into socio-political critique and high art. famous passenger; and a precocious teen (Isabella Gutierrez) Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 This complete, uninterrupted performance of Jack Smith’s realizes that the adults in her life aren’t nearly as well- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092112 Marshmallows was recorded at New York’s legendary adjusted as they’d like her to believe. performance venue, The Kitchen it was Vawter’s last performance. Comedy, Drama, Prebooks, Sexy Comedies Tokyo Sonata Performing Arts, Plays On Stage, Prebooks 90min. Ashamed, Ryuheia decides to keep his private news a secret. 1996 60min. Screen Media Films 16.03.2010 His lies and personal torment go unnoticed by his family 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091996 whose lives begin to quickly unravel. Facets Video 25.05.2010 Prebooks, Drama, Foreign, Japanese 2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092004 119min. The Young Victoria E1 Entertainment 04.05.2010 Where Eagles Dare Miranda Richardson, Emily Blunt, Jim

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Broadbent, Paul Bettany, Rupert Friend 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092030 Highlights Emily Blunt and Rupert Friend star in the lavish historical drama, The Young Victoria. Resolved to establish her Sports, Football, NCAA, Prebooks 2010 authority over those who rule in her stead, a young and Luther Kahekili Makekau: A One min. inexperienced Queen Victoria (Blunt) draws strength from the Kine Hawaiian Man Team Marketing 09.03.2010 love of Albert (Friend), the handsome prince who’s stolen her heart. Based on the courtship and early resign of England’s Documentary, Hawaiian, Music, Prebooks 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091993 longest-serving monarch, The Young Victoria is a majestic 60min. tale of romance, intrigue and power. Mountain Apple Company 16.03.2010 Baking With Julia: Volume 2 Romance, Royalty, Art House, Biography, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091987 Julia Child Biopics, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / PBS min. Period Piece 2009 100min. Repnet 30.03.2010 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Romeo And Juliet (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092095 20.04.2010 Clotilde Vayer, Karin Averty, Annie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092091 Carbonnel, Monique Loudieres, Jose Martinez, Manuel Legris, Lionel Delanoe, Deadliest Catch: Season 5 The Young Victoria (Blu-ray) Wilfried Ramoli, Charles Jude, Olivier Patey The top-rated, Emmy-winning hit series Deadliest Catch takes A Ballet in three acts Ballet De L’Opera De Paris Romeo: viewers deep into the most brutal fishing seasons on the Miranda Richardson, Emily Blunt, Jim Manuel Legris Juliet: Monique Loudieres Mercutio: Lionel planet - red king crab and opilio crab. Brave the icy, black Delanoe Tybalt: Charles Jude Benvolio: Wilfried Romoli waters of the Bering Sea with Captains Sig Hansen, Broadbent, Paul Bettany, Rupert Friend Johnathan and Andy Hillstrand, Phil Harris and Keith Colburn Emily Blunt and Rupert Friend star in the lavish historical Rosaline: Karin Averty Paris: Jose Martinez Lady Capulet: Clotilde Vayer Lord Capulet: Oliver Patey The Nurse: Annie and their rugged crews daring to gamble high risk for high drama, The Young Victoria. Resolved to establish her reward. Dirty Jobs’ Mike Rowe narrates as brutal storms, authority over those who rule in her stead, a young and Carbonnel Choreographed by Rudolf Nuryev, this stunning Paris Opera Ballet production was performed at the Opera grueling hours, heavy injuries, violent tempers and fierce inexperienced Queen Victoria (Blunt) draws strength from the competition push these men over the edge. love of Albert (Friend), the handsome prince who’s stolen her Bastille. heart. Based on the courtship and early resign of England’s Dancing, Music, Opera, Performing Arts, Discovery Channel, Documentary, Fishing, longest-serving monarch, The Young Victoria is a majestic Prebooks 1995 min. Reality 2009 588min. tale of romance, intrigue and power. Kultur 27.04.2010 Discovery Channel 07.04.2009 British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092026 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092069 Piece, Art House, Biography, Biopics, Romance, Royalty 2009 100min. Satan’s Host: Assault Of Evil...666 Dirt! The Movie Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Dirt! The Movie. Dirt feeds us and gives us shelter. Dirt 20.04.2010 Black Metal, Concerts, Death Metal, Heavy holds and cleans our water. Dirt heals us and makes us 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092104 Metal, Music min. beautiful. Dirt regulates the earth’s climate. Why do we Ryko Distribution 13.04.2010 humans ignore, abuse, and destroy our most precious living natural resource? Consider the results of such behavior: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092169 Mass starvation, drought, floods and global warming. Narrated by Jamie Lee Curtis, Dirt! The Movie tells the story Ten Years After: Live At Fiesta of humans trying to reconnect to dirt - the living skin of the Music earth. Traveling from the vineyards of California to the plains City of Kenya, Dirt! reveals how repairing our relationship with Blues, British Blues, Concerts, Music 2008 dirt can create new possibilities for all life on earth. Afghan Star Documentary, Environmental, Prebooks min. After thirty years of war and five devastating years of Taliban 2009 80min. Ryko Distribution 13.04.2010 rule, pop culture is beginning to return to Afghanistan. Since Docurama 06.04.2010 2005, millions have been tuning in to Tolo TV’s wildly popular 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092170 American Idol-style series Afghan Star. Like its Western 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092046 predecessors, contestants compete for a cash prize and record deal. More surprisingly - as women were previously Frank Yankovic: America’s Polka banned from singing on public airwaves - the contest is open Discovering Ardi to everyone across the country despite gender, ethnicity or King Has a 4.4-million-year-old „missing link“ been found? The age. Two thousand people audition, including three extremely This documentary takes a comprehensive look at the life and groundbreaking discovery of the skeleton nicknamed „Ardi,“ brave women. And when viewers vote for their favorites via career of American Polka king Frank Yankovic. Songs more than a million years older than Lucy, offers a fascinating cell phone, it is, for many, their first encounter with the featured include several hits from the peak of his career look at what the last common ancestor of humans and living democratic process. Havana Marking’s timely and moving film during the 1940s and 50s, such as „The Blue Skirt Waltz,“ apes might have been like. An international team of scientists, follows the dramatic stories of four young finalists - two men „Just Because,“ „Dance, Dance, Dance,“ and „The Beer who 17 years ago began an investigation of the remote and two women - as they hazard everything to become the Barrel Polka“. Ethiopian desert where the discovery was made, has nation’s favorite performer. By observing the Afghani people’s Documentary, Music, Polka, Prebooks min. painstakingly analyzed its findings and now can reveal in relationship to their pop culture, Afghan Star is the perfect compelling detail how and why humans emerged. This window into a country’s tenuous, ongoing struggle for Kultur 27.04.2010 exclusive peek at a new chapter on human evolution, narrated modernity. What Americans consider frivolous entertainment 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092014 by Dirty Jobs’ Mike Rowe and illuminated with 3D is downright revolutionary - and more huma recreations, brings Ardi and her world to vivid life. British, Documentary, Foreign, Music, Discovery Channel, Documentary, Prebooks 2009 min. Prebooks, Science 2009 88min. Zeitgeist Films 30.03.2010 Discovery Channel 30.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092024 Special Interest 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092068

La Bayadere (Blu-ray) 10 Minute Solution: Ultimate Boot The Eastwood Factor: Extended laurent hilaire, Agnes Letestu, Clotilde Camp Version Vayer, Isabelle Guerin, Elisabeth Platel, Fitness, Prebooks 2010 57min. Clint Eastwood Nathalie Rique, Lionel Delanoe, Wilfried Starz / Anchor Bay 06.04.2010 Biography, Documentary, Film About Film Ramoli, Francis Malovic 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092013 90min. Exotic and mysterious India serves as the backdrop to his story of doomed love between the warrior Solor and the Warner Bros. 01.06.2010 bayadere, Nikiya, who is killed by her jealous rival, Gamzatti. 2010 Rose Bowl Game 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092127 Breathtaking sets and costumes are designed by Ezio Frigerio Sports, Football, NCAA, Prebooks 2010 and Franca Squarciapino in this exceptional production, recorded at the Palais Garnier in Paris. Direction and min. Girls Gone Wild: Sorority Sex choreography in this fully restored version of Petipa’s origi- Team Marketing 16.03.2010 Party nal ballet are by Rudolf Nureyev. Stars Isabelle Guerin, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092058 Laurent Hilaire, and Elisabeth Platel. Meet the horniest girls on campus. You won’t believe what Dancing, Music, Performing Arts, Prebooks, goes on inside America’s hottest sorority houses. These ripe Ambient Colors young hotties are completely naked and ready for action. It’s a Ballet 1994 133min. girl on girl extravaganza! These sex starved coeds are fresh Kultur 27.04.2010 Atmosphere DVDs min. out of high school and ready to experiment. Kacey is a sweet Navarre 27.04.2010 young freshman who seems really shy until she gets naked on 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092027 the couch. You won’t believe how hard she gets herself off. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092082 It’s intense! April and Danielle are two adorable brunettes The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty who get in a little spanking war. Afterward, they make nice in Back On Top: University Of the hot tub. Things get really steamy when they start rubbing Music, Prebooks, Reality 2009 282min. up against the jets. If you think these girls are crazy in the A&E 30.03.2010 Alabama 2009 Game & Season sorority house, just wait ‘til they climb aboard the GGW bus!

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 34 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Meet Ashley and Elizabeth, two barely 18 bad girls. One of Horse Boy is part travel adventure, part insight into shamanic 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092079 them isn’t wearing any underwear. And it isn’t long before healing and part intimate look at the autistic mind. In telling they’re both completely naked. And hula hooping! Raw, real one family’s extraordinary story, the film gives voice to the and completely uncensored. It’s Girls Gone Wild: Sorority thousands who display amazing courage and creativity UFC 109: Relentless Sex Party. everyday in the battle against this mysterious and Sports, UFC, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Girls Gone Wild, Prebooks min. heartbreaking epidemic. The filmic companion to Isaacson’s Prebooks 2010 340min. Mantra Films 04.05.2010 best-selling book of the same name, this ravishing documentary odyssey gives insight into how, in life’s darkes Starz / Anchor Bay 13.04.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092066 Art House, Documentary, Horses, Prebooks 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092018 2009 min. Girls Gone Wild: Top 50 Best Zeitgeist Films 20.04.2010 UFC: The Ultimate Fighter - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092023 Butts Ever Season 10 Get ready for the tightest, roundest, perkiest butts we’ve ever caught on tape! Check out these hot young college girls’ IMAX: Horses - The Story Of UFC, Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts, assets in short skirts, Daisy Dukes, thongs, booty shorts and Prebooks, Sports, Sports Entertainment our favorite...nothing at all! Whose butt is the best? We’ve Equus collected 50 bouncy beautiful butts being flashed on beaches, 2006 min. shaken in clubs, soaped up in showers and spanked silly in Documentary, Horses, IMAX, Prebooks Navarre 06.04.2010 dorm rooms. We’ve got apple bottomed beauties with asses so 2002 min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091990 ripe you want to bite them! Wait until you meet Catherine and Warner Bros. 08.06.2010 Summer, two bad girl BFFs who like to spank each other so 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092045 hard they leave bright red handprints! Next, slip into a bath We Live In Public with Girls Gone Wild Magazine cover girls Georgia and Lena Technology, Art House, Documentary, as they take turns scrubbing each other’s backsides. Do you IMAX: Under The Sea like butts covered in whipped cream? How about Jell O? Prebooks 2009 90min. Things get even hotter as we count down the Top 5. Amia is a Documentary, High Seas, IMAX, Prebooks Indiepix 02.03.2010 tanned, toned hottie with the tightest back end you’ve ever 2009 130min. seen! And wait ‘til you see Number 1! Raw, real and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091995 completely uncensored. It’s Girls Gone Wild: Top 50 Best Warner Bros. 30.03.2010 Butts Ever! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092022 Orson Welles: The Paris Inter- Girls Gone Wild, Prebooks min. Mantra Films 04.05.2010 IMAX: Under The Sea (Blu-ray) view A vintage interview captures the artist reflecting on Citizen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092065 Documentary, High Seas, IMAX, Prebooks Kane and expounding on directing, acting and writing and his 2009 135min. desire to bestow a valuable legacy upon his profession. The Girls Gone Wild: Top 50 Best scene is a hotel room in Paris. The year 1960. The star, Warner Bros. 30.03.2010 Orson Welles. This is a pearl of cinematic memorabilia. Butts Ever (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092028 Directed by Allan King. Get ready for the tightest, roundest, perkiest butts we’ve ever Documentary, Prebooks 1960 53min. caught on tape! Check out these hot young college girls’ Lord Save Us From Your Kultur 27.04.2010 assets in short skirts, Daisy Dukes, thongs, booty shorts and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092016 our favorite...nothing at all! Whose butt is the best? We’ve Followers collected 50 bouncy beautiful butts being flashed on beaches, shaken in clubs, soaped up in showers and spanked silly in Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 101min. dorm rooms. We’ve got apple bottomed beauties with asses so Virgil Films And Entertainment 20.04.2010 ripe you want to bite them! Wait until you meet Catherine and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092078 Summer, two bad girl BFFs who like to spank each other so hard they leave bright red handprints! Next, slip into a bath with Girls Gone Wild Magazine cover girls Georgia and Lena Meshuggah-Nuns! as they take turns scrubbing each other’s backsides. Do you Meshuggah-Nuns! finds the sisters on an all-expense paid like butts covered in whipped cream? How about Jell O? trip on the „Faiths of All Nations“ Cruise. When the cast of Things get even hotter as we count down the Top 5. Amia is a „Fiddler on the Roof“ (with the exception of the guy playing tanned, toned hottie with the tightest back end you’ve ever Tevye) gets seasick, the ship’s captain asks the sisters and seen! And wait ‘til you see Number 1! Raw, real and Tevye to put on a show. The result - Meshuggah-Nuns!. From completely uncensored. It’s Girls Gone Wild: Top 50 Best Sister Amnesia’s attempt at magic to the sing-along Butts Ever! Fiddlerspiel, Meshuggah-Nuns is an ecumenical fun-fest. You Prebooks min. don’t have to be Catholic. You don’t have to be Jewish. This Mantra Films 04.05.2010 is a show for anyone who loves a good laugh! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092070 Comedy, Opera, Performing Arts, Prebooks 97min. Homage To Chagall Kultur 27.04.2010 In Homage to Chagall, which The New York Times proclaimed 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092019 „an affectionate and visually beautiful celebration of both the man and his art,“ acclaimed Canadian documentary filmmaker Naked Ambition: An R Rated Harry Rasky (Song of Leonard Cohen) coaxes artist Marc Chagall’s formidable life and transcendent work onto film. Look At The X Rated Industry This Academy Award-nominated documentary is a symphonic blending of narration by James Mason (Pandora and the Documentary, Erotica, Prebooks 2009 Flying Dutchman), first-person recitations from Chagall’s 81min. letters and poems read by Joseph Wiseman (Dr. No, Phase 4 Films 13.04.2010 Detective Story), and rare interviews with the charismatic Chagall himself as he nears his 90th birthday. In what Judith 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092061 Crist of Saturday Review called „a magical blend of sight and sound that transcends the screen,“ Rasky drinks in the lush National Geographic: Big Sur - colors and mystic images of Chagall’s paintings, tapestries, murals, mosaics, and stained glass windows from the Paris Wild California Opera to the Jerusalem Museum. Homage to Chagall. Documentary, National Geographic min. Documentary, Photography/Art, Prebooks Vivendi Visual Entertainment 30.03.2010 88min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092088 Kultur 27.04.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092017 National Geographic: Big Sur - The Horse Boy Wild California (Blu-ray) An intensely personal yet epic spiritual quest, The Horse Boy Documentary, National Geographic min. follows one Texas couple and their autistic son as they trek Vivendi Visual Entertainment 30.03.2010 on horseback through the breathtaking steppes of Mongolia in an attempt to find healing for him. When two-year-old Rowan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40092100 was diagnosed with autism, Rupert Isaacson, a writer and former horse trainer, and his wife Kristin Neff, a psychology Total Nonstop Action Wrestling: professor, sought the best possible medical care, but traditional therapies had little effect. Then they discovered Cross The Line Volume 3 that Rowan has a profound kinship with animals-particularly horses-and the family set off on a journey that would change Sports, Sports Entertainment 2005 min. their lives forever. Directed by Michel Orion Scott, The Navarre 20.04.2010

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 36 Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) März 2010

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Newsletter 04/10 (Nr. 267) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assisstenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies © (2010) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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