Searching for Spirits: Assessing the Creation and Maintenance of Beliefs Within a Spiritualist New Religious Movement

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Searching for Spirits: Assessing the Creation and Maintenance of Beliefs Within a Spiritualist New Religious Movement !"#$%&'()*+,$*!-'$'.!/*#!!"!!'()*.&"*%$"#.',(*#(0*1#'(."(#(%"*,+* 2"3'"+!*4'.&'(*#*!-'$'.5#3'!.*("4*$"3')',5!*1,6"1"(.* * * * 78* * * 9:;<=><;*.>:?@A:;* * * !B7?C==DE*C;*@<F=C<G*HBGHCGG?D;=*:H*=>D*FDIBCFD?D;=A*H:F*=>D*EDJFDD*:H*1<A=DF*:H*#F=A* * <=* * 0<G>:BACD*5;CKDFAC=8* &<GCH<LM*(:K<*!N:=C<* #@FCG*OPQR* ! * * * * © %:@8FCJ>=*78*9:;<=><;*.>:?@A:;M*OPQR* ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! * ! * ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .:*?8*SCHD* ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! * CC* * "#$%&!'(!)'*+&*+,! ! ! #7A=F<N=TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUUU@U*CK* 3CA=*:H*#77FDKC<=C:;A*5ADETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUTTT@U*K* #NV;:SGDEJ?D;=ATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUU@U*KC* %><@=DF*Q/*';=F:EBN=C:;TTTUUTTTTTTUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT@U*Q* %><@=DF*O/*3C=DF<=BFD*$DKCDSTTTTTTUTTTTTTUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTU@U*W* %BG=*%G<AACHCN<=C:;ATTTTTUUTTTTTUTTTTTTUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTU@U*X* %:;KDFAC:;*.>D:FCDATTTTTTTTTTUTTTTTTTUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT@U*QY* %><@=DF*Z/*1D=>:EATTTTTTTUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT@U*OO* %><@=DF*Y/*#*2FCDH*&CA=:F8*,H*!@CFC=B<GCA?TTUTUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT@U*OR* %><@=DF*W/*"=>;:JF<@>8TTTUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUU@U*ZR* 4:FVA>:@ATTTTTTTTTTTTTTUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUUUUUUUUU@U*YR* %><@=DF*X/*!DKD;*+<N=:FA*+:F*.>D*%FD<=C:;*#;E*1<C;=D;<;ND*,H*2DGCDHATTUTT@U*XZ* 1DEC=<=C:;TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUUUTTTTTU@U*XZ* 1DAA<JDATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@U*XW* #G=DF;<=CKD*2DGCDHATTTTTUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUU@U*XR* %><FCA?<TTTTTTTTTTUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUUUUUUUUUUUUU@U*X[* $DGCJC:BA*0D@FCK<=C:;TTTUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUU@U*X\* !:NC<G*%:;HCF?<=C:;TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT@U*RP* 0D@FCK<=C:;*,H*%FC=CN<G*.>:BJ>=TTTUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT@U*RQ* %><@=DF*R/*%:;NGBAC:;TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUU@U*RZ* 2C7GC:JF<@>8UUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUUUU@U*[Q* ! ! ! ! ! * CCC* * -$,+.#/+! ! .>CA*A=BE8*CA*<;*D=>;:JF<@>CN*<NN:B;=*:H*7DGCDH*NFD<=C:;*<;E*?<C;=D;<;ND* SC=>C;*<*A@CFC=B<GCA=*;DS*FDGCJC:BA*?:KD?D;=*]A@DNCHCN<GG8M*=>D*!@CFC=B<G*!NCD;ND* +DGG:SA>C@*:F*!!+^U**.>D*D?@><ACA*CA*@G<NDE*:;*@DFA:;<G*DL@DFCD;NDA*:KDF*<*:;D_8D<F* FDAD<FN>*@DFC:EM*>CA=:FCN<G*FDAD<FN>*:H*A@CFC=B<GCA=*;DS*FDGCJC:BA*?:KD?D;=AM*<;E* FDKCDS*:H*N:;=D?@:F<F8*N:;KDFAC:;*=>D:FCDA*SC=>C;*A:NC:G:J8U* * .>D*@BF@:AD*:H*=>CA*A=BE8*CA*=:*DL<?C;D*A:NC<G*H<N=:FA*C;*=>D*?:KD?D;=M*S>CN>* ?<8*<NN:B;=*H:F*=>D*NFD<=C:;*<;E*?<C;=D;<;ND*:H*A@DNCHCN*7DGCDHA*>DGE*78*C=A* ?D?7DFAU**'*B=CGC`D*@DFA:;<G*DL@DFCD;NDA*:7=<C;DE*=>F:BJ>*@<F=CNC@<;=*:7ADFK<=C:;* =:*DGBNCE<=D*=>DAD*H<N=:FAU**'*<GA:*N:?@<FD*<;E*N:;=F<A=*:=>DF*N:;=D?@:F<F8* N:;KDFAC:;*=>D:FCDA*C;NGBEC;J*ED@FCK<=C:;*<;E*7F<C;S<A>C;J*<J<C;A=*?8*DL@DFCD;NDA* SC=>*=>CA*@<F=CNBG<F*A@CFC=B<GCA=*JF:B@U** ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! * CK* * 01,+!'(!-$$.&21#+1'*,!3,&4! 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    Full Facts Books are supplied from the website of Ian Rowland Limited. At the time of printing, the website address is: The Full Facts Book of Cold Reading by Ian Rowland Third edition Website: This book is dedicated with love to my Mother and Father, two exceptional, wonderful and admirable people. The Full Facts Book of Cold Reading (third edition) Copyright © Ian Rowland 2002 London, England 1st edition published 1998 2nd edition published 2001 Published by Ian Rowland Limited All rights reserved. This publication may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part by any means or in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of the author. At the time of printing, Ian Rowland's website is: www. ianrowland. com Like everything else on the web, this is subject to change. You can always track down the current version using your favourite search engine, or your psychic powers. Contents Section 1: Welcome to the Psychic Circus 8 The Greatest Scam In History? 8 Overview: what you will find in this book 10 Three things this book is not about 11 Section 2: How Cold Reading works 14 Defining terms 14 What is cold reading? 14 What is a psychic reading? 14 Readings categorised by type 15 Readings categorised by content 16 Readings categorised by delivery 16 Readings categorised by client 17 Terms used in this book 18 Five popular misconceptions 19 1. Body language 19 2. Shrewd observation 19 3. Fishing for clues 20 4. Vagueness and generalisation 20 5. Stupid, credulous and gullible? 21 How it works 1/7: The Set Up 24 1.
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  • Xerox University Microfilms
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