The Archeolog
l§lAND FIELD MUSEUl4- RD #2 BOX 124 WINTER 1975-1976 MILFORD, DEL. J9H1 · VOLUME X.XVII NO. 2 THE ARCHEOLOG PUBLICATION of the SUSSEX SOCIETY of ARCHEOLOGY and HISTORY FIRST BICENTENNIAL ISSUE MILL WHEELS HALF BURIED AT OLD FORGE (See Pages ) - ?) • . Pr ice 15,f,(J) J ISLAND FIELD MUSEUM RD #2 BOX 126 MN.FORD. DEi.; .19963 THE ARCHEOLOG TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES NOTES OF INTEREST TO MEMBERS 2 RF.MINISCENCES, By Orlando V. Wooten 3 FACTS AND ESTIMATES CONCERNING DELAWARE'S POPULATION AT THE TIME OF THE 1790 CENSUS, By Elizabeth S. Higgins 8 JOHN HUNN AND THE UNDERGROUND RAIL ROAD, By John Hunn Brown, 15 A SURVEY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE, By Ronald A. Thomas, State Supervisor of Archaeology 22 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY PRESIDENTa Mrs. Elizabeth s. Higgins, 512 Poplar St., Seaford, Del. 19973 VICE-PRESIDENT1 Mr. Clarence o. Lantis, Bethel, Delaware 19931 CORRESPONDING SECRETARYa Mr. William L. Pedersen, RD#3, Box 190 Laurel, Del. 19956 RECORDING SECRETARY1 Mr. Emerson G. Higgins, 512 Poplar St., Seaford, Del. 19973 TREASURER a Mr. James A. Kelley, RD#2, Timihaw Road, Seaford, Del. 19973 EDITOR Mr. Henry H. Hutchinson, "At The Landing", Bethel, Delaware 19931 SUSSEX SOCIETY OF ARCHEOLOGY AND HISTORY •••••••••• 1948-1976 ) 2 Notes of Interest To Members Reminiscences by Orlando V. Wootten Permanent Honorary Member status was voted by the membership for two members1 Dr. David L. Marine Old Forge Pond is a small, lovely gem of hidden beauty Dr. Chesleigh Bonine on the tree shrouded upper reaches of James Branch, about two miles upstream from the larger, open Laurel Pond.
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