Parish Share Report

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Parish Share Report PARISH SHARE PAYMENTS For period ended 30th September 2020 SUMMARY OF PARISH SHARE PAYMENTS BY DEANERIES Dean Amount % Deanery Share Received for 2020 % Deanery Share % No Outstanding 2019 2020 to period end 2019 Received for 2019 received £ £ £ £ £ Norwich Archdeaconry 06 Norwich East 22,764 4.09 584,363 356,067 60.93 557,186 354,184 63.57 04 Norwich North 33,864 6.66 520,664 261,458 50.22 508,577 333,671 65.61 05 Norwich South 34,380 8.40 370,673 294,468 79.44 409,212 267,621 65.40 Norfolk Archdeaconry 01 Blofield 22,229 6.79 331,836 168,389 50.74 327,284 212,276 64.86 11 Depwade 33,147 11.80 269,250 124,212 46.13 280,831 137,847 49.09 02 Great Yarmouth 46,473 9.93 476,879 219,287 45.98 467,972 283,804 60.65 13 Humbleyard 64,860 14.81 438,596 126,752 28.90 437,949 192,301 43.91 14 Loddon 77,050 22.96 327,666 156,264 47.69 335,571 165,520 49.32 15 Lothingland 41,060 7.30 562,218 313,514 55.76 562,194 381,997 67.95 16 Redenhall 71,391 21.01 352,467 147,380 41.81 339,813 183,032 53.86 09 St Benet 15,554 4.09 381,805 241,234 63.18 380,642 229,484 60.29 17 Thetford & Rockland 59,355 18.89 304,536 131,088 43.05 314,266 182,806 58.17 Lynn Archdeaconry 18 Breckland 76,264 19.17 386,285 199,154 51.56 397,811 233,505 58.70 20 Burnham & Walsingham 54,455 13.74 417,379 205,964 49.35 396,393 241,163 60.84 12 Dereham in Mitford 20,440 5.77 363,605 186,455 51.28 353,955 223,631 63.18 21 Heacham & Rising 44,759 11.86 367,102 204,722 55.77 377,375 245,242 64.99 22 Holt 18,514 5.65 339,511 189,303 55.76 327,646 207,089 63.21 23 Lynn 20,372 6.17 341,831 153,174 44.81 330,152 196,022 59.37 07 Repps 15,424 4.02 386,525 245,097 63.41 383,729 278,123 72.48 03 08 Ingworth & Sparham 55,048 12.94 448,340 250,719 55.92 425,260 239,965 56.43 827,403 10.46 7,971,531 4,174,702 52.37 7,913,818 4,789,282 60.52 01/10/2020 NORWICH DIOCESAN BOARD OF FINANCE LTD DEANERY HISTORY REPORT MONTH September YEAR 2020 SUMMARY PARISH 2018 OUTST. Allocated Actual 2019 OUTST. Allocated ACT. REC OUTST. NUMBER PARISH NAME AMOUNT 2019 2019 AMOUNT 2020 YTD AMOUNT % OUTST Norwich Archdeaconary 6 Norwich East 23,500 557,186 534,422 22,764 584,363 356,067 228,296 39.07% 4 Norwich North 47,317 508,577 474,713 33,864 520,664 261,458 259,206 49.78% 5 Norwich South 28,950 409,212 374,832 34,380 370,673 294,468 76,205 20.56% Norfolk Archdeaconry 1 Blofield 37,303 327,284 305,055 22,229 331,836 168,389 163,448 49.26% 11 Depwade 46,736 280,831 247,684 33,147 269,250 124,212 145,038 53.87% 2 Great Yarmouth 44,786 467,972 421,499 46,473 476,879 219,287 257,592 54.02% 13 Humbleyard 47,747 437,949 373,089 64,860 438,596 126,752 311,844 71.10% 14 Loddon 62,404 335,571 258,521 77,050 327,666 156,264 171,402 52.31% 15 Lothingland 21,237 562,194 521,134 41,060 562,218 313,514 248,704 44.24% 16 Redenhall 55,930 339,813 268,422 71,391 352,467 147,380 205,087 58.19% 9 St Benet 36,663 380,642 365,088 15,554 381,805 241,234 140,571 36.82% 17 Thetford & Rockland 31,271 314,266 254,911 59,355 304,536 131,088 173,448 56.95% Lynn Archdeaconry 18 Breckland 45,799 397,811 321,547 76,264 386,285 199,154 187,131 48.44% 20 Burnham & Walsingham 63,028 396,393 341,938 54,455 417,379 205,964 211,415 50.65% 12 Dereham in Mitford 43,605 353,955 333,515 20,440 363,605 186,455 177,150 48.72% 21 Heacham & Rising 24,243 377,375 332,616 44,759 367,102 204,722 162,380 44.23% 22 Holt 28,275 327,646 309,132 18,514 339,511 189,303 150,208 44.24% 23 Lynn 10,805 330,152 309,780 20,372 341,831 153,174 188,657 55.19% 7 Repps 0 383,729 368,305 15,424 386,525 245,097 141,428 36.59% 3 8 Ingworth & Sparham 27,983 425,260 370,212 55,048 448,340 250,719 197,622 44.08% 727,583 7,913,818 7,086,415 827,403 7,971,531 4,174,702 3,796,830 47.63% NORWICH DIOCESAN BOARD OF FINANCE LTD DEANERY HISTORY REPORT MONTH YEAR NORWICH EAST September 2020 PARISH PARISH NAME Allocated Actual OUTST. Allocated Actual OUTST. Allocated Act. Rec OUTST. % OUTST NUMBER 2018 2018 AMOUNT 2019 2019 AMOUNT 2020 YTD AMOUNT 2020 2018 2019 2020 COLEGATE AND TOMBLAND (NORWICH) 06-203 NORWICH ST GEORGE COLEGATE PCC 14,508 14,530 -22 16,684 16,711 -27 20,792 20,802 -10 0.0% 06-205 NORWICH ST GEORGE TOMBLAND PCC 17,452 15,452 2,000 20,070 20,570 -500 21,475 8,500 12,975 60.4% 31,960 29,982 1,978 36,754 37,281 -527 42,267 29,302 12,965 30.7% HEARTSEASE (NORWICH) 06-207 HEARTSEASE ST FRANCIS PCC 20,738 20,738 0 21,775 20,422 1,353 22,864 17,630 5,234 22.9% LAKENHAM 06-212 LAKENHAM ST MARK PCC 17,000 17,022 -22 15,000 13,027 1,973 17,250 6,200 11,050 64.1% LAKENHAM GROUP (ST JOHN & TUCKSWOOD) 06-170 LAKENHAM OLD ST JOHN PCC 13,688 13,688 0 15,741 15,741 0 18,102 12,500 5,602 30.9% 06-171 TUCKSWOOD ST PAUL PCC 13,688 13,699 -11 15,741 15,741 0 18,102 6,034 12,068 66.7% 27,376 27,387 -11 31,482 31,482 0 36,204 18,534 17,670 48.8% ST ANDREW (NORWICH) 06-201 NORWICH ST ANDREW PCC 32,657 32,679 -22 37,556 37,583 -27 43,189 20,000 23,189 53.7% ST GILES (NORWICH) 06-206 NORWICH ST GILES PCC 31,339 31,361 -22 32,249 32,276 -27 32,815 26,282 6,533 19.9% ST HELEN (NORWICH) 06-208 NORWICH ST HELEN PCC 16,730 12,522 4,208 17,479 10,337 7,142 8,000 3,500 4,500 56.3% ST PETER MANCROFT (NORWICH) 06-217 NORWICH ST PETER MANCROFT PCC 107,448 107,448 0 110,310 110,310 0 112,360 84,270 28,090 25.0% ST STEPHEN (NORWICH) 06-219 NORWICH ST STEPHEN PCC 41,233 41,255 -22 47,418 47,418 0 54,531 40,958 13,573 24.9% THORPE HAMLET (NORWICH) 06-221 NORWICH ST MATTHEW THORPE PCC 39,750 25,522 14,228 39,750 39,777 -27 45,713 33,000 12,713 27.8% THORPE ST ANDREW (NORWICH) 06-220 THORPE ST ANDREW PCC 61,850 60,022 1,828 55,000 55,027 -27 63,250 22,041 41,209 65.2% TIMBERHILL (NORWICH) 06-218 NORWICH PARMENTERGATE PCC 52,900 52,922 -22 60,835 60,835 0 65,629 35,259 30,370 46.3% THORPE END (NORWICH) 06-223 THORPE END (NORWICH) 31,395 31,395 0 31,395 20,934 10,461 20,000 15,000 5,000 25.0% TROWSE (NORWICH) 06-556 TROWSE PCC 20,004 18,626 1,378 20,183 17,710 2,473 20,291 4,091 16,200 79.8% 532,380 508,880 23,500 557,186 534,422 22,764 584,363 356,067 228,296 39.1% NORWICH DIOCESAN BOARD OF FINANCE LTD DEANERY HISTORY REPORT MONTH YEAR NORWICH NORTH September 2020 PARISH PARISH NAME Allocated Actual OUTST. Allocated Actual OUTST. Allocated Act. Rec OUTST. % OUTST NUMBER 2018 2018 AMOUNT 2019 2019 AMOUNT 2020 YTD AMOUNT 2020 2018 2019 2020 DRAYTON 04-127 DRAYTON PCC 51,500 45,500 6,000 52,500 43,922 8,578 52,000 22,310 29,690 57.1% HELLESDON 04-129 HELLESDON PCC 62,678 48,000 14,678 53,000 47,000 6,000 55,000 27,000 28,000 50.9% HORSFORD 04-138 FELTHORPE PCC 8,431 8,431 0 8,431 8,431 0 8,431 6,323 2,108 25.0% 04-098 HEVINGHAM PCC 5,396 0 5,396 8,431 2,100 6,331 3,607 230 3,377 93.6% 04-130 HORSFORD PCC 19,897 7,897 12,000 16,862 9,330 7,532 18,019 3,734 14,285 79.3% 33,724 16,328 17,396 33,724 19,861 13,863 30,057 10,287 19,770 65.8% HORSHAM 04-134 HORSHAM, SPIXWORTH & CROSTWICK BENEFICE 31,500 31,500 0 36,225 36,225 0 41,659 14,000 27,659 66.4% 31,500 31,500 0 36,225 36,225 0 41,659 14,000 27,659 66.4% MILE CROSS 04-132 MILE CROSS ST CATHERINE'S PCC 29,900 28,164 1,736 34,385 30,000 4,385 33,000 16,750 16,250 49.2% NEW CATTON CHRISTCHURCH 04-122 NEW CATTON CHRIST CHURCH PCC 31,339 31,339 0 32,249 32,250 -1 32,815 10,188 22,628 69.0% NEW CATTON ST LUKE 04-123 NORWICH NEW CATTON ST LUKE W ST AUGUSTINES 46,500 40,000 6,500 42,500 42,500 0 48,875 18,532 30,344 62.1% OLD CATTON 04-124 OLD CATTON PCC 62,678 62,678 0 64,497 64,497 0 65,629 30,407 35,222 53.7% SPROWSTON 04-135 SPROWSTON PCC 55,200 55,200 0 57,000 57,000 0 60,000 37,000 23,000 38.3% ST MARY MAGDALENE (NORWICH) 04-214 NORWICH ST MARY MAGDALEN PCC 38,000 38,000 0 38,000 38,000 0 36,000 27,127 8,873 24.6% TAVERHAM 04-136 TAVERHAM PCC 59,371 59,371 0 61,094 61,094 0 62,166 46,085 16,082 25.9% 08-133 RINGLAND PCC 3,307 2,300 1,007 3,403 2,364 1,039 3,463 1,773 1,690 48.8% 62,678 61,671 1,007 64,497 63,458 1,039 65,629 47,858 17,771 27.1% 505,697 458,380 47,317 508,577 474,713 33,864 520,664 261,458 259,206 49.8% NORWICH DIOCESAN BOARD OF FINANCE LTD DEANERY HISTORY REPORT MONTH YEAR NORWICH SOUTH September 2020 PARISH PARISH NAME Allocated Actual OUTST.

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