2020Annual Report Contents 08 06 04 03 10 14 16 18 13 11 Champions Our Change Lives How Dollars Good forGathering Service Celebration of Impact Partnership Partner Story Featured Impact Leadership Impact Volunteer Numbers 2020 by the Executive Director Letter from the With love...Sharon your generous giftsofheartsandmindstimemoney. Iwillnever forget. Iamforever grateful. and becompassionate withoneanother. You madeitpossible. You inspire me. You brought meto tears with perspective anddistance. Perhaps. Idoknow that in the most stretching oftimeswe found away to gather I recently heard that it’s too soonto bereflective aboutwhat we’ve allbeenthrough….that we needtimeand showed upwhenyou were suffering anduncertain...asked how canIhelp?...served...led...invested...loved. In ayear that seemedlike everything changed,here’s what didn’tchange...your willingness to care. You has come outofwhat seemedlike animpossible year. brilliant collaboration, we beganputtingtogether acompassion program that isstill forming. Somuchgood and eachotherthrough thesetimesbecameperhapsanew way oflookingat service. With David Collins’s ourselves, ourfamilies, friends,neighbors,thosewe worked with,andthelarger community. Loving ourselves would beontheotherside. Iwanted usto become aplace ofcomfort that encouraged compassion for As springmoved to summerandthere was noendinsight,Ibeganto envision whotheVolunteer Center • We still gotto honoramazingvolunteers for inspiringservice astheannualCornucopia Luncheonbecame • The annualService andLeadership Symposium half-day event was changedto conversations with6 • We stopped charging anannualfee for agency partnersandsellingtickets for allofourevents • Consultations were offered at no cost to our struggling partners • Summerweekly opportunitiesfor families changedto mailedboxes withproject materials that could safely • We helpedourpartnersfigure outvirtual ways to safely place volunteers through aspeciallinkonour • Ourteam started working remotely • The annualgolftournament was cancelled • Allin-persontraining programs were reconfigured asvirtual experiences • In-personvolunteering stopped inthespringandhasonlyrecently started again pandemic… The pagesthat follow share somany thingsthat changedat theVolunteer Center during2020 dueto the effects ofthisnew globalthreat. do anything was out ofthequestion. The far-away suffering soonenveloped our community as we felt the Weus: “Do-GoodGatherer”. gather peopleto dogood!Butwithin3weeks, gathering peopletogether to When ourBoard planningretreat endedinFebruary 2020, we were fired upwithanew metaphordescribing Dear Friends, Executive Director Letter from the Celebrating for Good, avirtualevent amazing thoughtleadersover a5-week period be donefrom home website Executive Director Sharon Hyde Bass, 03 50,892 People served across the South Plains in 2020 120 29 40 Nonprofit Businesses Area schools got organizations connected their core support to help increased capacity to values to service students serve serve their clients and leadership their communities 21,876 49,538 opportunities People volunteered Volunteer referrals in a VCL program made From the Heart - 214 National Days of Service - 272 VCL Volunteers - 199 Youth In Service - 21,191 2020 Impact 47 45 Youth leadership Workshops $75,574 1,238 opportunities provided Invested in us by our People attended an event or 764 Participants 875 Participants partners to impact our training at no cost thanks to 1,582.5 Training hours 1,538.5 Training hours mission in 2020 our generous partners 99 Individual Donors 177 43 First-time Givers Consultations provided 409 Participants 496 Training hours

04 05 Volunteer Impact Creating a Culture of Service “It gave us an opportunity to get outside our own family group and do The Volunteer Center believes in people’s desire to purposefully engage in their something for the wide community. When the pandemic hit, that desire strengthened across the South Plains. In 2020, we concentrated our world out there...when you efforts on creating quality, effective, and safe ways that our community members go out and you volunteer could get involved. and interact with your community members, you see all of the good that surrounds you.” 30 - Cindy Niederhauser, Virtual or From the Heart Participant at-home volunteer opportunities provided

06 07 Leadership Impact Developing the Next Generation of Leaders 2,048 Adult and youth leadership “I now have participants in the knowledge *pre-Covid *pre-Covid 2020 about myself Everyone has the potential to become a leader. The Volunteer Center strives to to be able to help people develop or enhance their leadership skills, so that together, we can spend our time creating a more effectively lead engaged community. others and Our Transformative Leadership 96.5% programs include Emerging Leaders, High Performing Teams, Volunteer of our 2020 create a team” Manager Leaders, and Executive Director Boot Camp. Each participant takes a leadership assessment created by David Collins of iZnew, and continues with two days devoted to revealing leadership and strengthening their leadership abilities. participants - Transformative The Volunteer Center offers workshops over various topics and consultations Leadership participant based off of an organization’s need. We began the year with a board development workshop with Vicki Clark, then moved to virtual learning rated their opportunities after the pandemic. Consultations were offered at no cost to our nonprofit partners as they dealt with challenges. program a 4/5 We believe that by encouraging young people to explore their leadership potential and understand the importance of service, we are building a more or higher engaged community. HYPE (Helping Youth Purposefully Engage) allows high school juniors to do just that. The virtual format offered challenges, but also unexpected connections and quality outcomes.

We are here as a resource to use your time developing your skills and influencing the next generation of leaders.

08 09 Partnership Impact Strengthening through collaborative partnerships

40 Lubbock Area Schools Youth In Service (YIS) builds the next generation of community leaders by recognizing young people for the service they provide and providing them with training and support to develop service programs in their schools. We also partner with local universities to offer community engagement to their students.

120 Agency Partners Featured Partner: Our Agency Partners receive benefits such as a free account on our online volunteer portal, Get Connected, promotion in our social media and newsletters, opportunities to connect with other local agencies at Brown Bag Lunches and other events. In 2020, we waived our annual Agency Partner fee, allowing any agency to Face Masks for Lubbock receive benefits at no cost.

At the beginning of the pandemic, registered nurse, Tiffany Edwards, wanted to tackle the 29 Businesses shortage of face masks for hospital and healthcare workers in the Lubbock area. Because We help make service easy by connecting businesses with our community engagement opportunities. she was new to Lubbock, Tiffany turned to Facebook to get the word out about her Businesses find value in our volunteer matching that helps employees find their best service fit, our help in initiative: Face Masks for Lubbock. This volunteer group sews and provides face masks to creating employee volunteer programs, and participation in our extensive leadership programs. medical and other frontline groups throughout the South Plains. The community response was overwhelming, and Tiffany quickly had several volunteers join her efforts to provide face masks to our most vulnerable populations.

Through the Lubbock Area United Way, Tiffany connected with the Volunteer Center of Lubbock for support. The Volunteer Center offered personal consultations and an opportunity to post volunteer needs on GetConnected at no cost. Tiffany states: “without the Volunteer Center, we would not have been able to grow this big, I don’t think. We wouldn’t have had this kind of response and definitely would not have made some of the connections we’ve made. I said to Sharon, ‘HELP,’ I don’t know where to go from here. The Volunteer Center gave us a sense of direction and guidance and resources; they gave us a platform to help our voice to be heard.” To date, Face Masks for Lubbock has produced over 15,000 masks!


10 11 2020 Events Celebration of All of our planned events in 2020 were affected by COVID-19. When it became clear that this virus was going to continue to impact our lives, we began to ask ourselves: How can we gather our community for good when Service the best thing to do is stay apart? The answer to this question was creating Gathering for Good Moments. This series of virtual options was offered at no cost to our participants, thanks to our generous investors. Celebration of Service is an annual event that honors Lubbock area youth that Conversations for Good | Celebrating for Good | Serving for Good | Giving for Good have participated in our Youth Connection. The youth and family programs that we honor in this event are Lubbock HYPE, Youth in Service, United Way Youth Division, and From the Heart. Celebration of Service 2020 was a virtual event and premiered on May 14th, 2020. 2020 Gathering for Good Sponsors

Use the QR code to watch Celebration of Service 2020

Featured Sponsor: Studio West Studio West is an interior design firm in Lubbock, , and a proud Volunteer Center partner. Their principal and president, Melissa Grimes, says that she connects with the Volunteer Center because “they have always been about connecting friends, teammates, us as an organization with energy and involvement that matters to us, and I really love that.” 23,009 204,646 When the Volunteer Center created Gathering for Good, the Studio West team became a sponsor and participant. Melissa stated about the series: “It’s a terrific Youth volunteers Hours Served way to actually engage more people, engage more inspirational speakers, to bring more of us together, to have an opportunity to actually chat back across the in 2020 and forth, to be engaged in a different way and for a longer term than the Symposium has presented in the past” South Plains With the help of fantastic sponsors like Studio West, the Volunteer Center provided the Gathering for Good series to our community at no cost.

12 13 Gathering for Good Conversations for Good 24th Annual

Conversations for Good were designed to connect our community Cornucopia Luncheon with thought leaders. They challenged us to create more good in all our The Cornucopia Luncheon honors and celebrates outstanding volunteers lives. Participants had the opportunity and builds upon a culture of service across the South Plains. In 2020, we to virtually attend 5 inspirational recognized 15 individuals, families, and organizations. keynotes and dive deeper into topics with journal prompts and community discussion. These conversations also provided a unique learning option for HYPE students throughout their program year. “Get Involved”Award Honorees

Adult Group College Group Business Face Masks for Lubbock Alpha Delta Pi - Epsilon Epsilon First Convenience Bank Fall 2020 Series Robin’s Nest Tutoring Adult Individual Volunteer Coordinator Mina Bunyard Youth Individual Sandra Garcia Kevin McConic Tra’Shun Thomas 1 2 3 4 5 Tammie King Louise Cummins Outstanding “Thinking “Disrupting “Asking “Creating “Connecting Lynnette Wilson Child Individual Agency or Organization for Good” for Good” for Good” for Good” for Good” Macey Brown StarCare Specialty Health System Ozan Varol Chris Field Marcy Heim Nicholas Dragga & David Collins Young Adult Individual Ruby Harper-Lopez Abby Dye Family Diekemper Lifetime of Service The Palmer Family (pictured) Linda Gaither

Use the QR code to watch the 24th Annual “The most meaningful takeaway for me, was to Cornucopia Luncheon from November 4, 2020 not be scared to set high goals. Set those high goals and do not be afraid to try and achieve them. Failure is growth - not a setback.”

-Gathering for Good participant

14 15 2020 How Dollars Audited Financials Change Lives

Income How you Actual Revenue: $642,869 underwrites one From the Grants: 36.9% Other Fundraising: 5.7% Heart project, our family can get $236,878 $36,564 $500 volunteering program

United Way: 30.9% Earned Revenue: 2.9% $198,903 $18,885 involved

Donations: 12.9% Other: 1.3% provides one hour of $83,138 $8,282 We are here to help! Whether leadership training for one you need to find your best $32 person volunteer fit, develop your leadership skills, or need a Endowment: 8.3% Interest: 1.1% strong community partner, the $53,487 $6,732 Volunteer Center of Lubbock is eager to help you. To get involved, visit our website www.volunteerlubbock.org empowers one youth or call 806-747-0551 to learn volunteer to support an area more about how we can help. $17 nonprofit If you would like to support our mission, please visit our website or give us a call for Expenses more information. Together, Actual Expenses: $646,410 we strengthen our community through purposeful action. VCL Program: 94.8% $613,106

connects one adult volunteer Management and General: 4.5% $29,132 $7 to a need in our community

Fundraising: 0.7% $4,172

16 17 Our Champions Partners Donors 2020 Nonprofit Agency Partners Lubbock Habitat for Humanity Restore 2 Christ the King Cathedral School Impact Society David and Emily Ratcliff Mark Williamson Lubbock Impact, Inc. Coronado High School Alzheimer’s Association Sharon and Byrnie Bass Vera Melinda Rechkemmer Julie Wyatt American Red Cross Lubbock Meals on Wheels Denver City High School American Windmill Museum Lubbock Memorial Arboretum Dimmitt High School Betty Catherman Carolyn Rowley Dawn and Michael Zuerker Atheist Community of Lubbock Lubbock Roots Historical Arts Council Dunbar College Preparatory Academy Diekemper Family Foundation, Inc. StarCare Specialty Health System Ballet Lubbock Make-A-Wish North Texas Estacado High School Yvette Hinojosa Barbara and Michael Stephens Up to $99 Beyond Faith Hospice, LLC Managed Care Center for Addictive/Other Evans Middle School Linda Hutchins Colton Street Alderson Enterprises, L.P. Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Lubbock Inc. Disorders, Inc. Floydada High School Sabine and Kyle Jacobson Katy Townley Karla and Sam Ayers Boys and Girls Clubs of Lubbock National Ranching Heritage Center Frenship High School Wyatt and Claire Leavell WestMark Companies Nicholas D. Bowman Buckner Children and Family Services North & East Lubbock Community Frenship Middle School William and SarahLee Morris Marcus and Emily Wooley Your Cause Center Development Corporation (NELCDC) Heritage Middle School JF Charitable Endowment Karen and Mike Worley Carl Cope Buffalo Springs Lake North by Northeast Arts Festival Hutchinson Middle School Caleb’s Closet One Heart Orphan Care Irons Middle School Kathy and Robert Rollo Rachel A. Dolle Catholic Charities of Lubbock OneVoiceHome Kingdom Prep Katy and John Weddige $100-$499 Sheila Dye Charles Adams Studio Project- CASP Open Door Littlefield High School John and Ann Zwiacher Alan Henry Insurance Agency, Inc. Kris Espino Children’s Advocacy Center Of The South Optimist Club of Lubbock Lubbock High School Cicely Alexander Julie L. Fuller Plains Refuge Services Lubbock-Cooper High School $10,000+ Jodi Barnes Kristan Gannaway Children’s Home of Lubbock Remote Area Medical (RAM) Lubbock-Cooper Middle School Anonymous Rob, Catherine, and Miller Bass Karen Heflin Mackenzie Middle School Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Lubbock Chapter Robin’s Nest Tutoring Atmos Energy Alona and Joel Beesinger Roger Huey City of Lubbock Health Department Ronald McDonald House Charities Of The Meadow High School Communities In Schools of the South Plains Southwest Monterey High School The CH Foundation Katie M. Bennett Jerred Hurst Community Partners of Lubbock Science Spectrum Muleshoe High School The Community Foundation of West Texas Lou Ann and Pieter Bergstein Virginia Johnson Covenant Children’s Hospital Seeds of Encouragement O.L. Slaton Middle School Helen Jones Foundation John Blakey Jay Killough Covenant Health Shepherd King Lutheran Church Olton High School JT and Margaret Talkington Foundation Elizabeth Bump Craig Kuehnert Covenant Health System Foundation Silent Wings Museum Post High School Lubbock Area United Way Jessica Carrillo JoAnn Long Early Head Start - Texas Tech Small Business Administration Ralls High School Lubbock National Bank Lark Cooper Jared S. Lovin Earth Day Lubbock South Plains Council Boy Scouts Roosevelt High School Melissa Crook Matthew McEwen East Lubbock Art House South Plains Food Bank Shallowater High School $2,500-9,999 Nicholas Dragga Ronald Mitchell Easy R Equine Rescue South Plains Food2Kids Shallowater Middle School Eyad Karkoutly Lymphoma Leukemia South Plains Kidney Foundation Springlake-Earth High School Covenant Health System Nya Dutkowsky Sabrina Multer Research Foundation Southwest Parkinson Society Sudan High School JF Charitable Endowment Jon Finney Andrea Omojola Face Masks for Lubbock St. Benedict’s Chapel Sundown High School Lee Lewis Construction Jason Fischer Mary and Norval Pollard Family Counseling Services Staffing Operations-Covenant Talkington School for Young Women Studio West Robert and Beverly Freeman Cassandra Rodriguez Family Guidance & Outreach Center of StarCare Specialty Health System Leaders Katy and John Weddige Denise Glab Tanna Rodriguez Lubbock Susan G. Komen North & West Texas Whitharral High School Lynn Gorsuch Aleesa Ross Willie McCool Academy Family Promise Of Lubbock, Inc. Texas Boys Ranch $1,000-2,499 Joy Gorsuch Springlake Volunteer Fire Dept Foster*A*Life Texas Tech Parents Association Sharon and Byrnie Bass Martha Hise Michael Stoune Friend of Legacy Play Village The Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and 2020 Business Partners Friends of the Lubbock Library Sciences Alan Henry Insurance Agency, Inc. Betsy and Mark Bass Tracey Horne Jocelyn and Mark Wiebe Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains, Inc. The Community Foundation of West Texas Alderson Enterprises Betty Catherman Heather N. Howell Carri L. Yarbrough Goodwill Industries The Haven Animal Care Shelter Atmos Energy Centennial Bank Carrie Kearney Grace Campus The Inside Out Foundation Betenbough Homes City Bank Curt Langford Guadalupe Economic Services Corporation The Lubbock Chorale Beyond Faith Homecare & Rehab Diekemper Family Foundation, Inc. Yvonne Limon Guadalupe-Parkway Sommerville Centers The Nurturing Center Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert & Moss Marinda Heinrich Meleesa Louder High Point Village The Salvation Army Centennial Bank Yvette Hinojosa Andy and Amanda McAfee High Sky Children’s Ranch, Inc. The Stockings Project City Bank Hospice of Lubbock The Wallace Theater Colton Street Dentisty Linda K. Hutchins Kevin and Karen McMahon Hub City Outreach Center Tomorrow’s Leaders Contract Cre8ive Sabine and Kyle Jacobson Gertrude and Lon Miller Humane Society of West Texas TTU Center for Campus Life Covenant Health System Wyatt and Claire Leavell Elma Moreno Institute For Leadership Research (TTU) TTU Health Sciences Center Katy & Co. Home, Inc. David Miller Nadia P. Morgan Joe Arrington Cancer Research and UMC HOSPICE KCBD PlainsCapital Bank Carmyn Morrow Treatment Center United Supermarket/Texas Tech Covid-19 Lee Lewis Construction Kathy and Robert Rollo Dan and Denise Pope Junior League Of Lubbock Vaccination Partnership for West Texas Little Guy Movers Western Bank Jason Potter University Medical Center Health System LoneStar State Bank Kingdom Come Ministries John and Ann Zwiacher Felicia and Cory Powell League of Women Voters of Lubbock Upbring Lubbock National Bank County Voice of Hope Marsh & McLennan Brandi Price Legal Aid Society of Lubbock Volunteer Center of Lubbock Parkhill, Smith and Cooper $500-$999 Haley Camille Rackler LifeGift Organ Donation Center Volunteer Services Council for Lubbock People’s Bank Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert & Moss Adriana Rodriguez Literacy Lubbock State Supported Living Center PlainsCapital Bank Krista and Matt Bumstead Margaret Rosson Living Abundantly Ministries Women’s Protective Services Rebus Capital Bruce and Holly Churchwell Gregory Russo Louise Hopkins Underwood Center For The Workforce Solutions South Plains Slate Group Julie Crow John and Katie Salter Arts Wrench It Forward, Inc. Studio West Fidelity Charitable Joe P. Schaffer Lubbock Area United Way YWCA of Lubbock TTU Department of Political Science Jayne and Mike Field Sandra Smith Lubbock Chamber of Commerce United Supermarkets Lubbock Children’s Health Clinic 2020 Youth In Service Partners UMC Health System Kembra Gerner Neal and Libby Spradlin Lubbock Christian University All Saints Episcopal School Visit Lubbock Heather and Mark Hocker Betenbough Homes Lubbock Community Theater Anton High School Western Bank Stacy G. Kelley Doug and Kathy Stocco Lubbock Cultural Arts Foundation Atkins Middle School WestMark Companies Jonathan and Patty Latour Kayla Thrasher Lubbock Dream Center Brownfield High School William and SarahLee Morris Casey Wilkins Lubbock Habitat For Humanity Cavazos Middle School

18 19 2020 Board of Directors 2021 Board of Directors John Weddige President Wyatt Leavell President Kathy Rollo Past President John Weddige Past President Wyatt Leavell Vice President Matt Rose Vice President Julie Crow Secretary Brandi Price Secretary Neal Spradlin Treasurer Alona Beesinger Treasurer

Adyson Alexander Mary Moore Jon Mark Bernal Cory Powell Alona Beesinger Brandi Price Donna Griffis Adri Rodriguez Jon Mark Bernal Adri Rodriguez Yvette Hinojosa Sami Sharif Donna Griffis Matt Rose Yvonne Limon Oneal Underwood James Latour Sami Sharif Kevin McConic Emily Wooley Yvonne Limon Emily Wooley Mary Moore Kevin McConic

Volunteer Center Staff Sharon Hyde Bass Executive Director Jocelyn Wiebe Development Melissa Crook Partnerships Riley Taguwa Service Kayla Thrasher Communications & Operations Kaley Ihfe Leadership D’Ann Wells Digital Engagement Candace Christophe Executive Assistant Sarah Torres Student Assistant Taylor Watson Student Assistant Karla Ayers Accountant

and David Collins, iZnew Gathering for Good Consultant

Connect With Us! #ServeLBK

1706 23rd St. Ste 101, Lubbock, TX 79411 | P: 806.747.0551 E: [email protected] | www.volunteerlubbock.org