Cameroon:NW/SW WASH Update April 2020

Hand washing sensitization of community members in the North . Photo by NRC

Highlights Needs

 In order to contain the spread of COVID-19, WASH partners have scaled up community 690k People in need of WASH engagement activities. More than 116,000 services in NW/SW people were reached through COVID 19 sensitization sessions in April. 414k  In response to the COVID 19 pandemic, Targeted

ReachOut, with support from UNICEF, 1 installed 250 communal hand washing 63k IDPs & Returnees stations in Ekondo Titi. More than 12,500 people are expected to benefit. 52  More than 10,000 individuals received WASH partners WASH and hygiene kits from WASH partners in April. $9.5m  In April, about 1,600 people benefitted from required for WASH improved water supply as a result of US$9.5M installation of water distribution systems by WASH partners. Reguired  WASH partners provided improved

sanitation facilities to 400 people. US$0.2M Funded

1 IDP Tracking Database, May 2020 (Note: This figure is the latest displacement figure as of 16 May 2020)

Website: For more information contact Wash Cluster Coordinator: Nchunguye Festo Vyagusa Email: [email protected]

WATER  Plan International, in collaboration with UNICEF completed rehabilitation of a water distribution system in , division, reaching 1,650 individuals with safe drinking water. Rehabilitation of water systems in 2 subdivision in is ongoing.  Plan International, supported by UNICEF is planning to rehabilitate two water distribution systems in sub-division of Ngo- Ketunjia division in May. Hand washing session in Limbe 1. Photo by EPDA

HYGIENE  Complete WASH kits distributed by NRC, CARITAS, Plan International and SHUMAS benefited more than 10,000 individuals from Boyo, Bui, Donga Mantung, , , , , Mezam, and Ngo Ketunjia divisions.  Plan International and ReachOut conducted sanitation and hygiene promotion sessions in Boyo, Manyu, Meme, Mezam, Momo, and Ngo Ketunjia, and reached more than 37,000 individuals.  In response to the COVID 19 pandemic, ReachOut, with support from UNICEF, installed 250 communal hand washing stations in Ekondo Titi. The handwashing stations are expected to benefit 12,500 people.

SANITATION  During the reporting period, ReachOut, in collaboration with UNICEF, completed construction of four emergency latrine blocks in Bakassi, Ndian division. The latrines will benefit around 400 people.  Construction of 16 emergency latrines by Plan International in Boyo, Manyu, Meme and Meza divisions is ongoing.

Temporary latrine in Ndian division. Photo by ReachOut. COVID-19  In April, WASH cluster partners (including REACHOUT, Cameroon Red Cross-supported by UNICEF, CAMGEW, CHAMEG, IVSPD, SHUMAS, SUDAHSER) scaled up community engagement on COVID-19 prevention. More than 116,000 people were reached through COVID-19 sensitization sessions focusing on hand washing, social distancing, wearing face masks among other recommendations.



5396 300 30 625 Mezam Bui Fako Manyu Momo Donga-Mantung

Website: For more information contact Wash Cluster Coordinator: Nchunguye Festo Vyagusa Email: [email protected]

COORDINATION  In April, ReachOut conducted a Baseline Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) survey in Idabato, Ndian division. The report will be shared on the WASH cluster website once finalised.  ReachOut, with support from UNICEF, conducted four WASH Committee trainings attended by 60 people in Idabalo, Ndian division to ensure proper usage and maintenance of latrines.  NW/SW WASH Cluster held the April online cluster meeting on 7th May. The next virtual WASH cluster meeting will be held on 4th June. Meeting minutes and information products are available on the cluster page on this link:  Download the NW/SW WASH Cluster 5W template on the link below:

GAPS/Challenges • Insufficient funding to implement WASH Response Plan. To date, only two percent funding has been received

for the WASH cluster 2020 HRP projects.2 • Implementation of activities is taking more time than planned because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

2 OCHA NW/SW Sitrep No. 18

Website: For more information contact Wash Cluster Coordinator: Nchunguye Festo Vyagusa Email: [email protected]