New England Plant Conservation Program Descurainia pinnata (Walter) ssp. brachycarpa (Richardson) Detling Pinnate Tansy-Mustard Conservation and Research Plan for New England Prepared by: Alice Schori Canaan, New Hampshire For: New England Wild Flower Society 180 Hemenway Road Framingham, MA 01701 508/877-7630 e-mail:
[email protected] • website: Approved, Regional Advisory Council, May 2004 1 SUMMARY Descurainia pinnata (Walter) ssp. brachycarpa (Richardson) Detling, or pinnate tansy-mustard, is an erect, glandular-pubescent, disturbance-adapted, herbaceous annual of the Brassicaceae (Mustard family). It is drought-tolerant and occurs in a wide variety of mostly disturbed habitats. Known New England populations are found exclusively on calcareous islands, mostly on rocky bluffs and, to a smaller extent, in somewhat open cedar woods. The species occurs throughout most of North America, from northern Mexico to Hudson Bay. Of the 11 subspecies recognized by Detling (1939), ssp. brachycarpa has the widest distribution, ranging from central Texas to Great Slave Lake in Canada’s Mackenzie Territory and from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains to New England. It is globally secure and locally abundant in many states and provinces. There is no precise information about its relative abundance in most of the states and provinces where it occurs, but it may be rare only on the edges of its range. Descurainia pinnata ssp. brachycarpa has never been common in New England and may not be native here. Flora Conservanda lists the taxon (subspecies) as Division 2, a regionally rare taxon with fewer than 20 occurrences (seen since 1970) in New England.