CORSER Wl«I • • 11/ Lilo, Tosto Tat Ji /0#14" Tjitkro Ii Ltr,U," -TASSONI
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GENEALOGY OP 'JSB GORSER FAMILY IN AMERICA BM8aACJNO MANY OF THE DESCENDANTS OF THE EARLY SETTLERS OF THE NAME IN . MASSACHUSETTS AND NEW HAMPSHIRE WITH IOMB · REMINISCENCES OF THEIR TRANS;.ATLANTIC COUSINS, ° CORSER wl«i • • 11/ lilo, Tosto tAt Ji /0#14" tJitkro ii ltr,u," -TASSONI, GENEALOCiY 01' TB■ CORSER FAMILY. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS BOOK, a. .e.ged. b. born. conj. conjecturally. d. died. dau. daughter. dee. deceased. m. or mar. married. res. residence. s. son. unm. ' unmarried. u. s. w. •(u~ so weiter [Ger.]), etc . • The figures attached (in the manner of exponer,ts, so called, in algebraic notation) to the personal or Christian names, denote the generation; as, Asas (William•, John'), mean ing, - Asa the third, or of the third generation, in the line of descent, son of William the second, son of John the first. oor CONTENTS. I. PRELIMINARY- ORIGIN OF THE CORSER SURNAME AND FAMILY, u. s. w. No. 1. Primary use of Name. _ I 2, Derivation of Name. _ _ _ - I 3. The Cursores. __ _ _ __ 4. Italian and Frem~h F<•nns. • __ _ _ _ S. Of French Patern1ty. _ _ _ _ _ a.. 6. Le Corsour. _ _ _ _ , 3 7. Corviser. _ _ _ _ _ '4 8. Origin of Family - Italian Speculation. + 9, Later Diversions. 5 to. The Family Arms. - - - . 11. The FamDy in England, _ . _ 11a. Further Partic~lars relating to the English Family .. 11 b. Family of George Corser, Esq. -- - - . -- - - Io 11 c. The Rev. Thomas Corser. _ _ _ _ I I 11 d. Some Interesting Memorials. 11e. Corser· and Corviser. ... 11 f. The Family in America. _ _ II. EARLY IMMIGRANTS OF THE NAME. 12-1 S. Families of William and Arculas, Courser._ . .. \Co, \'7 16. Notes-Registry of Passengers, &c. _ - -· - ,, 17. Question of Family Relationship. 18 18. Johns Courser (14). - -- 19 19. Heirs of JohnJ Courser. _ __ _ _ . IS 20. Settlement of Sister's Claims .. 2.o 21. Reminiscence of J ohn3 Courser .. -. i~ 22. Coincidence Extraordinary .. z, 23. Sarah4 Courser (14). ~, vi CONTENTS, III. FAMILY PROPER IN AMERICA, 24-235. Lineage of John Corser. _ _ _ _ 2,~ ~•ao IV. SUPPLEMENTARY-BIOGRAPHICAL AND l\1JSCl!~LLANEOUS, 236. )ohn1 Corser (28). _ _ __ _ IOJ 1 237. Birth-date of John • •. Io I 238. Residence in Newbury... 10a, 2 39· Removal to Boscawen,-. - - - 103 240. Death and Place of Burial. 10+ 241. John2 Corser (25) .. --- - - 10.5 242. Settlement on Corser Hill... 106 243. Prospect from the Hill. .. .. ... .. .106 244. Family and Settlement on the Hill. 107 245. Nathan• Corser (24) .. .. 108 246. William• Corser (27). 10& 247. Journey· to Portsmouth .. - -·· .. - - IOS 248. Thomass Corser (28). - -- - -- ,.. - . I Io 249. The suit of Corser versus Corser.. I I D .' 250. Anecdotes of Thomass. .. ... -· . __ .. I I l 25 I. John3 Corser (31). - . I I I 252. Davids Cor~er (32) •.. I 12. 253. A " Brace of BuJlets.,. .. • 13 254. 1ncidents in the Life of Davids .•. .. I I+ 255. WiUiam3 Corser (34). - --' · - __- -- - -1 I 5' 256. Abbyneezers (Corser) Gerald (35), .. .. I I 5 257. John3 Bowley (37). - - ... -· I IG:a 258. Jacob• Bowley. .. --· ·- - . llfc 259. Asa3 Corser (38).. .H7. 26o. John Gerald (3 S), . I!& 261. James• Corser (41). H& 262. Elcy5 (Downing) Corser (45)-Poem ..... ·- ..I 19 263. Rice• Corser (64). - ... 118 264. Hannah• (Corser) Adams (70). .t l,I 265. Enoch• Corser (72) ... -- .. IR.I 266. Fields of Labor. 1aa. CONTENTS. vii 266a. Character as a Preacher. -- - . I ~+ 267. Reminiscences of Enoch. -· _ .. _ I a.5 268. Skill in Swimming. - - - - _ . __ f 2,r. 269. Jane• (Corser) Wadleigh (74)P- . - _J ~8 270. Caleb B. 5 Corser (157).. .. - . -- ... 12.t 271. The Blasdell Family. .. 131 272. The Fitz Gerald Family. _ .I 3a. 273. Prof. Lucian Hunt (72). - -· - .183 274. The Pegasus (10) ... -· .. ·- ... 135 27 5. "Squire Corser's Daughter" (11). .. -- .J3& 276. Corsour, Corviser, and Corsere (6, 7). ... J37 277. Wm. Corser, English Author... _ _ ... _ _ .. J38 2 78, Extracts from Letter of G. Sanford Corser. _____ -· - .J~ 279. Nathan• Corser (84). .. J,o 2 80. " Gala Days ,, - Poem by Margaret (Gould) Corser . (171). .. ··- . ... .. - - .J+I 281, All About Bermuda- Letter from Emma J. Courser (203).. .. .. 14'-~ 282. "I'U Think of Thee "-Poem by L.A. F. Corser (72) .. -.L4't 283. Life in Colorado- Letter from N. D. Corser (218).. 1½5' 284. Letter from David-1 Corser (32). .. l+? 285. Letter from David• Corser (6g). J+? 286. Letter from Davids Corser (32). Jtl 287. Letter from David:t Corser (32). _ l4-8 288. Letter from David• Corser (69). .... .. 149 289. From Journal of Davids Corser (32). ,- __ _ __ __ __ .... _l5o 290. Family of William• and Anne• Corser (103). - JS I 291. Nathaniel5 Corser (119) - Letter from Grace M.1 Corser. _ .... ... __ . _ __ .. 292. Letter from Gen. John A. Dix (177, 265) .. 15+ 293. From Letter of Geo. Sandford Corser.. 156 294. Table of Land.owners ... ,s. 295. Comments, .. _ 16? 296, Concerning the Motto. __ .. _ ·_ 159 297-297x. V. INDEX TO GENEALOGY,_ IX INTRODUCTION. Mr. Samuel Bartlett Gerrish Corser, of Boscawen, N. H., (deceased) was, during many of the closing years of his life, interested in collecting and arranging for final publication, all the available facts and traditions relative to the Corser and Courser families in the United States, and has ei,tab lished their common descent from John Corser ( or-Courser) of Newbury, Massachussetts, who married in 1716 or 1717, Tabitha Kenney of that town. Mr. Corser has, by his scholarly research, given convincing evidence of the origin of the family name, During the last two or more years of his life, he has devoted time and m<;>ney to the' co•mpletion of th.e wor.k which he had long had in contemplation. His death at his home in Boscawen, N, H., March 15, 1903, has prevented his personal distribu tion of his printed bobk, As I have been much interested in his work during the past twenty years, and have from time to time aided him with data procured from both Amer ican and English families, I had arranged with the Author during 1902 for fifty unbound topics of the book, that I might bind and distribute them gratuitously among Corser kin and other friends. As these have come to me since the death of the Author, I have thought it suitable to insert this introduction, and also, in an appendix haye included some facts respecting the Corser family in Boscawen, N. H., dur ing the early years of the settlement of that town, which I have taken from "The History of Boscawen and Webster from 1733 to 1878, Compiled by Charles Carleton Coffin and published in Concord, N. H., 1878,,, I have written in that Appendix a few appreciative words of Mr. Bartlett Corser, and call especial attention to his purpose in writing and pub lishing this book, as set forth by the Author in his letter to me of November 29, 1901. X His letter states, that which is undoubtedly true-that the book is, in an especial sense, llis book, and also disavows any pretense that it is a complete, up-to-date genealoly the Author of this work leaving it for others who may here after take it up where he has left it and complete it-it having been his evident purpose at the last, to lay carefully consid ered foundations for the future Corser genealogy, and also to leave a record of much in his life which is personal-a large part of his book being made up of his own sketches in verse and prose, with other matter of interest to himself, but very largely foreign to the purposes of a genealogy. I wish here to e>9press my sense of the unselfish and valu able genealogical work done by the Author, and as I write these lines a few days after Mr. Corser's death, I desire to recognize on behalf of all of the Corser name, the obligation resting upon us for his book-his labor and gift of love. t ELWOOD S. CORSER. Minneapolis, Min~., March 25, 1903, ILLUSTRATIONS. PAO ■ Belknap, Heler1 8 •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 98 Benn1ngton • ...C ouven1rs• ••.••••.•..•.•..••••..••••••... 114 Corser Arri1s (Appendix) •••..•.•...•••...••••.••••.• 18 Corser, Bartlett Gould 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JOO Corser, Bliss4 •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 47 Corser, Caleb Burbank' •••••••••••••••.••••••••••••. 129 Corscr, David B. a••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 79 Corser, David Frank• .••..••••••••.••••••••••••••••• 92 Corser, David S. • ••••••••••••..•.••••••••••••••••••. 68 Corser, Edward George Sandford1 ••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • 274 Corscr, Elwood Spencer• (Appendix) •••.••••. Frontispiece Corser, Frederic Gardiner•... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • 223 Corser, George Sanford•. • •••.••••••••••••.••••••••• 245 Corser Group, Picnic, 1885 ••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••• 97 Corser .Homestead-front.•••••••••••••••••.••••••••. 106 Corser Homestead-side..•..•••••••••••••••••••••••• 106 Corser, Jean" •••..•••••.•••••••••.•••••••.••••••••••. 223 Corser, John i;.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 223 Corser, John Lyon" •• : .••••••••••.••••••••••••••••.• 246 Corser, Nellie Leona" •••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 212 Corser, Nellie Leona 7 (Appendix). • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 27 Corser, Ray Hoover• (Appendix).................... 27 Corser, Ray Hoover• .•••••••••• : •••••••••••••••••..• 37 Corser, Rev. Enoch•................................ 121 Corser, Rev. Enoch 4 and wife,....................... 122 Corser, Rev. George James• .••••••.•••••••••••••••••. 246 Corser, Rev. Thomas'.... • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • 11 Corser, Samuel Bartlett G. 1 •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .Frontispiece Corser, Samuel Bartlett G. 1 (Appendix).