District Census Handbook, Lakshadweep, Part XIII a & B, Series-30
CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES - 30 LAKSHADWEEP DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PARTS XIII - A & B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWN WISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT LAKSHADWEEP DISTRICT P. M. NAIR OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE D!RECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, LAKSHADWEEP 10' fl' j ••I POSITION Of lAKSHAOWEEP IN INDIA, 1981 Boundary,lnterliiltl:::n;i1 _'_o_ Boundary, St;ue/Union Terntory Capital of Indl' CapItal of St?tc/Union Territory. • • Jl' Kd(')metrcs 100 200 100 400 2" 2; BAY o F BENGAL ARABIAN It S 12 A The administrative heldquill8rs of Chandlgarh. Haryana and Punjab are at Chand,garh G. O•• o. GOA, DIIM",N • DIU PON(JICHERAY ; N D 1 A -~; 0 C E A N N ~!~~A: I ! 72· Euc 0' Greenwlth ,0' ,.. ,,' lue" upo" Surit)' of '"dl, map with tht permlmon 01 tht 5",.....yor G,nerll 01 India Th, bO.,l'.Glry of Htlhalaya '''own on thh ma, II at IIUtrprtt.cl from the Hon"'Euurn Ar ... (~Dor,anlucIO') Ace. It71, but tin yet to tt ..... r!f1.d l~. te'rltor,.1 ""attn .,f Indl. II'Xltnd 'I'ItO tM It. to I cllJtll'lce 0' twl'''' rtlutlc.l_lI .. _ro .rom th ••pproprllte b .... lin .. CONTENTS Page FOREWORD v PREFACE vii IMPORTANT STATISTICS Xl ANALYTICAL NOTE 1-47 The 1981 Census 1 Concepts of 1981 Census I Geological forma tion of the Islands 3 Brief history of the district 3 History of District Census Handbook 4 Present Administra live set up 4 Scope of VilLlge Directory. Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract 5 Climate 5 General Fauna and Flora 6 Social and cultural characteris tics 6 Major economic characteristics and development activities 9
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