Index of Mentioned Companies
Valuation Methods and Shareholder Value Creation Index of companies mentioned in the book Academic Press Pablo Fernandez. IESE Business School INDEX OF COMPANIES MENTIONED IN THE BOOK (Chapter in which the companies are mentioned) 12 Technologies 1 Bank Bldg Equip 5 China Mobile (HK) 8 3Com 14 Bank of New York 1, 14 Chrysler 14 3M 1, 14 Bank of Scotland 14 Chubb Corporation 1 Abbott Laboratories 1, 14 BankAmerica Corp. 1, 13 Cigna 14 ABN Amro 3 Bankers Trust 5, 15 CIGNA Corporation 1 8, 12 Bankinter 8 Cisco Systems 1, 3, 5, 11, 14, 23 Acciona 8 Barbie 23 Citibank 1, 5, 14, 15, 23 Accor 8 Barnes & Noble 11, 16 Clear Channel Comm 1, 14 Aceralia 8 16 Cleveland-Cliffs 5 Acerinox 8 Barry Wright 5 Clorox 14 Acesa 8 Basf 3 Club Med 8 ACS 8 Bass 8 CMGI 8, 12 Adidas 23 Baxter International 1 Coca-Cola 1, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 23 Adv. Info. Service (AIS) 8 Bayer 3 Coca-Cola Enterprises 14 Aegon 3, 14 Bayern Munich 23 Colgate 1, 23 Agency. Com 8 BBVA 3, 8, 14 Colt Industries 5 Aguas Barcelona 8 BCP 8 Comcast 1 Ahold 3, 14 Bea Systems 1 Commonwealth Teleph 8 Air Liquide 3 Bell Atlantic 14 Compaq Computer 1, 14, 23 Alba 8 BellSouth 1, 8, 14 Computer Associates 1 Alcatel 3 Benetton 23 Compuware 14 Alcoa 1, 5 Bertelsmann 16 Comverse Technology 1 Allianz 3 BES 8 ConAgra 1 Allstate Corporation 1 Bestfoods 1 Continente 8 Alltel Corporation 1 BMW 23 Corning 1 Altadis 8 BNP 3 Costco Companies 14 Amadeus 8 Boeing 1, 5, 6, 14, 18 Cox Communications 1 8, 12, 16, 22, 23 Boston Chicken 16 Creative Computers 16 America Online (AOL) 1, 8, 12, 14, Boston Consulting Group 13 CRH 8 16, 23 BP 23 CTC 8 American Airlines 5 BPI 8 CUC International 5 American Express 1, 5, 14, 23 Brasil Telecom 8 CVS Corp 1 American General Corporation Braun Consulting 8 DaimlerChrysler 3 American Home 1, 14 Bristol Myers Saquibb 1, 14 Danone 3 American Inter.
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