This is the published version of a paper presented at International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation. Citation for the original published paper: Sonnenfeld, A., Hansen, K F. (2016) S-notation: A complete musical notation system for scratching and sample music derived from "Theory of Motions". In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation - TENOR2016 (pp. 50-57). Anglia Ruskin University N.B. When citing this work, cite the original published paper. Permanent link to this version: S-NOTATION: A COMPLETE MUSICAL NOTATION SYSTEM FOR SCRATCHING AND SAMPLE MUSIC DERIVED FROM “THEORY OF MOTIONS” Alexander Sonnenfeld Kjetil Falkenberg Hansen Qbert Skratch University KTH Royal Institute of Technology
[email protected] Södertörn University
[email protected] ABSTRACT This design task is complicated further as each style in- volves both hands alternately playing the audio mixer and S-notation In this paper, we present and discuss the turntables. system for sample-based music, and particularly for DJ The S-notation system proposed here has been developed scratching and turntablism. Sonnenfeld developed the sys- by Sonnenfeld since 1999 [4,5]. It represents a recip- tem from his Theory of Motion where scratch music is seen rocation from the progressively simplified graphical nota- as constructions of concurrent musical gestures (motion tion systems to a more elaborate symbolic one that extends parameters), and not only turntable actions. The detailed standard musical notation, see Figure1. Although the ap- symbolic notation was inspired by traditional musical no- pearance is similar to standard notation, there are a few tation, and among its advantages it covers current musical fundamental differences, mainly related to pitch represen- needs, it can be read and played live in performance, it tation, sound to be played, and rendition of onsets.