CC 303 Intro to Classical Mythology 32925 MWF 12-1:00 JGB 2.324 Palaima, Thomas G. Professor Thomas (Tom) Palaima Department: Classics WAG 123 Mail Code: C3400 Office: Waggener 14AA Office Hours: M 3:30-4:30pm W 10-11:00 am and by appt
[email protected] Campus Phone: 471-8837 fax: 471-4111 Dept. 471-5742 Assistant Instructors William (Bill) Farris Dept: Classics WAG 123 Mail Code: C3400 Office: Waggener 11 Office Hours: T 10-11am TH 12:30-1:30pm and by appt
[email protected] Campus Phone: NONE fax: 471-4111 Dept. 471-5742 Samantha (Sam) Meyer Department: Classics WAG 123 Mail Code: C3400 Office: Waggener 13 Office Hours: M 9-10am F 1-2pm and by appt
[email protected] Campus Phone: NONE fax: 471-4111 Dept. 471-5742 SI sessions: Mondays 5-6pm in CBA 4.330 Thursdays 6-7pm in MEZ 1.210 Supplemental Instruction (SI) consists of weekly voluntary discussion sessions that are aimed at helping students learn and practice study strategies with the course materials. Two sessions are offered each week (while you are absolutely welcome to come to both, you do not need to attend both). These sessions are facilitated by the SI leader, but primarily they are a space for collaborative, student-driven discussion and review. Please let Sam know if you have any questions! Course Description: Greek mythology is mainly a public performance literature embedded in a still primarily oral culture. Ancient Greek mythmakers (the word muthos means simply “something uttered,” i.e., what we call a “story”) used their stories in public settings to make sense of their world and to entertain, instruct, ask questions and provoke discussion among people who lived mainly in “continual fear and danger of violent death, [in historical periods when] the life of man [was] solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” (Thomas Hobbes).