Addition of Vectors 296 Additive Inverse 297 Adjacent Angles 18 D
Index A of square 83 of trapezoid 89 Addition of vectors 296 of triangle 86 Additive inverse 297 Area under dilation 220, 272 Adjacent angles 18 Area under shearing 267 d'Alembert 117 ASA 181, 381 Alternate angles 49 Associativity 297 Altitude 86 Axioms 3, 31 Angle bisector 18, 25, 196 Axis 65 Angle of incidence 63 Angle of polygon 166 Angle of reflection 62 B Angles 13 adjacent 18 Ball 281 alternate 49 Band 223, 231 central 148 Base angles 140 inscribed 170 Base of cylinder 263 opposite 28, 30, 58 Base of trapezoid 89 parallel 49 Base of triangle 86 polygon 166, 168 Bisector 18, 107, 124 right 16 Blow up 212 straight 15 Boxes 261 vertical 28 Angles of triangle 50 c Apollonius theorem 154 Arc 14, 148 Cancellation law 308 Area 81 Central angle 148 of circle 221 Chord 132 of parallelogram 193 Circle 10, 119, 128, 148, 158, 235, 290 of rectangle 83 Circumference 11, 235, 290 of right triangle 84 Circumscribed 128 of sector 224-230 Collinear 4 of sphere 292 Commutativity 296 392 INDEX Component 311, 317 F Composition of isometries 369-372 Concentric circles 158 Feynman 188, 351 Conclusion 13 Fixed point 385 Cone 274, 275 Forty-five degree triangle 200 Congruence 178, 377 Frustrum 281 Congruent triangles 178, 381 Full angle 16 Construction of triangle 6 Contradiction 38 Converse 13 G Convex polygon 165 Coordinate 67, 115, 117 Graph 73 Corollary 141 Cylinder 263 H Half line 2 D Height 86, 89, 263, 274, 275 Hexagon 163 d'Alembert 117 Higher dimensional space 114 Degree 16 Hypotenuse 46 Diagonal 48, 167, 196 Hypothesis 13 Diameter of circle 154,
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