KAUKAUNA HIGH SCHOOL HOME OF THE GALLOPING GHOSTS www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us STUDENT HANDBOOK CO-CURRICULAR POLICY 2021-2022 High School Administration 766-6113 Principal, Chris McDaniel Ext. 6151 Associate Principal, Joshua Chudacoff Ext. 6152 Associate Principal, Michelle Vraney Ext. 6153 Activities Director, Nate Werner Ext. 6154 Dean of Students, Shawn Cleveland Ext. 5124 Student Services Department Counselor, Michelle Feucht Ext. 5218 Counselor, Warren Fischer Ext. 5220 Counselor, Terri Josephs Ext. 5212 Counselor, Matt Binsfeld Ext. 5228 Nursing Services, Emily Jansen Ext. 5250 School Resource Officer, Adam Vander Hyden Ext. 5303 Psychologist, Joel Rausch Ext. 5301 Psychologist, Tina Scott Ext. 5216 Social Worker, Ryan Sievert Ext. 5252 Support Staff Administrative Assistant, Vicki Becker Ext. 5448 Administrative Assistant, Megan Brouch Ext. 5471 Administrative Assistant, Jane Fuhrmann Ext. 5472 Administrative Assistant, Joan Rueden Ext. 5001 All Kaukauna Area School District employees can be reached via E-mail at:
[email protected] The Kaukauna High School Parent-Student Handbook is not a contract between the school and parents or students. It can be amended at any time at the discretion of the school district. If the district makes changes to the handbook during a school year, the administration will communicate those changes in ways that are designed to inform parents and students of the new or revised information. Please understand that this Handbook is intended to serve as a reference and guide for your use. However, during the course of the school year, it is impractical to address every circumstance or situation that could possibly occur. Therefore, the principal and/or district administrator has the authority to make decisions in the best interest of the students, faculty and the school.