
Class: : Family:

Characteristics: There are many different varieties of goldfish that vary greatly in color and appearance. Common, wild goldfish range in color from orange to olive green to milky white. These goldfish have a general pattern that is two sets of paired - the pectoral fins and pelvic fins, and three single fins- the dorsal, caudal, and anal fin. Goldfish can grow to be 1.5 feet long, but are usually smaller. They have large and no scales on the head. ( Range & Habitat: Diversity) Native to Eastern Asia, including and adjacent Behavior: Goldfish are somewhat social and tend to school with regions. Goldfish can now be other fish of similar size. They live well with other varieties of found almost everywhere there goldfish and different fish . Goldfish are very common as is fresh water. Goldfish are and ornamental fish. If properly cared for, they do well in mostly kept as pets in these environments. Goldfish are also commonly used in research. or small .

Reproduction: Females will multiple times during the breeding period. The eggs are sticky and will hold on underwater vegetation for development. The juveniles need high temperatures to grow properly (Fishbase). Goldfish can hybridize with common

and in some places the hybrids outnumber the pure goldfish. (blue:native red:introduced)

Diet: Wild: Goldfish are opportunistic feeders and will feed on most Lifespan: up to 25 years in captivity, 6-7 years in the wild. available items like , , and various matter.

Zoo: Pelleted fish food Special Adaptations: Goldfish

were domesticated from carp Conservation: IUCN evaluated the goldfish as least concern. more than a thousand years ago in Goldfish can be found most places that fresh water exists. The China. Goldfish are smaller and species has been introduced worldwide. In the USA, goldfish in the more colorful than . wild are considered a pest species. (USGS) IUCN Conservation Status: FYI: Least Concern - Goldfish have a good memory and can even recognize faces and voices of its owners.

-They can be trained to swim through hoops and play soccer.