Jesus & Judges Study Tour 2017 Basic Itinerary (tentative) 2-25 July

Schedule Dates Location Travel Notes

Location Schedule

2-Jul Depart US 3-Jul Arrive QAIA, 3-9 July Jordan (Mariam Hotel, ) 10-20 July /Galilee 21-24 July Jordan (, etc.) 25-Jul Return to US from

Travel Schedule 2-Jul-17 Depart US

3-Jul-17 Arrive QAIA Transportation to Madaba Hotel from airport

3-9 July Mariam Hotel, Madaba Orientation, lectures, research, travel • bus trip to MPP sites – Hisban, `Umayri, Jalul • bus trip to north – Umm Qays, Ajloun, Jarash • bus trip to Perea – (Zerqa Ma’in), Baptism site, , Deir Alla, Dhahab, Pella • bus trip to Kings Highway – Mt. Nebo, Madaba, Ataruz, Mukawir, Dhiban (Mesha) • bus trip to Kerak, , , Lahun, Umm Ar-Rasas • bus trip to Desert Castles

10-Jul-17 Cross Allenby Bridge to Transportation in Jordan from Madaba to bridge and in Israel from bridge to Jerusalem

10-16 July Jerusalem Jerusalem lodging (Ritz Hotel) • bus trip to Bethlehem, Rabud, Beersheva, Arad • bus trip to Jericho, Qumran, Masada • bus trip to , Samaria, central West Bank • bus trip to Bet Shemesh, Sorek Valley, Gezer • bus trip to , Ashdod, Ekron, Tel Aviv, 17-20 July Galilee Galilee lodging (Restal Hotel) • bus trip to Nazareth, Cana, Sepphoris, Haifa, Jezreel Valley, Megiddo, Taanach • bus trip to , Hazor, Dan, • bus trip around Sea of Galilee – Capernaum, Bethsaida, boat trip on Galilee, Kibbutz Ginnosar

21-Jul-17 Cross Allenby Bridge to Jordan Transportation in Israel from Jerusalem to bridge and in Jordan from bridge to Petra

21-24 July Jordan Petra Guest House Petra Guest House Mariam Hotel, Madaba

25-Jul-17 Return to US from Amman Transportation to airport from Madaba