Response of Wildlife to Bush Thinning on the North Central Freehold Farmlands of Namibia T
Forest Ecology and Management 473 (2020) 118330 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Forest Ecology and Management journal homepage: Response of wildlife to bush thinning on the north central freehold farmlands of Namibia T Matti T. Nghikembuaa,b,c, Laurie L. Markera,b, Bruce Brewera,b, Lauri Mehtätaloc, Mark Appiahc,d, ⁎ Ari Pappinenc, a Cheetah Conservation Fund, Otjiwarongo, Namibia b CCF Bush PTY Ltd, Otijwarongo, Namibia c University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences, Joensuu Campus, Yliopistokatu 7, 80101 Joensuu, Finland d Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (CSIR-FORIG), Kumasi, Ghana ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: Agriculture is considered the backbone of the Namibian economy. However, bush encroachment affects ap- Bush encroachment proximately 45 million hectares of Namibian farmland and in the absence of appropriate restoration measures, Biodiversity negatively affects local biodiversity and the national economy. Bush thinning operations on three freehold farms Restoration were assessed to examine the response of local ungulates (small, medium, large) and predators (meso, large). Carrying capacity Camera traps were used to capture wildlife in bush encroached and previously thinned habitats. We hy- Overgrazing pothesized that thinning would increase the activity of small, medium, and large ungulates, meso and large Bush thinning predators, and that the magnitude of the increase in activity at thinned sites would differ among animal types. Our results revealed that the expected animal captures were not equal – small, medium, and large ungulates were common, large predators were least common; thinned areas had more expected animal captures and overall animal-treatment interactions were almost significant (p = 0.051).
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