Correlation List of New and Old Numbers of the Descriptive
• • 4;1 4,f rr 1 14 .0 0 Ei t.. 4:4.!`•'!!. !!,-0 04, K i- .!!'„iy • 10. i• 4 0.! .. V ,... r. Jar„. ••• 00, .,.. • R (200)1 FIB ••. ) e . o p-,„lz,r V Correlation List of New and Old Numbers of The Descriptive Catalogue of the Photographs of the U. S. Geological Survey of the Terri- tories for the years 1869 to 18759 Miscellane ous Publication No. 5 s Department of the Interiors U. S. Geological Survey of the Terri- tories. 1675 Photographic Library Uo a Geological Survey March 1951 Thsp numbers of the negatives listed in the Descriptive Catalogue of the Photographs of the U. S. Geological Survey of the Territories for the years 1869 to 18750 Miscellaneous Publication No. 5, repartment of the Interior. U. S. Geological Survey of the Territories, 1875, were replaced many years ago with new numbers. The following list of new numbers correlating the old numbers has been prepared to serve as a key to the 1875 catalog. Eaoh assigned new number represents a negative or a print in our collection and the sequence of new numbers follows the order of prints mounted in five albums in the photographic library of the U„, S. Geological Survey. Blank spaces in the list indicate unknown old catalog numbers and MAzica;e4;ce,x,/, ,,Wt_a- dates' ,ZZ? -7( 1,5 444ey, -/-(1 .-7Zeyseer-c-G 7;- e 724.9_ • 721, ,9-1„e„,-/e4„eye .e-4-e/-4e-rito 7e-e-p-e- Li,t76-a_e,- -a1. o:Lets44•-.1. ew Old Size Date Remarks himber Catalog /e Number t=o- +eru ..)."!**7 4saio'Co--ea - 1 1 8710 1869 Woman in view mer—Ise Mrs.
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