Political Representation Political System Economy Population
ITALY Update: September 15th 2021 Geography Area: 301,340 km² Borders: 1,899.2 km: Austria 430 km, France 488 km, Holy See (Vatican City) 3.2 km, San Marino 39 km, Slovenia 199 km, Switzerland 740 km Coastline: 7,600 km Capital: Rome Official language:Italian Population Population: 60,555,698 inhabitants (February 2021) Crude natural change rate: -3.45‰ (2020) Population repartition: 13.2% under 15 years old, 23.2% over 65 years old (2020) Foreign residents: 2.6% EU nationals, 6.1% non-EU nationals (2019) Crude net migration rate: 0.7‰ (2019) Asylum applicants: 26,535 (2020) Life expectancy: men 80.1 years, women 84.7 years (2020) Ethnic groups: Italian, small clusters of German, French, and Slovenian in the north and Albanian and Greek in the south Religions: Christian 80% (mostly Roman Catholic with very small groups of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Protestants), Muslim (about 800,000 to 1 million), Atheist and Agnostic Source : Eurostat, CIA World fact Book Economy Political System Republic, parliamentary democracy Currency: Euro Head of State: Sergio Mattarella, elected on January 31st 2015 GDP: € 1,651,594 million (2020) for seven years. President of the Council: Mario Draghi since February 13th € 27,500 (2020) GDP per capita (PPP): 2021. New "national union" coalition between the 5 Stars GDP growth: 2.7% (Q2 2021) Movement, the Democratic Party, the Liberi e Uguali Party Unemployment: 9.3% (July 2021) ("Free and Equal"), Italia viva and Forza Italia. Inflation: 2.6% (August 2021) Bicameral parliamentary regime Public debt: 155.8% of GDP (Q4 2020) The Camera dei deputati (Chamber of Deputies) is composed Budget balance: -9.4% of GDP (Q3 2020) of 630 deputies, elected for five years by direct universal Stock of foreign direct investment from the entire world: 31.7% of suffrage.
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