United States Patent (19) | 11, 3,976,083 Schmidt (45) Aug
United States Patent (19) | 11, 3,976,083 Schmidt (45) Aug. 24, 1976 54 BRASSIERE HAVING SIMULATED NPPLES 76 Inventor: Jakob E. Schmidt, 934 Monroe St., FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLICATIONS Charlestown, Ind. 47 1 787,498 7/1935 France................................ 128f 463 22 Filed: Feb. 27, 1975 Primary Examiner-Werner H. Schroeder 21 Appl. No.: 553,779 Assistant Examiner-Moshe I. Cohen Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Pollock, Vande Sande & Priddy 52 U.S. Cl.................................. 128/425; 128/463 5i Int. Cl.’............................................ A41C 3700 58) Field of Search ........... 128/425, 462, 463, 465, 57 ABSTRACT A brassiere is disclosed having cups which are pro 1281479, 480, 481,505, 510; 21267, 67; 3/36 vided with a nipple-like protuberance simulating the 56) References Cited bulge of a natural nipple. The nipple-like bulge or pro tuberance may be a built-in component of the bras UNITED STATES PATENTS siere, usually situated under the fabric of the cup; a 2,082,503 6fl937 Meadows............................ 128/481 component which is permanently attached to the ex 2,08,205 2/938 Martin ...................................... 3136 ternal surface of the brassiere cup; or an individual 2,543,499 2/195. Kausch ..................................... 3136 structure which may be attached to or detached from 2,563,241 8f 95 Herbener............................ 2/267 X the brassiere cup at will, by means of several linkage 2,669,79 2/1954 Steiner................................ 28/463 and attachment mechanisms. 3285,247 If 966 Morin.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28/479 34()4()7 9/1968 Pittman........................... 128/48 X 8 Claims, 45 Drawing Figures U.S. Patent Aug. 24, 1976 sheet 1 of 9 3,976,083 F.IG 1A PRIOR ART FIGIBPRIORART U.S.
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