County of Riverside Memorandum of Understanding

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County of Riverside Memorandum of Understanding SEIU Local 721 County of Riverside Memorandum of Understanding March 1, 2012 through November 30, 2016 SIDE LETTER TO THE 2012 - 2016 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ("MOU") BETVVEEN SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, LOCAL 721 ("SEIU") AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ("Cou nty") The parties hereto agree to amend Article 4, Workweek, Overtime and Premium Pay, Section 3, Premium Pay, of the 2012 - 2016 MOU between SEIU and the County by amending the language as stated below, A. Call Duty - General. Except as set out below, when placed by the department/district head or a designee specifically on on-call duty, an employee shall be paid one (1) hour regular rate of pay for eight (8) hours of such duty in addition to the regular salary. The compensation shall cease when the employee physically reports to a worksite and will resume at the completion of the cal!-out work. The on-cali duty compensation shall not cease if an employee is able to complete the required work remotely without having to physically report to a worksite. All on-call duty compensation shall cease at the end of the mandatory on- call shift. "Worksite" for the purposes of this section shall mean the location an employee is required to physically report to in order to complete the work assigned. 1. Department of Social Services. Any Social Services Worker, Children's Social Services Worker, Social Services Supervisor, Children's Social Services Supervisor or Social Services Assistant employed by the Department of Public Soda! Services who is placed by the department head specifically on on-call duty, while otherwise off duty, shall be paid one (1) hour regular rate of pay for four (4) hours of such duty in addition to the regular salary. Notwithstanding the exception for on-call duty rate, all other provisions for general call-duty pay shall apply. 2. Enhanced On-Call Rate. Any Children's Social Services Worker and Children's Social Services Supervisor assigned to the Blythe, California office of the Department of Public Social Services who performs on-call duty in the Page 1 of 3 circumstances outlined below shall be paid in accordance with the following schedule for all hours that they are on-call. Upon being physically called out to a worksite, this hourly rate shall cease and employees will be paid in accordance with the MOU. The hourly rate will resume at the completion of their call-out work. All on-call duty compensation shall cease at the end of the mandatory on- call shift. Children's Social Services Worker III $7.75 per hour Children's Social Services Worker IV $8.00 per hour Children's Social Services Worker V $8.40 per hour Children's Social Services Supervisor I $8.80 per hour Children's Social Services Supervisor II $9.55 per hour The enhanced on-call rate is payable only to those employees who are placed by the department in mandatory on-call status as part of a regular rotation of such mandatory on-call assignments in the Blythe office. lt is not payable for ad hoc on-call assignments or for voluntary on-call assignments. In those cases, the usual on-call rate of one (1) hour pay for every four (4) hours of on-call work will continue to apply. B. Minimum Overtime Credit for Call-Back. 1. Call-Back — Physically Reportinq to a Worksite. Except as set out below, an employee who is physically called back to work, whether or not he/she is in an on-call duty status, shall receive minimum credit for one (1) hour's work at the overtime rate. 1f an employee should complete the work required, and subsequently be recalied during the minimum credit period, the employee shall not be entitled to additional compensation until the minimum credit period has exhausted. Exceptions: • Children's Social Services Worker I, II, 111, IV and V minimum • Children's Social Services Supervisor credit for • Licensed Vocational Nurse three (3) • Licensed Psychiatrie Technician hours' work • Physician Assistant 1 and 11 • Registered Nurse 1, II, III, IV and V working at an RCRMC campus: • Radiologie Specialist 1 and 11 • Radiologie Technologist 1 and II • Respiratory Care Practitioner I and II • Respiratory Technician 1 and 11 • Supervising Respiratory Care Practitioner • Social Services Worker III, IV and V • Social Services Supervisor • Surgical Technician Page 2 of 3 2. Remote Call-Back. An employee who is called to perform work but is able to complete the work required without the employee having to physically report to a worksite, whether or not he/she is an call duty status, shall receive minimum credit for one (1) hour's work at the overtime rate. If an employee should complete the work required, and subsequently be recalled during the minimum credit period, no additional compensation shall be paid for until the minimum credit period has exhausted. 3. Sheriffs Department — Court Call-back. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the MOU, any SEIU represented employee assigned to the Sheriffs Department who is required to attend Court in relation to a matter arising from their employment relationship with the County of Riverside at a time when they otherwise are off duty, shall receive a minimum of one (1) hour compensation at the overtime rate. A shift shall not be extended for the purpose of avoiding the payment of the one (1) hour of compensation provided herein. The remainder Article 4, Section 3 shall remain in full force and effect. The terms of this Side Letter shall be incorporated into the successor MOU between the County and SEIU unless otherwise negotiated. In the event a successor MOU is not achieved, the terms of this Side Letter shall remain effective. All other terms and conditions of the MOU between the County and SEIU remain unchanged by this Side Letter. These provisions shall become effective the first fuli pay period following signatures by both parties. 130\llo Mike Stock Date Esmie Gru bs Date Assistant CEO / HR Director Regional Director County of Riverside SEIU, Local 721 Page 3 of 3 SIDE LETTER TO THE 2012-2016 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTAND1NG ("MOU") BETWEEN THE SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, LOCAL 721("SEIU") AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ("COUNTY") The County and the SEIU have met and conferred and reached an agreement to amend the 2012 - 2016 Memorandum of Understanding, for the term of the agreement, between the County and the SEIU as foliows: Amend Article 4, Workweek, Overtime and Premium Pay, Section 2A, Overtime Exceptions, to add a new provision 3: Physician 1-IV Classification Series Classifications in the Physician series are FLSA Exempt and shall not be entitled to overtime pay as required by the FLSA. Amend Article 4, Workweek, Overtime and Premium Pay, Section 2E, Departmentaf/District Records, to add a new provision 1: Exception Exempt ernployees in the Physician 1-IV classification series (except those working under a grant), who are in a paid status, shall have their attendance record default to eighty (80) hours unless a) There is a deduction from a leave bank (e.g. sick leave, vacation, bereavement, etc.) for a full day absence; b) There is a partial day absence due to a protected leave; c) The employee needs to report mileage reimbursement; or d) The employee is claiming premium pay hours as provided herein Amend Article 4, Workweek, Overtime and Premium Pay, Section 3 Premium Pay, to add a new sub- section R: Extra Shift Assidnment Any employees in the Physician 1-IV classification series, who are authorized to work an extra shift assignment outside of the regular scheduled workday, shall be entitled to receive the employee's base hourly rate for each hour actuaily worked during the extra shift. Page 1 of 3 This provision appiies only to extra shift assignments deemed necessary by a manager or supervisor and for which the employee has agreed beforehand to work. Amend Article 4, Workweek, Overtime and Premium Pay, Section 3, Premium Pay, to add a new sub- section S: Ovemioht Shift Premium for Physician 1-IV Classification Series Any employees in the Physician 1-1V classification series, who are assigned to work an in-house, overnight shift, and actually works at least half of that overnight shift (i.e. at least six (6) hours), shall be entitled to a premium of three-hundred dollars ($300.00). For the purpose of this sub- section, an overnight shift is defined as a single shift beginning on or after 9:00 p.m. and ending on or before 9:00 a. m. Amend Article 4, Workweek, Overtime and Premium Pay, Section 3, Premium Pay, to add a new sub- section T: RUHS lncentive for Physician I-1V Classification Series Employees in the Physician 1-IV classification series may be eligible to receive up to fifty- thousand dollars ($50,090.00) annually as incentive pay for exceptional performance provided the Riverside University Health System meets revenue or budget projections and has available funds for this incentive as determined by the County Executive Officer. The parameters of the incentive shall include, but are not Iimited to: assignments, productivity, quality, and citizenship measures. These parameters will be developed by the Riverside University Health System and submitted to the Assistant CEO/Human Resources Director prior to each calender year. Once the parameters are approved by the Assistant CEO/Human Resources Director, the parameters will be provided to eligible employees. These parameters may be subject to change from time to time. Eligibility for the incentive may be granted quarterly (up to a maximum of twelve-thousand, five-hundred dollars ($12,500.00) per quarter) based on the approved formula.

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