Indian Railways Budget Speech 2004-05 (Final) 725 Speech of Shri
Indian Railways Budget Speech 2004-05 (Final) Speech of Shri Lalu Prasad Introducing the Railway Budget, for 2004-05, on 6th July, 2004 Mr. Speaker Sir, I rise to present the Budget Estimates for 2004-05 for the Indian Railways. The previous Government had presented an interim budget on 30th January, 2004 when approval for ‘Vote-on-Account’ for the first four months of this financial year for railways’ expenditure was obtained. 2. Sir, this is the first Railway Budget of the United Progressive Alliance Government, which assumed office on 22nd May, 2004. Within the short time available to me, I have made an attempt to identify the challenges and difficulties faced by the Railways and outline measures to overcome the same apart from taking note of thrust areas of the Common Minimum Programme. In this regard I look forward to the valuable inputs of the Hon’ble members of this august House. In fact, to start with, I have already written to all the members of this and the Upper House indicating the on going projects and important works in their respective areas and inviting their suggestions for further improvement in the facilities. Special attention will be given to these suggestions and appropriate decision will be taken on the proposals relating to projects after carrying out surveys wherever necessary, giving primacy to the more neglected areas. 3. Indian Railways, the prime movers of the nation, have the distinction of being one of the largest railway systems in the world under a single management. Its contribution to the nation’s progress is immeasurable and it has a dual role to play as a commercial organization as well as a vehicle for fulfillment of aspirations of the society at large.
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