09.14 | The Burg | 1 Community Publishers As members of Harrisburg’s business community, we are proud to support TheBurg, a free publication dedicated to telling the stories of the people of greater Harrisburg. Whether you love TheBurg for its distinctive design, its in-depth reporting or its thoughtful features about the businesses and residents who call our area home, you know the value of having responsible, community-centered coverage. We’re thrilled to help provide greater Harrisburg with the local publication it deserves. Realty Associates, Inc. Wendell Hoover ray davis 2 | The Burg | 09.14 CoNTeNTS |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| General and leTTers NeWS 2601 N. FroNT ST., SuITe 101 • hArrISBurg, PA 17110 WWW.TheBurgNeWS.CoM 9. puBlisHers Column ediTorial: 717.695.2576 10. neWs DigesT ad SALES: 717.695.2621 11. CHuCkleBurg 12. CiTy vieW PuBLISher: J. ALeX hArTZLer 14. state sTreeT
[email protected] COVER arT By: JonaTHan Frazier eDITor-IN-ChIeF: LAWrANCe BINDA www.JonaTHanFrazier.CoM
[email protected] IN The Burg "Looking Down the hill from reservoir Park" oil on Linen. SALeS DIreCTor: LAureN MILLS 16. CHAriTy for All
[email protected] 22. CiTy folk SeNIor WrITer: PAuL BArker leTTer FroM THe ediTor 26. BriDging DiviDes
[email protected] 27. Doing gooD When I was a kid, September meant one AccouNT eXeCuTIve: ANDreA Black thing—back to school. even my first days of
[email protected] college didn’t start until after Labor Day. Today, most students begin school well ConTriBUTors: Burg latino before the sweltering days of August are TArA Leo AuChey, Today’S The day hArrISBurg done.