Fairgrounds Blaze I I
VQLWME 73 NUMBER@ CAS CITY,MICHIGAN -THURSDAY, JUNE zi,lwg Fair still scheduled . -. L!, Arson suspected in ,- fairgrounds blaze i I I There will be a Tuscola 9 for an trour-and-a-half to antique tractor, leaf vacu- then we’re not sitting Gouty Fair this year. spray hot spots. um,sickle bar mower, tires, well.” Ironically, the grandstand lumber and some odds and Yet to be explored is There will also be a place whether the fair association . for sNctators to sit. was built in 1937 to replace ends -- all village owned -- one which had burned - also and a county4wned trailer- will have to bear all the cost Other than that, there about six weeks before the mounted generator. beyond what is recovered hadn’t been too much de- fair, according to fair Man- from insurance or whether ‘ cided by Tuesday in the The grandstand was in- the village will pay part. ager Walt Jackson. The fair sured for $4O,OOO, according aftermath of the apparently this year is July 29-Aug. 4. arsoncaused fire Monday to Caro Village Manager Normally, the association ’afternoon that destroyed the The grandstand had a Don Duggar, which is what is responsible for paying for grandstand, restroom build- seating capacity of 3,000. he felt it was worth. building improvements, ing and two food stands at Bleachers in front held an- He estimated value of the Duggar said, with the vil- 500. lage in charge doing i the county fairgrounds in other About two-thirds villageowned trucks, which of of the bleachers were alumi- routine maintenance.
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