Dhaka Adventist Pre-Seminary & School Materials/Notes for 1st Term (2021) English Version Class: Five Subject: Hindu Religion

Chapter-1 Ishwara and Service to Living beings A. Fill in the blanks: 1. We know that ______is Almighty. 2. Ishwara is inside all ______. 3. Service done to ______is service done to Ishwara. 4. Kurukshetra is called ______. 5. The set up an ideal of ______. 6. Through servicing creature, ______is pleased. 7. Service to living beings is also ______. 8. Kurukshetra also called______. 9. ______is the creator. Ans: 1. Ishvara 2. living beings, 3. living beings, 4.Dharmakshetra, 5. Service to living beings, 6. Ishwara 7. serveIshwara 8. Dharmakshetra9. Ishvara, B. Matching:

Left Right 1. A living being is also a. Ishwara. 2. Ishvara b. tatro . 3. We sing praise of c. flour. 4. YatroaJeebah d. sweet rice. 5. The guest ate e. Ishwara. 6. We are to say prayers f. exists in living beings as soul. g. with respect. Ans: 1+ a 2.+f 3.+e 4.+b 5.+c 6+g.

C. Answer in brief of the following questions: 1. What do you understand by Atma (soul)? Ans: The existence in living beings is called Atma. The existence of Ishwara in living beings is called Atma (soul). 2. What do you understand by living being? Ans:The creations of Ishwara, which have life, are called living beings. 3. How was the financial condition of the Brahmin? Ans: The Brahmin was poor. His family did not have full meals all the time. Sometimes they even had to starve. 4. Why did Dharmadeva come as the guest? Ans:Dharmadeva came as a guest to test the members of the Brahmin’s family. 5. By serving whom do we express gratitude? Ans: We express our gratitude by serving all the living beings, especially mankind. 6. Whose portion of flour was served to the4 guest Brahmin first? Ans: Brahmin served his own portion of flour to the guest first. 7. How did the poor Brahmin pass his time? Ans: He passed his time by religious activities and knowledge practice. 8. What do you mean by Atma? Ans: The existence of Ishwara in living beings is called Atma. 9. In the story of Ishwara and Service to living being, who came to test and whom? Ans: Dharmadeva came to test the Brahmin.

C. Structured Questions:

1. Explain the relationship between Ishwaraand living beings. Ans:Ishwara is all powerful. The universe and the life are his creations. The other nameof Ishwara is Paromatma. He exists in all living beings and guides them. The existence of Ishwara in living beings is calledAtma. So, living being is also Ishwara. Since Ishwara exists in living beings as Atma, serving the living beings means serving Ishwara. 2. Why shall we serve creatures? Ans:Ishwara exists in living beings as Atma. Thus, serving creatures means serving Ishwara. He, who serves the living beings, serves Ishwara. Therefore, service to living beings is . So, we shall serve the creatures. 3. How can livings be served? Ans:By serving the poor the sick and the distressed, we can serve the ling beings. We can also serve the living beings by taking care of pet animals, or planting trees andnurturing them. 4. What did the guest Brahmin tell the Brahmin? Ans: The guest Brahmin told the Brahmin that famine had broken out in their area and they were passing days in starvation or half-fed. He also said that he was very hungry then. 5. Why did the Brahmin and all the members of his family feed the guest Brahmin instead ofeating themselves? Ans: The poor Brahmin managed a little food for his family. When he and his family members sat to take the food, the guest Brahmin appeared there. The told them that he was very hungry. The Brahmin and his family members believedthat Ishwara can be served byservingHis creations. So, they fed the guest Brahmin instead of feeding themselves. 6. Where did the poor Brahmin live? Write four sentences about the service of the poor Brahmin to the guest? Ans: The poor Brahmin lived in Kurukshetra. One day the Brahmin failed to collect any food and was very hungry. His wife, son and daughter-in- law were also without food and later on he could collect some oats. His wife made flour of those oats and thy sat down to eat together. But when a hungry guest came to their house for food, the poor Brahmin shared their food with the guest.

Chapter-2 Section-1 The characteristics of Ishwara, Adoration and prayer A. fill in the blanks: 1. Ishwara has no ______. 2. , , Shiva, , , , etc. are different forms of the same______. 3. Brahma ______. 4. ______is the nurture. 5. Baman is one of the of ______. 6. Bhrigurama was renamed ______, as he had the parashu in his hand. 7. Atma has no ______. 8. We have to utter the name of ______before going to sleep. Ans: 1. form 2. Ishwara 3. creates 4. Vishnu 5. bhagavana Vishnu 6. 7. form8. Ishwara. B. Matching: Left Right 1. The incarnated forms of Ishwara are a. suppresses evil. 2. and goddesses are placated through b. gods and goddesses. 3. As avatars, Ishvara c. get pleased. 4. Whoever is Brahma, is d. worshipping 5. If worshipped, gods and goddesses e. . 6. f. Ishwara. Ans. 1+b, 2+d, 3+a, 4+f, 5+c.

C. Short question answers: 1. What is meant by Brahma? Ans: when Ishwara is formless or incorporeal, he is called brahma. 2. What do we call it when Ishwara gets incarnated? Ans: When any power or virtue of Ishwara gets incarnated that is called a or Goddess. 3. What is brahma god for? Ans: Brahma is the God of creation. 4. What is the principal role of Ishwara after appearing on the earth as an avatara? Ans:The principal role ofIshwaraafter appearing as an avatara is to restore peace, destroy wrong- doers, save the honest and good ones and restore Dharma 5. Why did go to the forest? Ans: Rama along with his wife and brotherLakshamana, went to the forest to carry out the pledge made by his father. 6. In which form Ishwara creates and nurtures us? Ans: In corporeal form Ishwara creates and nurtures us. 7. When Ishwara is called Brahma? Ans: When Ishwara is formless, Ishwara is called Brahma. 8. Why did a war take place between Ram and ? Ans: A war took place between Rama and Ravana because Ravana abducted Sita from the forest. D. Structured questions: 1. What has been meant by Brahma and Ishwara? Ans:Ishwara is formless or incorporeal. But he can take up any form. When he is formless, Ishwar is called Brahma. He is the source of all lives. The world is created by Him. Brahma over all living beings and the whole Universe. Brahma has, therefore, the other name of Ishwara. Ishwara means . 2. Why did MaharsheeRhicheek go for meditation? What was his grandson’s name? Write 3 sentences about him. Ans: MaharsheeRhicheek went for meditation to arouse spirituality in society. MaharsheeRhicheek’s grandson’s name was Bhrigurama. Three sentences about Bhrigurama are— a. Bhrigurama’s father’s name was . b. Ghrigurama was a devotee of Mahadeva. c. Being satisfied, Mahadeva gave Bhriguramaparashu, an axe. 3. Who appears as Avatara? What does he do after appearing as Avataras? Write in five sentences about this. Ans: Ishwara appears as Avatara. The incarnation of Ishwara on the earth is Avatara. Ishwara comes down to the Earth to save the honest and good ones, destroy the miscreants and restore Dharma. Such appearance ofIshwara on the earth is called incarnations. There are four Avataras of Ishwara. They are 1. MatsyaAvatara 2.Koorma Avatara 3. VarahaAvatara 4. ParashuramaAvatara.

Chapter-2 Section-2 The characteristics of Ishwara, Adoration and prayer A. Fill in the blanks: 1. Ishwara is incorporeal, but he can be ______. 2. Performing adoration regularly is our ______. 3. Padmasana and ______are particularly suited to adoration. 4. Prayer is ______somethings from Ishwara. 5. Keeping body and mind ______at the time of prayer is necessary. 6. Adoration purifies______. 7. “Corporeal” is what has ______. 8. We shall ______for the well-being of all. Ans: 1. corporeal 2. duty 3. Sukhasana 4. seeking 5. pure 6. our body and mind, 7. form/shape 8. pray B. Matching: 1. and shloka are correctly recited a. a sense of humility. 2. It is to the honest path that adoration b. corporeal adoration. 3. At the time of prayer there will have to be in our mind c. at the time of prayer. 4. Adoring Ishwara in the sense of Brahma is d. leads us. 5. Adoring different gods and goddesses in images is e. worshipped. 6. f. incorporeal adoration 7. g. Ans:1+c, 2+d, 3+a, 4+f, 5+b C. Answer the following questions in brief: 1. What is adoration? Ans: Adoration means remembering Ishwara and worshiping Him with great devotion. 2. What is incorporeal adoration? Ans: When a devotee perceives Ishwara in his /her heart by uttering His name to himself/herself is called incorporeal adoration. 3. What is corporeal adoration? Ans: Corporeal adoration is the adoration of Ishwara in form or shape. 4. Write names of two sitting position for adoration. Ans:Padmasana and Sukhasana are two of the sitting positions for adoration. 5. How would one make prayer? Ans:One would make prayer to God with hands folded. 6. What is prayer? Ans: Prayer means seeking something to Ishwara. 7. What is called ? Ans:Japa is a way of conducting adoration. 8. Write the name of two methods for incorporeal adoration. Ans:Dhayn and Japa 9. Write any two importance of adoration. Ans: Adoration purifies body and mind. We seek blessing. 10. To whom everybody pray? Ans:Ishwara.

D. Structured Questions: 1. Write down the devotional poem by Rabindranath Tagore placed in your textbook. Ans: Bangla Devotional Poem: Give me such a lyre as I may sing to your tune, Give me such mantra as I may listen to your message, Give me such strength as I may serve you, Give me such devotion unflinching as I may look at your face. Give me such patience big as I may bear with your blows. Give me such stability that I can carry your flag (Abridged) 2. What do you mean by adoration? How many times adoration have to be performed every day? Write three necessities of adoration. Ans:Remembering and worshipping Ishwara with great devotion is called adoration. Adoration is to be performed three times a day. We basically remember Ishwra at the time of adoration. We will adore Ishwara because- i. It will keep our body and mind clean. ii. Ishwara will be happy. iii. we will be directed towards the honest path. 3. Ketaki performs corporeal adoration of Ishwara. What is corporeal adoration? Write the names of 4 gods and goddesses whom he can adore in this way? Ans:Corporeal is what has form or shape. Adoration of Ishwara in form or shape is corporeal adoration. The names of 4 gods and goddesses whom Ketakican adore in this way are— 1. Shiv 2. 3. Durga and 4. Lkshmi

Chapter-3 Section-1 General Introduction to Hindudharma, Scriptures, Great Men and Women A. Fill in the blanks: 1. Brahma is the subject-matter of ______. 2. Many ______appeared during the puranicyuga. 3. Whatever is regularly done every day is called ______. 4. ______can be learnt from daily duty. 5. Disease, grief, palsy, sickness are not found in ______. 6. Those who want to attain love all ______. 7. Nitya is of ______kinds. 8. Moksha means ______. 9. Karma is of ______kinds. 10. Indra is the king of the ______. Ans: 1. Jnyankadna, 2. New Gods and Goddesses, 3. Nitya Karma, 4. Regularity, 5. Heaven, 6. in the sense of Brahma, 7. six 8.freedom 9. two 10. heaven/gods

A. Matching: Left Right 1. Another name of Hindu Religion is a. give attention to any work. 2. The Vedic gods and goddesses were b. gets united with Brahma. 3. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Kali, etc. c. Puranic gods. are 4. Daily duties enable you to d. formless. 5. Leaving worn-out body and putting on a e. Sanatana Dharma. new one is called 6. When the earned volume of bliss gets f. has to take re-birth. exhausted, a creature 7. ON getting release from the cycle of life g. endlessly powerful. and death, a creature 8. h. re-birth. 9. i. a new birth. Ans: 1.+e 2.+d 3.+c 4.+a 5.+h 6+f 7+b B. Answer he following questions in brief: 1. What is the meaning of the word Sanatana? Ans: The word Sanatana means eternal, all-permanent and perpetual. 2. Write names of four Vedic gods. Ans: Four Vedic gods are— a. Indra b. c. d. Mitra 3. How many daily duties are there? Name them. Ans: There are six types of daily duties. They are Pratakhritya, Poorbanhakritya, Madhyanhakritya, Apranhakritya, Sayanhakritya and Ratrikritya. 4. What is Re-birth? Ans: When one body is worn-out, Atma takes up another body. The taking up of a new body is called re-birth. 5. What is a good deed? What accrues to it? Ans: Kindness to creatures, abstention from vilification and slandering, doing good to others, speaking the truth etc. are good deeds. Virtue accrues to good deeds. 6. What is Moksha? Ans: Moksha or freedom is to release from the cycle of re-birth and union of the soul of a creature with Ishvara or Paramatma. 7. What is ‘Nishkama karma’? Ans:Nishkama Karma is what is done without the expectation of enjoying result.

C. Structured Questions and answers: 1. Briefly describe Hindu religion. Ans:The ancient name of Hindu Religion is Sanatana Dharma. The word ‘Sanatana’ means eternal, all permanent and perpetual. Whatever was, is and will be is exactly ‘Sanatana’. This religion originated on the basis of some thoughts and ideas that are eternal. Besides, Hindu Religion is not introduced by any single person at a particular time. It is the result ofcoordinated thoughts of more than one sage or hermit. With the passage of time, it has undergone many changes in ritual and conduct. But there has not been any change in basic philosophy. 2. What are good deeds? Why does every man need to do good deeds? Write in four sentences. Ans: the deeds through which we can attain virtues are called good deeds. For example, Kindness to creatures. Every human being should perform good deeds. Because- i. We can attain virtues through good deeds ii. Those who earn virtue go to heaven after their deaths. iii. In heaven, it is eternal happiness. iv. There is no disease, grief, decrepitude or sickness 3. Write tow qualities ofa great man. What will you do to become a great man? Write in four sentences. Ans: A great man will surely be honest and benevolent. To become a great man, I will a. I will love all the living beings, b. I will never cause harm to anyone, c. I will always be honest and d. I will follow my religious principles. 4. What is Moksha? Why are Sakama and Nishkama Karma to be done? What do you do for the well- being of your classmates? Write in three sentences. Ans:Moksha means freedom. Sakama is the deed which is done with the expectation ofenjoying tis resorts, whereas Nishkama karma is what is done without the expectation of enjoying fruit. I will do thefollowing for the well-being of my classmates: a. I will never do any harm to my classmates, b. I will never quarrel with my classmates c. I will love my classmates and do good deeds for them.

Chapter-3 Section-2 Scriptures

A. Fill in the blanks : 1. Different sages and saints contemplated the messages of ______. 2. In ______there is discussion about Brahma only. 3. In ______many points have been made about Hindudharma and society. 4. Sreemadhgavadgeeta is a part of the ______of the . 5. Wild beasts forgot violence at hearing_____. 6. Another name of Veda is ______. 7. Basic are ______in number. 8. The part of composed in prose is called ______. Ans:1. Veda 2. Upanishad 3. Purana 4. Bhishma section 5. ’s name 6. Shruti 7. 18 8. sanghita. B. Matching: Left Right 1. The Vedas have another name in a. The Devipurana. 2. The Brihadarrnyaka is on b. The idea of immortality. 3. Durga has been described in c. Of atma. 4. Sreemadbhagavadgeeta presents d. Meet SreeHari. 5. Dhruva had the only target to e. The Upanishad. 6. f. The Shruti. 7. g. Of a fighter. Ans: 1+f 2+e 3+a 4+b 5+d

C. Answer he following questions in brief: 1. Why was the Shruti another name of the Vedas? Ans: In the past, the disciples would keep the Vedas in memory by listening to their . For this reason, the Vedas are also known as Shruti. 2. What is ? Write names of two . Ans: Whatever is composed in Aranya, is Aanyaka. Different spiritual subjects, like mystery of creation. Source of creation etc. have been discussed here. Two Aranyakas are Oitereyo and Shatapatha. 3. How many are the basic Purana? Write names of two basic Puranas. Ans:Purna is not one, there are many puranas. Basic Puranas are 18 in number. Two basic puranasare---- a. Brahmapurana b. Shivapurana. 4. What is Geeta? Ans: On the eve of the war of Kurukshetra, Arjuna did not want to go to war against his relations. Then Bhagavansree gave Arjuna manypieces of advice. Those advices are called Geeta. 5. How many wives did Uttanapada have? Write their names. Ans: King Uttanapada had two wives. They were Suneeti and Suruchi. Suneeti was the elder one and Suruchi the younger one. 6. How many Vedas are there? Ans: There are four Vedas. D. Answer the following questions: 1. Briefly describe the Sreemadbhagavadgeeta. Ans: The complete name of Geeta is Sreemadbhagavadgeeta. It is a part of the Bhishma section of the Mahabharata. It has 18 chapters. Arjuna refused to join war when, on the eve of the war of Kurukshestra, he found his relations present before Arjuna many pieces of advice. Those pieces of advices are called the Geeta. It has got the status of a separate book because of its importance. It is the root of all scriptures. So, reading Geeta is a must. 2. What is the name of the Dhruva’s parents? Why did Dhruva go to forest? What did Sree Hari say to bless him? Ans: The names of Dhruva’s parents are king Uttanapada and queen Suneeti. To remove all his afflictions, Dhruva went to forest reciting Hari’s name. Finding the single-mindedness in Dhruva, SreeHari’s mind turned out to become soft. So, he appeared before Dhruva. Then SreeHari said, I am overwhelmed at your contemplation. Go back home, your wishes will be fulfilled. 3. How many chapters are there in the Geeta? Why as Geeta been called the essence of all scriptures? Write in four sentences. Ans:There are 18 chapters in the Geeta. The Geeta or Sreemadbhagavadgeetaa is the essence of all scriptures because it contains religious tenets of . There are ideas of immortality of the soul mentioned in the Geeta. Again, the Geeta also teaches us about unfairness in the war. So, reading the Geeta is a must for .

Chapter-3 Section-3 Great Men and Women

A. Fill in the blanks: 1. Those who render benevolent service to the world are ______. 2. Madaripur was a famous center for ______. 3. The name of the shrine () founded by Swami Pranabananda is _____. 4. ______gave peace to Margaret. 5. Rabindranath gave Margaret the name of ______. 6. Binoda became known as a saint ______. 7. Binoda liked ______very much. Ans: 1. Great men and women 2. Freedom fighters 3. Bharat Sebashram 4. Religious views ofvedanta 5. Lokamata, 6.Brahmachari, 7. . B. Matching: Left Right 1. Since childhood , Binoda was a a. Hindu congregation in Bajitpur ashram.

2. Binoda with his friends organized b. Devotee of shiva.

3. Binoda’s new name then was c. 44 years, 11 months and 9 days.

4. In 1935, Swami Pranabananda arranged for d. A band of kirtan. a 5. Great Swami Pranabananda lived only for e. Swami pranabananda.

6. f. 46 years, 10 months and 10 days.

7. g. A band of vajan.

Ans: 1.+b 2.+d 3.+e 4.+a 5.+c C. Answer the following questions in brief: 1. What would Bishnucharan, Binoda’s father, do? Ans:Binoda’s father, BishnucharanBhuiya, served in the position of Nayeb at the Bajitpur zamindari estate of King Suryakanta. 2. How was Binoda? What did he do with his friends? Ans:Binoda was very restrained and industrious. He built an ashrama with his friends. 3. When and how did Binoda become Swami Pranabananda? Ans: In January, 1924, Ardhakumbhamela was held in prayag. Binoda went there and met Swami GobindanandaGiri Maharaja there. He got indoctrinated by him to sanyasdharmo (sainthood). His new name was then Swami Pranabananda. 4. Why did prafulla Chandra Roy praise Binoda? Ans: In 1921, an intense famine broke out in Khulna region. Binoda, with his 500 volunteers, distributed food among the famine-stricken. Acharya Prafullachandra Roy got very pleased at this performance of his, and praised him highly. 5. Why did Margaret come to conflict with the church? Ans: The rule of the church was that only people coming to worship at the church would get its help. Margaret could not accept this. Therefore, Margaret came to conflict with the church. 6. How will you keep yourself free from cravings? Ans: I will practice religion. 7. Whose devotee was Binoda from his childhood? Ans:Binoda was a devotee of Shiva from his childhood. 8. What was the real name of BhaginiNivedita? Ans: The real name of BhaginiNivedita was Margaret Elizabeth Noble. D. Structured Questions and answers: 1. What is the real name of Swami Pranabananda? Write four sentences about his life. Ans: The real name of Swami Pranabnanda is Binoda. Swami Pranabanandawas born in the village ofBajitpur, Madaripur in 1896. His parents were BishnucharanBhuiyan and Sarada Devi. Swami Pranabananda established “Bharat Sebashram” so that pilgrims could perform virtuous deeds smoothly at the placesof pilgrimage. Swami Pranabananda hated untouchability. 2. Your sister wants to make herself an idol of womanhood. Whom will she follow from the textbook? What was her real name? What did Rabindranath Tagore name her? Write three sentences about her pedagogy. Ans: My sister will follow the great woman BahginiNivedita. Her real name was Margaret Elizabeth Noble. Rabindranath Tagore named her ‘Lokamata’. Three sentences about her pedagogy are given below. 1. BhaginiNivedita’s pedagogy was attractive. 2. She taught her students by telling them stories. 3. She taught the stories of Sita, Savitri, Gandhrari etc. from the and Mahabharat with care. 3. What did Nivedita do for female education? Ans: At her ’s directive Nivedita set up a girls’ school at Bagbazaar of Kolkata. Her teaching method was attractive. She would teach them form the lives of great woman like Sita, Sabityri, Gandhari etc. Besides, she would serve the students in many ways.

Chapter-4 Singularity ofIshvara (One Ishvara), Religious Equality and Harmony A. Fill in the blanks: 1. In all men, there is ______2. The Muslims call their places of prayer______. 3. Religious equality makes us ______. 4. We should not discriminate ______. 5. Men are ______all. 6. We should not ______men. 7. The Hindus call their creator ______. Ans: 1. humanity, 2. mosque, 3. patient, 4. men, 5. above, 6. discriminate, 7. Ishwara. B. Matching: 1. Every religion has its own a. God. 2. the Christians call Ishwara b. second to none. 3. Ishwara is one and c. we’ll extend our love. 4. Despite differences in religious opinions d. way of prayer. and ways 5. to all men e. to make a group is all. 6. f. Ishwara is but one. Ans: 1.+d 2.+a 3.+b 4.+f 5.+c

C. Short Questions: 1. What are the names of the four main religions in vogue in the world? Ans: The names of four main religions in the world are as follows--- Islam, Hindu, Buddhism and Christianity. 2. As one prays to me, so I please him, who said this and to whom? Ans: As one prays to me, so I please him- It was said by Sree Krishna to Arjuna. 3. What is created if there’s religious equality? Ans: Harmony will be established if we maintain religious equality. 4. How will a man view a man? Ans: A man should consider another man equally. 5. What are the names for Ishvara used by people of various religious? Ans:The people of various religious call Ishwara in various names for example, the Hindus call their creator ‘Ishvara’. The Muslim ‘’ and the Christian ‘God’. 6. What will religious equality establish? Ans: Religious equality will establish love and peace. 7. What will have to be done to get love of man? Ans:We can win a man through good manners. If we have this quality, we can get man’s love. D. creative/Long/StructuredQuestions: 1. What is Harmony? Write in four sentences about how you behave with your classmate to maintain harmony. Ans: Harmony is maintaining our regards for all religions and love, affection in between different religions. Four sentences on how I behave with my classmate to maintain harmony are given below- i. I do not discriminate them. ii. I view all the different opinions and ways equally. iii. I behave friendly. iv. I accept classmates of all religion as ours.

2. What is religious equality? What is the one person of one religion to the other person of another religion? Write the necessity of religious equality in three sentences. Ans:Religious equality is to see everyonefrom different religions, opinions, and ways equally and to behave politely with everyone. People of all religious arebrothers to one another. Religious equality needs to be protected because- a. Everyone can live happily and peacefully together. b. Mutual respect will create c. Mostly, this will build a society full of happiness and richness.