'V -/- J

Average Doily Clrcnlntion The Weather Ferecaat'ol U^S. WeuUter Bureun For Ihe Mouth of February. 1910

Fhlr.und not qMto ue ouM to-

6,355 nights iWedueeday cloudy, rielug tesuperatme followed by wmmf In Mousbar «t tha Audit Mm u f t a m o o u kt night. Oureuu uf Ctreulatioue

Manchester-— City of Village Charm /

PRICE THRER tUleaeWled Advurtlsiibg eu Page 10) MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESD.VY', MARCH 12.1940 (TWELVE PAGES)., VOL. LIX„ NO. 188

Bootleg Alki Firemen Save 20 Willi LadtU'rs

Urges Hatciv Bill J Allied Troops Ready ^ Basis of First '

Cover^T^resident Musiea Coup

To Aid Finns; Peace

I ‘Dietrich* Says Merw in And His Cabinet ' And Phillips l^aughcd

Smith Rec'pllla Efforts 100 Parking Meiers Arc Over ‘Legal' Practices; Prospects Brighte

Smashed by Molorist Says They Got Bonus. Of Roosi^elt in 1938 Huntington. W. V«., March ’ To Defipht Certain Can- Now York, March 12. —(J*!—! Nnluralizvd CUixen Is 12.—(Ah—Police are recking a Opiiniisni Replarcs lin*' Daladler Says Tr didate^, who Opposed motorist who apparently I Grorgo E. Dlctrich-Musica, 46. ac- ' <‘4‘rlaiiity in Political l*Htrio(ic Until Death Fully Equipped Holiries, in Deniocralic (ioc.on't like the' city'r l.'JOd ! knowloilgrd in fodorni rourl twlay , parking racterr arid took an ! that the chief proilud of a Mount . < iin'Ics al SitH'k- Inglewood, Calif., March 12. With Transports 1 Primaries Contests. emphatic way of registering hie. —i/Ti—Brltlsh-bom Mrs. Bessie disapproval. j Vernon, N. Y., drug company holm; Definite Soviet i Owen,' 47, wss told several At Embarkation Pof 1 headetl by his brother, the late F. r Detective Roy B. Hagely Terms Reported Deliv-, mouths ago she could not re-, Force Concentrate4 XVashington, March 12.— said approximately meterr | I Donald Coater-Muslca. was a , cover from her lllncas. She aalil 100 I shampoo which could be diverted i /A P )—Senator Smith (D., In the downtown district had I er4*tl to Fiiiiiisli Dele- i she wanted to become an Amer- : Two Points on En| been smarhed with some heavy ! I Into alcohol for bootleg purpose.*, j lean cltlren before she died. i "S. C.), iirgcii in the Senate It was on the strength of this | Instrument and put out of com- gallon; Officials .\re .Inn. 12 slie flnisbed her citl-j t^hannel and Atl today that the president and mission. The officer said no ] product, the witness said, that j zennhip requirements. • ! Coster-Musica pyramided hls bu.si- j In ^Goiislant Session. Coasts; Reply Ex| hi8 cabinet be included in coins were taken. Yesterday she died. Her last, Hatch act restrictions on ness to gain control of the old and | ikxirds were “God bless A m er-1 political activity by Federal reputable, drug firm of McKesson Bulletin! Paris, March 12.— (AP)^ and Robbins, which subsequently -4 Premier Daladler told a ch employes. - as looted to the extent of 321,- Helsinki, .March 12, (8:40 "Let's be brave." Smith told his ing Chamber of Deputisfi $300,000 fioss 000 000 p. m.— 1 :t0 p. m.. ejt.t.)— colleagues, "let's clean house where Dletrlch-Muslca testified • that (A P)— .\ Finnish offirini said day that 50,000 French the cleaning should be done." , in 1924 the Mount Vernon firm, British Troops British troops, fully equi| Without mentioning President I under the name of Girard and tonight that Parliament, Roosevelt by name. Smith recalled By Stamford, and with transporta ' Company, had a net Income of which must pass on anv the Chief Executive's efforts In , 835.000 and within two years, aft- terms of peace with Soviet, On War Front are at embarkation 3938 to defeat certain candidates I er moving to Bridgeport. Conn., ready to go immediat ill the' Democratic Congressional Jury Reports Russia, had not taken any: i th'! business had expanded 500 per Finland if tha^ country primaries who had opposed his _____ ! c e n t . action up to early this eve-', policies. « ! Double Forces licly appeals for aid A L au g h in g M a tte r ning. It was indicated (hat ai Smith was one of those whose j No Indictment Brought Asked to explain the huge In- secret session of ParliameAt I I Soviet Russia. The si defeat the President sought, but . » i . i crease, Dietrlch-Mustca related a the South Carolinian told the Sen- A f iv is e d g 1 tionary force is concent But Arrests conversation he said he and hls I would he held later tonight or 316v000 Soldiers Sent ate this was not the reason for his tomorrow. Officials, however, at two porta on the El statement. Only Part Stolen But brother hod with Rowley W. Phll- To France Since Start (Channel and Atlantic Used Pobver In Slutea n, . ™r /-> . I Ups. an Investment broker of Wa- would not comment on th is' IVRStage W as Vtreat. | terbury, and Horace B. Merwin, Of Conflict; Aid for the premier aaid, addlog;< The President, Smith said, had possibility. The most common' gone into various states and "used ----- I prcsricient of the Bridgeport Trust Firemen a t Lowell. Mass., had their hands Dill bringing 20 persons opinion among informed ob- i ie expected “a deciiiva: Co., both of whom are on trial Finland Is Discusfied. his tremendous power, the power Bridgeport. March 12.— {/P) —A down ladders to safety diiKiiig ii lire In n parking plant. The, 20 had servers here was that Mme swer” from Finliuid todfji^ of hls office" to denounce members grand Jury charged today that with three others for alleged been trapped on tlio anidkc-fllUd upper flours by ablaze on the ground fraud. kind of honorable peace was , March 12—(F)-«-Allied one sense or the otheii'.’* ^ of the Democratic party. through "sheer wsste. lack of floor. Here, four women ai-c helped down ladders. Note man In Valno Tanner, to* FliiifiHi'| "Why should we curtail the little "Menvin and Phillips said there smoke-filled window behind ccnfbr flreman, in the immediate offing. An help to t Fialand, promlaed by fellow and leave out the greatest proper management and the reck- was a rumor around Bridgeport etgn mlalster, has promised a ( official announcement was ex- Prime MinUtar CTiamberiala and to the Allied offer* 04 aM political office we arc capable of less expenditure of public funds" that we were diverting alcohol," Premier Daladler it Finland aaka day's meeting of tha F( giving a man—the Chief Executive tbe town of Stamford in the past he said. * pected tonight or t*>morrow of the United States who uses hls “My brother told them that I to clarify the status of the It, waa discuBsed anew today as Uament which Is ooosM live years had lost a sum"co% Britain Indicated ah* baa aa many sla’a terms of peace, tbs' office to discredit a faithful mem- servatlvely estimated” In excess of everything he was doing was per- ' 104-day-old war in the north. ber of thla body? fectly legal, remarking: 'people will Red Arid Continues aa 816,000 soldleia in Franca tor aoaerttd. $300,000. use on the wMtern front. Depend* ea FhH| CMie, "Why don’t we condemn, the The charge was made in a report drink almost anything these (pro- Chief Executive of the United hibition) days, and anything that Stockholm. March 12.^— The olM of to* British Bxpadl Bending of to* expedit' submitted to Superior Ck>urt Judge tlonary Fore* wna dlackw d in tb* ^de on Flnhmd’s eholea ' States who rides ruthless and Carl Foster by tbe Jury, which be- has alcohol In it eventually goea to I (AP) — The prospects of rough ahod over a lesser one politi- the bootleggers." Advancinj Along Bay House of Oommona by War Brcra- Rusata'a tarma aad u 1 gan an Investigation of Stamford {peace in Finland appeared to tary Oliver titanley in prwMntlng llo and dlract, to toa At cally T municipal affairs on Jan. 23. Dietrich-Musica said everybody { take a marked upswing this "If we're going to be men and at the meeUng "laughed the mat- a 'token" budget to provide fund* Daladlar said. The Jury said that only a com- ; afternoon as optimism re- for the Army, Any Flnnlab appeal na have clean politics let's have a paratively small part of the loss ter off.” Russians Keep Up Un* clean President and a clean Cabi- Million For Old Conrern jlles’ Visit i placed uncertainty in politicgl He aeld it was "Improper and must ba public aad dlraet’l suffered by the town could be at- relenting Pressure on und*eir«bta to attempt to toreeast coma official Scandinavtta < net.' tributed to criminal acts. The witness said his brother pur- circles here. Aftemocfli ntwa- Some Reatriettona Do Anhpply chased M^Kcsaen and Robbins for Northwest Shore, Aim- what taak" Britlob solders may, be Uoa to toa- paaaaga a< Replying to Smith, Senator All AvsMtole 11,000,000 in 1026, with the financ- Ra^ed Topic papers warned against too called on to fulfill in to* ftitu^. troopa over toair aotl, toa : Hatch (D„ N. M.) declared that "Practicelly allII oof f tthis h i s Iestimated Even Merc Oaaento Offer declared. loss.” the report eaid, “could have ing of the tranaacUon carried ont ing to Encircle VHpuri. much optimism, however^ some of the restrictlona in the ex- by a banking syndicate headed by while carrying reports that Krltfitn’a ally made aif oven Daladler .disclosed that ae l isting antl-poUttcs law do apply been avoided by efficientv admlbie- ntore concrete offer than Prime 7 ha warned the Ftnniab tration and the Installation of some Merwin and Pauitps. Tha syndi- Di^g Talksthe Finnish egbinet, parlia- to the President. Hatch added: cate. be said, got a bonus of IlSfl,- Helsinki, March 12.—(A P ); Minister (Chamberlain did yester- Dr. Harrt Holme, "that "I constantly have been seeking system of checks and balancer, ment and Parliamentary For- day in pledginf "alt resource* did not appeal tor Allied : wjth Complete audita from time to 000 worth of stock. —Finland today disclosed [ to make Impoealble for the presi- "Did your brother tell you what that the Red Army, pressing eign Affairs Committee now^ available^ if linlaiMl requeata tlon, the Allies under no dent of the United States—whether time.” the financial condition of McKesson Gayda Seek Trip by them. stances could asaume were in constant session. he Is this president or one to be Investigation of Stamford affairs further along Viipuri Bay, Daladler announced in Paria was pressed after the arrest .on and Robbins was at the time.." he American Is\Forcmost The newspaper Aftonbladet as- elected — to iiK his enormous was asked. was continuing its advances that 50.000 French troopa were (Uestlssed os Pag* last December 1 of Welter S.. serted that definite Soviet peace reedy to go to Finland in reaponse power of patronage to go Into "He told toe they were In very despite peace negotiations! Among Subj^fi Dis- terms were delivered to the Finnish South Carolina or Georgia or any CamptaU, former purchasing agent to Ftoland'B public appeal for di- for tbe town, on charges cd coot bad shape.*' DleDlch-MusIca re- under way in Moscow. Russia delegation lost night, qnd the newo- other atate and try to control an plied. cussed at Conferences. paper Nya Daglfft Allehanda re- rect aid—not yet received—and election. The people should elect spiracy to defraud. Nine persona kept up unrelenting pressure! would ba tranaported In Britlah In all have been arrested, four of Dietrich and two other Musics ported thot the Flnnlab Foreign Granite Staf their own representatives.” brothers have pleaded guilty to an on the nqrthwest shore of sblpe. them since the grand Jury took Rome, March 12.—(A*) • Sumner Affalra Commlttea lost night had Foreign Office sourcea diacloaed Senator Johnson (D.. Colo.), Iqdlc'^’nt charging violation of Viipuri Bay, aiming at encir- Welles' European_ _ trip today _ waa _ received long code telegrams from saying he was seeking "coopera- over the Investigation In January. ■ that Britain has oent oeveral com- The report was handed to Judge clement of the city of Viipuri, Primary Fi tion between state and Federal (Continued on Page Eight) ranked by the a'uthorlutive F^asclst { munlcationa to Halainkl on too laws Instead of coercion by the' Foster by the foreman, Howard S. and the Finnish high com- commentator, Virginio Gayda, aa subject qnd ajwerted larger saatst- Nielson, a Darien banker, after In Oslo the neivspeper Aften- once was promlaed wen' ’enbef( !ore to* Federal government,” urged the members of the Jury flied Into the mand said “in some places” foremost among the topic* dlsciuM- posten eaaerted that rumor* that Stiff Opposition to ' ^ Senatei.*iday i ^artail sharply the ed by Premier Mussolini and For- current MoIfcwcowoscow peaipeace talks were courtroom following a meeUng the Russians “succeeded in peace had been concluded were de- Initiated. acope X snti-polltics legislation which lasted several hours. Writ Blocks I advancing a little.” eign Minister Joachim Von Ribben- liberately circuited by Oelp Stock Term in Tect of TTie Colorado se n a to r spoke trop In their conferences of the Exchange apeculatora who were The Flnnlab high command to- No Indlotinento Soviet attack*, were rcpiilMd day reported continuing military when the Senate began another The report eaid. everywhere else except In the di- past two days. profiting on the ahar* advances. cratie Opinion day of Its lengthy debate on iegis- The govetoment organ Arbeidar advance* by to* Ruaalana. "In each case where evidence Pellev Return rection of Pall, epat of Viipuri, the Gayda, writing In II Giumale While Flnlud occupM primary lation by Senator Hatch (D., N. clearly Indicated to tbe grand Jury high command communique aaid, D'ltalla, also supported the general Blodet took a rather pcMilmlatlc Manchester, N. H., view of the'negotiations, express- M.), to extend to state employes that fraud and deception had been recounting aiicceaoe* on the lee- belief tpat Von Ribbentrop hod (Coattaoed On Page (wo) op - A handful et oandidfiti paid partly from Federal funds the practiced upon the town of Stam- Silver Shirt O rdei^ Ex- coated lake* and river* of the talked about relations between ing fear/thst the new Soviet de- split In toair choic* of s P restrictions against political ac- ford by certain Individuals, the lethmun front *outheo*t of Viipuri. Italy and Russia, saying that "the mands Arent beyond the Finnish tic standard bearer—bu state's attorney has proceeded at tradited to N. C. But inexplicable hostile attitude taken capacity to accept. Thla newspa- strong and well-organised 1 15 n an ea Shot Dows per rf^ported toat the Finnish Diet (Uouttoqqd Os Page Bight) our suggeetion and upon our ad- Fifteen Rusaian plane* were nald hy Soviet R.iania (toward Italy) delegates pledged to T vice to bring about tbe arrests 'Habeas Corpus Issues. flow bos been somewhat rectified." WBS/ln session practlcslly all Mon- WangUrges Roosevelt's renomlnation to have been shot down during observer* bad conjectur- day night considering toe Soviet upon Informations filed , with the yesterday'* fighting, the period the nation’s first primary court ao that It U unnecessary to Waeblngton, March 12.—(A*)— ed tost the Uerman foreign minis- ptoposals and flnsUy empowered box test of toe tolH term I covered by the communique. ter, who also conferred with Pope the Finnish delegation to negotiate China Peac^ return any indictments, but the William Dudley Pelley, toe Silver The Army's admiaslon of some Early reports from cent stMy presented haa so convinced Shirt leader, waa ordered extradit- Plus XII, would seek to bring .further. IS'-/ ^ ...... ■outbern'towns Indicated s Flashes ! Soviet gains Injected some feeling Rome and Moscow closer political- Final Soviet terms for ending tbia grand Jury of the Incompe- ed to North Carolina today, but of reality Into a capital filled with _ turnout of votes—due larm (Late Italletlsa i» tke UF Ikire) tence, recklessness and stupidity almost Immediately wdn a stay un- ly because of the existence of the the Finnish war were laid down at Declares in Long Mani- locat Issues before ansusl on tbe part of ao many who were der a uabeaa corpus writ. rumors and conjectures about the | 'paeV a conference early today in Mos- ■^ cow. the newspaper Stockholders meetingk Tbe polls In most < Loag Salts Dtamisaed responsible for tbe careful man- Justice F. Dickinson Letts, hear- peace negotiations now under way! Link Visit To Truce Plan ( festo Establishment of state’s cities, ■ where to* In Moscow. Virtually no Informa- i other Fascist newspapers linked Hldnlngen reported. New OrtesSi, March 13.—-op)— agement of tbe town affalra that It ing defense counsel plead for toe His Rule Imminent. denttal primary waa to* onlyl feels It to be Its duty to call It to writ: on-tbe grounds that "violent tlon concerning the parley* haa Welles' European tour with the The paper said Joseph Statin ad- The txaristaiia Soprane eoort leaked out In Helsinki but specula- were not actaeduled to opeS' day dlamisaed two aolta by Gee. the attention of those interested In physical abuse" might be in store propo.sal by Senator Pittm an, j 3:00 p. m. the Intelligent administration of for Pelley, ordered arguments 6n it tion haa been rife.. chairman of the Senate • Foreign • (Uontleued O* Page Eight) Shanghai, March 12.-American activities, ap- and said Russian air activity was Pittman's propoaal "let the cat out Pope Closes Nanking Wang C!hlng-We) tonight "very lively all day.” {anlnIn appealed to toethe CbineseChinese peo- who ran as an unpledged Batoa Kooge DtetrkX ooart where (Uuatlaaad Os Page Eight) I peared dramatically on capitol bill I of the bag" as far as Welles' objec- | date for delegate-at-lor^, spi the suKa were Sled was wltheot a month ago. He was taken Into ' Two persona were killed during lives are concerned. s taflria K ta lfF n P'*^ ^ accept peace with Japan In Russian , air raid* on Ruklmaki (In a speech Saturday Senator : O Kl.X'AMfifi I accordance with a pragfam ,hc ed to have the strongest ebSM Jurfsdlctloa aad that Loag had au custody then on a North Ckirolina breaking through the bt or came for aetfea.. The fugitive w arrant Involving a five- LshtU Kouvola and St. MIcher. Pittman suggested an armistice so 1 ssld would be best Vor CTitna. The communique indicated flght- there could )w "cslni discussion" by ^ Tbe chief executive-designate ot line-up. a aloa waa aaqatBioas. Tax Cdllector , year old charge of violating atate Peraaoally-pqpular and a - I aecuritles laws. Expresses Hope for tbe projected pro-Japonese reglnm (Uoetleaed On Page IWu) (Cofltlaaed^^ Page (wo) in a lengthy manifesto declared toe widest-known of tb* ii , m,SSS Daaiagea Bi. Fire { CsOad PtMcIst By Plea ent candidates, be emeifffffi (Jets 2-5 Years I Extradition of toe goateed lead- Early Reestablishment that establishment of hls new gov- Dover, N. B., Mareh U.—<^>— er of ai) organlution denounced ernment was "ImmlnenL" In tbe retirement to campaign Fire damage esthoatodj hy Fire Of Peace for All World third term. by the Dies Committee aa Feacistic ___ L. past 16 months tbe Impending es- CMet Edward KaMt at |S5,M(> was tablishment of this government 7 OmiODe OrganIzsDea' ' caasad today as a roaitag blase H. B. Lown, Ridgefield waa ordered by Chief Justice A'* A complete slate of swept throagb three stores aad fred A. Wheat . in United Staten Taxpayers Enjoy Maryland Vatican City, March 12.—(/Pi— has been repeatedly announced District court. Dcfdi(sc Attorney T. and postponed. pledged candidates, ■ewm oDcea ta the Davis Hack. War Vetenm, Pleads Pope Plu* XII today closed Im- many of the party's leaders,: Knott aoM palke had beta osasd Edv/ard cyOonneU, however. Imme- presaive ceremonies in celebration Not Ttate to Reveal Plan Guilty of EmbesEliiig. diately appHcd for a writ of Wang's manifesto "regrets that oppoMtIon from three ung' to aaalst Ha deimrtonat fat laveatl* Troubles with Income Tax of bl* first year on the throne of psndldatcs, three suppor gatiBg tha caoae of the die, which Habeas corpus to prevent Pelley’a now U not the time" to reveal a being returned to North Carolina. St. Peter with an exprcMlon of plan be has negotiated for read- Postmaster General James A. 1 started la a nma's clothing store Bridgeport, March . 12 — (C) — hope for the early reestablishment ley, and Ohe candidate endo abeht 4:S0 a. in. Harvey B. Lown, tax collector of O'Ckmnell ebarged that tbe ef- Annapolis. Md., March 12.—(/p—t.pn unearned Income, have lost one justment of ‘ Sino-Japsnese rela- * • • tbe town of Rldgefletd. pleaded fort to remove Pelley was "noth- Taxpayers usually don't get much . w urt battle on It* constitutionality of world peace. tions, but he asked tbe nation to Vice President John N. Garner*^! Bafdoeioa Injarss Several guilty today to embraatement of ing but a acbeme and a frameup." At tor. close of a pontifical mass accept bis assurance that the plan all. 23 Democrats—16 of ^liey wa scoovtcted five years “iSr'S'SrJ.'.'r.irSi' u,. In toe great basilica of St. Peter’*, would guarantee China's Inde- pigged to the president—toosl Weplnno, Tax-. March lt^-(^>— town fuBdx tad was eentcaped to enjoying lUryUnd* troubles with j 1939 j,gi,|*ture. the governor and be met witb the. Oilbege of Card!- ed for toe 12 convention poets.^ chy nerve two to five years la atata ago of violating North Carolina pendence and tost as conditions An 'eayloataa af bataaa gas la a blue sky laws and making false It* new income tax. . J certain other public ofllcisla In nala and told the sacred assembly Roosevelt forces were assurtfu baying saliarism today iajnred several priarc by Superior I Court Judge Apparently, the levy has pto- * office prior to April 13, 1939 are ex- improved Japanese troops would fuel! Carol Foster. representations in toe sale of of bis prayer for a cessation of be withdrawn, except from speci- five places. petsiar, damnHsird a boUdlag and ducM more cynical laughs than ' empt. so ia the admiral command- boatUlUes. RepuMIcan Couteet ahsttorod aeoriy orery window la Lown’s sentence waa the first securities. He was given a sentence revenue. Today, it was running ing the U. S. Naval Academy, be- fied areas where they would be Impoeed'rioce the- Iqw adopted by of 1 to 2 yeers on the first count, His remarks were In reply to a needed to combat Ck>mmunl8m. , In a contest - of iwraofl o* tUa town's boriaarc district. about 36.000,0 >tarck ul-^jp)— , and toa| Linni. arreetod about s euppeneica of eentence could be picked .up vtorfylng today where Army,. Navy, Martn.e Corps and rs aarty rally OKHlto ago, bad made full restltu- lifted Pelley must be eecueed of Attorney (Jeneral William « C. tODast Guard stationed In Mary- Oehbrate* Annlvereary Ms** pledged. The one exception .^ Udo. WaUh left off. , land. Tbe latter celebrated toe anni- pledged to TThomae E. >ew^ raflaa. versary mass which found the Fiimish Relief Fund Bridges, Senator Tobey 1 WlUla said it was one of tooee (UMrttouad U s F S|* BIglit) To make ends meet and keep Governor WUI Fay Tex *niafortuaate caeca tost unhap- Gov. Herbert It (TCoanoFa Men- Goventor O'Connor announced pop* aggrieved by war he vainly ernor Murphy were expect pily are becoming all too com- nial budget in balenee, to* levy he'd, pay, tbe tax anyway and bsd beeougbt Bufop« avoid. The Contributions to toe Finnish capture tom of toe ptai^' ceremony recalled the majestic clofw lltat anticipated mon.” TrcasiD7 Rslsncr m int■t produceprod fifi.OOO.OOO. An estf- "hoped" other official* in hla- sd- Relief Fund qrUl be received by liown w as in toe ineuraace buai- *' ■ ' mated 33.009,000 haa beeiiicolleot- mifristration would follow suit. pageantry of Just a year ago. toutth between (oraier ead bto dlfficultiee begsi). toe Wa*hl8gto8, March 12— (JTi— ed.ao far. Individual return* ex- Moot of them are taking to* hint, To pay him homage tb* faithful Tbe Herald. Donation* wtU be Moadi, fo rax r < re attoeficy paid, wbafi be took Tb* poiittaa o( tae TresJufy pactad m yield IE7fiO,000,: have ' Attoiiwy Oenoral WalHi beau to assemble In toe vast, sekiMariedfi*d through to* col- Muntl mr S p a Ul d l a t and ^ (uBda to mshe 19 tardy ore- M arch 9: eoBtributed abaut fit.000.000. SXSOMptifl# eeCuHilaed plasa in front of tha umn* et thin newspsper. Chaek* Usm X BrittoaTchfilpntaT O— I M U . BeMfic* ahortly after aunrlse, al- RepUHtosa •tat* t aauma. Yraba asid Lown rally ItossIM II7ASL47S-B1; expand- intarpretatlon. should h* mad* payable to to* messt to replece toe town fupds, Itiin s, mt4fi.49r.41: net bslaoee. the tax. which Taxpayer*, who must dig Into mo*t Jamming to* area to It* ea- A . ferceast «f, clear m i9,u«m -rt: taecipto cant 'M pfiroad toair Jasas raffardlarc, think tbst'a FItmiSh KfiUet Fund- 1 (or Ssl’ii'yss.' to-• par I.Og-l iTirci ... . I ■ . •'■ ' ■ ■ I ■ PA6B T U E S D A Y , M A R C H I S , 1940 MANCHESTER EVENING HERAIJ), MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, MARCH 12.1940

Town ir'fints No Boast . were that they did nOt tateiia Y ow ik G ru idB iotlien i A r* T Japs Bolster withdraw as they did last proprietor te arranging to open C b B d i d a U B a c k s S p e e c h e s PIw Building Foreign Securities Laws Doctors,Turn ^Bullet Pro o f * Fuel Tanks on Sun YateSsn’s birthday. Oa ’ School Board T r a d i t i o n i n H e r F u D U r i Main Battle to Control About Low Tax Rates oocsslQa, tha Japoiisas amM the storo this week. ^ Th* W i t h D e s c r i p t i v e C a r d s incerBldg. that was vacant in the JohnbOT Their Gains thsy wsra wlthdrawlaff as a flqutb Bend, Ind., Mnrtk 12. Of Homes Here Down Program of raspaet for Sun’S maaiocy. block, following the removal of TbomaavUle, Oa.. March 18. Meets/tonight — 01^ —Four generaUons of Catch American Women Syphilis Not Yet Fought Developed by Army, Navy Westwood, Sfaw-. March 12 tbs M. * O. package store, ia now —(F)—Overalled, tie-less D l^ women In Mrs. Martin Kocsis’ —-(P)—rThe Weatwood Town The Chungihan a n a w a s ls # t vaded March 8 whan Sroong ;es H an d s occupied and there is Enslish wants to be coroner of family have become grand- her United Finance Committee Informed Seek to Establish Lo« cant store available on Main stiyet ThoRiM county and b#ck* vlg- Pspen Filed Indicate ^Washington, March 12.—(A V -tsign er keeps 88 Per Cent Vote in Op- Washington, March 12.'-- (D — A t'Was aatlsfactory. Raacarcb'and ex- the voters in town meeting landed \mdar eovertag flin Principal Business Is to ntoUiers at 36—and Mrs. Kocsis Many hundreds of American wo- citizenship. Bloomington, Ind,. .^ e tjin)(— , perlmentallon on the problem of from Maple street to the Centor. oious, salty campaign speech^ is not one to break the tradi- ' — The main battle to control Home Joufnai. after publUhlng position to Sorializeil ew "bullet proof” fuel last night that the 1940 tax cal Governing Body at warahlps in tha Paarl rivar that being in the Farr b w k . with printed cards which read: That Large Scale Oper- men married to forelgneru and liv- The value _ of artictea and editorials on syphilis, . .. .1 _ « >,.1..- th. idlmlnlahlng the lire razard of olr- ’ rate would be but S23.80 a o f Oontoo. Square Properly Study Salaries o f the tion. Ing abroad have been, caught I>y i ties and credltt mw held by ■yptaill potentially more effefcUve than the , which was used as a Salvation “ Honest InquesU with a alp! A t 16, she's Julri had her flrst received cancellations , of 78,000 Medicine Plan. thouaand and the voters res- Chiingshan. Tha nnnlvannry of Sun’s ations Contemplated. the sweeping laws of *"**31*^^? yet'to to fought much publicised devices used ,ln the | necesslUted a renewal of these was obsamd as a gsaaral a o u ^ t by Frank Army Social Service storo before W ear no man's d olla r..N ^ Teachers. child— a b o y . named Martin This te shown In a study made BubecripUona, and some advertis- ponded promptly with' a resolu- being vacated at the end of Jan- even my own..No ring can to and neutral nations alike requir- In a ffect^ ing accoimts. But In 1087 an air fleets o f wrariing Europe— has ; tests. In Chungking, prom onal Wayne. , / at Indiana University by Dr. Har- Mlnneapollo, March 12— | tion urging that there be no Hongkong, March 12.— VT) — iwski. square. ..Don't even belong to article brought no criticism. In- I>een developed by the Arm y and l Alive To Situation boa.etlng about It. This IMh anniversary of the death f tha Chinese government, The meeting of the Town School “ I intend," said the young vey J. Locke, oeslstant professor Twenty thouaand American physi- Navy for American military planes. ' "Both the war and navy depart- stores at the North Bnd a pressing club...They got to stead there was favorable response Real estate men were re- of Dr. Run Yat-Sen, founder of the 2ate also was the flrst annivi Board to to held this evening will mother, a bride at 16, "to have of sociology, for Indlana’a Com- cians. asked by the medical Joiir-i Drtalls are conAdentlal, the War menta are completely alive to the are now occupied. Work ta to be be dead or I don't trust em ... that drew a second article. quested to "refrain from using (*hlnese republic, found Japanese of the national spiritual f jpadU M of tho two otory frome to devoted to the study of salaries a long life to enjoy my babies." mittee for Study of Marriage Leg- nal, Moilem Medicine, whether Department aald today, but au- situation and are interchanging the started neat week on rtbulldlng Babies kissed and songs led on In 1908 officers o. the U. 8. Pub- the low tax rate" to Induce troops consolidating their gains in tion movement. on th* wt«t «lil« of D*‘ of teachers. There are nearly 160 tion papers for The Manchester Germany, and some neu- i An indication of tho number m islation. 1 they would cooperate with the thoritstlve aourcea Indicated th a t; results of experimentation on fuel tho Cowles Hotel building. In- short notice.. .Picnics attended lic Health Service prepared a care- clients to purchase bomes in and around his birthplace, Chung Chinese papers lauded Square, known to older reel- coiitracts to to considered and it is One part of the battle will con- government in a drastic socialized the new tank, like those reported tank protective coverings and on r ' stead of fotir stores on the ground and lemon-checse cake et on no Corporation. caplUIlzed at 150,000,1 trals like Italy, had them in effect American-born wtves fully worded pamphlet on venereal the town because the voters, "unyielding spirit," which not espected that aU WIU to pass- cern whether a person is to lose medicine plan, voted 88 per cent In use by Germany, Prance and limited provision for armor In mod- Bhan. mm the SpencerBnencer biilldlnffbiilldinfc end floor there will be flvo. They will small nations o f Europe” and !• >nthAHsMi to develop.' * lew years before the war began. , may to obtained from a Stew De- 'disease, to be distributed to sea- They sought to establish a local said waa pipreoentty a«ani)IB|aft‘ | noticed” ed upon at the meeting. which ls authoriied to aevewp., a foreign ipartment estimate that 60 such ' his job If it Is found be has, or England, depended on raw robber ern aircraft." in the words of the resolution, Noe. 18 to 22 Pepot each be 48 feet deep. Only two storation of the "Independence of men. But the Secretary of the no. favor "moderate progress governing body and - Indications Generaltsiislmo Chlong KoidHRll.' Frank J. Nackowekl. Superintendent Arthur Illtng, build and flnance new homes. A c- woman married to one of their women, in this country when the even has had, this disease. For, Modern Medicine, announcing to close bullet holes. General Anlold said the wrar was I of these have been leased. the Poles and Cacchs.” If discovery costa a job, syphilis Treasury, George B. Cortelyou, re- rather than rapid expansion.'' ■m [ancheeter BuUdlnsr and was given authority at the last cording to the papers, the cap- nationals acquires bis citizenship war broke out, have applied for the figures today, aald it has no Differences are the combination an Invaluable proving ground for Chamberlain asked voters in a will not to reported, and without fused to approve it because. Pro- Aaaodatlon, le one of the were said to estimate the chances meeting to prepare the contracts. italization La set up in 300 shares and is subject to the laws of bis passports to rbtum to their hus- connection with The American of the sticky and elastic rqw rub- the Air Corps, and from other There are many different angles to lAeds by-electlon to express "the reporting and follow’ up work, fessor Locke quotes, “ the matter - ___ important buaineee dcels for war or peace as about even.) o f common stock at 1100 per country. She is required to list or ban

— bava beta made in the Amerieaa cester, Brockton. P lttiM d , East THE DEWEY- AA-A-A ^-0-e ^ --- aertbsd Briahufvud’a visit to Ber- London, March 12.—(JTt—^WhUe AiHtoUhop P r a a ^ J. •pelUnan to- GIVEN AW AYi ■ . "irsr r n n o ^ l t A N . ^ Bcnson^s lin as “private," and declined com- Sumner Wellsn was hsnrtng the of WUltnuatto. Uadi tha vjM^ G m R a a f o - W a s l i l n E B t o d t i n o « 18 beduU | nuuiuL The goods are iisaally hnmptoB and Grant Barrington to- I — A B B M s tng lodgM urU fumlah n part of day nhukad critics of tha racant carried In American ships, and ih-4 day the tropMen offend by the RICHMANGO. JM Jl'Milhi'Ll * 111 O L A N D ment upon It views o f oppoaltiaa party Isadsis appointment o f Myron C. Taylor as today Prims Minister Chnmtorlnln tho entortalnnMat. white r e f r ^ - TDDAYi -THE UGHT YIL^ r\n^O- pl o t aund by American firms. And tbs Uassncbuaetts BalSty Ctnmcfl for Jewolani — StaUoRan 711-fli MAIN fT M IT ments will to served by Bcandl^ tha preMdant's peracmal represen- cosporntion paid n surplus tax tbe best traffic safety records cotn- G. E. WILLIS a SON, INC. English men spend ntprovimate- reiterated publicly that the Brit- toUve to the Vatican, saying “ the “KNIGHTS or THE EAMGB" O f U d a a s ly 878,000.000 nnnually on flowers: An orchestra will furnish music ths fM s n l govsmmsnC ^pOsd in 1888. CO. t M. IM. 8128 ish pesos abns are “freedom and ool][ roaao^ which tho non^np* ■KMtljr' ^ a a c u r t t y fer ouraalvsa u d Uw lor danqlng. ' i y ."tf f 1' 1 - 3

. MANCHESTER EVEN.ING HERAF.D, MANCHESTER, CONN. TLTESDAY. MARCH 12, 1940 PAGE pn MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, MARCH 12,1940 FOUR, Primaries Next Month Hanging Ends It ’« a Big Ship, All Right \ Escapes Jail New Sparking Theorjf Democrats Will Writer’s Life As Forecast laily Radio Programs Issu<^ Souvenir News From Manchester’s Will Give Tip on Trend May Cut Line Le Body Found in Ooset Accused Slayer Keeps Own Prediction; Sur- Also May Help Curtail which i* soiOe point or other HI Pariy to Print Another Popaloo. U ke Slate. I» i'S '. O f Cottage by House* face peculiarly aiiiteble to act 4f» Mlnetrela, ttrat of aeriee: 10. S*P- Rook «t ; Far- ierm oa tha parable of tha man Midwest Control 100 state offices. Ganfer’s supporters keeper Yesterday. renders Later. Man-Made Static as positive pole. C. R. Hope on "The Admlniatra- ^who built hla house upon a rock. Columbia have pledged a finish fight on the Gn the way acroaa tha He urged Ms congregation to Grant Two Divorces W ell as Lightning workers recruit slave, help 'tlon Farm Program.” ley Hits Republicans. Stafford Springs Votes in Electoral G>1« third term issue. Fort Myera, Fla., March 12 - (4*1 | Crawfordaville, Ind., March 12.— MBS—0:30, Mosart Concerto; ». build tbalr Uvea on Chrlat. Mr. Waaeett Ota* Benator T aft will, have Ohio’s 52 the air Itself, and It is In thi*' WTIC umn:i; All Are Similar. --^Thc career of John Monk Saun- 1 (4*)—A young married man accused Damage t4i System^ Iirrxhk Gannett addreae at Boaton; Waahington, March 18-rMR — Jalw O. Nat«* Harrison's wife aad thrsa sons also 874-18, WUUamaa* OtertalOB Republican convention votes. CSov. cniltlng that the new theory attendad tha aarvlcaa hen. Two John W. Bicker remains a “dark dera, one-time Rhodes scholar, j of the sex killing of a pretty 11- plains Just how aparks aaovti !l0, Montreal concert. Tha Democratic party will laaue 418. ttaS avd In Rockville Court of hla sons are employed In Bridge- (Edltor'a Note: This is the horse" candidate for the Republi- World war Army filer and sue- ; year-old farm girl broke Jail here Berkeley, Calif., March 12.—(47 Collide With A ir ParUelMi another convention aouvenlr book port. One son, who Uvea at home, 'Th* Columbia CongregaUonal can nomination and an heir to the last night, In keeping with hls own 1 What to expect Wednead^ second of six articles outlin- cessful writer of thrilling aviation —A new theory of electric spark- *171* electrona collide with Howard Bradway of Stafford- accompanied hla father and mother delegation In the event of Taft's prediction, but less than four and , TaMd*T. M Europe— NBC. 8 a. m.; C M . 8 at Chicago thla year, regardleaa of Church waa boat to th* WllUman- ing current poUtlcsl develop- stories for the screen, ended In a j ing which may help reduce the particles, which are motely vllle district 4r# warden for th* on the trip. V«non M«n «nd withdrawal or elimination. a half hours later surrendered, cules of nitrogen and oxygen. 7 4M—BackaUc* Wlf*. ^ ria. m.. 6^0 p. m.: WEAF-NBC, 6. Republican opinlona on the aub- tic Paatora’ Union, of which Rav. ments in various .parte of the closet of hls small water front | costly leakage of power Into the 4:1S_CUU» D«Uu- I WEAF-NBC-1:40. Worda and town of Stafford will atUnd the The Rev. H. R. Keen held hla nation.) Sawyer "Favorite Son" saying, " I ’ve Just come to my- collisions knock electrons out Ject. , . usual three service* at St. Peter’s Ralph W. RoaMan(r t* .a member, Williii«loo Woman Are 1 home near here. self.” / air from big transmission lines and 4 :M —Latmuo Jodm. Mualc; 8:48. Vic and Bade; 6. Chairman Jamea A. Farley made annual meeting of fore*t llr* war- yesterday with 30 In attendance at Ohio Democrata are expected to A housekeeper calling yesterday 1250 1030 1020 984 981 555 the molecules. Some o f thee* 4.44_TouBg Widdar Brown. ; Luther-Layroan Stngera. Episcopal church Sunday. Ah Given Freedom; Other ; o'clock followed by the main game By E. I* Alma*. Thomas Allen Boys, 28,'of Attl* U curtail man-made static as well rrult electrons Join the other the point clear In dlnmlaalng crltl- den of Tolland. Hartford and early communion aervlce waa held the nifeting la the church here. send delegatea pledged to National to clean up the five-room cottage FT. FT. FT. FT. FT. FT. ca, Ind., awaiting trial April 15 on •ioo—Olrl Alon*. I WABC-CBS- 3. Society Oirl. 4. clam by Republican cnjalrman Professor MoJea Bailey of the f, n I at eight Th* Falcons have had a (Chicago, March 12— (P)— Two Oommitteeman Charles Sawyer as aa lightning damage to distribut- trons rushing toward the. Windham counties to be held In at 8 a.m. The regular morning Cases Before Iribunal. moat aucccssful season snd are found the body of the 42-year-old a first-degree murder charge in the filB_lIidstreain. • A1 Bcmard'a Montreala; «;45, John Hamilton, who announced Hartford Seminary wa* the speak- presidential preference primaries a "favorite son" candidate -but former husband of Screen Actress ing systems has been developed at aide of the gap. Mancbe*ter, Wednesday. service followed at 11 a.ih. Mr. ------planning to bring several outstand- death of Elisabeth DeBrulcker. 4^40—J«ck Armatrong. Hedd Weather Home hour: 1:30. Alma Kltchcll East street are on a motor trip to forms of leadership, Christian and poUUcal trends in an area rich world slipped Into New York the This is from air particles whi conalder Its device ,to circumvent Meet." The Ladies Aid Society __Two divorce* were granted at | season closes. Senator Vic Donahey's recent de- Ctoroner Roy Lamberton. who other day, one of the questions Elizabeth waa docket! near the my last day In Jail." The keeper cal chnrgea build bridges out of 4;18__Hlatory In th# Headline*- Journal; 4, a u b MaUnee Bouthem Pine, N. C.. where they worldly. He announced that next in electorial votes— the populous While not losing electrons, a|4^ the cornipt practice* law. Sunday wlU be Palm Sunday, and served a dinner In Yeomans Hall the session of the Tolland County cision to reUre Jolted party ranka, pronounced the death suicide and that (mmodiately artise waa how other refugees from flio war, the thought hr was Joking. po.iltlve and negative particules In ABdr* Scbepkar. MBS—1:30, Ohio School of tha Replying to Hamilton la*t night. will remain tor two week*. during the noon hour. deprived the party of an outstand- order to cross large gaps, and also damaged enough by being U t * Ml** Sylvia Phelp*. daughter of the following Sunday will be Eas- Superior court In Rockville yes- midwest lake states. decided no inquest was ncces.sary, | nig a ship Is. This diagram shows Queen Mary anti the Normandie, Late yesterday Harry Anderson, 4 Superman. Farley crltlcleed what he called Mlaa Ruth A. Beckwith, prin- ing vote-getter, and opened the explains the mechanism of the the worker electrona to, ba tl Mr. and Mr*. Bengamln Phelp* of ter. He asked for contributions for The five atates In the region— said he assumed despondency an.l ' that it's really big, even when the world's No. 2 and 3 ships. 60-year-o1d day Jailer, was taking 4:4&—Lowell Thomaa. ^ Short wsvea: GSD G8C London. the "much eaaler and more effec- cipal of the East Hampton Ele- terday at which Judge Edward J. Boltou poMiblllty of a facUonal dispute lightning flaoh. porarily unbalanced. In fUaffordvlII* attended the Junior fiowers. Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio ill health waa the motive. Boys back to hls second-floor cell T:00—Frad W arlnT* Orcheatra. 7:30, Newa; JZK Tokyo. 8:05, light tive’’ method In which Republlcana mentary School, la to be the prin- over the Democratic Senatorial Power lines lose electricity main- equilibrium these particlen prom at Connecticut State Teach- Sunday evening the usual Lent- Daly presided. and Michigan—have a population Saundera came to Florida In 1 ~ from the basement, where the 7;14-I Love A mualc: TPA4 Paris 9:18. Radio cipal speaker at an open meeting Donald E. Richard of Vernon Mra. R. R. Joacs nomination. January accompanied by a nurse. I f a • * _ 20 years In prison, surlily refused prisoner had bathed. ly In two ways. tiny flashes of light, and T;40_Lat’a Co To Work. ralae fund*. en service was held. Mr. Keen in excess of 25,000.000 and con- aketcbea. iney nicrciy .... ------■•h. of the ParenU Tw her AaaoclaUon wa* granted a divorce on grounds SMS. Maaehester Senator Vandenberg currenUy She left last Friday. He last was j | | | | l4 r| X to tell the court clerk hla age and Kirks Jailer In tlroln One la by sparks, which are turn releases more electron* from 4KM>—Johnny PioaenU. spoke interestingly on the parable trol 100 votes In the electoral col- the ’’Job.’’ / . la Yeomans HallXthls evening at of d ^ r tlo h from Mra. Mary L. occupies the favorite position seen alive Sunday when he went | er birthplace before he was returned Stiddenly, he aald, Boys, kicked (lashea of electricity Jumping abort •:S0—Pot O'Gold. laat graduate .of the college and I* « of the aupper ^ven by a certain umn. The air particles deprivsH iT man, whose Invitations were 8 o’clock. She w U tell of her bl DcCarli Richard of Ellington. Mr. The sector Is well supplied with among Michigan Republlcana, al- for a morning awim. i to hla cell for sentencing later. He him In a groin, beat him with a dlstancea between positive and 4.AA—Battle of the Sexea. itn t' atltute teacher In the local public Sympathy Is extended to Mr. electrons become positively chgM repoft of Mr. Hamilton'* scornfully treated. He urged hla cycle trips through America, Richard teaUfled they were mar- presidential aapirante. Senator though strong Dewey senUment Former W ife Horrified said he had been a coal miner. hrnomsUck he Jiad snatr.hed up negative elements In a circuit. Mcoe. M°»y- and Mra. Earle Gowdy upon the ed and^ are known aa lone. Tikn seem*.to have eatabll*hed a ‘ I — w,__„ .mnaored hearers to avail themselvea of France and England, strcaaing the ried In June 1932 and that five exist*. The ^nator’a friend* are Miss Wray, divorced from Boxer Is ‘Bum’ As they led him away, hla Sfife, somewhere and, trampling him, The other Is corona discharge, jOKlO—Bob Hope, Judy Garland, by serious operation on their son, Arthur H. Vandenberg of Michi- are the materials out of w hicit" WDRC 000-aplece rale. Unfortunately A grocery bingo ^ n » o r M spiritual privtlcgea. A good sized Youth Hostel groups which she years later, she went on a trip seeking backing for him in two Saunders laat December, was hor- Mrs. Barbara Muriel Kchler, lean- ran downstairs and nut the front something seldom visible to the Skinny Ennla' Orcheatra. the Staffonl A tli^tlc community Robert, recently at the MancheMcr gan and Senator Robert A. Taft of bridge Is built. *niey are cixiffi Hartford Democratic party haa no congregation waa present In spite saw on her trips. The program la with another man. David Stiles, roles —presidential aspirant and rified at the hanging-suicide and ed agnln.it a wall and sobbed: door. The spring lock had failed eve, but going on In some degree 10:80—Uncle Walter'a D of Houae. the committee for the benefit of local Memorial hospital. Robert la a .Ohio are candidates for the Re- rapidly and atari to gather itb m fevort to sell. of the Inclement weather,' and dif- to be In charge of Mra. Caroline then of Vernon. He teatifisd that publican nominaUon. Paul V. candidate for renominaUon. Leadr secluded herself at the home of Kchler Guilty 4>f First "I have done everything they to catch. all the time. 11:00—^Newa and Weather. iSSO ke. sports will be held In the auditor- Robinson, chairman of tbs pro- member of- the (Center church era in several Democratic camps tn the form o f a bump near Could offer Like Bargelns ficult walking. they had not lived together ainee McNutt of IndUna la prepared to friends In Hollywood. Calif. told me to do. They promlsetl me Soon after 9 o'clock. Boys Hppear* As Laronder Has* U:10-When Day U Dm ^ Bud ium of the Warren Memorial Hall gram committee of tji^ aaaoclation. school. Pupils there are remem- have agreed to go along with Degree Muiisluiighter end of the gap. The bump gi I t must be admitted that e $4.- It ha* been announced that the that time. Mr. Richard was award- make an active bid for the Demo- "1 always wanted him to do everything would be all right. If knocked at the door of I.,ouln Stan- When visible thla discharge ap- Rainey, narrator; Larry wu- Tuesday, Marrh 18 tonight, Tuesday at 8 o'clock. Qolumbla Orange N6. 131, P. of bering him with cards. President Rooaevelt If he runs ford, once assistant postmaster, until it croBsea the open s| 000 draft la cheap to pay for such Tri-Oounty Young People will hold ed the decree on the giwmda of cratic nomlnaUon If President whatever he felt would make him they keep my Ernie in Jail he will pears aa a throbbing lavender base ard. baritone. Chief of Police George Kealy la H. wiU observe neighbor's night The Junior Department of the again but aay that Poatmaster In Nazi Attache Death. and aald: Then these air particles act 4 :0 0 -Music off the Record—Ray enactments a a the Smoot-Hawlcy their next party Thursday evening desertion snd given the custody of Roosevelt doesn’t'w an t it. happiest, but I am heartbroken die soon.” around a wire. ^»45^B lua Barron’s Orcheatra. tomorrow evening in Yeomans church school voted to use Its General Farle/s Influence cannot "W ill you please call the police T Power line losses and damage a wire In ability to conduct < Barrett. tariff, for example. Doubtlcas, If chairman. , _ . In Marlborough. It will take the their seven year old child. Acker- that In this way ho haa cut off his Defense Counsel Leo Healey In- I j Io O— W oody Herroan'a Orchea- 4:4&—Ad Liner—Dance program. Jacob Barakauskaa of To\land Hall, HAen Lougbrey, lecturer, an- collection Sunday morning which Oelegato Coe teats Assured. be discounted. ' New York, March 12—(47—A I’ve Just come to myself." due to sparks run Into many mil- the Democrata were In that aort of form of a St. Patrick’* Day party man A Pelzer represented Mr. great brilliance.'' she said through dicated, after Judge Brancato re- trie currenL and the spark tei tra* . 8:30— It Happened In Hollywood. waa taken to the John*on Me- nounced today the program would amounted to $1.30 to buy fiowers Contests for convention dele- May Endorse Indlvldnsls Judge whose voice broke with an- fused to permit him to reserve a Police Chief Merle Remley and lion dollars yearly. This and the through them. iU:S0—Tommy Doraey'a Orchea- a market, they could offer com- or a Poverty party. Those who Richard. for the church next Sunday. a friend. 8:44—Scattergood Baines. morial hospital yesterday with In- attend are aaked to wear csome be along a St. Patrick's Day gates In both major parties are Michigan's 38 delegates will be ger denounced aa "a dirty bum" a motion to set aside the verdict, two state offleers found Boys in a corona leakage are factors limiting Supplenienta Anetfeer tra. _ parable bargains." Mra. Vllib* R. Zadany o f West Wethersfield and Cromwell A brother of Saundera planned rocking chair wearing a dazed 6:00—Easo Reporter. juries received while working in thing green In honor of the good theme. Willington waa granted a divorce assured In Wisconsin and Illinois. n^med at state conventiona. The that no new trial would be soughL distances for direct transmlwlon of The new theory auppleraente Teeeaer*w*e rrofram Farley said published Republi- the wood* In Tolland. He received Rev. Harry E. Olcott of Bloom- Granges, presented the following to come here from St. Louis, Mo., 24-ycar-old Canadian boxer who look. He went with them willing- 6:04—Hedda Hopper’s Holly- saint, or to appear In their oldest The results are expected to gauge latter may adopt reaoIutioiiS en- Industrial power. It la a handicap ether published In 1908 by DV« can account* showed that "the field, Field Secretary of the Con- on grounds of desertion from Les- numbers, at the laat regular and accompany the body Wednes- haul Just been convicted of first-de- A. M. _ wood. a fractured leg. 'The accident hap clothes. Mntiment not only In those states dorsing Individual candidatca, but ly. that win be encountered In plans S. Townsend, British 4:00—Blue Qraaa Boy. auronisduPonts andano officials uof. mriitheir ,com mlflnir down a necticut Temperance Foundation, lie Zadany of Warrenton. She Grange meeting: Two members day to for funeral services gree manslaughter in the fatal In a pocket, the policemen re- 6:20— Edwin C. Hill- Mr. and Mra. Wilbur V. Paine of but also in the neighboring ones. delegates usually consider their for Unking great hydro-electric regarda the spark as the ‘4:84—Nawa. . spoke In the Columbia Congrega- tesUfied they were married In from Wethersfield. "Popping th# and burial. bludgeoning of Dr. Walter R. En- British Trawler Is ported, Boys carried a safety 6:80—BIU Henry-Geo. Fielding F.ast Hartford were Sunday callers A ll are almllar economically, hav- obligaUon discharged after the first systems, particularly the Grand a aeries of electron 4>J0—m n c U J. Cronin, Organ- Republlcana In 1936. He named a tional (Diurcb Sunday morning on Hartford In 1931 and two years C^satlon,” nine members from ing highly industrialised regions Saunders, a native of Hinckley, gelberg, German consular attache. razor, blades and a note aaying, Coulee, Bonneville, Shasta and Eliot. Peiuuylvania oil man, "Mr. Joe at the home of Mr. and Mra. E. G. later while living In Stafford vote at a national convention. Minn., began writing for the acting with cumulative ic . w 6:45—Today In Europe. th* "Four Bnllon Dollar Head- Oomwell, "A n Elocution School". aa well as extensive farming ter- The Jury, which had heard coun- ''Notify my wife. I’ll never ^ Boulder dams In the west. Teats showed. Dr. Loeb aaM^ T:00—Moralag Watch. Pew," as the donor of 161,500. Lord. Mra. Paine la Mr. Lord's Springs her husband started to go In Indiana the Democratic or- movies in 1925. He prepared the Sunk; Crew Saved 7:00— Amos 'N ' Andy. ache." It waa an attack on the ritory. Bel for Ernest Kchler contend he taken alive." Dr. Leonard B. Loeb, physics the Townsend explanatioa 8KK>—Hewa, Woathar. Farley differed with Hamilton alster. the former Mias Helen Lord out with another woman. Follow- guniaatlon baa been leading the script for "Wings,’’ “The Dawn 7:14—Jimmie Ftdler. enormou: amount spent In this WIsconam wUl pick 24 dele- beat Dr. Engelberg to death Dec. Pied To Backyard professor and specialist In s|Mirk 4:1IL—Nawa Hera and Abroad. on the amount of money realised Wapping of this place. ing the hurricane In 1938 Mrs. ct.mpalgn for McNutt, who la ex- Patrol,” "The Eagle and the good for discharges in near 7:80—Helen Mencken In "Second country each year for liquor. gates in Its April 2 primary. A 5 after the latter made Immoral Boys said he hod fled to Stan- research, together with Dr. J. M uuma and abort gaps but tel ’••JO-Radk) B ^ r . on the 1936 Democratic conven- Sunday visitors at the home of Zadany aald she learned that her pected to get the state’s 28 con- Hawk" and a number of other pic- advances In hls Brooklyn home, London, March 12.—(47 — The Husband." Mra. W. W. GraM James Thompson, Jr., and Miss week later Illlnola will choose-58 ford's backyard and, while 80 offi- Meek, young English scientist to acoount fully for electrlMl 4:44—W n C a Program Parade. tion souvenir book. He fixed the Mr. and Mra. N. C. Johnson were husband had stopped at a wayside Gilead venUon votes If the president la tures and short subjects. reached Its verdict last night In six trawler Halifax was sunk In the cers In 40 automobiles spread a net 8:00-Edward G. Roblnspn snd Luch Derosla are In charge of lo- delegates, one of the largest blocs working here, formulated the havlor in long gaps aad 4;BO—Rhythm of the Day. "net profit" at approximately 7894, Manrheatsr their daughter. Mlaa Stanlle, of the cabin near Rockville with another not In the race. The Republican hours and 14 minutes. North Sea today from an unex- Ona Munson In "B ig Town". cal arrangements for the St. Pat- in the nation. Ohio's primary and many hunted nearby, had fall- theory after Investigations tor oev- cm ted discharge* through ‘ 4:00—^Dramatlred Newa. 1175,000. Hamilton claimed It New BriUin HosplUl, and her woman. The proprietor of the delegation probably will be unin- It was midnight when the Jurors I plained cause, Its crew of nine be- en aaleep. He made up hls mind 8:80— court of Missing Heir*. rick's party of th* Tri-County Fel- Th* Rev. Harrison at Windham, comes on May 14. Indiana and ersil years in this country and ly high praasures auch as tbe •;16—Food Newa. brought In almost a million. fiance, Paul Lyon and hla mother, cabins and hla wife were atructed. Folio Theft Probe filed into a courtroom emptfe^d of ing rescued by a sister ship, the when he awoke to surrender. 8:55—News—Elmer Davis. Wllllam Watrous, the newly Mrs. CTharles Lyon of New Britain. lowship group In the Marlborough Michigan choose delegates nt state •<40—llusie Whlla Tou Work. In court and testified that Vt., preached at the Gilead Con- spectators. Outside In the corri- Ipswich. The DeBrulcker girl, going abroad. They were aided by Dr. mosphere. 9:00—We, the People. elected president of the Ellsworth Lucius W. Robinson and his two church houae Thursday evening, conventions. A. F. Kip and Dr. O. W. Trlchel. Knowledge of dactrle 4:54—Nelaoo Caae. Hl-Y Club, ha* called a meeting March 14. the man who*# plctur* waa gregational church Sunday morn- The Wisconsin primary, binding dor Kehler’s bride, soon to be a The 5,760-ton British freighter home from s 4-H club meeting, The Man I Married. 9:30—Concert In Rhythm. sons of Post Hill were luncheon Turns to England mother herself, wept with her Clan Stuart foundered in the Eng- BolU Mainly Oxt e l Air havlor has bean 10:00—Glenn Miller's Orchestra. for tomorrow evening at 7:30. Mr. introduced as evidence wa# the ing. He took his text from the sev- on delegates, will test the relative was raped and then beaten and 4:14—John'a Other Wife. guests at the home of Mr. Robin- Y.M, C. A. Notes mother, Mrs. G. A. Letts of Ot- lish CTiannel last night after col- strangled to death last July 21 on The electrical bridges are built osuiae at eoononlo 10:18 Music Psttemed for Danc- Andover Tbelnea Is to be the guest speaker son's brother-in-law and slster-ln- one referred to as stopping at the enth chapter of BL Matthew, the strength of President Roosevelt 10:80—Juat Plain Bill. cabin but the woman with him waa tawa, Canada. liding with another ship. The p golf course where boys tended mainly out of the air. Th* process Additional underatam ing. of the evening. law. the Rev. and Mrs. Howard C. and Vice President Garner In the Springfield, Mass., March 12.— la similar to the construction at proctes hence may gWa 10:44—The Woman In White. Wapping Grange No. 30 will not the one who was seeking the 28 and 29 verse*. *171* choir aang Today: Frowns In Defiance crew of 76 was rescued. greens. He was arrested next 10:30— Esso Reporter. Mr*. Maxwell llutrhlnMin Champ* In Lebanon Sunday. The Willington DemocraUc ranka, and of Senator (47—Investigation of the theft laat more of an opportunity » 11:00—David Harum. divorce. Mira. Zadany was given an anthem "On Calvary.” 4-4—Junior boy’s gym class. The boxer, who was caught In Another shipping casualty was day and. State Police Supt. Don- steel bridge. 10;S5— Music Patterned for Danc- 157-4, WlUlnumtie hold lU fifth meeting this year, luncheon was In observance of Mr. Vandenberg and Thomas E. Dewey month of a $30,000 first folio of The workers who build this 11:10— Road of Life. this evening. The Grange haa In- th* divorce on grounds of deser- Mrs. W. E. Hibbard and daugh- 4-6 —Manchester Oreen gym Shakespeare belonging tn the W il- Toronto two weeks after the kill- the 3,854-ton Greek steamer Nlri- ald F. Stiver aald, wronfeased. the control p rm an - ing. Robinson’s birthday. Mlaa Jennie H.< Church o f New York on the Republican tos. which struck a mine and was bridge issue from the electric 11:40—Agalnat the Storm. vited the Wapping and Wlndsor- tion and wa* awarded 85 a week ter, Mlaa Leora of Manchester, Ucket. Gov. Julius P. Hell, a Re- period. liams College Library turned to- ing, stood frowning In deflMce aa The cose was venued from 11:44—Guiding Ught. 11:00-Paul Sullivan. The Volunteer Firemen held Mrs. Avery West has returned were callera at the home of Mra County Judge Peter J. Brancato beached on the southeast coast Fountain county. Boys pleaded cables. They are atreama at elec- 11:14—Dick Stabile* OrcheatrA vllle 4-H Clubs to meet with them from a visit with her uncle and alimony. Attorney William M. pubUcan, personally favors an un- 6— 6:45— Junior Girl’s gym period.day to England and agents of the their regular meeting at the Town Mr*. Alice Loretta Bennett, 61 E. E. Foote Saturday afternoon. congratulated the Jury for Ita “ab- yesterday afternoon. insanity, but last Jan. 12 J trons, negative bite o f electricity, 14:00—The Two Hela. 11:80—Bob Croaby'a Orchestra. at their "Agricultural Night." The aunt, Mr. and Mra. Leslie F. Ward, Krug repreaented the plaintiff. Instnicted delegation. 6:45-7:30— Intermediate Olrl’s Federal Bureau of Investigation P. M. hall Friday evening. George Mer- Wapping club will tell some of the wife of Francis E. Bennett of Dale Tfee Tri-Oounty Youth PeUow- gym period. were called into the case. solutely fair" verdict and then re- Edgar A. Rice held him of which may be either part o f the Berlin, March - 12:00—Night Owl Request Pro- and la again with her mother, Mrs. Taxpayers Case No Preaidentlsl Candidate electric current Itself, or partlclea 14:14—Day Dreanu. ritt and George Nelaon were re- works and activltlea of the 4-H, as vUle, who was taken to the John Judge Daly took the paper* In ahip wUI meet with the Marlbor- 7:30-8:30—Women’s gym class. State Detective John F. Horgan marked heatedly: Galled For GoBsultatioii mind. The young man has a HlUar today telagiuphad gram—Harvey OlBon. Mary E. CMmmlng*. The Progressive party haa no knocked out of metal and insula- 14:40—Tour Faqiily and Mina elected fire chief and deputy chief; part of the program. son Memorial hospital In Stafford the case o f the Town of Vernon ough group on Thuraday evening, 8:30-9:30— Glrfa gym period. said he had proof that three men "But the defendant Is a shrewd and three.sons. Plua X ll feUeltaUans on tlte; 1:00—Sign Off. A birthday party was given Fri- presidential Vcandidate In Wlacon- tion by the high energy o f the Arthur W. Savage, first lieuten- The Mothers' Club will hold a Springs Friday night, died there Taxpayer* Aaaociatlon, Inc. v*. March 14 at 7:30 o'clock. This 7:30—Weight Lifting in th* Loft. were involved in the theft but gave clever individual and showed .t by London, March 12—(47— aanlvaraary oC hla oorawf Tomofrow’a Program ant; Ray Ooodale, second lieuten- day evening at the home of Mr. Saturday. She was bom m Brook sln, and Its lone senator, Robert H. (British) Newa Agency, quoted Hist Oete Bxeeeeaer* power line. 1K>4—Newa. Weather. , neighborhood card party at the Fred Romeo and the Town of win be a St. Patrick’s Day party 6:15— Rotary club meeUng. no Indication as to why search for slipping In hls defense of intoxica- 7:00—Music off the Record Ray ant, and the regular officers as fol- and Mra. Sherwood Miner In honor lyn, N. J. She leaves besides her LaFollete, ta reported to have tion. He waa no more drunk than the Rome radio today os saying They atart nauaUy fM m the 1:10— ^EUen Randolph. home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weber Vernon, atetlng that he waa un- and everyone la expected to be Jn 2—Girl Scout meeting; 1st floor the valuable volume had turned to Barrett. lows: President, Harold Smith; of their daughter-in-law, Mra. husband, two daughters, Mrs. Mary adopted a “ hands-off'' policy on you or I.” Turkish envoys to Rome, Moscow, Chicago.—(47—A group of/eight negative aide of the gap where the 1:40—Marjorie Mllla. this evening. The proceeds will familiar with the case. A t the last costume. Prizes will be given for social room. Britain. The book, first reported KH)NEYS A< 7:15—Esso Reporter. vice-president. Nathan Gnteliell; Charles P. Miner. Present were Dallas of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mlaa the presidential race. He sunporL stolen Feb. 0. was bound in gilt Looking down at the slx-foot- Bucharest and Sofia bad been call or nine bachelors who ate/ regu- apark, later flaahea acrosaw They 4:00—Doye O’Dell. go toward the church fund. Mr. and Mra. Charles P. Miner session of the court Judge Dickin- the moat original, roost outlandiah 7— Mlaa Grant’s class; voice and 4:10—Statewide SanlUry Prob- 7:20—Music off the Record Ray aecretary, Ellsworth Coveil; treas- Ruth Bennett of DalevUle; three ed Incident Roosevelt in 1932 and tooled red leather and was print- two-inch, powerfully bullL figure ed to Ankara for consultation on larly at a downtown restaurant head toward the poaitive side, HOW TO TiSLls'^ and their daughter, Lucllla Ann. son ruled that the Taxpayers A s- snd most humorous coatume*. diction. lema. Warren J. Scott;. Barrett. urer. Arnold Hyatt. sons, Rene F., and Joseph of W ill- The Ladles Aid Society of the 1936. 8— Sisterhood meeting; 2nd floored In London in 1623. before him, the Judge con^lnuod: the International situation. were perturbed no end wjien the KMnaye should *at 4 or 7:85— Esso Reporter. Twenty-one pre-achool children A top-notch birthday cake waa sociation had no legal right to Dewey is unopposed In the IlUn- 4:80—Golden Stringa — Robert ington and Thomaa Bennett of Qllead Congregational church will social room. . The thieves left a counterfeit "What In thunder made this proprietor told them he w u giving daily. P*M aboat $ ainta 8:00—Today In Europe. were examined Friday afternoon cut. tearing the proper number of bring action In the name of the ois Republican primary April 9, ntxht. If eoler I* too light Maxwell, HarpUt. Brooklyn, N. Y.; a brother, Daniel meet at the home of Mra. Karl 7;S0-— M a r y MarUn. People her* who were appre- Brooklyn. N. Y., and eight gran^ for the aupper which commences 1- 3-^-IndlvlduaI exercise (men), ed. Health In attendance. Only one waa omitted last Thursday, owing John H. Yeomans of Spellacy A eerUficate o f candidacy, but Presi- one Is dead. This man la lucky way from Ketchikan, Alaska. Offi- was what three o f thein did after tnatle pains or loss of p*y> 4:10—Ma Perkins children. The funeral waa held tms 2- :~Bsby Clinic; banquet hall. London, March 12—(47—The In- 4:00—Woman of Courage. child waa found necessary to refer hensive about a big thaw coming to the rather Inclement weather, Yeomans representing Mr. Romeo with C sa cake, cookiea. etc. dent Roosevelt's name waa enter- he was not convicted of a higher cials of the Ketchikan First Na- the oUiera promised to continue lots of soft wster. Us* n 4:40-^Pepper Toung’a Family. morning at 8:15 at Lincoln and Frank Cianflone of Mount Ver- 3- 4—Individual exercise, (men).fluenza epidemic tn Ehigismd and •vaouant 0*t BCKBTS from 9:15—American School of the to a physician of the parents’ selec- right away, a few days ago felt and difficult walking and driving. Potter'a chapel In Wlllimantic fol- and Bernard J. Ackerman repre- ed by the 'Chicago Democratic or- Wales caused 512 deaths in the degree.' tional Bank couldn't work the their eteady patronage/and eubmlt LVIME.I druggist. Tour l$c bsok if net 1 4:45_-Vle and Sade. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benzinger, non haa been visiting several days 4- 5— Orsde school league. nMTatei ------m Air. tion. The conference Is sponsored differently about the matter when k.wed by requiem high mass in St. senting the Town of Vernon, that ''llr gaalsaUon headed by Mayor Ed- week ending March 2. This figure Kehler, who may receive up t o ! combination. menu hints. / •d. L m lly at J. H. Quinn 4k C who live tn the brick house at He- at the home of his slater, Mrs. Jo- 6-6:30— Men’s badminton. 9:45- Bachelor’s Children. In Andover by the Mothers’ Club, the temperature again took a de- Philip's ■ church at Wartenvllle. the court order the Taxpayers A a- ward J. Kelley and National Coifi- was 117 less than the toll of the bron Green, spent their uaual week seph Barraaso. Mr. and Mrs. Bar- 6:30— 7:30 — Professional wo- 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly. with Mrs. Lincoln Bathrick, R. N „ cided drop, Sunday evening and Burial waa In the Wlllingion Hill aociatlon to pay the court costs. mitteeman Patrick A. Nash. / preceding week, according to re- 10:14—Myrt and Marge. as chairman. Mra. John Hutchin- end In New London where they at- Other Oases rasao accompanied Mr. danllone men’s badminton. Monday, reaching 6 degrees above cemetery. As In the Wlaconain primary, 7:30-8:30— Women'a badminton. ports made public today. 10:80—Hilltop House. son served as hostess, and the fol- tended the Seventh Day Advent Mr. and Mrs. Rosco Uaher of The court took the papers In the and they vlalted relaUvea, Mr. and Mr, Roosevelt made no com- zero at Hope Valley Monday room- Church to which Mra. Benzinger Mrs. Van Duta, in Kingston, N. Y „ • 8:30-9:30— Norton Girl’s gym Radio 10:4.8— Stepmother. lowing members of the club did the ing and alMUt 10 above at Hebron WlllimanUc and Mrs. ExUte Mon- case of Harry B. Eosenblum ad- ment about the submiaaibn of hla 11:00—Short Short Story. recording, Mra. Russell Thompson, belongs.' ministrator In an appeal from pro- over the week-end. period. Green. There was also a cold dor spent Friday eveping with the 'name in Illlnol*. 7:30—Weight Lifting in the Loft. suffer from <'uMs? 11:15—U fe Begins. Mra. Thornton Griswold, and Mra. The Lenten service next Sunday bate; estate of WUUsm Carroll. Leslie Milton of Hartford was WHY searching wind which made the la tier'a parents, Mr. Snd Mr*. Ben- Not Bsnnd Ira #rlmnry 7:3(>—Democratic women’s meet- 11:80—Big Sister. Montague White. Mrs. Rachel evening will be the last of the The argument Concerned the fun- a caUer a t the home of hia couain. New York, March 12.—Iff’) weather even more disagreeable. jamin Robbtna, bringing a gift of Illlnoi* delegates are not bound ing, banquet hall. For qotek ______ll;4.’i —Aunt Jenny'a Slorlea. Stanley and Mrs. Hqzcl Hutchin- PromlM of a rising temperature s ^ e a SB conducted by the Rev. H. an Easter basket. eral bills for the deceased. The bill Mra. Winthrop Porter. Sunday. TbaoMnlttera functioning with the son had charge of triimaportatlnn. R. Keen at St. Peter’* Church. A Mr. and Mra. Albert Dorau and by Uie primary, but Mayor Kelly Sr—University club, 1st floor relief from on Tuesday was a little cheering. Mr. and Mr*, prank Parizek left was for 8500 while the adminis- baa said that uie delegation would ALLTHREE COST ABOUT THE SAME iraqui^■^"moiSaUria'hrgh quamy j ' GlrXa^rle*. cordial Invitation la extended to all social room. The officers of Andover Grange It had been feared that a general Satarday for Ifiaml, Florida. His trator waa only willing to pay daughters, the Misses MabM and '*oM symptoms ■jpxUm on the ultra abort wavea held a rehearaal for the fourth de- to attend Sadie, and aon Albert Dorau, of be President Rooscvelt'a aa long aa 8— Girl Scoot leaders, 2nd floor 12:30—Romance of Helen Trent. thaw coming too suddenly would mother Mrs. Anna Pmrisek, who $ 200. »afce M8 am ahowing a steady Increase. For gree work Sunday afternoon at the Wallingford were dinner gucsta at he wished. Gov. Henry Horner baa social room. \ iMtance the New York area now 12:44—Our Gal Sunday. make a bad situation all around. spent the wipter there, will return The Judge also took the papers .waged JUtter battles with the 7:30—Board \ of directors, 2nd UqxM • TaMeto ■ Salve 1:00—Ea*o Reporter. hall. The ladles' degree team will As It Is the roads In various parU with them. the home o f Mr. and Mrs. F loyd , four of them, another being confer the third degree, both de- In the case o f the Town o f Willing- inhyor'i group In recent cam- fl'ior aewlng ro<^. Noee Drop* 1:0,4—U* On A But. of the town are difficult to travel. The yorpig people of Memorial ton against William J. Co*. SUte FogU, Sundaiy. ____ d Oil* week. grees to be iglven next Monday Mrs. A. H. Post and Lnuia The newest U W2XWF, which 1:15—Life Can Be Beautiful. Albert W. Hildlng aays It Is Im- Ellington church n)4t at the parsonage Sun- Highway Commissioner. It was 1:80—The Right To Happlnesa. evening. March 18. Twining of East Hartford, Mrs. -SO GET THE BIGGEST FINEST CAR! will relay both the programa of possible to drive without chains day eveiilng. charged that the SUte H igh ly 1:44—Main Street—Hartford. The fire department met Sunday Maurice Hurley, Mlaa Mary Hur- W H N and WOR. The pioneer U over the Kellogg road through and Mrs, O rtru d* Bugtee returned Department_ condemned school 2:00—Lanny Roaa. afternoon at the 4,.hool houae and beyond Hope Valley, as there la so A large building and annex for Sunday from a week’s visit with ley snd Robert Hurley of Unlon- W2XMN of Alpine. N. J.. - Juit thoroughly cleaned the^ chimney. property Tn WUllngton for th* new 2 :1 4 -Joyce Jordan — Girl In- much Ice there. lllje snow on merly used as a stock bam "and her daughter and aon-ln-law, Mr, Wilbur Cross Highway.. The Town vUle, WUUa De Mara o f West •eroes the Hud*^ from New Miss Eleanor Plnney has ac- later used aa a pickle plant now HarUord, Mlaa Dorothy TomUnaon York. This tran»mltter cerrles terne. Monday still held ita hard crust and Mrs. Gilman Loogee in New of Willington. through its attorney 2:30 Afternoon Melodies. cepted a position In Glastonbury. used for poultry, was damaged to L^don. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bugbee orCUsstonbury snd W alter Bsnk- fuen programa. Other* are R. H. Plnney Is In New York and walking on top or even,driv- John Buckley of Hertford desired 2:44—My Son and 1. ing on top waa an easy matter. the extent of only *25 by the for her. beU of Manchester war* csllsrs at nUfehminim to know where it secured the auth- W3QXR handling the programs of on a business tria prompt arrival of th* Ellington th* bom* o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles W Q X ^ and W2XOR, also a recent S:00-Soclety Girl. John Yeomans ha* been confined Not ao fine though for ca n which Miss Charlotte Servics, daughter ority to condemn property devoted 3:18— Golden Gate Quartet. broka down th rt^ h tha crust, aa Fir* Departmsnt yesterday foce- of Mr. and Mrs. Gallup Service, aildltlon, broedcaating a schedule to hi* home with grip. to pubUc ura for highway pur- Fish Sunday. 8:30—Eaao Reporter. . occasionally happanad in turning nooa when a fire was discovered underwent an operation for appen- Mr. and Mrs. Leon FogU at tn m the MBS Uet. Mr. and Mr*. J. B. Hutchinson poses. ^ 3:35—StricUy Bwlpg—Gll Bayek around or taktnig short cuts. eating Its way up the side of the dtcltla Friday at the Johnson Me- Manchester were Simday callera These atatlona are to be found and daughter, Bertha, Jane, were Interior of th* building toward the As payment had been made, the A-eek-end vlelto** In Canton, aa Mlaa Oolena Leach, who t* wall morial hospital. Mra. Philip Bug- motion to adjudge the defendant at the home of 1^. and Mr*. Clar- te the 42 to 44 megacycle band known here, returned recently roof. Employee* on the property bee of West Willington I* her nurse which corresponds to seven me- guests of Mr*. Hutchinson's par- In contempt o f court waa with- ence J. FogU. - ^ ' from a tour through many states had been using a blow torch In at the hospital. « Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Goodale ttfs. While it le possible to pick ents, Mr, and Mra. George Segar. tbawmg out water pipes and the drawn In th* csss o f WUhelmens Mrs. Frank Hamilton and Mra. of the union In company with 40 The third Lenten meeting of the Rosxczewski Malinowski against of Durham called on rslativee in them up on en ordinary all-wave Debate Action students from tha Weatmlnatar fire resulted. The building .con- women's societies will be held in set tuning down that low, the alg- Ellsworth Coveil are much Im- William Francis MaUnowakl. Sev- town Sunday. tniolr College, Md., where eha la tained hundreds of chicken* which the conference room of Rev. and Mra. Harrison' a ^ CAN PROVIDE \ aal is unintelligible. A specially proved from their Illnesses and eral month* a ^ when the caae studying music. Mlaa Leach was were not Injured. Employee* In church Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. three eons from Windham, VL, designed receiver la necessary In Patricide able to get about. the idant made every effort to ex- was heard, Mrs. Malinowski was Norman Maxwell of West Hart- In charge of a choral class In He^ Richard Ritter of Mansfield Cen- were dinner guests nt th* honm of FLEXIBLE INCOME however, to get the full effect of bron, Gilead, and other nearby tinguish the blase but were unsuc- ter, who with Mr. Ritter sNw a awarded sJlmony. ISequency modulation transmle ford was a visitor at Shady Lawn Maysr to S p ^ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foote, Sun- Farm, as a guest of hi* uncle. towns last summer and did fine ccaaful until the arrival of the de- mlralonsry In China, win lead the dny. . FOR YOUR FAMILY F aton. Strange Tales of Hexerai Mayor Claude A.* 8011s will be ’' Herbert Maxwell, on Sunday. work with the young people from partment. Chief. Cnrl A. Goah- discussion, topic: "Wlcneaalng TIm msetlng of Hebron Oranf* Two special programs covering the churches o f the Tri-Oounty rlng directed th* effort* of fire- Mra. Everett Robertson went to the speaker at the March meeting wx- • period o f an hour and a half And *Ritual Doctors' Mra. Rufus Grant and daughter, of Sabra Trumbull Oiaptor. DA..R No. l U waa held nt ths Qllend Union. She and her company left Hartford Friday for the weekend. Community under difficulties, have been scheduled for Saturday Naomi, spent the week-end at their to be held at the home at Mrs. A. Yoor faaiilsr** fatan BiuincUiI needs exnnot be plotted today by some hard- Explored by Officials. Andover Lake cottage. Mra. last Jan. 8 and were Mrs. JsrvU N. Ospp of Ben- Mr. Robertson went after her Sun- without electric lights and tele- ■tght on the NBC chains. First at two months or more on the trip. avenue. has been chosen delegate day. LeRoy Msrtln o f DavU avenue on and-fast fonnala. Educational needs may inipoae a heavy harden. There TaO via the WJZ list comes an Grant's health la eomewhaj Im- Wednesday afternoon, Mxrcb IS ptene service. Th* program wn* h i’ C-i Rending. Pa., Msrch 12 -(d8 — proverl, but still finds It desirable They went In a specially arranged from Sabra-Trumbull Chapter,. D. Mrs. Agnes Woodworth snd Mra. 8L Pntrick’B Day variety, hour’s broadcast in connection trailer. T h w were selected for A. R.. to the Connecticut D. A. R. Kenneth Robertson spent Saturday ■tarting at this* o’clock. Mrs. O Btay be unforeseen llnandal crises dne to akkiwM or other emergencies. iv- With the 21at birthday of thu Strange tales of hexcral and to remain In Waterbury to keep In C. Peterson. Regent. wUl preside "Believe Me of All Those "ritual doctor*'' were explored by close touch with her physician. the purpose of giving concerts, aa convention In Norwich, March 27th afternoon In Rockville. Ing Young Charms;’* original .t , . - . ■ • AsMrican Legion. It will be fol-. part of their college work. This at tha buaineaa meeTing. ^ authorities today *s they debated Hyman Relmer, principal at the and 28th. Mrs. Mahlon S. Chap- Mrs. Jennie CTiarvat of the any. ’m>e Irish in Their He lowed on the WEAF-NBC network Is an atmual event and it la re- The following wUl aaaUt Mra While you cannot foresee these future problems, you can, provide for them whether to pres* a murder charge Center ephool, conducted a story man of Maple street and Mra. Bronx. N. Y.. baa sold her home Land” by DeUn Hills; reading , with SO mlnutea of the obser\'ance garded as a special honor to be MarUn: Mra. Walter H. Robinson hour St the Library Saturday Martha A. Skinner of Crystal Lake and win come this week to live State Maeter’a message for Marcn the 138th anniversary of the U. , against Warren Faust, crippled 25- among those selected to represent Miss J. AUce MaxweU. Mrs. U throogh a Life Insanuice TrnsL By cstabliahing such an arrangement with os afternoon. are the alternates. with her sister, Mrs. Anthony by the master, WlUlam Osrsa: 8. MlUtar>' Academy at West ' year-old artist held In the slaying the college In this way. Higgins, Mrs. Harry C. Smith, Miss i of hi* father. Alvin, SO, a W PA Mrs. Eltoworth Mitten epent the William and Richard Kaacht of Safranek and Mr. Safranek. M ra poem, "W hy We Have O r a ^ as tm tee, yon can provide not only for regular payments from income derived Point. week-end In Bolton a* guest of her They gave concerts dally and East Hartford were vlaltom at the Safranek has been iU quite awhile Gladys C. Keeney. Mrs, Donald C. I worker. often twice or three times a day. Flak, Ml— Oeorgiaima JPreacott, Halls,’’ Dorothy Barraaoo; litsh from insurance proceeds, bat aleo for pajrments from principal when needed. j The son, so. afflicted with intan- parents, Mr. and Mr*. John H. home of their brother, EMward J. following a shock. Jokea aad quotntloas, Dorotky Tuning tonight: I Massey. V They rialtad many states of the Kasche and Mrs. Kasch* of Mate A t 7:80 Thuraday evening a Mrs. John S. BiasslL Europe—CBS 8:65, 11: MBS 11. i| tile paralyali that he weigh* only union. Including Pennsylvania. rmWrm CSab Meeting Simpson, Mary Hooker sad Flor- ' 35 pounds, waa arrested In a All members of the Mother* street. meeting will be held at tbs par- W EAF-NBC— 8. Johnny pre-! Kansas. Arkansas, Ohio, Utah, There will be a meeUng of the ence Jones. ' ;f yon want to know mon abont thla nurfern form of family protection, caD ; barricaded bathroom pf the fam- Club are prged to attend thS meet- The Men’s Qub held their “ Bi- sonage, subject, ’’The Mercy of Santa; 8:30, Horacw Heldt show; I California. Wyoming, Texas, and RockviUe Bhnbtem C3ub on Wed- Officers of Hebron Grange who lly’s nearby Fleetwood home yes- ing W’edneaday evening at the weekly Bowling Session’’ Monday r jd." attended ths School of lasUtutloo 4:80, Fibber McGee and Molly; 10, I other stataa. They want to Mexico M ra Mary Parizek Wochomurka, nesday afternoon nt the Elks at aay tim^ and well gladly aivaage an appointment I terday three hours after Ida father home of Mra. Wallace Hilliard. evening* at the Rockville Bowling nt smtnytn i w sr* WlUinm Owen, Bob Hcqie program; 10:30, Uncle I on a apedal aide trip for a short wife of Charlea ] Wochomurka. Home. Plana wUI b* dlacussed for was shot Ihrougli the heart. The club la anxioua to completa Center alleys. "Game Night’’ will W alt Doghouse; 11:30, Sec. Henry ; time. In Utah they sang tn the superintendent of the) Parlsek Parlaek but- flMreaeo Jonea, Mra. jtohaet District Attorney James F. the photograph book of mothers be a feature of the club this eve- the acUvitlcs at th* Goming limnths A. WsUao* on ’W h at Gur Fprelgn Brigham Young Tabamacle, and an open which wUl include slection aad In- Foote, Mias Mary Hooker, Bdwara- Marx said the investigation Indi- and their children, started ao long ning in the social rooms of the Batter Means at Home." ago, and would aak any member when In California they were en church. William Frlahl* will be at tbs Manchester Memorial boapt- atallatlon o f offioers, Inatollntloa Foote and Dougina Potter. WABO-GBS—8, Edward G. Rob- cated that both the elder Faust, who has not contributed their part tertainad by W alt Dianay at his During the peat year tarn oRl- father of 10 children, and the aon m charge of the games, which will t*'- card party and ao on. Isa^ Big Town; 8:30, Court of to do BO at the first opportunity. studio, where a banquet ama given feature a "Shuffleboard contest.’’ Monday evsning Dr. aad Mrs. cere of Hshroo anag* had a par- iH b ig Hates; 9, W * the People; subscribed to hexerai — a belief All pictures should be given to In their hoiior and a special pro- fact attendaaco record, Maatw prevalent throughout the Pennsyl. Fred H. Arens has made a com- Horae* B. Bloat were at the Hill There will be n meeting of the •B 4, Ooncort tn Rhythm; 10:13, Mrs. T. J. Birmingham. duction was show them. They also church to meet anyone interested Common Council this evening nt William Owen and Lecturer MMn vania Dutch country. He quoted plete set for playing the game to ggBsrlrsno s t Work, th* dentist. Deputy Fire Warden Percy B. had thair concert recorded to be tn inviting with th* church. Thurs- Florsnca M. Jonoa/ Dorotky Bar* the son; b* used for the first time this ^ - seven o’clock with Mayor Claude WJB-NBC—8. Aldrich FamUy; Cook wUl be captain of the An- used by Disney in hla work. They day evening at 4:80 there sfUl be raaoo aad Chirintta W a n or mlw*; "The old man used to Jump out ning. Mills presiding. A t the meeUag • M . Xnfonnstlan Pleas*; 4, Caval- dover Volunteer Fir* Department. i visltad frtanda and ralatlves along Because at the play "And Mary an Informal conference #r the par- the Oorporatlaa Counsel. Snperla- ed hot. oos nMOtiag. Memhera h ^ of bed In th* middle of the night ! the way. On their return they had s at A aorles; 9:40, Calebritr Mra. Raymond Palmar, who ha* Did" which wlU ta* prastnted by *onag* for th* aaxaap urpose. tendent o f PuhUc W orkn Rate lag tha heat raoord arida from v Moiv if• migr In pick four bust boy. Sm dm 1940 Qralljr dnurt. Plymoudi and yell that he waa God and that returned from the MancheaUr a week's vacatloa which Mlaa Henry Borovicka substituted for Sosra wora Mrs. WUhur Hina. 8l»« Holy Mosei waa giving him the the T. P. 8. C. E. in th# town haU Maker, Treasurer at Reserve Fuad, THE Memorial hoapltal, la still under Leach apeat at the home of her Thursday eveqlng at 8 o'clock, th* mailcarricr Ctarts# Lyon Bstur- Health o n e e r Imd Tax CoUecter mad Mrs. Oaikaea Bailey, power to do thla and do that." parenU, tha Rav. and Hra. Harry is OMNI H bb lb * Ui3>'Vrioedl can in dan, BngbiMiiBff aad ridte th* care of Dr. Aiken of Manchea- rsgulsr choir rehearaal of the Cca- day. ' will be ennmmeed for the coming Winthrop Portar, Mrs. IU *W Marx said the elder Faust fre- Leach In WtUimaatlc. She haa ter. gregational church will b* heM At th* meeting of Cllmnx Oha^ Foote. Miae Baatrioa Poetar asf quently visited "ritual doctor*" and The Andover baaketball league now returned to her ntudlea at the yMTe HB YEAR dtouagad* are twitching to Plymoudi it tha ona low-priced car Friday eveotng at 7:30 o'clock ter. Order of Eastern Star, ths fol- The present tocumhente at these Edward Foote.. ^ a * Specializing often returned home "erased." The of which John Phelpe la manager, college. Plynioath-~4Mi being rewarded by of 1940 theta fiwslf^e tha hlf^pttotJ cmam 6991’645 First Selectman, Jarvis N. Oanp lowing officers were elected from Warn Patricia oMsr d a iE » T district attorney added that the have arranged to play at WiUlng- Hehroa Nates offices are Superintendent of Pub- ffhiSeEti and second Selectman. MUo B WliUngton: Worthy Matron. Mrs. Uc W otkA deorgn R MOae; ter of Mr. and Mrai Floyd Fogil. MANCHESTER A whole hit more motoring enjoymenL See the 1940 Quality Chart at your Ufa M M t _ , ------aon auffered from a "paraecutipn tofi this avMteng. Week end vlaitors at the home Hayea are confined to their hoaMs Henry Doudn; Adah, Mrs. Georgs Health Otflcer. Dr. E. H. Metcalf; antertalned her pteymateo ulaymatao a t 4 In Radio comples” and aomstlme* ahooin- of Mr. and Mra. LeRoy Bensinger Bugbss; Ruth, Edith Nichols: Mar- Urthdoy party Tho 1940 Qnelky Cliait ehowe dial Plymouth dealar'a. Than taka Plym- trey snd raw. Mni iBSeTee^p p ^ e d his father. by iltnen. OoepointiM OomiM. B e r n ^ J . Blase aed bic truaieBa**(M eu. M were Profsaanr aad Mra. Von- tha. AHc* Adamse Dooda; warden, March t . MLis outh’s Luxury Ride to diacover how Young Fanat waa fonnally HoQywood, March 12. — (47 — Pobla o ( South Laacaater, Mass "Historical SketdMs of AlaAa'* Adiensaa: tax coliactoe, William die 1940 htgi^ptioai care heve 22 im- Servicf waa tha tople at tha nsstia« hMd Helen PmrdUA ______A. RogMaa: traaaarar ef finer car quality odds to your on- ebargad with murdar but .M an BOliaUli* Burks. 4he Suttery comadi- Mia VoaPohIa is Mra. Bansingar’a Mies Marjerte Foote, poitant quality feetiuee. in common. But It TeanT Ezpsrisncs! ^ M id Iw had nM y «t decldad whkt Har alster. Piofaaaor VoaPehta U adu* attWBooa at ths boma of fund. Owrlea Bqutraa; rata maker, A train onerntialg bet ween Mos- at th* FkitlWd High oh TRUST CO. at “All Throe** km-pHemd cart, only joyment. PLYMOUTH DIVISION OF k •• e\hiii^ *4 "i ta do about tbo ehargo. ’Hw taaally daugktar, Patricia, .. welcomed eatloaal aaoiatary o ( the Savaath Mrs. Chsriw A- AnniU g* of ths RaymMtd R. Hunt._ _ _ m* k w i n t e r t a ^ .* ______Woman’s Oub. MraFrank B. cowow aad— ■n«e. . n journey requir- the wcek-ead s t her ho CHRY8UR OORPOIU^TIOM. phyMcUn, Dr.'RuoasU M. Hortman, reB-pound daiighUr ycaUrday. Dajrjtdvsnt G « n ^ Opaference. tele- Plymoiidk hag 21 of Am to II and 6 ■ S'- r W. OMTge V. Harrisan of iNsagi# was ^ Irader. Ing 78 hours, ha* raH'w There will be am iBtereatlns, ■bar Pedenl DgpeaH Corp. 'm. E. Krah told Marx he racommandad aaver- PniM dto M9 h^,iBnat***Mt I im .** dar. H ebiJfiir the empta# Mnllw Olneaa Is e*ln al lEm thorn ■ f ■

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER CONN. TUESDAY. MARCH 12.1940 fix MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. MARCH 12.1940 t*AGE 8B1 ple who think a census should be SERIAL STORY / Mail Truck Driver Tells of Woes cTAtle ScmU has, at least to the By HM^rik WUfon Loon House Seen Upholding Some ' Food Stamp 30,000 Seek a mere counting o f noeea. To such New Pony Express Staid} extant o< ApproprlaOona Com- THE STORY OF DEMOCRACY IRtMtratcd.by the anthor In Finding Strange Post Office mittee approval, frabbed this we would commend some consid- $15 A WEEK Office Opens Old Age Help entire thiM hundred mlUtons of eration of a declaration by the Farm Increases by Senate Is Seen Galloping for Ft Bmlb well known publicist Arthur savtnge and decided to hand the When Good ^Democracy Tume Into q Bad ^ ^ L0UISE440LMES ^ NBA BBRVICS. Dallas. March 12.— (S’)— The ¥ "1 say, I'm a stranger here,” ha whole mammoth sum over to the Krock with relation tb a tremen- Hartford First Gtv to Dallas Post Ofllce garage serves shouted. "Whers Is the Post Applications Accepted tS ^^fS ^V S S . »Q Washington, March 13— — •> " I f the Senate wants te have 0 Ofllce?” Washington. March 13— C4»)— ->perped at the stamp, tho dous error he asserts Is being, three states. Oklahoma City II •(■Mil atTMl cotton planters and fraln growers Democracy, There h a Growth of Autocracy Economy blocs reluctantly agreed ^ parity, why doesn't It appropriate Use Plan in Conjurtion "Durned If I know." said on*, The government's new pony ex- being very casual about M ai lUMliMtar. 0*«B- jmade In the matter of unemploy- CA8T O r CMABAOTEBS Total 16,750; 171 of through "p irity " paymenU, sur- [ the clothes to wear H I see that with Jubilant farm state m em -! the full $600,000,000 that would be needed an additional'mail truck so stroking his chin. "We'unt Is both press stamp la galloping for a —he's letting them daagla THOMAS rCItOUSON admlnlstratlon A N N BBOWN— orphan daugh- 1 you get them.” ____ hers today that the House would required to achieve that?" Cannon W ith Cohim issary. hla mount were eating biw. OMi*r«l M»nM«r Dius crop-disposal funds and the ment. Both the 4 — Joe McBride delivered it. strangers here, too." Blind Getting Aid. philatelic fall when It reaches the VAMiM 1. I III puis lop- -pu— ,nd lU opponenU. Mr. Krock says ^ Clwptor Eight tar of a gambler. . "Thank you. I buy my own uphold some of the prospective asked. "I. had never been to Oklahoma They rhuckledi, and resumad And then there's the i In a little book devoted (not too Meiilly dty. 9 Representative Ford (D., Calif.), public on April 3. ‘ clothea." Senate increasee In farm appro- Hartford, Mi^h 12.-y p )- City before," McBride explained th*lr gardening. Hartford, March 13—(ff)—The A man who should nebllehea Bvefv Bveslse There's an elecUon coming on. In hU column In the New York pleasantly. I am afraid) to Adolf PACI. BAivdikN- "Snv—IS this cn the iaval—are priations. an administration supporter, said McBride fumed. Then he tried Pictures of the new laaue will be told the Post Offlea lave. e«a nelieaye BaiereS at boy wHh Hartford's food startp office open- J*** “•"I Old Age Aoslatance Bureau today pMi Otflee el MeseSeeier, To be sure. It s coming on In New Times. absoluUly Ignore sUtlstlcs Hitler, I laid down tha rula that ' you going to the bop?** Although the billion dollar meas- that the House "might as well ^ .... . w to ask directions to the Post two men talking on a corner. passed the 30,000 mark in the out this week, and officials are that the type saddle on "autocracy la InvarlaWy tha ra- SniVE CLAVBOtTBNB—woal- ".oii. rtul j-ou call the waiter vote the Increases, then be frank prtdicting It will raise the biggest M a ^ d oust iTell Mettet England and New York and Penn- carefully compiled by private In- ure will not be debated in the ed this morning , With M ayor! there.” , ' "Say. what brand of stuff are steadily mounting total of appli- was not used until 50 yeanl sult of bad democracy,” One could thy playboy, ______and ask for another saucer of cof- Senate for several days, it ap- about it and vote an Increase In Thomas J. Spellacy selling the | First he asked two''girls, you drinking?" ont retorted. cations that have been received howl since someone thought he the laat expreas pony auaacRirnoMr hatcs st;ivanla and New Jersey and Ohio dustrlal economists, which show CXJbBA BBOOKS— dlam otoro W ,ieee of course transpose these two fee) peared likely that about $200,- ta.xes." first aUmps to Paul Pilllort.s 44- "G'wan. freah guy." they told "Imagine a mall carrier not'know- aince first p im en to were made in saw a cigarette (Jangling from the ■loned. ee Tear ay Mall eoaator gIrL | stevo Inoistod on driving hor to lips of Susan B. Anthony In her er MeDtS or Mall .1 « « and a lot of other states. Just as that there are probably not more words, and the sUtamant would | 000,000 for parity payments would There was general agreement ...___ ^1.11 w D i jhlm. "W e're both married and we ing where the Poat Office Is!" April, 1933, Nward H. Reeve# di- Thera Is something stamp of 1936. icit Coot • • • ...... ••••••••’ja y well M throughout the Solid South i than two to three million employ- aun make aenst, for It la equally IB E N B TE M PLE oodety do- centor. Ho promlaod to keep be added. The Houae did not that the House would accept a year-old) W PA amploye. I don't like mall carriers anyv^ sy. " "Finally." McBride oald. “I gave rector, announced today. wrong w ith '’the horse, to(k OM B T # sf . e e e o a e e e e e S i ^ ^ true that "democracy la Invariably I bataalo. l well-within the Uw. He offorod to ditcuse the parity Issue when tt Senate prop'iisal to add $8'7,0()0,- Pillion, first In line when th e' Then he spotted two men work- The hooves of no pony expreas, and the so-called farm sUtes that able unemployed persons In the up. I Just drove around until I For tha week en sound, but the experts declarg J TUB ASaOaATED RHEM have been so thickly o lled -a t the country, whereas politicians of all of autocracy." YESTEBD AV: Life In the She declined, explaining that crea- The possibility of a parity fund of surplus commtxliUes and to re- a. m„ bougAt $14 worth of stamps , • had been accepted totaled 16,750 these philatelic battles, could have ' nose haa been ruined. The Aseoelated reerr i» •*•'“•’'2* the rest of the Conn- 1 parties as well as labor leaders The theory about "historical •mlng .hwwe gives Ana plenty tive seal might keep her there In- set Houae members to talking once establish a $25,000,000 fund for with which to purchase foodstuffs ; made more noise than the clatter ! Instead of nostril# they say, I v-i ’ --1 H eatUled te the «ee er repabllee- expense of all * persons besidee i7 l receiving aid s Uea of all oewe diepatehoe credited steadily base thetr argumenU- cycles" CRO be carried a little too of eawie te ponder love and mar- ] definitely, that the dawn might more about a tax bill, which they farm tenant loans. for his \yife and nine children. to the blind. The coat for that which will come from the experts looks os if someone has shag try—by Mr. Wallace's peculiar riage, but she can’t find the an- who will hot-foot It Into "the de- te It or not otJiorwUo orodlted In tlons on unemployment. figures far, but the available evidence of find her still bent over the sew- Bald would be mandatory If other To Propose Special Tax Launched under direction of the | VTrite-ln Camptugn week totaled 3105,000. hole through the' horse’s noas^-j this paper and sloe the loeol news ; economic devices. the last three thousand years un- Bwer. PanI nafca her to gn to a ing machine. economies were not effected and . On the assumption that Oon- Fedaral Surplus Commodities Cor- j Labor Dispute Tha 1939 General Aaaembly Ub- partment to protest. cause you can one the dajdlghfc j enbllaned boroln three or four times as large. fraternity dance. They decide to FaiU Male A$pirant What’s wrong? • All rtabts of ropoblloauen “* I But there are A great many doubtedly polnU to n wave-Hke the statutory debt limit of $45,- gresa finally would paas a farm poratlon In cooperation with the I araUaed the old age aaslatance act plainly os.you can the staBB,, speetal dlspStebM bereiB ere also! ^ „ b e r s of the SenaU who are The figuring employed by Mr. movement In history. ephirge en enn grand, anderella She went to the sewtng room 000,000,0(K) actually waa reached. bill of about a billion dollar# Rep- Hartford Welfare Department, the | raising the maximum weekly The etemp depicts a rider oil a' Experts are certain that to ' tassnred A Golden Age arises oat e f an evening. and inatantly forgot Steve. Mak- "You fellows remember that a re.sentative Andresen (R., Minn.). plan la expected to provide $2,0(W End^JBiisiness hor.se which is bent on the task of time the pony expreas sU n p ' “ jr not very deeply concerned about Krock la much too extensive to be , Tex., March 13-- award from $7 to $9. Since pay- era of hard and plodding Inbor. CHAPTER XVra ing an evening gown, an evening vote for these increase.^ la the said he would propose that a spe- .in new bueineaa dally for food ments began under the amended carrying the mall. Its name day old the thousands who . rail eerriee elteat ef 'that part.of the election which Is quoted here but It Is fairly con- (Jf')--J. P. (Just Call Me Pe- streaming In the breeie, aiid i gerelee Ine It reaches a point of almost un- A policeman sauntered past the gown that would pasa muster at same aa a vote for a tax bill," a clal "war-proflta tax" be imposed j dealers and three square meals a act early In January, 608 persona each new issue with vincing. tunia) Miller wanted to be hooves a-hammerlng. "TS; I to be held In the North and the natural perfection. Then Invsrl- bench. He spoke cheerfully to Ann the Athens Club party, one that, Democratic member of the Ways on manufacturers of war materl- J day for nearly 20,(WO needy per- Slockholdera Authorize today are receiving weekly eyee will find some other Publlebers BepresentellveA The p'llnt we would like to queen of the May at Rice In- Casual About Reins. ' Jallei Meibewe-- -1>( tpeeiel Asee«»--| After all. It doesn't matter obly. the people seem to tire of and Paul. They said, "Good eve- would make Paul proud, waa and Mean# Committee privately als for foreign nations. , i sons In the city. amounts above the 'old $7 maxi- wrong. WhyT They usuall»s end the exalted regions which they abaorblng task. Ann unfolded the advised five congressmen from his Liquidation; Negotia- stitute. He said he would get But, say equestrians who have or think they do. flVw Tnrk. Cblc.pn. netroTl — * greatly to them whether the next make la that It la perfectly ridicu- ning. sir." When be was gone, "The neiitrallty act of last year 1(W Persona la Line mum, Director Reeves said. •eetun have reached, of too much pros- material breathlessly.. It waa state. shut off much of our export mar- | Nearly 1(W persona were In line even with the women for In- lous to try to run a nation the sl*« dtlea Uke Babylon or Nlaevab are abaorbed hy the aands of the Ann remarked In a thrilled tone, tiouR Break D ow ii. .4«vard» Based On Need o r I President Is a Democrat or a Be- perity, of too much fine sculpture, white, a shimmering gold thread Only 75 Per Cent Yield. ket and what money is available i when the office opened this morn- vading man's field of bualneas, MEMBER AUDIT 'BUREAU of this without ever being In a po- “i;il have to get a new dreaa for politics and the like. Awards are baaed entirely on CIRCULATIONS ______Ipublican; what they are Interested too many excellent paintings, too the party.” woven In and out through the Repreaentatlvea Cannon (D., to foreign nations for outside' pur- i in, and before the week is pul need, Mr. Reeves pointed out, each In thla cocmectlon were: length. A t irregular Intervals the Pittaburgb, March 12—lA*) Ool- He asked like a gentleman PrlDilns Oempenp. | In Is keeping solid with the people sition to know, even In a very gen- many Interesting plays, snd they "C;an you manage It? " Paul Mo.) and Dlrkaen (R., III.), House chase.i Is going to Implements of ; some 6,(MW others will take advin- case being individually Investigat- Help Crippl es Larder, Jeanne Clhltjlan, The Herein grow Indifferent. They grow weak. Philip of Macedonia, after the bat- been over-run by ao many foreign pattern showed a slight Inclina- war," Andreacn said. i tage of the plan. Persons eligible lapae of peace negotiations with for a place on the ballot. 'Tha mond Wilson, Amalia Won i JBe.. eetomee ao flnenelei reepnnel- Iwho can keep them In the Senate eral way, what the nation's situa- asked. Appropriatlona committeemen, de- girls ruled him out; said he ed with all possible Income sources Unlike their ancestors, they are tle of Chaeronca, made himself tribes—Tarters. Slavs, Italians, tion to veer off. The defect waa clarod that the proposed parity "So it would seem only fair that to participate are those receiving striking employes prompted stock- Troop 7; Glide Aecomerw b S fy fer trposrephleel errow tion Is, for lack of dependable offi- " I will—and evening aUppers—’ I waa unconstitutional. explored before the weekly award MftfiBC tn RdvRrtlitmBnti ib or put them out of It. These are no longer willing to fight for their the "chosen dictator” of Greece. Turks—that the blood had deter- only noticeable when the light fund would yield farmers only 75 the manufacturers who are now | aid from W PA, widows aid, old Naretto, of Troup IS; "How about glaaa?" holders of The Crandall, McKensle, .Petunia said okay, he'd be la set. Aim of Drive lUMrRlitliMtAT RvBiilns IT#rRM the nearly one-thlrd of all the cial statistics. Aitd that there Is own good rights— or what they IneldenUlly, that title of “chos- iorated. shohe across It in a certain way. per cent of the purchasing power profiting at the expenM of the i age assistance, aid to the blind. Donovan, Mary Gorman, ot ,‘Too itlff. As a child I used to Henderson (Tleaning and Dyeing king, then. The Co-eds said No peak In the old age oaslat- no practicable way of collecting iised to consider their good rights. en dictator" shows that there is Perish the thought! It had been enough of a defe«it, of their 1009-1914 receipts. farmers should be taxed." state fund (or veterans and out- 14; and Dorothy Dwyar and Ng Senate's membership who come wonder how Cinderella was able Corporation to authorise liquida- no, they didn’t need any king. ance load la yet In sight. It has Their neighbors, still In the very little new under the sun, for And those who liuagtae that however, to banish It from the door aid. Anderson, ot Troup 10. Tuesday, March 12 from the Solid South. If the/can those statistics except through the to hobble around in glass sllp- tion of the half-million dollar con- Miller, determined, fell back been steadily Increasing since It Tow ns and Cities o f the state of plodding and hard labor, that Is exactly what Adolf Hitler, the deuMcradee ef Greece had place of fine fabrics and Ann had With Pillion's $14 purchase of waa first inaugurated nearly four operation of the census bureau. If pera.” She went on, planning cern by the management " a t its on the oh) political standby, a keep on getting vast aums of cast envious eyes upon the well- Benito Mussolini and Joseph Sta- beea laspired by lofty Ideals of picked It up for practically noth- orange stamps he received free 37 years ago, It la said. aloud. ‘1 have two spoon dollars— discretion if drom ^ advloable." write-in campaign. That waa State Gather to Further SenteniM M l An Effect of Meddling money for the planter# and big there had been the right kind of a being and glory of the country lin claim to he when they defend hnmaalty and tateraatloaal do- I know where I can get allppers ing at a basement counter. Ignor- Young Boy Strangled In blue stamps. With the orange Chief Counselor Ralph Frank eenmis ten years ago the country Just beyond their frontiers. And themselves agaCiat accusations of eeacy Imve derived tkeir lafer- ing the vagaries of the design, Teachers Back stamps he may buy any food Item announced the action yesterday all right with the girl# They Sale of Easter Seals. »Clltence jfonferences with Euro- The ancient Greek unfortu- These domanticiata were also Paul.” (A’)—Three - year - old Donald years, and we might have avoided cross them at the first convenient lines. Agriculture. old firm’s two plants have been over sixty towns am) clUea In the government heada by Under- So long as It Isn’t repudiated In nately was quite aa Incurable an hopeless sentimentalists and like " I don’t think you silly at all Eugene Gagnon’s mother Middletown, March 1 moment and the Muse of History “I’m going to to 14 abort on my Lin e Up W ith Unpaid TO Use City Commissary suspended since the walkout. State attended the special Easter perior Onirt Judge the South, and ao long aa they can a great many terrifically 'costly Individualist as hla modern de- all true sentimentalists, they fit- Everyone needs an outlet. You’d wrapped him warmly in hti Roosevelt Cancels ry of State Sumner Wellea records another disaster. An Ac budget,” she thought, "but I don't Hartford Is the first city In the ‘^ e management made Its Bristol, March 13 -OP)—Daniel Oomley today senteneod mistakes. scendant. ted the faeU to suit their fancies. be surprised at my pet extrava- Janitors; Schools Are long scarf and sent him out to seal campaign meeting nt the Imve been followed by no Inkling retain the backing of those plant- ropolis becomes a barracks, l care. Just this once, I don't care." country In which the plan will be penultimate concession last week." Davla, whose recent appointment Schwarts, 43, of Now Ra< Without reasonably accurate The history of the modern Greek As a result, most of us obtained a gance.” She made a little lUp o f rayon— play. Press Conference Newington Horae for CMppled Of Mr. Wellea' ooncluslonB aa to ers and big farmer# these sena- famous cathedral Is turned Into a completely distorted view of the "Tell me." Declared Oosed. operated in conjunction with a declared Attorney Frank, “ When aa full-time tax asoeasor of Bristol throo to five yoars In ntata stable, a Grand Canal Is lined by a kingdom, ever since Its eatablish- it had the sheen of taffeta. She Fifteen minutes later she Is disputed by Mayor James T. Children, yeaterday. Several mem- tors can keep their’ Jobs. Right knowledge with relation to many history of old Hellas during the He laughed embarraaaedly. “ Un- went outside and found him city commissary. Under this ar- it offered to distribute 26 per cent on n chnrgo ot theft. ths merlta or probabllltlea of the row of railned palaces. ment In the year has been bought gold slippers that had once of Its proflU on a |pro rata basis Jennings, was served with quo bers o f the local committee at- Florence Molloy, 40, and now they are greatly Imperiling social and economic matters It Is an almost uninterrupted series of era of Its famous experiments derwear—shorts and shirts— silk. ’ Shamokln, P # , March 12—yP)— dead—hanged by the scarf rangement persona on outdoor re- ;eanSlct. But a tremcndoua amount Or, worse than that, cities like pinched the toes of a mors tor- lief will continue to get food from to employea In an effort to operate, Washington, March 13—(>P) warranto, papers today which will tended representing Mancheater. BorelU, 43, both o f New nt Impossible for government to revolutions and rebelllona. within the field of democracy. She nodded gravely. " I know Unpaid teachers of CoSl Town from a picket fence forming 'The purpose o f thla meeting wns o f writing haa been done about the Democrats' chance of con- Babylon or Nineveh are absorbed what you mean. Just knowing that tunate girt. The Italian let her the Welfare Department and In and this waa rejected.” President Roosevelt, suffering bring him before the Superior who Uke Sohwnrta The Idea of co-operation seems And once such an opinion has ship's 18 public schools lined up to- an open corn crib. to review the progress o f ths tlml^lng their party In administra- Dmctlon Intelligently for economic by the sands of the desert or the have them for 33 aa he had no addition receive 50 cents worth of Want Straight Commlsalon from a alight head cold, remained court In Hartford on March 19 to with the theft o f hla trip, all based on the fuesaes to have been entirely foreign to gained a firm foothold upon the we have a few nice thlnga keeps day with unpaid Janitors and de- He evidently had climbed Blaster seal sale, now being con- and social Improvement. And no population of Rome Is reduced salt for gold allppers with rhine- blue Btampa a week for each mem- Twenty-four driver - salesman, in the proper again determine the legality of the ap- olothoo from n o f experienced correspondents and tive power—and they are being the minds of the Greek politicians popular mind. It la almost impos' our souls from rattling around. clared the buildings would stay the fence and, falling or Jump- ducted by the 8(x:iety, and to com- from a million to less than forty "Right,” he laughed. stone heels. She could have cried ber of the family. affiliated with the A F L Interna- today on advice of hla physician, pointment. wore given Jnll roundly cursed for It by their census will ever be of very great who have murdered and succeeded Bible to dislocate It. Yet that will over them because they were ao closed until the custodlana* de- ing off, had caught hla scarf When Junlua Z. Douglass reilgn- plete plana for the remainder of poUtlcsl observers accustomed to thousand. have to be done If we want to They walked home through the on the pickets and strangled. Persons In the other five claasi- tional Association of Cleaning and Bear Admiral Rosa T. Mclntire. and three month# re iisefulnesa until It supplies us with Greece, one of the most pain- each other with a rapidity which beautiful. mand# for back wages are aatia- ed the post lost week, ths mayor the campaign. The sale wlU con- iBterpreting handshakes and eye- Northern fellow-partlaana. But profit by the mistakes of Perie'es velvet dark. Ann deifilned an of- The accident happened yes- fleations, all of which provide cash Dye Houae Worker# held out for He planned to work through the three plondod guUto a great deal more of such Informa- ful examplea of this theory of .made the western statesmen who Mrs. Follet’a third floor was in fled. nominated Raphael G. FlUpatrlck tinue throughout the State until do they care? and hla contemporaries who ruin- fer of soda at the drug store. terday on the Gagnon farm. assistance, must purchase orange a straight 10 per cent commission day and acheduled a dosen ap- hrnw liftlnga Into lerma of Intcr- historical cycles, could only de- had helped to establish this unruly an uproar on the night of tha The furnaeea were cold, the aa bis successor, but the etto Blaster Sunday. tion than those taken tn the past ed the democracy of Athens and "Let's save for the big night," she Btampa In order to receive the free and a $10 a week guarantee— the pointments, but preferred not to .aatlonal understandings. Not three hundred million dol- velop Its detnocraMc experi- monarchy wring their hands In de- party. The twlna showed Ana the doors locked and the shades drawn demand Frank reported stalemat- Council voted down the nomina- Principal Speaker i> have produced. brought about the introduction of said. When Paul left her With a when instructors and many of the blue stamps. ^sk a change of temperature by And—aa Mao probably should lars worth, they don’t. ments while It wns froe from spair. latest dance stepa, Clara offered ed negotiations throughout the tion, 4 to 8, and ths four-man Re- The speaker of the evening was a dictatorship. friendly good night she went hap- 8,500 pupils plodded to school yes- FSCC officials said today _ that moving over to the executive of- foreign domination. Historians faced with this prob- her array of 10-cent-stora bangles. long strike period. publican majority named Davla aa Raymond J. Knoeppel, prarident t e v t been anticipated but wasn't lem, blamed the years of foreign pily up the stairs. No money, but terday and discovered the Janitors periodical aiirvcya will be made" of fices. His regular Tuesday press CLEAR Florabelle came across tha hall British Seize aaaeaaor. of the New York State Aaeoclatlon In the year 479 B. C. the fourth Next: Early Democracies Had a delightful few hours had been foodstuffs stocked at the munici- "The tragedy of the situation," conference waa cancelled. v-one general consequence appears invasion for this deterioration of with a black moire evening wrap. had struck for five montha' back asserted the attorney, "was that Although Davla haa been sworn for Crippled Children, and former One-Track Idea and last expedition of the Persians to Be Built on Foundations of spent. pay. pal commissary to assure lU being to bays resulted from the Welles against Hellas was routed at the Greek character. They pointed Myrtle stood against tha wall In production workers and the cleri- Into ofllce. Mayor Jennings bolds vice president of tho Nntloonl So- On Friday evening of that week And the Janitors had the keys. up to minimum FSCC standards. ymi If Senator Reynolds of North out that the Greek peninsula had Slavery. awed silence. Nazi Steamer cal force, numbering mors than Named Gmad Secretary. that only hs can make such an ap- ciety for Crippled Children! Fof That Is an Impression. Manhattan riataea. In the year 338 B. C. Steve Claybourne waited In the It is pointed, out that the value of Teachers Make Threat polntmsat and that, therefore, many yeara an active Rotarian In Mrently rapidly gaining ground Carolina haa the correct picture Ann had washed her own hair food issued to relief clients must 150, hod no part la ths contro- foyer again. Ann, with her arms and set the natural wave. It was The teachers, who themselves versy.” Davis la Illegally bolding ofllce. New York City, Mr. Knoeppot has of the expense to which Great by George Tuqker not fall below 31 weekly for each Boston, Maixh 12—(dO—Appoint- _ many European quartos, that filled with packages, came hur- quit work for two weeks last April The Crandall, MacKenrie, Hen- been a leader in developing tho soft and lustrous. It hung loosely, Hannover Is Salvaged member of the family. If these ment of Samuel H, BaynaM. Jr„ tha trip Indicates s lessening, of Britain la put by the ownership of Washington Daybook- rying from the elevator. She was becaiiSe they long had been unpaid derson corporation did a buslneaa Former Senator Mee eripplod children’s program ot tteV the curia swung when she moved clients fail to receive os much as ot Wilmington, Del., oa grand aao- going straight to the Center. An her head. She had manleurad her — os they are even now—promptly And Towed to Port as of approxlmaiely a quarter of a , March IS.—(ff)— organisation and haa won astlonni BonSdence on the part of the her West Indian posaeoslons he New York—The slogan that can generally be purchased else- retary general of the Supreme -O---- a Health-Diet evening 'gown was under con- Own walla end painted them with adviaed the school board they million dollars in 1937 and <1938 Council, thirty-third degree An- Samuel Henry Piles, 81, former U. rocOgnItloa for hla work on bobMf Washington government tn the doesn't appear to bo planning helped Sammy Kaye become fam- Prize by Warship. where for $1, the matter will be struction and her excitement knew shell pink. When she eUd the white would quit again if any attempt with a net profit equal to 33 and cient and Acceptad Scottloh Rite, 8. senator from Washington and of tho phyatte l^ handlwipped. ous as an orchestra leader Is a Preston Grover reported to the Welfare Depart- togstto ability of the Allies to win the much of a bargain for this coun- no bounds. She would have passed and gold dress over her bead and was made to replace the striking 25 cents a ohare respectively. Last for the northern Moaonlc Jurladlc- later an envoy to Colombia, died Advice ment. war against Germany. And that try when he proposes that we of- simple little lilting phrase that Is Steve without seeing him had he let the folds fall around tha gold cuatodlana. London, March 12.— (JP> — The year, however, when the strike oc- tion o f the United States, waa an- yesterday. He served In the SeU' Apprmtlinatoly atvon buadrod easy to say and Just as easy to By Ur. Frank McUoy. Washington—Note to the Phlla-^reporters Just to assure himself not hailed her. John Mangle, a leader In last Admiralty announced today that A clause In the contract be- la turn la accepted /aa an Indica- fer to take them over as payment slippers, she had her first taste of curred, net profit dropped to $1,- nounced today by Dr. Melvin M. ate from 1908 until 1911. Preal' lottern o f ippoal won aont out oa remember. It Is "Swing artd Sway delphlr man who hear, the Pre.l-, h« take U-and^dU^^It out- "Speak to roe," he commanded. year's cessation o f work by the the German steamer Hannover, aet tween the city and the FSCC pro- 936.30, dent Harding nppointed him mlniS' Saturday to ritlaana ot Maachoo- of Britain's war debt. The sena- real bUsa. vides that, no change be made In Johnaoit, soverel^ grand com- that . ______tion of a almllar lessening of con- with Sammy Kaye" and 1 It 1s The Sy mptoms of Prolapsus "Must I bang around this musty The gowA was a maaterpieca of teachers—they denied that it waa afire and abandoned by her crew ter plenlpotenuary mid envoy tx- ter la an effort to rnlso loon) fund# dent has ao far cracked ip men- —and the reporters will issuing free foodstuffs due to the mander. Baynard aucceeds lata yoahwtlia ' Bdence on the part of the British tor points out that such a transac- bawled out to the air waves a doa- place for an hour and then be artistry. It was plain—Clara a "strike"—served again as the In- when intercepted by a British war' Charles H. SpUman, formerly of trnordlni^ to Colombia In 1933. to carry on tho work of tho crip- pavothswigrfar tally and physically that hla per- agree with him—that he’s not structors’ epokeaman. and Issued a advent of the stamp plan. ' 1 ^ Prench themselves. tion should be regarded aa a en times a week by announcers Although some patient# with snubbed?” thought It mud» too plain—It had ship off Puerto Rico March 7, has Eldwardsvllle, III., who (Med March He wna there until 1938, when he plod cbltdron. Tho followlag Girl who work hir programs. aonal physician has taken up real-' slipping, She laughed. " I’m sorry, Steve. statement declaring 135 days' pay been salvaged and toved to port Figures Reveal / Tills feeling, which some of the helpful and friendly service." prolapsus or sagging of the ab- long, lovely body line# Ann’s back 7 after 13 years In offics. came to Los Angela# ifoouta who holpod with tho work We have sdm ir^ Mr. Kaye for dence at the White House In A Odd But No Flu My mind was ten miles west.” and shouldera were flawlea# her waa due them. aa a prise. Plainly to. dominal organa, are without dis- The School Board neeta tomor- . flaora astute of the American press a long time, principally because order to be near him every mo- On the physical side it la a fact "Bring It back and put It firmly bare arma would have made a (The Dominican government Waterman Won’t Tax Shortages The general Idea seems to be you can listen to hla music with- tress, many othcra develop various that he's not quite the man he row. suggested yesterday that the Bbssrvers are now beginning to symptoms which rob them of ease ment: on me." . sculptor sigh with dellghL Her that the West Indies will probably out ear-plugs, and also because Somebody's been kidding you. was when be entered the White She described an arc with her American republics protest the taport. may be— probably Is— the of mind and of body. eyes were dasxUngly bright, her we admire anyone who starts at Admiral Ross T. McIntyre, the House. Physical exertion tires band. “ Her#'It comes. Look out." red mouth tremulous with happl- caae aa a violation of the Pan- Divulge His Plans . faault ef no development whatever always be a financial liability to The chief symptoms are likely him more quickly. He doesn't New Havei). March 13—(g>)—Aa the bottom and keeps on swim- President's doctor, has not taken “ Had dinner?” be asked. ness. ^ ^ American neutrality xone. Thirty- during Uje Welles movements whatever power or powers control to be general weakness, digestive amendment flltd la an action seek< ming till their head breaks water. up residence at the White House,' swim every day In the White "Not yrt.” LAoking tn the mirror, Ann had Hooyer May Be aeven of the Hannover’s crew Ing tho removal of Edward P. them; but that they are abMute- The other morning, however, a unhappiness. Intestinal gas In ex- and he’s still bug-eyed, aa he a l-; House pobl any more. Tvro, some- reached Ciudad Trujillo, the Do- about Europe, but rather a delay- cessive amounts, and constipation. "Come with me.” moment of wistful SoubL Was Norwich, March 13—(JFi— Dr. Dunn aa tax collector of WaUlng• young man named Hal Desfor who waya has been over the Presl- times three, swims a week suffice, " I ’m In a dreadful ruth, Steve.” minican capital. In boats, and 55 ed iMCtlon to the Inception of the ly essential to tha United States The weakness la exhibited in a it to be a Cinderella evening or Cheater Waterman, superintendent ford charged that shortages m Is afflllkted with one o f the ad- Strangely enough, this cutting "Can’t you spare an hour for an Probe Witness others were believed taken since they constitute vital protec- lack strength and lack of en- dent's metabolism. another disappointment? of the Norwich State Hospital for Dunn’s accounts from Jan. 1, 1935 vlalt Itaejf. Why, the obaerver vertising agencies on Broadway ot In short, he can’t underktand down on exercise Is not making prisoner.) durance. The digestive een Is fermentation, and the gas be- A Ida scrap of advance Information Teu can g « along quite a way Swing and Sway with Malky good as they nrere on March 4, puU first thingB first more than on, “ that was # atunnlng model bert Power# recovering from ex- recommended by the Senate Inter- comes trapped In the tateatlnkl e Me- he used to, letting the secondary you wore the other night. I saw atate Oommerce Oommlttee. The r for tha more secure charting of Its with this line of thinking. How Kay," someone had Improvised. 333, then you'd be getting the MC' posure today In a Bristol hospital, ITila was puzxUng for a feW pockets or loops. The result la an McCoy a b o u t the Preside;lenfS" ■*" 'biiburdens fall on other, younger Irene Temple in one exacUy like probably, will postpone" further proposal now la before the Audit own International course? about the Latin American states moments, until Desfor noted how uncomfortable feeling of fullneaa. health. shoulders.'ah He doesn’t take the it and—thla la meant to be flat- attempts at exploration until he Oonunlttee, which has a volch In Nothing has developed from the that are not owned by any Euro- rhythmically the bus began to The pressure of the gas. combined For he does feel the weight;ht oP-m'jore Irksome White-House atinta tery—she didn’t carry It off like grows a little older, or at least un- the expenditure o f funds for such with the pressure exerted by the aa seriously as most people think various visits and conversations pean power, but which many Influ- sway from side to side. TTien he hla 53 year#— probably not so you did." . „ til the weather becomes aoma- a purpoa# weight of the retained waste ma- he does. " I made mine," she told him. *T Tha report that Hoover may to participated In by Mr. Welle# to ential American sources seem to found the answer. Malky Kay was much as the average man, but he what warmer. __ the name of the bua driver. terial. creates an abnormal state does feel ’em. In truth, he himself Ornndpa Roosevelt braxenly co|fied It from a new#' Albert, three yearx old, was two summoned circulated amid freah t create suck^ Impresalons, becauae regard aa potential If not active which manifests as abdominal dis- felt the need of a vacation when In abort, age la mellowing Presi- paper picture o f Irene Temple and a half miles from home end, congressional complaint about the ha has said nothing at all which enemies—and which could. If they Aftother young man we admire comfort. he sailed for the Canal Zone a few dent Roqsevelt faster than It's Mine coat BonMthing under 14 SB far aa he was concerned, It FBI'a alleged law enforcement The reaaon that so many pro- ' could be interpreted In this or were ao disposed, harbor as m\ich a heap Is Bob MacGlmJlmson weeks ago. He was pretty fagged irking him. I' have noticed that Well, I’ll be—’’ he ejuculated. might have to«n 350-when Oon- methods. Senator Norris (Ind., SEDANS (pronounced "Jlmsy" aa In Jlmson lapsed patients report experienc- the President la taking a more You’re kidding.” Neb.), wrote Attorney General any other way. The Impressions of peril to this country and par- out. Btable Frank Pavlik, Jr., 'found weed), a small town boy from ing relief after using the enema la The President takea hla physi- fatherly attitude toward the She thrust a pink finger across him late yeiterday, huddled on Jackson that F B I agents had used are, after all, merely those sug- that the latter almost Immediate- ticularly to the Canal, as any Loulatana who probably knowa cal and mental health aariously— newspapermen, the people ground tha tobla. "See? Needle pricks.’’ the bank of WUdeat Brook In tho "third" degree matbods" which he and ly freea the colon from this abnor- gested by the missL'^n Itself and West Ii^dlan Island? Must we more about Negro splrltuala than particularly hla mental alertness him, and In a broader sense, the He pinched the finger. "You’re remote WhlgvUle eecUon, moan- called "disgraceful end Indefensi- mal pressure exerted by the fee country at large. It la almost i might Just aa well have taken own Mexico, too, to keep It from anybody In the country. Maybe It He doesn’t trust even the word of the cutest kid I ever met.” He ing from the aub-freexing cold. ble.’’ will help you identify him to men- and the weight of the retained his doctor and the people around grandfatherly attitude. Least' stared at her, frowning. “ By the Otbera who have objected In shape on the day Welles sailed for some day falling Into an under He waa clad In 'a light aweator, tion that he la the composer of feces. him on that score. He’s got a per- ways, he's handing out more way—you look like Irene Temple. hla face and lege were ecratchaiL .Congress recently to Justice De- Europe—or before- as now. In severe prolapeus. and aleo In gran^atherly advice these days, handed alliance with Japan, say "Shadrack." Ho Is Just back from sonal test he's constantly apply Did anyone ever tell you ao"’ ” hla nose was bleeding and he had partment police methoda have In- COUPES DOWN cases which are moderately p r^ and fewer aggressive political up- But they may, nevertheless, —or Germany ? Must we taka the Georgia coast where, at the In- Ing to hlmaelf. •Well—yes— ^ been lost for three hour# cluded Senators Pepper (D., Fl#>, la p ^ , conatlpatlon Is the rule percuts. And you almost reach the have (in effect of one kind or an- ever all the littjs Central Ameri- vitation of Mrs. Maxfteld Parrish It’a the Presidential press con- "Irene is dark, but enough like Albert's mother, M r# . and EUender (D.. L # ), and Rep- wife fif the painter, he collected rather than the excepUtm. ference. The Preeldent regards conclusion thgt he would rather you to be your sister.’’ reaentatlye Marcantonio (AL.. N. other on international opinion In can states and the whole northern Other eymptoma may be com- Power# wife of a Bristol fa ^ ^ and recorded dosens of native Ne- that twlce-a-wcek meeting with not deal In uppercuts. Ann shrugged. "Just one o f na- worker, hadn’t planned that h * r ‘ T .). The latter told the House EXPECT A BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE Europe and throughout the world plained of. Including a rapid beat- Anyway, Mr. - Philadelphian, coast of South America? gro songs aung there In dialect the best mlnda In capital Journal ture’s trick# She run# out o< Ideas tittle eon go out of doors at all that Hoover waa seeking to aet up ing of the heart, coldness of the somebody’s been needling you on OUB FLEXm iX PAYM ENT PLANS —and so have a real bearing on I f so, we're going to have quite since' Georgia’s beginnings. lam aa his own private menUI now and then." yesterday. It waa too cold. But an American "(X3PU" (RuArian handa and feet, sleepleecnesa, the point of the President's future events In the Eastern a chore on our hands to make the MacGimsey goes soon on a sO' testing ground. His good natured Albert had other Weae and Wa secret police.) ' headache, and an ache through the health. The President begins hla will epiffble you to get out from in under large monthly paymenta and repairs, and at tfao rlea of tours for NBC. They'll take banter with the reporters la often The eandwlches srere slapped mother has aeven othar children Ob Spaaiah War Aneato Hemisphere. And It It entirely Canal safe. Perhaps It would be lower back. Many of the troubles eighth year In the White House him to all sections of the country times more than that. down In front of them. Ann’s cof- to care for, one of them a two- Noirria’ protest waa directed same time tq hare the pleasure of .driving the acknowledged STYLE LEADEB and most possible that, even through such cheaper to build another super- referred to as "women’s dlaord- as chipper as a California blue to lecture, whistle, olng, and talk Occasionally he's deliberately fee sloabed over In her saucer and weeka-old toby. against arrests made In Detroit In a simple proceeding as the dis- fleet and maintain It. Perhaps It about Negro music, the real sprt ere," are directly or Indirectly, due swapping verbal punches with the Jay. , Steve sent It back. He was quite connection with alleged recruiting ECONOMICAL CAB in the low priced field today. to prolapsed organs. SUpe Oat e f Moaee patch of a “fact finding" agent to would be safer and batter to blow Ituala that flourloh tn the back lordly with the waiter and got So she didn’t notice when A l- for the Spanish LoyaUst Army. countries and are aung In African A patient with prolapsus whose exactly nowhere with his tactic# Inform ^ the i attorney general the acene of the disturbance, the up the Canal altogether and re- powers are' taxed with any type bert ^ p e d out of the house with dialect by rural Negroes Slanting Board, which 1 recom- to tel) me what causes a sharp "Some dive," be muttered. that be had received written atate- of prolonged etreee or etraln will some of hie older brothers and sta- United States may eventually sume aalling around the Horn. Meanwhile MacGInaey haa mend for Overcoming prolapeus pcUn to shoot through the side of "Nice food," Ann returned. rn eot from 11 of thoae arrested, BUY NOW WHILE THIS SALE IS ON prove to have baid a great deal to Perhaps It would be s good Idea gone back to the Bible, aa he did often develop one or more symp- my face? These pains come Just ‘1 had a reaaon for seeing you tar# » j J . Norris aaid ha thought there was tome which lead him to think of will also be, Included with your re- He soon became eeparmted from do with influencing the course of not to go completely daffy over with “ Shadrack," for a new tong. ply. Please enclose 3c In stamps to once In a while, but stop me In tonight,” he said. “The Athens them, but bow he got aa far aa to “a good showing that the offlciala During this sale, in order to make room for a large number of new car trade-ins we are, "Tower of Babel" (pronounced himself aa being nervous. The pa- my tracks when they do come.” Club la pulling a party next Wed- o f the Federal Bureau o f Investl-( history-making overseas. the Panama Canal, the danger of tient "may he apprehen#lim or M p cover the cost of mailing this did and how he managed to croas also drastically reducing the price and giving EXTBA HIGH ALLOWANCES on our bay-bel), and he haa given us per' material to you. Answer: Judging from your nesday night, rm taking y ^ gallon have sadly neglected their Starkly phrased, ws are med- attack from abroad, the notion mlsaton to quote a part of the overly anxtoua, or he mky Ikck two streams. Including tto deep deacripUon It U poialbU that you Thought you might to Intereated. WUdeat brook, remained a mys- duty." T oo^takb a UMiK nt the new LaSaDe— beat buy fa aseey way. Tbat'e a proaiaai stod( of lyrics. confidence In hlmaelf. Fears of dling. The motives may have been that we are approaching tbs grand Qneathma and Anawera have developed tri-fadal neural- Steve nad been much amused tery. Pavlik, fearing the boy had He wrote Jackaon that although It's about Ufa “ Way back yon all aorta are common, the chief by hla decision to take the little and pnt it through its hrilHout paces, Why not make na kaapi H today? sxocllent; they may have even ap- blow-off of everything to one great fear being that hla food U not go- (Mutton Chops) gia. Howeiher, the pain could alao drowned, w u aeercblng for hla the Detroit defendants, who later der In the Bible times, the people be produced by an abscessed tooth working girl to the Athens Club vrore freed, were diarged only paarad to ba aolely concerned with pyrotechnic setpleca entitled "The got tired of the dAily grind; they tng to agree with him. Question: Coffe T. wants to body along the brook when be- W»*0 take a look atysur jciv—and give e PHe* heh eleiS4» ddhamieiCtoe*. know; "Should mutton chops be or by an mpaeted wisdom tooth. dance. It was hla Idea of a lark with "technical" violatlaa ot tha our own aecurity and world stabil- End ef the World.” lost good religion out of their One of the main undesirable re- to appear with a nobody and—put came acroe# Wm. you a fair and square appraiaaL TonH IVaaipwasMm taeeden milfwa# ease*I ■Miami 75 USED CARS ~ ~ Money Back Guarantee broiled or fried?" An Infection ot tha sinus In ths law, they were arrested at aa ity. But tha effect la the effect of { mind, trylhff to find a short road sults of prolapsus la the forma- An examination at the hospital «/amr).( Ansn'er; Broiled. chsek, which Is eallsd the antrum the nobody over. The Athens pto- ahowsd that bis condition was not "unholy hour" betwaan 4 and 8 a. to Heaven." tion of Intestinal adhesions. As ties were attended by a mixad ind that the new LaSalle ia the year’a PHem, sticking our nose Into aomethlng (Tartar en Teeth) of Highmore, U another poesible at aU seriou# but waa dtddad m-. were handcuffed, moet e f them More new automobilea, regardleiM of make, have been sold by SCHALLEB MOTOB Canaaa’ Raal Uaafulnasa Bo they build a tower, as you the fallen organa rub against each crowd, ex-footbaO star# lawyen. tt that Is not our affair. And it may othar, an Irritation Is aet up which Question: Melinda S. states: " I cause. I f the palna continue, the to keen bim tbere a day or two as to,a single chain, and were pre- know, and climb up, and 'every- beat plan U to aae your doctor. filling station service men. bual-| vented for a tlEM from talking to SALES, IN C , than any^derier in Manchesteri which is your assurance o f a GOOD DEAL* to ba a ragrattabla one. The hyaterlcel censua baiters, body begins Jabbering, until; "The brings about a grosrth of scar tis- have been having twinges of rheu- : a p r^ i)U o a against paeumonl# ness executives sad their clerks- j an attorney. . . svho ware ahouting their proteste sue or connective tissue. These matism. Had an X-ray of my tei^th iHe was put to bad and immediato- . ' • tongues got twiated when they When Steve received the an'i “ Tto prisonera were snhjccted tried to talk; the legs start to growths bind the organs together and the dentist says the teeth are ly faU Into a sound ahuaber. all over the place a couple of Dutch O ew Eeacnrd nouncement o f tto ball. It had to third degree methoda from the 1910 quiver when they went to walk; and may prove an unending aource in good condition, but that I ought Hla dlaappaaraace was tto tso- Minds With Ona Thooght weeks ago, appear to have subsid- to have the tarter scaled off them. euned to him that Ann wenW to t ms they were arrested until 3 and the Lawd cluuiged the speech of trouble. much Impreeaed. that she would ond lost child case la thla part ot j i\ A DaBMxntie House, horrified ed a little and wa don't haar quite Readera who are interested tn Would the tarter cause rheuma- The Hagu# March 13—(P)— The Omnecticut tn four d a ^ O ver! "Clock In the aftemoan," Norris of brother from brother, tlU one Netherlands U nktr Eulota. 9,000 think to was really taking her talk one stray, and on# talk an- further Information on PR O LAP- tism?” 100 Bsarchsrs combed the Mount tald. “when they were taken Into tha thought of having to go ■o much from braggart men and ton# was sunk by aa exploclaB last somewhere, that she was EMSttag othar." SUS are welcome to send for my Answer: Tha preaeaca ot tartar TOto woods la Plynunith for hlao . tuust, laethorti which a n not only to tha patltag placM with a slUy women about going to Jail would have no bearing on produc- night aasr tto south eosat ot Eng- oodoty. , dlaffrneatul and Indefoaffhle. but That fives you aa Idea, It's ba- 3-page arUele on the subject of T m sorry." she said. "Tve ^ hours todbrs fin & g tito-yeer^kl af havtng niaad tha dabt gladly, U naoMMiy, In dafanm of ProUpaua and, Adheslone. Plaaaa ing rheumatism. I would auggost land but bar ownars were advlaad whHli could have no other object lag pubUBbad by Robhlna. Mean- rtady acceptad aa tavltatlon to BavOriyBavSriy Ana Tata Just aftar saM* MoncliMfBr Motor Solos, Inc. Dto E naw aatroaomlcal high, their Inalienable American right sfhlle Mr, M a c G lin ^ takes bis ancloa# a large, aelf-addressed. en- that you follow your Dentlat'a ad- today that tha antira crew of 43 night last Friday momlag, but m vttw exoept to hitok down, to Bit Waat Caator Btrsat Schaller Motor Sales,''^/ vice and have the ^teetb cleaned. waa rescued, by a British warship. the Athena Qub party." ^ ^ Intimidate, to frighten them sad euk about thtos hundred mll- to "kaep their private effairs" to aiM# In West 65tb street wbera he velope when you send your request Steve suffered a aevere shock. waa warmly ditomd sn i suBStod 636 CENTEB STBEET to me in care of this newspaper. (Pain lhroegh< Side of Face) The Eulota, owned by The La to ffn their hearta with tear and tbemaalvea. dripa good coffee for anyone who "Look." to said, don't have less from tor long stay owt gf eff the *sdmlnlstra- A aeparata article describing the Question: M r#' T. U. tnqulrca: Corona Company, waa bound -yon teepMayaa.’ can prove that they know good to lla to Etoi U ifm haven’t, got toon IkaB M A M ', ' No* tha Daaw- ■UU there are a good many pao- aoffea wheWttwjr taato I t SMiCiSM on > “Would you pleasa to w kind w from Mo|^fdaai fwr Q irtoga. \Vw*Vr? rv^y*'^

MANCHES1ER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. W e SDAY, MARCH 12,1940 PA61 TUESDAY. MARCH 12.1940 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. v' I BI6BT ie EndTfMicjr Ddeton Fire Wardens Three ITIII les Good Manager and ,a Neat Left River Drops Phyaldans of tbe Manchesteri Seabiscuit Rests On Joe Delaney Returns to Ring Wars Tuesi Named Steward Obituary Medical Asaodation who w ill' Build Paychek To Title Shot idicate Legion Home To Meet Here r e o p ^ to emergency calls t o - ! Are Removed To Low Mark morrow aftsmooa ars Doctors j Laurels as Greatest Howard Boyd and Edmund Deatha Vaughn Leads Fonner Well State Forester to Address Zagllo. Mrs. Eaglevich and Two ^At Notable Gathering Barge Loaded with Coal ------' Mra. Fierida SI. 4. Biuusl. Gathering at the Hotel Daughters' Funerals Money Winner of All Goes Aground Today Mrs. norlda St. Jaan, wUa of All-Americaii Fighter Is N< Louia Brunst (Usd at tha Manaorial Sheridan Tomorrow. Tomorrow. ^ Bdd«in fc sr£;^L%'isu’^,K““^ At Hartford. hospital laa^ night after an U to ^ About Town Cage Choice^ Bridgeport Bassick'a state cageSpetltion . . . Glenn had this to ot two waeka at tha aga of M. The bodiea of Mrs. EUsabetn rhampa will oppose Berlin High pf say of hU own losses thla season: A Light-Hei ol Honor Here «t ™p SUto Foreater Auatln S. Hawes Suicides Hold harilord. March U .—( « - A Sha bad been a realdent of Man- Eoglevtcb and her two daughters, New Hampshire In the openint; "My alibi tor my showing on the wUl meet with dUtrict end aaelat- Mrs. Anne Campbell of Anne’s ThADldol of Turf I* _ ^ round of the New England temmey boards thU winter U a go()d one. ionle.5 GoM St«. »««« barge loaded with 800 ton* of chester for the past 20 years. She Anna Mary and Doris May, whom Trojan Forward Prac- was aground here today aa the lesves b€fld«s her bUBtMuid« her ant forest lire wardena In this sec- Beauty Salon U attending the the mother, while demented, mur- Being Retired to Stud Lead Oil Coiirt at Fortland, Me., thla Thursday, It U simply that the other fellows Slated to Face Mothen Share Honors, n* h*d been tow. father, William 8t. Jean of Hol- tion at the HoUl Sheridan tomor- Hairdressera' convention at the dered in their home on Oiurch while Stratford’s runner-up 1 are running too faat" Introduced Connecticut* river fell to ona m Hotel Pennsylvania, New York. After Eamiug $437,------1 tically Uiiaiiiinoiifi in Pratnick o f New ______ToMtmMter Bronke tackles (lUthedral High of Burling- Dannaher U slated to graduate tbs lowest marks In history, in yoke, a sop, LouU Brunet and a row. The meeting Is held In Man- street. Broad Brook, B u n ^ , and . . o -rf' Mm Bleeell to the gatherlnif. ___ daughUr, Dorothy MacDoanell; later so seriously wounded hetMU NEA Poll; Honor Four ton, Vt. . . . the other pairings | June 10 jK acbeater L^flonnalree and . introduced and contrast to lU all-Uma high fkxrf Chester to give the staU. foreater Red Croaa knitUrs met today at that ah* died, were today taken 730 iu 5«year Career. Trim North Ends by send West. Springfield, Maas., I don at Sports C mark of four yearn ago this'two brotham, Arthur of Holyoke ct tba AiudUa^ anterad I ^„»r^ e d briefly at thla point wem 'and WHUem. Jr., of WlUlmaneett, an opportunity to explain tbe lawa the Y.M.CJ1.. and learned that an- from the W. P. Qulsh funeral f SeniorH, One Junioi^. against Chevenia High of Port-1 Big "Dutch" Hefner, the former Other Bout* on month. governing the setting of fires and other i^lpment (x>mpletlng tbe Los Angeles, Match 12—(P) — 32-16; Pirates and Isnd, Me., and New Bedford, Mass., Texas A. A M. football linesman H a « w era laat nlfht with the putrict CpAmander As the rivermen say, the river Mass.; also three sisters, Mr*. home at 225 Main atreet, hew to and official dedication, Her of GWatonbury: John K. wen- granting of permits for forest fires second quota of 40 sweaters, 20 Mr. Quish's funeral home at 56 The racing days of the gallant against Psalucket, R. I. . . . and wrestling sUr, will have a, ,.|%linpletloo and omciai nergren/bulldlnif contractor; An- during the paat 24 houra "went off EmUe La Flamroe, Mr*. Archie I Hawks Also Virtors. Ry Jerry Broadfield Daignault of Holyoke and Mra. of all kinds. dresses and ten pelrs of socks, the Park street, Rockvtn*. Seabiscuit are ended. NEA 'service MporU Writer the openers will be played Thurs- rough voyage when he mna up Without much fuss sad their new home to service for drew Anaaldl, brick contractor; the board" completely, meaning The meeUng will open at 10 work of the volunteers has been Tonight only friends will be ad- He ran his last, and greatest, day afternoon and evening, the Mgalnat husky Yvon Robert In the one» » promletog' that It fell below the aero mark Danlsl 1^ Flynn of Manchester, The Suicide* continued to head 1 units and for their friends here, GeorCe Dunkelberger of Wethem- The funet^ will be held from o'clock and at 1 o’clock a dinner sent to War refugees. The work mitted to the fuaerel home and race when he captured the $100,- Here they are—the hot-shots of semi-finals Friday night and the feature bout Thursdev night at terwclght, now comes back to apite of unseasonably cold leld, the architect and Mm. Dun* on the Hood gnuge here. Monday wOl be. served. John Jensen, local Is now well along Into the third private eervlee# will be held there 000 Santa Anita Handicap March the pack in the Y. M. C. A. Inter- finals Saturday night . . Foot Guard Hall, Hartford. De- ring-ware next Tuesday eveidng 1 it was .4 of one foot below aero. the Holmes Funeral home lliura- the 1939-40 basketball season. .—either, the new auditorium on kdberger; Mm. Victor Bronke. and district forest fire warden, haa quota. There trill be sewing to- »morrow morning at 8:15. The 2. The king Is now retired. mediate League, when they defeat- The annual NEA Service All- pending almost entirely upon hi* the Manchester Sport Center M.J Thla doea not mean that the day morning at 8:30 and St. made arrangements for the meet- ffilenard street was packed with a Mm. Charlee Holllater. Bridget's church at • o'clock. The morrow from 10 to 12 and 1 to 3 three bodies, each in a eepar^e A brief, but formal, announce- American team, baaed on recom- great hulk and sheer strength, full fledged light heav Mr*. Margaret Bradley, presi- atream bed waa bone dry. Zero on ing to be held in Manchester. at the Y with instructions and ed the Hornets last night at tha Basaick Is rated a favorite to aoentative gathering of mem- funeral home will be open from 6 hearse, will leave Rockville for BL ment yesterday by wealthy Charles mendatlon.v of (X)achos and sports gain the finals and It’s likely that "Dutch" has made short work In They did not pick out any 1 •nd friend* of the ex-servlM dent of the. Dllworth-Cornoll Aux- the Federal gauge at Bulkeley Dangerous Months patterns available. Any woman Catherine’s church In Broad Brook. S. Howard, the owner, wrote finis North End gym by a *<;ore of Sl- crumpling hls opponents In hla P tAbl€. committee nd round Savold will get on outckx>r shot 34 points against Minnesota this sources’’ would be sent the Finns The funeral of Mra. Enisabeth ...... 29% of the sport; once thought through, gram. Wilhelm Was high for the by a iuiockout. His flashing, knife- at Louis providing the chomp dy Donovan. hooeK to l rlflce and were listed among pari, one moment of silence was cooperation between state and McAdams of 13 Anderson street Industry.” Anaconda ...... winter represents tbe Big Teh reC' If their government requests assist about 50 witnesses criticized the ...... 6 then victor in a dramatic come- Hawks with 10 points, while Skin- like left cut Steele down with lit- beats Paychek. Little Pinkie ord. Champs Show Superior-' might poeelbly win, with luck. Hs Irishmen, win come along' Bw country's honored dead. observed In honor of the honored Federal laws Instead of coercion by was held this afternoon at 2 Armour 111 ...... Obmmander HoUlster Introduced ance. the Federal government," Johnson town government but expressed Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Altken of ...... 33% back that thrilled the nation; once ner bad 8 tallies for Bolton. tle trouble. The kid bad It, the claims he isn’t worried about that. Doug Mills, Illinois coach, calls Is th* one manager with abso- tanm and BtUy Farr. ' dead. o’clock at the Thomas G. Dougan Atchison ...... a plater, now a king—that Is the ity Over wtti face on* of th* boy* Commander and Past Governor Introduced Dorn Not Disclose urse told his colleagues. belief that "not all of the waste of North Main street left by automo- Aviation Corp ...... 6% Box scores: fans said. Paychek la a likable (>® The French premier did not dls Funeral home, .59 Holl street, and the public money can be laid at ...... 16 story of Seabiscuit. Now he’ll Suicides Paychek moved up to top bill- the Intellectual side, he goes for the country and others agree he is job, sven If tho Yanksss K»ould ict Commander Victor W Senator William J. Shea of Man- The Hatch proposal would em- 2:30 at Go.apel hall, with Jamea bile yesterday for a month’s stay Baldwin CT ...... In Exhibition dash* tha I aa toastmaster of tbe eve- chester Introduced Governor Bald- close what course the Allies would the door of the town officials.” ...... 5 graze on hla master’s California P. B. F. T. ing in a hurry aunder the maneu- poetry. His Polish ancestry gives easily the outstanding man In tha chango hands this year, ju there power Federal agencies to with- McCullough of Stratford officiat- in Florida. Balt and Ohio . . . ranch, far from the turf wars. Olovefi. win to the gathering. He stated take If Finland made a public ap- hold loans and grants from states Dual System Blamed Bendix ...... 34% 1 Kosak, r f ...... 4 0-1 8 vering of a promoter and (x>-man- him a natural interest in music Big Ten. He’s cool and smart and Winning by 8*7 Score. le a recurring rumor that th eyl“ ™ “ OokMU UK Mayor’s Address that the chief executive on this oc- peal and still the Scandinavian na ing. ‘The dual system of government The meeting of the Board of Po- ...... 78 Has Earaed Hls Beet 2 Napoli, I f ...... 3 0-0 6 ager Gcrorge. He built a long and he plays' a violin acceptably. has averaged 16 points a game., In which the Civil Service Commis- The bearers were Thomaa Little. Beth Steel ...... Seabiscuit, said Mr. Howard, . ___ _ tba Voastmaster Bronke called upon casion marked hi* third appear- tlons opposed passage of British sion found that state-Federal em- under which they work must share lice Commlsaionera, which waa to Beth Steel 7, pfd ...... 119 0 Holmea, If . . . . .2 0-0 4 string of victories, achieved most- Quiet, unassuming, Johnny is a By Oayl* TKbe* ance in this town to similar affairs French troop* over their soil. William McBride, Robert Sloan. the “ responsibility” said the re- ...... 23% simply, has earned retirement. His 1 Wajner, c . . . . 6 2-6 12 ly by knockout, throughout tbe tenacious battler in the ring. He’s Glaiaack got the center post' As foe"the*^Red***tSly’ aron't 1 ^ man of the Board ot Belect- ployes had been politically active. Elijah Jackson, Joseph Simmons. have been held tonight, has been Borden ...... Tampa, FI*, March 12—(ff>— Davld Chambers for an offl- and that fact showed hi* Interest When asked by what means and port. “For the taxpayers to be postponed. The commission was ...... 6% puree winning record of $437,730, 1 Genovesi, e .. . . 0 0-0 0 next 12 months. faat for a heavjrwelght and may tlon by the narrowest of mar- doing 00 good. There to a ebrnto tweiing With the resumption of debate, Robert Guthrie. Burial waa in Can Pac ...... set In the triumph of tbe $100,000 Those of us who wondered leK tatement. "Mayor” Cham- In the affair* of the ex-soldlers what routes the Allies could move none could tell how long it would burdened with two police depart- to have considered (xintract for <3aae ( 4 . I . ) ...... 68% 0 Lucas, Fry, rg . .0 0-0 0 Although hla opponent^ didn’t give Louis an interesting evening. gins over Jack Harvey of Colorado mounting douM among trakiliig . ^ In hi* usual good vein, told and sailors. to Klnlnnd’s support a government the East cemetery. ments, two executive departments ...... 3 7 % Santa Anita handicap, will stand 1 Gabby, I g ...... 0 0-0 0 and Virgil Wllkerson of Southern tell how long the Cincinnati Reds camp observere that they wUI be' Alien nncK M w w take the Senate to reach a vote on gasoline for use In the police (mrs Cerro De Paa . . . . until another, but never a more Although John Smith Kpf tha Legion's many long years of Governor Baldwin lauded the ef- spokesman said: the Hatch legislation, which it re- and other lesser duplications of and also tbe erection of the speed Chea and Ohio ...... ,\.... 40 1 Tenney, Ig . . . I 0-0 2 Methodist. Tbs North Carolina and New York Yankees could havO able to repoat In ‘ the Nattonel forts of Senator Shea In the Gen- •That Is a secret of the future municipal actlvlUes necessarily gallant, champion comes along. 0 junior, from JohnKown, P * , Xblnmy Altori o f Mertdeii i f-Bissttng In buildings not their own fused to shelve yesterday. signs on town controlled street* Chrysler ...... \ ... 88% AKrauckas, Ig 0 0-0 0 oe on p l^n g the World Sertee Leagu* deeplt* tha auperlorlty of bs fallsd to (lar eral Aasembly. He aald that Sen- Daladicr said that the British leada 'to Inefficiency and waate In ...... 120% Howard and hit famed old train- standa 6 feet 5 and has an amas- for* the Reds won a gam* had i feut la spite of It all the unit, aa- Hatch told reporters that "I hope Peace Hopes Are Coca C ola ...... er, Tom Smith, considered sending Slip Madigan Ousted K their pitching. They etUl must I Ta** m S a Ib Md i ltBtsd greaUy by the auxiliary, ator Shea, although nominally French decision to aid Finland in there won’t be a filibuster-the ma- the management of the town’s The final allotment of $13,000 Col Gaa and El ...... 6% 7 IS 2-7 32 Ingly successful pivot shot with tbe queatlon parUaUy answered, be counted the favorite* but un- to the fine comradeship quiet, waa not timid when It came case ahe called for help was reach- business." ...... 64% Seabiscuit pos^ard again, possi- Horaets either bond. Moat of bis 458 pointe at leaK. when the champs poured lees they solve their outfield pcob- New jority of the Senate wants this bill from state funds to be used In the Coml Inv Tr ----- bly In the $50,000 gold cup at during the troublesome time to take the floor In the Senate ed at the meeting of the Supreme Brighter Today The area of the city of Stam rebuilding of the dams In Bolton ...... 14 Vi P. B. F. T. this year were scored in that man' It In on again in an exhibition lem there might be a decided s l ^ v tS x ^ n M m w w AJtori for aomethlng that ho-.knew was to pass." Comi S o lv ...... Hollywood Park here this summer, ner. Hls average is a fraction bet- of 1918 and began a fine se- War Ccmncll Feb. 2. Approves Deficiency Bill ford, which Ilea within the bounds as a WPA state wide project, was Ckxia Edison ...... 31V4 0 Simpson, rf ... . 0 0-0 0 As St. Mary’s Coach betUs here yesterday, 8 to 7. .. a . »t i>»i. w th. I of community proJecU that vital to his constituents. At the prcmler’a reqiieat the de- of the town, Is approximately one- ...... 7% but decided ogainK It, although it 1 Brooks, rf . . . . . 0 0-0 0 ter than 18 a game. They nuuSe It five In a row tor The ex-service men In their reg- Before taking up the Hatch bill (tiontlniied from Page One) granted today by Governor Bald' Cons Oil ...... eeemed reasonable to believe the __greaUy benellttcd the town as puties poatponed their scheduled the .mnate approved and returned fifth the toUI of that of the town...... 46% 1 Griswold, If .. . .1 0-0 2 Despite hls sise Glamack moves Joe McCarthy's mighty crew over ular post work learn to give that win. This makes the total amount Cont Can ...... beloved thoroughbred uld have gracefully and goes great on re- .‘Whole and also Uje town's offl- interpellation on the Finnish situ- ta itie House for consideration of dressed a "friendly” remark to one The chief executive of the town la of the project $49,748. Work waa Com Prod...... 62% 1 Rickerd, c . . . , . 1 0-2 2 the receipts reached .a high of the Natlonef Leaguer* and, al- introduced. "something" in service unobtalned ation until next Tuesday. March 19. First Selectman George Barrett, ...... 83% added one more victory and an- 0 J. Zapetkm, c . . 0 Board Decides Not to bound work. Oitlce rated him the ^€ial leaders. Mr. Bronke called up- in no other way. the Governor amendments ‘ he first deficiency ap- of the Finnish delegates, Dr. Juhu started on the rebuilding o f the Douglas Aircraft 0-0 0 $174,671. though they did not treat Ernie °?*‘ ll«d nothing to do witt hto Mra. Chambers for InUoduc- and of the city Mayor Charlea E...... 187% other big purae to hla record. 1 Finnegan, rg . . 0 0-8 outstanding Southern Oonfereoc* Loeobardt like a tackling dummy said. Comradeship in the service propriations bill. ' Kiistl Paaatkivl, saying that had dams last ‘Thursday, 35 Manches- Du Pont ...... 0 Renew Contract of Ten yean after Madigan cam* player of the laat 10 years aa the The measure, carrying $92,777.- Paaslklvt continued to head the Moore. Both are Republicans...... 1 5 3 Brilliant races, hard luck races, 0 Lukas, r g ...... 0 0-1 0 to St. Mary's from-Columbia Col- this time, th* Yanks otherwte* the Reito still look like they — 1 and later in the post rooms give* Ger m a ns A m b ush ter men being employed on the Eastman Kodak fabukxis rewards and heart-break- Tarheele captured tbe league The Legton wa.s extremely for- 021, wae $2,707,882 above the sum Finnish group in ,pre-war confer- Tbe jurors told the court that It work, which Is under the direction EIm Auto Lite ...... 39% 1 Pearl. Ig . . . . .6 0-2 12 Gaels' Grid Mentor; lege at Portland. Ore., now the displayed about the same margin *d a couple of ouUtelden to team [tbrM «itom ^oungst^l to the member participating a had made "no apecifle investiga- 39% ing eethaclu stand out In Sea- 0 A. Rice, Ig ... crown. of Buporiority as they dM In tbe ^4unate laat night in having as F re n ch P a t rol / approved in the House. The bill ences last fall, the war could have of state engineers sent from the Gen ElecKlee ...... 0 0-0 0 University of Portland, tbe enroU- deeper love of country. ' tion” into the affairs of the city of biscuit's history. He was the Had Job "for 18 Years. Bobby Moers, Taxes' contribu- [''Mwlr guests a majority of the Spewka Of Soertfloea Paris. March 12— A French provides $60,009,000 for soil con- been jwolded. WPA office In New Haven. Gen Food* ...... ment had grown to more than 700, tion at one guard. Is from Houston Mg autumn buK. be hM falM d oomo pouiMS ^ before tbe ftnt ' ' " ng group of Gold Star Stamford “without aome tan^ble handicap champion of the nation 5 8 0-8 16 Win TVhen They Fleas*. •ince tbe World Beriei. Harry r® n g S to n u K ioetteiw Governor Baldwin spoke in patrol was ambuahefr by the Ger- servation payments. That appr^ YgsMhlay’e opUmiom In this Gen Motors ...... * • • • "*% In 1937 and 1938, and met defeat and the “Galloping Oaels" were and at 5 feet 10% Incbse. la the ers. Toastmaster Bronke glowing terni* of the sacrifices mans In the Nle<^ver sector Inst priatlon originally waa lnclud*»-in lavish capital that peace would basis which Is lacking for such ah Mrs. George Bellows of North GUIetto ...... Score at half, 15-10. Referee. Son Francisco, March 12.— — known In the best tootbeU drcle* In other words, tbey gave th* rtlU to to • Feto Vd both years in the one race Howard Oowles. smallest of the five. They call him upon those Gold Star moth- made to their country by Rev. and night, but the French command the regular agriculture suOTly result from the Moscow'meetings extension of their Inquiry.” Main street attended the opening Hudson Motors ...... Edward P. (Slip) Madigan, who Bounding Bobby and the n* Impreoeioa that they eouM wtn elunp. Hto bdttuiB wealuieM|||m wfll trot out s oewooiw present, seated directly In "There doea not seem sufficient wanted to win — the Santa Anita whenever they pleased. They the Tanka a^tod la the vrnSernm Mra. P. J. O. Cornell In giving In aald today that It managed to re- measure for the fiscal year begin- shaded off into uncertainty today of the International Flower show Int H a rv ...... Handicap. 1 ( raised St. Mary's Gollege from ob- tjrpifies w play. at of the Governor at an ad- supreme sacrifice their sons, turn to Ita own lines without losses ning July 1, but later was deleted with a feeling that the Russians justification for undertaking It at yesterday aftemexm at the Grand Int Nick ...... Pirates till are the heet. and there Isn't Mor^ef MaaebeKar. In 1987 Roeemont edged him out scurity to national prominence on Last Night's Fights SouthwoK Oonferene* coaches center table, to rise. The Adolph and John A. Cornell. The after a jbfief sklnrtlsh. from that bill and included In the may have enlarged their demands. thla tlms,” the body added. Central Palace, New York City. Int Tel and Tel ..... P. B. F. T. my be Is the greatest ball-handler a club In training today with any that it to doubtful ha oaa ba oouat- msi weill” VudrOlo haa emblage gave the mothers a Some Officials Named by a nose. Stagehand repeated the 2 Gallnat, rf . . . 6 0-2 football' gridirons, was out of hls real bor in the 1940 World SeriK . Md hitting' lout anothw boy tvho mother who had given to the Un- , both sides, the command added. able. , - to nervousness over out(x>me of o f ' orchids, acacia, rhododendrons, Lehigh Val Rd . . . . In November of the same year, Chicago—Kid McCoy, 141, De- nts a gam* remarkably high The Gold Star mothers at the ion six sons In the Civil War. aa ’The high command communique ’The Senate also received from the negotiations. it had submitted the report in formal gardens and a prize water- U gg and Myers B . 0 Stone, I f ...... 0 0-0 0 but their reason tor the sudden ac- *.OT a guwd. Yeatorday the Rede didn't have gomtvSdrintfastahlo _ Bqebiacuit nron Ahat was then his 1 Bart, c ...... troit, outpointed Gene Spencer, to look at Jo* Dl Meggio, Bill working hard with Mike MoOor- Zuita a ronutatkm arawK table .last night were: Mra. Nlco- applicable In testimony to the: said: "nothing of ImporUnce to re- Its Interstate Commerce Cbnimlt- Insist Demands Modified ,Which it criticised many town ac- fall garden on the main floor. The Loevria ...... 2 1-2 5 tion Was undiacloseA grsateK race. He defeated Samuel 1 132, Chicago (8). Dickey or Red Ruffing, Um three mick. who hit .88 with Indton- - 5j(." Ifoa Anderson. Mrs. Elizabeth great sacrlllce* In thla century port In the course of the night." tee a-recommendation that an In- Earlier, aome Scandinavian tivities and loipe of tba town o f- cut flowers displayed by private Lorlllard . Diet* c ...... 1 0-0 2 Hie board demmercial growers, and the Mont Ward ...... their fhtnous match race at PhU' Terra M u te, Ind., welterweight, M. at the other guard, was the " ‘Mrs. Mary Irish. Mrs. Catherine ture of the citizens of the Uhlted wire-tapping and souncl recording man Barrett; Town O>mptroller exhibiU by the garden clubs, Mrs. Nash Kelv ...... 1 Tuttle, I g ...... 3 0-0 6 It expires March 81, 1941, and aa- outstanding member df Hanry misery in the World SOrie* yK 14 tor Bjraringhan hK too U kiito^ night K too was modifying her demands to the lico. 1 Frye. Ig ...... nounoed the decision in tslMraniii outpointed Bobby WUson, Orlando th* result was the earn* Jo* ‘Oip^cte are not taiMrinBs MiK ammt A McCann, Mrs. Eva White, Mrs. States, able without restraint of devlcea. The committee accused extent of not asking for possession William D. Hart; his former de- Bellows says, seem more abundant Nat Blsc . / ...... 0 1-2 1 lha's greaT quintet which loK Its n ^^Mary Newman and Mrs. Ellen ax Collector law-enforcement agencies of hav- puty, William L. Shea; and town In 1936, when Howard, San Fran' dls^tcbed to newspaper* 'fhar*- Baltimore—Chalky Wright, 185 Oordoa knocked aeroee the wla- mKek. though amepBanally|C^^e Bmoko ShaL any kind to live, think, feel and of Hanko, a southwest coast for- and more beautiful than at previ- Nat Cash Reg . . .. . clseo auto magnate, decided to go 1-4, Lm Angeles, knocked out to Kaases and than won 24 1' Begerdahl. Present, also, were two act In true democratic manner ing "Inveatlgated and ''atalpgUM engineer Llewelyn Bromfield. ous New York show* Nat Dairy ...... > • • a 7 20 4-10 44 after the board memben vanished ;ht, tbe beK streak In th* ning run In the eighth, tike eome toK, haa bit aaaed «on g and Aland Inlands, retention of epoMored by the MaaascbusetU Phelps D od g e...... Pari* 0 ...... 0 0-0 0 enough to average seven pointe a . Mrs. Rose Ubert. the latter now haa aince transpired. He said that to the Senate the knotty quertlon a stmuous two-year-old cam- 1 Vines* rg ...... 3 0-1 Oakland brought only the response N. C. (10). game. Isn’t a peregim of managerial Th* eituatlon to a fairly eerioue Pioneers, Attorney William A. Hanna, who certain, other .islands In tbe Gulf Horticultural aoclcty. Other mem- Phil Pet ...... paign, poaseased, it seemed, of 6 Portland, Me.—Coley Welch, being a resident of Los Angeles, .somehow no-noble effort la ever of what to do about personal In- Musica Coup Pub Sere N J . . . . 2 Bricb, I g ...... 1 0-0 2 that he waa "out.” Among the forwards who rated eourtaey and glad to talk, but on*. Of odure* tbe Rede won was speaker of the State House of of Finland and a new Karelian bers of the club attending tbe little that was outstanding except 163, Portland, outpointed Frenkl* with toe eeme sort of outfield but CaUf. lost anr' that^^^lt %as hla firrn beUef, come questions In the 1940 c e n s ^ New York show will be Mrs. P. L. Radio ...... 1 L Jarvl* Ig .. . 0 0-0 0 J. Philip Murphy, chairman of conslderatloo but toll juK short ot what con th* man, M y? He " Toastmaater Bronke reviewed that It waa God’s plan to work out Representatives in 1936 when ietbmus border, leaving Viq^uri on a pair of sore knees, Seabiscuit the St. Mary’s board of athletic Nelron. 157, Davenport, la. (10). knows that he has one of th* year, and with Lombardi In a hit- Lown waa a memter. The committee recommend^ ^ Davis of South Main street and Rem Rand ...... top ranking were Freak OtrswaU Tha Oak Fhr* woo ta the early meeting places of the everything for the best, and that the vote of 9 to 7 ^ a t the Senate the Finnish,side but Incorporntlng (Ooattnned From Page One) was aold tor a song. 11 control, announced the body not Ban Antonio, Tex.—Kid Aztec* of Rice’s SouthweK Oonferene* greateK bell clubs th* game hoe ting slump, becauso of their pitch- Several town ofn

The Detective BY ERED HARMAi r<.\ RED RYDER cszKraRTCoTA \ « 0 r t v t u - u c ( . HIDOOWM Sense and Nonsense riJOG VUH AOAiM~ (Eta B M V mtJ' L0^m 4 mwcmriM 4DM 7 THE GREIAT I AM BEING ON THE RIGHT A SOOT SILENT MAN IS 1 am the producer of all go

•V TU1E8DAT. MABCH It, 1940 fIV B LTB itattr^Htnr Cvniitio BwaOi

ICoBiHopolitan Club To Confer Degree Fire Is DiMovered Mary Bushhell C3Mnay auxlUary. To Give Lecture la Reporter’s Gteve V. 8. W. V.. win bold lU regular Great .Flower Exhibit i^About Town buslneaa m e^ng tomorrow eve- At Temple Tonight Musical on iTiday V ning at k o'clock In the State^ At Trade School Tba Herald la able to give an Armory. ' exclusive etory thla morning on p4T. T. a . Toy U b n r y will b* In N. Y. Is.Described a Ore In Manchester that evan • Tbe COsnopoUtan Club will bold An Important roeetliV/bf Maq- tte mni two wMka be> - A ------1------■ ------at thla tline la unkqown to| Its annual musical at the South Rev. Elmer DaalelaoB of Mart- E u g ^ M. Davla, leeal op- eheater lodge of MasoM win be either of the Are departments. i Methodist church, Friday after- i‘ « fp m w v mt o f Om «(|nlpBwnt den. missionary now home on fur- I «M Unton aelioolhoua*. tometrlat/PiU ba tha Apaabar at f <....1 fsitliifalnat <>«>■ aiflass caaa containing held at tha Temple tonight. It le A t 8:01 this morning the odor noon at 2:30 o'clock. lough from TangankOca, East My of tba local SUU LACal Ivarden l!

22 Bank street to 4» Fnir- The I.Afllea Aid society of the 8-10—Two howling alleys re- year. be filled before the rise of the cur- LAUNDRY ild atreet. North Methodlat church will meet served for Hwedlsh group, W. 8. Special Rxhibits tain. Wed. Morning Specials lomurrow afternoon at 2 o'clock 0-10—Two bowling alleys open, I Since It Is Impossible to give an There is reason for this demand SPECIAI> RS. Holy Name Saeicty of St. w. a. at the ehuri'h. A birthday social ailcqiiatP outline of even tlie main for tickets because tlie show l/>- FLAT WORK IwMMs's churrh will meet tonight will follow the biislnesa meeting. TonKirrow: features of this stu|>eiuloim show in night promises to be one of the 12 P I E C E S . Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. 8'.30 near the funeral home of Mra. Mark Holmes la the hoatcas Grand Ontral Palnce, which oc- biggest attractions presented in 5- 0—Business and professional 6 Sheets — 6 Cases '■p. Holloran, at 175 f'enter and ahe will be asslated by Mrs. men’s group. R. 8. cupies four floors, 1 would like to this town for years. There will be haat. to go in a body to the fu- P. C. Mc:Lagnn and Mrs. Walter Volley ball. R. 8. confliio my remarks for the most 60 membera in the chorus. The bome to view the body of Shipman. Hiiiulball, R. 8. part to the particular exhibits show comes from Waterbury Cans ink Gardner, who waa a mem- Carnatioii Milk 4 29c Badminton, W. 8. which most interested me. where it has been presented with |bar of the society. The Rosary will Mrs! I*. R. Brnnnirk, president Individual exercises, F.. 8. Upon entering from Lexington great success by the Sacred Heart pjl6'1»clted. The funeral home will SoftasUk of the Democratic Women's club, 0-7—Handball f/»r men, R. 8. avenue one Is pleasantly greeted Catholic Club. open after 0 o'clock this eve- will preside at the brief meeting by -the itniiaual idantings of acacia untll the time of the funeral sfnall gym. Many spoclaltlea will be intro- Il^ u n l tonioiTow evening at 8 o’clock, 7-8—Boxing for men. E. S. small t>n either side of the main al.sle, l a duced, The costumes and seta and SHIRTS 10c Each Efbunda:y rooming at 8:30. Cake Flour pkg. 2 4 c precc

Brainard Pliiee tional church, and on Thursday March 13 Spring meetingmedlng of tic setting. Before leaving this evening Rev. James K. Bngllsli, After your doctor hM OFFER liklurAtional dub at Lincoln school floor do not fall to view from Lb. 8 p. III. superintendent of the Connecticut the balcony the beautiful gardena Beef Liver 23c Conference of Conpegattonal at 3:30 p. m. finish^ his diagnosis below on the Aral floor. It Is then ^ Friday, March 15 churches will speak, 'following the March 1 5 -St. Patrick's game paVty at Manchester Green achooi, and only then that one can appre- the treatment invari- 0:30 Ix-nten supper for the en- ciate to the fullest extent the tire parish. ausptcea P. T. A. Lb. 23c waterfall In all Ha glory. ably calls for a pre- Lamb Liver March 16 — St. Patrick’s Rve Although the third floor haa a dance at Legion home on Leonard number of unusual exhibits those scription. FULLUSTRE street. of the New York Botanical Gar- lAMOus tm a s Lb. Next Week. dena and the Brooklyn Botanical The quicker you get Bacon 23c ;|nNEHUR8T WEDNESDAY SPECIAL WILL BE . . , March 17—Preaentatlon of the V _ t t O O t POUSH Gardena were to me roost capUvat' "Messiah” by Emanuel and Chapel. Ing. The Brooklyn Botanical Gar- that prescription, the Pftll MTH ivtav PaUIR .T r f s h l f B a k e d cboira of Emanuel Lutheran church at 7 p. m. \ sooner you can start MIYIIIOPHIADQQ* , C O C O A N U T M A C A R O O N S $1.4* WITH NANOU Mti / March 23—Antiual meeting of taking the medicine. ^ ^ Brltlsh-American club. A FultwlM **lllll>< Smt h MNf 2 5 c pound Coming Events. That Prescription Can Be Mw OfV M** Manchester Dry Geanors The last time our baker made these up for us we sold IM March 2t—Ehister Sunrise. Serv- G. E. WlUIS In Your Hands In Leas Than I avialy oad ^ pomds at 20c a pomd . . . they wvrr good value at that price ice at Old Golf Lots on Raat Cen- 195 Center Street An Hour By Phoning . . . o« this 2Sc special, we expect to cell 150 pounds between 7 ter street, 5:15 a. m.‘ aart It o'clock W’^ncoday. The store doses at noon . . . ao March 35—Knights of Cikilum' & SON, Inc. Have Yonr Clothes Geaned* please 'phone your order early . . and check the Macaroona bus Easter ball at Sports Center. 1 aaw . . . your family will enjoy them. 2 Main St. Phone 5125 March 27—Dessert-Bridge. Man' Brightened and Renewed for Easter.

Chester Republican Women’s club 7057« Fresh, Lean, Ptnehurat Watch for Our Advt. in the Classified Section at the Y. M. C. A. A complete line of Becauae we wili cail for PIN E H U RST SPARERIBS...... Ib. I5c March 30 ~ M. H. S.-AIumnl _oftheNew_Phon^^ your prewription and deiiv- Kraut .. ,9r lb„ H lbs. 2&c Ball at Sports Center for benefit Frame and Finish of Verplanck Fund auspices of *er it to y o u r home, c are fu ily 3-HOUR SERVICE PHONE 7254 FISH Erkhurdl’N Frankfurls Lumber, CemeiiL Tile lownr Manchester College Club. compounded. Wednesday Morning Only! IN MKt April 1-2 — A 3-sct play "The and Masons' Supplier ACAimr AU Bishop Misbehaves" by the Man- Mrtetly Freah Freshly Ground, Tasty, Bacon We Are At Ypur Service! COMTAMON Wrapiwd chester Community Players at Painters* Supplies. HALIBUT OR Whltnn Memorial hall. FULLER BRUSH CO. SALMON', lb. . 49c La m b Pa tties April 4—"NelghborsS Night" of Scandia Lodge. Order of Vasa, at Old Company's QUINN'S jDALL laak Cod. Orange hall. ENTEaraisE isio . LEHIGH V ALLEY ! fn e t of Sole. 4 for 2 5 c Lehigh Coal, Fresh. Selected, Genuine (Tup April 17 — Reunion of class of 1030 of Manchester high school at PHARMACY iMUder Fillets, Grade) lackrrel Fillets. Hold Sheridan. Fuel Oil Coke CALVES’ LIVER April 20—Third Annual Found- Molted Haddock L'lllels. Ib. .'18c er's Bsll of Temple Beth Sholom Automatic Heat That la L d a m s . O y s t e r s . Sliced R acun...... Ib, ’J.'ic at Mssonic Temple. April 21—Fourth annual ban- * Economical Beef Liver. LV CHICKEN CHOP SCRY quet Giuseppe Garibaldi society. Beef Kidneyn Sub Alpine club. Sic lb. • Uniform 2 for 25c 15c each With The Electric Furnace POPULAR


Cars Washed ma r k e t ThaCaUTbattSaHdias It costs only $1.00 to 855 Main Street * « ? ‘**S*' B * * ^ * * * Bpeolal Wednesday Morn- "Where Thrifty Shoppers Shop" ing! Birds Eye Baby drive a clean car. Por Tonr Posco of Mind LIM A BEA N 5 Try Wednesday Morning Specials Boy Lohlgh ’Valldy Coal— Box 2 0c store Clesed At I P. M. WednemU^w. Cut Corn, Aapuragus Ups, COOK'S A fuel yon can depend on in aU kinds of urcsther. Cauliflower, Green or Wax TRRR riEI.IVERY! DIAL 4488 Hollywo^ Service Beaiia, Peas. Carrota and Lehigh Valley Coal is not a fair weather friend. It won't Pena. FKBSH 342 EfMt Center Street go back on you when you need It aioet.

E\»r Try iTel. 3987 InaUllsd On Budget Tcraw. 1 OYSTERS ^ CaU us today and let ns supply yon with emmgk to BRUSSELS SPROUTS FILBTS IVS SteU «w Box 25c carry you throui^ tho babuice of tho.houting season.

Ike pefee af I Strawberries, Youngberriea pMI ______17e lb. ______Bed Beapherrira

m at rtneliurat . . French Fried Oalon*. lie can. Fun For All— Wed., Thors., FrLv 8»t. ■end buy . . . Do you Ulcu mnoornT Buy thla oomMns- SUCSB Kopper^ Coke -- FtMl Oil ^ ^ . . . l U . K Etootrtc PopiiMr uad 1 cm WcoMn OU . . . Roll Butler eSe . . . $1.M yrtae, they MB u*. Bora*' SOY BEAN ROLLER SRAVniQ I Leaf Cheese Me hen. and Bntiui' Onnhar Bm Aacorted Cracker*. 28c. THURSDAY NIGHT . SWEBTHBART NIGHT! S IbA 88c. Mhp* rinrayylra, 18c ench. Special Prliea! Spcdsl Gsaies! ,3 1 e ib . Umu At Moen WuSnraSuy . DW .0ISL antoEDObil#. Door'Prixe: 1 Pair Chicago Shoe Skates. 2 Je lb. I M a n d i e i t e p ^

High School Nights We4aes4sy and Tbarsdsy.

They'rs An RoWag At Tka FUHIIDA ORANGES Liiittbcr $4 Fuel Co. 1 GRAPEFRUIT nl L/rvcc/v vu Raaoan PauL Mgr. Manchester Spiurls Cem ^, W dls St. DtHL 3 for lOf 2 25« CRNTBRSTOBBT PHONE 5148 (N f Roller Skating This Sunday Aitenwon Only.) ____ ^ .I’-.. ' :