'V -/- J Average Doily Clrcnlntion The Weather For Ihe Mouth of February. 1910 Ferecaat'ol U^S. WeuUter Bureun Fhlr.und not qMto ue ouM to- nights iWedueeday cloudy, rielug 6,355 tesuperatme followed by wmmf In Mousbar «t tha Audit Mm u f t a m o o u kt night. Oureuu uf Ctreulatioue Manchester-— City of Village Charm / tUleaeWled Advurtlsiibg eu Page 10) MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESD.VY', MARCH 12.1940 (TWELVE PAGES)., PRICE THRER VOL. LIX„ NO. 188 Bootleg Alki Firemen Save 20 Willi LadtU'rs Urges Hatciv Bill J Allied Troops Ready ^ Basis of First ' Cover^T^resident Musiea Coup To Aid Finns; Peace I ‘Dietrich* Says Merw in And His Cabinet ' And Phillips l^aughcd Smith Rec'pllla Efforts 100 Parking Meiers Arc Over ‘Legal' Practices; Prospects Brighte Of Roosi^elt in 1938 Smashed by Molorist Says They Got Bonus. Huntington. W. V«., March ’ To Defipht Certain Can- Now York, March 12. —(J*!—! Nnluralizvd CUixen Is 12.—(Ah—Police are recking a Opiiniisni Replarcs lin*' Daladler Says Tr didate^, who Opposed motorist who apparently I Grorgo E. Dlctrich-Musica, 46. ac- ' <‘4‘rlaiiity in Political l*Htrio(ic Until Death Fully Equipped Holiries, in Deniocralic (ioc.on't like the' city'r l.'JOd ! knowloilgrd in fodorni rourl twlay , parking racterr arid took an ! that the chief proilud of a Mount . < iin'Ics al SitH'k- Inglewood, Calif., March 12. With Transports 1 emphatic way of registering hie. —i/Ti—Brltlsh-bom Mrs. Bessie Primaries Contests. Vernon, N. Y., drug company disapproval. j holm; Definite Soviet i Owen,' 47, wss told several At Embarkation Pof 1 headetl by his brother, the late F. r Detective Roy B. Hagely Terms Reported Deliv-, mouths ago she could not re-, Force Concentrate4 XVashington, March 12.— said approximately 100 meterr | I Donald Coater-Muslca. was a , cover from her lllncas. She aalil I shampoo which could be diverted i she wanted to become an Amer- : /A P )—Senator Smith (D., In the downtown district had I er4*tl to Fiiiiiisli Dele- i Two Points on En| been smarhed with some heavy ! I Into alcohol for bootleg purpose.*, j lean cltlren before she died. i "S. C.), iirgcii in the Senate It was on the strength of this | Instrument and put out of com- gallon; Officials .\re .Inn. 12 slie flnisbed her citl-j t^hannel and Atl today that the president and mission. The officer said no ] product, the witness said, that j zennhip requirements. • ! Coster-Musica pyramided hls bu.si- j In ^Goiislant Session. Coasts; Reply Ex| hi8 cabinet be included in coins were taken. Yesterday she died. Her last, Hatch act restrictions on ness to gain control of the old and | ikxirds were “God bless A m er-1 political activity by Federal reputable, drug firm of McKesson Bulletin! Paris, March 12.— (AP)^ and Robbins, which subsequently -4 Premier Daladler told a ch employes. - as looted to the extent of 321,- Helsinki, .March 12, (8:40 "Let's be brave." Smith told his ing Chamber of Deputisfi $300,000 fioss 000 000 p. m.— 1 :t0 p. m.. ejt.t.)— colleagues, "let's clean house where Dletrlch-Muslca testified • that (A P)— .\ Finnish offirini said day that 50,000 French the cleaning should be done." , in 1924 the Mount Vernon firm, British Troops British troops, fully equi| Without mentioning President I under the name of Girard and tonight that Parliament, Roosevelt by name. Smith recalled By Stamford, and with transporta ' Company, had a net Income of which must pass on anv the Chief Executive's efforts In , 835.000 and within two years, aft- terms of peace with Soviet, On War Front are at embarkation 3938 to defeat certain candidates I er moving to Bridgeport. Conn., ready to go immediat ill the' Democratic Congressional Jury Reports Russia, had not taken any: i th'! business had expanded 500 per Finland if tha^ country primaries who had opposed his _____ ! c e n t . action up to early this eve-', policies. « ! Double Forces licly appeals for aid A L au g h in g M a tte r ning. It was indicated (hat ai Smith was one of those whose j No Indictment Brought Asked to explain the huge In- secret session of ParliameAt I I Soviet Russia. The si defeat the President sought, but . » i . i crease, Dietrlch-Mustca related a the South Carolinian told the Sen- A f iv is e d g 1 tionary force is concent But Arrests conversation he said he and hls I would he held later tonight or 316v000 Soldiers Sent ate this was not the reason for his tomorrow. Officials, however, at two porta on the El statement. Only Part Stolen But brother hod with Rowley W. Phll- To France Since Start (Channel and Atlantic Used Pobver In Slutea n, . ™r /-> . I Ups. an Investment broker of Wa- would not comment on th is' IVRStage W as Vtreat. | terbury, and Horace B. Merwin, Of Conflict; Aid for the premier aaid, addlog;< The President, Smith said, had possibility. The most common' gone into various states and "used ----- I prcsricient of the Bridgeport Trust Firemen a t Lowell. Mass., had their hands Dill bringing 20 persons opinion among informed ob- i ie expected “a deciiiva: Co., both of whom are on trial Finland Is Discusfied. his tremendous power, the power Bridgeport. March 12.— {/P) —A down ladders to safety diiKiiig ii lire In n parking plant. The, 20 had servers here was that Mme swer” from Finliuid todfji^ of hls office" to denounce members grand Jury charged today that with three others for alleged been trapped on tlio anidkc-fllUd upper flours by ablaze on the ground fraud. kind of honorable peace was London, March 12—(F)-«-Allied one sense or the otheii'.’* ^ of the Democratic party. through "sheer wsste. lack of floor. Here, four women ai-c helped down ladders. Note man In "Why should we curtail the little "Menvin and Phillips said there smoke-filled window behind ccnfbr flreman, help to t Fialand, promlaed by Valno Tanner, to* FliiifiHi'| in the immediate offing. An etgn mlalster, has promised a ( fellow and leave out the greatest proper management and the reck- was a rumor around Bridgeport Prime MinUtar CTiamberiala and political office we arc capable of less expenditure of public funds" that we were diverting alcohol," official announcement was ex- to the Allied offer* 04 aM Premier Daladler it Finland aaka day's meeting of tha F( giving a man—the Chief Executive tbe town of Stamford in the past he said. * pected tonight or t*>morrow of the United States who uses hls “My brother told them that I to clarify the status of the It, waa discuBsed anew today as Uament which Is ooosM live years had lost a sum"co% Britain Indicated ah* baa aa many sla’a terms of peace, tbs' office to discredit a faithful mem- servatlvely estimated” In excess of everything he was doing was per- ' 104-day-old war in the north. ber of thla body? fectly legal, remarking: 'people will Red Arid Continues aa 816,000 soldleia in Franca tor aoaerttd. $300,000. use on the wMtern front. Depend* ea FhH| CMie, "Why don’t we condemn, the The charge was made in a report drink almost anything these (pro- Chief Executive of the United hibition) days, and anything that Stockholm. March 12.^— The olM of to* British Bxpadl Bending of to* expedit' submitted to Superior Ck>urt Judge I (AP) — The prospects of tlonary Fore* wna dlackw d in tb* ^de on Flnhmd’s eholea ' States who rides ruthless and Carl Foster by tbe Jury, which be- has alcohol In it eventually goea to rough ahod over a lesser one politi- the bootleggers." Advancinj Along Bay House of Oommona by War Brcra- Rusata'a tarma aad u 1 gan an Investigation of Stamford {peace in Finland appeared to tary Oliver titanley in prwMntlng llo and dlract, to toa At cally T municipal affairs on Jan. 23. Dietrich-Musica said everybody { take a marked upswing this "If we're going to be men and at the meeUng "laughed the mat- a 'token" budget to provide fund* Daladlar said. The Jury said that only a com- ; afternoon as optimism re- for the Army, Any Flnnlab appeal na have clean politics let's have a paratively small part of the loss ter off.” Russians Keep Up Un* clean President and a clean Cabi- Million For Old Conrern jlles’ Visit i placed uncertainty in politicgl He aeld it was "Improper and must ba public aad dlraet’l suffered by the town could be at- relenting Pressure on und*eir«bta to attempt to toreeast coma official Scandinavtta < net.' tributed to criminal acts. The witness said his brother pur- circles here. Aftemocfli ntwa- Some Reatriettona Do Anhpply chased M^Kcsaen and Robbins for what taak" Britlob solders may, be Uoa to toa- paaaaga a< Replying to Smith, Senator All AvsMtole Northwest Shore, Aim- papers warned against too called on to fulfill in to* ftitu^. troopa over toair aotl, toa : "Practicelly allII oof f tthis h i s Iestimated 11,000,000 in 1026, with the financ- Ra^ed Topic Hatch (D„ N. M.) declared that ing of the tranaacUon carried ont ing to Encircle VHpuri. much optimism, however^ Even Merc Oaaento Offer declared. some of the restrictlona in the ex- loss.” the report eaid, “could have Krltfitn’a ally made aif oven Daladler .disclosed that ae l been avoided by efficientv admlbie- by a banking syndicate headed by while carrying reports that isting antl-poUttcs law do apply Merwin and Pauitps.
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