Date: 24 March 2016


Town Clerk



2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations of interests in relation to items on the agenda

3. DISPENSATIONS To considers requests for dispensations on declarations of interest

4. COMMUNITY PHARMACY To receive a presentation from Mark Taylor, Manager, Penryn Surgery, on the implications of the proposed funding cuts to community pharmacies

5. UNIVERSITY GROWTH PLANS To receive a presentation on the growth plans for the combined universities of Exeter and Falmouth

6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION An opportunity is provided for members of the public to address the Town Council concerning matters on the agenda. Members of public who wish to speak should contact the Town Clerk by 5.00 p.m. on Monday 4 April to register. For full details of procedures for public speaking at Council meetings, or how to raise issues which are not on the agenda, please visit the Town Council’s website, , click on the link below, or visit the Town Council offices and request a copy:

Protocol for Public Speaking at Council Meetings

PLEASE NOTE: This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be


aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.

7. MINUTES To approve as a correct record minutes of the Council meeting held on 7 March 2016 [Pages 3–6]

To note the minutes of the Penryn Week Committee held on 23 February 2016 [Pages 7–10]

To note the minutes of the Penryn Week Committee held on 29 February 2016 [Pages 11–14]

To note the minutes of the Penryn Week Committee held on 16 March 2016 [Pages 15–17]

8. CORRESPONDENCE To receive items of correspondence

9. MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ENGAGEMENTS To note the Mayor’s announcements and engagements between 29 February and 28 March 2016 [Page 18]


11. REPORT FROM THE TOWN CLERK To receive an update report from the Town Clerk [Pages 19–20]

12. ACCOUNTS To approve a list of accounts paid and the monthly statement for the period 1 to 29 February 2016 [Pages 21–32]

13. SITE ALLOCATION DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT To consider the final draft Falmouth and Penryn Site Allocation Development Plan Document [Pages 33–34]

13. PLANNING APPLICATIONS To consider planning applications submitted for observations [Page 35]

14. RECOMMENDATION FROM THE COMMUNITY EMERGENCY PLAN WORKING PARTY To note the minutes of the meeting of the Community Emergency Plan Working Party and to consider a recommendation to approve the Penryn Community Emergency Plan [Pages 36–38]

15. CEMETERY FEES To consider a proposal to remove the burial fees for residents aged 17 years [Pages 39–42]

16. MEMORIAL BENCHES To consider quotes for replacement memorial benches in the Memorial Gardens and Old Gentlemen’s Shelter [Page 43]

17. COMMUNITY GRANTS To consider requests for Community Grants [Pages 44–46]


18. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To resolve that in accordance with Section 1 of the Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960 the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item by reason of the confidential nature of the item. Proceedings, apart from any resolutions passed, shall remain confidential.

19. PENRYN LIBRARY HEADS OF TERMS To agree in principle Heads of Terms for the transfer of Penryn Library from to Penryn Town Council



Councillors Present:

M Snowdon – Town Mayor Mrs M V Bennett, Mrs G A Grant, K S Green, Mrs B Hulme, R P Mitchell, M J Mullins, Mrs S Peters, C S F Smith, C K Wenmoth and E L Wilkes


Apologies were received from Councillors Mrs M K May (Cornwall Council business) and G C Rickard (ill).


There were no declarations of interest.


There were no requests for dispensations.


Brett Jackson, Artistic Director of the Swamp Circus Trust, gave a presentation on the TREI Children’s Library Project, a two year project funded by Comic Relief and the Health Trust and based in Penryn Library. The funding would provide 2 x 2 hour sessions per week of creative activities for up to three years in groups of no more than 20 at a time. Mr Jackson advised that the Swamp Circus Trust had experience of working with young people not in employment, education or training and from Pupil Referral Units and had an 86% success rate in getting young people to progress into work.


The Town Clerk advised that no requests had been received from members of the public wishing to speak at the meeting.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 1 February 2016 be approved and signed as a correct record.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs G A Grant and seconded by Councillor Mrs S Peters

The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 15 February 2016 were noted.

The minutes of the meeting of the Staffing Committee held on 22 February 2016 were noted.

The minutes of the meeting of the Penryn Week Committee held on 19 January 2016 were noted.


The minutes of the meeting of the Port of Penryn Working Party held on 25 February 2016 were noted.


There were no items of correspondence.


The list of Mayor’s engagements since the last meeting was noted.


Cornwall Councillor Tony Martin attended the meeting and advised that he had nothing to report.

Councillor Mrs B Hulme gave an update on the work of Hands Up Penryn which included consultation events at Glen View and details of a further consultation at Permarin Road on the Pocket Park on Sunday 13 March.

Councillor Mrs G A Grant advised that she had attended community resilience training in the emergency centre at County Hall and that officers had been impressed with Penryn’s Community Emergency Plan and had shared it with other Councils in the process of developing a plan. She added that the plan included an Emergency Plan, a Flood Plan and a Recovery Plan and would be finalised at a meeting of the Community Emergency Plan Working Party on Tuesday 15 March. She advised that the Town Council would receive a £600 grant on completion of the plan. Councillor M J Mullins congratulated Councillor Mrs G A Grant on completing the plan which had involved a great deal of work.

Councillor M J Mullins advised that he had attended a meeting of the Harbours Board along with Councillor M Snowdon.

Councillor C S F Smith advised that David Pollard of the Cornwall Marine Network would be speaking at the next Penryn Network Breakfast on the Jigsaw Project. He added that he had been working as an external assessor on a second year architecture project looking at improving access between Commercial Road and the town centre, and that a final presentation was due to be given on Friday 13 May.

Councillor C K Wenmoth was working with students on a number of heritage projects linked to the Penryn 800 celebrations and the museum. He advised that the museum visitor numbers for one month had already exceeded the total for the previous year.

Councillor Mrs S Peters had attended a Councillor Surgery with a group of young people at the Highway Church along with Councillor R P Mitchell. The issue of most concern was the pedestrian crossing at the top of Station Road. As a result, a group of young people would be holding a workshop to investigate alternative ideas before meeting again with Councillors at a later date.

Councillor Mrs G A Grant advised that the Penryn Memory Café was now over six months old and was of great benefit to the clients, but she added that there was a need to raise awareness of the facility and expand the client base. She thanked the Town Mayor for fund raising for the Memory Café as his adopted charity.



The Town Clerk presented an update report on the work of the Council which was noted.


RESOLVED that the list of accounts paid from 1 to 31 January 2016 be approved.

Proposed by Councillor E L Wilkes and seconded by Councillor K S Green


RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs S Peters be selected Deputy Mayor for the civic year 2016/17.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs G A Grant and seconded by Councillor M Snowdon

Councillor Mrs S Peters thanked Councillors for their support.


RESOLVED that the building survey report on Penryn library be noted and that the Town Council confirms its intention to continue with negotiations with Cornwall Council regarding the asset transfer of the library building and the devolution of the library service in Penryn to the Town Council.

Proposed by Councillor M J Mullins and seconded by Councillor E L Wilkes


RESOLVED that the Town Council confirms in principle its intention to continue working in partnership with the Swamp Circus Trust to provide children’s workshops in Penryn should a transfer of the service from Cornwall Council take place.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs G A Grant and seconded by Councillor E L Wilkes


RESOLVED that the Town Council

(a) becomes the accountable body for the Permarin Pocket Park and administers the funds on behalf of Hands Up Permarin; and (b) requests that Permarin Park be added to the Town Council’s devolution package.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs G A Grant and seconded by Councillor Mrs S Peters


It was noted that there had been no further complaints regarding the granite troughs since the Town Council’s decision on 7 September 2015 to review the situation in six months and that the issue remained within the remit of the highways authority rather than the Town Council.

RESOLVED that the Town Council takes no further action with regards to the granite troughs below the Town Hall on Market Street. 7

Proposed by Councillor E L Wilkes and seconded by Councillor K S Green


The Council received an update on the risk management programme which was noted.


RESOLVED that in accordance with Section 1 of the Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items by reasons of the confidential nature of the items. Proceedings, apart from any resolutions passed, shall remain confidential.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs G A Grant and seconded by Councillor Mrs S Peters


RESOLVED that the confidential minutes of the meeting of the Staffing Committee held on 22 February 2016 be noted and the recommendations of the Staffing Committee be approved.

Proposed by Councillor E L Wilkes and seconded by Councillor Mrs S Peters


RESOLVED that Chris Rolley, of Chris Rolley Associates, be appointed to conduct a structure review of the Council at a maximum cost of £2925 plus VAT.

Proposed by Councillor M J Mullins and seconded by Councillor R P Mitchell


RESOLVED that, subject to the approval of the Cornwall Registration Service, the Town Council offers the attendance of the Town Crier at Town Hall weddings and other civil ceremonies as an additional service at a cost of £50 plus VAT.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.10 p.m.




Committee members present:

Councillors: Chairman - Mrs Mary May

Mrs Gill Grant, Rich Mitchell, Mrs Shelley Peters, Mark Snowdon, and Charlie Wenmoth

Co-oped Members Lea Parry and Pip Carlton-Barnes

1. APOLOGIES No apologies for absence were received.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Mrs May gave a brief description of declarations of interest and advised that this would come into effect when the bids were being discussed which a Committee member may be involved in.

3. DISPENSATIONS Councillor Mrs May explained the protocol of this item to the Committee and how it would come into effect when declarations of interest had been received which could result in the Committee being inquorate.

4. MINUTES The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Councillor Mrs Peters and seconded by Councillor Mrs Grant.

5. CO-OPTION OF VOLUNTEERS No further volunteers were co-opted onto the Committee. Councillor Mrs May informed the Committee that Amanda Glasby had stood down from the Committee due to ill-health.

6. PREVIOUS MEETING No matters had arisen since the previous meeting.

7. DESIGN AND LOGO FOR PENRYN 800 CELEBRATIONS As a representative from the University was not at the meeting with their design, it was agreed to use the logo that Pip Carlton-Barnes had designed for the Penryn 800 advertising.

9 Proposed by Lea Parry and seconded by Councillor Gill Grant.

8. PENRYN 800 CELEBRATIONS Each applicant gave a brief representation of what their project entailed, i.e. who it would involve, how much funding they were requesting and when they were hoping to hold it.

• St Gluvias Church St Gluvias Church are asking for £800 for their range of activities, which will include a flower festival from Thursday 14 th July to Sunday 17 th July 2016, open daily with no admission costs. The floral display in the church would be tableaux depicting the history of Penryn.

• May Day Glasney Greenspace Regeneration Group who host the annual May Day Celebrations are seeking £699 to add to their usual celebrations with some old fashioned themed activities such as Hoopla and a coconut shy. Also included are singers, performers and acoustic music. This will be on May 1 st 2016.

• Mock Mayor Simon Reed outlined the history of the Mock Mayor and what it entailed and this would be reproduced for the 800 celebrations. The cost to stage this activity would be £750. This would cover the costs of regalia, banners, Sedan Chair, licences and publicity. This event is to be held on October 1 st 2016.

• Rachel Jones Rachel Jones canvassed her idea to create a heritage documentary film of Penryn. The amount requested was £800. This figure includes the cost to purchase the archived footage as well as the costs to put the film together. This would a 10-15 minute documentary that would involve the older generations of the Town also.

• As the Crow Flies in Penryn – Alex Goodman Alex demonstrated a visual demonstration with her Panoramic Theatre that she had made especially for the project in collaboration with local artist Dom Allen. Alex would like to offer a workshop in Penryn where the community have the chance to create their own illustrated panoramas to tell the tales of Penryn. The fee requested is £280.

10 • Swamp Circus As Brett Jackson was unable to make the meeting, Councillor Chris Smith read out notes taken at a previous meeting with Brett. Councillor Rich Mitchell also gave a description of the many events that Swamp Circus would like to hold to celebrate the 800 years. This would consist of many workshops leading up to a “main day” event to be held on October 8 th 2016. Although the overall cost of this project as a whole is a huge amount, the amount required is £7000 as the rest is hoped to be granted by Heritage Lottery. And as this £7000 can be sourced from mulitple grants, a smaller amounted can be pledged.

• 800 Seconds for 800 Years of Penryn Becalelis Brodskis proposed an 800 second animation created by the people of Penryn celebrating key events and people from Penryn’s 800 year history. It is hoped to engage 800 residents in the making of this film. The amount asked for is £1200 plus a community space and this would cover such things as materials, volunteer expenses and professional fees. If the additional interactive element is required an additional fee of £500 would be required.

• Katie Etheridge – 800 STOR{m}Y NIGHTS 800 STOR{m}Y NIGHTS will shine light on some significant and seemingly insignificant episodes in the last 800 years of life in Penryn. Featuring local and emerging performers and writers, they will also be commissioning 2 new ‘acts’ that respond to this theme. As a community event, STOR{M}Y NIGHTS contributors range from local performers trying something new, to pub regulars and local experts sharing their stories, local knowledge and research. The cost will be £550.

• The Dead ‘Ryner’s Society Councillor Charlie Wenmoth gave his presentation on the The Dead ‘Ryner’s Society which is a group that will create participation amongst all locals. The strategy is to select a character from Penryn’s history and then to dress up as and impersonate that person for each of the 800 celebration events. Participants will need to learn the history of that character in order to mimic them. The fee requested is £600.

• Green Fields As Councillor David Garwood was not present at the meeting, an email that he had sent that gave a brief idea of his proposals and costs was read out. The last event that he staged was a huge success. It was suggested that the Committee temporarily park this idea.

11 • Penryn @ 800 Son et Lumiere Festival The concept for a son et lumiere festival for Penryn’s 800 th anniversary has been developed between Luxamuralis lead artist Peter Walker and Councillor Mark Snowdon. The concept is to develop a one off festival to highlight the past and present of the Town in a contemporary free event. The festival would feature multiple projection and sound artworks – and would be the centre of a festival atmosphere bringing people together to see the Town in a new light. The cost would be £10,000 + VAT.

9. ST PIRAN’S DAY Councillor Mary May circulated the St Piran’s Day poster to the group.

10. PENRYN WEEK The events already scheduled for Penryn Week were announced to the group. Councillor Mary May also confirmed that the Green Bank Hotel had been booked for a 800 Celebration Dinner which would be a ticketed event. Also confirmed was Derek Hayes’ 12 short stories of Penryn.

11. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Monday 29 th February 2016. This meeting will be to discuss the bid applications.

The meeting was declared closed at 8.54 pm


Committee members present:

Councillors: Chairman - Mrs Mary May

Mrs Gill Grant, Rich Mitchell, Mrs Shelley Peters, Mark Snowdon, and Charlie Wenmoth

Co-oped Members Pip Carlton-Barnes, Lea Parry and Pam Tongue

1. APOLOGIES No apologies for absence were received.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Pip Carlton Barnes declared an interest in Glasney Greenspace Regeneration Project’s bid and also The Big Borough Bake Off. Lea Parry declared an interest in the Big Borough Bake Off. Councillor Charlie Wenmoth declared an interest in The Dead ‘Rynners.

3. DISPENSATIONS No requests for dispensations were requested.

4. MINUTES The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Councillor Mrs May and seconded by Councillor Snowdon. Councillor Mrs May requested that we add the Penryn Town Council crest onto the 800 Celebrations logo.

5. CO-OPTION OF VOLUNTEERS No further volunteers were co-opted onto the Committee.

6. PENRYN 800 CELEBRATIONS The bids that had been submitted to the Committee were circulated to all members for perusal. Each bid was individually discussed before making a decision on each one.

• St Gluvias Church It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Grant and seconded by Councillor Wenmoth that St Gluvias Church be awarded £600 to fund a flower festival.

13 It was proposed as an amendment by Councillor Mrs Peters and seconded by Councillor Snowdon that St Gluvias Church be awarded £700 to fund a flower festival. On a vote the amendment was lost.

RESOLVED that St Gluvias Church be awarded £600 to fund a flower festival.

• May Day It was proposed by Councillor Wenmoth and seconded by Lea Parry that Glasney Greenspace Regeneration Project be awarded £700 towards the cost of May Day. It was proposed as an amendment by Councillor Snowdon and seconded by Councillor Mrs Grant that Glasney Greenspace Regeneration Project be awarded £600 towards the cost of May Day. On a vote the amendment was won.

RESOLVED that Glasney Greenspace Regeneration Project be awarded £600 towards the cost of May Day.

• Mock Mayor It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Grant and seconded by Councillor Mrs Peters that Simon Reed be awarded £600 to fund the Mock Mayor event.

RESOLVED that Simon Reed be awarded £600 to fund the Mock Mayor event.

• Rachel Jones It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Peters and seconded by Pip Carlton-Barnes that Rachel Jones be awarded £800 to fund her Penryn 800 documentary.

RESOLVED that Rachel Jones be awarded £800 to fund her Penryn 800 documetary.

• Alex Goodman It was proposed by Councillor Mrs May and seconded by Councillor Snowdon to defer this bid to the next meeting and to contact Alex Goodman requesting further information.

RESOLVED to defer this decision to the next meeting pending further information from Alex Goodman.


• Swamp Circus It was proposed by Councillor Mrs May and seconded by Councillor Mrs Peters to defer this bid to the next meeting and to contact Brett Jackson requesting more detailed information on the finance breakdown for this event.

RESOLVED to defer this bid to the next meeting pending further information from Brett Jackson.

• 800 seconds for 800 years of Penryn

RESOLVED that this bid be declined by the Committee.

• Katie Etheridge - 800 Stor{m}y Nights It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Grant and seconded by Councillor Charlie Wenmoth that Katie Etheridge be awarded £550 to perform 800 Stor{m}y Nights. It was proposed as an amendment by Councillor Snowdon and seconded by Councillor Mrs May that Katie Etheridge be awarded £500 to perform 800 Stor{m}y Nights. On a vote the amendment was lost.

RESOLVED that Katie Etheridge be awarded £550 to perform 800 Stor{m}y Nights.

• Dead ‘Rynner’s It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Grant and seconded by Lea Parry that the Dead ‘Rynner’s be awarded £500 towards their costs as outlined in their bid. It was proposed as an amendment by Councillor Mitchell and seconded by Councillor Mrs Peters that the Dead ‘Rynner’s be awarded £400 towards their costs as outlined in their bid. On a vote the amendment was won.

RESOLVED that the Dead ‘Rynner’s be awarded £400 towards their costs as outlined in their bid.

• Greenfields

15 RESOLVED to defer this decision to the Autumn when preparations can be made to host this event next year.

• Penryn @ 800 Son et Lumiere Festival Councillor Snowdon brought the Committee up to date with the progress of this event. Peter Walker has emailed Councillor Snowdon detailing that how the event could cost Penryn £5000 matched funding with the remaining £5000 also being applied with the Arts Council.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs May and seconded by Councillor Mrs Grant that the Penryn @ 800 Son et Lumiere Festival be awarded £5000 should they be successful in their funding.

RESOLVED that the Penryn @ 800 Son et Lumiere Festival be awarded £5000 should they be successful in their funding.

• Big Borough Bake Off It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Peters and seconded by Councillor Snowdon that David Mason be awarded £500 to fund his Big Borough Bake Off Event.

RESOLVED that David Mason be awarded £500 to fund his Big Borough Bake Off Event.

• Photos for Shop Windows Pam Tongue refreshed the idea of restoring the old shops of Penryn by displaying templates in each window with photos showing how certain shops looked decades ago. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs May and seconded by Councillor Mrs Grant a budget of £350 be awarded to cover the costs of this project.

RESOLVED that a budget of £350 be awarded to cover the costs of this project. A leaflet drop will also be carried out to with anticipation that permission will be gained and to determine ownership of the empty shops.

The meeting was declared closed at 9.05pm


Committee members present:

Councillors: Chairman - Mrs Mary May

Rich Mitchell, Mrs Shelley Peters, Mark Snowdon, and Charlie Wenmoth

Co-oped Members: Pip Carlton-Barnes, Lea Parry and Pam Tongue

In attendance: Rebecca Sims – Artist from Fannie and Fox Sarah-Jane Marsden

1. APOLOGIES Apologies were received on behalf of Councillor Mrs Grant.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Lea Parry declared an interest in Borough Burgerh bid.

3. DISPENSATIONS No requests for dispensations were requested.

4. MINUTES The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Councillor Mrs Peters and seconded by Councillor Snowdon.

5. SWAMP CIRCUS In Brett Jackson’s absence, Councillor Mitchell gave a brief update on the current progress of Swamp Circus’ bid. Brett’s email was also circulated which contained all the information requested from the last meeting.

6. BOROUGH BURGERH Lea Parry ran through her idea of a Borough Burgerh. This will involve local businesses and individuals competing to win the best burger recipe which will be crowned the Borough Burgerh. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs May and seconded by Councillor Snowdon to defer the decision of this bid until the next meeting where the exact costings can be brought to the Committee for a more accurate bid proposal.

17 RESOLVED to defer the decision of this bid until the next meeting.

7. PENRYN 800 CELEBRATIONS The two bids deferred from the last meeting pending further information were discussed.

• Alex Goodman It was proposed by Councillor Mrs May and seconded by Councillor Snowdon to defer this bid until the Autumn and possibly align it with the Christmas Switch On pending a budget review.

RESOLVED to defer this bid until the Autumn.

• Swamp Circus It was proposed by Councillor Snowdon and seconded by Councillor Mrs May that Swamp Circus be awarded £5000 towards Penryn Kemeneth.

RESOLVED that Swamp Circus be awarded £5000 towards Penryn Kemeneth.

8. PENRYN DINNER The Greenbank Hotel in Falmouth has been provisionally booked on Saturday 12 th of November for a 3 course dinner to which anyone is welcome to purchase a ticket to attend. The idea will be to video link up to other “Penryn’s” around the world on the evening. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Peters and seconded by Lea Parry to confirm the booking and advertise the event.

RESOLVED to confirm the booking and to advertise the event and invite guests.

9. UNIVERSITY The University are keen to stage an event for October 15 th that is mainly being revolved around site specific plays. More details will be available at a later date.

10. PENRYN CARNIVAL After last year’s concern of flying cricket balls, it was agreed that it was unsafe to congregate the carnival at Penryn Athletic Football Club. It was proposed by Councillor Mark Snowdon and seconded by Councillor Mrs May that the Carnival commence from Penryn Rugby Club.

18 RESOLVED that the Carnival commence from Penryn Rugby Club.

11. STREET PARTY Councillor Mrs May shared her idea for a Street Party in celebration with the Queen’s 90 th Birthday. This would hopefully be sourced mainly through donations and therefore would not be an expensive event to stage. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Peters and seconded by Lea Parry to organise a Street Party for 11 th June 2016.

RESOLVED to organise a Street Party for 11 th June 2016.

12. ANY OTHER BUSINESS The Committee discussed the advertising ideas that need to be arranged as soon as possible. Councillor Snowdon mentioned that he has been in talks with the University and circulated an idea of advertising posters designed by the students on the train stations from to Falmouth.

Pip will need the dimensions of the large banner emailed to her so that she can enlarge the logo accordingly. It was advised to get in contact with Richard Gates and/or Richard Fox to ask where the banners for Falmouth were supplied from.

Pam Tongue updated the Committee on the progress of the photographs in shop windows. Leaflets had now been hand delivered requesting permission to use their windows during the 800 celebrations.

13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on 26 th April at 7.00pm in the Town Hall.

The meeting was declared closed at 8.45pm


29 February to 28 March 2016

Wednesday 2 March Penryn College Writing Project

Friday 4 March First Friday

Penryn College Writing Project

Saturday 5 March St Piran’s Day Celebration

Thursday 10 March Breathe Falmouth Club Visit

Saturday 12 March Kernow Adventure Park Opening

Sunday 13 March Falmouth Methodist Chapel Anniversary

Project Primrose Presentation

Monday 14 March Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth Ceremony

Focus Group on Cornish Devolution

Wednesday 16 March Official Gig Launch at Falmouth Watersports Centre

Thursday 17 March Visit to Huffa Puffas at Mabe Village Hall

Student Presentation at Penryn Campus on the ‘Future of Penryn’

Friday 18 March Network Breakfast

Saturday 19 March Penryn Rugby Club Presidents Lunch

Sunday 20 March St Nazaire Service of Remembrance

Tuesday 22 March 771 Naval Air Squadron Decommissioning Ceremony

Thursday 24 March Saracen Award Presentation Evening

Saturday 26 March Paul Smales Lecture




Report from the Town Clerk

Author: Michelle Davey, Town Clerk

1. Background

The Town Clerk’s report is a regular update on progress with Council decisions and projects and the work of the Council staff. The report covers the period from 29 February to 23 March 2016.

2. Discussion

Community Network Panel The Town Clerk and Town Mayor attended the Falmouth and Penryn Community Network Panel at which topics of discussion included the review of health and social care in Cornwall and the Devolution Fund. The Panel was also advised that work is due to commence on Treluswell roundabout in September 2016. Bids for funding must be submitted by the end of April for consideration by the Network Panel and funds will be available in June–July. It should be noted that only Cornwall Councillors are permitted to vote on the distribution of the funds and there are a total of nine Cornwall Councillors on the Panel of which two have responsibility for Penryn and five for Falmouth.

Constantine, Mawnan and Budock - John Bastin CC Falmouth Arwenack - Geoffrey Evans CC Falmouth Boslowick - Alan Jewell CC Falmouth Penwerris - Hanna Toms CC Falmouth Smithick - Candy Atherton CC Falmouth Trescobeas - David Saunby CC Mabe, Perranworthal and St Gluvias - Peter Williams CC Penryn East and Mylor - Tony Martin CC Penryn West - Mary Katherine May CC

Library Research Project A group of second year Politics students have been carrying out a research project into uses of the library on behalf of the Town Council as part of their coursework. The Town Clerk attended a presentation of their preliminary findings a summary of which is listed below:

• Current opening hours are considered to be poor • Customer service was rated as excellent

21 • 87% of people surveyed considered that the library is very important to them • It was felt that the book collection was very good for a small library • The current opening hours were not convenient for people who worked or had children at school • 76.5% of non-users surveyed stated that they would use the library if free WiFi was available • There were two public computers which was considered insufficient • Link Into Learning occupied the mezzanine floor but were not currently using the space • Respondents felt that there was a need for language classes, history classes and computer classes and help with employability • It was suggested that there could be a greater access to books by linking with the university

Students will prepare a final report in May for presentation to the Council.

3. Recommendation

That the report be noted.

4. Appendices






Author: Helen Perry, Finance Officer

1. Background

The accounts of the Town Council are presented for approval at each meeting of the full Council (attached as Appendices 1 and 2 to the report). A budget monitoring report and bank reconciliation are also attached as Appendices 3 and 4 to the report.

2. Discussion

The accounts show the total assets of the Council are £188,163.76 as at 29 February 2016. Items of expenditure over £500 (excluding salaries) are as follows:

1 February to 29 February 2016 • Churchill Contract Services 735.41 Cleaning Contract (Toilets) – Jan 2016 • Churchill Contract Services 767.86 Cleaning Contract (Toilets) – Feb 2016 • Penryn Town Fair 1500.00 Funding Allocation Payment • Truro City Council 671.78 Floral Displays – Winter Baskets • Stuart Stephen Hall 2000.00 Grant Funding • Robbie’s Garden Services 710.00 Various Ground Works • Ricoh UK Ltd 614.22 Copier Lease & Photocopying

The following are items of note on the budget monitor report not previously reported:

• Doorstep Green/Glasney (4215 110) – has gone over budget, this is due to the extra clean required and the building of the dam at the pond. • Memorial Garden Maint (4225 110) – currently £46.36 over budget (due to the introduction of the Play Equipment Inspections earlier in the year), further expenditure of £62.26 is expected in March for the final instalment of the annual contract with Cormac. • Floral Displays/Penryn Pride (4230 110) – is £115.23 over budget due to the purchase and installation of winter hanging baskets. Further expenditure is possible, but will depend on the amount of rain over the next month. • Annual Contracts Public Conveniences (4600 200) – is over budget, this budget will be reduced at the end of the financial year when the Harbour Board is invoiced for the expenditure the Town Council has made on their behalf.

23 • Water Public Conveniences (4620 200) – as with the annual contracts for the public conveniences the cost of the water bills for the toilets on Exchequer Quay will be re-invoiced to the Harbour Board, therefore bringing the final expenditure within budget.

3. Recommendation

That the list of accounts paid from 1 February to 29 February 2016 be approved.

4. Appendices

1. Balance Sheet 2. Accounts Paid 3. Budget Monitor Report 4. Bank Reconciliation


Date :- 15/03/2016 Penryn Town Council Page No: 1 Time :- 14:35 Detailed Balance Sheet (Excluding Stock Movement) Month No: 11 29 February 2016

A/c Account Description Actual

Current Assets 100 Debtors 1,404 105 VAT Control Account 1,023 200 Lloyds - Treasurer Account 28,400 210 Lloyds - Instant Access 31,753 220 Investment Holding Account 125,000 250 Petty Cash 250

Total Current Assets 187,830

Current Liabilities 500 Creditors 1,157

Total Current Liabilities 1,157

Net Current Assets 186,672

Total Assets less Current Liablities 186,672

Represented By :- 300 Current Year Fund 57,970 310 General Reserves 105,017 320 EMR - Elections 5,000 325 EMR - Penryn Pride 500 335 EMR - Rent - Permarin 1,604 340 EMR - Ext. Decor. Town Hall 14,581 356 EMR - Litter Bins 1,000 357 EMR - Clean Up Penryn 1,000

Total Equity 186,672

25 Printed on : 15/03/2016 Penryn Town Council Page No 1

At : 14:59 Lloyds - Treasurer Account

List of Payments made between 01/02/2016 and 29/02/2016

Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

03/02/2016 Eclipse Internet DD 43.08 Internet 03/02/2016 Penryn Town Fair 710674 1,500.00 Payment of funding allocation 03/02/2016 Cory Environmental 710675 30.24 Bin Empting - Jan 2016 04/02/2016 Rotary Club of Penryn 710676 32.00 2 x Tickets - Project Primrose 04/02/2016 Exco Fire & Safety Control Ltd 710677 78.00 Service - Security Alarm 04/02/2016 Martin Luck Group 710678 105.97 DL S/seal Envelopes 05/02/2016 ACAS 710679 235.00 Difficult Conversations - MD 08/02/2016 British Gas 710680 378.52 Electric 03/11/15 to 02/02/16 08/02/2016 British Gas 710681 344.86 Electric 03/11/15 - 02/02/16 08/02/2016 Truro City Council 710682 671.78 Winter baskets/delivery/erecti 08/02/2016 British Telecommunications 710684 106.20 Internet 08/02/2016 Twenty Twenty Displays Ltd 710683 202.80 Repair - Mural 10/02/2016 Churchill Contract Services DD 735.41 Contract - January 2016 10/02/2016 Stuart Stephen Memorial Hall T 710685 2,000.00 S19 LGA 1976 Grant Funding Misc Pr 11/02/2016 British Gas 710686 455.46 Gas - 3 Nov 15 to 3 Feb 16 12/02/2016 Mr Mark Snowdon 710687 324.10 Expenses - Dec 15 & Jan 16 12/02/2016 Cormac Solutions Ltd 710688 186.77 Mem Garden Maint - Feb 16 12/02/2016 Cory Environmental 710689 30.24 Bin Emptying - Feb 2016 12/02/2016 Robbie's Garden Services Ltd 710690 710.00 Build dam as agreed 19/02/2016 Salary Feb 2016 DD 9,591.24 Salary Feb 2016 25/02/2016 Ricoh UK Ltd 710692 614.22 Photocopying 25/02/2016 Thirsty Scholar Ltd 710691 140.00 S137 Funding Breakfasts 15/1 & 19/2 29/02/2016 Churchill Contract Services 710693 767.86 Feb 2016 - extra day Leap yr 29/02/2016 Martin Luck Group 710694 31.08 C6 Envelopes 29/02/2016 David Morris Window Cleaning 710696 162.00 Cleaning 29/02/2016 British Gas 710697 60.49 Electricity - 5/2 to 24/2/16 29/02/2016 Petty Cash 710695 61.57 Replenish Petty Cash

Total Payments 19,598.89

26 Printed on : 15/03/2016 Penryn Town Council Page No 1

At : 15:00 Petty Cash

List of Payments made between 01/02/2016 and 29/02/2016

Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

04/02/2016 Asda 203 4.00 Mop Heads 12/02/2016 Concept-4u 204 4.79 Visitor Book (repay HP) 16/02/2016 Post Office 205 1.48 Stamps 17/02/2016 Cornwall Council 206 5.00 Parking Fee 17/2/16 17/02/2016 Post Office 207 37.00 Stamps 19/02/2016 Penryn Network Breakfast 208 5.00 1 x Breakfast (MD) 24/02/2016 Cornwall Council 209 4.30 Parking Fee 23/2/16

Total Payments 61.57

27 15/03/2016 Penryn Town Council 14:49 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 29/02/2016 Page No 1

Month No : 11 Budget Report up to 29 February 2016

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % of Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available Budget

Full Council

100 Administration 4000 Salaries - Administration 4,808 54,044 57,043 2,999 2,999 94.7 % 4001 Salaries - Caretakers 1,710 20,026 17,753 -2,273 -2,273 112.8 % 4010 Tax/NI - Administration 1,217 13,427 14,506 1,079 1,079 92.6 % 4011 Tax/NI - Caretakers 162 3,204 4,215 1,011 1,011 76.0 % 4020 Pensions - Employees 360 3,944 5,254 1,310 1,310 75.1 % 4021 Pensions - Employers 1,082 11,840 15,901 4,061 4,061 74.5 % 4022 Pensions - ADC 180 2,020 2,200 180 180 91.8 % 4030 Mileage 73 644 500 -144 -144 128.8 % 4031 Travel 8 50 75 25 25 67.0 % 4035 Staff Clothing 0 52 250 198 198 20.8 % 4050 Training 0 1,337 1,750 414 414 76.4 % 4055 Bank Charges 0 0 50 50 50 0.0 % 4060 Postage 38 925 1,050 125 125 88.1 % 4065 Photocopier Lease 336 1,458 1,350 -108 -108 108.0 % 4070 Printing 176 1,018 850 -168 -168 119.8 % 4075 Advertising 0 140 300 160 160 46.7 % 4080 Stationery 26 597 650 53 53 91.9 % 4085 Telephone/Fax/Internet 124 1,537 1,460 -77 -77 105.3 % 4090 Consultancy & Audit 0 1,250 2,450 1,200 1,200 51.0 % 4095 Election Expenses 0 -636 0 636 636 0.0 % 4100 Office - Other 3 979 1,140 161 161 85.8 % 4105 Computer Related 0 902 1,010 108 108 89.3 % 4110 Subscriptions 0 1,586 1,570 -16 -16 101.0 % 4111 Health & Safety 0 534 0 -534 -534 0.0 % 4115 Insurance 0 6,740 7,600 860 860 88.7 % 4120 Canteen 0 575 720 145 145 79.8 %

Administration : - Expenditure 10,303 128,192 139,647 11,455 0 11,455 91.8 % 1900 Miscellaneous Income 0 16 0 16 160000.

Administration : - Income 0 16 0 16 160000.

Net Expenditure over Income 10,303 128,176 139,647 11,471

110 Amenities 4180 Bus Shelter - Repairs & Maint. 90 397 580 183 183 68.4 % 4185 Footpath Maint 93 1,027 1,240 213 213 82.8 % 4190 Seats Maint. 0 308 1,140 832 832 27.1 % 4195 Treluswell Verge 0 710 920 210 210 77.2 %

28 15/03/2016 Penryn Town Council 14:49 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 29/02/2016 Page No 2

Month No : 11 Budget Report up to 29 February 2016

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % of Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available Budget

4200 Packsaddle Verge 0 485 830 345 345 58.4 % 4205 Other General Maint. 164 989 2,000 1,011 1,011 49.4 % 4210 Quay Hill Shelter 0 148 0 -148 -148 0.0 % 4215 Doorstep Green/Glasney 260 1,642 1,530 -112 -112 107.3 % 4225 Memorial Gardens Maint. 62 876 830 -46 -46 105.6 % 4230 Floral Displays/Penryn Pride 560 2,530 2,414 -115 -115 104.8 % 4235 Litter Bin Maintenance 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 % 4240 Weed Clearing 0 1,936 2,640 704 704 73.3 %

Amenities :- Expenditure 1,229 11,047 15,124 4,077 0 4,077 73.0 % 1000 Footpath Maintenance Income 0 225 225 0 100.0 %

Amenities : - Income 0 225 225 0 100.0 %

Net Expenditure over Income 1,229 10,822 14,899 4,077

120 Cemetery 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 0 624 200 -424 -424 312.0 % 4255 Burial Ground Maint. 506 2,319 3,075 756 756 75.4 % 4260 Other Burial Ground Costs 0 75 0 -75 -75 0.0 %

Cemetery :- Expenditure 506 3,018 3,275 257 0 257 92.2 % 1050 Burial Income 100 2,958 1,500 1,458 197.2 % 1055 Exclusive Right Burial Income 0 200 0 200 0.0 % 1060 Memorials Income 0 827 0 827 827000 1070 Plot Reservations 0 870 0 870 870000

Cemetery :- Income 100 4,855 1,500 3,355 323.7 %

Net Expenditure over Income 406 -1,837 1,775 3,612

130 Capital Expenditure 4300 Office Equipment 0 298 500 202 202 59.7 % 4305 Furniture & Fittings 0 141 3,000 2,859 2,859 4.7 % 4310 Bus Shelters 0 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0 % 4315 Seats 0 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 0.0 % 4320 Town Signs 0 0 500 500 500 0.0 % 4325 Hanging Basket Posts 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 % 4326 Planters 0 396 396 0 0 100.0 % 4330 Noticeboards 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 %

Capital Expenditure :- Expenditure 0 835 8,596 7,761 0 7,761 9.7 %

Net Expenditure over Income 0 835 8,596 7,761

29 15/03/2016 Penryn Town Council 14:49 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 29/02/2016 Page No 3

Month No : 11 Budget Report up to 29 February 2016

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % of Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available Budget

140 Car Parks 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 0 2,400 2,480 80 80 96.8 % 4380 Permarin - Lease/Rent 0 8,401 6,650 -1,751 -1,751 126.3 % 4390 Permarin - Maint. 0 459 1,500 1,041 1,041 30.6 % 4395 Shute Meadow Maint. 0 105 500 395 395 21.0 %

Car Parks :- Expenditure 0 11,365 11,130 -235 0 -235 102.1 %

Net Expenditure over Income 0 11,365 11,130 -235

150 Civic 4430 Civic - General 0 1,222 1,000 -222 -222 122.2 % 4435 Mayor's Allowance 355 2,630 2,750 120 120 95.6 % 4440 Civic Insignia/Regalia 0 1,925 2,000 75 75 96.3 %

Civic :- Expenditure 355 5,777 5,750 -27 0 -27 100.5 %

Net Expenditure over Income 355 5,777 5,750 -27

160 Grants 4480 Grants - Community 2,000 2,400 7,000 4,600 4,600 34.3 % 4485 Grants - Other Powers 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 % 4490 Minor Repairs Grants 0 887 2,082 1,195 1,195 42.6 %

Grants :- Expenditure 2,000 3,287 9,082 5,795 0 5,795 36.2 %

Net Expenditure over Income 2,000 3,287 9,082 5,795

165 S137 Expenditure 4495 S137 Grants 62 5,346 0 -5,346 -5,346 0.0 % 4496 S137 Other Expenditure 0 72 0 -72 -72 0.0 %

S137 Expenditure :- Expenditure 62 5,418 0 -5,418 0 -5,418

Net Expenditure over Income 62 5,418 0 -5,418

170 Income 1076 Precept Received 0 223,466 223,466 0 100.0 % 1090 Interest Received 1 101 350 -249 28.8 % 1100 Grants Received 0 6,912 3,000 3,912 230.4 % 1110 Council Tax Support 0 26,560 26,560 0 100.0 %

Income :- Income 1 257,039 253,376 3,663 101.4 %

Net Expenditure over Income -1 -257,039 -253,376 3,663

30 15/03/2016 Penryn Town Council 14:49 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 29/02/2016 Page No 4

Month No : 11 Budget Report up to 29 February 2016

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % of Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available Budget

180 Other Services 4520 C.C.T.V. 0 0 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.0 % 4521 Youth Service 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 %

Other Services :- Expenditure 0 0 7,000 7,000 0 7,000 0.0 %

Net Expenditure over Income 0 0 7,000 7,000

190 Projects & Events 4560 Penryn Week Expenditure 0 1,947 2,500 553 553 77.9 % 4561 Penryn Town Fair 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 100.0 % 4562 Penryn Arts Festival 0 1,500 1,500 0 0 100.0 % 4563 Penryn Christmas Lights 0 1,500 1,500 0 0 100.0 % 4564 Remembrance Sunday 0 250 250 0 0 100.0 % 4566 Neighbourhood Plan 0 129 0 -129 -129 0.0 % 4575 Penryn Commemorates Project 0 0 1,270 1,270 1,270 0.0 % 4581 Clock Tower Refurbishment 0 6,464 0 -6,464 -6,464 0.0 % 4900 Miscellaneous Expenditure 0 204 0 -204 -204 0.0 %

Projects & Events :- Expenditure 1,500 13,494 8,520 -4,974 0 -4,974 158.4 % 1200 Events Income 0 908 500 408 181.5 %

Projects & Events :- Income 0 908 500 408 181.5 %

Net Expenditure over Income 1,500 12,586 8,020 -4,566

200 Public Conveniences 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 0 672 700 28 28 96.0 % 4600 Water 394 1,629 1,070 -559 -559 152.2 % 4610 Electricity 20 229 370 141 141 61.9 % 4615 Repairs & Maintenance 0 479 1,000 521 521 47.9 % 4620 Annual Contracts 640 6,665 5,500 -1,165 -1,165 121.2 % 4650 Consumables 0 -500 310 810 810 -161.3

Public Conveniences :- Expenditure 1,053 9,174 8,950 -224 0 -224 102.5 %

Net Expenditure over Income 1,053 9,174 8,950 -224

210 Saracen House 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 0 2,184 2,250 66 66 97.1 % 4600 Water 92 410 310 -100 -100 132.4 % 4610 Electricity 349 999 880 -119 -119 113.5 % 4615 Repairs & Maintenance 0 48 1,000 952 952 4.8 % 4620 Annual Contracts 65 243 260 17 17 93.4 %

31 15/03/2016 Penryn Town Council 14:49 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 29/02/2016 Page No 5

Month No : 11 Budget Report up to 29 February 2016

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % of Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available Budget

4670 Rent 0 4,652 4,770 118 118 97.5 % 4900 Miscellaneous Expenditure 0 0 200 200 200 0.0 %

Saracen House :- Expenditure 506 8,536 9,670 1,134 0 1,134 88.3 %

Net Expenditure over Income 506 8,536 9,670 1,134

220 Temperance Hall 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 0 2,304 2,380 76 76 96.8 % 4600 Water 82 317 450 133 133 70.4 % 4605 Gas 0 2,049 2,260 211 211 90.7 % 4610 Electricity 361 1,156 1,430 274 274 80.8 % 4615 Repairs & Maintenance 45 387 1,000 613 613 38.7 % 4620 Annual Contracts 0 157 290 133 133 54.1 % 4900 Miscellaneous Expenditure 0 25 500 475 475 5.0 %

Temperance Hall :- Expenditure 488 6,395 8,310 1,915 0 1,915 77.0 % 1300 Temperance Hall Hire Income 813 6,150 6,500 -350 94.6 %

Temperance Hall :- Income 813 6,150 6,500 -350 94.6 %

Net Expenditure over Income -325 245 1,810 1,565

230 Town Hall 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 0 5,760 5,940 180 180 97.0 % 4600 Water 52 189 240 51 51 78.8 % 4605 Gas 434 906 1,450 544 544 62.4 % 4610 Electricity 328 790 1,040 250 250 75.9 % 4615 Repairs & Maintenance 0 1,591 7,000 5,409 5,409 22.7 % 4620 Annual Contracts 0 686 870 184 184 78.9 % 4700 Museum Expenditure 5 635 1,000 365 365 63.5 % 4900 Miscellaneous Expenditure 0 17 500 483 483 3.3 %

Town Hall :- Expenditure 819 10,573 18,040 7,467 0 7,467 58.6 % 1350 Town Hall Hire Income 815 6,560 4,400 2,160 149.1 % 1360 Museum Donations 0 228 100 128 227.6 %

Town Hall :- Income 815 6,788 4,500 2,288 150.8 %

Net Expenditure over Income 4 3,785 13,540 9,755

240 Penryn Library 4250 Non-Domestic Rates 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 % 4600 Water 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 % 4605 Gas 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 %


15/03/2016 Penryn Town Council 14:49 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 29/02/2016 Page No 6

Month No : 11 Budget Report up to 29 February 2016

Actual Actual Year Current Variance Committed Funds % of Current Mth To Date Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Available Budget

4610 Electricity 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 % 4615 Repairs & Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 % 4620 Annual Contracts 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 %

Penryn Library :- Expenditure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 %

Net Expenditure over Income 0 0 0 0

250 Health & Safety 4630 5 Year Electrical Inspections 0 900 0 -900 -900 900000

Health & Safety :- Expenditure 0 900 0 -900 0 -900 900000

Net Expenditure over Income 0 900 0 -900

Full Council :- Expenditure 18,821 218,011 253,094 35,083 86.1 % Income 1,729 275,981 266,601 9,380 103.5 % Net Expenditure over Income 17,092 -57,970 -13,507 44,463

Earmarked Reserves

900 Earmarked Reserves 9020 EMR - Rent Permarin 0 0 1,604 1,604 1,604 0.0 % 9025 EMR - Ext. Decor. Town Hall 0 0 14,581 14,581 14,581 0.0 % 9041 EMR - Litter Bins 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 % 9043 Commercial Road Car Park 0 0 6,000 6,000 6,000 0.0 % 9044 Glasney Playing Field 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 % 9045 Penryn Library 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.0 % 9046 Broad Street Pavements 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.0 %

Earmarked Reserves :- Expenditure 0 0 54,185 54,185 0 54,185 0.0 %

Net Expenditure over Income 0 0 54,185 54,185

Earmarked Reserves :- Expenditure 0 0 54,185 54,185 0.0 % Income 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Net Expenditure over Income 0 0 54,185 54,185


Penryn Town Council

Bank - Cash and Investment Reconciliation as at 29 February 2016

Account Description Balance Bank Statement Balances 1 Lloyds - Treasurer Accounts 31,222.60 2 Lloyds - 30 Day Account 31,752.73 3 Investment Holding Account 125,000.00 4 Petty Cash 188.43 188,163.76

Unpresented Payments

1 13/11/2015 710630 58.00 1 12/02/2016 710688 186.77 1 12/02/2016 710689 30.24 1 12/02/2016 710690 710.00 1 25/02/2016 710692 614.22 1 25/02/2016 710691 140.00 1 29/02/2016 710693 767.86 1 29/02/2016 710694 31.08 1 29/02/2016 710696 162.00 1 29/02/2016 710697 60.49 1 29/02/2016 710695 61.57


185,341.53 Receipts not on Bank Statement

4 29/02/2016 61.57 61.57

Closing Balance 185,403.10 All Cash & Bank Accounts Lloyds - Treasurer Account 28,400.37 Lloyds - Instant Access 31,752.73 Investment Holding Account 125,000.00 Petty Cash 250.00 Other Bank & Cash Balances 0.00 Total Bank & Cash Balances 185,403.10




Site Allocation Development Plan Document

Author: Michelle Davey, Town Clerk

1. Background

The Cornwall Local Plan, which will be resuming examination in May 2016, will include a number of supporting Development Plan Documents. The Allocation Development Plan Document will allocate sites to meet the housing provision identified in the Strategic Policies document for the main Cornwall towns and will allocate a range of suitable sites to meet the scale and type of retail, leisure, commercial, office, tourism, cultural, community and residential development needed in town centres. A scoping consultation for this document was undertaken in 2014–15.

2. Discussion

The Falmouth and Penryn Town Framework is an evidence base document that informs and sets out the vision and strategy for the town over the plan period (to 2030). Importantly, it also guides and informs the Site Allocation Development Plan Document, its site allocations and respective policies.

The documents are presented to the Town Council prior to them being reported to Cornwall Council’s Planning Portfolio Advisory Committee in April 2016, where officers will be seeking approval to take these documents out to public consultation in the summer. This consultation must happen before moving towards a submission for Public Examination.

It should be noted these are not the final documents, as some updates or amendments might be appropriate following public consultation, however, the approach and policies set out within these documents are Cornwall Council’s preferred strategy and approach moving forward. Consequently, Cornwall Council is seeking an endorsement from the Town Council to move these documents towards public consultation in the summer.

3. Recommendation

That the Town Council endorses Cornwall Council’s intention to present the draft Falmouth and Penryn Town Framework and the draft Falmouth and Penryn Site Allocation Development Plan Document, as set out in the attached Appendices to the report, for public consultation in the summer of 2016.

35 4. Appendices

1. Draft Falmouth and Penryn Town Framework (attached separately). 2. Draft Falmouth and Penryn Site Allocation Development Plan Document (attached separately).




Town and Country Planning Applications

Response App. No. Details Deadline Response

PA15/10579 THIS APPLICATION IS BEING RECONSIDERED DUE TO NEW INFORMATION 29/12/15 T J Morris Limited Land off Kernick Road, Jennings Road, Penryn Demolition of existing buildings and erection of one retail warehouse (Class A1) along with access, servicing arrangements, car parking, landscaping and associated works

PA16/02237 Grace Warmington and Joe Havey 08/04/16 1 Praze Meadow, Penryn TR10 8DE Application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved: Replace existing sub-standard bungalow and detached garage with two dwellings




Recommendation from the Community Emergency Plan Working Party

Author: Michelle Davey, Town Clerk

1. Background

The Community Emergency Plan Working Party was tasked by the Town Council to oversee the creation of a Community Emergency Plan for Penryn. Following a lengthy process, the Plan is now ready to present to Council for adoption (Appendix 1 to the report).

2. Discussion

The Community Emergency Working Party has been meeting since February 2015 to formulate, revise, and evaluate the Community Emergency Plan. The Plan has been tested by the Working Party with assistance from Cornwall Council officers and is now presented to the Council for approval. If approved, the Plan will be published on the Town Council’s website and will also be available from Cornwall Council’s website. Local emergency services will also have access to the plan to assist them to respond to a major emergency.

A special fund has been set up by Cornwall Council to assist communities in creating a Plan and a grant of £400 for development of the Plan is available, with a further £100 completion grant. In order to qualify for the completion grant, the Council must be willing to be contacted by other communities who are formulating an Emergency Plan for advice.

A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Community Emergency Plan Working Party held on 15 March 2016 is attached as Appendix 2 to the report.

3. Recommendation


(a) the minutes of the meeting of the Community Emergency Plan Working Party held on 15 March 2016 be noted; (b) the draft Penryn Community Emergency Plan be adopted; (c) the Town Council applies for Cornwall Council’s Community Emergency Plan Grant Scheme; and (d) that delegated authority be granted to the Community Emergency Plan Working Party to agree appropriate expenditure of the £500 grant in accordance with the terms of the Grant Scheme.


4. Appendices

1. Draft Penryn Community Emergency Plan (attached separately). 2. Minutes of the meeting of the Community Emergency Plan Working Party held on 15 March 2016.

39 Appendix 2



Tuesday 15 March 2016, 2.00 p.m., Council Chamber, Penryn


Councillors: Councillor Mrs G A Grant Councillor M J Mullins Councillor E L Wilkes Councillor M Snowdon

Also in attendance: Lauren Bayfield (Customer Support Officer)

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillor Mrs M K May

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest.

3. DISPENSATIONS There were no requests for dispensations.

4. MINUTES The minutes of the Community Emergency Plan meeting held on 11 January 2016 were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Councillor M Snowdon and seconded by Councillor Mrs G A Grant

5. ACTIONS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING Members reviewed what actions had been carried out since the previous meeting.

6. COMMUNITY RESILIENCE TRAINING Councillor Mrs G A Grant gave an update on her recent visit to the Emergency Centre at County Hall in Truro where she participated in Community Resilience Training. The training focused on the aftermath of an emergency and how communities deal with rebuilding and recovery. She found that the training had been very useful and encouraged thought beyond the initial emergency that could occur.

7. COMMUNITY EMERGENCY PLAN Councillor E L Wilkes thanked Councillor Mrs G A Grant and the Customer Support Officer for their work on putting together the plan. It was agreed that the Community Emergency plan be taken to the next council meeting in April for approval. Proposed by Councillor M J Mullins and seconded by Councillor E L Wilkes

8. GRANT FROM CORNWALL COUNCIL Members agreed to apply for both the start up grant and the completion grant to aim for £600 towards the plan. If the grant application is successful another meeting should be set up to discuss how this money may be spent.




Cemetery Fees

Author: Michelle Davey, Town Clerk

1. Background

The Town Council’s current cemetery fees were approved at a meeting of the full Council held on 5 October 2015. A copy of the fees is attached as an Appendix to the report. Following a recent decision by Cornwall Council to raise the age at which burials are charged to 17, it has been suggested that the Town Council should follow Cornwall Council’s example.

2. Discussion

There are many anomalies in the legal age in the UK, for example, a person may get married at 16, but cannot drive on the UK roads until they reach the age of 17. However, it still remains that legally the age at which a young person becomes an adult is 18. Therefore, the current fee structure that allows the Town Council to charge for burials from the age of 17 is an arbitrary limit based on past practices rather than a reasoned decision. The likely loss in revenue to the Town Council is negligible, and it could be argued that this is far outweighed by the benefit to the bereaved family members in feeling that the Town Council is sympathetic to their loss at a very difficult time.

3. Recommendation

That the age limit at which residents of Penryn are charged for burial be raised from 16 to 17 with immediate effect.

4. Appendices

Glebe Cemetery Fees

41 Appendix


Glebe Cemetery Fees

Fees, payments and sums fixed and settled under Section 34 of the Burial Act 1852 and by Penryn Town Council under Section 214 of the Local Government Act 1972 made and adopted at a meeting of the Council held on 5 October 2015 to be effective from 1 April 2016.

Penryn Town Council does not employ a sexton and therefore all fees are exclusive of digging. The digging of graves in Glebe Cemetery is arranged through the funeral director.


The fees given below apply to an earthen grave for which an exclusive right of burial must be purchased.

Interment of the body of a resident still -born or the body of a child No charge whose age at the time of death did not exceed 16 years Interment of the body of a non -resident still -born or the body of a £10 0.00 child whose age at the time of death did not exceed 16 years In terment of the body of a resident whose age at the time of death £150.00 exceeded 16 years Interment of the body of a non -resident whose age at the time of £300.00 death exceeded 16 years Interment of a second body of a resident whose age at the time of £100.00 death exceeded 16 years Interment of a second body of a non -resident whose age at the time £200.00 of death exceeded 16 years

42 Exclusive rights of burial (in addition to interment fees above)

The fees below apply to the exclusive right of burial in an earthen grave (8 ft by 4 ft) for a period of 50 years. The fees include the Deed of Grant and all expenses thereof.

Exclusive right of burial in an earthen grave for a resident whose age No charge at the time of death did not exceed 16 years Exclusive right of burial in an earthen grave for a non -resident £100.00 whose age at the time of death did not exceed 16 years Exclusive right of burial in an earthen grave for a resident whose age £100.00 at the time of death exceeded 16 years Exclusive right of burial in an earthen grave for a non -resident £200.00 whose age at the time of death exceeded 16 years Exclusive right of burial of c remated remains for a resident whose No charge age at the time of death did not exceed 16 years Exclusive right of burial of cremated remains for a non -resident £50.00 whose age at the time of death did not exceed 16 years Exclusive right of burial of cr emated remains for a resident whose £50.00 age at the time of death exceeded 16 years Exclusive right of burial of cremated remains for a non -resident £100.00 whose age at the time of death exceeded 16 years

Cremated remains

The fees given below apply to the interment of cremated remains on existing graves, or existing or new plots in the cremated remains section.

Interment of cremated remains of a resident whose age at the time of No charge death did not exceed 16 years Interment of cremated remains of a non -resident whose age at the £50.00 time of death did not exceed 16 years Interment of cremated remains of a resident whose age at the time of £50.00 death exceeded 16 years Interment of cremated remains of a non -resident whose age at the £100.00 time of death exceeded 16 years

43 Monuments

The fees given below apply to the right to erect a monument on a grave or cremated remains plot in respect of which the exclusive right of burial has been purchased.

For permission to erect a monument not excee ding three feet £6 5.00 (900 mm) by three feet (900 mm) For permission to erect a vase, temporary cross, or grave marker £20.00 bearing the name of the deceased For permission to place a tablet of three feet (900 mm) by three feet £45.00 (900 mm) on a cremated remains plot For each additional inscription after the first £30.00

Additional fees

For a grave dug out of rotation £90.00 For the exhumation of a coffin £300.00 For the exhumation of a casket of cremated remains £100.00 For the transfer of ex clusive rights of burial (includes new Deed of £25.00 Grant)




Memorial Benches

Author: Michelle Davey, Town Clerk

1. Background

The Town Council has set aside a budget for £1200 to replace two of the Town Council’s benches that are no longer fit for purpose and which have been removed, one from the Memorial Gardens and a round picnic table from the Old Gentlemen’s Shelter.

2. Discussion

A number of quotes have been obtained and options are set out below for consideration:

Memorial Gardens Old Gentlemen’s Shelter Basic wooden bench – £340–£699 Heavy duty round picnic table – £229 Cast iron anti vandal bench – £549 Tanalised sustainable round picnic table – £330 WW1 memorial bench – £599–£765 Recycled plastic round picnic table with 25yr guarantee – £565 WW2 memorial bench – £610–£875

3. Recommendation

That the Town Council purchases a WW1 or WW2 memorial bench at a cost of £599 or £610 plus VAT respectively for the Memorial Gardens and a recycled plastic round picnic table with a 25 year guarantee at £565 plus VAT for the Old Gentlemen’s Shelter.

4. Appendices





Community Grants

Author: Michelle Davey, Town Clerk

1. Background

For the year ended March 2017, Council has allocated a total fund for Community grants of £7000, all of which currently remains unallocated. The Town Council’s statutory powers to give grants are limited to certain groups, for example, local sports clubs, however, Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 enables local councils to spend a limited amount of money for purposes for which they have no other specific statutory expenditure. This power can be used for community grants which fall outside of the statutory expenditure, but first, the council must be satisfied that there is a direct benefit to the area or part of the area, or to some or all of the inhabitants.

2. Discussion

Requests have been received from the Penryn and District Twinning Association and the Falmouth and Penryn Lions Club. Copies of the application forms are attached as Appendices to the report.

3. Recommendation

That the Town Council considers the requests for community grants.

4. Appendices

1. Penryn and District Twinning Association – Grant application form 2. Falmouth and Penryn Lions Club – Grant application form


Appendix 1

Penryn Town Council


Name of Organisation Penryn and District Twinning Association

Registered Charity No. N/A (if applicable)

Purpose of Organisation To foster contact and relationship with families and individuals in Audierne, Brittany, France.

Total No. of Members 34 Total No. of Members in 30 (if applicable) the Parish of Penryn (if applicable)

Contact Name Mrs Anne Doble

Contact Address


Email Address

Amount Applied For £At the Council’s discretion

Purpose of Grant To assist in the costs of hosting approximately 32 French guests staying at members’ homes. A number of visits are organised, i.e. National Trust houses, conducted tours, hotel meals and sundry costs. All Penryn members pay their own costs.

Details of Other Bodies Awarded Approached Organisation Amount Applied For (Yes/No/Pending)



Appendix 2

Penryn Town Council


Name of Organisation Falmouth and Penryn Lions Club

Registered Charity No. (if applicable)

Purpose of Organisation To help others less fortunate than us with our local area

Total No. of Members 16 Total No. of Members in (if applicable) the Parish of Penryn (if applicable)

Contact Name Mr Richard Mitchell

Contact Address


Email Address

Amount Applied For £75

Purpose of Grant To help raise funds for the Falmouth and Penryn Lions Club Charity Golf Day

Details of Other Bodies Awarded Approached Organisation Amount Applied For (Yes/No/Pending)

Various to cover 18 holes