PP 188112/90 ISSN 0126·5539 PERSATUAN GEOLOGI


Jil. 17, No.1 (Vol. 17, No.1) Jan-Feb 1991 KANDUNGAN (Contents) :::::: ;;:::A : ~i)fi'::N':::':':' : ~E' j;«~:':;;;;':b. : I' "~~A:i=l;i;:kl~~'I"":'N"~~~~V':'::', , ','"'''''' ., "", ;::;,/,,:::b:':' : .. ::,::,:: ,:::::: ;;:.:'.':,': ::::;:;;::":':':':"'\\i\:::::::::::)'/ ::: '::::::::: :fr}~: ~~ ; I:H:t~ : : :. ~ , :~~~~ "' :\~:W:~IU¥ ~ :¥. . ~I~~l "" ' :"" ..... ': ...... ::::::)trm t ...... :::::;:::::: ~r :!j~jrff: ::.:.:::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:::::::::::::::. rj :::::::::::-:., ::: H'." Sa~~ta ' ~::N~te ' ~~ fossi1 ' 'iocalityofcrabs '' and ' cutttefi'shh~ne ' l~i)lelst~~~~~ """":y: marine sandy clay at Sungai Kolok, southeast-most Thailand Peter H. Stauffer: Geological observations at the Seng Mines, Sungai Way, , 11 in July 1972 111:1:::,iliilll lmIIYII" lli_'Y_II'I~I!II~' , II!' , illlll11~11~:IIIIIIIIIIIIII,lli,i,li: :I " , :::i : ::,!'!i:,::r::;;':::, :': : !,-I!I':'i::,::: , :!:!I!::1:::: , ;;;::":::,:,:::,::i:::: ' ;: ' !::i'~:'::;::;:::::::::,:,:' :;:,: M.Yogeswaran : Hydrogeology of Sarawak with some aspects on groundwater 19 development M. Fuller: Tertiary palaeomagnetism of regions around the South China Sea 21 P. Gutteridge : Carbonate sand bodies at the northern margins of the Darbyshire 23 Carbonate Platform (Lower Carboniferous) U.K Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin : Survei ketakselanjaran dan ragam kegagalan cerun batuan 26 di Lebuh Raya Timur-Barat Abdul Hadi Abdul Rahman : The use of wireline logs and cuttings for the prediction 26 of subsurface sedimentary facies - A case study from the Northumberland Trough, Northern England

"=;:::::,:",, Ili:i:{Nlw~'::af'itfj(I'iS~IAtv\: Jawatankuasa Pencalunan (Nominations Committee) 29 Appointment of New Councillor and Chairman of Engineering Geology Working Group 29 Keahlian (Membership) 30 Pertukaran Alamat (Change of Address) 30 Wanted: Current address of one member 31 Pertambahan Barn Perpustakaan (New Library Additions) 31

:::",:,:::::'!!~rrl:i~ : !~!@)!~,I:::::f,~!!:!,~!!~~ :,:::, ',::::,,:::::',:,::::::'::::'::::'i:':,::,::::::::::::::'::,;:::::i,:",::,;:::;:' , ',:::;:',',»:::,: , ::::::,'::::::::":'!'!:'::'::,::"::'::'::::::::;::',::,;:,f.j':':;:':r::;::::::': Geological Survey of Malaysia - Annual Report & Conference Proceedings 32 29th International Geological Congress 35 Petronas Inventors' Award 39 Kursus-kursus Latihan dan Bengkel-bengkel (Training Courses and Workshop) 43 Kalender (Calender) 45


GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA Majlis (Council) 1991 /92 ~:.

.~:~:'7::r:?~y;::r~?"~~~-:;'';.~::»-':-:'-';·;'-:::»=:=''' ... ~:-:::-:0.E"W::: Presiden (President) Ahmad Said Naib Presiden (Vice-President) KhalidNgah Setiausaha Kehormat (Hon. Secretary) Jimmy Khoo Kay Khean Penolong Setiausaha Kehormat (Asst. Hon. Secretary) : Ahmad Tajuddin Ibrahim Bendahari Kehormat (Hon. Treasurer) Lee Chai Peng Pengarang Kehormat (Hon. Editor) TehGuanHoe Presiden Yang Dahulu (Immediate Past President) : Hamzah Mohamad Juruodit Kerhormat (Honorary Auditor) Peter Chew

1991-93 1991-92 Abdul Ghani Mohd. Rafek Andrew Spykerman Mazlan Madon Cheang Kok Keong Nik Ramli Nik Hassan Chin Lik Suan Tan Teong Hi.D.g FatehChand

Jawatankuasa Kecil Pengarang (Editorial Subcommittee) " '.f'<.... :: .. :, ..... ". :... < .....~.:~~ ... , ..:''' ...... ,... ,.. '..... " .. , ...~:.: ... :.:,. J Teh Guan Hoe (Pengerusi/Chairman) Lee Chai Peng Ng Tham Fatt Lili Sulastri Tan Boon Kong Mazlan Madon Tan Teong Hing

Lembaga Penasihat Pengarang (Editorial Advisory Board) .~ ·~~?:'~r~~~:,·«>·'. .... ::<.: ...... :" .... ~...... ,', .,. .•• :.~~;%~. AwPeckChin C.A Foss Senathi Rajah Azhar Hj. Hussin N.S. Haile Shu Yoon Khoon K.R. Chakraborty KF.G. Hosking P.H. Stauffer Cheang Kok Keong C.S. Hutchison Tan Boon Kong Choo Mun Keong Ian Metcalfe H.D.1Jia Chu Leng Heng John Kuna Raj Yeap Cheng Hock Dennis N.K. Tan Leong Lap Sau Yin Ee Heng

The Society was founded in 1967 with the aim of promoting the advancement of earth " sciences particularly in Malaysia and the Southeast Asian region. The society has a membership of about 600 earth scientists interested in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian regions. The membership is worldwide in distribution.

Published by the Geological Society of Malaysia, Department of Geology, University of Malaya, 59100 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 003-757 7036 Fax: 003-756 3900 Printed by M Printing Works Sdn. Bhd.. 29 Jalan Riong, 59100 Kuala Lumpur. Note on fossil locality of crabs and cuttlefish bone in Pleistocene marine sandy clay at Sungai Kolok, southeast-most Thailand

H. SAWATA Geological Research Project, Prince ofSongkhla University, Thailand

On 23 June 1977, Prof. N .S. Haile, head (Dr. Morris' letter dated 14th July 1977 to of the Department of Geology, University of Prof. Haile). Prof. Haile also suggested dating Malaya at that time, sent a letter to the of suitable samples from the locality, since writer enclosing a photostat copy of a this would give an estimation of the rate of photograph showing the location of fossil build out of the coast, as the crabs plus crabs and fossilized cuttlefish bone. He cuttlefish would seem to indicate a shore guessed the deposit containing fossils is line; he suspected the age was about 5,000 Pleistocene or perhaps Pliocene and years. considered it would be interesting to see On 22 October 1978, the writer had a whether there are any foraminifera or other chance during his holiday trip to visit the fossils there. fossil locality with the kind guidance ofMiss The British Museum studied the Patcharin Phannanukul, chief of Japanese samples of these fossils sent by Prof. Haile course of this university and her brother-in­ and determined the cuttlefish is Sepia law. bandensis Adam (identified by Dr. M.K The attached sketch map (Fig. 2) shows Howarth) and the crabs areMacrophthalmus the locality(loc. 1 in Fig. 3). Unfortunately, (Venitus) latreillei (Desmarest) (identified the high level of water in the Muno Canal by Dr. S.F. Morris) (Figs. 1,4-6). Dr. Morris prevented him from doing any geological writes that it ranges from Pleistocene to study of the outcrop of locality itself, and Recent and usually lives in estuaries or only small amounts of imperfect fragments mangrove swamps. This species is known of crab fossils and white stone - cuttlefish from the Pleistocene ofSabah and Ceylon; it bone fossil? - were shown to him by local is common as a sub-fossil from the Chinese inhabitants and one fragment of crab fossil coast and northern Australia. Its was presented by one of them. The local geographical range as an extant species people related that one or two years before covers most of southeast Asia, from the Gulf about a thousand pieces offossil were found of Bengal to Japan and northern Australia in the canal, and a buyer from Bangkok exhausted all the collection. These local Material submitted by N.S. Haile and people seemed to believe these fossils are extracted with permission from Prince of valuable as medicine, and that might be the Songkhla University Geological Research reason why the price offossils is so high and Project Publication No.4 (1979).

ISBN 0126-5539 Warta Geologi, Vol.17, No.1, Jan-Feb 1991 2 H. SAWATA the people are not so willing to offer their buddha image ofInman style was found near fossil collection to non-merchants. the locality of fossils in the Muno Canal. The level of surface of the formation About 2 km west-northwest of the fossil with these fossils is unknown and only be locality, the road cuts through a hill 33 m presumed at around 5 m above sea-level. high and exposures of decomposed bedrock On the northern extension of Muno ofpossibly Palaeozoic are seen. The presumed Canal, at the crossing point with the road geology of the area is shown on Figure 3. from Sungai Kolok to Tak BailNarathiwat, It is hoped that a geological study of the ca. 14.5 km from Sungai Kolok (loc. 2 in Fig. fossil locality in the M uno Canal will become 3), under and around the road bridge in the possible in the not too distant future when canal, there are found several outcrops of lowering water level in the canal may expose mud. Dark-grey mud 50 cm plus thick is the fossil-bearing formation above water, covered by a black woody layer 5 cm thick. and its stratigraphy may then become There is one independently standing trunk clarified and more fossils be collected for age around 10 cm in diameter and 50 cm in determination. height which may be natural wood stem or The writer wishes to specially express artificial post. This wood is black in its outer his gratefulness to Prof. N.H. Haile for his part and more brownish at the centre. No kind information, valuable suggestions and macrofossil was found at the outcrop. It was improvement of this report. told that sometime before, a boat with a

Figure 1. Part of plate LX of Rumphius' "D'Amboinsche Rariteitkamer" 1741, showing fossil Macrophthalmus (No.1 and No.2).

Jan-Feb 1991 r.,., \ \ , \ THAILAND \ On base c1- topographic sheet maps 1: sqooo '\ L7017 5321 11 and 54Z1 III and his glimpse " .... ~ ')..... _, I \ I I J

LEGEND _ decot"ro.sed lolls.. ,...,.Jc.: 'fi.e-18 ..tiary X fossil looa~ >-< canal ja1e / loci'l rc>aGl _/..- hijhway I I t"" yaiL",aj MALAYSIA city of

i 2 3 KM c.~~~~d~:===:=:d' ____..... '

Figure 2. Locality map of crab and cuttlefish bone fossils in Muno Canal, Sungai Kolok District, on the Thai-Malaysian border, southeastern-most Thailand. 4 H. SAWATA

\ I I I I \ _ _ '0--/ ~-:== --~:== ~ -= :;tt.: = = c: --~--- ~" =: 3':== .~ =:....~.: == (!:.

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',IU •:I Figure 3. Presumed geological map at sea-level of the area around the Muno Canal fossil locality, Sungai Kolok district, southeastern-most Thailand, by Geological Research Project, Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand, October 22, 1978; revised July 2, 1979.


023 W L.J LJ L..J U l..J ~-W Scale In Centimetres

023 W L.J L.J L..J U l..J I...J..--W Scale In Centimetres

Figure 4. Macrophthalmus (Venitus) latreillei from Muno Canal, Sungai Kolok, southeastern-most Thailand; collected by Prof. Haile at Kuala Lumpur; photo: courtesy of Department of Geology, University of Malaya.

Warr.a Geologi, Vol.17,No.l 6 H. SAWATA

o I 2 3 Ll L.J I..Jd....l w l.J ;....J W Scale In Centimetres

023 WwL.Juul..Juu Scale In Centimetres

Figure 5. Sepia bandensis from Muno Canal, Sungai Kolok, southeastern-most Thailand; collected by Prof. Haile at Kuala Lumpur; photo: courtesy ofDepartment of Geology, University of Malaya. FOSSIL CRAB AND CUTTLE-FISH BONE IN PLEISTOCENE MARINE CLAY, THAILAND 7

o o• • 5• err

fo. 1\ .1 o 2

o 1'" I ,

dorsal right left side side jlrl

back side ventral front side

Figure 6. Macrophthalmus (Venitus) latreillei from Muno Canal, Sungai Kolok, southeastem-mostThailand; sample presented by Muno Canal Office to Geological Research Project, Prince ofSongkhla University.

Warta Geologi, Vol.17,No.l 8 H. SAWATA Additional note on fossil locality of crabs and cuttlefish bones in Pleistocene clay at Sungai Kolok, southeast­ most Thailand

Geological Research Project, Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand. After the note of 25 October 1978 was found in light grey clay. This unit seems to prepared, on 1 July 1979, the Geological form top horizon-present surface beside the Research Project team of the Prince of canal. Exact relation between this and the Songkhla University finally managed to see units 1-5 above is unknown but presumably the fossils locality of Muno Canal and this covers the unit 1 with conformable? collected a considerable amountoffossilcrabs boundary. Sample of the woods of this unit and cuttlefish bones, nodules containing and the unit 2 are also collected.. fossils, semi-carbonized wood and the clay Oneofthecrabfossils presented through and sandy mud accompanying. the kindness of the Muno Canal Office was The occurrence ofthe fossils is as follows sent to the British Museum to be determined from top to bottom: as Charybdis (Charybdis) aff. sinhaleya (identified by Dr. S.F. Morris)(Figs. 7-9). Dr. Unit Description Thickness Morris tells that the genus Charybdis belongs N~ mcm to the family Portunidae, which is a group of predatory, swimming crabs, living in very 1. White clay with limonitic stain. 100+ shallow inshore waters; together with the 2. Carbonized wood 5 Macrophthalmus (an inshore form) - mentioned in the note of25 October 1978, it 3. Greyish white sandy mud with suggests that these specimens lived on worm tubes? 5 mm in diameter 100 relatively soft sandy muds ranging from and sand pipes of similar size. littoral to 20 m in depth (Fig. 10); the age of the fauna is almost certainly Pleistocene, 4. Light bluish grey sandy mud with 50 but crabs do not enable us to sub-divide this two producing crab and cuttlefish period in any way. bone fossils. A nodule sent to the New Zealand Geological Survey for radiocarbon dating 5. Light bluish grey clay with limonitic 100 + stain, 30 cm thick of which being however, showed the absence of carbon. above water and the rest under water of Micropalaeontological study of sediments canal. In water, at the canal bottom crab containing fossils is being sought. and cuttlefish bone fossils are collected. As the shortest distance from the fossil locality to the present sea shore is around 17.5 km, it may be presumed the sea shore Most of fossils are forming nodules in advanced for this distance during the time of clay and reveal no or a part of fossils. Pleistocene to Recent with a mean value of Around 100 m south of the locality, advancement ofshore line at around 0.01- 2 carbonized and semi-carbonized wood is m/year.

***** Manuscript received 29 December 1990


..I' /~~_ ...... • 1 ~...... -..

dor~ abdominal

Figure 7. Charybdis (Charybdis) afT. sinhaleya from Muno Canal, Sungai Kolok, southeastern-most Thailand; sample presented by Muno Canal Office to Geological Research Project, Prince of Songkhla University.

abdOll1ina.l dorsal

~nter1or posterior .... , \. - ~~~.-. 2 .J

:,'.~:/ m.uddy cover ~ limonitic mater-ial Figure 8. A fragmental sample offossil crab ofMuno Canal, Sungai Kolok, southeastern-most Thailand.

Warta Geologi, vol.17,No.l 10 H. SAWATA

~ !!J;.T~~~ i 2l ~ :~I 31 Figure 9. Cuttle-fish bone ~ from Muno Canal, Sungai ! Kolok, southeastern-most ! +J Thailand. r 5 I I eM i rI ~ ~~,., Vnlt- 5" I ~~~ 0/ ~no Cs~

r l~ j

g "l:I c 81 wood possibly from this horizon; relation with the following units Ii :::I ."'1:::: ·c unknown C 0 ~~ ~ ~ ..c =.. 5 1 100+ white clay with limonitic stain 2 5 carbonized wood ~ .- " · greyish white sandy mud with worm tubes? 5 mm in diameter and 3 100 ·• fJ ~ 0 sand pipes of similar size ·: 44-1 50 ... .a~~ light bluish grey sandy mud with two horizons producing crab and 4-:;1 ~;- cuttle-fish bone fossils light bluish grey clay with limonitic stain, 30 cm thick of which being 5 100+ above water and rest under water, at the canal bottom, crab and ~ca> cuttle-fish bone are collected ~ wood IJ sand pipe c:tl cuttle-fish bone. crab fossil Figure 10. Geological columnar section at the fossil locality, Muno Canal, Sungai Kolok, southeastern­ most Thailand.

Jan-Feb 1991 11 Geological observations at the Seng Mines, Sungai Way, Selangor, in July 1972

PETER H. STAUFFER, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California, U.S.A.

Abstract: The main opencast pit at the Seng Mines, active in 1972, exposed a complex section of unconsolidated sediments overlying bedrock of metamorphic (marble) and plutonic (granitic) rocks. The surface of the marble was eroded into rounded pillow shapes; this morphology is consistent with solution under saturated alluvium, and the jagged microkarst topography commonly seen on carbonate rocks in alluvial mines is probably formed subaerially. A mass of organic material (peat and wood) more than 20 m thick indicates long-term persistence of local swamp conditions; alluvial bedding dipping down toward the mass supports its origin by progressive solution of the underlying marble, facilitated by acids from the organic material itself. Fractures formed in the mass during subsidence are filled by veins ofvitrain-like coaly material derived from the peat and similar to those described earlier from Perak. Bedding layers in alluvial sediments on part of the granitic bedrock surface are steeply folded in conformity with irregularities in the granite surface. The inference that this geometry resulted from subsidence consequent on total removal by solution of intervening carbonate bedrock is supported by the presence of a boulder of reddish, cemented cave earth typical of solution cavity fillings. These several features document in instructive ways the complex interactions of bedrocks, alluvial sediments, and water in this geologic environment, and they provide clues that can be used to interpret the history of events in other similar environments.

INTRODUCTION evolution ofbedrock and overlying sediment, Just north of the junction of the old and these instructive features cannot be Subang road with the Federal Highway, seen again: not only are the mine pits long behind the row ofold Sungai Wayshophouses, since filled, but the stratigraphy and there was a series of opencast tin-mining structures ofthe unconsolidated sedimentary pits active in the early 1970's. In July 1972, section have of course been totally destroyed while I was Senior Lecturer in the during mining. Department of Geology, University of Malaya, I went out to visit the large and deep pit of the Seng Mines, just behind those GEOLOGY OF THE MINE shophouses. The visit was part ofthe course of instruction in Honours Sedimentology at The Seng Mines at Sungai Way lay in U.M., and I was accompanied by the four the lower valley, a flat tract formed by students in the class: Kumar Khuttan, Lim Quaternary sediment, mainly terrestrial, Tee Peng, Tai Say Ann, and Tan Jee Theng. covering eroded pre-Cenozoic bedrock (Fig. The features seen in the mine pit were 1). The general geology ofthis area has been of such interest that I have thought it described by Tharmarajan (1970). Regional worthwhile to put them on record from my geologic maps (Gobbett, 1972; Chung, 1973) notes and memory, even at this late date. show the mine site as being on the boundary They had much to say about the interrelated between a unit ofrecrystallized sedimentary

ISSN 0126-5539 Warta Geologi, Vol.17, No.1, Jan-Feb 1991 12 PETER H. STAUFFER carbonate rocks, probably continuous with bedded clastic sediment that fit the charac­ the lower Paleozoic Kuala Lumpur Limestone teristics of the Old Alluvium (Sivam, 1969; (Gobbett, 1964), on the west and an area of Stauffer, 1973). On the north side ofthe pit, granitic intrusive rocks, apparently an such alluvial material, varying from white offshoot of the early Mesozoic Main Range clay to grey, weathered gravel, was the only (Hutchison, 1973), on the east. Indeed, both Quaternary sediment type visible (Fig. 2). marble and granitic rocks were exposed in Broken and slumped masses ofthis material the mine pit in 1972 (Figs. 2, 3). The bedrock formed the upper walls ofthe pit on the north in the Seng Mines and its mineralization side and most of the west side. have been described by Goh (1975). One area of Old Alluvium lying on the Above these bedrocks was exposed a granite bedrock that underlay all the section of Quaternary sediment approxi­ northern half of the pit (Fig. 2) showed mately 25 m (75 ft) thick. The lower part of particularly interesting features (Fig. 4). this section, directly on the bedrock, con­ Here the bedding layers in the alluvium sisted, wherever it could be seen, of fairly followed the shape ofthe underlying granite pervasively weathered fine- to coarse-grained surface, even though this put them in a tight

[Not to scale]

SEN G MIN E S o 10 km I -

Figure 1. Location of the Seng Mines pit that was active in 1972, at the time ofthe observations described in the text, in relation to the Federal Highway and the old Sungai Way shophouses. Although the map is not to scale, the pit was no more than about 100 m from the shophouses.

Jan-Feb 1991 GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AT THE SENG MINEs, SuNGAl WAY, SELANGOR 13 synclinal fold with nearly vertical limbs. Morphology of the marble surface The implications of this will be discussed Carbonate bedrock, in the form ofmarble later. . representing metamorphosed bedded On the south and southeast sides of the limestone was exposed by the removal ofthe pit the alluvial section had quite a different overlying' unconsolidated sediment in the character (Fig. 2). Above the basal sequence, southwestern comer of the pit (see Fig. 2). only a few meters thick, of clastic sediment The surface of this bedrock had the form of similar to that in the other parts of the pit, rounded pillows resembling stacks of disks the section here consisted of a deep mass, at having rounded edges (Fig. 3). The least 20 m thick, of dark peat, rich in wood smoothness of this morphology contrasts fragments and pieces of damar (solidified starkly with the rough erosional morphology resin from forest trees). Layering in the Old we come to expect from carbonate rocks, Alluvium at the base of this section dipped especially in the tropics. Many mines in the south or southeast, toward the peaty mass, Kinta Valley have exposed deeply etched at about 45 degrees. One can infer, therefore, carbonate rocks showing microkarst that the section of peat thickens in that topography of sharp, irregular ridges and direction, and the total maximum thickness pinnacles separated by clefts and hollows is not known. (see, for example, Stauffer, 1973, Figs. 6.13, At the southern edge of the mine pit, on 6.14). I have often assumed that such the exposed upper surface of the peat mass, topography could and did form beneath could be observed numerous thin, vertical, unconsolidated sediment through the action black, tabular bodies, arranged in two of percolating groundwater. However, the orthogonal sets more or less east-west and very different morphology seen in the Seng north-south and mostly a few miJ1imeters to Mines pit (Fig. 3) is actually more consistent about 1 cm thick. These dark veins consisted with solution while immersed in saturated of hard, brittle coaly material, and there alluvium. Under such conditions, all parts seems little doubt that they correspond to ofthe surface would be constantly in contact the "coal veins" described by Fermor (1939) with water, the water in deeper cracks and and Richardson (1941).from localities in the embayments would become saturated and Kinta Valley and noted also by Fitch (1952, solution there stop, projections would tend P. 46) in the Kuantan area of Pahang. to be rounded back as they are most exposed Specimens of these veins were collected and to unsaturated water, and stratigraphic are now in the University of Malaya differences in susceptibility would result in Department of Geology collection. the etching out of certain bedding planes or intervals preferentially. This is exactly the results seen in the carbonate bedrock in the FEATURE OF INTEREST Seng Mines. Ifthis is the normal product of suballuvial solution of carbonates, then The geology of the Seng Mines pit as should we perhaps suspect a previous period described here and as seen in July 1972 ofsubaerial exposure whenever we see buried included several significant and instructive microkarst? Alternatively, could a features. These features tell us some microkarst topography form under alluvium interesting things about the evolution of the not continually saturated? The association Quaternary section at this site and of the Seng Mines smooth morphology with particularly about the role of the bedrock in a thick peat accumulation indicates a swampy that evolution. condition of probably continual and long- term saturation of the sediment.

Warta Geologi, vol.17,No.l o 10 m ~ Approximate scale Slumped alluvial breccia (recent)

Pond Weathered tourmaline White Old Alluvium; granite basal gravel overlain by crossbedded sand

Folded wedge of Old Alluvium [Area of figure Deep pile of wood-rich and damar-rich peat

Vertical coal veins in N-S and E-W sets HorizontaHy layered marble [Area of figure 3] Fine-grained Old Alluvium dipping about 45° toward center of peat pile (from both sides) Figure 2. Sketch geologic map ofSeng Mines pit in 1972, drawn from original in field notes. Vertical relief from perimeter road down to bottom of pit about 25 m. GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AT THE SENG MINES, SUNGAI WAY, SELANGOR 15 can continue to evolve until stopped by Deep peat accumulation and exhaustion ofone or another ofthe elements associated coal veins involved in the feedback loop - in this case The southern and southeastern walls of possibly the removal of all carbonate rock the mine pit were made up of very dark down to insoluble bedrock (granite) over organic sediment richly studded with wood much of the area of the surface water body, fragments of all sizes and with pieces of thus inhibiting further subsidence and damar. It was clear that considerable allowing the water body to be destroyed by quantities of such organic sediment had infilling with sediment. already been removed in the process of During the active subsidence of the excavating the mine pit. This deep organic sediment, differential displacement accumulation must be the deposits of a ofparts ofthe mass would give rise to stresses stagnant swamp or lake that was present that result in fracturing, faulting, and offset. over a considerable period of time. At the same time, disintegration and decay Persistence ofsuch a water body was probably of the organic matter would produce maintained by continuing subsidence ofthe concentrated solutions and colloidal substrate - the carbonate bedrock - through suspensions of organic substances. These subsurface solution. Organic acids derived fluids could in turn be injected into the from the living and dead vegetation would, cracks formed during the uneven subsidence in turn, have facilitated solution of the and compaction of the sediment sequence. carbonate bedrock by percolating In this way the organic material could inject groundwater, thus providing for further upwards (and downwards) into the cracks, subsidence and therefore maintenance of and squeezing out ofthe water from repeated the surface depression holding the stagnant or prolonged injections would leave behind water body that was producing the acids. an organic residue that eventually hardened This is a good example ofan unstable system to form the coal veins. whose instability becomes self-perpetuating Like the similar veins reported in Perak through positive feedback. Such a system (Fermor, 1939; Richardson, 1941), the veins


_. ---- ~ ~~ ....-~~.-~ ~-..:.- --~ ------~ ../'" ---.-.- ~-.- ---- '. . ------_.

o 1 m I I Approximate scale

Figure 3. Sketch of exposed marble bedrock in Seng Mines pit in 1972, showing smooth rounded shapes resembling stacks of discoid pillows. Drawn from original in field notes. For location see Figure 2.

Warta Geologi, Vol.17,No.l 16 PETER H. STAUFFER at the Seng Mines consisted of jet-black Folded alluvium on granite vitrain-like material having the smooth In the northwestern partofthe pitfioor, textureofahardenedgel. Exposed to the air, the clastic deposits of the Old Alluvium it tended to break into small blocky fragments showed in one area an interesting relation to having subconchoidal surfaces. the granitic bedrock (Fig. 4). The bedded The veins at the Seng Mines, as were deposits conform to the shape of the granite the others reported in the Malay Peninsula, surface, the individual layers being parallel characteristically had vertical or near­ to that surface. This configuration produces vertical dips, different from the typical dips a steep, nearly isoclinal fold in the alluvium, of normal faults or slump structures. This filling a trough-like reentrant of the granite may be because, in contrast to the usual case surface. These folded beds had a fold width in normal faulting, there was here no of about 2 m and could be traced vertically horizontal relief. IT essentially vertical for about 1.5 m, the bottom of the synclinal subsidence were combined with isotropic fold not being visible. shrinkage compaction, this combination might produce just such sets of orthogonal, It is clearly impossible for the alluvial vertical, open cracks, analogous perhaps to beds to have been deposited in this the orthogonal joints normal to bedding so configuration; they must have subsided into common in thick structureless sandstone the fold structure, much as has been beds. interpreted for similar features in the Kinta

Gravelly Old Alluvium

Finer grained Old Alluvium


Gulley in which 30-cm boulder of carbonate­ iron oxide rock was found (most likely former filling of a + + + + solution cavity in carbonate + -I- + rock) + + + +- + + COvered 0 1 m I I Approximate scale

Figure 4. Sketch offolded section of alluvial sediments occupying trough-l~k.e ho~low in surface ofgranitic bedrock, as seen in Seng Mines pitin 1972. Dra~ from o,?gmal m field notes. Probable origin of this feature discussed in text. For location see Figure 2. Jan-Feb 1991 GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AT THE SENG MINEs, SuNGAI WAY, SELANGOR 17 Valley (Ayob, 1970, Fig.4). However, in such above the carbonate bedrock exposed previously reported examples, the bedrock elsewhere in the mine. Therefore it was beneath the alluvium. has been of carbonate most likely a residual boulder let down onto rocks, and suballuvial solution of the the granite surface by solution of its carbonate provides a convenient explanation surrounding carbonate material. for the subsidence of the clastic deposits. Here at the Seng Mines the bedrock was granite, and such rock is not susceptible to DISCUSSION solution as are carbonate rocks. However, carbonate bedrock was present elsewhere in The features seen in the Seng Mines the mine pit, and the mass ofpeaty sediment and described above indicate the complex provides indirect evidence that much interaction ofbedrock and alluvium. in areas carbonate rock has been removed by solution were soluble carbonate rocks occur, and they (see above). provide clues we can use to interpret other It is not unreasonable, therefore, to exposures, particularly where the carbonate infer that the contact of granite and folded rock has totally disappeared. alluvium. seen in the northern part of the The interrelated evolution of alluvium. mine pit was originally a contact between and bedrock is best seen in the feedback loop granite below and carbonate rocks above, of the peat swamp over carbonate bedrock. that is, that carbonate bedrock overlay the Here the acids released in the swamp help granite in at least that area. Solution then dissolve the underlying carbonate rocks, gradually removed the carbonate rock, and causing surface subsidence that in turn the overlying alluvial deposits were let down perpetuates the swamp conditions at the onto the insoluble granite. This process surface. This feedback loop operated here must have continued until no carbonate rock long enough to build up a thick mass ofpeaty at all remained over considerable areas. sediment and possibly to remove all Where the originalgranite-carbonate contact carbonate bedrock, down to the contact with was in the shape of a trough, the alluvial insoluble bedrock, underneath most of the beds would have been distorted as they were swamp. let down and ended up in a tight syncline. The nature of the bedrock, therefore, Some support for the inferred former has here influenced or determined the nature presence ofcarbonate rocks above the granite of the sediment deposited above it, even in the northern part of the mine pit was after that bedrock was already buried. The provided by the presence of a boulder nature ofthe sediment has, in turn, promoted observed during the 1972 visit (see Fig. 4). the continued solution of the bedrock. This boulder, which was found lying on the The folded alluvium on the granite granite surface a few meters from the folded surface also is a product of the interrelation alluvial beds, was composed of a red-brown of bedrock and unconsolidated sediment. In mixture ofcarbonate andiron oxides such as this case, deformation of the alluvium. has is commonly found filling solution cavities in resulted because of the irregularity of the limestone hills. Being only partly of original contact between soluble and carbonate mineral (and that sometimes insoluble bedrocks. Because the soluble siderite), such material is less soluble than bedrock has been entirely removed by the carbonate bedrock and so commonly solution in that area, this interpretation survives as residual boulders and fragments must be inferred from indirect clues. where the latter has been extensively Fortunately, exposures elsewhere in the mine dissolved. This particular boulder was about pit gave much evidence of the story. If the 30 em across, larger than the clasts in the granite-alluvium. contact had not, however, alluvial section, and it lay at an elevation been exposed, interpreting the fold structure

Warta Geologi, vol.17,No.l 18 PETER H. STAUFFER in the alluvium would have been very FERMOR, L.L., 1939. Coal veins in Malaya. problematical. Geological Magazine, v. 76, p. 465-472. Ifthe interpretation is correct that the FITCH, F.H., 1952. The geology and mineral rounded morphology of the marble surface resources of the neighborhood of Kuantan, in the mine pit formed under saturated Pahang. Federation of Malaya, Geological alluvium, that alluvium (already removed Survey Department Memoir, v. 6, 114 p. by mining at the time I visited the mine pit) GoBBE'IT,D.J.,1964. The Lower Palaeozoic rocks must have subsided and deformed to of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Federation accommodate the evolving shape of the Museums Journal, v. 9, p. 67-79. bedrock surface. The resulting structures GoBBE'IT,'D.J., 1972. Geological map of Malay formed in the sediment should have had the Peninsula (1:1,000,000). Kuala Lumpur, form of irregular, wrinkled synforms Geological Society of Malaysia. separated by smooth, arching, domelike GoH YOK LENG, 1975. Bedrock geology and antiform. Their shape in plan view would mineralisation ofthe Seng Mines, Sungei Way, depend on any pattern of preferred Selangor. University of Malaya B.Sc. (Hons.) orientation of solution depressions in the thesis, 62 p. bedrock (following joints, perhaps). HUTCHISON, C.S., (1973). Plutonic activity. Finally, consider the boulder of red­ Chapter 8 in Gobbett, D.J., and Hutchison, brown cave deposit. Recognitionofthenature C.S., eds., Geology of the Malay Peninsula and origin ofthis rock provided an important (West Malaysia and Singapore). New York, clue to the complex history ofthis area. Had Wiley-Interscience, p. 215-252. no carbonate bedrock been visible in the RICHARDSON, J.A, 1941. The coal veins of British mine pit, would this boulder have been Malaya. Geological Magazine, v. 78, p. 451- overlooked? Would it have been recognized 462. but dismissed as a fluke or a boulder somehow introducedduringminingoperations? Would SIVAM, S.P., 1969. Quaternary alluvial deposits in the north Kinta Valley, Perak. University of it have been regarded as irrelevant? Ifthere Malaya, M.Sc. thesis, 170 p. is one main lesson to be learned from all these observations, it is this: do not overlook STAUFFER, P.H., 1973. Cenozoic. Chapter 6 in anything, no matter how seemingly trivial Gobbett, D.J., and Hutchison, C.S., eds., or irrelevant. Geologic histories are usually Geology ofthe Malay Peninsula (West Malaysia and Singapore). New York, Wiley-Interscience, more complex than we would like to think, p.143-176. and the more obscure parts ofthose histories may have left only few and very indirect 1'HARMARAJAN, N., 1970. Studies in geology and clues. Quaternary sediments of the Sg. Way - Sg. Buloh area, Selangor, West Malaysia. University of Malaya B.Sc. (Hons.) thesis, REFERENCES 125p. AYOB, MOHAMMAD, 1970. Quaternary sediments at Sungei Besi, West Malaysia. Geological Original draft completed December 14, 1988. Society of Malaysia Bulletin, v. 3, p. 53-61. Revised February 27, 1989; December 31, CHUNG, S.K, 1973. Geological map of West 1990. Final revision February 1, 1991. Malaysia, seventh edition (1:500,000). Federation of Malaysia, Geological Survey Department.

***** Manuscript received 4 March 1991

Jan-Feb 1991 19

M. Yogeswaran Hydrogeology of Sarawak with some aspects on groundwater development

Laporan (Report) The above talk was held on the 21 January 1991 at Geology Department, University of Malaya. What follows is a synopsis of the talk as prepared by the speaker, Yogeswaran Mailvaganam, who is with the Geological Survey of Malaysia in Kuching. .

Sinopsis (Synopsis) Sarawak is endowed with abundant surface water resources contributed by the large surplus ofover 2 m of rainfall over evapotranspiration. However, the distribution of the rainfall in time and space have resulted in limited availability· of water of acceptable quantity and quality for existing and proposed Water Supplies in some parts of the State. This has, in the recent years, forced water-resource professionals to explore and exploit alternative sources, including groundwater. The distribution ofgroundwater in Sarawak is illustrated in the Hydrogeological Map of Sarawak, 1986, and this represents the first concerted effort to record the overall groundwater resources ofSarawak; the map, on a scale of1:500,OOO was based on infonnation available as at 1983, and, since its publication, a wealth of new infonnation has been obtained necessitating the updating and, in some cases, revision of the map. The Quarternary alluvial deposits in the coastal plains form the most important aquifers, with the shallow coastal sands fringing the coast being the most extensively exploited aquifers. The development of these coastal sand aquifers takes into consideration that they are, in most cases, surrounded and underlain by saline water and that the flow of water in these sands is slow with hydraulic conductivities ranging from 5 to about 15 mid. The two types of well and well-field designs which have been adopted to tap water from these aquifers cater for the transient nature of the flow of groundwater and thus reduce the danger ofsaline intrusion particularly by upcoming. These well designs consist of: 1. a large number oflow-yielding wells which are arranged either singlely or in arrays of 4 wells or 8 wells which are evenly spaced at predetermined locations over the catchment area. 2. a series of horizontal wells which are installed parallel to the groundwater flow front or along the crest of a groundwater mound.

Warta Geologi, Vol.17, No.1 20

Connate saline water are not uncommon in these coastal aquifers; mixing of waters from the fresh water portion ofthe aquifers and the connate water has enlarge the useable size of the aquifers in some of groundwater supply schemes. The deeper sand aquifers in the coastal plains are multi-layered and are brackish to saline towards the coast, but are of acceptable quality towards the inland areas. Peat, which underlies about 1.6 million hectares of the coastal plain and some inland valleys is also considered an important source of water. They contribute to the base flow ofthe coastal streams and also to water wells, parlicularlythe low-humified woody peat. The concept ofutilising the water directly from peat aquifers involves the abstraction of water from the peat and allowing for a predetermined drop in the overall natural water-level during the dry spell. This is to prevent an accelerated subsidence normally expected when peat is drained or when oxidizing rainwater is allowed to infiltrate deeper into the peat profile. Several major sedimentary basins with good groundwater potential occur in Sarawak and notable among them are the late Tertiary rock formations in northwest Sarawak. These formations include the Tukau, Lambir, Miri and Belait Formations; the wells ofthe large groundwater scheme which supplements the Miri water supply is located within the sandy facies ofthe Tukau Formation. The rocks ofthe Nyalau Formation, which has a wide distribution in the Bintulu and Nanga Merit areas are also noteworthy. The Silantek' Formation and Kayan Sandstone are cris-crossed by numberous sills and dykes, and these have a tendency to reduce the transmissivities of the rock aquifers. Fractured rocks occupy more than halfof the State ofSarawak, and these include the igneous, metamorphic and the older sedimentary rocks; the aquifers located in these rocks are seldom extensive and are only locally important. These aquifers are being increasingly tapped in the recent years for industrial and agricultural uses.

M. Yogeswaran

* **** Jan-Feb 1991 21 M. Fuller: Tertiary paleomagnetism of regions around the South China Sea

Loporon (Report) The above talk by Dr. M. Fuller (Department of Geological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, California) was sponsored by the Geological Society of Malaysia in collaboration with the Geology Department, University of Malaya. It was held at the Geology Department, University of Malaya on 30 January 1991 and attracted a crowd of about 45. The speaker has kindly supplied an abstract of the talk. Abstrok (Abstract) Paleomagnetic data from the Philippine Sea Plate reveal a history of clockwise (CW) rotation and northerly translation, since the late Eocene, which appears to be plate wide. The results imply a pole of rotation to the east. The motion generated left lateral oblique convergence between the Philippine Sea Plate and SE Asia. Late Miocene paleomagnetic data from the Philippines show CW rotation in the northern island of Luzon, while to the south in the Central and Southern Philippines no rotations are seen. This defines the North and the Central and South Philippines Paleomagnetic Domains (NPPD and SCPPD). In the Miocene, the NPPD exhibits rapid counterclockwise (CCW) rotation, but the SCPPD shows CW rotation. There are indications of pre-Miocene CCW rotation from Zambales, the Visayans and the Celebes Sea. In Borneo, a history of Tertiary CCW rotation has been found in Sarawak, Sabah and West Kalimantan. In central Kalimantan, there are conflicting results, some of which show no rotation with respect to stable Eurasia, while others give CCW rotations consistent with those seen elsewhere.

M. Fuller

Warta Geologi, Vol.17, No.1 22

In the Malaysian peninsula, the Segamat basalts, of late Cretaceous Early Tertiary age show CCW rotations similar to those seen in Sarawak. To the north in the Thai peninsula, CW rotations have been found in two Tertiary basins. Late Tertiary basalts from Central Thailand have given similar results, but on the Khorat plateau comparable basalts are unrotated. The tectonic implications of the results remain controversial. In particular, the relative importance of true plate rotations and localized rotation of upper crustal blocks in distributed shear zones is unclear. The CW rotations seen in Thailand are consistent with, though do not require, propagating extrusion tectonics. The substantial region of CCW rotation in Borneo and the Philippines is consistent with the broad features of the Holloway model. However, the eastern boundary of SE Asia has experienced left lateral oblique convergence, since the late Eocene, and the effect of interaction with the Philippine Sea Plate must be added to the Holloway model.


Jan'-Feb 1991 23

Peter Gutteridge : Carbonate sand bodies at the northern margin of the Darbyshire Carbonate Platform (Lower Carboniferous) U.K.

Laporan (Report) Dr. P. Gutteridge (22 George Street, Cambridge, CB4 1AJ, U.K.) presented the above talk on 7 February 1991 at the Geology Department, University of Malaya. What follows is a Summary of the talk prepared by the speaker.

Ringkasan (Summary) The Darbyshire carbonate platform is one ofthe numerous carbonate platforms which were present overmuch ofnorthern England during the Lower Carboniferous. Two main types of carbonate sands are present at the northern margin of this platform: a sand-body complex developed on the shelf-top in the immediate vicinity of the platform margin, and a submarine carbonate fan or apron draped over the lower platform margin slope. Trace resedimented carbonates were derived from the shelf margin sand body. The shelf margin carbonate sand body complex was built-up by repeated basinward progradation and abandonment of large-scale carbonate bedforms in response to minor sea-level fluctuations. The presence ofoccasional foresets within these bedforms composed of micritised grains and marine cements suggests that the migration ofthese bedforms was episodic. The large-size suggests that the bedforms were active only during periods of storms. The bedforms show a consistent basinward migration. The predominant direction of sand transport at this margin of the carbonate platform was thus basinward. The carbonate sands transported oft'shelf accumulated in a submarine fan or apron deposit which was draped over the lower slope and base of slope of the platform as are series of ?high and low density turbidites and probable grain-flow deposits. *****


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"Bullseye " structure 26 ) Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin : Survei ketakselanjaran dan ragam kegagalan cerun batuan di Lebuh Raya Timur-Barat

2) Abdul Hadi Abdul Rahman : The use of wireline logs and cuttings for the prediction of subsurface s~dimentary facies - A case study from the Northumberland Trough, Northern England

Laporan (Report) To encourage our new, young lecturers to present their fmdings, the Society in collaboration with the Geology Dept., University of Malaya sponsored the talks by Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin and Abdul Hadi Abdul Rahman on the evening of20 February 1991 at the Geology Department, University of Malaya. The 2 speakers have kindly supplied the abstracts to their talks.

1) Survei ketakselanjaran dan ragam kegagalan ceron batuan di Lebuh Raya Timur-Barat

Abstrak (Abstract) Survei ketakselanjaran telah dijalankan pada 14 buah ceron potongan batuan di Lebuh Raya Timur-Barat. Survei ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kehadirannya padajasad batuan dan seterusnya digunakan untuk meramalkan ragam kegagalan ceron batuan. Survei ketakselanjaran ini menggunakan teknik garis pengimbasan yang direntangkan pada permukaan ceron. Setiap ketakselanjaranyangmenyilangigaris pengimbasan dicatatkan berikut: jenis, jarak pisahan, orientasi, panjang, bukaan, kekasaran permukaan dan bahan pengisi ketakselanjaran serta kehadiran air. Parameter bentuk serta saiz purata blok batuan yang terbentuk akibat persilangan satah-satah ketakselanjaranjuga diambil kira untuk menjelaskan kepadatan relatif ketakselanjaran pada jasad batuan. Panjang ketakselanjaran dijelaskan secara lebih terperinci lagi dengan menjelaskan keterusan dan pendedahannya pada muka ceron. Data daripada survei ini dapat digunakan untuk menentukan nilai Penanda Mutu Batuan (PMB). Hasilnya menunjukkan jasad batuan pembentuk ceron mempunyai nilai PMB sekitar 65-85%. Plot stereografi kutub satah ketakselanjaran menunjukkan kebanyakan ceron memperlihatkan ragam kegagalan baji, satah dan tebalikan, atau gabungan lebih daripada satu ragam kegagalan tersebut. Ujlan Markland digunakan untuk mengecam satah ketakselanjaran 'genting' dan meramalkan kestabilan ceron batuan.

Jan-Feb 1991 27 2) The use of wireline logs and cuttings samples for the prediction of subsurface sedimentary facies: A case study from the Northumberland Trough, Northern England.

Abstrak (Abstract) Four 280 metre boreholes have been drilled through a cyclical sequence of sandstones, shales and carbonates in Whitchester, in the Northnumberland Trough region, Northern England. Two ofthe holes, Whitchester Boreholes 1 and 2 have been fully cored and have cuttings samples collected during borehole enlargements. This study on the use of basic and advanced wireline logs and cuttings for the prediction of subsurface sedimentary facies has been carried out on the well data of Whitchester Boreholes 1 and 2 of Northumberland basin, west of Newcastle-upon­ Tyne. The analysis ofwireline log cross-plots ofNGS(Natural Gamma-ray Spectrometry) Tool revealed some important relationships between the different lithofacies and their K, Th and U content. These are:- a. The claystone facies which overlies the limestone units, which was interpreted as prodeltaic, show low uranium content and fairly high thorium and potassium content; b. The mudstone facies which overlies the coals show high uranium content and high thorium content but slightly lower potassium content compared to the claystone. This lithofacies has been interpreted to be lagoonal or bay pelagic mud. From the analysis of cuttings samples of BH-1, five important observational features were noted:- i. A major facies - a lithofacies - is broken down into several different sub­ facies in the cuttings. These have been referred to here as the "cuttings facies". ii. Each "cutting facies" consist of cuttings chips of distinctive "lithology" and shape. iii. There seem to be a preference in the size ofthe cuttings. Greater amount of cuttings were collected in the intermediate size classes - 1.00 and 2.36 em, 2.36 to 3.35 cm and 3.35 to 4.75 em. iv. The siderite/ironstone facies picks out well in size classes 1.00 to 2.36 em and 2.36to 3.35 cm, but not in the larger classes. They seem to show greater depth lag in the larger classes. This could probably be related to the density of the cuttings facies. v. The distribution of coal cuttings seem to be fairly erratic and independent of the coal zones.

Warta Geologi I vol.17 I No.1 28

From the overall investigations that have been carried out, the following conclusions have been drawn:- 1. The prediction and interpretation of subsurface lithology by the analysis of wireline logs prove to be very useful and reliable method for subsurface analysis. In the case of the cyclic deltaic sequence of Whitchester, the Natural Gamma-ray Spectrometry (NGS) Tool logs in particular is very useful in that it reveals the distribution of potassium, thorium and uranium in different lithofacies, and thus became very useful in the characterisation and correlation of the various facies. 2. Cuttings analysis can be utilized to improve the characterisation of subsurface sedimentary facies. The cuttings samples need to be separated into several different size classes before they can be usefully analysed and be able to give meaningful results. This is because the arrival of drill cuttings to the surface is influenced by its size, density and also the annular velocity. The presence of cuttings of a particular lithology - "cuttings facies" - in all the different size classes improves the reliability of its correlation with subsurface lithology. 3. Cuttings of size ranging from 1. 00 mm to 4.70 mm are the most representative ofthe lithology oftheir recorded collection depth in the case ofthe cuttings samples ofthe Whitchester Boreholes. 4. Cuttings breaks down a major lithofacies into several different "cuttings facies" of distinctive lithology and shape. The understanding of the association of the different "cuttings facies" that derives from a major lithofacies is important in utilizing the cuttings to improve and enhance subsurface lithological and facies interpretations by wireline logs.

Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin and Abdul Hadi Abdul Rahman

* * * * *

Jan-Feb 1991 29

Jawatankuasa Pencalunan (Nominations Committee)

The Council nominated the following members to form the Nominations Committee: Fateh Chand (Chairman) S. Paramananthan Azhar Hj. Husin The Committee Chairman, Fateh Chand reported to the Council that three nominations were received before the closing date of 3 December 1990. Taking into account the nominations, the Nominations Committee then presented its list of nominations for GSM Council 1991192. President: Ahmad Said Vice-President : KhalidNgah Hon. Secretary : JimmyKhoo Hon. Asst. Secretary : Ahmad Tajuddin Ibrahim Hon. Treasurer: Lee Chai Peng Hon. Editor: TehGuanHoe Councillors (2-year term) : Abdul Ghani Mohd Rafek Mazlan Madon Nik Ramli Nik Hassan Tan Teong Hing Councillors (1-year term): Andrew Spykerman Cheong Kok Keong Chin Lik Suan FatehChand * * * * * AppOintment of New Councillor & Chairman of Engineering Geology Working Group

The Council in its January 1991 meeting co-opted Dr. Ghani Rafek to replace Dr. S. Paramananthan as Councillor for 1990-91. Dr. Ghani Rafek has also taken over as Chairman, Engineering Geology Working Group. * * * * *

Wart a Geologi, Vol.17, No.1 30

The following applications for membership were approved: Full Members

1. DannySoo 7. Jonathan Redfern Core Lab., Lot lOB, Jalan 51A1223, Petrofina Far East, 138 Cecil St., 12- 46100 , Selangor. 01, Cecil Court, S'pore 0106. 2. Yusni Mohamed Yusuf Student Members SyedMohammad, Hooi & Binnie, P.O. Box 12610, 50784 Kuala Lumpur. 1. Kung Soo Hui School of Physics, 11800 USM, 3. Samsudin Hj. Taib P.Pinang. Dept. ofGeology, UniversityofMalaya, 59100 Kuala Lumpur. 2. Sulaiman Salleh Dept. ofGeology, UniversityofMalaya, 4. PA Comet 59100 Kuala Lumpur. Geochemical & Environmental Research Group, 833, South Graham Raod, College Station, TX 77845, U.S.A Institutional Members

5. IvanKok 1. Total CFP WMC Petroleum, 12 Floor, Bangunan Attn: Jacques Marie, 435 Orchard Getah Asli, 148 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Road, 17-01/03 Wisma Atria, S'pore Kuala Lumpur. 0923. 6. Lim Heng Gaul 405 Blk. A2, Seksyen 4, Bandar Baru Wangsa Maju, 53300 Kuala Lumpur.


The following members have informed the Society of their new addresses:

1. Parameswaran Suppiah 3. Cheah Tik Wah Petronas Carigali Sdn., P.O. Box Mainline Resources Ltd., Suite 2061 12407,50776 Kuala Lumpur. 207, Setiabudi2 Bldg., JI. H.R. Rasuna Said Kuningan, Jakarta 12920, 2. Leow Sui Fan Indonesia. 83, Persiaran Wira Jaya Timor 42, TamanDatoLeow Yan Sip, 31350 Ipoh, 4. Zainol bin Hj. Husin Perak. Geological Survey of Malaysia, P.O. Box 1015, 30820 Ipoh, Perak'

Jan-Feb 1991 31 5. Engku Nasir syed Mohamad 9. Tan YongPhang MMC Bhd., 4129-A, Jalan Tongku c/o BHP Minerals Ltd. No. 76, 2nd Ismail, Off Jalan Telipot, 15150 Kota Floor, Block C, Kompleks KUWASA, Bharu, Kelantan. 88000 Kota Kinabalu. 6. AJ. Burley 10. Mohd. Badzran bin Mat Taib Flat 7H, Grove End House, Grove End Pejabat Penyiasatan Kajibumi, Road, London NW8 9HL, U.K. Seberang Jalan Putera, 05150 Alor Setar, Kedah Darulaman. 7. Chan Foo Khee Mamut Copper MiningSdn. Bhd., P.O. 11. Triton Energy Corporation Box 5, 89307 Ranau, Sabah. 6688 North Central, Suite 1400, Dallas, TX 75206. Attn: G.M. Smart. 8. James K Blake Petroconsultants (Far East) Pte. Ltd., Afro-Asia Building #07-12, 63 Robinson Road, Singapore 0106. *****

1. Dale C. Beeson formerly of 1517 West 3rd Street, Irving, Tx. 75060, U.S.A.

The Society has received the following publications:

1. U.S.G.S. Bulletin, 1990: 1730-D,1751- 7. U.S. Geological Survey Circular, 1990: 0, 1752, 1753-B, 1839-E, F, 1745-C, 1053,1036,1052,1049,1000. 1757-J, 1915, 1857-E, 1857-F, 1911, 8. U.S. Geological Survey Professional 1922, 1936, 1944, 1891, 1717-D, 1857- Paper, 1990: 1370-H, 1403-E, 1468, H, 1908, 1756-F. 1504. 2. Chronique de la Recherche Miniere, 9. Gazetteer of the Antarctic, 1989. no. 501, 1990. 10. Seatrad Bulletin vol. XI, nos. 2, 3 & 4, 3. AAPG Explorer, Jan, Feb 1991. 1990. 4. Bulletin Centres Rech. Exploration­ 11. A history of the water resources Production Elf Aquitaine, vol. 14, no. divisions, U.S. Geological Survey: vol. 2,1990. V, July 1, 1947 to April 30, 1957. 5. Mem. Expl. Cartes Geologiques et 12. Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Minieres de la Belgique, no. 28 & 29, Abhandlungen, 1989: Band 111, 114, 1990. 115; 1990: Band 119, 121, 122, 123. 6. Geological literature of USSR. 13. 28th International Geological Bibliographical Yearbook for 1985 Congress, abstracts: 3 vols. 1989. year, vols. I & II, 1990. ***** Warta Geologi, Vol.17, No.1 32

Geological Survey of Malaysia - Annual Report" Proceedings of Annual Geological Conference

For 1988, the Geological Survey of Geological Map 1985 while the inside back Malaysia has changed the format ofits Annual cover carries a2-pagecolouredmap ofSarawak Report. It now comes in two separate volumes. and Sabah based on the 4th Edition Geological One volume is the Annual Report proper and Map 1986. the other volume is called the Proceedings of the Annual Geological Conference and carries The second and separate volume consists the Technical Papers. of technical papers presented during Annual Geological Conferences, the 20th Geological The Annual Report Geological Survey of Conference held in Cameron Highlands in Malaysia now deals only with the various January 1989 and the 21st Geological achievements and regional activities dealing Conference held in Pulau Pinang in January with geological mapping, mineral exploration, 1990. The progress and technical findings for hydrogeology, engineering geology and the year are deliberated, complete with maps geoscience services. Included too are co­ and statistics. operation with international agencies and institutes and lists of latest publications and Each volume, in soft cover, is priced at reports available. An overview of the regional M$20.00 and obtainable from Ibu Pejabat geology and mineral resources for Malaysia is Penyiasatan Kajibumi, Tingkat20, Bangunan described in considerable details. The inside Tabung Haji, Peti Surat 11110, Jalan Tun front cover carries a 2-page coloured map of Ruak, 50736 Kuala Lumpur Peninsular Malaysia based on the 8th Edition Proceedings of the 20th Geological Conference, 1989 - Contents

Lithogeochemistry of the Mersing Area, Johor Kajian Geokimia Tanah, Kawasan Marup, and Its Implication for Gold Exploration Engkilili, Sarawak in the Eastern BeltofPeninsular Malaysia Mohd Faisal Abdullah dan A. Unya Aw Peck Chin and Loh Chiok Hoang Ambun Persampelan Emas di Kawasan Marang, Eksplorasi Geokimia, Kawasan Labis, Syit Terengganu 116,Johor Ong Wee Seck dan Mohd Sidek Zakaria Hussain KajianKemungkinan Kewujudan EmasPlaser Base-metal Exploration inthe UluMarasimsim di dalam Lapisan. Aluvium Berpebel di Area, Marudu Bay, Sabah Utara Tasik Chini, Maran, Pahang Darul Joanes Muda and Alexander Yan Makmur Mohd Pauzi Abdullah Explorasi Susulan Mineral Radioaktif, Sungai Kaneteh, Menek Urai, Kelantan Follow-up Geochemical Exploration in the Mohd Zaidi bin Mohd Hassan Ladang Dafa Gold Prospect, Lundu­ Sametan Area, Sarawak Uranium-bearing Minerals in Heavy Mineral Tennent Ahai and Victor Hon Concentrates from Bukit Telor and Sungai Lebur, Pahang Darul Makmur Mohd Anuar Mohd YUBO! Jan-Feb 1991 33 Geology and Coal Potential ofthe Northeastern Penyiasatan dan Kemajuan Sumber AirTanah Meliau Basin, Sabah di Felda Rimbas Mas, Padang Besar, Lim Peng Siong and Tungah Surat Perlis Abdul Rashid dan Mahisham Ibrahim Preliminary Results of the Evaluation of Coal Resources in the Merit South Block, Merit­ Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic and Pila Coal Field, Sarawak Resistivity Sounding Surveys for Liaw Kim Kiat Groundwater Exploration in Bedrock in the JengkaArea, Temerloh, Pahangdarul Laporan Kemajuan: Projek Penyiasatan Makmur Menentukan Mineral, Rancangan Azhari Ahmad Malaysia Kelima Mohd Sidek dan Abndul Rahman Kedudukan Sumber Air Tanah dalam Batu bin Mohd Yusoff Keras, Pahang Darul Makmur Mohd Nazam Awang Laporan Kemajuan: Pemetaan Geologi, Kawasan Kuala Nerang, Syit 1, Kedah Horizontal Well Drilling at Tampin, Negeri Zainol Haji Husin Sembilan Doll Said Progress Report: Geological Mapping, Tanjung Mani-Roban Area, Sarawak Computerization of Industrial Mineral Test Richard Batoi Data using the Geochemistry Division Database (GDD) Program: A Status Progress Report: Geological Mapping, Report Northern Usun Apau Area, Sarawak Mohd.AriffOmarand Wong Yew Choong by R. Mani Banda Analytical Services introduced in 1988, Progress Report: GeologicalMapping,Sarikei- Geological Survey of Malaysia, Ipoh Pakan Area, Sarawa Lee Kim Hock Sulong Enjop A Status Report on the Upgrading of Testing Summary of Fossil Localities in Negeri Facilities in the Industrial Mineral Sembilan Laboratory Ibrahim Amnan Ong Hock Peng and Fan Choon Meng

Proceedings of the 21 st Geological Conference, 1990 - Contents Orientation study on sampling density using Some exploration criteria for gold heavy mineral stream concentrates for mineralization in the Bau area, Sarawak reconnaissance gold exploration in the VictorHon Selin sing area, Pahang darul Makmur Progress export: Follow-up mineral exploration Lee Ah Kow and Mior Sallehuddin intheBukitJebongarea,Lundu,Sarawak MiorJadid Tennent Ahai, Wan Zawawie Wan Reconnaissance geochemical appraisal of the Akil and Victor Hon Kuala betis area, Sheet 44, Kelantan Laporan Kemajuan: Projek Menentukan Mohd. Azmer Ashari Mineral di kawasan cadangan projek Kajian susulan geokimia kewujudan emas hydroelektrik Bakun, Sarawak plaser di kawasan Sungai Mempelas­ EnggongAji Sungai Kincir-Sungai Gumum, di Preliminary mineral clearance survey along bahagian Utara Tasik Cini, Pahang Darul the middle reaches ofSungai Liwagu and Makmur Sungai Kagib.angan, Sabah Mohamad Pauzi Abdullah Mohd. Yusof Ramli Warta Geologi, Vol.17,No.l 34 Alluvial gold exploration project, middle Bole Pembinaan telaga berluahan antara yang area, Lahad Datu, Sabah tertinggi dan berkualiti terbaik di JoanesMuda Malaysia Mohd. Nazan Awang Detailed kaolinitic clay exploration along Sungai Kayu, lllu Sedili, Johor Computer groundwater modelling ofa shallow Zainol Abidin Sulaiman coastal sand aquifer in Kabong, SriAman Division, Sarawak Beberapa aspek industri kaolin di Mohd. Hatta Abdul Karim Semenanjung Malaysia Kamal Daril Computer groundwater modelling ofhorizontal well systems in Kampung Sungai China, Keperluan lempung dalam industri ·seramik Kampung Loba and Kampung di Semenanjung Malaysia Rambungan, west coastal region of oleh Ab. Nizar Embi Sarawak Penyiasatan pasir silika di kawasan Mohd. Zailon Ramli Terengganu utara Thermal springs in west Sarawak Mohammad Sidek Sulong Enjop Stratigraphy of the "Main Foothills" area of A study of the Dabong and Kemubu damsites: Peninsular Malaysia Geology and construction materials Khoo Han peng Saf/een Baharuddin Petrologi dan petrokimia granitoid, kawasan Status of the Regional Gravity Survey of Bukit Damar dan Bukit Peteri, Kuala Peninsular Malaysia Lipis, Pahang Darul Makmur Jamaludin Othman Askury Abd. Kadir Determination of modulus of rupture Pemetaangeologi, sebahagian kawasanKuala Fan Choon Meng Tembeling (Syit 69), Pahang Darul Makmur An X-ray fluorescence method for determining Jasmi Ab. Talib Th02 in monazite concentrates Lee Kim Hock Geologi dan sumber mineral, kawasan Kota Tinggi (Syit 131), Johor A report on the inconsistency between total oleh Mohd. Fauzey Zuhdi iron in natural water determined in the field and in the laboratory using 1, 10- Progress report: Geological mapping, Linau phenanthroline Balui area, Sarawak Mohd. AriffOmar Richard Mani Banda Comparison of the hardgrove grindability of Eksplorasi untuk sumber air tanah, Pulau coal of Sarawak Redang, Terengganu Vivien Tan Yan Yan P. Loganathan


Jan-Feb 1991 35 29th International Geological Congress Kyoto, Japan 24 August - 3 September, 1992

The Congress site, Kyoto International Scientific program ======Conference Hall, is located in the northern part of Kyot City, the ancient capital of From Origin of the Earth to Japan. Human Survival Registration ======The scientific program ofthe 29th IGC consists of Special Symposia A, B and C, According to the Statutes of the Symposia I, Symposium II and Lecture Congress, no professional qualifications are Series. Special Symposium A, which required in order to register for the includes 6 sessions, will deal with the history Congress. In filling the quotas for the ofthe Earth, from its origin to the evolution geological excursions organized before and of island arcs and active continental after the Congress, however, priority will margins. A session on the origin and be given to persons engaged in geological evolution of the biosphere will also be studies or in the practice of a branch of the included. Special Symposium B, which earth sciences. includes 5 sessions, will deal with frontier geoscience studies for human survival, including research on energy, r.esources, natural hazards and the environment. Registration fees ======These two Special Symposium will be conducted during each morning of the Congress and will constitute the Pre-regis- On-site mainstreamofthe entire scientific program. ration registration * Special Symposium C will deal with the highlights and progress of several major ParticipatiI!g member ¥45,000 ¥55,OOO international geoscience projects. Accompanying member 18,000 22,000 Student in 1992 15,000 18,000 Non-attending member 15,000 Special Symposium A ======* Currently exchange rate as of March 1990 is U8$1.00 = Y150. History of the Earth with Special Emphasis on the Evolution of Arcs The fees include the rights to attend AI. Early history of the solar system and scientific events associated with the origin of the Earth. Congress, to receive Congress publications, and to take part in social events especially A2. Early history of the Earth: Birth of organized for the Congress. continents, oceans and the atmosphere. A3. Dynamics and evolution of the mantle and core. A4. Evolution of oceanic and continental crust.

Warta Geologi, Vol.17,No.l 36

A5. Evolution of island arcs and active Abstracts ======continental margins. All abstracts must reach the A6. Origin of life and evolution of the Organizing Committee by 1 January 1992. biosphere. The abstracts must be written in English.

Special Symposium B ======PublicatioDS======Frontier Studies for Human All abstracts will be published in a series of Abstract Volumes, distributed to Survival all participants. Complete papers will not B1. Global climatic change and future be published by the Congress. environment. B2. Prediction of natural hazards and environmental protection. Fieldtrips ======B3. Mineral and energy resources in the Geologicalfieldtripshave been planned 21st century. forthe29th IGC to examine and understand B4. Geological disposal of radioactive and the evolution of island arcs and plate hazardous wastes. boundary geological phenomena. Most of the trips will be held in the Japanese Islands B5. Human survival in the 21st century: A with two overseas trips (one in Korea and panel discussion. the other in the Philippines).

Special Symposium C ======Pre-Congress Fieldtrips Cretaceous arc-trench systems in Hokkaido Summary, Highlights and Cenozoic volcanism in southwestern Progress of International Hokkaido Geoscience Projects. Hydrothermal ore deposits in C1. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) southwestern Hokkaido C2. International Lithosphere Project(ILP) Paleozoic and Mesozoic sequences in C3. Kaiko Project (Oceanic trench the Kitakami Mountains exploration project) Transverse of Quaternary volcanoes 04. International programs on global in Northeast Japan changes (lGBP and others) Kuroko and epithermal gold C5. Continental deep-drilling projects mineralizations in northeastern Honshu C6. International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) Transect of the Kanto Mountains C7. STARMER Project (Exploration project Stratigraphy and tectonics ofthe Kanto of marginal sea rifts) Basin . C8. Circum-Pacific Map Project: Plio-Pleistocene forearc basin-fill in the Tectonics, energy and mineral Boso Peninsula resources. Taphonomy and paleoecology of the C9. Activities of International Geological plio-Pleistocene molluses in the Boso­ Correlation Program (IGCP) Miura area Jan-Feb 1991 37 Management of environmental Sedimentary history ofthe paleo-Lake resources and the development of the Biwa in Iga-Ueno, the southern Lake Kanto submarine basin Biwa Metropolitan urban geology Pleistocene sequence ofthe Lake Biwa Arc-arc collision in the South Fossa sediments on its west shore Magma, central Japan Sedimentary facies of the Pleistocene Cenozoic systems and petroleum Osaka Group accumulation in the Niigata Basin Evolution of Lake Biwa: A boat tour Hida metamorphic complex Quaternary basaltic volcanism, Geochronology and isotope geology of northern Kinki District igneous and metamorphic rocks in I(ansai International Airport and Japan Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Late Mesozoic accretionary complex: Permian Tethyan biota and Mino Terrane, central Japan sedimentary facies of the Akasaka Transect of central Japan: from Limestone Group Maizuru to Sanbagawa Triassic and Jurassic sequences of the Transect of western Honshu Mino Terrane in central Japan Paired metamorphic belts: Ryoke and Atera and Neodani Active Faults in Sanbagawa central Japan Continental margin tectonics in Mylonites along the Median Tectonic I(yushu, Southwest Japan Line (MTL) in central Japan Quaternary volcanic rocks in central Miocene sequences and the fossil I(yushu museum of Mizunami, northeastern Nagoya Transect of the Ryukyu Arc Tonominegallery(Tsukiyoshideposit) Geotraverse across the Southwest and Shomasama hydrological test site Japan Arc

During-Congress Fieldtrips Post-Congress Fieldtrips I(amenose landslide, geology and Collision-related and high- and low-PI control works T metamorphic belts in Hokkaido Active faults, deep weathering and Litho- and biofacies of the Cretaceous disaster Yezo Supergroup in Hokkaido Low to medium grade Ryoke Cenozoic volcanism in southwestern metamorphic rocks in the Watsuka Hokkaido area, southern Kyoto Manganese and manganiferous iron Late Cretaceous Ibaraki zoned granitic deposits in bedded chert in Hokkaido complex, southwestern I(yoto Spreading tectonics of the Sea of Mesozoic accreted terranes in Okhotsk northwestern I(yoto Cenozoic geology of the Northeast Cretaceous strike-slip basin along the Honshu Arc Median Tectonic Line Tanakura Tectonic Line: its movement and the opening of the Japan Sea

Warta Geologi, vol.17,No.l 38 Abukuma and Sanbagawa Transect of the Outer Zone of the metamorphic belts in Kanto District Southwest Japan Arc in the Kii Asama and Kusatsu-Shirane Peninsula Volcanoes Sanukite and alkalic basalt of Mesozoic melanges and associated Southwest Japan rocks in the Kanto Mountains Paired metamorphic belts in Southwest Neotectonics around SagamiBay Japan TephrochronologicalhistoryofMt. Fuji Uplift tectonicsofhigh-PfrSanbagawa metamorphic belt, Southwest Japan lzu-Oshima and Hakone Volcanoes Transect of Shikoku Volcanic and tectonic history ofthe lzu Peninsula Magnetite- and ilmenite-series granitoids and related Mo and W Boninite and related rocks in the Bonin mineralizations Islands Akiyoshi Limestone Group Geologic hazards in the northern. Fossa Magna Cretaceous and Tertiary active margin sedimentation: Transect ofKyushu Late Cenozoic forearc basin filling: Kak.egawa group Continental margin tectonics in Kyushu, Southwest Japan Ryoke metamorphic belt and the Median Tectonic Line, central Japan Calderas and pyroclastic flows in southern. Kyushu Transect of central Japan: from Hida to Shimanto Gold mineralization in volcano­ geothermal areas ofKyushu Mineral deposits and magmatism in the Hida and Hida marginal belts, Transect of the Rhukyu Arc central Japan Recent coral reefs and Pleistocene In-situ and engineering R&Dfacilities limestones in the Ryukyu Islands for high level radioactive waste Porphyry copper and gold management mineralizations in the Philippines Yakuno ophiolite complex Granites and associated metallic mineralization in South Korea



Invitation is now open to Malaysian individuals and Malaysian­ registered organisations to participate in the PETRONAS Investors' Award Scheme. Objective: To promote R&D and to give Malaysians and Malaysian-registered organisations the opportunity to contribute and develop new ideas and discoveries in the field of petroleum, petrochemicals and other related areas. Eligibility : 1. All inventions submitted must be new, involve an inventive step and must be industrially applicable. 2. The scheme is open to Malaysian individuals and Malaysian-registered organisations. Submissions by an organisation must be works originating in Malaysia. 3. Submissions may comprise articles ofinvention and process innovations or industrial designs related to the petroleum industry. All such articles and processes are eligible irrespective of whether: a) the owner intends to rue for patent or registration; b) the owner has filed for patent or registration; c) the owner has been granted patent or registration; d) the owner has commercialised the article; in any part of the world. 4. Inventors, innovators and designers who are in the process offilingtheir applications for Letters of Patent or Certificate of Utility Innovation or Registration of Designs may submit 5. All inventions must comply with Malaysian laws and regulations currently in force.

For Rules of the Award, applicantion forms and enquiries, please write to :- The Organising Committee PETRONAS Inventors' Award petroleum Research Institute, PETRONAS Lot 1026, PKNS IndustrIal Estate 54200 Hulu Kelang Selangor Darnl Ehsan Tel: 03-4071022 Fax:03-4087471 Closing date for submission is by 4.30 pm, 31 October 1992

Warta Geologi, Vol.17,Nq.l GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA PUBLICATIONS Back Issues Available

Bulletin 1 (1968). 79p. Studies in Malaysian Geology. Edited by P.H. Stauffer. A collection of papers presented at a meeting of the Geological Society on 31st January 1967. Price: M$3.00 (US$1.50). Out of stock Bulletin 2 (1968). 152 p. Bibliography and Index of the Geology of West Malaysia and Singapore by D.J. Gobbett. Price: M$10.00 (US$5.00) - Softcover; M$15.00 (US$7.50). Bulletin 3 (1970). 146 p. Papers in Geomorphology and Stratigraphy (with Bibliography supple­ ment). Edited by P.H. Stauffer. Price: M$10.00 (US$5.OO). Bulletin 4 (1971). 100 p. Papers in Petrology, Structure and Economic Geology. Edited by P.H. Stauffer. Price: M$10.00 (US$5.00). Bulletin 5 (1973). 70 p. The Search for Tungsten Deposits by KF.G. Hosking. Price: M$10.00 (US$5.00). Bulletin 6 (1973). 334 p. Proceedings, Regional Conference on the Geology of Southeast Asia. A collection of papers, Kuala Lumpur, March, 1972. Edited by B.K. Tan. Price: M$22.00 (US$I1.00) - hardcover only. Bulletin 7 (1974). 138 p. A collection of papers on geology. Edited by B.K. Tan. Price: M$12.00 (US$6.00). Bulletin 8 (1977). 158 p. A collection of papers on geology. Edited by T.T. Khoo. Price: M$12.00 (US$6.00). Bulletin 9 (1977). 277 p. The relations between granitoids and associated ore deposits of the Circum-Pacific region. A collection of papers presented at the IGCP Circum-Pacific Plutonism Project Fifth Meeting. 12-13 November 1975, Kuala Lumpur. Edited by J.A. Roddick & T.T. Khoo. Proce: M$25.00 (US$12.00). Out of stock Bulletin 10 (1978). 95 p. A collection of papers on the geology of Southeast Asia. Edited by C.H. Yeap. Price: M$10.00 (US$5.00). Bulletin 11 (1979). 393 p. Geology of Tin Deposits. A collection of papers presented at the International Symposium of 'Geology of Tin Deposits', 23-25 March 1978, Kuala Lumpur. Edited by C.H. Yeap. Price: M$50.00 (US$22.00). Bulletin 12 (1980). 86 p. A collection of papers on geology. Edited by G.H. Teh. Price: M$20.00 (US$9.50). Bulletin 13 (1980). 111 p. A collection of papers on geology of Malaysia and Thailand. Edited by G.H. Teh. Price: M$20.00 (US$9.50). Bulletin 14 (1981). 151 p. A collection of papers on geology of Southeast Asia. Edited by G.H. Teh. Price: M$30.00 (US$14.00). Bulletin 15 (1982). 151 p. A collection of papers on geology. Edited by G.H. Teh. Price: M$30.00 (US$14.00). Bulletin 16 (1983). 239 p. A collection of papers on geology. Edited by G.H. Teh. Price: M$30.00 (US$14.00). Bulletin 17 (1984). 371 p. A collection of papers on geology. Edited by G.H. Teh. Price: M$35.00 (US$15.00). Bulletin 18 (1985). 209 p. Special Issue on Petroleum Geology. Edited by G.H. Teh & S. Paramananthan. Price: M$30.00 (US$14.00). Bulletins 19 & 20 (1986). GEOSEA V Proceedings Vols. I & II, Fifth Regional Congress on Geology, Mineralllhd Energy Resources of Southeast Asia, Kuala Lumpur, 9-13 April 1984. Edited by G.H. Teh & S. ParaIilananthan. Price for both Bulletins 19 & 20: Members-M$50.00 (US$21.90), Non-members ~ M$125.00 (US$53.20). Bulletin 21 (1987). 271 p. Special Issue on Petroleum Geology Vol. II. Edited by G.H. Teh. Price: M$40.00 (US$17.00). Bulletin 22 (1988). 272 p. Special Issue on Petroleum Geology Vol. III. Edited by G.H. Teh. Price: M$40.00 (US$17.00) Bulletin 23 (1989). 215 p. A collection of papers on the geology of Malaysia, Thailand. and Burma. Edited by G.H. Teh. Price: M$35.00 (US$15.00). Bulletin 24 (1989). 199 p. A collection of papers presented at GSM Annual Geological Conference 1987 and 1988. Edited by G.H. Teh. Price: M$35.00 (U815.00). Bulletin 25 (1989). 161 p. 8pecial Issue on Petroleum Geology Vol. IV. Edited by G.H. Teh. Price M$40.00 (U8$17.00). Bulletin 26 (1990). 223 p. A collection of papers presented at G8M Annual Geological Conference 1989 and others. Edited by G.H. Teh. Price: M$40.00 (U8$17.00). Bulletin 27 (1990). 292 p. 8pecial Issue on Petroleum Geology Vol.V. Edited by G.H. Teb. Price: M$40.00 (U8$17.00). Field Guide 1 (1973). A 7-day one thousand mile, geological excursion in Central and 80uth Malaya (West Malaysia and 8ingapore). 40 p. by C.8. Hutchison. Price: M$5.00 (U8$2.50). Abstracts of papers. (1972). Regional Conference on the Geology of 80utheast Asia, Kuala Lumpur, 1972. 64 p, 8 figs. 3 tables, many extended abstracts. Edited by N.8. Haile. Price: M$6.00 (U8$3.OO). Proceedings ofthe Workshop on Stratigraphic Correlation ofThailand and Malaysia VoL 1. (1983). Technical Papers. 383 p. Price: M$25.00 (U8$12.40) (Members: M$12.001U8$6.50) WARTA GEOLOGI (Newsletter ofthe Geological 80ciety ofMalaysia). Price: M$5.00 (U8$3.20) per bimonthly issue from July 1966.

PACKAGE DEAL 1: Bulletin nos. 2-8, 10 + Field Guide 1 8tudent Members : M$10.00 (U8$5.60) Members : M$20.00 (U8$10.00) Non-Members : M$40.00 (U8$19.00) PACKAGE DEAL 2: Bulletin nos. 11-14 8tudent Members : M$30.00 (U8$14.50) Members : M$40.00 (u8$19.00) Non-Members : M$60.00 (U8$28.00) PACKAGE DEAL 3: Bulletin nos. 15-18 and 21 Student Members : M$60.00 (US$28.00) Members : M$80.00 (u8$37.00) Non-Members : M$100.00 (U8$45.90) PACKAGE DEAL 4: Combination of Package Deals 1-3 Student Members : M$100.00 (U8$45.90) Members : M$140.00 (U8$64.00) Non-Members : M$200.00 (U8$90.60) PACKAGE DEAL 5: Bulletin nos. 19 & 20 + Proceedings ofWorkshop on 8tratigraphic Correlation of Thailand & Malaysia Vol. 1. 8tudent Members : M$30.00 (U8$14.50) Members : M$50.00 (U8$21.90) Non-Members : M$125.00 (U8$53.20)

Please note that the Package Deal offers is limited to ONE order per member only. There is no limit on the number of orders for non-members. Prices may be changed without notice (especially prices in US dollars). Individual copies of Bulletin nos. 1-10 and Warta Geologi are available to members at half price. All prices quoted are inclusive of postage and packing by surface mail; for airmail, please write in for inquiries. Allow 8-10 weeks for delivery. Cheques, money orders or bank drafts must accompany all orders. Orders should be addressed to: The Hon. Assistant 8ecretary Geological Society of Malaysia rio Dept of Geology University of Malaya 59100 Kuala Lumpur MALAY8IA TEL: 03-7577036 FAX: 603-7563900 PP 187/12189 ISSN 0126-6187




1 A Triassic "reefal" limestone in the basement of the Malay Basin, South China Sea: Regional implications Fontaine Henri, Rodziah Daud & Singh Updesh 27 Depositional environments, diagenesis, and porosity ofreservoir sandstones in the MalongField, offshore West Malaysia Noor Azim Ibrahim & Mazlan Madon 67 A dl8C1l88ion 01 "SNIFFER" geochemical surveying offshore Malaysia Mark E. Geneau 71S Application of sonic waveform attributes in reservoir studies R.Gir 103 Thin bed resolution and the determination 01 flushed zone resistivity in on based mud Joseph F. Goetz, Roland Chemali & Douglas J. Seifert 117 Miocene-Pliocene paleogeographic evolution of a tract of Sarawak offshore between Bintulu and Miri Eros Agostinelli, Mohamad Raisuddin, Eugenio Antonielli & Mohamad 137 The application of detailed reservoir geological studies in the DI8 Field, Balingian Province, offshore Sarawak. J. Almond, P. Vincent & L.R. Williams 181 The use ofSAK imagery for hydrocarbon ellploration in Sarawak Chiu Shao-Kang, Mohd Khair Abd Kadir 183 Re.ervoir Description: A synergistic approach to more accurate determination of oil and gas reserves D. G. Bowen, T. Kennaird, J. Hill & E.J. Frost 211 Induction, reaistivity and MWD tools in horizontal wells S. Gianzero, R. Chemali &S.M.Su 227 Structural style and tectonics of Western and Northern Sabah Felix Tongkul 241 Tectonic evolution of the NW Sabah continental margin since the Late Eocene Denis N.K. Tan & J.M. Lamy :181 The Maliau Basin, Sahah: Geology and tectonic setting H. D.1Jia, Ibrahim Komoo, P.S. Lim & Tungah Surat Editor G.H. TEH

NOVEMBER 1990 43

GEOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES (London, UK). Course designed to teach modem techniques to those technicians or trainee technicians who August 1992-July 1993 areorwishtobecomeengagedinthegeoscientific AEROSPACE SURVEYS FOR: GEOLOGICAL industry. Course aimed at those from the SURVEY; WATER-RESOURCES SURVEY; developing countries. For Information: J.R. AND APPLIED GEOMORPHOLOGY (Delft, Blount, Department of Geology , Royal School of The Netherlands). Annual postgraduate Mines, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, diploma and MSc degree courses organized by London SW7 2BP, UK the International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC). Language: English. HYDROLOGY (Brussels, Belgium). One-year For Information: ITC Student Registration diploma course and two-year Master's degree Office, P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA, Enschede, The course under Inter-university Postgraduate Netherlands. program. Fellowships available. Language: English. For Information: Prof. A. Van September 22-24 DerBeken. Programs in Hydrology, Free GROUND-WATER GEOCHEMISTRY (San University, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Antonio, Texas). Short course. For Information: Belgium. National Ground Water Association, Education Department, 6375 Riverside Drive, Dublin, Ohio 43017. Phone: 614/761-1711. Fax: 6141761- CONTINUING EDUCATION SEMINARS FOR 3446) ENGINEERS, MANAGERS, AND TECHNICIANS OF OIL, OIL-CONCERNED, AND RELATED INDUSTRIES. Conducted by September 28-0ctober 2 the Petroleum Exploration Center, ENS PM­ SAFETY AT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Formation Industries. For Information: ENSPM SITES (Valhalla, N. Y.). Short course by National Centre d'Exploration Petroliere, ENSPM­ Ground Water Association, and USGS. For Formation Industries, 4 Avenue de Bois-Preau, Information: NGWA, Dept. 17, Box 182039, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison, France. Columbus, Ohio 43218-2039. Phone: 614/761- 1711) October 14-18 GEOLOGY OF SANDSTONE FORMATIONS October 20-22 (Spanish Pyrenees). Language: French. GROUND-WATER HYDROLOGY (Clearwater, Fla.). Short course. ForInformation: National Ground Water Association, Education October 21-25 Department, 6375 Riverside Drive, Dublin, Ohio CASED HOLE LOGGING (Rueil-Malmaison). 43017. Phone: 614/761-1711. Fax: 6141761- Language: French (English, if number of 3446) participants allows).

November 1992-December 1993 November 4-8 REMOTE SENSING APPLICATIONS FOR INTRODUCTION TO THE PRACTICE OF EARTH SCIENCES (Enschede, The FORMATION EVALUATION (Rueil­ Netherlands). Annual short course organized Malmaison). Language: French (English, if by the International Institute for Aerospace number of participants allows). Survey and Earth Sciences (lTC). Language: English. For Information: ITC Student Registration Office, P.O. Box 6 , 7500 AA , Enschede, The Netherlands.

Warta Geologi, Vol.17,No.l 44 November 18-22 TWAS ITALIAN AWARDS SCHEME. Aseries GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS FOR THE of grants for developing-country geoscientists RESERVOIR ENGINEER (Rueil-Malmaison). of proven ability to work and study for periods Language: French (English, if number of up to 10 months at the following Italian participants allows). universities: Florence, Milan, Padua, Pisa, Rome, Trieste, Turin, and CNR Pisa. For Information: Executive Secretary, Third World December 2-13 Academy of Sciences, International Centre for WELL LOG ANALYSIS. (Rueil-Malmaison). Theoretical Physics, P.O. Box 586, Strada Language: French (English, if number of Costiera 11, 1-34100 Trieste, Italy. participants allows).

MINING MANAGEMENT (Kensington, New WEDC (Water, Engineering and Development South Wales,Australia). Master's and graduate Centre). Concerned with urbanization and diploma degrees in Mining Management, as urban infrastructure. Courses offered range in well as individual short courses. (Courses may duration from 6 weeks to 12 months, deal with be presented at other locations by arrangement.) a wide variety of water, engineering, For Information: Dr. Mike Katz, Associate developmental, environmental, and Director, International Key Center for Mines, management topics, and lead to certificates, University of New South Wales, P.O. Box 1, diplomas, or MSc degrees. For Information: Kensington NSW 2033, Australia. ProfessorJohn Pickford, WEDC, Loughborough University ofTechnology, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK. Phone: 0(44) 509 222390; telex: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 34319 UNITECG; fax: 0(44) 509 610231. SEMINARS IN MINERAL ENGINEERING AND MINERAL ECONOMICS. Conducted by the Department of Mining and Metallurgical THE ROBERTSON GROUP pIc, Llandudno, Engineering, McGill University. Language: Gwynedd, UK, attention: Dr. C.J. Burgess, English. For Information: Lorna McFadden, Manager, Petroleum Training Centre. Phone: Department of Mining and Metallurgical 44(0) 492 581811; fax: 44(0) 492 583416; telex; Engineering, McGill University, 3480 61216 ROBRES G. University Street, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2A7, Canada. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Office of International Geology, Training Section, 917 SHORT COURSES IN PETROLEUM National Center, Reston, Virginia 22092. USA GEOLOGY AND RELATED DISCIPLINES. ConductedbyDBJUDC. Language: English. For Information: IHRDC Instructional Programs, 535 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116, USA

SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY CONSORTIUM (Stockholm, Sweden). Master's degree programs lasting three semesters, including a Master's thesis project. Courses in applied Geophysics and Geochemistry at Lulea. Language: English. For Information: Dr. Bjorn Ohlander, Economic Geology, Lulea University ofTechnology, S-951 Lulea, Sweden.

Jan-Feb 1991 45

September 22-28 MODERN CLASTIC DEPOSITIONAL August 24-September 3 ENVIRONMENTS, field mtg., Columbia, S.C., INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL Charleston S.C., and Wilmington, N.C. CONGRESS (29th), Kyoto, Japan. (Dr. (American ~sociation of Petroleum Geologists, Tadasahi Sato, Chairman, Japanese National Education Department, Box 879. Tulsa, Okla. Committee on Geology, Inst. of Geoscience, 74101-0979. Phone: 9181584-2555. Fax: 9181 The University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, 584-0(69) Fee: $1,685 (includes guidebook, Japan transportation, and some meals). August 31-September 2 September 25-30 LARGE METEORITE IMPACTS AND LOW-K SILICIC MAGMAS IN SUBDUCTION PLANETARY EVOLUTION (International SETTINGS, a GSA Penrose Conference, Chelan, Conference), Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Wash. Games S. Beard, Virginia Museum of (Sudbury 1992, rio B. Dressler, Ontario Natural History, Martinsville, Va. 24112. Phone: Geological Survey, 77 Grenville St., Toronto, 703/666-8611) Ontario M7 A 1W4, Canada. Phone: (416) 965- 4817; telefax: (416) 324-(933) September 27-October 1 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL September 11-20 GEOLOGISTS, ann. mtg., Lake Tahoe, Nev. GERMAN MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY, (Jon Price, MPG, Box 665, Carson City, Nev. anniversary meeting, Tubingen, Germany. (P. 89702. Phone: 7021784-6691) Metz, Petrographisches Institut der Universitat Tubingen, Wilhelmstrasse 56,7400 September 28-30 Tubingen, Germany) PETROLEUM-INDUSTRY DATA EX­ CHANGE, mtg., New Orleans. (American September 12-15 Petroleum Institute, 1220 L St. N.W., ASSOCIATION OF EARTH SCIENCE Washington D.C. 20005. Phone: 202168218000) EDITORS, ann. mtg., Glacier National Park, Whitefish,Mont. (H.L. James, Montana Bureau October~ of Mines and Geology, Butte, 59701. Phone: SUDBURY-NORIL'SK NICKEL CAMPS, 406/496-(175) symposium, Sudbury, Ontario (AJ. Naldrett, Dept. of Geology, University of Toronto, September 13-18 Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3B1. Fax: 416/978-3938) DOLOMITES, mtg., Banff, Alberta, by University of Alberta and Canadian Society OctoberU ofPetroleum Geologists. (Pat Larlham, Faculty ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING of Extension, University ofAlberta, Edmonton, GEOLOGISTS, ann. mtg., Long Beach, Calif. Alberta T6G 2G4. Phone: 403/492-5038. Fax: (John W. Beyer, 444-A E. Broadway, Glendale, 403/492-1857) Calif. 91205. Phone: 8181549-9959. Fax: 8181 242-24(2) September 13-18 GEOSTATISTICS, mtg., Troia, Portugal. October 4-7 (Amilcar Soares, Centro de Valorizacao de SOCIETY OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERS, Recursos Minerais, 1ST Av. Rovisco Pais, 1096 ann. mtg., Washington,D.C. (SPE, Box 833836, Lisbon, Portugal. Fax: 35111-8486935) Richardon, Texas 75083-3836. Phone: 214/ 669-3377. Fax: 214/669-0135 September 21-25 October 4-9 PALEOCEANOGRAPHY-GLOBAL CHANGE FLUIDNOLCANO INTERACTIONS, GSA (4th International Conference), Kiel, FRG. Penrose Conference, WarmSprings, Ore. (Steve (ICP IV Organizing Committee, rio GEOMAR, Ingebritsen, USGS, MS 439,345 Middlefield Wischbof-strasse 1-31BIdg., 4, D-2300 Kiel 14, Road, Menlo Park, Calif. 94025. Phone: 415/ FRG) 329-4422. Fax: 415/329-4(63)

Warta Geologi, Vol.17,No.l 46 October 14-30 November 29-December 2 DAM SAFETY, int'l. seminar and tour, Denver, TECTONIC FRAMEWORK AND ENERGY Las Vegas, Nev., and Phoenix, Ariz., by RESOURCES, mtg., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. American Water Foundation, and U.S. Bureau (Secretariat, c/o Dept. of Geology, University of of Reclamation. (AWF, 1616 17th St. Denver, Malaya, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 80202. Phone: 303/628-5516. Fax: 303/628- November 80-December 8 5(69) Fee: members, $1,700; non-members, OFFSHORE SOUTHEAST ASIA, mtg., $1,800. Singapore. (Society of Petroleum Engineers, October 17-22 Box 833836, Richardson, Texas 75083-3836. HYDROLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY, mtg., Phone: 2141669-3377. Fax: 2141669-0135) Portland, Ore. (American InstituteofHydrology, December 28-81 3416 University Ave. S.E., Minneapolis, 55414- GEODYNAMICS OF THE ARABIAN 3328. Phone: 6121279-1030) LITHOSPHERE, int'!. mtg., Baghdad. (Sahil October 18-28 Alsinawi, Dept. of Geology, College of Science, LATE PRECAMBRIAN TECTONICS AND University of Baghdad, Jadiryah, Iraq) THE DAWN OF THE PHANEROZOIC, GSA Penrose Conference, Death Valley, Calif. (Ian W.D. Dalziel, Institute for Geophysics, UniversityofTexas, Austin, 78759-8345. Phone: 512/471-6156. Fax: 5121471-8844) April 17-20 October 19-21 EXPLORATION AND DISCOVERY, mtg., BIO-LEACHING MINERALS AND Denver, by Society of Economic Geoloiists, MINERAL-LAND RECLAMATION, mtg. and Society ofExploration Geophysicists, and others. workshop, Sacramento, Calif. (Yung Sam Kim, (J. Alan Coope, SEG Conference '93, Box 571, Nevada Institute of Technology, Box 8894, Golden, Colo. 80402. Phone: 303/837-5819. Campus Station, Reno, Nev. 89507. Phone Fax: 303/837-5851) :7021673-4466) April 25-28 October 25-80 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF IN-SITU MINERALS RECOVERY, mtg., Santa PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS, ann. mtg., New Barbara, Calif. (Engineering Foundation, 345 Orleans. (AAPG, Box 979, Tulsa, Okla. E. 47th St., New York, 10117. Phone: 2121 74101-0979. Phone: 918/584-2555. Fax: 9181 705-7835. Fax: 2121705-7441) 584-0(69) October 26-28 May 16-20 EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY OF GOLD ENVIRONME~TAL HYDROLOGY AND AND BASE METALS, int'l. mtg., Kalgoorlie, HYDROGEOLOGY, mtg., Washington, D.C. Western Australia. (V.N. Misra, Kalgoorlie (Secretariat, Americal Institute of Hydrology, Metallurgical Laboratory, Box 881, Kalgoorlie, Second USA/USSRConference, 3416University 6430, Australia. Phone: (090) 220 120. Fax: Ave. S.E., Minneapolis, 55414-3328. Phone: (090) 912 762) Papers invited. 612/379-1030. Fax: 6121379-0169) October 26-29 May 17-19 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA GEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA! (Annual Meeting), Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. (Jean MINERALOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF Kinney, GSA Headquarters, P.O. Box 9140, CANADA (Joint Annual Meeting), Edmonton, Boulder, Colo. 80301, USA. Phone: (303) 447- Alberta, Canada. (J.W. Kramers, Alberta 2020). Geological Survey, P.O. box 8330, Station F, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5X2, Canada. Phone: November 8-18 (403) 438-7644; telefax: (403) 438-3644) WATER RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMEN­ TAL ENGINEERING, mtg., Santa Barbara. Calif. (C.V. Freiman, Engineering Foundation, 345 E. 47th St., New York, 10017. Phone:2121 705-7835. Fax: 2121705-7441)

Jan-Feb 1991 47 May 2lhJune 15 July 18-23 BASIN TECTONIC AND HYDROCARBON CLAY CONFERENCE (10th International ACCUMULATION, mtg., Nanjing, People's Conference in conjunction with Commission Republic of China, by Nanjing University. VII of the International Soil Science Society), USGS, Society of Petroleum Geology of China, Adelaide, South Australia. (Dr. Tony Eggleton, and others. (David G. Howell, MS902, USGS, Geology Department, ANU, GPO Box 4, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, Calif. Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia) 94025. Phone: 415/329-5430. Fax: 415/354- August 23-29 3224) GEOMORPHOLOGY C3rd International June 1-5 Conference), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. (3rd GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, int1. mtg., International Conference on Geomorphology, St. Louis. (Norma R.Fleming, 119 ME Annex, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario L8S University of Missouri, Rolla, 65401-0249. 4Kl, Canada. Phone: (416) 525-9140, ext. 4535; Phone: 3141341-6061; 800/752-5057. Fax: 3141 telefax: (416) 546-0463; telex: 061-8347) 341-4992) August 23-29 June 7-11 COASTAL SEDIMENTOLOGY, mtg., EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF Hamilton, Ontario. (William F. Tanner, Dept. EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICISTS (55th of Geology B-160, Florida State University, Annual Meeting and Exhibition), Forum, Tallahassee, 32306. Phone: 9041644-3208) Stavanger, Norway. (Evert van der Gaag, September 25-0ctober 1 Business Manager, European Association of INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF Exploration Geophysicists, Utrechtseweg 62, VOLCANOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF THE NL-3704 HE Zeist, The Netherlands. Phone: EARTH'S INTERIOR, mtg., Canberra, (03404) 56997) Australia. (IAVCEI ACTS, GPO Box 2200, June 20-27 Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. Phone: 61/6/ ZEOLITES, int'l. mtg., Boise, Idaho, by 257-3299. Fax: 61/6/257-3256) International Committee on Natural Zeolites. (F.A Mumpton, Dept. of Earth Sciences, State University of New York, Brockport, 14420. Phone: 716/395-2635; 716/637-2324. Fax: 716/ 395-2416) June 6-10 EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF June 21-25 EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICISTS (56th) ROCK ENGINEERING, mtg. and workshop, Annual Meeting and Exhibition), Austria Lisbon, Portugal, by International Society for Center, Vienna, Australia. (Evert Van der Rock Mechanics. (Luis Ribeiro e Sousa, Gaag, Business Manager, European Association Portuguese Society for Geotechnique, of Exploration Geophysicists, Utrechtseweg62, Laboratorio N acional de Engenharia Civil, Av. NL-3704 HE Zeist, the Netherlands. Phone: do Brasil, 101, 1799 Lisboa Codex Portugal. (03404) 56997; telefax (03404) 62640; Phone: 848 21 31. Fax: 89 76 60) telex:33480) July ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT OF HUMAN EVOLUTION (International Scientific Congress and Exhibition), The Netherlands and Indonesia. (Dr. Hans Beijer, Geological Survey May 29-June 2 ofThe Netherlands, P.O. Box 157, NL-2000AD EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF Haarlem, The Netherlands. Telefax: 31 23 EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICISTS (57th 351614 Annual Meeting and Exhibition), Glasgow, UK (Evert van der Gaag, European ,Association of Exploration Geophysicists, Utrechtseweg 62, NL-3704 HE Zeist, The Netherlands. Phone: (03404) 56997; telefax: (03404) 62640; telex: 33480) Warta Geologi, Vol.17,No.l ORDER FORM GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA PUBLICATIONS

Date: ......

The Hon. Assistant Secretary, Geological Society of Malaysia, do Dept. of Geology, University of Malaya, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

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.. ~ ...... GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA PUBLICATIONS General Information The Society publishes the BuletiT! Geoiogi MaLaysia (Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia) and the bimonthly Warta Geologi (Newsletter of the Geological Society of Malaysial. Papers of general interest or on the geology of the Southeast Asian region (South China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippinesl and also marine areas within the region are welcome for publication in the Bu.letiT!. Short notes, progress reports and general items of information are best submitted to the Warta Geoiogi. Papers should be as concise as possible. However, there is no fixed limi~ as to the length and number of illustrations. Therefore, papers of monograph length are also welcome. Normally, the whole paper should not exceed 30 printed pages and it is advisable that authors of papers longer than 30 printed pages should obtain the consent of the Editor before submission of the papers. The final decision of any paper submitted for publication rests with the Editor who is aided by an Editorial Advisory Board. The Editor may send any paper submitted for review by one or more reviewers. Scripts of papers found to be unsuitable for publication may not be returned to the authors but reasons for the rejection will be given. The authors of papers found to be unsuitable for publication may appeal only to the Editor for re­ consideration if they do not agree 'ith the reasons for rejection. The Editor will consider the appeal together with the Editorial Advisory Board. Unless with the consent of the Editor, papers which have been published before should not be submitted for consideration. Authors must agree not to publish elsewhere a paper submitted to and accepted by the Society. Authors alone are responsible for the facts and opinions given in their papers and for the correctness of references etc. Twenty-five reprints of each paper are free-of-charge. Contributors should notify the Editor of extra reprints (which are of non-profit costs) required. All papers should be submitted to the Editor, Geological Society of Malaysia, do Department of Geology, University of Malaya, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.

Script Requirements Scripts must be written in Bahasa Malaysia (Malay) or English. Two copies of the text and illustrations must be submitted. The scripts must be typewritten double-spaced on papers not exceeding 21 x 33 cm. One side of the page must only be typed on. Figure captions must be typed on a separate sheet of paper. The captions must not be drafted on the figures. Original maps and illustrations or as glossy prints should ideally be submitted with sufficiently bold and large lettering to permit reduction to 15 x 22 cm: fold-outs and large maps will be considered only under special circumstances. Photographs should be of good quality, sharp and with contrast. For each photograph, submit two glossy prints, at least 8 x 12 cm and preferably larger. Use of metric system of measurements (lSU) is strongly urged wherever possible. Reference cited in the text should be listed at the end of the paper and arranged in alphabetical order and typed double-spaced. The references should be quoted in the following manner: Suntharalingam,T., 1968. Upper Palaezoic stratigraphy of the area west of Kampar, Perak. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull., I, 1 - 15. Hosking, K.F.G., 1973. Primary mineral deposits. In Gobbett, D.J. and Hutchison, C.S. (Eds), "Geology of the Malay Peninsula (West Malaysia and Singapore)". Wiley-Interscience, New York, 335 - 390. The name of the book or publication must be underlined and will be later printed in italics. A concise and informative abstract in English is required for each paper written in Bahasa Malaysia or English. A paper written in Bahasa Malaysia must have all abstract in Bahasa Malaysia as well. For format, kinds of subheadings and general style, use this and the previous Buletins as a guide. The final decision regarding the size of the illustrations, sections of the text to be in small type and other matters relating to printing rests with the Editor. If authors have trouble over the script requirements, please write in to the Editor. 100 ° E. ./ CAMBODIA -: ~ NEGERI-NEGERI MALAYSIA . ~'t- (STATES OF MALAYSIA) .,-, .,J ~«.. 1. PERLI S 8. PAHANG /' ~" 100 N 2. KEDAH 9. NE GERI SEMBI LAN N. 3. PULAU PIN ANG 10. MELAKA 4. PERAK 11 . JOHOR -} 5. KELANTAN 12. SABAH 6. TERENGGANU 13. SARAWAK o 200km 7. SELANGOR

#{;' P. Banggi o ~ . P. Langkawl " '\ K ota Bharu ~ \J\~ A lo r Star 2 /-., . ') /'/ LAUT CHINA SELATAN '-". <..., 3al/ > t (South China Sea) ~.;. "'4/ 5 1 o ~ • \ 6 ....~ ~ • ~ ...... A / ''- J..", ...... , Ipoh l J C>c> -f-..., \ "', 8 o Natuna ...... ° 7 1 Kua a 'r-.... Lumpur'/ -', Seremban« 9 r 0 ./ ~~ .... '--.. ./ 0 10(.11\ 13 , ~ ~ or Bahru I O~ SINGAPORE

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