PP 188112/90 ISSN 0126·5539 PERSATUAN GEOLOGI MALAYSIA NEWSLETTER OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA Jil. 17, No.1 (Vol. 17, No.1) Jan-Feb 1991 KANDUNGAN (Contents) :::::: ;;:::A : ~i)fi'::N':::':':' : ~E' j;«~:':;;;;':b. : I' "~~A:i=l;i;:kl~~'I"":'N"~~~~V':'::', , ','"'''''' ., "", ;::;,/,,:::b:':' : .. ::,::,:: ,:::::: ;;:.:'.':,': ::::;:;;::":':':':"'\\i\:::::::::::)'/ ::: '::::::::: :fr}~: ~~ ; I:H:t~ : : :. ~ , :~~~~ "' :\~:W:~IU¥ ~ :¥. ~I~~l "" ' :"" ..... ': ................. ::::::)trm t ........... :::::;:::::: ~r :!j~jrff: ::.:.:::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:::::::::::::::. rj :::::::::::-:., ::: H'." Sa~~ta ' ~::N~te ' ~~ fossi1 ' 'iocalityofcrabs '' and ' cutttefi'shh~ne ' l~i)lelst~~~~~ """":y: marine sandy clay at Sungai Kolok, southeast-most Thailand Peter H. Stauffer: Geological observations at the Seng Mines, Sungai Way, Selangor, 11 in July 1972 111:1:::,iliilll lmIIYII" lli_'Y_II'I~I!II~' , II!' , illlll11~11~:IIIIIIIIIIIIII,lli,i,li: :I " , :::i : ::,!'!i:,::r::;;':::, :': : !,-I!I':'i::,::: , :!:!I!::1:::: , ;;;::":::,:,:::,::i:::: ' ;: ' !::i'~:'::;::;:::::::::,:,:' :;:,: M.Yogeswaran : Hydrogeology of Sarawak with some aspects on groundwater 19 development M. Fuller: Tertiary palaeomagnetism of regions around the South China Sea 21 P. Gutteridge : Carbonate sand bodies at the northern margins of the Darbyshire 23 Carbonate Platform (Lower Carboniferous) U.K Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin : Survei ketakselanjaran dan ragam kegagalan cerun batuan 26 di Lebuh Raya Timur-Barat Abdul Hadi Abdul Rahman : The use of wireline logs and cuttings for the prediction 26 of subsurface sedimentary facies - A case study from the Northumberland Trough, Northern England "=;:::::,:",, Ili:i:{Nlw~'::af'itfj(I'iS~IAtv\: Jawatankuasa Pencalunan (Nominations Committee) 29 Appointment of New Councillor and Chairman of Engineering Geology Working Group 29 Keahlian (Membership) 30 Pertukaran Alamat (Change of Address) 30 Wanted: Current address of one member 31 Pertambahan Barn Perpustakaan (New Library Additions) 31 :::",:,:::::'!!~rrl:i~ : !~!@)!~,I:::::f,~!!:!,~!!~~ :,:::, ',::::,,:::::',:,::::::'::::'::::'i:':,::,::::::::::::::'::,;:::::i,:",::,;:::;:' , ',:::;:',',»:::,: , ::::::,'::::::::":'!'!:'::'::,::"::'::'::::::::;::',::,;:,f.j':':;:':r::;::::::': Geological Survey of Malaysia - Annual Report & Conference Proceedings 32 29th International Geological Congress 35 Petronas Inventors' Award 39 Kursus-kursus Latihan dan Bengkel-bengkel (Training Courses and Workshop) 43 Kalender (Calender) 45 DIKELUARKAN DWIBULANAN ISSUED BIMONTHLY GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA Majlis (Council) 1991 /92 ~:. .~:~:'7::r:?~y;::r~?"~~~-:;'';.~::»-':-:'-';·;'-:::»=:=''' ... ~:-:::-:0.E"W::: Presiden (President) Ahmad Said Naib Presiden (Vice-President) KhalidNgah Setiausaha Kehormat (Hon. Secretary) Jimmy Khoo Kay Khean Penolong Setiausaha Kehormat (Asst. Hon. Secretary) : Ahmad Tajuddin Ibrahim Bendahari Kehormat (Hon. Treasurer) Lee Chai Peng Pengarang Kehormat (Hon. Editor) TehGuanHoe Presiden Yang Dahulu (Immediate Past President) : Hamzah Mohamad Juruodit Kerhormat (Honorary Auditor) Peter Chew 1991-93 1991-92 Abdul Ghani Mohd. Rafek Andrew Spykerman Mazlan Madon Cheang Kok Keong Nik Ramli Nik Hassan Chin Lik Suan Tan Teong Hi.D.g FatehChand Jawatankuasa Kecil Pengarang (Editorial Subcommittee) " '.f'<.... :: .. :, ..... ". :... < .....~.:~~ ... , ..:''' ........ ,... ,.. '..... " .. , ...~:.: ... :.:,. J Teh Guan Hoe (Pengerusi/Chairman) Lee Chai Peng Ng Tham Fatt Lili Sulastri Tan Boon Kong Mazlan Madon Tan Teong Hing Lembaga Penasihat Pengarang (Editorial Advisory Board) .~ ·~~?:'~r~~~:,·«>·'. .... ::<.: ...... :" .... ~................... ,', .,. .•• :.~~;%~. AwPeckChin C.A Foss Senathi Rajah Azhar Hj. Hussin N.S. Haile Shu Yoon Khoon K.R. Chakraborty KF.G. Hosking P.H. Stauffer Cheang Kok Keong C.S. Hutchison Tan Boon Kong Choo Mun Keong Ian Metcalfe H.D.1Jia Chu Leng Heng John Kuna Raj Yeap Cheng Hock Dennis N.K. Tan Leong Lap Sau Yin Ee Heng The Society was founded in 1967 with the aim of promoting the advancement of earth " sciences particularly in Malaysia and the Southeast Asian region. The society has a membership of about 600 earth scientists interested in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian regions. The membership is worldwide in distribution. Published by the Geological Society of Malaysia, Department of Geology, University of Malaya, 59100 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 003-757 7036 Fax: 003-756 3900 Printed by M Printing Works Sdn. Bhd.. 29 Jalan Riong, 59100 Kuala Lumpur. Note on fossil locality of crabs and cuttlefish bone in Pleistocene marine sandy clay at Sungai Kolok, southeast-most Thailand H. SAWATA Geological Research Project, Prince ofSongkhla University, Thailand On 23 June 1977, Prof. N .S. Haile, head (Dr. Morris' letter dated 14th July 1977 to of the Department of Geology, University of Prof. Haile). Prof. Haile also suggested dating Malaya at that time, sent a letter to the of suitable samples from the locality, since writer enclosing a photostat copy of a this would give an estimation of the rate of photograph showing the location of fossil build out of the coast, as the crabs plus crabs and fossilized cuttlefish bone. He cuttlefish would seem to indicate a shore guessed the deposit containing fossils is line; he suspected the age was about 5,000 Pleistocene or perhaps Pliocene and years. considered it would be interesting to see On 22 October 1978, the writer had a whether there are any foraminifera or other chance during his holiday trip to visit the fossils there. fossil locality with the kind guidance ofMiss The British Museum studied the Patcharin Phannanukul, chief of Japanese samples of these fossils sent by Prof. Haile course of this university and her brother-in­ and determined the cuttlefish is Sepia law. bandensis Adam (identified by Dr. M.K The attached sketch map (Fig. 2) shows Howarth) and the crabs areMacrophthalmus the locality(loc. 1 in Fig. 3). Unfortunately, (Venitus) latreillei (Desmarest) (identified the high level of water in the Muno Canal by Dr. S.F. Morris) (Figs. 1,4-6). Dr. Morris prevented him from doing any geological writes that it ranges from Pleistocene to study of the outcrop of locality itself, and Recent and usually lives in estuaries or only small amounts of imperfect fragments mangrove swamps. This species is known of crab fossils and white stone - cuttlefish from the Pleistocene ofSabah and Ceylon; it bone fossil? - were shown to him by local is common as a sub-fossil from the Chinese inhabitants and one fragment of crab fossil coast and northern Australia. Its was presented by one of them. The local geographical range as an extant species people related that one or two years before covers most of southeast Asia, from the Gulf about a thousand pieces offossil were found of Bengal to Japan and northern Australia in the canal, and a buyer from Bangkok exhausted all the collection. These local Material submitted by N.S. Haile and people seemed to believe these fossils are extracted with permission from Prince of valuable as medicine, and that might be the Songkhla University Geological Research reason why the price offossils is so high and Project Publication No.4 (1979). ISBN 0126-5539 Warta Geologi, Vol.17, No.1, Jan-Feb 1991 2 H. SAWATA the people are not so willing to offer their buddha image ofInman style was found near fossil collection to non-merchants. the locality of fossils in the Muno Canal. The level of surface of the formation About 2 km west-northwest of the fossil with these fossils is unknown and only be locality, the road cuts through a hill 33 m presumed at around 5 m above sea-level. high and exposures of decomposed bedrock On the northern extension of Muno ofpossibly Palaeozoic are seen. The presumed Canal, at the crossing point with the road geology of the area is shown on Figure 3. from Sungai Kolok to Tak BailNarathiwat, It is hoped that a geological study of the ca. 14.5 km from Sungai Kolok (loc. 2 in Fig. fossil locality in the M uno Canal will become 3), under and around the road bridge in the possible in the not too distant future when canal, there are found several outcrops of lowering water level in the canal may expose mud. Dark-grey mud 50 cm plus thick is the fossil-bearing formation above water, covered by a black woody layer 5 cm thick. and its stratigraphy may then become There is one independently standing trunk clarified and more fossils be collected for age around 10 cm in diameter and 50 cm in determination. height which may be natural wood stem or The writer wishes to specially express artificial post. This wood is black in its outer his gratefulness to Prof. N.H. Haile for his part and more brownish at the centre. No kind information, valuable suggestions and macrofossil was found at the outcrop. It was improvement of this report. told that sometime before, a boat with a Figure 1. Part of plate LX of Rumphius' "D'Amboinsche Rariteitkamer" 1741, showing fossil Macrophthalmus (No.1 and No.2). Jan-Feb 1991 r.,., \ \ , \ THAILAND \ On base c1- topographic sheet maps 1: sqooo '\ L7017 5321 11 and 54Z1 III and his glimpse " .... ~ ')..... _, I \ I I J LEGEND _ decot"ro.sed lolls.. ,...,.Jc.: 'fi.e-18 ..tiary X fossil looa~ >-< canal ja1e / loci'l rc>aGl _/..- hijhway I I t"" yaiL",aj MALAYSIA city of i 2 3 KM c.~~~~d~:===:=:d' ____..... ' Figure 2. Locality map of crab and cuttlefish bone fossils in Muno Canal, Sungai Kolok District, on the Thai-Malaysian border, southeastern-most Thailand. 4 H. SAWATA \ I I I I \ _ _ '0--/ ~-:== --~:== ~ -= :;tt.: = = c: --~---
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