100,000 Years of African Monsoon Variability Recorded in Sediments of the Nile Margin
Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (2010) 1342–1362 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Quaternary Science Reviews journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/quascirev 100,000 Years of African monsoon variability recorded in sediments of the Nile margin Marie Revel a,*, E. Ducassou b, F.E. Grousset b, S.M. Bernasconi c, S. Migeon a, S. Revillon d, J. Mascle a, A. Murat e, S. Zaragosi b, D. Bosch f a Geosciences Azur, Observatoire Oce´anologique, La Darse, B.P. 48 06235 Villefranche/Mer, France b Universite´ Bordeaux 1, CNRS, UMR 5805-EPOC, avenue des faculte´s, 33405 Talence cedex, France c ETH Zurich, Geologisches Institut, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland d IFREMER, De´partement Ge´osciences Marines, BP70, 29280, Plouzane´, France e Cnam-Intechmer, BP324, 50103 Cherbourg, France f Laboratoire de Tectonophysique, Universite´ de Montpellier II, 34095 Montpellier, France article info abstract Article history: Multiproxy analyses were performed on core MS27PT recovered in hemipelagic sediments deposited on Received 20 April 2009 the Nile margin in order to reconstruct Nile River palaeohydrological fluctuations during the last 100,000 Received in revised form years. The strontium and neodymium isotope composition of the terrigenous fraction and the major 17 December 2009 element distribution reveal large and abrupt changes in source, oscillating between a dominant aeolian Accepted 4 February 2010 Saharan contribution during arid periods and a dominant Nile River contribution during pluvial periods. Iron content shows a strong correlation with strontium and neodymium isotopes. This allows the use of a high-resolution continuous Fe record as a proxy of Blue Nile sediment input over the last 100,000 years.
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