A Bibliography of Publications of Thomas Ulrich Zeugmann
A Bibliography of Publications of Thomas Ulrich Zeugmann Thomas Ulrich Zeugmann Associate Professor Research Institute of Fundamental Information Science Fukuoka 812 Japan Tel: ?n/a? FAX: ?n/a? E-mail: thomas@rifis.kyushu-u.ac.jp (Internet) 02 February 2019 Version 1.17 Abstract 5th [AJ94, Hau92]. This bibliography records publications of 60th [CSZZ08]. 6th [JSZ95a, Pit93]. Thomas Ulrich Zeugmann. 7th [AS96]. Title word cross-reference ’89 [Jan89]. 8th [LM97, Yao95]. ’93 [STA94]. 9th [RSWZ98a]. & [Zeu92a]. δ [AZ08]. k [RZ98e, RZ98g]. Z=pα [Zeu89b]. A-posteriori [Zeu83b]. ability [SZ97]. abstract [KZ89c]. ACM -delay [AZ08]. -Variable [RZ98e, RZ98g]. [FC90, Hau92, Pit93]. Across [ZL94, ZL95]. Active [FZ14]. AII [Jan89]. AII’92 [Jan92]. 10th [EFW93]. 16th [MT99]. 1st AII’94 [AJ94]. Akademgorodok [BBP96]. [DJS90, DJS91]. Algorithm [Zeu95, Zeu98]. Algorithmic [AJ94, AS96, JMSZ16, JL95, JSZ95a, LM97, 24th [JMSZ16]. 2nd [BJS93, Vit95, Zeu89a]. RSWZ98a, Zeu97, BZ09, HSVZ13, BDCZ07, BSVZ14, CBRZ06, GTZ10, KSZ14]. 3rd [FC90]. algorithmischen [Zeu83a]. Algorithmisches [Zeu93b, Zeu93a]. 4th [AJ94, HS98]. Algorithms [RZ98a, Zeu89a, Zeu90b, 1 2 Zeu92a, Zeu94a, Zeu94b, FZ14, RZ99b]. [LZK92, ZLK92, JZ10a]. classes almost [KZ85]. ALT [JZ12, SZ02, Zeu84a]. Classification [GTZ10, JMSZ16, CBRZ06]. ALT’94 [WSZ94]. Classifying [AJ94]. ALT’95 [JSZ95a]. ALT’96 [AS96]. [SWZ97, WSZ93, WSZ95]. Clustering ALT’97 [LM97]. ALT’98 [RSWZ98a]. [IZZ10]. Co [FZ95, FZ96]. Co-Learning Ames [HS98]. amount [FZ11, JSZ12]. [FZ95]. coherent [AZ08]. Colloquium Analogical [AJ94, Jan87, Jan92, Jan89]. [HS98]. COLT [Zeu94c]. COLT’90 [FC90]. Analysis [RZ99a, RZ16, Zeu89a, Zeu94a, comparators [GJSZ18]. Complete Zeu94b, Zeu95, Zeu98, RZ99c]. Analyzing [RZ99a, RZ99c]. complexity [RZ98a, RZ99b]. Andrei [BBP96]. Annual [FZP13, Zeu18]. compression [IZZ10]. [BM98, EFW93, FC90, Hau92, Pit93]. Computation [RZ16, CDG89].
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