CHURCH OF ENGLAND [Cap. 429 CHAPTER 429 CHURCH OF ENGLAND Ordinances AN ORDINANCE TO ENABLE THE BISHOP, CLERGY, AND LAITY OF THE CHURCH OF Nos. 6 of 1885, ENGLAND IN SRI LANKA TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF THE AFFAIRS 32 of 1890, 24 of 1892, OF THE SAID CHURCH. 17 of 1910, 1 of 1930, Act No. 6 of 1972. [14th February, 1885.] Preamble. Whereas by the Ordinance No. 14 of and over all churches, the salaries and 1881*, intituled "An Ordinance to amend allowances in respect of which had been the Ordinance No. 1 of 1870, intituled ' An prospectively withdrawn (save and except as Ordinance relating to the Fixed Civil regards the churches of St. Peter, Colombo, Establishments of this Colony'", the and St. Paul, Kandy), were transferred to salaries and allowances payable to the certain trustees and their successors as a Bishop and other ecclesiastical persons of body corporate, pending the appointment of the Church of England, out of the Colonial a governing body, to represent the said Treasury, have been prospectively churches: abolished, and provision has been made for payment from time to time to trustees for And whereas it is expedient to repeal the the use of the said church until the 1st day said Ordinance No. 15 of 1881, and to make of July, 1886, of the salaries and allowances other provisions in lieu thereof, and to payable in respect of offices which may enable the Bishop, clergy, and the laity of become vacant before that date: the Church of England to make such arrangements for the management of their And whereas, in consequence
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