^4 /^Ua^ ^ ^ «Z£, *4^ •RULN*HIM WITH EXPBXSES.'-£or J° »<™ of tho dis- FrJESDS,—I- thinfc the two maxims 5lY Wllh the iDStructirf » which had [riiU which 1 have headed this letter are true. gifon? been letter from Sir. Tl SU IIoL " [ received a Christopher ton finr£' C '3E Tine^trcet , Hat* o °^?Fnday c ' Doyle on Wednesday, in which he states that author of «?" 'on««« Mr. Womldine, flic £85 PaiQ to ^m ty Mn Fbxherstox l Pue1 w-is lia'.ided over to him by Mr. M'Gowan. merous otueVSoifi t Hff 1 a"d of nu" lookiug over the accounts I find this is Tragic Muso of Gr«^ Ttut^T' on tha Iu cor- _ > d lilt tllG hut he also states that 1 AND had ever boon coeval wiHwf; - ! drama rect ; ,COG—with NATION AL TRADES' .TOTrewA T keep pace .fth which I charge the Company, and which part of that tKi^SBa"" }^^C ~ proposition was Twified bl'til - borrowed from Mr. Boberts—is r" —" mousi testimony was due by HV. P. 712. , |8 , S85r~~ of hittory and thei ttl VOJ ^ LONDON ¦ ¦ , SATURDAY rs=s »mB Company, and not by me. Now " ' ' ¦ ¦ JDl'— —~ _._. Fire Sh HIfgg, and SixpeHcv.Ww the other followed as a logical ""T the , this ; : ¦¦ ———: . ™ per Qunrirr inferriS M'J ?l me CRUEL^ E T ,v,,»i j j x. _ o. -j ^ -y^ """ - .—__ tho drama, and ' £1,006 is due by , and not by the Com- CRU L TREATMENTREATMENT OFCIV EERNESTRNEST J.TnvpcONES judiciousl?n^i n ym murdered . and —— yon circumscribe the aspiratim WH to-morrow. Sharp the min d ; set on foot the wild " * paiiy ; as it shall be paid out of the funds ILST IS TOTOILL FIELDS PRISON. Williams bad been so murdered ; and so would Er- The examiner's more ' fire of fanntUs due . certificate of proficiency Mid you usher in a dynasty hostile to and not by the C nest Jones have been had ho would in ovory case becomo cho scholar ' tho righti w to me, ompany. I should not possessed a con- . s electoral uocrtios of mankiml ;. lor it irw during A public meeting was held at the National Hall, stitution like a horse. This was because they did 'ii'A BS'.K qualification , on aitainingSxhe n«e tho pristSn*- also state that I received Mr. Fetherstox' Uijfh " ^ •ft of twenty-one days of the A thenian drai»» that s Holborn, on Wednesday .evening, to petition not act with one heart and mind. Until they fc ven with our present machinery we rhetoric, poetry account just as the " Star -was ' the House of Commons think this is history, soulpturo, and pliiJosoph " goiug to to grant an inquiry into the banded themselves together, awl got past the age S' to a certain -extent practicable. -Wo y were at their es, and which I sent snbjeet. Long before the meeting ltt ?raU=tborit 168 »p«^=ml Inenaced do not pre- zenith ; whilst justice and liberty were pr to be inserted iu the comiiienced , the when charity was doled out to them as aright , they 5Sr?TSinnW . witl > bat Lord J°hn Russell means to attempt tlio basis- « galleries and other portions of r ™Dt . Pasted' in the exer- mTRt\ t of the laws and in stitutions of Greece, 1 Star " by my secretary. the building were would never become otherwise than they now were. S Jf tmE *»'° thn he Po'rt'cal emancipation of the hi lu-r . lie said crowded to excess ; in fact, ?Ugll the 010 ri llfc of roteo n kL ?* g that the modern stago h;id, un der a jisucdo Perhaps Mr. Dotle has not it was the largest ga- Mr. Le Blond then read the rules of the prison , and tSS SnSdedS a; Prl8t ' « P - ™ .of to«ary and leawied persons, but while ,iri3to> read Mr therine for any political object which has been held iSS • »>er-that ho was refused a tht « C S undep cr miSllti y faliL'n from its former Gbet's accounts delivered commented upon the manner in which the rules had r Va[ CS n?° . consideration in the Cabinet % ' . elevation to the Committee since 1S48. been violated. tOymcd ior tlie Su^ance Jh! V ntid dignity, so that it did not propound to tho He had no doubt that Mr. Jones had ofvMS^^ll '?th0 visitin '"ay arise which would '««» *o lic pub- of the House of Commons that sat in 1848 ; in At precisely eight o'clock, Mr. Wakley, M.P., an action against the governor h m Sitii 1 V™ S justices denied aannTnmfirv mqUlry whether»wl it- ' tno8 to henr a lcctuvo from persons would hare done, they did. Their bread depended unon it. The commubwatiog the, treatment of. her husband to of this body met Johnta« Sturgeon«! " Mr I should be able to tively to what the speakers had to communicate to people could not expect martyrs every day. The me of: ur , ja n,, on the Life of Mr . O'Con prove that 7, uri$l y° honourable house. e™ning kst a* the National and us connexion ner I had expended much more money th|. meeting - on-the; subject, aad they could speak treatment their martyrs received was not sufficient Petitjoners the ?LlHall, Higu-Th HolbornA > with the Lund Plan . Mr Georra ' fronrtojowle'dge and experience. jhril having learned above , but as there was no busi- W CilI (l than I charge the Company with. Is not ¦ He {Mr. Wakley) to induce them to do this. Mr. Le Blond then ^facts , withvothers of the same ness, ot t0 10 C air aud b*od«3f£ Mr Boyle should shortly .have an opportunity, in another read, from serious nature;; your particular importance or urgency to SbSS MMv - SwS' rS«»" treated" ' his . aware that there is not a word or " a book published : by Dixon, entitled petitioners, therefore, are of opinion that the sen- transact 5S-great ability,.vr , . subject with place, to speak his opinions[upon this matter. They London Pris ons, and commented upon tence , the Committee adjourned to Wed- tracing tho career of Mr O'Con- figure of mine hi any of the account books ; the account u^on^sajd Jrnest,.Charles Jonea was not nor from his commencement were met specially to consider the ca«e of Mr. E. there given of Mr. Jonea, and, by his happy man- only one which presents^ nesday evening, July 2nd, then to meet at the in publie life un- and that when I-paid, the labourers every Jones ; who, they would have imagined a moral confusion of poli- abov^.op ' '¦ ¦ to the present time, and , would have, ner, created immenso laughter. Tbe book con- tics andfelony, untenable 1 icef : ' ¦^ ¦ ' ui^c^:^¦¦¦) h; ^ > r\- :. ( , demonstratinVhiscoT- Saturday night, and the tradesmen, Mr. received kinder treatment at the hands of those who cluded by stating iu theory, undTeprehen- ¦ sistanUdvocacy of the rights of " that the account came from Mr sible m-practice, but. that the said * N.B.-A detailed Balance' g man. The ectu Doyle, Sir. Cullixgham, and Mr. Kixg, generally were considered tco tolerant to men of Jones himself, andj as such sentence was Stie#ft^t n m^TOs highly nppldudedT A gentleman their own , was valuable to the re- carriefeout with inhuman 'andjille^arrigotir ' quarter- ending June 24tb : east end of B from the then the bailiff, inserted the amounts paid in order./Mn Jones was a gentleman by former of our , penal laws, and creditable . and will be published London>l«dfS% aAI«i^S tKud£ profession, as well as b to the y/Jur Mitioners. Hherefore.- pray• 'your honourable uex ' no*S-»H* Msolution was passed; im-itU, the books, they sat at one table inserting the y habits and feelings ; but magistrates under whose care he was place%»J • " v heuse To " t^^^^i^6HN Arkoit, ; ;•" ' ? * twL he had proved by his conduct that he still sympa- institute aV enquiry into the treatment ' •'- -"-"- - :• .";?."•'' "G or ttf a PuWio noting paid, and 1 sat at the other table Mr. E. Jones next addressed the meeting, and of the said Ernest Charles Jones eneral Secretary, , theZ* neig«Tihbou-r rhv ? -°T fa amount pay- thised with those placed in a more humble position. was received during his incarce- ood. Several other speakers ad- with tremendous applause. He did ration in Tothill Fields Prison. dressed the meeting ing the money ? (Cheers.) If there had been torture inflicted upon not stand before and it was announced that Mr them for the purpose of making & "An d your petitioners will Worcester. -The Guildhall of this citv Sturgeon would lecture Mr. Doyle was, perhaps, not aware that, Mr. Jones, they ought not to rest satisfied without speech, but merely ever pray. on tho ensuing Monday—y ¦ to givo them a plain statement " Signed on behalf was fi lled by a large audience subject, " Home Coloniza while he was bailiff over the labourers, I paid an inquiry, and the offenders ought to be brought to of facts. He thanked Mr of the meeting." on Tuesday tion." the bar of . Le Blond for having pro- . The petition was evening last FissBURY.—The Democratic extra out of my own public opinion, and held up to public cured him the rules of the prison ; not then ordered to be sicned by , to hear an address on real par- Association met afc him 5s. per week pocket, ignominy and contempt. only himself, the Chairman on 21, \ me-street, nort h end of Uatton-sardon (Cheers.) Mr. Jones had but Lord Dudley Stuart and other behalf of the meeting. liamentary reform. Mr. Harding was called . last and lent him £10: But however I may be been accused of speaking friends bad tried vorea oi thanks were given to Sunday. Mr. Phili p Johnson in the chair. sedition ; and no doubt m vain to procure them. Relative to the work Messrs. Wakley to the chair ; and after some appropriate and SovenI reviled or abused, I snap my fingers at my he had expressed his opinions warmly and deci- and Hunt tor their services in. the chair new members were enrolled. Mr. II. Ilockley from which Mr. Le Blond had read extracts, he had , and the pointed ' remarks, introduced re- opponents, as no man,*who has advocated the dedly, as many others had done at the same time, never heard meeting, which was of a most enthusiastic cha- Mr. Ernest ported that tlie council had made good progress in; of its existence before, and had never • Jones, who was repairing people's cause for thirty years, can lay such a but it was no offence to express dissent from the expressed himself satisfied racter, adjourned. : received with long-continued the abstract of the People's Bill of and contented wich his cheering. Rights, which is designed for character before the public as I can. opinions of a government ; and, without a doubt, lot as there represented. Mr. Some Middle Class Reformers, the suhiect nf th« those who were liable Jones then cdm- future aS i tat ion of this Association to be punished by the laws menced detailing the particulars of who dissented-from his advice, were silenced , till it bccome3 The agents for the Northern Star now owe had a right to a voice his committal NATIONAL REFORM LEAGUE. t io aw of Grea t Britain. The secretary in the making of the laws ; and treatment by the authorities during the by his arguments, and when calle announced me between £3,000and £4,000, and no other and he trusted they would speak t two d forward that the council had been disappointed in continue to. ou years and ona week while he was in Tothill At tbe usual weekly several times b securing proprietor of a newspaper would allow boldly their political sentiments Fields meetingof the Council of the y the chairman at tho conclusion the building for the New Democratic Hall them ; for those who Prison, and exhibited a series of con National Reform League for this were content without d uct on the , held at tho Eclectic In- of the lecture to advance any objectio Association. Moved by Mr. William Jones to do so; and I tell Mr. Doyle and all my enjoying their political rights part of the authorities, of the most mean stitution , 18a ns, they , and did not deserve freedom. , yet malic- , Denmark-street, Soho, on Monday had t6 make, not one of them shewed secon dtid by Mr. William Thomas-." That Mr opponents that however I may be abused, that ( Cheers.) As for sedi- nant nature. During this narrative (which evening, June 23rd, the himself, Philip tion, it meant anything which lias report'of a meeting held at A resolution pled ing Johnson , the assistant treasurer, be em- I am resolved to carry any body in power been partly described in his petition in a previous St. Leonai'd's-hall, Sboreditch, on Wednesday, g the meeting to the powered to receive on another land com- chose to consider detrimental June at his residence, No. 2 Lam- to their interests. number of this journal) the audience expressed 18th, inserted in the Northern Star of last Charter in its entirety, and to oppose any 1 pany upon my own responsibility, and then The Whigs, while in power, never spoke sedition, their sympathy , Saturday beth-square, Westminister-roan , tenders for a with him, and their detestation of was brought under their notice, and the candidate going for a less measure building, ' lie and they will see that I have not lost the but when out of office , where was there a body of his following of reform, suitable for ¦ the much-required Demo- oppressor in the most unmistakeabio terms resolution was passed unanimously was passed without cra tic Hall for confidence of the working classes men more free with seditious speeches ? When in In allusion to tho :—"That the one dissentient amid this borough." Carried unani- , to elevate -work quoted by Mr. Le Blond secretary write the editor of the Northern Star mously. Moved by Mr. llulidny, •whom 1 have devoted the larder they could fill their mouths with some- and written by one of to thunders of applause ; and such was the and seconded by my time and -property. the prison authorities he request the correction of some errors inadvertentl y Mr. Ilockley—" That tho council bo instructed thing better, but when out of the larder no stated that, during the whole inserted in the crowd of men stepping forward to be enrolled to I suppose Mr. Doyle is aware also that period of his confine- report of the above meeting, in take the Hall of Science, City-road, as soon (after men could fill their mouths with much louder ment, he had only thirty volumes allowed which it is stated that as members of the Charter Association although the ' Star ' has been established for vociferations of seditious him to the meeting was called by , that our excursion by canal boats on the 20th of July) sentiments. (Hear.) read, excepting those contained in the prison the National Reform League, and Ernest Jones was obliged to assi as possible nearly fifteen years, that I have never looked Such a course of conduct was most contemptible ; library. that a resolution st the society , to convene a general meeting of tho That the library consisted, almost exclu- in favour of Protection was proposed bv Mr in filling up the cards. members and friends to over a lino of the books, and they ought to allow to others the same freedom of sively, of works hear read and explained that one GEN- inculcating passive obedience and O Bnen. In accordance with the above resolu- MAMCHESTEn. the now abstract of tho " People's Bill of TLEM AN, expression of opinions which they exercised them- subjection to the powers that —-On Sunday evening, June ItMits " whose name I shall not mention, be, and works written tion , I beg leave to state that the meeting was not 22nd , 1851, and to adopt a petition to the British Parliament selves. Mr. Joni'S had spoken his true opinions as in praise of military glory. Mr. called by the National Reform L Mr. William Bell, of H^ywood, for its has defrauded me of thousands of pounds ; and to the things which Jonea enumerated eague, but by some enactment." Carried. Moved by Mr surrounded him. He (Mr. a quantity of these, profusely adorned with of the inhabitants of Shoveditch gave lecture in the Peoples' Institute, Heyrod- , perhaps he is also aware that the persons to Wakley) trusted he would continue to do so, but wood- , who invited Mr. Cater and seconded by- Mr. Hackloy—That tho cuts of a most questionable character. The prison O'Brien to attend and give his views street, Ancoats, on " The utility and council bo instructed to draw wh in I have been most kind, and to whom I that he would use good judgment, so as not to give was respocting prac- up a requisition for quite a hot-bed for raising recruits. The sur- Free Trade and Protection, which nre embodied in ticability of Industrial Co-operation. the signatures of the rate-payers of this have given large sums of money, have been them an opportunity of again placing him in a pri- geon of the prison was also " The borough son cell the surgeon of a batta- the following resolution, which was moved by Mr. experience which Mr. Bell has had in calling a public meeting Qn Clevkenwcll-jrreen. to my greatest abusere. And does , especially when he could succeed as well lion at the Horse Guards, -A" being test the right of such Mr. Doyle by calm as by violent and often boasted of O'Brien, seconded by Mr. . Campbell, and carried treasurer to the Heywood open air meetings, when con- think that any other man language. Mr, Jones would the number of recruits he had drafted unanimously:—•' That while we admit that Co-operation vened by that legal process." , pressed as I have give the meeting an account' of hia treatment in from nations, Stores, highly qualified Carried unanimously. been for money, the prison ; in fact, the prison library lite- like individuals, have an'undoubted right to inter* Wm for tho subject, A gentleman present gave two shillings could say that he has never calm and unimpassioned language, so as to give rally taug which- towards tho drawn ou« ht " the young idea how to shoot " change their respective surplus products free from was much appreciated by the audience, obtamment of tho new hall, and recommended FRACTION out of the bank, and them all an opportunity to judge of the facts of the He supposed it was a part that n received case. lie trusted of the Whig system of fiscal or other restrictions;, and while, consequently, in the marked attention paid to the lecture, a public subscription be made for the same pur- eyer interest for money that he had that the House of Commons education ; for nineteen months he was we fully admit the principle of Free pose, and would never be so atrocious as to refuse an not allowed Trade, as that and the approbation he received at its con- that tho assistant treasurer, of "West- paid into that bank to a large amount? inquiry j the use of pen, ink, or paper, except for his which should govern international exchanges iniste road and the seo >tary, David if they did so they would receive and deserve in- quar- be- clusion. A vote of thanka was unanimously S , n « ' " Cater, of I do not think I need say more. terly letter to his wife ; after that period he was tween peoples enjoy ing freedom and being proprie- f«o. 12, Compton-strcet, Olerkcnwel), be empowered creased infamy. The Chairman sat down amid allowed them, but not allowed tors of their own passed to Mr. Bell, with a request that ho to receive Your Faithful Friend and Advocate, vociferous clieerinj r. to write a line of products, this meeting at the the same. The secretary reported that original matter ; all "he was allowe same time protests against would soon meet them again on the in accordance with 1?E£BGT JS O'COSN OR. Mr. d to do mi to the present policv important their request, lie hud sen t copies Holtoakk moved the first resolution, as fol- make extracts from the works falsely called of¦ •• fows : - This meeting, he had described. Free Trade, as being unjust in princf- subject Industrial Co-operation. of the first address of this Association to the con- " observing with regret that Mr. Jones then stated the manner in ple, and destructive in sidered leading of late yearsi there has been manifested which the practice of tiie rights and Hanlet Potteries.—-Ernest Jones lec- stamped papers friendl y to the peo- TO THE SHAREHOLDERS in the offi- governor had refused him to. have the atten interests of the productive and action classes ple's interest, and not, one (except the OP THE cial proceedings on the part of thecrown a growing dance , in- tured in the People's Hall on Monday evening Northern Star) NATIONAL'LAND . of his own medical man ; they had also refused per- cluding all tax-payers, inasmuch as it is not ac- have had tUe kindness to insert it. nor taken :mv COMPANY. tendency in judicial sentences to confuse diffe- mission to Mr. Wakley to see companied with last, to a large and delighted audience—on notice of rences of him. He wished to reciprocity nor with an adjustmen t it. The secretary concluded his remarks political opinion with crimes, and to see certain Members of Parliament of public or private " The duty of the working man by urging BnoxiiEK punish those differences with , to consult his burdens; and also because while at the present tho newly-enrolled members to use their Shareholders, — Parliament the same, or even solicitor, to write to the we are compelle time." At the best exertions having greater severitv than the crimes magistrates and to the d to poy taxes on those articles of conclusion of his address, among their friends to get tho at length granted a bill for winding up , is a practice in judge who committed him, inquiring foreign growth and production which Aortnern Star more extensivel the opinion of this meeting disgraceful to a civilised whether his it is our inte- which was received with enthusiasm, Mr. y patronised in Lon- the Company, it would be well to consider treatment was in accordance with his sentence • all restto import, duty free (such as tea, coffee, sugar, Merriman rose to don. On tho motion ot Mr. Cater, it was agreed country, and calculated to infuse into political con- these requests were from our own colonies defend the Financial that, in the event the position in which we are placed, in order tests antagonisms refused. He then requested to , timber, wine, spices, drugs. and Parliamentary that the call on the lecturer of dangerous to free discussion, and be allowed to petition parliament ; this furs, hides, wool, and raw material ( Reformers. Mr. Jones tho metropolis (which appeared to make the best of our property. to the welfare of society ; and believing was denied generally), our in last week's Star \ that the to him ; then, and not till then, did he refuse portB are moBt unwisely and unjustl y thrown replied, bringing down loud cheers, produced is not responded to by Sunday, Iu the first place, let us try to ascertain how sentence upon Mr. Ernest Jones was one which pre- to open tho following ques- pay obedience to the Prison Laws, and wa3 con- to such foreign manufactured aud agricultural pro- by the arguments advanced, and announced tion will bo discussed :—"Will the lar, au have had but small service to perform on our gal : this meeting, therefore, reso thrown in This meeting, there- ° ° Broush!Un s sta"ation standard lves to petition his way, so anxious were they to keep from fore protests against such a system as being difficult that the named could be entered with of diet «" account ; in fact, some of them have the nouse of Commons to institute an inquiry into tho neither, been em- public tho secrets of the Prison House. He was Free Trade nor fair trade, but a system cunningly sufficient rapidity for the demand. Finsbdrt LooALiir.—Tho members ployed by other the treatment of Mr. Ernest Jones, during his two fully prepared with met nn Sun- parties, and, conseqneatly, proof for all his statements • devised to cheapen home labour, in order to en- SHEFHiap.-.The weekly meeting of the day last at the Albemarle Coffee House, Albemarle- years' incarceration in Tothill Fields Prison ; and and, having lived through rich the monied portion street ought not to charge for time devoted to other their torments, was de- of society at the expense Woman's Rights Association was held on the , Clerkenwell. Mr. Lee in tho chair Mr should our application to the said house he unsuc- termined, if possible, to prevent others from being of the slavery, pauperism, and ruin Fuzzen reported pursuits. cessful, we are determined to petition the House of of tho produc- 18th inat,, in the that tho deputation MMLJi £ tortured to death in prison—their lives under the tive classes of this country." Democratic Temperance engage the Hall of the PiDsbury Secondly,—The directors are bound (if they Lords." Mr. Holyoake, in a long argumentative present system being entirely Hotel, 33, Queen-street. Literarv and at the mercy of the Mrs. Bradbury in Scientifie Institution , had succeeded in that object; set up a claim for compensation for their ser- speech, enforced the spirit of the resolution, and governor and the Home Secretary ; the chair. The financial and that they was loudl the public TO THE EDITOR OP THE NORTHERN STAR. business being dis- had also obtained the consent of the vices during that period) to y applauded. Sedition could not arise in especially, in tbe case of their death , never hearing Sir,—In the first pago of your paper of committee to the use of give us a balance a well governed country ; it was Saturday posed of, Mr. George Hows, author of " The their room on Sunday sheet of recei the conduct of the the truth upon the subject. Mr. Jones concluded by last appears a short paragraph headed "National evenings. It was then agreed pts and disbursements, including government which gave it birth. The government Four P's," was duly appointed the accredited that in future the the sale of office furniture stating his devotion to the cause for which he had Reform League," which purports to be an account members of this locality meet every Sunday , &c, which, I pre- did nothing for the interest of the people, and never suffered, and returned his thanks to of the public meeting agent of the society, his mission being to estab ing in even- sume, was purchased with oar ftinds. If meant to do anything until tho meeting held on Wednesday preceding the Committee Room of theahove Institution • they compelled. While the Chairman, and other M.P.'s, &c, in St. Leonard's-hall, Shoreditch. The lish Woman's Rights Association in every and that a public meeting set up the plea, wrong was being perpetrated as it now was—while who had reader is take place every Tuesday " that they have not been kindly interested themselves in his cause. thereby led to suppose that tbe meeting was held town in the United Kingdom, the same to night at eight o'clock, to review legally the people were being worked as a people ought the proceeding discharged," and on that account ought . The CnAmxiAN, in putting the resolution, sug- by the "National Reform League'' and Mr. conform to the rules of the parent society in in parliament, and the political events of the never to be worked—while men perished in a man- gested that, in the event On the week' to be paid," the sooner the shareholders them- of the petition failing in P'Brien, and that it was exclusively Protectionist this town. It is in contemplation shortly, (in motion of Messrs. Batchelor and Fuzzen it ner in which they ought never to allow themselves tho Commons, they should apply to the Lords, in its objects. The resolution is not given was agroed-» That ' Belvcs convene a Conference for that purpose, to perish—sedition was a natural consequence. The He , as that connexion with the above) to send the Executive Council ho re- feared that the House of Commons would be base would expose tho truth, and falsify the statement out two quested to assist as far as they eau and for the examination of the before-named chief cause of alarm to a statesman should be ' eminent in giving effect , not and subservient enough to refuse the inquiry, in the paragraph. As'chairman of that meeting ladies—who are members of the to these meetings, being fully pmuaded balance sheet, the b that the people denounced such a system, but that but that this etter ; by which means he thought it would be granted in the Lords ' and permit me to inform you—1st. That it was not a council—as missionaries in this laudable un- may oe maae one of tho most flourishing localities the expenses may be lessened in amount very they tamely allowed themselves to perish beneath though they might not think highly of tho meeting of the Rational Reform dertaking. The secretary in the metropolis." Mr. Lee gave its influence—(great Lords League, but one being instructed to notice that on considerable cheers)—while they tamely it was their duty to try every tribunal in their convened under the auspices, of the " Associated enclose tbe Sunday evening next he should niovo submitted to it they did not deserve to he free. necessary accompaniments to the that a sub- Thirdly, power, for if that system of gagging was allowed Trades," through their secretary—Mr. Delaforce, senpton be opened at this locality for Mr. Ernest —The statement made by Mr. What man conld assert tbat a government was all liberty of speech above gentleman, the meeting was duly ad- Jones M'Grath before the committee was at an end . If Mr. Jones's 2nd. Protection, as it has existed for landlords, , as a testimony of respect to that gentl eman , " that there based on ju stice which pnt dotrn its political oppo- statements were true, and could be and does exist solel journed. for his untiring zeal would be about two nents b supported by y for capitalists, was denounced in the cause of liberty , and as shillings in the pound y imprisonment, and that of such a nature evidence, and Mr. Jones's character as a public in the strongest terms ; and real Free Trade Westminster Locality.-, On Tuesd a triHing reward for tho many as to endanger—and man in the ay sacrifices he has dividend," must be .erroneous, if justice is , iu some instances, to destroy was for ever damaged if he could not substantiate fullest sense advocated , without fiscal evening last the'members of this locali made. It was announced that on —tne lives of its victims. The feelings or excise ty held Sunday evening done, and your property is properly disposed that such them ; there was no justice in this country, if those duties on importations of any kind ; but the pro- a meeting, when the committ next one of the members of this locality would conduct generated were, that they must battle not inflicting such treatment ee informed them de- of. On what data does he found sach an op were not dismissed : and sent delusion, called by that name, being in opera- that tbe liver a lecture on tho Nature and Properties of i- only for their liberty, but also for their lives, and if Sir George Grey called in tion meetings at the Assembly Rooms, Light, in nion ? I am prepared to admit that the power of the , it was the opinion of theto assembly that the tho Hall, of the Finsbury Literary much that retaliation in such cases was justifiable. crown to stifle inquiry, upon /iomejKarfoj should the 99, York-street, Westminster, were for the Institution Leicester-p money has been spent (Great cheering. him would all the Je^reserucd British ope- lace, Little Saffron-hill. upon the allottees, in ) No government ought to have infamy rest. He had made application to rative for such manufactured arti present suspended , the agreement with the In accordance with previous arrangements the power to persecute its opponents see Mr cles as he could a meet- the shape of Aid and Loan Money, that a ; whilst such Jones, though then unacquainted with him produce in excesi, while he remained an over-rated proprietor having expired. After voting ing was called at the Finsbury Scientific ' a power existed it was a mockery to talk of free . Sir five In- considerable portion of this money is sunk George Grey referred him to the visiting magistrates and taxed wages-slave, living in misery, or starving shillings to the Executive, the meeting stitution , in order to adopt a memorial on behalf, discussion. They talked of the necessity of a and they referred him back with his famil ad- of Louis Kossuth lost—irrecoverable : at the very outside, it will people bein to Sir George Grey. y, as capitalists saw fit to doom, by journed. , and the Hungarian Exiles ; but g self-reliant ; this could only be If any one had told him he could giving or withholding emp oyment. in consequence of some not amount to more than seven thousand achieved by allowing have been refused ' Cheltenham. mistake in getting out tho the utmost freedom to the ex- such a request, he would not have credited I am, Sir, your obodient servant —Mr. Ernest Jones addressed bill there was a very thin attendance. pounn tic evening preriensly announced. more they might have Seconded in a lengthy and much applauded ap- lives in furnished rooms-though he a republican, to work with renewed vi the 300 an enumerator had the Charter. (Great cheering.) lauded address by J. B may have gour in saw there was no likelihood The speaker p . O'Bbikn, and carried written an epic poem or ft great history,—though the people's cause. A vote of of making up his sixty, he might stop short there tnen dwelt upon00 the manner in which the povern- unanimously :— he may have carried thattka was , CIIARTIST A GITATION IN THE AGRICUL- away the highest honour* of moved by Mr. Adams to and then what havoc would be made, and how nu- 1 themselves by their " TO THB HONOURABLE. THE HOUSE OF COMMONS 18 his Un vemty, the chairman, for the TURAL DISTRICTS. Sir ^LttB Pa^^'??? and though his name may stand on gatory would a measure be rendered which wa» Pf Ration, their treatment of rARMAM HNT ASSEMBLED . tbe rolls of half the moral courage he displayed as one of the shop. S3political priso« i ners Ac. The learned Societies in Europe- ' considered of so much importance, and were so weakness of the En- " Thepetition of a public meeting of the inhabitants is not privileged to add the keeping class, in presiding over the meeting, much exactness was required.—After some The first of a serie.3 of meetings intended to be glish people rested in their not standing approval .of his voice to further jM>i(l,. sufintlyto of London in the National Hall, High Holborn, that of the elector who cleans bis boots and dresses as so much cowardice and cringing was dis- observations Mr. Philpot/called Sir George Grey .n for the purpose of agitating the agricultural anted something assembled, his hair? This is-an ' wstHcis spireSs^ audJT^ ennoblevT^ their efforts2 n- anomaly so serious, that it played in this town by professing democrats Bart. —Mr. Welsby, the defendant's attorney in the neighbourhood of O'Connorville, ,—thev were too ant " SnBWETH,—That your petitioners observe with would be wonderful if any "as Ltld at Cfaorley Wood-common, on Monday to look at what the effect of^ny Minister cou ld think of aiding corruption and " said Sir George Grey was not in attendance. Ort e meXewoufd regret, that of late years there has been manifested, reformingtne electoral strengthening the his behalf however ^ofo?, June 16th . -¦ - : : have upon their own individual constituency without taking enemy. Seconded , , he (Mr. Wolsby) would admit intereflt-to CoS in tbe official proceedings on the part of the crown, measures to bring these important by Mr. Jones. In conclu- the facts relating to the rule on , At ri ght o'clock a large body of agricultural la- their views to what they termed practical elates into the sion • the People' which the enume 0 1 measures a growing tendency in judicial sentences to confuse possession of this great civil rieht. For the higher " s Anthem " was given out rators had . been paid, and that Sir r " "***, and several of the neighbouring farmers —by which they in general meant those which b Georgo Grev their pockets differences of political opinion with crimes, and to grades of intelligence and social position , the y Mr. Glenister. The meeting broke, up, had sanctioned the instructions. Sir *™ tradesmen having assembled, Mr. Ratdiffewas effected ; j abey should seek freedom punish those differences with even now arrangements> Gwreo Gn£ "Mm for others, even though it did the same or could bo easily introduced. A evidently gratified with the address delivered to the chair, and addressed the meeting at not benefit them- greater severity than tbe crimes a practice in the clause which should yrosi-kraule length selves. It was in this spirit thathe , confer on all members of Col- by Mr. Ernest Jones. ' ' . , explaining how they were in- wanted them to opinion of your petitioners disgraceful to a civi- leges. Inns of Court, Loarned .«re.-te.i in political espouse the case of . Mr. Jones, not so Societies, Scientific John-strebt Locality— On Tuesday evening questions.—Messw. Sturgeon, much tor lised country ; and calculated to infuse into poli- Associations, Literary, Artistic ! i i •""-. Griffiths , nn., and G. W. Wheeler, addressed Mr. Jones' Bake or for their own sake, but for the " , aad other Corpora- last, the adjourned discussion on " The relative ffi as a:aa i tical contents antagonisms, dangerous to free tions, now existing or to be hereafter founded , a merits of tsa as as?cm *»ly upon the principles and objects of the sake of mankind, and to rid the criminal jurispru- defined Free Trade and Protection," was re= S5 (x ' discussion, and to the welfare of society. character-on all persons who have ob- sumed in the artei-, and the advantages io be derived from its dence of this country of the disgrace of inflicting . That your petitioners tained scholastic Coffee-room of the Institution. Mr. those whose safe custody " learn with regrefc, that or literary honours,.heads of John Milne in the chair. Mr. Brinsmead conv •jKiou . Great interest seemed to be manifested, torture upon could be all Ernest Charle3 Jones le Bar- schools, diploma-ed SsSlF^iS »lac , of the Middle Temp , teacherB, professional men, menced by . meeting broke np at dusk, votes of thanks that policy declared. rister-at-Law 'two as surgeons stating that the gist of the question otg , was sentenced in July, " 1848, to such , sol icitors, officers of the army or was, which of the measures would confer the ueeu gjvea t0 tne chairman and speakers. Mr. Le Blqnd supported the resolution. He was years and one week' Tothill navy, civil and military . in defence s imprisonment, in engineers-rand on all per- greatest good on the greatest number of the people, e C l paid proud to appear before them of his friend Fields PriBen, for the delivery of a political sons employed in the civil -IHH^H^ISof the Treasurl ?f " ^-going officers service of the State, a and having, at considerabl e len gth stated r i ' Ernest Jone3. After three weeks' incessant trouble speech ; ht to be , hia ideas Ppllcd t0 ^eirremuneration.^ A that during his incarceration he wa3, at rig immediately inscribed on the voting on the subject under discussion , gave it as Mi s£ S he IVijk BCTCHER at Nottingham supplied, a few be had procured the rules of. Tothill Fields Prison. periods, insafficien Ca8e his de- 1 8aid would reser-vc his 5-in.:e tly clothed, compelled to exist l W ^"eve.in Belgium-would cided opin ion that Free Trade, was calculated, judgmentinfpnffi^" on tho ^ |gys , above a ton- of pork pies for a single He" had also procured other documentary evidence, on unsuitable, and ex- effectT7t^M the change quietly,'- ? i\ to question until Tu esday next. . ,, ? is e to him unwholesome food , ensilv. nnri nn^uiv a. ensure to the people the greatost amount of harmi. * consumption, in the refreshment rooms of the bearing upon- his treatment and pr on tr atment posed to damps and fog,, of neath these organise tr^i ' by Mr to the Berious injury d: bodies—if'- the education ness. Mr. Bezer, on the contrary, contended ¦ Edition. - - . - generally, "ffere the statements made . JoneB his health, that bis life- was frequently placed in claim shall ^be allowed . that The , Cape F0RCB. 16 ea of of the ground. He to descend -still lower-it Free Trado, as at present oarried out, had: -The force, including tho re- wjV ^ e extent steel pen manufacture correct ?—if not, the subject fell to. Jmn"»ent danger, espeaially during the prevalence of would be mere difficulUo and giments now under Harry m fo ^ were ; and if so, i% was.their the apply.the testa .of inteM- would cause, agreat amount of misery. Mr SamuM orders; that will be at .Sir in« "* "ned from ihe statement; that nearly 150 felt convinced ttiey Cholera—from which two ofhis fellow prisoners gence, and the trouble of. apply Kydd jn a long and omitu s disposal, will exoeed men that «-s o. ;teel.are employed annually " duty to investigate tne'matter; for, if bnerman WaB . ing them would1 fall . vjery. eloquent a^ress, by about 300 for tffia pur- I™° f°r Political opinions) perishea-that Be was more directly on the State.' Had'.we- a national plained his-views on this ex u thQ command of Sir Peregrko Maitblsnd i* «°*i prefacing upwards of 250 000 000 to-day,, another man might be reiused the important ommHn'n Jr.) JJi / , , judicially murdered £rivilegs oi&single twU from his owa ayatem of instruction tbe difficulty would bo slight, resumed hia seat amid g&t "{fig* 184G.7 , in the height of the last Ka«r w»r,—l*««t ,%^ .wrwra Gazettt. ' .. ., - THE NORTHERN g=^ „ .- • . . - STAF,. aMfflB Jtras 38, 1851. — - - . B«...^ . % ;A'^*- igA— —i^— ff—M— ^M ^^—— " —^ >— ^ ——" ¦—**—*—^— >M^ - * — '- ^ * * ^ ^ ^—^——^— ^^^ by euiamo ot fremo»ing superfluous hair will therefore be very accept" foreign tmellt gcnce Paris. M. Laurent (de l'Ardeche) having found tha t much injustic e had been done to into a sort i enclosure where they entre nched cases of nurvous and sexual debility, has beon de. t»f , able and useful. monstrated by its unvarying success present ed a petition against the by their having been laid negotia tions. sent post free, with directions in thousandi law of May, sicned old and deservin g officers .rt lvefc, When there , they opened Price 4s. per bottle, , on of cases. To those persons who are prevented entering FRANCE. by a great numb er blighted in con- ^ " receipt of fifty-four postage stamps by Madame Coupelle, the of citizens at tbe offices of the upon the shelf, and their prospec ts A-heir assailan ts had during this time pillaged the married state by the consequences of early "trors, it & ln» Frida y. p and to be had through all venders. Paris , —The public is occnpied with a Re ubbque * newspa per . The petitions pre . , be made a general promo tion , plac;lflg Fren ch burnt them. Intoxicated by raluable. Price lls per bottle, or four quantities hi one sequence tents and N.B.—See to tho stamp round each package. for 33». ; ' new phase of the Carlier question. M. Lemalier sented by M. Ducos on Saturday ' incapabl e of serving on the. retired the most dis- have analysed your four preparations in favour of revi- those who are their success, they then offered Dr. Ure.—' I , The CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE having demanded aut hori sation to prosecute M. sion bear 23 Depilatory, Hair Dye, Pomade and Solvent ESSENCE an ,757 signature s : those' presented by M. list; the consequence is, that the countr y is bur- gracef ul French , who refused t hem , viz. — , and anti-Syphilistic remedy, for purifying the system terras to the find all of them excellently adapted for their vavious pur- from con- Carlier , the Prefect of Police, M. Forcade , the Laurent against the additional expense, which is es- tamination, and is recommended by any of the varied law of May are signed by dened with a vast and resolved to evacuate the place, which they did , ' tor of the ' Messager ,' and M. Virmaitre 20, poaes. forms of Secondary Symptoms. Its action is purely deter- edi , editor 767 citizens of Paris . tima ted at upwa rds of 350 contos of reis (nearl y fightin g, however , every inch of the way, until they sive of the * Corsaire ,' M. Debelleyme has given the The DO NOT CUT YOUR CORNS, BUT CURE TIIEM. , and its beneficial influence on the system is undent, ' Constituti onnel ' attempts to make the £100,000) annually. rea ched the Placer San And res. News of the affair Soft and hard Corns and Buniens may be instantly re- able. Price lls. and 33s. per bottle. aut horisation demanded . The prefec t of police is most of the petitions for regu lation has been made by Salda nha relative the and permanently cured in three or four days, by The £ 5 cases of SmuouM or Concentrated Dbterstvb revision , tbe signatures of A having reached San Francisco , Mr. Dillion , lieved, Essence competen t to decline all prosecu tion before the which Madame CiiDPKiLE's SOLVENT. It is sent post free on can only be had at 19, Berners-street, Oxford, arn aunt to nearl y a million ; 30.U00 have to the municipal guards of Lisbon and Oporto— Fren ch consul , immediately sent an express to the street, London, tribunal s not authorised in the first instan ce been receipt of thirteen postage stamps. ' whereby there is a saving of £1 18s,, and by the furnishe d by the Meuse , and 15,000 by the tha t in future they are to be officered by officers of gover nment of San Jose , begging it to use its Clifton, West Willow, :—'Pound it the patient is entitled to receive advice without a feo, which Rev. VV. S. advantage Conseil d'Etat. But M. Carlier has, I underst and , arrond issement and in order that the officers of the for- efforts pr ompt eradicate expeditiously, and without pain, his Corns of is applicable only to thoso who remit £5, for of Rheims ; 13,000 have signed at the line, to put an end to the conflict. The a packet. ' consented to waive the privile ge, and to accept the Sainte s. force may not be prejudiced , they are to in thirty years' (standing, after all the other professed reme- mer terv ention of our consul, his moderation, and the PERRY'S PURIFYIN G summons of the correctiona l police. MM. Forcade The review in the Cbamp de Mars passed of with line being eligi- dies had failed.' SPECIFI C PIUS pass to and take their rank in the , esteem in which he is held by all classes, in San MrvS. Stanford, Footway :—' Your cure for Corns and Constitute an effectual remedy in all cases of GoHjrrhcea ana Vinnaitre will decline the competence perfec t stricture, and Diseases of this order. ble for employment in either force ; this is a severe Francisco, had its effect. He was about to start Banions is the best I ever tried.' of the Urinary Orcanc Pries8 tribuna l Wimbourne :—'My Corns 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d., and 11b. per box. , and deman d to be brou ght to tr ial by the PIEDMONT. blow to Cabrali sm, as the officers of the guard in himself (or the mines , when a courier reached him Mr. E. Barnes, West Parley, . Court of Assizes. ¦ of twenty five years' standing, are all cured by your Sol- Sold by all medicine vendors in Town or Country In its sitting of the 17ih the Chamber of Depu- question were totall y distinct , and formed an exclu- with an account of the quarrel having been brough t Consultation fee, if by letter At the sittin g veHt.' , £1. - Patients are of the Assembly on Friday week ties of Turin passed , by 103 votes to thirty , the bill sive body, which made intrigue the more cer- to a close, in consequence of his communica tion to N.B.—Any of the above will be sent (free) per return of requested to be as minute as pos6ib cin the dtscriptionof the petitions for revigion presented by members , or aut horising the government to contra ct a loan of can therefore be now the post on receipt of the price in postage stamps, by MA- their cases. tain ; a disaffected officer government. Durin g the retreat , the French Attendance dail received by the President 75,000,000 of francs for the constru ction t with- DAME COUPELLE, 35, Ely-place, Holborn-hill, London, y at 19 Bemers^trest, Oxford-street , contained 41,119 signa- of rail- removed and placed in another regimen , lost none of their party , one only received a wou n d dail London, from eleven to two, and from tares. ways with where she may be consulted on the above matters y, five to eight. On , the proviso that the said sum shall be out affecting his individual advantage and pros - in the leg, This conflict has not ori gina ted wit h from two till five o'clock. Sunday B from eleven to one. The Revision Committee examined on Sunday placed on mortga ge on the railway lines to be of all na- Sold b.. Sutton and Co., 10 Bow Church Yard j TV: pects. America ns, but , with a band of vaga bonds Foreign-named Quacks who Imitate ' the propositions of M. Payer for the revision , by a constructed. Beware of Guinea , , Edwards, G7 St. Paul's Church Yard ; Barclay and Sons GERMANY. tions who suppor t themselves by pillage, Mr. Dillion this Advertisemen t, Farringdori-street S. Sanger 150 30th , 41st Count Revel quitted Turin ; , Oxford-street; Hanuay Constituent Assembly, of th» 20th , 21st, , on the 19ih for Lon. The ' Spener Gazet te ' of the 18th states that has lef t Sun Francisco for the mines, accompanied Pains in the Back , Gravel, Lumba go, Rheumatism , and Dictrichsen, G3 Oxford-street ; Butltr and Harding, don , for the purpose of i 45th, 76tb, 77A, and 102nd artic les of the Consti- contractin g the government Austria , Prussia , and Russia are now agreed as to by some superior officers of the American army, Oout, Indigestion, Debility, Gonorrhoea, Stricture , Chcapside ; R. J ohm on, 63 • ornhill ; L. Hill, Chemist, W. B. tution ; and of M. Larabi t for an appeal to the na- loan of seventy-five millions. of the Duchies. Qleet, die. ' New Cross ; Jones, Chemist, Kingston ; J. W. the mann er of settling the affairs in order to restore perfect harmony among the Tai:ner, Chemist, Egham ;S, Sinitb, Chemist tion (and consequentl y the repeal of the law of the In consequence of the following circumstance BARKER 'S PUR1FI C , Windsor * These three powers no longer demand th at Rends- miner s of different nations , and to adopt mea- DR. PILLS J. B. Shillcock, Chemist, Bromley ; T. Riches, Losdon. re-eli ibiUty of the President the political offenders confined in the Roma n (of which there are useless imitations under 31sl of May) as to the g prisons bur gh shall be declared a Germa n fortress, as the sure s for the punishme nt of the band of bri gands . other Ktrcet, Greenwich j Thos. Parker, Chemist, Woolwich • of the Republic. M. Payer declared himself a will no longer be allowed, as heretofore , to receive titles) have in many instances effected a cure when all Ede and Co., Chemists, Dorking ; and John. Tuurlby, consent of the King of Denma rk to that project other means had failed, and are now established publican and it was in order once a month the visits of their ALGERIA. , by the Chemist, Ilfcli-s treet, Horn ford ; of all of whom may be fervent and sincere Re , relatives. On cannot be obtained ; but they will be satisfied by in Paris , from Ka- consent of every patient who has yet tried them, aa also Sunday, the 8ih inst,, th t Letter s have been received had the * Silent Friend.' that a moderate Republic should be established in e no ary Appolini obtained, Rendsbur gh being garrisoned by the troops of b lia dated t he 16th inst. At that date the expe- hy the faculty themselves, as the most safe and effic a- after ei ' y , cious remedy ever .discovered for discharges of any kind, France that he advocated the re-election of the ght months entreat y, permission to see. his Schleswig-Holstein. It is notr known whether ditionary column had returned to Gigelly, after son. The emotion of the retention of the urino, and diseases of the Kidneys and Brother Chartists beware of youthfu l Ten Shilling President. lie maintained that the Chief of the poor father was such that Denmark will agree to this last proposi tion. having extended.its operations in the direction of Urinary Organs generally, whether resulting from at the impru- Quacks who imitate this Advertisement, State was not always master of the suffra ges of moment he encircled his child in his ar ms Bougia, from which it was only distant two days' dence ov otherwise, which, if neglected, frequently end- , . The '. Cologne Gazette ' of the 18th says that P E EBA< K the people, and cited the example of General he was struck with apoplexy. M. Mar c Evange- march . The French troops had mot no opposition. ing in st'ine in the bladder, and a lingering death! For «1W »? " » ««AVEI,, JHJ M. t he Austrian soldiers who occupied the faubourg Gout, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Tic Doloreux, Erysipelas A 1 "''"" uatism. «out , Sniligcsliou, Cava iznac, who, with all tha public functionaries listi , the Chancellor of the Tribunal of the On the contrary, the Kabyles had made their sub- , SDebility,^ ? Slticluic, Gleet, a Con- St. Paul at Hamburg h without having obtained the sanitary condition Drops}, Scrofula, Loss of Hair or feeth, Depression of etc. ' and agent s at his disposal , and in spite of his emi- sulta , remar kable for the harsh ness of his temper , mission in every direction. The Spirits, Blushing, Incapacity for Society, Study ' or Busi- CAUTION. consent of the Senate , were to be withdrawn , the of the troops ,was excellent , and it was inten ded -Ayouthfulself-styled ten shilling doctor nent services, conld only muster 1,500,000 votes for was present at the scene, and opposed the sendi g nes> , Confus on, Giddiness, Drowsiness, Sleep without lie- (unblushing impudence being his only n authorities haviog given an assurance tha t they that after a short rest they should march against freshmeut Fear qualification) is now his election to the Presidency. On the 24th of for a sur geon to bleed the father , but , , Nervousness, and even Insanity itself, ¦tartuing under different names highly injuriou" insisted on would take severe measures to preserve order and the Kabyle tribes to the east of Gigelly, towards whon (as is often the case) arising from , or combined with tions of these medicines and S February, he said, the whole of the public function- his instant removal lest he should expire an useless abbreviated copy within the tranquillity. Tbe posts were to be doubled , and Collo. It was believed that the most difficult por- Urinary Diseases, they are uucquulled. By their salutary of Dr. De Roos' celebrated Medical Adviser (sHelX aries, generals , admirals , and all, gave in at once prison , and his daught ers , who had accomp had been accomplished and action on Acidity of the Stomach, they correct Bile and changing Us title); sufferers will therefore do anied the police reorganised. The ' German Gazette of tion of the expeditio n , Indiuestion well to see their adhesion to the new government , and they him pr ocuring a coach, removed their pare nt that the campaign would not be prolonged beyond , purify and promote the Itenal Secretions, that the stamp round each box or Lottie is atom in his the North, ' however ,' says an order has been re- thereby preventing the formation of Stone, and eatablish- cowRNKENT STAMr Me moreover inveighed in the str ongest terras against then unconscious state. On Sunda y, the 15th y. At th at period the tv faot a bitso counterfeit), and to cuard the 15tb, M. eeived from Vienna by Gener al Legeditscb , requiring of Jul .oops would ing for life the healthy functions of all these organs. ONE against the truthless statements of the government that had just fallen. Thou g Evan gelisti, in leaving retur n to. their cantonmen ts. this individual, which h a bis house, received from an him to demand of the authorities to suspend the TUIAL ONLY will convince the most prejudiced of their are published^only for the basest purposes of deception Bepublicsn unknown surprising properties in curing most of the complaints to invalids and fraud on the oa , he still felt indignant at such conduct . band a blow from a poignard at the exercises of the Burgher Guard , and that the posts proprietor. Not less than 30,000 of their letters , bottom of the abdomen . which mankind is subject. Way be obtained at Is. lid., demandin g The wound thu s in- occupied by them should be taken possession of by 2s. 9d., and is. 6d,'per box, through all Medicine Vendors r\R. DE ROOS' COMPO UND RENAL places, were copied at the Foreign-office. AH this enrred was very serious , and appe ars JFomjjtt $Nscenatt» in the Wovld , or should any difficulty occur they PILLS, as their name Renal ( to be a tbe Austrian troo ps. .;. . .. • will be Y w the Kidneys) indi- showed how the functionaries were at the mercy of mortal one. sent post free on receipt of the price in postage stamps by cates, have in many instance* effected a cure wlien all .. By intelligence received at Berlin up to the 16th The bud get of Spain presents an increased deficit. Dr. Barker. ¦ other means had failed, are every govern ment ; it was the crying scandal of the Two French officers on lighting their cigars which now established by the it appears that the provinces are generall y opposed The.to tal expenditur e for 1852 is 1, 484 millions ol Caution.—A self-styled Doctor, with an assumed foreign consent of the FACULTY , and every person who has tried time3, and the only remedy for it was decentralisa- they bad just then purchased , were name (unblushing them, wounded in the to the ministerial ordinance for tbe convocation of reals. The total of receipts is 1,289 millions. " impudence being his only qualification), as the most safe and eftieacious remedy ever dis- tion. face by their explosion. One of them has in is advertising a highly dangerous imitation ot' these medil covered for the above dangerous complaints DIS- , con- the provincial states. From an articl e which ap- The Court of Assizes on Saturday last passed sen- cities, CHAKGES OF ANY KIND M. Larabit supported his propos ition to consnlt sequence , lost the use of one eve. and to allure purchasers, forges extracts from news- , and diseases of the kidnevs pears in the • Pruasi che Zeitung, * the ministeria l tence by defaul t against Ledru Rollin in the matters papers, and gives fictitious testimonials in abundance. and urinary organ s generally, whether the nation on the single fact of the re-eli ibility of resulting from g BELGI UM. organ, it would seem pretty clear that the resolu- of the publica tion of two pam phlets entitle d respec - Sufferers will therefore do well, before they place reliance imprudence or otherwise, wliieh/ifraglecud, frequently the President of the Republic. The tr eaty concluded between Belgium and tion which had been, on the statements of this malicious vampire, to write to end in fistula , stone of the bladder, and a linirerinE the if not formed, in process of tively, ' Le 24 Fevrier—Les Elections ,' , and ' Le 13 his g death ! ° o M. Creton supported his proposition for the no- Netherlands, for the aboli tion of the navigation laring Testimonials, which they wul find to he all for mation , for the permanent revival of that insti- Juin. ' The former was lithographed gross falsehoods, only published for the basest pur For gout, sciatica, rhematism, tis doloveux mina tion of a Constituent Assembly to decide dues on the Meuse, consists only of the two . at Brussels , poses , erysipelas, follow- tution, has been abandoned . Still , the tem porary and the other printed in London. The aut hor was of deception on invalids and fraud upon the Proprietor. dropsy, scrofula , loss of hair or teeth , depression of spirits between Monarchy and the Republic. The doctrine ing ar ticles :— olushing. incapacity for society, study or business ' Art. 1. The restoration of these assemblies is very tenaciousl y sentenced to two years' imprisonment and , con of the ' Divine Right* of the Republic was, in his navigation dues established on that 1,000 SKIN DISEASES, NERVOUS DEBILITY, SCROFULA , fusion, giddiness, drowsiness, sleep without refreshment part of the Meuse which serves persi sted in by the ministry. francs line. , fear, nervousness, and even insanity itself opinion , monstrous ; and , though he had his pre- as the boundary GLANDULAR SWELLINGS they will be sent (free) on The chamber resum ed its sittin g on the 23rd except they be lishing martial law in the upper part of the Duchy giddiness, drowsiness, palpitation of theheart gestion, ^ f^ r public. ' lowness of spirits, la ssitude and general prostration of inst , and a great deal of interest was necessaril unanimous. Numbers of the revived provincial of Schleswig, and The Commission then adjourned. I may as well y promise s to do the same in the strength, usually resulting from neglect or improper at tached to this the first meeting after states and states of circles continue to declare their TESTIMONIALS. . add that from all that can be the minis- southern par t of that duchy as soon as circumstances treatment by mercury, copaiba, cubebs, and other deadly To test the truth of which, Dr. ascertained at pres ent, terial crisis. The Minister of "War appear ed incompptency to deliber ate. De Roos solicits inquiw the choice of Reporte r of t in the will permi t. poisons. irom the persons themselves. he Commission is likely chamber for the first time. In a concise speech From its peculiar properties in creating new, pure, and 1 Se»lford , he The Hanoverian correspondent of tlie ' Deutsche A furioui hurricane , accompanied by torren t s of mW'- , near Melton Mowbray, Jan, to fall on M. de Tocqueville or M. Odilou Barrot. declared tha t his sentiments coincided entir ely with All ' rich Hood (thereby cleansinj; and strengthening the 6thfn , 18»0.- Having' ' read your advertisements gemeine Zeitung, a particularly well-informed tain , t ook place in the enviro ns of Charkoff whole system), ic removes barrenness, and soon re- , 1 fclt asl On Saturday the Assembly proceeded to discuss those of the Cabinet , and tha t the arm y mi ht have , Russia , sured your Henal Pills would be of service to some of my g person in genera ), in giving an account of the on the 13th inst. It stores the organ* lo sound health, even after all neighbours. I have had the bill for authorisin g the government to close the fullest confidence in tho Bolicitu de of his col- came from the west , and twelve boxes, and they have de. leagues . Olmutz conferences, says th at the Czar most cor- covered fif ty versts. It has occasioned other remedies (which have usually a depressing ten- rived great benefit from .taking them. One man had a dubs and political meetings of all kinds , the report The explanation s of tho Minister of fearful de- dency) have failed ; hence its universal success in female 4s. Cd. bottle of your Life Drops, mid Finance regarding the dially approved of Austria's centralisation plans vast ation ; all th e corn , the gardens , ¦ ¦ he very earnestly on which was laid on the table on Fri day by M. late crisis wer e worded in a and the fields complaints. . solicits more, it did him so much good. I have and shall spirit of eonsiderateness , and quite calculate d with respect to her non-German possessions , and are destro yed , mills have been thrown down brid ge Sold in bottles, price 4s. Cd,, and 11s. each, by every continue to recommeud your valuable Jules de Lasteyrie. Ur gency was adopted . M. to , s Pills to all mvJ conciliate the Libera l part y.—Brussels Pawn, that several schemes were discussed for effacing the and sluices carried away. The fields are Chemist in the Kingdom, or will be sent direct from friends.' Chanffour objected to the hill as unconstitutio nal. completely the establishment, securely packed , on receipt of the J ohn Andrews, Abersychan June 24. differen t nationalities , and placing all power in the inundat ed ; several persons - be consulted with every assurance of complete diseases of the kidneys and Bladder, gleet 1852 read by Bravo Murffl o, the motion of Ber- nobility or knights (Rittcrschaft) of the succes8 and benefi t. , stricture, se- purpo ses. M. Sainte Benve then moved pr ovince of ihem 1,394 women) who are under going other minor . minal weakness, loss of memory, nervousness, headache the fol- mudez de Castro did not come on till , May be obtained in a sealed envelope through all Book- , lowing amendmen t to nearl y four in Osn abruck in Hanover , have petitio ned the august punishments , say 20,177 in all , aeainst 17 , 438 in giddiness, drowsiness, palpitation of tlie heart, indigestion, the bill on clubs, as an ad- the afternoon . sellers, at Is. Gd., or to avoid difficulty, will be sent direct lowness M. Manuel began by atta cking the Diet to employ its power to the restor ation of spirits, lassitude and general prostration of ditional para gra ph to the 1st article:— « Neverthe- of what 1849—8howing an increase of 2.739 in 1850. The from the Author, Post free for twenty-four Postage Stamps. strength, <£c., usuall violent and arbitrary acts which bad disgraced the they call their just constitutional ri y resulting from neglect or improper less, the provision s of thes e laws shall not be ap- ghts. The peti- number of persons awaiting their trial in Decem- treatment by mercury, copaiba, eubebs, and other deadly elections. This accusat ion, it may he observed tion is in the form of a complain t DR. ALFRE D BARKER poisons. ^ plicable to the electoral meetings held during the , against the go- ber , 1850, was 11,300, against 9,589 in December , would have come with mor e propriety from the vernment of Hanover , From many years' experience at the various hospitals in from its properties in removing barrenness and three mon ths preceding either the election of and is accompanied by an 1849—say an increase of 1,7.11; so that , taking all the mouth of one less intimatel y connec ted London and on the Continent, is enabled to treat with disorders of FEMALES, such as leucorrhcea, or " the National Assembly, or that with a party opinion in their favour , drawn up by one of the both items together , the increase at the end of whites, ' head-ache of the Pr esident of the notoriou s as that of Sart orins for its the utmost certainty of cure, every variety of disoase , giddiness, indigestion , palpitation Republic :' —M. Leon Fau cher unscrupu lous inoht celebrated Ger man lawyers. This mode of 1850 over the same period in 1849 was 4,450. arising from solitary habits, excesses, and infections, such of the heart dry cough, lowness of spirits, &c, &c. oppo sed ihe amend - mareeuv res b 1 It is admirably ment , which would y force and fraud upon electoral oc- proceeding on the part of the knights gives to the The ' Pruss ian Staata Anzieget say s that there as gonorrliosa , gleet, stricture, and syphilis, ov venereal adapted to that class of sufferers, as it annul the law.—M. Bac sup- . disease in all their Etages, which, owing to neglect or im- creates new, pure and rich blood, (thereb casions. Therefore , when D. Manuel spoke of Diet an opportunity of interfering more boldly in will henceforth be a steam , y purifying ana ported it, and drew the atten tion of the Assembly boat communication proper treatment,,invariably end in gravel, rheumatism, strengthening the nhole system,} and boob mtom the banishme nt of candidates of the oppositio n, dismis- the internal arrangements of Hanover invalid to sound to en article which appeared in the ' Assemblee , and may be twice a week between Stettin and Copenhagen, indigestion, debility, skin diseases, pains in the kidneys, health even after all other remedies * sals of employes en masse, with appointme nt made the handle for puttin g buck, and loins, and finally, an agomsing death ! Tho (wluch have usually a depressing Hationale, en t itled, ' League for the Publi c of down parliamenta ry in- tendency) have failed • rela tions of the ministers in their places, threats of stitutions , wherever they exist. There are lamentable neglect of ihese diseases by medical men in hence its almost unparalelled success. . Good. —M. de Kerdrel then occnpied the plenty of On Saturday last a numerous and hi general is well known, and their futile attempts to cure May be obtained with directions, &c., tribu ne. assault, and fire and pillage by hired ru ffians , he individuals to be found ghly respect- ot 4s., 6s., and Us. The ' Vois dn Pres ent,' printed at St. in every state of the confe- able party of gentlemen assembled ;it the Ito yul by the use of these dangerous medicines—meicuvy, co- per OoUle, or/our lls. gntttitities in one large oolite for 33s. j Amand , enumerated no more than what every paiba cubeb3 haw produced verj distressing results. by which lls. will be saved, throug has been seized for prosecu tion. one knows to deration witting and ready to make the same com- H otel , Derby, to do honour to th eir townsman , Mr. , , ic., h all Medicine Vendors, or The celebrated be the invariable All lufferei-B are earnestly incited to apply at once to Dr. it will be sent securely packedfrom the M. Cabet has surr endered accomp animents of Spanish elec- plaint as the Kni ghts of Osnabr uck , t he moment Charles Fox, tho builder of the Crystal Palace. listablvthment,onre- himself for trial on the tions under the moder ado Barker, who guarantees a spt edj and psrfect cure, and empt of the price by ^ost-ojflee Order pay able ot Hie Holborn char ge of swindlin g rule , and which disgrace , they discern a chance of success. Mr. Paxton and Mr . Henderson wero invited as OMee, brou ght againBt him by some ful aids to the ministerial of every sympton, whether primary or secondary, without ex-Icarians . ' candidat es had been used HAMBURG. guests on the occasion ; and it is the intention of any of the above medicines, thus preventing the passibi. To Prevent Fraud on the Public by imitations ot by no government more freel tho town and county lity of any after symptoms. This truth has been esta- the above valuable remedies, The Assembly adopted y than that which had The Austrian comman der of AHona has of Derb y to pay a similar Her Majesty 's Honourable on Saturd ay evenin g by the complete consented mark of respect to Mr. Paxton very shortl y. blished in tnanythousands of casei, and as a further gua- ComnsiT-sionerR of Stamps have directed the name of the a lar ge approbation and support of the speaker , to withdraw his tr oops from St. Proprietor , majority, the bill for renewin g for another Pauli , if the Senate On Saturday evening the dinner rantee he undertakes to cure the most inveterate case in as m white letters on a red ground to be en- D. Manuel then said tha t if any one doubted his will last, given by short a time as 13 consistent with safety, graved on the Government year the act by which politica l clubs are suppressed . guarantee the maint enance of orde r. The same ;he war officers without hindrance Stamp round each box and word for these fact s he was ready to dro p , subscribers to the testim onial to from business, change of diet, .t direct from the T*°? ProPO»tions of Payer table. " The Minister ports in the British possessions, and by the authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternos- Author, by post (free) for forty postage stamos «* rf 6 R C dM P ' of Gra ce and Just ice, Gonzales Mr. John Bottomley, Southowram. ter-row . * yra «is, M. de Broglie Ravero with the addit ion of the British , posta ge, when —'Your Parisian ; llanuay, 63, and Sanger, 150, Oxford-street ; OPINIONS OF THE PHE3B. propaseaa tbea , « - * , made a speech in eulogy of this treaty des- I^ oinade^ is: very superior to anything ™ following :- • The Assembl with tined for. ports belong of the kind l ever Staric, 23, Tichborne'Street, Haymarket : and Gordon, MS, The papers containing which may be seen at Dr. De Hoos' y sees ar- the Holy Bee, which was ing to other governments. met with' LeudeubalKstreet ticle 111 of the consti tution, and regarded as an import ant , London ; J. and U. liaimes and Co., establishment. declare s that pledge of the adher ence Th e Mississippi river has risen so high at St. Louis Mr. F.j«ldsend , iramton, AVrugby.- 'Your Pomade has Lelth Waik, Edinburgh; D. Campbell,. A rgyll-slreet, the constitu tion may be of the present Cabinet to greatly^ . Extract from the Medical Gatetle and Times :— • Fortu- revised conform ably to the most as to overflow the level. A lar ge amount of benefited my hair. I would not be without it on Glasgow { J, Priestley, Lord-street; T. Newton, Church- nately for our country, a more efficient (because certain) this ar ticle.' This retro grade measure of the preceding pr o- any account.' ' tesolutio u was adopted by 8 to 7 one. duce has been dama ged , and the street, Liverpool ; It. II. In^iam, Market-street, Manches- mode of treating these deplorable complaints is ;it last in- For the rest this Minister 's speech was difficulty in ship, Coventry.—' Mrs. Ogilvey is anxious to have the Pomade ter, and 11. U. Powell, 88, Grafton-street , Dublin . troduced ; and we hail the time as not far distant votes. Tocquevill e has been named ¦ ¦ : ¦ a complete ping and , when repor ter by 8 failure. • • - landing goods has nearl y caused a suspen- by return, as her hair is much improved by it use.' i*art 1, is dedicated consideration of tho anatomy such diseases shall be to 5 votes given to Br oglie ¦ • to the comparativel y unheard of; \io , and 2 to Barrot. Madrid sion of business. . = • = . MissJaeksou . U Lee street, Churlton , Manchester.—' I and physiology of ttie organs whioh are directly or indi- would earnestly recommend all pevsous afflicted with Monda y , Jtob 10.—The commUtee'on the' nave any last being the anniversary of the debt Mr. Geor ge Thompson used ono box ; my hairino» e placo had fallen off, it rectly engaged in the process of reproduction. It is lllus- kind of generative derangemen tto avail themselves of the insur- has chosen for its chairm an has ann ounced his inten- is now grown engravings. ' rectio n of June , 1848 M. Flore s Calde ron • tion of leaving surprisingly.' trated by twenty-eight colours information contained in almost every page of Dr. De , religious ceremonies were and for secretary, for Englan d in the steamer of Lieutenant Holroyd, R.N., infirmities and decay of the system perform ed in M. Ma quieria. ' The chamber ba s the writes :—' Its effects are Part II. treats of the Roos's werk, which we unhesitatingly pronounce the beet all tbe churches in Paris, in com- rejec ted the 17th inst. It is said tha t he will resign his seat truly astonishing ; it has thickened and darkened m» hair produ ced by over indu lgence of the pussions , and by the extant.' motion of M. Borrego for a new in Ter y ni Ucu, > . -; . nem oration of the numerou s law par liament , and become . practice of solitary gratification. It shows clearly the ' THE MEDICAL ADVISER is indeed victims of that san- of the press. It was about a!per manent resident in the JJr. consequences of this in. a boon to the puk guinary conflict. Tfe to vote on a motion ¦ . . Winckle. Brigg.- 'Iam Tiappy to inform you my manner in which the baneful lie, as it has the two-fold advantage of e chur ebes were well atten ded. that the United States. . . nuirhas very economy in the impairment plainness, and oeine concord at should be submitted to the much improved since using your Pomade • dulgence operate on the and written by a skilful and duly qualified man day the p Mr. Oani.ing, 129 Northgate and vital powers. The existence 1 , who evidently J°f, «sMent reviewed, in the examina tion of the CALIF ORNIA. . , tt akefield;— ' I have found destruction of the social well understands his subiect. —IP. limes. « Wjamp-de-MChi are, legislature. Then it would « your Pomade the debility aud incapacity/with 1 the second division - The DeW publishes the best yet. The¦ only¦ good about the others of nervous and sexual their Many a man, who unmarried and of the garri son discuss the motion for a following letter >s the ir - ¦ - • ¦ ¦ > ¦ .. ,.. symptoms and disorders, miserable, is now en- organs nnder vote of confidence in the from its singular names. ' accompanying train of are traced daring in silent sorrow the penalties of the command of General Guilla- cabinet. . correspondent at San Francis co, May 1 :— Mr. Yates, hair dresser, Malton. connecting results to their cause. former folly (perhaps as — ' The young; man has by the chain of This committed in ignorance,) had he possesses; TeTnj w more favoured tha n A deplorable conflict' took place last week now a good pair of-whiskers. Iwant you to section concludes with an explicit detail of the meansby such a book as iMt r ^zL tbe PORTU GAL. at the send ¦ ino two this, would have been a happy husband; a honoured parmt Placer of the Mokelammes , between Pots for other customers ' -, - which these effects may be remedied, and full and ample 1 By advices from Opor to up to tbe 20th the French their use. It is illustrated and useful member of society. —B. A: Dispat ch. f we learn and the miners of other directions for by ten coloured Lasting benefit r U mnifes{a that all was qnite tran quil nations. The rich plate au enKravings, which further displays' the effects of physical can only be reasonably expected at t ho tiou of the Jf - in Portu gal. U R E L IQ UID H hauds of the intelligent and practical physician, who, de- iSbSASho °atbe,i red in one had been for some time occupied by the French P AIR D YE. decay. • . ' . .. nasB aloneth ^o™??\ B dense A French squadron was . expected to remain in > MADAME COUPELLE feels the utmost conHdenoe contains an accurate description of parting from tlw routine of general practice, devotes tbe who had discovered it; one, two, and sometimes mi recommen rartlH. the diseases nhole of his the P0nt de Jenaa Dd the Tagus. ding Her LIQUID HAIR DYE, which - is un- caused by infection, and by the abuso of mercury : pri- studies to this class of diseases, the lamentable fhfcnV«5s%SliTt three pounds of gold were found in aoubtedly the most perfect and neglect of which by ordinary medical Like every other branch , the Portu guese naval a day. The efficien t one ever dis- mary and secondary symptoms, eruptions of the skin, soar men, and their repo rt of the riches of this spot soon covered. It is a pure liquid that changes hair of all throat, inflammation of the eyes, disease futile attempts at cure by mercury and other equally ataff reached Pfe8^ntau d his officers, not Cabralistas were reached the colours in of the bones dangerous the AU«, *H %£ , proscribed by Cabra- neighbourin g encampm enisi three minutes to any shade required, from light gonorrhooa, gleet, stricture, &c, are shown to depend medicines, have produced the most alarming re- ; and some of the auburn to jet black, so beautifully , natural as to defy de- on sults. lisra and, from the smaUness of their pay when miner s came from them this cause. Advice for the treatment of all these diseases unem and establishe d themse lves Jection; it does not stain the skin, is most easily applied, nnd their consequences is tendered in this ' From the great extent of De. De Roos's practice for many ted a the as ployed, many of them were in a state of semi- and free from any objectionable quality. It needs only to section which years and his former connexion —TE ts£ orr - near the French station , but not being successfu l if duly followed up cannot fail in effecting a cure ThiR , with the various institn- Irage Universe!,' ^or r **v •** starva tion. The Marquis of Louie, Ministe r of , e used ence, producing a permanent dye. Persons who part is illustrated by tions, both in London and Paris, for tho relief of those af- **£££££ in findin g the preciou s metal , they deter mined to nave sixty-two coloured engravinEi Demosthene Olivier, 1 Marine, ha8 done an act which reflects credit upon been deceived by useless preparations (dangerous to Part IV. contains a Remedy flicted with Debility, Syphilis, Secondary Symptoms; Stric- haafittSTTf** come and take possession of the part belon the head'; hair, &c.}, will find this dye unexceptionable. for the Pbevention ot Montpeher h ging to ; Diseaoe by a MUM AmjMHOH tures, Gleet, Yeneral and Scorbutic eruptions, ic. of the with Fernand de * im—namely, ordered a strict observance of for- ench., ' ' ' ' ¦ Price 3s. 6d. per I'ottle. Sent post'free on receipt of , by which the danger o Bbft the Fr . . infection fa obviated. Its action u suini face and body ; he has had perhaps unusual- facilities for mer regulations, by which no naval officer shall be forty-eight postage stamps by Madame Counelle. but surl "ft observi ng the pecularities and consequences parti A desperate strug gle took place when ¦ Utt mf* the vir us chemically, and destroys its power of each embarke d * one of James Thompson, E:q., Middleton.—'I have tried your the 8t«^ Thigu cular stage. Hence he is enabled confidently and cons«ien- more than thre e continuouV yeara, which tbe Frenchmen in a ra ge invaluable °™ . ? important part of opena took up a gun and shot dye, and nud it to answer tbe highest expecta- should«otf the worl tiously to undertake the removal of every symptom (not fEcho duW'^eduJSA^ thC the advanta ges of the tions. escape the reader's notice ' iervice to all alike ; one of his assailants dead on the spot. The ' Party, to devoted exceptiug the most inveterate or long standing) in as BhOTt fetauts, - the body Mr; J. Killinick Wcxford,—• Your liquid is to, the consideration of tbe Duties and one of whom. M. officer when "A08 together with hi» 1 N. Clarke, , a OUmtuns of the married a time as is consistent with.safety or return of money. from side uJZ^EtS?:oiLW *' was taken up and carried by his comrades to their most excellent'and immediate dya for the hair, far pre. state, and of the causes wluch to aide. The aut horiti es p £ T* 118868 be5n far 8U ' Country patients wishing to place themselves undw 8 e?m m^w - ' & he™y Peri«on to ihti camp, when cries of vengeance were immediately ferabte to all other I have imrcbaied.' atke M "" which whae Mto peration of treatment will be minute in the detail of their cases, and Md J^pce receives shore raised. A general risin g among them took SioS^tinn • 9^«Wi o certain to prevent trouble, no letters from strangers will be replied 5ftpunish 5the seconds with*" * •"£ S ' and *to place, y ^ntoebe *, an« infelicious and u». fte greatse verity . ri and they came well armed, to the number of S UPERFLUOUS HAIR may be removed nrXp«*»™?i 0 8 Bh£ n the to unless they contain £1 in cash, or by Post-office Order, D nsiul roc ?« . be- ' " «<*88ary consequent. payable at the Holborn Office rf.« ^ f P «s«°a of repres entatives a Bumber that . > "J- ' in two minutes , by the app licntidn of a ' small quan. TbZn«« rL r!™edles:f<">^ ? form an , for wliich the neceisaw *£S!U2S?' ft the tween 500 and. 600, to . attack find drive out tbe omJdSl "? this-^ate important advica and medicines will be sent. ' ' ^ ¦ % of MADAME COUPELLE'S DEPILATORY. -By this onnfentwnj n thUi section of the «mfe tf French from their rich holding. The • latter , who pro cess the removal of hair becomes so dimple , rapid, and C0RDUL Patient* in the gountry corresponded with till cur«d. J&fe, that , it supersedes everything ; ; UJX* BALM,6irSIRIACUM At home for consultation, daily, from 10 and 4 till were only sixty , in number, made a vigorous de- else of.ithe kind i y mplo e tor6n( ' till 1, asS^gsysaftSs Hitherto die tediousness, uncertainty, and above life S. l >Ta» the unpaired power.;ot 8, (Sundays excepted,) unless by previous arrangement. J a all, the n exha ' ^ . but were it length overpowered b ' nu mbers sted b saKa ssattSa fence, y poiiOBouB properties of the agents employed as !n5',w ? J; ^ influence e «rte« tw loMtatj _ Address, WawsrdbRoo», M.D... Holbora- tbe . depilatories 3J, E!y-pla«, ud compelled ^a bandon ground, t>d retir e tave eatiy '*? SJI a> Ita «*« & VUNlylaUamid; hill, London. Hours ' 10 tiM; and i »und*»t««• r ^Ba p ikited tlieir uei ; aa e*sy wA.wife m\h.vL ffifer !li ' till £ ^ i aa ;, • ceBtedual8i8 byprevioij9 MrRDi«n»ht, ' - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ; • ¦ ¦ ¦ - - -i • ¦ ¦ ¦ , . • m . ¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ . - -•' . :¦ ¦- ¦ ' ...... - - • . • ¦ ¦ . .. • - ,- ., ...... 1 ! June 28, 1851. titp ¦whD'PnnHE RN STA1? S ¦ ¦ tionedti - " '"7 L ' ' ' ' . .:::: 3B3£l f 8. qued the Bsnivsa Viv thing to her. " Theyey did, indeed," m.,_ «,u ZT J,. .. ^5! !I ¦;.. ""-¦ ."V." " " i ri=-~=»- ¦ ; . t^ Baeirg.if * sain «h« »»i^ «ii «nnnn« . Kr,+ m» wiiiu™ i.i. man wwhoho. withwith aaBoetical temDerament. f iM^ '„.»_..*« t »„. :_ ,. . . ~ * "-"-- n.in.1 .., A said she, take our^ spoons ; but my "William has , poetical temperament, alid an•>» minute J m y the midsfc of the herd, and then TRUE PROGRESS. some way or other managed to get them back. I acquaintance with general literature, seems to b U ap can' t nV-? i y°uth aDd LaP g*l were engS a» Ur amujf iwimw. tell how he mana ges ; but 1 suppose they ar e travel for a liking for locomotion and strange ?rmn?t?r td;ihe V&rizm *. ash-imed of h. encampment. The youth Think not your labour done, takin g so much over their demand , and scenes. • had very-Wat playful hazel eyes SURREY. so return , , rather sunken, 1 Wha tever good is won, them. At any rate , they are sent back He appears to have visited many uiftr f as «nSll and lifT^TZ a loftier peak , , shi a h M any aristocrat. with which the house itself did not shew tho bach0 may t' cnred folding That morta l man was also amongst them. I suppose they were pventiceship to the sea service. The aumnier Pie ^3i« ? f The sim- iX5 rieh?W - ° in the may seek , or t I 1 tbat intimate connexion . It is divided into two period s oerl «'n . root-th e root of the aching Uplifts almost 3orry ", and put in the spoon by way of atonement. " of 1849 saw him in a hospital at Paris Sfi^?« \ ?. ?« the Laps, from genera- tooth to heaven its towerin g head . , dan- seven years asunder , in the firs t of which Mr! t& ftr I suspected that my Frien d William might know gerously ill of cholera ; the opening Mildma ye Snnr po, a man of fashion Though dim in mist and winter is favourably cloud more than his wife on the subject , but said nothing. contra sted with a vul 1 And hid in snowv shr oud. ' found him on board a steamer bound for Ham- gar but good-hearted fellow, I then wen t to Jones 's shop, and boldly asked it' nVl l»ick Brow n , who ^ ^^ f '-" There is a path that patient toil may • burg, which he could not reach, owiug.to the ably worn b' thes3? laplandera) plays skit tles and pummels all keep they would re turn mo H,ipf=a ar ticles of plate which mi walof sSn4 ?K his Though of * ght P the W?01 towirds,-reaching acquaintance . Both ar c suitors for the hand of ten beaten hack , be distrained for tithe , on paying the exact amount ice in the Elbe. But he was not a fine weather knees.kn PPf Hisi ? >' to his a Lad S^ftffifiiB'Sar- And boots were ofthe usual peaked shaue y E veleigh, and a duel ensuing Shar pe's skill lost the dan gerous trac k of ti the demanded , and was politel traveller, to be stopped b trifles ; to few inches a in fencing . y informed, that y Copen- higher than his ancles , and made of the proves too much for poor Dick , who falls The conquering flag shall crown the higheststeep. they would be most happy raw »km of the wounde to do so—to enter into the hagen he was bound, and to Copenhagen he rein-deer, the hair being nearly all d, and with him the curta in , on the fir st The same arran gemen t with me as with other Quakers . would rn ( n h 1 head act. m the second «S E SS mighty minds of old, go. Landing at Crluckstadt, he pro. f' ? ^s a round voolten , he re-a pp eavs a polished But." said I what recompense K . ^ can gen- Mouai.8 ron Marui rd ^Viih step serene and bold , " , " will you require ceeded to the tleman, while his rivalhe ha s fallen to decay, PKOP LK. -M tt nied mo. for affor ding me so great to Kiel ; and thence got capital and a red and be- pie sh ould st ud y cao , olher ' a AdTOwtfd, thou gh att tiio world in scorn derided ; an accommodation ? " . worsted ban d round the rim a P fi "h t weak points !3] " None whatever," replied the of Denmark by means of small trading vessels, Thi s dEff Jf f^- ? r . a«ni". ^e sharper is look out for the *e»k parts of the witho ut a douht or fear , shopkeeper; " the jpecies of cap ia the favourite one e eated, and Dick carries off tbe prize of virtue ice in order to Friends are very good custo a diligence, and a steamer. At Copenhagen worn by the k erp off them. " _ Unheedi ng danger near , mers of ours ; we are at the 8liapo of th0 be always glad to see them entering earliest Th e dre ss of the flltuMeloig T i. T' % > *«W"l Ln-ly La iies, who marry for love, should They to the power of Tru th their cause confided. our doors." he wintered ; and in the very days of . girl wasSe similar in shape, but I t will be seen by this outline that there rememb er that " And what must I pay the collectors V They COa s nothm ? the uni on of angels with women has been " spring started for Sweden, still in a small "poured woollen very nove l in the plot, nor has tho «5a- forbidden With wonder and with awe, make no charge either ; you can give them an odd SHtTn^1 a nat ml fr I logue any special since the flood. The trader. But the spring of our almanacks and J . S etjuen tly used in summer for the claims t.n m>ioinni;. n . i i... heaven-horn things they saw, shilling now and then if you like, for they are very 25paska of both sexes O hiefl p u 1 he wife i* the sun of the socinl system. Unless Through of the Baltic are two different things. , as being cooler than roin-dee? 8ll »tta-t» "»™»*!n? ly, thedre S«.8 yeare of toil, and oft through life, they honest, civil fellows." Faithful to their appoint- Wea- skin or sheep skin. Her 'h ead was arp^, atl(? l, Wh0le picce is ot she attract, there is nothing to keeil heavy bodies, bare , and her ^ S U P with B <*re lilic gaia'd ; ment, at the end of the week, the men came to ther drove him back and coated the sea iu hair hung low ever her shoulders . Her whichwhiS? willwii win^t it a reasonabl e husbands, from flying off into space. were featur es run . And woke the dreaming world, me, w.-ilkud straight into the parlour, and over to shore with ice. When he finally sailed, they minute , and tbe pret tiest and most plensinj ? Sugar is the substance most universally diffused of throug In deadly slumber curfd, the sideboard, »nd looked disappointed not to find had to cut a canal to get out the vessel. any Lap I ever saw either before or since . MART LE h all natura l products. Let married people To purge each ht and hope hy error stain'd, the When The BOXB. tnke a thoug plate ready laid out for them. I told them 1 complexion.was a,tawn y reddish hue-common A new domestic drama , in thre e acts him from this provision of nature. had to tucy reached Drobak, in the very early part of all L to Emer y, , bv Mr S Advice The paths before unknown, apologise for doubting their veracity. I had aplanders. The legs of the nymph in question calledof The Lone C/.Cueou ; or If 1 to the Wkalthy.— It is one of the cha- inquired, ana found that their April, Mr. Hurton proceeded to Christiania, were bare from ^derers ' Th ree racters of a good man to "Which oft they trod alone, statement was true ; . the tops of :her boots to the knee Sevig? waa produced he, e S dispense liberall y, and but as I coull not see any sense in such a rounda- in a sledge ; crossing streams and arms of the and wore extrem ely thick and th( 0 who have « enjoy ahsiemiously, the goods he knows he may We in admiring crowds may press to see ; clumsy—furniB hinj r a f. fl r i. ° ?f no ol»j cotion to SU |> ¦ind lostf • wond' ga bout way of paying, I thought it simpler, and camp sea upon the ice ; and as late as the 26th of striki ng contra st to the delicate shape of her th8 ieOtt • muat leave. Yet as we ring ze hands m oh S?-T?! ? » «»l««»»ted to afford Sign. On once untrodden -wajs, to the same thing in the end, to pay the money at April he walked over the ice on the fiord of The twain were accompanied by th rco little rein- Ct n > f r lt iy be tni|y SsM that few A —The oak has hurst into leaf before the once, which I did. dogs and were KJo«-If8 h '° ° "Vin ash this season—a most Content to live in sloth we may not he. Ohristiania. At this town he lingered two , very leisurely driving the herd on- .ava cver ^cn the same npace of time unusual occurrence, and ward, each having a bran ch X' 8t a 0Unfc looked upon as the harbinger of a plentifu l season. There is no denying the cleverness of these of a tree in hand , to ? ? °.f huraan «l»'«ehtcr as tr»a For jet the mountain-height months, and then was oil to Bergen, again in Whisk about , to urge th e deer on.. lit™witnessed on this occasion Great talkers not only do the least, hut say sketches :—and we are tempted to take The girl had a the . Thereof were, in short the Its crest above our sight ano- a coasting vessel ; and thence in another great.coarse.linen bag slung round her neck cl08e the 'east, ir their words be weighed instead of reckoned. Hears up, while myst'ries strange are hid ther examp le,—but merel y tor the amusement , and Sce"^ ' trader he sailed for the island of Tromso, one restin g on her back. This she filled with a par- SSBlWm1850^T1 to co»coi ve how tho . Labour.—What men want is not talent, but pur- between ; of our readers. The species be lll h J " ' . pieec could pose ; in of intri gue which of that numerous ticular kind of moss as she went along. I asked W' t0 a ter minatio n , except other w. rds, not the power to achieve, but We too must higher climb, archipelago which lies off aid of" throu gh the the will it records is well known beyond the bounds her what she gathered it for , and she gave S, tho executors ." Murde r ! mur der appma to labour. Or truths still more sublime the Northern coast of Noway. This place me to ' Z Thuowino a of Quakerism ,—only it takes here understand it was used in milking the reins b the nd b Ct ta b.' Somerset.—Sir. Ilardwiclte, the Than those our fathers won will lie unseen. pleasaut he made his head-quarters , but in thJothi ouxhont°U r\ ffi- °J? wiW attain S magistrate, is the colours from the ; crossing to the what manner was as yet to me a mystery. I found , and this ond m accomplished «ith »«¦*. best tumWvr in L-.ndon. He quaint and peculiar modes of mainland to visit uumpieieness tbat turned a Somerset Then gird the loins, and toil an encampment of Lap- both the girl and the youth very .good -natured , at the fa ll ef the curtain , the fnni Marlborongh-street Police life in which it is acted. — , presen ts court to the Houseot To break the rocky soil, landers with rein-deer, taking a trip to Ham- and the eyes of the latter especiall y sparkled stap a most gloomy picture of do«»latU Correction, a distance of nearly I was one evening, with and dismay. two nines. * .And pierce through all that bars our upward way ; at a lar ge tea party , intro - merfest, the capital of Finmark merry humour. They could speak onl y a very few To recount the variou s horr ors winch Let wisdom lead the van duced to a very beautiful youn g ; and pro- are repre sented in "Washing Fluid." -In a village, , bride , bhe had a wor ds of Norwe gian, but understood some of my this tale of woe would indeed be certain the large figure , well and most ceeding to North Cape in an open boat. He a tearful task topers label their rum jugs " Washing While faith recounts to man gracefull y formed ; the questions in that language , anj very r eadil y , but it may be stated that, the chief Fluid " VerV roseate hue of has ere now started off actor in the eoene appropriate, for ram has washed That, once beyond the mists, there shine3 a cloud- her cheek , and the soft brillianc y of again to some remote answered them. They were drivin g the herd to be ta a young French count, who, many a man cleaa s region ; and all apparentl havin g left out of house, home, and humanity. less day. her downca t eyes, were only equalled in beauty y for love, since there milked, and on my telling them I was an Enelish- his lawful wife for dead in a vault be- by the exquisitely fair neck , " neath the ruins Wesley an ScisMATics.-Ere the And when the height we gain, and the rich dark is no trace of a purpose in the book beyond tho man , come from afar to see them and their of the " chateau ," attem pt s, to take Conference sits brown hai r , banded in reins unto again, if the policy of tne cli And doubts no more remain , the smoothes t Madonna style gratification derived from they repeated the word " English," several himself another , and challen ges her bro ther que be. recklessly pur- on her lofty scenery and change tiniO3 in sued, the total secessions muy be 150, Each shall review with joy the brow. Her dress was of the richest a tone of surprise , and regarded me to morta l combat becaus e he forbi ds the marria ge 000. So much paths he trod ; dove-colour ed of scene. Even that pleasure would to many with an inte- Th e reau.fc for the doings of an ambitious And we too shall behold satin ; and her Quaker cap, and rest and curiosi ty somewh at akin to what the ap- of this duel is, that the young count , and infatuated priest- , neck-han dkerchief tourists have been a sad toil who has been hood !— Wesleyan Times Like Moses as of old folded in neat plaits across her , pursued in the pearance of one of their people would exoite in an dealing death and destru ction around , bosom, were of In.iia' a most costl manner of Mr. Hurton. him , is himself AUITHMKTIC IX THE UNIVERSITY. High on a holier mount, the face of God ! y muslin. The English city. * * * numbered amongst the dead , and — "I say, handkerchi ef was attach ed to the dress b the play Fvank , my b y —if Trouncer'sat fi ve to two y a gold From this agreeable book we shall take a I asked the girl to show mo th e moss the reins terminate s. The pieco was well acted , and Nut- pin, with a pearl head by Mr . Hoskms shell at three to one, what's the betting against the ; and the belt of her dresa few extracts illustrative eat, and she did so (after a little sear ch), and ga- , Mr. Graham , and Miss Lebrun ; was fastened in front of life in their and , althou gh pair of them ?" "I'm sure Ido'n t know :—takc by two more gold pins; each thered me some. It is very short in summer 6ut it was far from being one of the best, yoa with a diamond northern regions. Hero is part of a des- , specimens of this six to one."— Punch. ftroieu jg. head. The bride groom was a very cri long in winter. In Sweden , I learn that this most style of melodrama , it was re- small , thin, awkward, ill-made man ; his face— ption of a sledge drive from Drobak to admir able provision of ceived with some favour. Tm Moustachk.—A writer in the Naval and nature form a the sole sun- Military Quakerism; or, the Story of my Life. By a from which every morsel of whi>ker had been Christiania, and iB fresher in imagery with port Of the deer durin g Gazette contends that a moustache, acting nine months in the year as a respirator Lady, who for Forty Years was a Member shaved off—w ns white, flat, and meanin gless ; and all the wild interest of Aiusworth' (and , in consequenc e, the existence STRAND. , is a preservative from consumption. s descrip- of the Laplan - Hence hairy-li pped regiments are Ins dress, thou gh quite new, was badly made, and tion of Dick Turp d ers also depends on it), On Monda y a set of ackn owledged Bta ge charac - more free from of the Society of Friends. Dublin : Old- in's ride to York. grows much more abun- diseases of ihe lnng than others. badly put on ; it was, however, a stric tly Quaker dantly, and Is of greater length ; which is the ters, including the blunt sailor , the you ng law- hnm. We did not goby the usual Christiania rea- A Hint for tub Summer. costume. Inthe course of the evening I said to the road, be son most Laps prefer Swedish lapm avk yer from London , tho village belle, and the —A light thread net, cause the state of the snow and ice was for their suspended before an open The student of manners, as influenced by lady who had introduced me, " However did that favourable winter wanderings. Coming to a mar sh country lout, were onoo more introdu ced to window, will effectually mean-lookin g to a more direct, albeit adventurous route ; so we y spot keep out tho house fly. It is a singular opinions, vrill find some quaint specimens, little man mana ge to get such a where a particula r long, sharp, narrow grass gre w fact that these of very lovely bride ?" struck off across field?, and over hills, and thouch , titled The troublesome insects will not pass through She smiled, and answered , I plucked some, and asked tho Laps if they did not Village Nightingale. The inciden ts the meshes behaviour recorded from life in these pages. •• Stran ge planta tions, where nothin g but the most dexterous or the of the net, even though these meshes are more than, as it may seem, I assure thee, it was use that to put in their boots in lieu of stockings ? piece showed little more originali ty The following general remark, management saved us from being upset ever y than the characters ; and an inch in diameter. however, Rachd who cour led him, not he her. I will tell They instantly responded affirmatively. This is the the jokes gave evidence minu te ; for tbe sledge whirled madly between the of a depth Abuses if Convents.—An extraordinjiTy congre« merits emphatic extract:— thee the story. About four yeaw ago, Rachel' s celebrated bladde r carex , or ' Oyporus grass (the of researc h ra ther than any native hu- trees, so that every now and then it was thrown mour. Tho acting was galion . or rommission, composed of six cardinals It is rea lly a very difficult thing for a Quaker to youn ger sister was married ; and she was somewhat earex vesicaria of Linnaeus ). I gathered some good enough , however , to J , has annoye d on its " beam-ends ," as a Bailor would say, and and m the meoo been aupointed Uy the l ope for the purpose be consisten t with his own prin ciples ; ana even the , tn at she the elder , and so much the han d- af terwards found it in several parts of the Island of /*e tolevably amusin g, and the singing of inquir- , should have been thus d ra gged along for many yards. At times tbe of Miss Nelson ing into the moral state of the Convents most ri«id are often found swallowing them whole- somer passed by; so she resolved Tromso ; but it onl y grows in marshy spots. The and Miss E. Romer carrie d the plot , and report- underwood closed upon us so that we were almost to a successful ing on the best mode of reforming the abuses which sale. For instan ce, the vain adornin g of the person to provide hersel f with a husband ; and thou Laps at all seasons stuft their boots quite full of it issue, so far as the a pp lause of » torn from our aeats-the next moment , perhaps , friendl y audience on have crept into these establishments. •with dr ess, Jewellery, and know est when a woman makes up her mind to do a , and it effectuall y saves their feet from being frost- a first night can be accepted gold. He considers it a we Shot down a steep rug ged declivity and emerged as a deoiaion upon • A Temple of enlarged Christianity.— sin to indul thing, she trium phs over every obstacle. Rachel' s bitten. Onward we went , driving the her d , in which the popula r element of a dra- On tho ge in those things, and yet in his shop on a level free from shrubs —and no mar vel for it matic produ ction. 1st oi May tbe founda tion was laid at the Bursteg, he sells them. He makes his money by providin g first step was to draw out a Hat of the nam es of I gleefully hel ped , the three little dogs at times bark- Mr . Craven , the auth or , aftei ia wasala ke ! * * * the fall of Hamburg, of a vast edifice , to give sheller to for the sins of his fellow-Chriatians. He deems it the eligible youn g men ; opposite to eac h name she ing and fetchin g up stragglers. the curtain , crossed the sta ge amid mode- those a About half-way between Drob ak and.Chris tiania rate applause. hundreds of families—Christian and Jewish—who at right thin g to wear a broad brim to his hat placed the amount , of his annual income, as cor- The Laps occasionall y gave a short cry, , but he we descende d a romantic fir-clad mountain or urging each quarter's rent day are unable to satisfy their has no scru ple about makin g and sellin rectly as she could ascertain it. The most wealth v "orge shout to the reins , and 1 burst forth with my full ? hats of a leadin g down to a bend of the Christiani a Sord , QUEEN'S. landlord, and are therefore driven out into the open fashionable form for his fellow Christians to wear . was placed at the to p of the list, and so on in re- lunged English holloa, to the evident amusem ent of gular gradation. She had ovei* the frozen bosom of which the resid ue of our The perfor mances at this house commenced with street ! Be would not be so wicked as to dr ess his servant twelve names down journey would lie. It was my compani ons. The scene was most exciting, and They lived in all parts of diffi cult to judge where a grand Saxon romance , entitled The Fiery Ordeal ; The Motrer.— A writer beautifully rpmarks that up in Iker y, with a gold band , &c, but in the way England :—one in London , the shelving vividly brought to my recollection the forest scenes ' one in York , one in Bristol shore ended and the fiord commenced, or, Emma of Normandy and the Captive Queen a man s mother is the representative of his Maker. of busine-s he will do it for another. If the " pe- , and so on. Syivanus for ice and snow in As You Like It. The brilliant sunlight, the green . The Otway was at the head of covered both so that the eye could plot is laid in the reign of Edwar d the Confessor Misfortune—and even crime—set up no barriers be- culiariti es" are essential to the salvation of a the list. She had never barel grass , the fi gures of the Laps , the moving herd of , tween her and her son. seen him, and he lived y distinguish the difference between terra and includes most of the historical charac ters of While his mother lives he Quaker, are they not also essential for all Chris- near Norwic h. He was do wn reins—the novelty of the whole was indi scribably will have one friend on earth for seven thousand a year. firma, and the vast sheet of very deep Bait water : delig htful. I found that eventful poriod of English history. Mr. Chester who will not desert him tians ? Can it be that " Friends " sell and deal in Rachel seriously in- and this, the reader will the reins did not make such a as the when he is ready to despair. formed her father and mother recollect, was in April ! very loud clicking Monarch , Mr. Green as the tra itorous Earl of Her affection flows tho se forbidden things , because they think " the that she had " a noise as most travellers have as- from a pure fountain people of the concern " to attend the Norwich serted . Muroia , and Mr. Burf ord as the celebrated Goodwin , and ceases only at the ocean of world " have no chance of salvation at quarterl y Meet- Trot-^-trot—trot went the snorting quadruped Here were hund reds of reins striking Earl of eternity. all, and that, therefore, it signifies ing. They had no acquain tances they cared for ; their hoofs together , and yet certainl Wessex, performed their respecti ve parts but little what jir.g!e-jingle—jin gle went tbe " bells" y the noise with ability. The Aoaprmone.— A house of business in Bristol they indul there, and were disinclined to take so ; creak- was anything but loud from th eir cloven Miss C. Gibson and Miss Rivers, as ge in, so that Friends profit by it ? long a creak— creak went the snow feet and the having recently sent some goods to " The Abode jou rue y ; but Rachel became so silent , as onward we rushed. horny fetlocks, and would hiirdly hav e been . and Queen , performed their 1 of In the and sad , and There were numer ous other sled notice- arduo us Love, ' had the bill returned to maiie above passage is stated the cardinal so often told them she was ges abro ad , and a able , had I not particularly listened parts with much ener gy, and were greatly be nut afresh, burd ened with the lnng dark string of tliem were racin g for it. But according to the following note :— diffi culty of the Society, wherein lie the seeds weight of her concern to go, that they at behind us. another thin g, of which app lauded in tho last act , when they demonstrated " The Asaperaone, length Shouts, jeers, and laughing I had nevev read any notice , their near Bridgewater, June, of its decay. Such noncomfonnity yielded to her wishes ; and father and rang through the clear struck me much—the loyalty to the . monar ch by passin g unhurt 1S51. Messrs. W and as its sta- mother , air as one outstripped the loud snortin g noise emitted Co,, the enclosed bill is returned tutes Kachel and her sister Susanna other—onl y to be over- by the deer at every throu gh the fiery ordcal- the denouement being tho to he madu out with of discipline profess, is not merely at , and one of the bro- taken in turn. Onward ; the step. TJnpoetical as my fancy the proper address — namely, ' My Lord the Aea- thers , all went to Norwich . April sun shines with may. seem destru ction , by tbe same ordeal, of tho Earl of variance with every rule of nature and com- As the father and unclouded brillianc y, , it remin ded me most strong ly of the Murcia , -who had twice pemone, &e.'" mother are ackno wledged minibte rs and for miles thero is one grunting of swine, but waa certainl attem pted the King' s life mon se , of course th ey glistening level surface , enclosed on either side y not so coarse and contri ved Tne Longest Railkoad in the World. nse, but, if honestly carried out, is were taken much notice of by a noise, and at the same time, partook much to evade detection , and to cast —The , and invited to all the towerin g ranges of hills, fringed from of the New York Inquirer says that the Eric totally incompatible with the simplest transac- Friends ' houses ; amon gst others summi t to nature of a .snort. The suspicion upon tho royal ladies. The scener y and railroad , just , to Friend base with snow-laden firs and pines. cause of the noise is this— decora tions opened—the longest in the tions of life. The really consistent Quaker, Otway s, and Rachel soon had tho pleasur e Onward ! when the deer are hoated were good, aud in keeping with the early world—runs through a of being throHgh the shrewdl y bitin g but exhilaratin g , they do not thro w off period to which wild, country, with, not one lown who declines introduced to Syivanus . She was deli air , their heat in;sweat—their skin is too thick they referre d. The second piece along its whole wearing primary colours because ghted to that Beemeth pure as though this were the first for that , was the course of ten thousand inhabitants ; " shanties and fin d him a fine, handsome , intelligent- looking but , like the dog, they emit the heat favourite ballet called The Resemblance , or there is a suare in scarlet, is the elder—(there youn g hour it ever flou ted o er mother caith . Onward through the the Peasant ' s Dream. The log hnts, and Indiana and lumher men staring man , and to perceive that he was decidedly fasci- ! mouth. grace and agility dis- at tho was such a man)— ray heart longs for the first glimpse of fair Chris- played by Miss Kate Kirb luxurious trains, as Broadway dandies and eye-glassed " who was made uneasy in nated with his new acquain tances ; and when, at y attracted universal ad- liania. Onward ! there are no tu rnpikes here— mtrati on and she was ladies staro back at thenovel barbari ty through his miud by the sight of red clover." He can parting, he whispered to her sister, loud enough for , well supported by the other which but ah ! there ia somethin g far more difficul t to BOOKS RECEIVED. member s ol the corps they shoot." be neither a haberdasher, nor an upholsterer, Rachel to hear , " I hope soon to be in your city, and de ballet. The entert ainmen t bilk t han a turnpike ! A huge split in the ice ex- concluded with a domestic Marri age a Sacrament. —A Roman prelate nor a toy maker to have the pleasure of calling at your house •" drama , entitled The Night once , nor a seller of fancy good B tends directly athw art the fiord , and: the opposite Henry Masunon. By G. P. R. James. And Hans- Shriek, or the Convict' s Story. asked an old woman how many sacraments there —¦h her cheek flushed with triumph , and her heart ardly an innkeeper or a chaise proprietor, palpitated -with edge has sunk out of sight for a breadth of many f ield Farh. By Miss Aosien. Vols. LX. and were ? To which she observed there were but two. joy, at the success of her scheme. feet. Xter T?anoen ! who would LXI. Parlour His rule is stricter than that of the strictest Syivanus soon have expected this ? " Library." HAIMAII KET . 'Bu t ,' re plied the bishop, " there is mar riage ; followed them , as he had pro mised, Many sledges are already brou g ' monastic asceticism and pro posed for Susanna . ht to a prem ature Youngs Introduction to Algebra. Simms aud Mr. Hac kett, the American actor , who is engaged what prev ents you recognising so holy, delightful , , without the monastery He was prom ptl y ac- standstill »s well as ours M'Intyre. •walls cepted ; and they were marri ed , and others are joinin g us at this theatre for a few nights, appeared last even- and happy a state , as one of the sacramen ts?" to shut him away from the vain world, as soon as the rul es every minute. The drivers dismount The Law as to of our society would permit. R and surve y , the Exemption of Literary and ' Scieii' ing in the character of Falstaff , in the Merry Wives of ' Ah! sir ," replied the old woman , "if it is so and the religions ceremonies to supply that achel was exceed- the yawning chasm , but no : Societies from Pari ingly vexed and disappointed nar rower part can bo Ufa sh and other Local Hates Windsor. . He was " well made up, " and his whole very good, what is the reas oH you have never par- •want ; but she is not a discerned than that wher e By G. Tauor. taken of it?" which " knocks loud " at the heart of per son to be discomfited b the main track thus Crockford . appearance pave a good idea of Shakesp eare ' s " fat y one failure , so she re- abruptl y terminates TJie Difficulty Solved ; or the Government of kni ght. every human creature who has been born with solved to try again ; but she . The sturd y Norsemen look the People " He did not exhibit great richness of hu- A Clever Doc—A corresp ondent of the Preston has never been friendly blank, and growl forth sundr y eloquent maledic- ' by Themselves. By Victor Considerant. mour but ihromcle an iota of imagination with Susanna since.' The next on Watson . , his conception of the characte r was says, that a. gentleman in Manche ster has . The Quaker's ruleis her list was tions on the treacher y of the ice—second good a dog that ' Josiah Gumble , of York and his income only, in , and he acted it throu ghout with much ease will find his master s snuff liox however it untenable ; whence subterfuge, compromise, , was six their estimation , to that of and gaiety. is concealed. thousand. Again . woman : but all the His best scenes were the adven ture of . " Lately he placed it upon nhi gh chim- evasion, unsettlement of mind—pushed to its she informed her father , tha t she objurgations in the Norse vocabular y the buck ney piece, felt it was required will not thro w The Coast op Africa Slave Tbad e.—We extract basket , and his subsequent descri ptions of and , upon ordering the dog to find it, tbe extremity. We will of her to att end the . York a bridge over tbe gap, and it is it, which produced great laug cunning animal pulled a chair from quote an instance, which Quarterl y Meeting, and she too wide tor even a from the private letter of an intelli gent offieer- the hter ; and his pa- the side of tho added, " it had been race-horse to leap—leavin g men and sled roxysm ot terror on the appearance of room to the fire-place, and mounting is amusing in itself, and amusingly related. borne in her mind that the ministry ges out of following interestin g remarks on the Coast of Africa tho fairies in upon it, soon of her beloved the question. Some Jong sticks are procured , the last ficeno was also hi produced the box required. " The " Lady " had married—and removed to father, at that solemn assembl y, would be blessed and service. It is dated Apri l 1; 1851 :- " I think for ghly comic. . Altogether it is found that the sunk portion of ice is onl his perform ance was hi A New Pro ject is about to be start ed Bristol ;— to some waiting minds." There is nothing pleasea y the present the slave trade is suppressed , but a ghly intelligent and satisfac- . for the con- about breast deep below the surface of-the con- number of slaves are assembled tory to the audience . The play, as a whole, was struction of a great central station atSmit hfield , with Soon after becoming our ministers more than flatter y of their preachin g at Lagos , Agway, extensions a housek eeper I was called gealed water , and graduall y shelves upward to the and Widah ; and aa the boating season is over here pleasantl y acted. Mrs . Ford and Mrs . Page had to it from all the grea t metropolitan lines. on by the ti the collector . sifts. Rachel is an adept in it. I ha ve often , ' Ihe propose d capita ) is £3 Friends annuall y sum sound shret beyond ; but the question is,, whether and thick weather coming on; no doubt very agr eeable representa tives in Miss Reynolds' ,000,000. It is estimated up the amount of found it difficult to keep my feature s in sober deco- but . they that the all they have lost by this suffering , that submerged section will Dot disappear al to- will again commence. Some of tho slave merchants aud Mrs . Pitzwilliam ; Mr. Davenpo rt was Ford ; undertaking will yield an income , from all a3they call it; rum when I have heard her speaking of the inward and I was then under the idea, tha t gether beneath the weight of a hors e and sledge, would gladly give up the trade , but they are so cir- Mr. Buckst onehad his old part of Mas ter Slender , sources, of £392,187 ; and dedu cting £92, 117 for *« our noble testimony again st an hireling ministry " peace she had felt from the acceptable services of leaving nothin g but salt water and Mr . working expenses , there will her much valued Friends . between them and cumstanced with the King of Dahomey that it is II. Bedford made the Welsh parson , Evans , remain a pro fit of -was an essential part of all tr ue Christiani ty, and And then she presses a bottom , Heaven only knows how more th an usuall £300,000, or ten per cent, the hand of the minister she is many hundred impossible : for instance , his Highness sends an y amusing. The house was full, on the capital invested. that our refusal to pay the unhol y tax was an ac- flattering with so fathoms down below ! A spirited and the performance was much Fren ch News from ESGLAND. much feelicg, as ehe says ; but young Nor- order to a merchant for 100 pi pes of rum , 1, 000 applau ded. —On e of the ceptable mart yrdom , in a small way. I had heard they like it, and wegian loses patience , and vows be will " own corresp ondents '' of a'Paris daily paper Rachel has her own ends in view. dash across musfeets , powder , &c. ; in lieu of paying in mon ey sent much preaching on the subject , and ver y much She wen t to at all risks. Stand aside, comrades ROYAL POLYTE CHNIC to London , to describe the Exhibition , gravely , and soon obtained the ! Faint heart or prod uce, he marches down a string of slaves , INSTITUTION . re- self-laudation on the faithfu lness of the Society York desired introduction to never won fair lady! The adventu rer The Pr ofessors of this most lates as a specimen of English manners that ; he,- too ' backs his which the merchant must receive in payment , or excellent Insti tution a generall y, indeed universall y, to this our testimony, Josiah Gumble , was young and passabl y light sledge to gain a fair have, we are glad to find , great spor ting nobleman recently gave well looking ; Rachel contriv ed star t—utters a cheering take no thing. -Wi th the King of Dahomey at pre- commenced their lectures a magnificent which so widely separated as from the hirelin gs of to be very much cry to his sagacious hors e—and on some of the most inter esting banquet to his friends , and when in his company ; but she saw forward the latter sent rests the principal part, if not the whole of the models, &o., de- it was over told all other creeds . The two men who called on me clearly that he could bounds, giving a spring on the posited in the Great Exhibition them that they had eaten ihe winn er of the Derby, , not be caught. She told edge of the chasm slave trade carried on from Cape St. Paul' s to Por to . Doctor Baohhoff- for the purpose of collecting the disputed impost ;, me. she bad never met sufficientl y to carry him half ner -having taken for firs t the Elnctri c which he had had speciall y killed as a mark of res- any man who was so coldly over. A moment th e Nevo. Lagos is an independent . kingdom . The Copy ing were exceeding ly gentle and polite. They saw at a insensible to beau ty, Bledge surges and floats hel Telegraph of Mr. Bakewell ; by this apparatus a pect both to the horse and them ? and so stupidly indifferen t plessly, while the horse lawful king is at present in Fernando Po without a glance that I was an ignoramus , and kindly volun- to flat ter y. However flounders and strugg les to get a footing. letter written in London may be copied in " Take n dow n a P xb." —On the road to Rachel was not disheartened ; for it soon came out A lash sixpence , his throne being usurped by his nephew , Liverp ool teered to inform me how other Quake rs managed , from the driver 's whip and an urging cheer from who is a great scoundrel. The ex-King promises to or at Edinburgh at, the . rate of 200 letters per Epsom, a moustached youth , on the top oh a drag, for I had told them that my profession would not that Josiah was the victim of an unri ghteous at- the interested spectators of the mi nute , with a degree of accura cy that the eviden tly ambitious of being mistaken for " an tachment to the dau ghter experiment follow. abolish slavery for ever in Us dominions , and per- very allow me to pay tithes ; and that if they insisted on of a clergyman ; for love Another anxious moment , autograph of the writ er could be distinctl officer," thus saluted a fat coachman , who was of whom he deserted our Israel and hurra h ! hotse , mi t the British to build a fort at Lagos, if they will y sworn forcibly taki ng away my property, though I would , and is now—alas ! sledge, and driver , are all safe on the firm ice. The restore him to his to. Ihis process; although extremely simple, is of gravely driving his master and famil y—" Holloa , that it should bo so—with his six thousan d a kingdom. A singular fact has not resist , still I would look on it as actual robber y. prac ticability of the thing being thus proven , I just occurred under my own eyes, which Bhows the that nature that , without diagrams , a notice you sir ! where 's your shir t-collar ? How dar e you. " Bid vou ever pav tithes, ma' am V said one of year gone over to the camp of the alien. The urge my old driver would fail to give an idea o come to the — * on in turn , and we are soon by temper of the present King of Lagos , who iB, doubt- f its merits ; we, there- Derby without a shirt- collar. " Jehu " I replied.—" "Well " third on Rachel' s list was Joh n J ones, of London , the side of the dari ng fore, recommend growl ed the men!— " Sever, , then. her pioneer . less, ruled by the slave merchants . A vessel arrived our friend s and the public to go forth , withou t lifting his eyes from his aaid he, you are a stranger here , 1 see, and Til bride groom now ; he h worth two thousand to this Establishmen t " a year ; in the roads from Bahia, with a great number of and jud ge for themselves. horses— " 'ow the dooae could I have a shirt - just tell you how the Bristol Quakers mana ge, for and , as thou must see, no beau ty. Mr. Hurton's mode of proceeding naturally We find from a notice collar When Rach el liberated slaves on board , but they are not per- that Dootor Bachhoffner in- when your mother has not sent home rny I am going about among them for twenty years first saw him, she was half inclined introduced him to the people of the country, tends shortly, in addition washing. " to leave him for mitted to land at that place; , they will in all pro- to the highly interes ting past , and I am always glad to accommodate them , somebody else ; but the next on and to characters amo This is experime nts of .M. Fouoaul t Hydro phobia.—At a> meeting of the Edinburg h her list is only six hundred ng the people. babili ty be compelled to give »p. Badagry, If we on the Rotation of and meet their scru ples. The sum you must pay is a year. The sacrifice can get the King the Earth , to give a popular lecture Town Counci l a few days since, on the subject of was too great , and besides, Ja meB Lewis mi a scene on his voyage from Bergen to TromfiO. of Dahomey to give up daving on the forth- one guinea ; so I will call here to-m orrow , at ght be (which I soarcel coming Eclipse of tho Sun ; which , although not issuing the usual proclamation against dugs being as mean looking, so she resolved on the conquest The Bergette Marie an y think possible under presen t cir- ? eleven o' clock in the mornin g, and you just leave of in one respect resembled cumstances, as I foret old total in this country, yet so much of the sua s disc allowed to run about unmuzz led , Professor Dick donu dones. a was very easily emigrant ship, for we had almost a dozen families you the failur e of Mr. on the sideboard there some articles of plate—your accomplished , he Forbes ' a mission), and will be obscured as to render the event one of in- gave it as his opinion- that there was do such, t hing made no resistance , he at once became aboard , returning to their native Nordland. They erect a fort at Lagos , we tea-po t wiil do very well, or spoons, or whatever the worship - . sha ll suppress the traffic entirely in tho tense interest . The mechanical inventions in the as hydroph obia in the lower animals v what went per of her beauty ; and now tha t-they were all of th e lower classes, -whole of you like—then I come and take it away. You don 't are married . and ib was amusing the Bight of Benin . The fort at Crystal Palace will be lectured on by Mr . Crispe , properl y by the name was simply aii inflammati on of I think it wiil be her own faul t if she is not to notice the composure with which some ,of them Lagos oould be give it, and so your conscience is clear. Tou will happy. held the same aB the W dah ; and nothin g and will be, no doubt, highly sati sfactory to the the brain ; and that the disease ,, in the case of He is not very wise, but he is good-humoured and exercised their calling as shoemakers &c, on deck y could then return to your Meetin g-people, that your tea- , be easier taken than the present town strangers who will visit t he metropolis during this human beings, was> caused by an over-exeke d ima- good-natured. " " How did thou become acquainted in fine weather. Some of the men had ' leather , and the ex- even " .. - pot , worth ten guineus , was distrained for tithe ; King restored. Palm oil is very plentiful this year tful season . .. . ginati on worked upon by the popular delusion on witb ! this amu sing story ?" said I. ««Is it not a breeches and leather jackets , and all were very .'de- and as soon after as you like, you cam go to Mr. along the coast;, the price is abeut Is. 8d. per gal- the effects of the bite of rabid animal?. bre ach of confidence to tell it ?" "N o, indeed," cently although thri ftil y, clad. :The women wore Conversions ehom Romanismi— Chwrtnlc Jones, the silversmi th , and tell him how you lost lon. Ivory is plentiful at some places , but the price The Court op Ch anckr y.—On Tuesday a return , June she replied, " there were more than a dozen of us ample petticoats of dark blue cloth and jackets of was printed !? —•If ProteBtant England has to witiitBS your tea-pot, and are obliged to buy a new one. He keeps up. Pew Sardinian vessels cotno bere now , by order of the House of LoidSj Bhowing sometimes in the room when she told it hers elf, and showed us a similar material, -with jaunty rows of buttons, and the the deser tion of some of her children to Rome •will condole with you ; and after showing you a as there is no sale for them: Their flag haa been operation of the aot of last aeBBion tc-regulate the , it the , list ; Bhe said she did not want it now, so she a nice whi te shirt-c ollar turned , over. Two or remains •variety, of new ones to select front , he will hand yon a good cloak for the slave trade for many years Court of Chancery in Ireland, under which suits wer e for Roman Ca tholic Stance to have to re- gave'it to .Martha Elton , and bade her give a copy, three of the girls were very pretty, and looked ex- , as jour own identical article, and say he can sell you they .keep their nation al tiag flying until the slaves allowed to be commenced by petition instead of billj cord the wholesale conversion that is here takin g of it to any of the girls who would like to try the tremely interesting in this simple attire. Their This d that cheap—say one guinea . You pay y oar guinea are actually on board, so that they are never taken and which return was obtaine d in reference to the place of Romanists to Protestantism. ay, , same plan of gett ing settled in life." , . ' ¦' cheerful yet modest and beconiing behaviour was (Sunday, the lit of June no leB9 thao thirty-t wo iarid get >our own safe back again , cleaner and empty ; when full their colours are thrown over- reform of the Court of Chancery in England. It ap- ,)> t brighter highly agreeable . I often wished for : English ' pears that from August , last, adult Roman , Catholics of both sexes, in the pre- than aver ; and , if you like, you cari nur - Here is a new anecdote of the Regency :— , present board , or a Brazilian substituted. " — United Serr when the act came ia -cnase some needles, scissors, and such trifles, to them , ' < i - ; ¦ force, to the 12th of June inst.; sence of a numerous congre gation , in the Fren ch. other little triflin g ar ticle ; for fir. Jones ' I was shown, in the Women's Meeting-room , the ble in the North vice Gazette; ' - 872 soils were com- IS a very with/for no gifts are more accept a . menced by petition , and in that pariod Protestant o&urc h at Rochefor t, publicl y abju red accommodating , man," —I was really seat on which his Majesty, King George IV;, when Tbe stout dres sed in exactl only 3& by shocked^ at tne cool proposa l rosy children were y the pAKGBR of MonEixiNO is Wax .—Few person *, bill. As many as 309 orders , in the nature s the errors cf Popery, and: embraced tbe more pur e of so nefari ous and un- Prince Regent, had for a moment placed himself , same fashion as their mothers. ' These Nqrdlanderp especiall of decree , principled a transac tion, and indi gnantly y, perh aps, of the many youn g ladies who were made ri poa.petition s preB ^atetl and enli ghtened Protestant faith. " ¦ rejected it; when led by the spirit of adventure , and, as my in although evidently , had nothing about are now , and 3i final of declaring, at the same time, mj firar belief very poor practisin g the very pleasing art of .model- orders. No case had occurred in which' a suit had WoMAN.-^'At a late meeting Christian Com- , that no forman t stated , a most unbecoming curiosity, he them of that sordid , grindin g destitution to be seen ling fruits •Quaker would be guilty of so undi gnified and false had , flowers, .-, ,. , , a response from a . the chin completed the disguise, in whieh among them ; and at times und erstood .their .w.his- iWhi le many other kinds of wax are equally , poison- lady.who expressed her hope to. cleanf their plate." " There is old Mr . R.'» he might MBRCANSHiB AUrink Acs:—A return bas been that " where womeu ' yer have escaped detection very well; were it per ed speculations as to who I could be, and what ous,,, and, ; .therefore dangerous. There are very wcEB regarde d Hot merely -said he, " has a fine massive ^Bil tea-pot. It not for the tell-tale ' ' , published otthfc memorials presented to the lords of as ornam ents , they should , boots, and the unfeminine posi- extraordinary ' motive induced me to share their many per bo' as' who are aware , of the , intens e suffe- indeed ,' possess the i» always laid but ready for me;. I always give tion in which the arms the Committee, of Privy .Coancil for Trade, against ornamen t of meek and quiet and legs bestowed them- rude voyage ; One and all of them behaved towards rin gs, for, many years past, of Mr. W. Bally, phre- nints , and become Aotice , before I go; and now, twenty times 1 selves. , The yovmg * the opevaiifina t){ those paits of the Merca ntile Ma- as polished¦ ¦ corner- stone * iw the it brightened for . woma n who sat . behind him, me with fran k respeot; and several frequ ently paid noiogiBt and ' modeller in wax, mi which,, .latter rine Act which relate : t» the!en gagemen t and dis- new social fabric" < - - . <>, ,., hare' carried- it off and 'got froni its silken whioh I reoipr Ocated pounds' and his' tithe ffi£? 7r- «SFout ofW ^ robe , me delicate little attentions , branch he has laboured for -twenty-few or twenty- charge of crews at the shippin g offices , and to regula * Olba k Bays in Lom>oN>-Tho Western Times •Mm. - He values it at twenty , aipt ^aieUy meeting;' and ' power The men _8lept; amon g fiveyearB ^ ! R'; gave the alarm to the utmost in my . , three :of ; them as,tpaj 5liec of the art at tions for maintaining discipline by fines. It appears shows how an old lady at. l'eignmouth became enve- is-only one pound ten. And there is young Mr. e F iei ds 1*» summoned ' ' ' the loose' decks, but the ' . [ dona for him. He ATV ? - f i *Pee<% , and the crew pa .the gobds under Manchest er . Mechanics Institution ; Mr. Bally fr om this return that memorials of the above kind loped m .^ London fog. Not having much faith Helikes me to get Ms spoons intrnder felt htoselft0 gentl the spare cabin , has been in have them brig^ ht X«M , y tapped on the Women and children share d and at times completely pasalysed , and isaow , have been, sent in frost the por ts of Shields, Peter- railwa y pro mises, she appli ed>st £i«3 so .man j dinners he likes to reqUe3ted alk with a constant kind- ' week to know i£ incredu - r "*<> a»other honest Tarcub treated them and has long been vpry nearly sp, especially in the head, Sunderl and , Seauam, Hartlepool , Middles'- tne coiap an ^reilly mean t to guarantee six char and neff-looking." Seeing me still Tery. torn9PPf?- . Ha^aSHe madet no; resistance ,' but quietly warmed my heart band s ; " went ness and .considerat ion , that ¦ and and ar ms ; and hVha&ako . -been afflicted with borough , Whitby, Stockton , Hull, Lynn Regis days in Londo n J-won't call on you a y '¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ , for 16si 4d.ya8 ihey had promised ." lous, he said, " Well; Warn; ¦ d " - ¦ ¦" ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦' : •' • •¦ ' 1 J .^S M.i^ .«a^' t2i^Se won theira. \< .. ¦:¦ . ,- ' extenBive.uloeration : oF. the *fchtipat , . and has- almost Arbroath , Southampton , London, Dundee Un in a week, to ; give y ou: time to think ' about the rules7 of the Societyi^J^ would not , New- beiDg answered in the affirmative, fhe ' instantly ? , atdw any hut mem- totall y j.pat his voica .. . Both himself- and his medi- and Yarmouth.. ' ' | ' ' ' matter. " During that week I went to old Mr. K s, ben to presen t he retiredp8 's Icelandic Sketches ; are , not . cas'le, • , became .a memb er . oC tta -Extn&iwa Clvvb, declat- £e , and callinghi a bX C Mr. Hurton caUdvjser, after a att ention to his symptom B Thb Rot aii Children "to '' tis tau ght 4Hld told his daughter that; tit hes had been, de- flat terin 1 things in his Vong , . Gab uo — ing that on ; her 'last visit to London it was enve- g «Belf only the newest/ but the beat ar e satisfied tha t Vae prim ary cause.of his affliction Theinueriiess Coun'ersaysthata manded ' of ine, but that I had not paid them, and ^ha incognita SS5&had not been penetrated "at ! ¦ corres ponden t, who foped in fog, and she.could Bee nntliing »nu that it . ; for although volumes. The following scene, a . Scandi; is the extent to ' ,' tho subtle poisons in the dates from the Temple, states.t hat ires expecting another visit from the collector. his countenance had been instan tly which her Maiesty am Woul d be .WorihJ.twice the money to have one clear recognised , still to Tron?sdal, in wax with whioK ' ' VOrkeil have been absorbe Prince Albert have commissioned a « said Bhe; " this ia just the time they .n?th» 8 ?™ ld to intima te ' thaS navian, is from his entrance r he has gentlema n from day tbere; much less six;'.- Oirbemg t old it referred Oh Vies/; ' : f? it hnd been so. ; i :: ' : l into, his t syat etr j through' the ! pores of his hands , the north , to engage the services 'They • ; tea-pot Resolute that none but the initiate d Lapland>-^ - - - .• _ : • - '- .. ) • '^'"'c., ' !,'.' Of a Gaelic teacher to time , and pot to weather , (he old Lady Minorew go ahttut. seized a valuable silver should be pr£ = • ! .^ whjle,the dige/ been, generally , strengthene d, for the royal family !>¦ " There " from : us last week.. My father values it at twenty sent, they wer e yet careful to trea t Vitb. cour tesv ;: ' fivQ' EngH ^ e iB every, chance " her name, in a great ragejY.aayingi "'No one could I hau) probabiy/waiideirea^ fout py su ftW *^?*P.?lt;; ^ pcounted for by the occasional he says, " of an .intimate friend .guineas, and the demand -in money 13 only about their most unexpected visitan t; and even, deferen- ¦this : when a:wild but melj pw r -of-ifc.- at of mine.iettinS understand iae.comp' any. ' s' ... , miles down nohle dale, 1 application • ,ni8^^nger8 ;t(| his lips.while work. up«ntmTms is certainl WtaD , puh- ^thirty shillings • bnt.it is, a noble testimo ny we are . tial ly.to respec t his assumed cha ra cter.* t < ;• < . - » • crisp sunny hree ^ff of y a coS Stlt0 to 'UsiTED STATBs.-The ' Hfc*fi»«p to» shout or halloa floated Jony the ; ^:.M& ' ! Known several cases m the ancient language of the have «ei plete, thou Rh -DOt .i8 all ts . thVey . AiVm/age-frmLath to U repetition, and ;sooij. it .was, i .paralysir.^,of thoihands iaria'armajiafter-having ; Iu tiw .*we State s, 'df a nnre , free, pland^or Pidures ' ^UBically. and then IfeltiBure ^t The folloS-are. ^resu l r . -ftssing Chfistmiis -to- tfce Mtorfr ¦ tiri ctly and1 nbre -' .f^ir ame finieto theipraet ide of modelling j ^but 69 In slavesla,', in the blave Svates, : 'Frieifd; thou of' Scandinavia w'lSSO.^ iBy WV Hurton. it-was the ' to the ford of rema. a in 13 53V328 freem en, 119 gO8pefmmis6yi : Itrast /iny^yb'nng ' call of a Lap 'tne time he had to suspicion of the cause, Aa 88 850 ani1 h0 row wilt be faithful. " She spoke so seriously, that i Two Vols. Bentley. They were on tbe far side of Elv ; and just as I alf1 flpis BSS1851 aHft « e requisite colours oan be obtained from vege- tie of SHi I °°M- ra^i 824 freemen™ ^v'^f'*<*•, 3,687 slaves ; 's they came up to ! V* ^Ea8ex36» Sussex, Kent and* Surrey, ind Territor ies, 100. hesitated to say what I intended about Jo nes author of this book, on what is reached one bank of the strea m, tabJ' e matter »nd as the use of mineral colourin g iZt?hl rfiMt ear , 287,488. The who e number of The even in flowed with extreme , ^ y &, and iu the second 383 , Sa iSSn.23 -loop, lest thd idea that I for a moment could think the other. The water here ?w .ms to load to such deplorable rwu ltB, the sub- SingularlS?n™. y tacoagren h 223, and of these tho these travelling days an out of the way nook but I unhesi- ^ enough, in the county of Kent the num- SSra Ss her or her father* capable of s^th, a deed might violence, and was piercingly cold, ]« ct should be oare fully investigated by those wor t ber was now gained an increased appor* world is, it appears , quite a youn g gly acros s tho same m eachyear , 172, being more than Free States have Offend. W0 & »4 BeU' of tbe * tatin plunged i& and waded . Ia a * m-Mmhti Ur Ewmintr, I then called oT * 2&*. i iQg with coloured wo double number m either of the other counties. tionmeat. THE NORTHS S TAR. I w _ I —* ~~~~ 3JATI0XAL CHAUTER ASSOCIATION. WORKING ME; , Ju:t Published, ' N rr \ portant questions of the our metrop Office , 14, You who wish to see the Real <*-„. ". J , , .„ age, as well as olitan pulpits ;" but would it not who had Soutb'jnpfcon.street, strand. IN NOS. AT ONEJ»ENNY EACH, u9e» °« 's Wrongs, courage sufficienTtTf and the true Rcm^ r a four the remarkable talent and literary ability of be far worse to have that " Right Rev. ^ IpHE EXF^UTIVE the cwiraf ^ sery> sequences of doing what „ Vace meeCOMMITTEE 0 ^e £iCH the author. Father in Gob '' laying O A herel )yap^onncethe following tin gs GUJoTfo THE GO'jj£N UNO. ^ , down the law on all would do in ^^ t*. THE EMIGRANT'S Mr. Kingsley public England n.^'W . ^ " ^ ffl of Bead— A. public meeting will be liffl TOLLIES OP undertook to deliver the questions? dictating to the clergy, and honestl nera ra i_ie pALIFOB-NIA, THE POOR, y to his cliLu^S ^(1 literary and Scientific Institute , Morpe tn- \J ITS HISTORY ; ITS PRESENT POSITION j B " message" of the Church to the " labouring th rough them to the people, what they o of > stree t Green-stra et PAST sh uld the authorities, and makKL . Beihnak green c-n Monday evening, ITS FUTOUE P/ftOSPECTS : TE T HE classes." According to the brief statement of believe, think, and say onmatterB of universal ^ W 4w. 30ib, to inquire into the wilful destruc tion of the v L. ? ^ PEcontainin OPL E. capital" for himself. »" % Monument MSOTB AS8 i DTHSKTlC ACCODNT OP N° some penny-a-liner importance ? f erected to the memories of Hanshard , WU- WITH A JLJJ^S!^ (K^^5!p s " " in the morning jour- tern ; he denounced ttJ ! lj ams, and 5'aarp. Messrs. O'Connor , Ernes t Jones , » clock in the afternoon OAT. " most emphatic lly fundamental principle of jurors that they vsa ^a»betn "locality xn& meet at the South London Hal l, In the course of the work will be given were tho X^to- r Published by R. Pavey, 47, Holywell-street, Strand upon the wrongs and miseries of the poorer Protestantism—" The right of private jud 1 «>d Mr. Ptftins on, the sub-secretar y, will be in at tendan ce , g- secutor ; for all which ?**» of London, and to be had throu gh all Booksellers . £* »*<>enroltE3nfcers. PLAIN DIRECTIONS TO EMIGRANTS classes, attributing their vices to their poverty ment," and of a not less important axiom of snubbed and rebukedfrom 8 On Sami&y evening next at the Crewn and Anchor , lleyT! ^ J m ., TO THE DEMOCR ATS OF THE WEST AND and ignorance, and those again to the in- political science, that all opinion ought to be Tho Hindoos U«r Cheshire -sweet, Waterloo Town. JIIDLAND; had never b2? *Exeter- it, and if 1* " *av > [W. C. Weeks. Subject: ' CANADA ; Plymou th , Devonpnrt , Torquay, Tivert on plication, the responsibility of all the social down opinion by coercion, is an infraction of ©nthe sameeveuuur, attue Litera ry and Science In- AUSTRALIA; NEW ZEALAN D, , Kerth yr , New, and mpependent lawyers &c I Alexand er Campbe U ml! OS AM OTHER town , Llani dloes, Tutbury, Conglet on , Newport I'aenell evil that in S -jS Stution , John-s tree t Mr. , and other prevailed to so lamentable an those principles, by which alone truth can be yet be possible u _ _ Peterboro ugh places in the West and Mid land ; to attach the JJ ' . lecture...... will commence his tour in extent." elicited and established *J BRITISH SETTLEMENT. and those distric ts as soon as , and nations main- EnfilI8ln-ule, by othein.iesC;;C ri SHEWING THEM the inqu iry now before the Hou se of Commons as to his From another quarter we learn that " the tained in that state of healthy, intellectual Se < saest'sasysrsas: treatmen t while a political It is most desirable that of & jsa'B WHEN TO prisoner, will permit of his rev. gentleman" took for the subject of his dis- activity which is essential to their progress. theS , a? GO. WHE REJ O GO. HOW TO GO lengthene d absence trom town. pendent character of EnriJt ^J iJ' •afk*J!?S2£J!^«j~' clock the members*«™.™». of the course the 16th chapter of St. Lukes Gospel ; If " Chartism " and " Christian Social- S 1 street Waterloo Town , at six o Xo. 1, and Jfo. 3, will be Illustrated with ship inn; be transplanted to India. '^ & locality win meet ; and at eight o'clock a lecture -will be duury-lane , and the burden of the lessons he extracted ism '* tS RICHLY COL OURED ENGRAVINGS, St. Nicholas-square be so misty, absurd, and mischievous, illustration of tho : ^Jelrrercd. , Newcastle.upon-Tjne. thence were " Liberty, Equality, and Bro- natuw ofi?^ On the same evening, the Washington Locality will meet And n"? eJ*?* En6r,av nSS- aW executed in the most as they are described , they will all the more proves. that if Eng finished« stylei , will illustrateJ MARTIN JUDE begs most respectfully to lish refbrnV^> at the Two Chairmen , Wardour-strcet , Sohu , to enrol subsequent Numbers. therhood." Hear the sequel as described by easily be put down by argument. It is far good faith tho 1 ^ members , and other business , and also far discussion, intimate to his Friends , and the Pu blic in general , jealousy of th^* that he has entered the above Inn the same narrator :— better that their absurdity ? The United Counc ils of the Tower Hamlets earnestl y In Nos.at One Pe , and having made should be brought be overcome. It ^ ; nny each, splendidly Illustrated , aarrangeme nts for _ a continued supply Ere, however , Mr. Kingsley had time to proceed so far pre 2l^*J . •request the attea dance of all friends at three o'clock on A HIS O O oi ArtideB of the out in tho full blaze of day, and exposed be- excused for ^ *€ SuHdaj afternoon in the Hall, Golden Lane , to adopt some T RY F THE DIFFERENT EXPEDITIONS lbest Quality, which will be sold at the regular Trade [as to pvonounce the blessing], Mr. Drew , the incumbent, doubting tho f3 ) fore the world, than that they should ferment ^i! steps with regard to the monumen t of Sharp and Williams. ENGAGED IN {prices, trusts that they will give him a share of their pa- hastily and eagerly pvocecde d from the communion tible ment, which first importunes a L $% On Monda y evening, the Emmet t Brigade will meet at trona ge and support. to the reading desk , and theve lifted up his hands to arrest in darkness, and lead astray the ignorant and to enter into AHffnffom n»t. ..." b ?' ltconuJ" I ihe Rock Tavern , Lissou Grove. THE SEASCH FOR SIR J. FRANKLIN * Pbime Ale .. .. 4d., 5d., and 6d. per quart. any benediction from tha lecturer. Nor was he content the partially informed. All we ask for both is, his On the same evening, at the Lecture Room CONTAINING London Stoct Gd. ,, with this ; but , addressin g the congregation , told them claims for pa?menr;Xr . 5, Gale 's- AM, THE tha t, as their minister , that they I tow, Straights ' Mouth. Gre enwich, Mr. J. J. Bezer will N.B.—Drury -lane is close adjoining Mr. Balmbra 's he was bound to warn them thu shall have as good an opportunity of esque of ' ^il ic Concert Rooms. gospel had not been preached in the discourse just deli- the spendthrift debtor f' lectare. Subject: ' The Great Exhibition , Palaces, Parks lEcarr voyages tojthe polar regions. < being heard as the antagonist creeds, and po- 'A] ie a K I and Pauperism. ' vered ; that lie protested against the sentiments that had is a mistake in the bill. " ' ' % j Including in particular the been uttered in his litical doctrines. If f On Tuesday evening , in the Coffee-rtom of the John- Expedition sent out under M. Jude hating been appointed agent for the Na- pul pit ; and warned them to dismiss they are really erroneous Truly if they "' the command tional Patriots Benefit and the instruction and Chartism they form their ideas ¦ Street Institution , a meeting will be held for the purpose 1 Building Society will aftbi -a had heard from their and absurd, they will be easily scattered to honour, morality, of Or I Of discussin g ' The relati ve merits of Free Trad e )P SIR JAMES every information connected with the same to parties ap minds ; and then , the two regularl y ordained clergymen justic e, .5 ! and I'ro- SOSS TO DAVIS' STRAITS : ' having taken a defiant look at each other the wjnds. If not, may wo not draw the J^fe tection.' The »ub-sccre AND plyine) to him. Miners and others visitin g Newcastle , one down from prac- on this transaction-and tarj will be in attendance to enrol tlie pulpit the other up from the readin g it be anvA .members. Chair to be taken at half past eight o clock. Of Commander Moore and 'will find every accommodati on at the above establish - desk , the congre - tical inference that false princi ples of 1 ' Captain Kellott, to men t. gation were , action, a sample of the sack-we ; On Tuesday evening, at the Paragon Chapel , Bermond- ' in disgust and amazement, sent away to their both political cannot &l ,1 Behring s Strjdts. ! homes ; there to digest what they had heard • and religious, and a system of at sey Kew-road , Jlr. J . B. O'Brien will lectur e. Subject ; of the Voice the detestation with which ^H I CONSPIRACY TO REGULATE WAGES. of the Chucch to the Labouriug Classes. ' society based upon these falsehoods 2 are *The Seven Propositions of the National Reform League.' With an authentic copy of the dispatches roceived from , which garded by the natives of Hindost«, On Wednesday evening the United Councils of the Tower THE SECRETARIES , OFFICERS. AND MEM- plunders and oppresses the *i 1 SIR GEORGE SIMPSON, OF THE TO The "disgust and amazement "-is a slight many for the the frcqnent .efforto thai ' Samlets will meet at the Crown and anchor. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY BERS OP TRADES' SOCIETIES OF GREAT rhetorical benefit of the few, can onl are made to il!' '•I I On the same evening the Bermon -Jsey Localit y will meet With other important and highly interes ting informa - BRITAIN. exaggeration of the writer who, by y be upheld by a our detested yoke. Nji at the Paragon Cha pel tion relative to tlie Expedition under mono , Bennondst-y New-road. Gentlem en,—A Defence Committee , composed of dele- a not unnatural mental transformation, attri- poly of legislative power on the one ^ On the same evenin g, at the Gamdcn Coffee-house Cam- SIR gates from the leading Trades ' Societies in London , bae hand, and of the pulpits flen-Etreet , Islington-green JOHN PRANKLIN. i butes to other people his own sensations. on the other ? ! , the Islington Locality will been organis ed to raise funds to defend Messrs . Green , We will hack ®UV Wtttlty #mvov, meet for the enrolment of members. ^ Peel, and Winter , of the United Trades 1 Association, and The ultimate result of this new phase of " Chartism " and " Chris- | Compiled from various Official Documents and - - tfj On Saturday evening, the Cripplegate Locality will meet , six Tin-pla te Workers , of Wolverham pton ; who, • after a church politics remains to be seen. In the dan Socialism '' any day against class legisla- at the City Hall. iG. Golden Lane , Barbican. Private Communications, legal contest of ten months with a portion of the employer s meantime, the two Liberal tion and competitive chicanery, on PARLIAMENTARY. j N.B.—Lectures are delivered every Sunda y and Friday By ihb Late ROBERT HUISH, Esq. (to indu ce them to act as other employers did), .wet' * in- " " daily papers " a fair | evenings at the Eclectic Instit ute, IS A, - Denmark-s treet , dicted und er the common law in twenty differ ent counts , have opened upon Mr. Kingsley and his stage and no favour.'' At length the Anti-Papal Bill l,a, ,„, 1 Soho. by J. B. O'Brien. for persuadin g men to leave their work by. finding them friends from the Committee, £$* Notices of Lectures, &c, will be gladly inserted in Xbw Publishin gin Nos. at One Penny each. a battery of abuse and Billingsgate and has to J., V money when out, and for persuading men, who were which three more stages before it is ^ ¦IS this list, provided the same be forwarded to the above neither in their employment or anybody elscs, from enter- could scarcely have been exceeded had A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS. sent ulT!(i ^| office on or before Thursday noon. By the Autlioress of' The Gipsei Gist.' ing into their service , etc. The indictment-was found at they broken every article of Lords. " Three more stages !'' Signed on behalf of the Committee , the Decalogue. Hov. * 1 Each Pes st the last South Stafford Assizes, and will be heard on the weeks of ' John Abxott, General Secretary. XcaBEa of this Novel will contain Sixteen 2ith of J ul These intrepid clergymen have ventured Ever since the time Robert Clive forsook | wearisome debate nviv , I Pages of solid print . y next. The cuse has been removed irom the to ^ Criminal to the Civil fide, by writ of certiorari , in order to oppose the economical dogmas of the one, and the pen for the sword, and exchanged the "WA Brigad 'Mf they are ao mU? " have the case fairl y tried , whether Trades ' Combinations , during these three stages ,^ CXDER ROTAL PATRONAGE . TRIALS legall the decided theological leanings of the other ; ledger for the war chest, our career in India ^ ; m\ V-^i THE OF LOVE - y conduc ted within the Statute Law, 6 Geo. IV., c. force of large majorities ; ! R. LOCOCK 'S MEDICINE S. ob, ' 129, can be overrid den by the common law of consp iracy. and hence the editorial wrath of both has has been one of ceaseless aggression, plunder, , the bill lcco, , J | JJ woman's reward: Wo ther efore hope that every member of Trades ' Societies overflowed with unusu and oppression. No what then ? Why for all will exor thims elf al bitterness and acri- sooner has one province prn ctic !> 1 *„* Small books, containing many hundre ds of pro- in raisin g fund * to defend their social mony. The l or kingdom fallen it wil be useless. It is a mere perly authenticated testimonials , may be had from every Mes. n. 1L LOWNDES, ri ghts and privileges , and tha t each secretary will lay the Dai y News stigmatises the under our rule, than another hr ,f?* J .agent . question before their bodies, and immediately corres pond " Christian and that of the most studiously (Late HANNAH MARIA JONES,) Socialism " of Mr. Kingsley as is found to be in that condition which afford s ha^CT 1 The success of these medicines is unexa mpled,—they are with the General Secretary. Those who have subscri ption revolutionary racier. The Jew Bill—a still Authoress of ' Emily Moreland,'' Rosalin e Wootlbridc e • sheets out are re quested to return them on or before the " nonsense," and condemns, in a pretext for our seizing it also. The " poli- ml > I taken with equal benefit in hot as in coid climate s, and • and long their use has consequently intended all over the ' Gipsey Mother ,' Scottish Chieftains ,'' Forged Note ' 21st of Jul y, and those who are not in f ill possession of toto, the " vague, misty, absurd, tical agents " of tho " Hon. Company delayed Whi g pr0d«ctS world , ' Wedding King,'' S and mischie- " Si ¦where , in every principal city or town, an Ageet has been tran gers of the Glen ,, • Victim the fact s of the case can , on application in writ - vous princi passed through Committee of Fashion ,' • Child of Mystery, ' ing, be ' ples and schemes of Communism understand the art of cooking up a kingdom in the C^ I established. etc. furni shed with the full particula rs, Address, which Its opponents abstained This great eelehrity has tempted many to counterfeit George Gr eenslade , Gen. Sec , Old Bell Inn, Old Bailey. he aud Mr. Maurice, and their weak to be devoured in dne rotation, as nicely as the from dividing I them in various designing wats , so that it has OFIKIOXS OS THIS W0I1K . London. —Cemrifittee Room, June 2iih , 1850. P.S.—The and sill that stage, but uttered the ominous become ne- c After a loBg y followers, affect to discover in reve- gardeners at Frogmore do, the growing of 1 cessary to admonish purchasers to be very cautious , as silence we again welcome—most hearti ly Secretar y will be in attendance every evening , from eight lation, and appl cherries for the royal table ««¦* » " other place "it ^ some shopkeepers even copy welcome—this delightful Authoress , who comes before us till ten, to receive monies and give informatio n. y to existing society. " This, , months before one "" will m J? * the name (with a slight varia- with one of those heavt-stirring, gotten that tion, calculated to mislead an unguarded pers on), and in soul-exciting Tales, that our readers will perceive, can ripen in the open air : as fast as one tho soeond reading was , 1? I none but herself cau EMIGRATION. is mere intemperate tne formofLOTIOJiS,' TILLS,' &c, attemp t to pass off produce. When we say tha t the only twentyjive in Tbhls of L - i reliev« the cough and breathin g, and rapidly effect a Hannah Maria Joses. consideration of a certain cure. —There is no living Authoress to River Becancour , runs through the Estate, and are navi- Hard words fortunately break no bones. The princes wholesale, and appropriated immense amount of :«*' | whom the public is indebted for so large a share of inno- gable for boats and floating timber down to the St. Law- virulent modation to be given to the Ih CqrCHS. —The effect of Dr. Locock's Wafers is truly cent and moral reading as to Ha nnah denunciations of the organ o! that territories by force of arms, they turn round poor, the ml: I surprising, as Maria J ones. Finely rence. This estate presents as much as twentj mil es of , within ten minute s after taking a dote, the as her plot is woven, exquisitely as her system of which ment made a grant to the Church most violent conjjh is subdued. characters are de. frontage to these rivers , with several mill sites, &c. ; the Moses and Co. are the most and attempt to cheat the man who fed their ofo | lineated, this Authoress never loses si land, million They have a pleasant taste ght of the moral which is of a fair average quality, abounds with illustrious examples, will not prevent armies whilst engaged in these monster sterling. The management &i\ , and may he taken hyJ infan te which it is her object to inculcate . timber, which calm and mar* % as well as adults. The steps of Amy , on bein g disposed of, it is considered will grant, and other fund?, was Mortimer—surroun ded as she is by temptations and diffi. more than pay the pric e required for the land. impartial persons from inquiring for them- rauding excursions. confided vim* % To Singers and Public Speakers these Wafers ar e inva- culties, and great as are some of the err ors into which her t he benefit that will accrue to the shareholders is selves what amount of to the Clergy, and having luable, as, hy th eir action on the throat and luuire, they ira- truth there may be in It is worth while giving the facts, as an through its fe?. I youth and inexperience lead her—never once depart from mtnse , as the estate may be disposed of at a profit of fi fty ment ' remove all hoarseness hi a few hntus , and wondt rfoJly in- the strai ght path of duty, the opinions of men of learning, research illustration of British Justice in India. ality got up a good many new Cliuiti . 1 crease the power and flexibility and she makes her election to per cent. Others purchased , colonised, and lots retain ed , and , of the voice. ' do that which is right ,' althou gh her they now come forward with that Note.—Full directions are g so doing causes the for the benefi t of the shar eholders. independence, upon such subjects. Every body knows that one of the most peculiar?] I iven with every box in the destruction of her own future comfort . English, German anil French languages. ' For fur therparticulars , description, &c., npp W, by letter The Morning o a engaging modesty for which they , ' After the deluge of trash —the out Advertiser takes the theologi- imp rt nt things to an army is a well- m^i Trice Is. ljd., 2s. 9d., and 11s. per box pourin gs of diseased enclosing two postage stamps , to D. W. Ruff y, 13, Totten- famous ' . The 2s. 9d and prurient imaginations-th at has flooded ham-court cal, more than the political or the economical supplied commissariat, and it is, therefore , and blandly ask leave to covitisenn- j boxes contain nearly thre e of the Is. lid., the literature , New.road, St. Pancras , London. , a .e aud the lls of these latter times. it is truly refr eshing to meet nith No time must be lost '• free seats " boxes contain five of those at 2s. 9d- , as theft rst deposit te secure the view of the subject. Here are its lamentations matterof primary necessity to secure a respon- , when aud where tboy pie*, ] another of thos e simple, pathetic, and interesting talcs, estate must be paid in a short time. over the and charge pew rents for the benefit which have given a world wide reputation to the name of " scene " of Sunday last. sible and regular service of that departmen t ofie i DR. LOCOCK'S AKTIBILIOUS lannah Maria J ones. After a long silence she comes The pulpit in question is not the only one in the metro , in time of active warfare. It appears that Incumbent. This is a species of Christ WAFERS. bi-fore us with one all her early freshnes s unimp aired , and in polis in which stran ge and anti. Christian doctrines are Jotee Persaud, a wealthy native Banker, spoliation against which orthodox joimi, They have a most pleasant taste. her last work—The Tuials of Love-sUU manifest all THE CRYSI4L PALACE. taug ht. The Neology of Germany, which is but another who shudd _ Price Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and lls. per box. :hose high qualities of head and heart which have endear ed name for a modified Deism , has, we fear , its reverend ad. of the Upper Provinces, contracted to perform er with horror at the name of Ca, This is an Aromatic and Aperient Medi cine of great her to her readers , and have elevated her above all othev Tho following Engravings of this unrivalled vocatt in mor e churches than one. Tie Socialism o, niunigm and Red Republicanism ej efficacy tor regulating the writers ' this service during the period of our Afghan- , haso secretions , and correcting the , as one whose every producti on is replete with edifice, are now read Robert Owen , or something very like it, is preached, as action of the Stomach and Liver, and is truth , gentleness and sensibili y, and may be had at this istan invasion, which ended so fatall word to say. The robbery is coinmitKik. the only safe re- , ty.' Offi opportunity ofl'urs, by several clergymen within the limits y for the medy for rll Bilious Affections,—Heartburn , Sick Head- ce:— of London. The reveren d author of Alton Locke, enters invaders, so gloriously for the brave people who cording to rule, aud by an influent! c!i, ache, Giddiness, Paws in the Stomach, Flatulency or S.Y. COLliNS 113 I —View of the heart and soul into the democrati c department of elerien ] defended their native land. therefore they are "dumb dogs." Xotr, "Wind , and all those complaints which arise from Ind iges- AND ALL, BOOKSELLERS!, FLEET STREET, Exterior of the Building; inculcu tions. If report speaks correctly, this Rev . Gen- The undertaking tion or Biliousness. It is mild in its action , and suitable a magnificent print—two feet Jong—exquisitel y tlcman' 8 sermon last Sunday evening, in the place of was one requiring such an extensive standing the Government has lent m w HEALTH WHERE wor- and for all seasons and constitution s, while its agreeable taste 'TIS. SOUGHT ! engraved ; from a drawing furnished by Messrs. ship already referred to, would have done the heart of widely ramified organisation as well as such the clerical cormorants, it is quite polite renders it the best Medicine for Children . TJOLLOWAT'S PILLS. Fox and Henderson ; and consequently correct Fear tfiis O'Connor good. It may, indeed, be doubted whe- this ALSO ther the member fur Nottingham could enormous means, that perhaps not another in- .time they may be disappointed of tk •••*¦ Cure of a Disorder ed Liver and in every respect. Pbicb onlt Sixpence. have enforced the LOCOCK'S FEMALE "WAFERS, Stomach¦ , doctrines of Char tism with greater effect, had he himself dividual in India could have been found to carry prey. There are a few members in tlitj fe DR. when in a most hopeless state. II.—Proofs occupied the pulpit . The only creed which seems not to who Price Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and lls. per box. ' of the Same Print, printed on be it out ; and, from the great surface over think the job is really " too hi ;'' ;i Hare a pleasant taste. Extract ofa letter from Mr. JIatth ew Harve y, of Chanel thick. Imperial Drawing inculca ted from the pulpit , is that of positive Atheism. which Hall, Airdrie Scotland Paper. Pbice Okb But if we have e o era as Sir Geo. Gkey s They fortify the constitutio n at all perio ds of life, ¦ , , dated the-loth of January, 1850 no avowed preach er of the principles which th p tions were spread, and the number ha the gigantic jol i and in Sw,—Your Taluable pilU SniLiiNO. . . •• " . constitu te that terrific all Kervous Affections act like a charm. They remove all have been the means , with creed , in tho pulpits of the land , of persons, both native nected with the suppl Goa s blessing, of restoring me to a we have clerical and European, who y of water to liic I- Obstructions , Heaviness, Fatigue on Slight Exer tion, state of perfect health ineulcators of something very much re- Pal- and at a time when T thoug Ill —The Same Print, Superbly Coloured ; sembling Atheism had to be entrusted with the duties tropolis on his hands at the samo tfc pitation of the Heart , Lowaess of Spirits, WeakneEB. and ht I was on the brink of the thr ough the medium of the press. It involved, Allay Pah ). Brave. I had consulted several eminent doctors , who, after on extra Drawing Paper, and finished in the is no secret that , some time ago, a weekly newspaper wns it is not to be wondered at that his accounts, perhaps one of them is as much as creni Jiote.—These Wafers do not contain any doing what they could for me, stated that they considered most exquisite style. Prick Two Shillings started , in London , by a reverend gentleman, still , we be- Mineral , and my case as hopeless. at the close of the war, were not quite can attend to at once. In the owe jaay be taken either dissolved in wate r or whole. I ought to say that I had been suffer - and Sixpence. lieve, a recognised clergyman of the Church of Englan d, as clear iBg from a Uver and stoma ch whose princi pal of the same BEWABE OF 1M1IATI OSS IS TlIE FOBJI OF FUXS. complaint of long standin g, feature has been , ever since its commence- as that of a London banking house. He day, an edifying exposition : which durin g : ment the It will be understood that the above ore ihhee difee. the last two yearB got so much wowe, that IV.—View of the Interior, as ifc appeared on Atheisti cal character of it* ar ticles. claimed Manchester thrift was every one considered my condition as " , however, a balance of half a million made in the Lt* sekt hedicises, and are not one Medicbie under various hopeless. I, as a last one of the most crowded days-; a magnificent This mode of insinuating slander and whis- sterling, House. It appears that names. resource, got a box of jour pills, which soon gave relief, and Print, twenty-eight inches , which was disputed, and years of , sonic years sg*,c by perseveri ng in long, taken from Prepared only by the Proprietor 's Agents, their use for some -weeks, together with pering away character by inuendo, is, unfor- delay and evasion ensued. magnates of that city thought bended we Da Silva and rubbing night and morning the centre of the Building, showing the entire In the midst of Co. , 1, Bride-lane , Fleet-stree t, London ; and sold by every your Ointment over my cliest tunately, too common in houses would andstomach , and ri ght side, I have by their means length, and containing several hundred fi gures. such controversies. the controversy on this disputed account, the be a great benefit to them , & xespectable Medicine Vender. alone Pbicb Sixpence : l OBSERVE. —Xone ar e genuine but'W AFERS got completely cured , and to the astoni shment of myself . • The ru e seems to be " throw mud enough ; War in the Pun jaub broke out, aud the procured leave from Government to k* ,' havin g and everybo dy who knows Indian 4he words, Dr. «LOCOCK'S WAFE RS/ in the G me.—(Signed) Matthew Ha b- some of it is sure to them, on condition overnmen t vet.—To Pr of essor Houowat. V.—The Same Print, on Super Drawing Paper, stick." Here we Government were again driven to rely on that they paid tl.e h3 Sjamp outside every Box. find Atheiam spoken of ' All PII/LS under coloured in the richest style, forming an exact in connection with Jotee Persaud' s wealth, resources, and or- expense of collecting the revt'iiue. This £••' V similar names are COUNTERFEITS. Cureof a Case of Weakness and Debility, of Four representation- of the Building, rears ' Standing. ¦ .Price onia Socialism and Chartism ;— with Robert ganisation. They applied to him to feed their amounts to about £2,700 a year. Tko Onb Shilling. Owen and FEARGUs O'Connor nufacturers Extract or a letter from Mr. 'William Smith, of No. 5, ; as if Athe- armies in the region of the Five Rivers, as he of Manchester are, ho\vc?er, S Little Thomas-str eet Gratis ! Gratis ! Gratis , Gibson-street , Lambeth , dated the ism, though prudently kept in th« back had formerly done in the JonN Gilhn's wife— ! 12tU December , 1849. The usual allowance to the Trade and Dealers. mountainous district I0R THE PUBLIC GOOD AND THE SUPPRESSION Sib,—I beg to inform Office , 16, Great "Windmill Street, ground, was an essential portion or an insepa- of Afghanistan. The wealthy Hindoo " Although on pleasure [profit] they aie btt'« OF QUACKERY. you that for nearl y five years I Hayiharket. re- hardly knew what it was to have a day's health, suffering rable adjunct of both. We really wish the fused—he had had enoug They have a frugal mind ; " Just Published, Ninety-six Pages, from extreme weakness h of them. This and debility, with constant ner- " pious " people who so recklessl indulge in refusal mi a e tf EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR. vous head aches, giddiness, and sickness of the stoma ch, y ght h v led to the downfal of our and hence they are trying to have all B these, aspersions, would y a Physician. Sent gratuitously on receipt of four together with a great depression of spiri ts. I used to think Co aForm yoni>ent& * remember the com- power in the whole of India ; and, accordingl advantages of tho bonded warehouse wiifc t postage stamps to repay it. that nothin g could benefit me y, , aslhad been to many medi- Mr. S. Noble mandment which forbids them to " bear false every effort was made any of the cost they undertook to defr> . Address, Mr. Booth .publisher, 14, Hand-court, Holborn, calmen, some of whom, alter doing all that was in their . Trowbridge.—Received. We do not know to overcome his reluc- London. power, informed me Smart of Minster Lovel. witness against their neighbours." tance. He did at length The Manchester trit , that they considered that I had some J. 3. C. assent, on two con - Financial School GPtXIOXS OF THE PRESS. spinal complaint beyond the reach of cure —Received. Equally unfounded , together with a Mr. Dbtsd ale '• ' , and perhaps more ma- ditions : that bis past arrears saddle the country tlicdiarjt ' ' Writ ten in a popular stjle , and containing the mode of rery disor dered state of the stomac h and , Dunfermlin e—All right should be at largo with liver, makin g my A Looker On. licious, is the allusion to the 1 ireatmentin moat of the diseases that flash is heir to.'— case so complicated that nothing could be done for me. —Received with thanks . We shall be glad Leader, the promptly settled on the conclusion of the new an establishment from which a certain pcis PnHf.ff to receive your friendly services. One day, being unusuall y ill and in a dejected state , I saw " weekly newspaper " indicated in the extract. war, and that a title onl lei-f 'Xothing but an intens e J. W. Vines. — We cannot interfere . of honour, by way of y of the inhabitants derive any desire to benefit his fellow your pills advertised, and resolved to give them a trial , The subject is It may not be " orthodox -creatures could have induced the author to underta ke more altogeth er unfi t for a newspaper. . > " in the estima- compensation for past mortifications, should The House saw the dodge, awl rejected^ the per haps with curiosi ty than with a hope of being tion of the Morning Advertiser " expense of publishing this work for gratuit ous circulation .' cured, however I soon found myself better by taking them , , but it is as cer- be conferred upon him, upon due performance application. A debate on the Savings Bs» *—Cdsomcle. and so I went on perseverin g in their tainl use for six months , y not " atheistical." On the contrary, of the new contract. question ended ai:d a Bi^ haMW Ea ^ey ^eted a perfect cure. unsatisfactorily, Seventh Edition rice 7r J "Sr 1° * -! we should say a profound feeling of genuine $ , p One Shilling. (Signed) William Smith, (frequently called Edwaed.) —To These condition s were acceded to. Jotee placing the Scotch Universities on a YOU IN LOVE ? A little p Professor Hullowat . THE NO RTHERN STAR religious philosophy pervades its columns far honourabl adniiniittf' ARE¦ lain y performed his part of the contract, liberal footing, as respects tests advice to all on this interesting subject , by a Lady Cure ofAsAma, of Twenty Years 1 SATURDAY, JUNE 88. 1851 more elevated in its aspirations and universal and then demanded ok?. Sent post free by Mr. Booth on receipt of fourte en Standing. fulfilment from the Indian to professors, has been lost by only ¦ postage Extract of a Letter from Mr .J. K. Heydon, 78, King-street , m its character than the ^ stamps. ° Sydney, narrow and stulti- Government. Did they other business has been of a miscella^" A great deal of dated 10th of November, 1849. comply ? No such ' sound advice in a small compass ' — SB.—I have the fying dogmas which hedge the mere sectarian thing. ft Atlas. . pleasure to inform you that many extra- CHARTISM IN THE PULPIT. character, the Civil Estimates having ordinary cur es of Asthma have been effectedhereby means within the • petty boundaries is 'The best book for young people of its Wn l'-HER AtD. of the conven- " When the devil was sick pied tho whole of Thursday with t!ie •We advise all our ne is a of a lad mWi ticl , the devil a saint young frien ds whohave eo freque ntly te'Bazorback'S.J^,!'' who,? afterft ? , "ff near a* e or the " denomination." It is indeed an would be; ; variet discussion. -tmtten to us fur advice to havi* ng for twenty* years been un- . It is not a new thing y of topic and discursive get this book : if they follow its able to make the slightest exertioa to find Chartism in honour to British When the devil orecepts, it will save , suffering very tearfully democracy to be so ably, so got well, ihe devil a saint was he." them a world of trouble .' —Ladies' from shortnes s of brea th, coughing, the pulpit. Several of the most popular " DOMESTIC. XIEWS. and spitting, but is moderately represented as it has been b that As long as they now, to use her own expr ession, ab le to run up to the top preachers of the Scotch y were in danger, and needed Under this head an almost of thai . Presbyterian Church journal ~ there is r mountain. Anoth er case is tha t of Mr . Caton , tailor. , many of the writers in which may as Jotee s assistance, they ^t: Just Published, price One ShilUV, ' have been its avowed advocates and had no objection to dearth of news. With the continued Hutchm gon s-buildin gs, Clarence -street , who was ao drea d- zealous respects mere HE tully bad artistic finish and practised effi- promise him anything • when, b his aid, they flu*' ¦? SECRET OF BEAUTY, a eom- that he was confined entir ely to his bed-room for supporters ; and at one titfte "Ch artist y weather crowds from the country plete six months prior ciency, take rank with the first journalists in once more found - companion to the toilet, containi ng an im- to his commencing with your pills, and Christian Churches" themselves in safety, and in London, and the Great Exhibi tion count.' «nen?e collection of most valuable reci attended regularly b were pBttjr generally the metropolis. ^ pes, indispensable y his medical man, who pronounced spread over the possession of an immensely-increased territory, daily visitors at 000 j iOi'EOW. ~£?2 P 1*™' BonMetta o Scent, Prince K. Hhdosl - To Prof m popular opinion ? They have distinguished counts were scrutinised in the spirit of petti- ^tort's Perfume, Jenny land's Own Scent, the Napoleon HOUOWAT . elude' them in the list of «forthodox" de- the building, and its preservation fc'lj vVr"lnTalua¥e?ajrI)ye8 remefly for.baldness themselves during the whole of the Anti-Papal foggers—his title was refused , and his charac- rious public purposes to in*:, «^T^ma weak hair, remedy ' The Earl of Mdborough cured ofa liver and fenders. It has been . reHervedy.'howevei 'fov , begins * for superfluous hairs.-cure for . agitation by their incessant and determined ter aspersed. appearance. «COras and bunion s, chapped hands and lips, for removine Stomack Complaint . the present year to present; 'jyitV To effect this oliect »>' ; ^m^poxiaarfcs frame Extract of a letter from his us Clergy. opposition to the so s, &c. ; Amandine for beautifyinl Lords hip, dated Villa Messi a. men of the aristocratic ' called. " Papal Aggres- Failing to find redress in the courts where of Parliament will be requisite, as f 0 6 35 Feli pe Leghorn, 21st of Febr uary, 1815. ana wealthy Esta- sion. w^! ^ f/te Enam el for fiUwg ' for curling ladies' an0U8 " But what is it in effect which' consti- his opponents had all their own way, the mission are bound to pull down the ^' 3 ^ ?^ ^ teeth, Prince of Wale """" Jstance s preven ted the possibility o blished Church of England:irHhe character fi 's tooth mym^ thanki 7T ag you tutes the real danger of Hindoo contractor wended his way to Calcutta |wwder , l,p salve, Gowland' s lotion, wash for blotched before this time for your politeness in or Chartist preachers, J Popery ? Is it not , Palace as soon as the goods are remo«^ gee, a rare for offensive br eath instan t wndm gme your pills as you did. I now tak e this oppor - atid^burbhes Bur- the prostration of the with the view of bringing the subject before , cure for chil- tunity of sending mO h O . understanding which it less there bo counter legislation profit , Muas, cold cream, &c &c. and many others toonume - you an order for the amount , and at the f ty Bpires dufe croefceted demands xtms to same ttaw to add that your Pills andA^t - 7} " from mankind ? Uniformity of be- the Queen'B Courts in that city, where he had that period. As there cf .memion. Sent free by post on receipt of «""fourt«« een have effected a cure of a " fimaled," converted into Chartist meet- will be plenty *fj postage stamps by Mr . Booth , publis her. 1 ?y at st0"nacfi. which aU the mostemi- lief, blind, unreasoning, implicit at least a chance of a fair hearing. for the S rfft Hi!r ^Sl ing houses. Our readera have submission to purpose, it is most likely that s^ ITa L^l**$*' £ome> and aU 0VM the continent, heard of an the voice of the Church, " as declared The response to this action at law for re- tion will had not been aWe to^ffect ; nay, not ewn the water, of oldfashoned tune.with the bythe be made to the Legislature, Car.Bhad and Manenbad. I rat^r hdmely if priest," is the very essence covery of the debts he claimed to be due to him ^'!' wush to have another box and not irreverent, but highly title of Eoman Catho- the present temper of both houses, equal!) SSP' SS^S^SnS^oa pot of the Oin tment , in case any of my family should s^geltive of hcism. It is by means was extraordinary. A counter TBX lovers ana Husbands , Sweethear ts and iter require lheJ>evil among of that mental despo- action of a bablo that it will Wives. By either. —Your most obedient servant (siened) the Tail6ii3>' It would tism criminal nature was be readily granwd, » Lady. Sent post-free , on recei pt of fourteen vostsee- AtDBoiotjQ H.—To Professor HottowAT. seem that such , that the Papal Church everywhere, when brought against him in In a ^ atamp« hy Mr . Booth. * " an apparition could .scarcely the North-Western districts j These celebrated pills are wond erfully efficacious inflw it obtains power, tramples down all social, poli- the Company's own court at Agra. He was •A charming book for young people,' exdte more commotion amount—— v of*r m destruction«•«#*, v* HVV1VU JUUO 4/Ul^i done\" v* by• ^]'F —Ladies' Kewb- followingcomplaiats: . - , and tfiamay^ than tical, intellectual charged with swindling has been jmpkb. iguo . . Female Irre gula- Chartism among , and domestic? liberty, and and perjury or subor- storm' * We cordiall Scroful a, the Parsons. • the most - terrific and violent hail ' } y recommend it' —Famo * Heeaid. - Asthma . rities King' converts society into a mental and moral de- nation of perjury. Various •Is our Authoress reall y s Eyil For some time accessory vexa- companied by li perhaps ever * an unmarried lady ?The advice Bilious Com- Fevers of aU Stone and past a sgries 6f eermons sert. Yet the tions were ghtning, «ed remarks bespeak Gravel under the two " Liberal Morning Jour- perpetrated. The civil cause tno ^ so ranch experience , we firacy she plaint s Knds Secondaiy Symp . general . title of th« « Mam*™ nf was in this country. The accounts in 0K3t bave entered tha t happy state/ —Chronicle. /lotche s oa the Gout D nals. " find fault with the Bishop of London, refused precedence. He was ^ ^ toms ua Uhurch'' havebeen delivered in the dis- arrested on some papers remind one more of the fon^yj) H ^-a *** . Tic-Doloureux because he does not act the part of Pope in trifling pretext connected PnWiifced-labraryEditjon. Bowelv^fr Complaints i - . Indi trict Church of St. Joh , with bail, and car- vastating West * •>* *•»«-. r^S* gestion Tum our * Di Charlotte-street, his diocese, arid comp s under ried off to A hurricanes to which tho •Of SSMERISM AM) Colics Inflamm ation Dicers Fitzroy-square el all the parson gra, and there placed on his tri ¦ subject : ^ IT CLAIRVOYANCE , of which the Rev. ft J. Drew his spiritual before a al islands and the Tropics are I ~^liandb9okofthe Wonders «f Constipation of Jaundice Tenereal Affec* 18 the incumbent jurisdiction to think and preach judge, jury, and proSecutor dfo* «^n^^ ' C'air- the BoweU Liver Complai nts ; arid the - 'JEtev. T. Dale, exactly , all of anything like our usual temperate ^ tions Canon of as he may dictate. Had Charles whom were nominated sho»j ^ fc Consump tion Lum oago Worms Of al St. Pauls, . and Vicar of St. by a Government The . Census for Great Britain Ssaa»at Debility piles JAMES been more of an ecclesiastical tvrant. which was undoubtedl Is«i55^e idnds Pancras, the patron. These' . y in his debt, to an increase of 2 the lart tP" Dropsy Bheumatism Weakness, from ''Messages" theseperplexing varietiesof opinion enormous ,212,892 during j cl? ^^ ^ ¦ have been delivered would never amount, and which sought to make cent-, « , Dysentery Betention ef whatever cause by varioug -Clergymen, have been allowed in being at the rate of 12:10 per sws^aErysipelas Urine each " our Isreal." But let nun a felon, in order to escape ot '» &c., 4¦ fc. " message" to different classes of society! us ask, would that have their justliabi- siderable diminution of the ratio tf ttese Fits Sore-Throa t* • - been a better sign of hties. The trial came Many of the preachers on. The native wit- ShOWn hv form——»¦¦•%,er iWnnninl rftturU B. * _ ..if ptS&lSt"«**"» subject* ye have ¦Sold at the establishme nt of - Pr ofessor are inett of high pro- —^ » MVVVUU'H' mv— i||O [P Hoixoway, 2H health, soundness, and vigour in the Church nesses ^ Strand (near Temple Bar), London, fesBional eminence, great against him who, it is well known, can i» J '¦/¦ ' and by most all respe c- learning, profound or more beneficial to society in the be ber of houses has not increased - table druggists and daalers in medicines, throu ghout the research, • most.examplary - largest suborned to give false evidence at a very H -.iwS ^wm Kfc - .- civilised world , 1^* | n| di8tin. sense ? It may be annoying ratio as population, There are j , at the following prices :—Is. 1M., 2s. 9d\, guished ability. - to " good easy tow figure, broke down. D . s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 83s. each box. There is a consider The series pf " The British officers 3,276,975 houses inhabited in E»g f " messages souls," who don't want their quiet disturbed to brought by the A MASTER able saving by taking the larger sizes. was, we believe,, commenced by Professor find "in one prosecution spoke in his favour. Wales. In 1841 there were 2,9*3, - COlScSoT\m Hv K.B.—Directions for the' guidanca of Patients in every Church Romanism taught ¦: Maurice, «f King's in a tml of ' tyfijve days, in the course h»Dlir ^ disord er are affixed to each Box. . - ' Col% Home time ago, another Presbyterianism, and f f-T- increase is less by more than a . J and last S\mday; evening that to crown ot which he had the rare services of an inde- *. « Mt of was continued bv the.whokv and to make confusion sand than it ought to have ^"v^* jg four^SaS^S/g v Thb York, Newcastle, and Berwick Railway the Rev. C. HAR1ES:KiifosiEr worse con^ pendent counsel, he was acquitted amidst peopw i 1 Splendid :: ¦ , Rector of founded, Chartism should that a.larger proportion of the Bedpei -TWe can now inr ur»fft ;w e - : - rVOBjpany have abandoned the clauses in their bills Erersleigb, tfants, and at last raise its every demonstration of popular respect. the ^ 0 now before panop! #£ Middl*- ™ce » dpfc" : It m in a worse condition now than L| ji$ ^f ^f. parliament to empower them to reduce ham—better Irtiown as ad^- btKw .!? ' -JP ay be a frightful An acquittal in the face of euch an array ib»»» e EJ &J ," ^ miy^Sl ¦ 0 of.th«eTmt Lis ts of wages were accor ding ly procured ami p lace gers be Ine receip t dictation from any quarter t ™y" were—season-tlcketis , £33 12s. ; at the been witnessed in the metropolis since the fire at Established before them on Tuesiluy evening, added of a certain class, making in all four doors, £1674 1845, affecting their June 2-Mi , ihes 10 :- to al receipts, £l,70S 2*. the Tower of London , broke out on Monday after - P«LFfi^ wages being i;ce - — w 5d. par p hi gher than ili.-i own millions in round numbers. The total number On Monda y 67.555 persons visited the Crystal noon at about half-past ' at Montagu e- if the general body of the Silk three o clock, " PUT JOSTlTIi. " Dressers^ «nnn they then said ihey would be. guided by nol»>dy bu of male inhabitants is 10,184,687, of whom Pala ce, and £3,016 Us. was the amou nt taken at close, Southwark, kno wn as Hump hrey' s ware- this occasion do their duty to the door s. theSves them selves. In this situation the weavers a^poal t considerably more than one-half are under houses, near to London-bridge , and runn ing parall el fit wer e pos5il)le for tne working classes, by com' their trade, they may IZ Another chp hi«il . effectually counteract the generosit y of the public , for the pu nose 0 twenty one years of age. /uge ha3 been made in the number with the river . The prem ises consist of a block of mOn s *em8elves > to raise, or keep up the general ' The difference between and ratP ,ff\ ee this intolerant encroachment enab ling them better io resist the tyranny ..f disposition of tht jets of gas display ing the re- warehouses, extending the whole length of the thill . i' " ueeJ nardl y be snid tha t this would be a upon their the! Universal and Household Suffrage would wing not to be punished ri p employers. , frac t ivo qualities of the Koh-i-noor . All the mirrors street, and abuttin g on to the northe rn side of St. , but to be welcomed and rejoiced ghts. William EEIl gec They have now been out nearl y six weeks, &TDAKT M lU. and after ' ; therefore, not be more than one million of [ Ptet-ed ar ound the cushion have been removed , and Saviour ' s Church. so long a stru ggle would nut li!;-. .o be Btory of defeate d. The Totes. These facts present a twofold infe- twelve gas lights now surround the gem. The new The fire or igin ated in the second the The Central Wolyerhampton.—June 20th The nine factory operatives in t !i<-ir own arr angements prove as vain as tfeose which prece- warehou se the range , which Committee are actively en- neighbour hood rence ; first that it is scarcely worth while for on the east end of was gaged m persons implicated in the indictment for con- have assisted them nobl y ; Imt 325 ded them , and this famous diamond is becoming used for the purpo se of a r ag, hop, cheese, and preparing for the defence of them- is a heavy bur den , Suff rage Reformers to quarrel with each other joint selves spiracy, at the suit of the Messrs. Perry, and therefore it is earnestly re- as troubles ome as it is useless. provision warehouse. At about the time mentioned and the six Tin-plate Workers, from quested that all who can assist will. so bitterly, or to hold aloof from each the second floor we with their bail sat down ou Friday evening to others Amon g the presents sent to her Majesty from the smoke was observed issuing from of unprincipled proceedings instituted against Thomas Shackleton, Sec. movements, where the difference Mab anijnh of Travancore is ;i model of the great this tier of warehouses , which is six stori e3 in then-, an excellent substantial dinner, got up in is bo trifling. by the Perrys of Wolverliampton. Most Mosf.9 lluLGAT K gun of Bi jah pore , made of the celebr ated Ab mud- hei , and the fire'engines first-rate stile # , TrenMir- .r . Second, that if we had a Government and ght. An alarm was raised °t the metropolitan , at a very short notice, by Mr. Jj ubscr n.tmns rt ceiv.>d nnp ger br ass one of the histor ical were The fireme n threw cop trades have been visited, l.y lMe Secreiar v , Trea- Legislature prepared to , idols of tho In- soon on the spot. ious ana Charles Haynes, the worth host of the Pack- surer , Mr jo|,a ' concede Household their aid invoked , to ena y Smith , R-gent-street ; Mr. J ,, ph Suffrage dians, who for a long time believed it to be invinci- streams of water upon it from cngineB in Montague - ble us to repel horse Inn, Dudley-street se , it would scarcely be either justifiable ble. The ori inal wei close ' ge and from mous aSgression , whom it will be re- Dunans, Temperance Hotel , Chanel- lane , lii:.-:ey g ghs forty-tw o ton s, and is , in St. Saviour s-passa , the . upon the rights of membered was the or graceful to make such an invidious dis- worked by a circular racket wheel. The Ita lian church-yard , but apparently without .the slightest labo first victim to the litigious tinction as to leave compartment has been enriched by the arrival of effect , for the flames continued to rage with un- )Vith E. Perry, and who was sentenced by the bo- so small a number out of one or two unimportant exceptions, ilflto 2M(Mg;N flie pale of the constitution. several packa ges. In a glas3 case, in the interior , controlled fur y, until at last the entire buildin g, tne working rough magistrates to twenty- one days impri- ttt, body of fire classes of London have given a one of these recent impor tation s has just been dis- with its six stories , was ODe entire , and cheerful and sonment and hard labour for being absent FOREIGN. played. It is a robe of what is termed pina mus- the roof shortly after being burnt through it fell generous response to the appeals COURT OP EXCHE QUER. which without leave two hours COE V. PL AII AND OTHERS. —THE After every lin, made of thre ad from the fibres of the pine down with a tremendous crash , tho burning embers have been made to their sympathies. from his work. W. FACTOIIT ACT. effort has been made to produce P. Roberts, Esq., This apple. It is exquisitel y fine, resemblin g India mus- falling in showers in all dir ections. In consequence Wo are proud to express our belief presided on the occasion, _ was an action in the ease, in which tho plain- the appearance of a public feeling against the that supported b lin, and the embroidery is worked entirely by the of the great heat at the back the fire communica ted ample mean s will be obtained for y Mr. Joh n Linue y, of Bilston , as tiff also sued in forma pa upo is, and by W.r ;i^;her , Constitution in France , the result is a total the defeuce vi as her next friend hand of a Sisnora Margarita , of Manilla . to the roof of the adjourningware houses id tho oc- of the parties ce chairm an. Invitations had also been , soug h t to recover dnnnn 'os from failur e. An examination of the petitions pre- implica ted , and such a defence the defend ants , who are m illowners , for n ct'Isywitl Two new and remarka ble contributions have just cupa tion of Messr s. Wiggins, White, and Co., hop- as the sent to several gen tlemen whose sympathies y sented np shows that the aggre- been m magnitude and import ance of the omittin g to fence off tho shaft of their null I' .-.j-in o, to this time ade to the collection in Hyde-park ; one of factors and wareh ousemen , and soon began to and good offices have been frequen tl these is a magnificent dressing-case from Bucking- make pr ogress downwards and in a very short space question in issue demands. It is of all thin gs y experi- by reason whereof the p lnintifl' s arm was t"fii|' and gate of signatures from fifty of the eighty, , e Ce durin g tho rotl > c ham Pala ce, which has not yet been uncovered ; of time they were completely gutted , nearly the desirable that this quest ion be settled u m. P a ted disputes between great person al injury sustained by her. Tin- defen- three departments in favour of a prolongation upon the Tinmen dants the other is an immense black diamond in the roug h whole of the conten ts being consumed, After these its merits . The and thei r employers. The short- pleaded , among other thin gs, that the 1'lain- of the President 's powers , amounts to only proceedings of tho Cen tral ness tiff was state, from Bahia, contributed by Mr. Joseph two immense piles of buildings had been in a great Committee of the notice, however , preven ted many herself guil ty of negligence, and that she favour of revision in referenc e to the Wolvovha mpton was not lawfully in 10,100. The signatures in Mayer, of Liverpool , so hard that it has hitherto measure burn t out , the flames were got completel y of them from attendi ng. the mill at tho time in quwion. stri ke are to be justified , and not apologised —It was consider ed At the trial, and prolongation are 184,431. Those for defied the lapidaries to polish it, and weighing 350 under , and it was believed that any fears of a that the good old English habit which took place before Mr. i'.aron for. No illegal act has been knowin gly com- of a substan - Platt , at York, it appeared that a woninn , mimed simple revisi on 256,664 ; forming an aggregate cara ts. fur ther extension of the fire was at an end , and so tial dinner , with its usual On Tuesday the number of visitors were above satisfied were most of the parties concerned mitted or intended ; and if the Statute Law convivial accompa- Billington , who was employed as a pii-cer i n the of £451,255 of all shades of opinions against the , that , niment s, would defenda nt' G2.000, leaving ou tof the account the holders of sea- neither in the third or fourth warehou ses, although which pretends to legalise Trades ' be a most appro priate althou gh s mill , nnd par t of whose duty ir «.as to existing state of things. The Constitutionnel Combina - a very in sweep the room son tickets . The receipt * were :—Season tickets , fully stocked with an immense quantity of hops tions, under cert ain adequate recognition of the kindness in which tho engine and aim Ft wer e promised a million signatures in favour of a condition s, is to be ridden ot tne being indisposed £15 Ids. ; At the doors , £3.186 12s ; Total receip ts, cheese, lard , bacon, &c, in the warehouses, and over at the individuals who upon two occasion s had , the ins pector dir ected a Hilordi- prolongation of the President 's power- £3.202 7s. several thousand caprice of any unprinci pled capita- spontaneousl natc to provide a substitute for her . Uuou this the gallons of oil in the cellars , did list, let the fact y and generousl y come forward, plaintiff s th ere are less than 200.COO for the man who During Tuesday some experiments were made they make any effort to remove tho property for be known ; and then let labour, at mother was appliod to , and she counted tbo with considerabl e perso nal loss and inconveni - to her daugh ter was elected by 6000,000 of votes, and who with Han ley' s Jlngneto-Electric Telegraph , from purpose of safety. Between seven and eight true serf.like docility, prepare its neck going to the mill ; and thu inspec- one side of the Serpentine to the other , near to the o clock ence, as sureties for the previous tor havin g assented to her coming, afterwards ungratefull 000 , ho wever, the four th warehouse in the oo- for the yoke, or, awakened from their delusion indicted. the poor girl y disfranchised 3000, Kensin gton Gardens Bridge , under the inspection —The dinner,. which went to the mill , when she cupa tton of Messrs ' Wigan and Co., had also taken with a unanimity of purpose and action consisted of an ample did cer tain piivo work , of the people who thus elevated him from ob- of the following members of the jury of Class 10 - fare at the back suppl y of old English and was a fterwar d s directed by the samu mar. who part of the roof, which soon re- which shall make itself fare, was put on the had proc ured security and poverty, toadistinguiB ued position. Sir John Herscbel , Baron Scquier , Professor Schu- vealed itself in a learful heard and respected, table in a stile that her attendance to sweep tho Uoov of body of flame bur sting nnt demand from the reflected great credit on tho engine-room There can be no mistake as to this expression bnrlt , Professor , Potter , Mr. Glaisher , Professor oi the lront part of the premises legislature a more solemn the culinary . In so doing she was ents.imivd in , and so suddenly arrangements of the host of the t he shaft , which was not properl public feeling, for the prefect of each de- Q.uitelet. The following are given as the reBult of was it that a firem an who was and ample recognition of their industrial y ft-n cmi off as of , standing on the ton Pack Horse.After the cloth was require d by the Factory Acts, the examination of the inatrumen ts:—1st experi- of tho wall with a hose liberties. cleared, the 3 and 4 Wi l lum IV par tment is entirel y at the biddi ng of the direc ted to a certain par t; chairman o. 103, and 7 Viet., c. 15. The ment. Two lengths of gutta percha covered wire had nearly fallen a victim ' drank the health of the Queen, leavned juriir e hav- Minister for the tune being, and all the emis- to the devour ing ele We do not believe that the working men of ing left it to the jury to say whether the |:W- were taken across and immersed in the water , and ment. However , he made.a which he introduced in a most loyal and .mtiff saries of the police have beeu employed for connected to the instrumen t precipitate retre at , England, forming so large and important a was la wful ly in the mill , and to assess the tbw.-igea, , each length of wire and escaped uumjured. The greate st excitement humourous speech . majority of a nation which the jur y found for tho plaintiff with £120. wliete- the last six weeks, in hawking petitions from had a portion of the gutta percha cut away from pr evailed now in endeavourin g to save all boasts so loud ly The vic-chairman the wire, the wire well 6cra ped to a bri g the pro- and then addressed the com- upun this rule was obtained to get asido that ver- door to door. Take these emp loyes at 500,000, ht surf ace, perty possible, and bags of hops and bales so largely of its constitutional freedom, and allowed of bacon pany in a most effective manner, and gave an dict, and for a now tri al , on the ground of n> indi rec- and it will be seen their exertions have not to remain in the water. The instru- were thrown out in the greatest will permit themselves to be ousted ments worked well throu gh disorder. The of their interesting detail of tho tion , it being alleged that the learned bar on had the attractive power of flames extended, as in the case of the birthright b persecutions he had been very successful. If the other thirt y-six the water. 2nd. The water not having taken second war e- y any government, party, or fac- been told the jury it was enough to entitle tho p hi.ndff to the house, in a downwa rd direc tion, and nof. m.inv # subjected to, and particularly urged the Depart ments send no more names in pro- expected effect of deviating the course of tion—labour is the poor man's patrimony. It a verdict , if she supposed she was lawfull y p resent electricity, minutes had.ela paed before it becam e evident duty of the working classes to assist , one length of wire was cut in two a that is a freehold inheritance the par- and also to arrest the jud gment on the groismi that portion, it tcill only be about a signa . , nd a long this building was also doomed to the which ought and ties indicted length of uncovered bri ght same fate , and must in their defence, and also, in the the plaintiff did not come within the pro visions of ture and a half for each of them ! We wire was inserted in be- the fire now reac hed the wester n be protested from the spoliations of ca- tween and extre me, and event of an adverse verdict and sentence being the Factory Acts.—Mr. Knowles and Mr . AiliCrton may conclude, therefore, that the Republic , again let fall into the water. The in- 0 0 Section pital. struments again worked well. 3rd experiment : towards passed against them, not to suffer were now heard in opposition to th e rule. They rtJTAC UrCV "^Th s sin ular d There is no interest their wives submitt ed is safe, despite the anxiety of the various The wire was again cut asunder , and each end tt fir«T ' £' !. S irection of that ha s so strong a and children to be forgotten. that the learned baron had not left the let the fire in passin g from the second to th e fourth claim for the classes of conspirators for its destruction, fall into the water a distance apart from each other , 1 most uncontrolled and perfect question to the jur y in the objectionablo form as- S> TmR the third for a time completely The meeting waB subsequently addressed by serted b and as for Louis Napoleon, he had whereby the circuit had to be made complete injuredft! ? h, was . , , un- freedom, as labour. If the Duke of New- y the defendants , and that tho ju ry wer e looked upon as a very extraord inar y Messrs. Green, Winter, and Peel, who expres- abund through the water intervenin g betwei n the ends of castle's doctrine, that a man has a ri antly justified in coming to the conclusion better think about re-engaging his lodgings aDd 0I lni were free y hazar " ght to sed on behalf of themselves and fellow that the plaintiff was lawfully the wire : even throug h this defective insula tion it was not thek result! T ' cour t the reactionary majority , from one scathed althou gh completel y they seem disposed—at all hazards—to per- more guarded in side of the Serpentine surr ounded ; and trate.' Mesrss. Walton and Shoolbred—and must adjourn , as one of tho barons msu-t go to to the other , between Mr . tlie petuate over the destinies of labour ? Let us chamb ers ^ their propositions. Had the numbers been Dobson and the gentleman tliat was with , 8reatest confus5 n P^- , may the same good feeling , He would , however, at onco give him. SJuvailed. E veryT°/ hand that could be obtained ° fellow working which now subsists greater, they would have hazarded an ap- Henley ]s telegraph professes to dispense with the was at men, press for a solemn deci- judgment on tbo first point , as the wholi; court IBt0 mt an between them and their workmen continue un- was of peal to force ; as it is cost and inconvenience of chemical repairs f l W T> <* the men boldly sion upon this—fo us—momentous question , opinion that the learned Baron had properly , they now talk of and su- entereZZ dShi the premises , and at the immin ant n»ril interrupted for many years,' • The President left the perintendence involved in the use of voltaic If the statute which we question to the jury, who were quit v justi- acting in accordance with the constitution. batte- 8beSan discharge havealways considered and Executive , ries, and to transmit the curr ent "'J. . V> into the streets of the National Association of fied on the evidence , in fi nding that tho p hliiitiff In the Papal States, things are going from much further than pockets of hops by hundre ds, legalises Trades' Unions is indeed a nullity, a w as not a tres passer on tho telegraphs worked by their means. It is bales of bacon, and United Trades, and may they persevere suc- premises of tho defen- fur ther other articles of an infl amma ble descr iption : and mere useless excrescence, merely declaring a dant , bu t wa3 lawfull bad to worse ; and in Germany the Crowned stated that the needles never move sluggishly when cessfully in their efforts to rescue labour from y there. On tha t issue, there- nothin g; could exceed the alacrity which they right which can never fore, the plaintiff would Heads are busily gatheringtogether materials worked from a distan ce, but move as ra pidl dis- be legally exercised, the merciless encroachments , at all events , be en ft led to y played in their endeavours to save the wh of capital.' 'Mr. retain tho verdict. As fora grand explosion. Everywhere despotism throug h 500 miles as one mile. It is also said property. y then let it be repealed, and no longer to the other poinns , the by Tie premises were in the occupation of Rowlands proposed the health of the London eourt would resum e its construction to he exempted from Messrs. d eceive us with a false show of the argument on Fri day, is treasuring up " wrath for the day of wrath" liability to Allen, Anderson , and Co. ; and it privileges Central Defence Committee boforo which derangemen t by lightning. is believed that which we , with the grateful day it would be impossible to meet in. with the single exception of Belgium, where we they contained not less than cannot enjoy. But if, on the other banco. The court Employers and tbe ir "Workmen. 10,000 pockets of thanks of the Tinmen for, their generous then rose. have the extraordinary —Messrs. Smith hops, besides sever al floors being loaded with every hand, it is indeed a veritable recognition of phenomenon of a king and Son,' the coal merchants , on Tuesday gave the descri ption services on their behalf.' This toast was re- ¦who of pro visions. The flames, now joined certain industrial rights, let us combine under honestly accepts and acts upon the Consti- clerks, coalheavers , and other persons in their em- a new sponded to enthusiastically, MER CHANT SEAMEiVS GRIEV ANCES. by and powerful adjunct , rose with fearful its authority, ' The Proprie- tution of winch he has sworn to be the faithful ployment, upwards of 200 in number , a days holi- and claim and exercise those , lt nd t^e enin£ approaching, tor and Editor of the Northern Star—with day to see the Great Exhibition , paying their ad- ?%t 'f K -f they showed rights which appertain to us. Under the The following petition , signed by nearl y 1,000 administrator, and where, in consequence, forth withi- a vividness tha t presen ted a scene grateful acknowledgments for their liberality, mission fee, and providing refreshments convey- of advice of W. P. Roberts seafaring persons , was presented on Fri day last by ruler and people are mutually pleased with , grandeur. The outlines of the noble chuvch of , Esq., the Solicitsr and the essential service rendered ances, and supper in the evening for them. St for the Defence by them Mr. Anderson ;— each other. If kings were not mad Saviour were most distinctl y defined , and the re- , a Writ of Certiorari has been , what an Messrs. Hod ges, the distillers , have given the through thestrike, by the gratuitous insertion, To the honourable the Commons in Parliament assembled , flection was seen at a consider able distance with a moved for aud obtained, for the removal of the excellent lesson is here I whole of the men in the ir employment a day' s ho- clearness almost unmutulated, of the Reports of Progress of the ths humble petition of the undersi gned muster ma riners, approachin g to noon-da y. With Indictment into the Court of mates , seamen , liday, in order to enable them to visit the Exhibi- tne exception ot Queen's Bench. National Association and other seafarin g men, of the port of the third buildin g thus alluded to ; particularly with refe- London , sliowcth— tion in Hyde-park. Each man has likewise been the whole of this It will, therefore, be tried at Nisi Prius at the MONIES RECEIVED extensive and valuabl e range , and rence to their operations at Wolverhampton.' That by a return laid before your honourable lionse in presented with five shillings to defray the day ' s a great portion ensuing Summer Assizes, which are to be 1850, the sum of £26,939 Ills. 7d. w«s raised in the year Fob ibs Week Endin g Tuurs&at of their valu able conten ts, fell a The health of the chairman, W. P. Roberts, , expenses. Mr. Pusey yest erday br ought np the prey to the flames, and the loss of opened at Stafford , on the 24th July. 849 by the president and governors of the corpouui:>ii for Jure 26th, 1851. agric ultural labourers on' property muBt be Esq., was also drank, who returned thanks relief of seamen in the merc hant service his estate . They were :— immense , an approxima te amoun t Upon the granting , , their widows From Pusey, of which cannot the writ by Mr. Justice and expressed . the uniform and children) at the port of London , and the vniieuis out- fifty-nine ; Longworth , thirty-nin e ; at present be even guessed at. Wi pleasure he EQUITY FUND. West Hanney, fort y ; East Hanney, ghtman, it was ordered by that learned ports under their managemen t, pursuan t to 20 0m II., sixty-four : Shortly after eight o' clock felt,, in meeting the working classes, for c. 38, and 4th and 5th Will. Beeeivea by W. Hides.—3. J. C. 7d. Denchworth, thirty-five ; Tyford seven one of tho firemen Judge that the bail for tho Defendants be ^ IV. , cap. 52 , and that a , ; Charney , was so severely burned that he whose interests he had always felt the further sum was rai sed by the trustees lor the leli-t of NATIONAL CHA RTER FUND. forty-one ; Chaliow , twen ty-seven was conveyed to increased from two twenty-five ; Stamford , the hospital for assistanc e. pounds and one warmest sympathies. He made Bcamcn in tho merc hant service, their widows ai.d chil. Beceived by John Akkott.—limehouse and Radcliffe ninety-three ; Healford , forty ;—total , 445. ' fifty, to two some pas- dven, at the variou s outports of the United K ingdom Up to one o clock on Tuesda y mornin g the prc- sureties in forty pounds each, and , .Localityper , T. Sheppard ISs Id—Westmin ster Locality, TJie number of visitors on Wednesda y was less by sing allusions to the monster indictments, during the same year , to the amount of 477,803 ISs. 2d. per W. Harris 5s—G. Farrah , Clericenwell Is—J. Bobin , fSJI?SSr8- Wigan msand ofCo continued the Defendants in eighty pounds each. In under the 10,000 people than on the previous day, being 3 y , to which it would of course be injudicious to par- auth ority of the 4 and 5 Will, i , cap. 52. Debtfora Is—Bristol, per W. Slieham , 10s—Yarmouth , mmeD8e flame" and pursuance of this order, That mch funds raised from ' 58,445, and the receipts at the doors in consequence bodyhnrt?«fff of the1 firei , > "8 the the nine Defendants ticularise. The whole soainen s wa gi*. so col- Korfolk , per T. Fisher 4s Id—Crown and Anchor Locality, * rea ched^ the lower part of the build- thing passed off in a Ieettd , though large in amount , have tatted to afi»rd the per Mr. Hall lls-Collectedat the National Hall £2 10s fell to 2,695 18s. ing a fresh appeared on Friday, at the Police Court, in relief to seamen 4£d impetus appeared to be given to it at most satisfactory manner. All parties -were , their widows and orphans , eed members , widows, er orphans. 28 6d-W. Small 2s fid. school, that benevolent lady accom- its ravages. . . That in 1844 panied during tbeir Etay. labour. , a law was enacted , compellin g all st-cmen POItT IIBR PAHT1 CUIABS. WEAVERS ' STRIKE AT BINGLEY. to possess a registe r ticket, or shipping passiiort , wit hout On Wednesday a number of jolly tnrs were seen rnour B afte f The necessary forms, and the swearing ao winch employment on hoard shi >. *? . _ > the perio d above-men tioned huge ps sailin g uud.-r the DISGRACEFUL MILITARY OUTRAGES IN making shprt tacks in every direction , and eating bodies of flame kept ascendin g large a number of persons, occupied a Bri tish flaj; is unlawful , a measur e which your . ciiii..ner s EDINBURGH. from the ruing . The consi- On the 20th of May last 328 weavers , \a the em- look at as con ices and drinkin g ginger beer in desperation , in the whole of the bri gade derable time trary to the spirit of the constitution . «(.hor - force continued their exer- of the court. No opposition was ploymen t of Mr. "William Anderto n, Victoria Mill ren t to their feelings, and not absence of more congenial refreshmen t. These tions, with little cessation , required to be poSFc ^d by On Sunday, and again on Tuesday, most un- , until seven o' clock • offered by the Prosecutors. Bingley, struck work in consequence other classes of the labour ing population- an act .,j-*n to were the crew of the Victoria and Alber t, her and it was not until of a disagree, much abuse y disturbances were occasioned in Edinburg h that hour that the firemen had The magistrate who men t with their , and pressing harshly upon the well-lwliavtd seeml Majesty ' s steam yacht , and their smart tri m and secured the pres ervati on , we understand, might emiiliiyer and a threatened reduc - 8ea-fanng men of these realm s. by soldiers belonging to the 33rd Regiment, of the third or C ware- have tion of wages . at sailor-like appearance gave great vivacity to the exacted fees to the amount of six . The regulations of Mr. Andert on in at our P?litioners »re specially taxed, at so much present quartered there. On Monday two of the ifc raay bo 8aid alm per«J headv, /, on shipment picture of which they formed a part. - The heat untouched.SuL -v^'Durin g the remaind er > °st guineas, impressed, we presume, with a power- the factory were of a very oppressive nature , the and dischar ge for the siitMHct toa men were sentenced each to sixty day' s imprison- of the morning, of having their agreements between was oppressive throu ghout the day, and the va- and, indeed , throu ghout the ful sympathy for the defendants lime allowed for the meals being so little that the employ riinri men ment for having wantonl y assaulted several per- entire day, the two , most kindl y witnessed by a shippin g officcr-an exaction levin) on no rious fountains were almost drained of their con- arge floatin g engines work people were compelled to swallow other bod sons on the previous evenin g. On Tuesday night , , with several land ones, were remitted the whole of the court fees—an act of their victuals y of her Majesty 's loyal subj. cts, an interferenc e ten ts by the thirsty visitors. It would be very kept in b»sy action without with their labour never solicited b however , the riotin g was renewed. About nine , throwing a vast quantity of such unusual liberality which somewhat sur- proper preparation , and to eat the chief y them , and , as your desirable that somethin g should be done to in- water on to the blazing petitioners humbl y conceive, totall y uncalled for. ' ruin s. It bad but little ef- prised Mr. part of their breakf asts and dinners on their way lour o clock, from ten to a dozen soldiers wilfully crease the supply of fresh air before the advent of fect, however, in Roberts, but was duly acknow- peti tioners , therefore, humbly pray that jou r ho- when an subduin g the violence of the back to the mill. The majority had nearly rou rable house broke a pane of glass in a shop window, the dog-days . The machincr y-in-motion room was e ra ledged by him on behalf of tho defendants. half a will be pleased to tak Viv.to seri.ms const afiray took place between them and the police, §ing within the lofty opened mile to walk to their homes , and many of them had dera tion the petition cf n class of the British community as usuall y fully attended, but an accident which SmS!rfwalls of the«! destroyed/f The correspondence from whose services the latter being assisted by the citizens while war ehouses, and smoke and the provinces their mtals ' minister so lar gely to the comfovts of her , had nearly produced fatal results , caused great exci- to cook when they got there. Thirt y Majest y' s subjects ; the strength of the former was increased by the P ruinB d«kening tho during the past fortnight haB been of a most during peace , and by whose u-mcea tement at one period of the day, and tended very entire£?!» , neighbourh• hfc VT ood. T ' minu tes were allowed for breakfast-time , and for ty the commerc e of the kingdoiu is carried over e>e-v sea picquet who joined their comrades. In the scuffle The firemen who were encouraging character. The promises of assist- and into every ' much to disturb the enjoyment of its visitors . One activel y employed minu tes for dinne r-time , and if parties were not clime, and to whom the nation trui u to on the third warehous e cooling protect the realm from the police and inhabitants were repeatedl y knocked of its most conspicuous features is the large sugar the roof, had their ance for the defence are very general, and the th ere at the exact moment the gates leadin g injury or invasion in the hour of down att ention dr awn to it by Mr to the peril , and that your honourable , and a number of soldiers wer e also severel y mill, sent in by Messrs. Robinson and Russell , of Anderson , strongest desire expressed that this case will house will repeal so much j and they immedia tely proceed ed to de- mill were locked and the offenders fined a penny. of the act of 20 Geo. II., e. 38, and i and 5 in ured. A sergeant and nine privat es are impri- Millmall. While this powerful machine was in full vise measur es Wm. IV., c. 52, soned in the to stop it. One poor fellow, Edward be fought boldly, and without compromise, re- Nei ther was any weaver allowed to leave his or her as relates tu the levying of forced contr ibutions on mamtn police-office ; and i3 is expected that work, a labourer ascended for the purpose of oiling Burob for the support , the engineer of the Tooley-stre et gardless of the result. To these very proper loom, even for a single momen t no matter of their necessitous member *, their as many more will be in custody in the Castle. the governin g wheel and incautiousl bri gade , how widows, and children : also that jou will be , y approaching station , in h.s zeal to check the pro gress pressin g the circumstance which pWaenl to re- his smockfrock was of the sentiments we reply—that upon no other con- required their at- pea l all cjauses in the Registr ation Act of 1844 relating too near, caught by the cogs, flames, got down the loop hole and directed regis to water dition could we have dared to make a public tendan ce elsewhere might be. The following little ter tickets , and the total and unconditional repe al of GREENWICH ELECTI ON.—NOMINATION OP and in two revolutions of the wht els his clothes 1 pai t( but the TH E CANDIDATES . were torn from his f ™/ ; bei"g nearly ^ercome by inciden t will afford gome insight into the o( Merc antile Marine Act of 1850. body, and drawn round the t?hVthe heat and smoke, ho return ed appeal. mode And your peti tioners to the trap to millocrat govern men , as in du ty bound , will ever pr ay. axles. He shouted loudl y to tho bystanders e> 1 en the flames We know the annihilation of our union is t. One of Mr. Andert on' a Thursday having }, , fomed an eddy ofVre female been appointed by the High She- to shut off the steam , but no one under- roundr3 theth! hole, andJ completel y contemplated—that it is in fact the sole object weavers got married ; her fellow weavers riff of Kent for nominatin g candi dates enveloped the un- wishing to see The Borneo Pirates. —Throu gh Captain S. I,. to fill the stood the method, and another moment would fortunate man He was in the act of of the prosecution ; but that cannot the chaise containi ng the couple pass vacancy crea ted in the representation have reduced the unfor tunate dropp ing, be accom- the Shaw, who arrived her e in the Austrian ship Padre of the borough man to a mang led when some of his comra des dashed forward and mill.gates , lef t tbe ir looms to walch it pass. of Greenwich by the death of Edward George mass, when , providentially, one of the policeman plished if we are true and faithful to ourselves Mtmbilli , from the west coast of Sumatra , wo have dragge d him out of the hole. He was for thwith They would not have to be absent ahove Barnard Esq. , the town wore an unusua ll on duty (A 393) Guy Hos and our cause. four been favoured with addition al particulars of tha , y ani- came up, and understandin g his s Itill minutes nor to mated appear ance from an earl y honr in the words or rather his P > severe y °o™d. , go above the distan ce of twenty cuttin g off , on the morni ng of the 30th of Marc h morn- , gestures , for he was well nigh vZIb Hied as the^\ house was with bales ' _ We are not disposed to quail before oppres- , advanced period in the afternoon. The exhausted and pockets of ysrds ; but they had no sooner cot out of the mil) by the Achnese, of the Sicillian bar qe Cleuiiotina ing until an , shut off the steam , and rescued him hops, to the extent of from 16 sion in any form ; and we hope, , ,000 to 20,000, it was in this as in tha n the gatekceper.informed them if they did not Cafiero, while at anchor off Pulo Diah one of hustings were erected in front of the church of St. from a terri bledeath . Forafew moments the excite- almost impracti cable, with the mean all other cases, to justif , ' was e s then at com- y the confidence our go back immedia tely be would lock the pepper ports , and of her sub sequent recovery from Alphege, and was surroun ded about ten o clock by ment dr adful, the room being lull of company, mand, to check the pro gress of the flames. gates , and of electors and non-electors. and every one being With a fellow workmen have placed in us, which we thus leave them the hand s of these maurade re throu gh a very large num ber able to see the poor man' s cri ti- view of saving the lower porti on unable either to enter the mill the united Mr. Alderman Salomons cal posit ion of the stocks , la- should not do, if we shrunk exertions of Captain Benjamin Balcb Mr. Pontefex prop osed , , from the altitude at which he stood. bourers were employed on the from the responsi- or to get out of the yard . He kept his word , and . jun., of the led cheers and groans One member several floors , up to the American bar que, Arlosto, and was received with ming . of tho executive committee was so the very one und er tha t which bilities of our position. the weavers were compelled to remain there nnd attain nominat ion. much affected was on fire , throwing until Rhoadea , of the American bar que Borneo both of Mr. Roff briefly seconded the Mr . by his exer tions to have the steam the " pockets out of the We sincerely regret to learn that offended jaaiice was satisfied. But , "V7 Bhut off loopholes into the etroet. the publi- the treatm ent of which vessels w ere then lying in Acheen Roads Wade proposed Mr. Alderma n ire , and Mr. G. , and his alarm for the poor man, as to be- By this means some 3,000 or 4 000 were nreserved cation of the address a marrie d woman , come seriously , to the Silk Dressers of , who was one of Mr , Anderton 's for cargoes of pepper. The bold and manly con- Stone having seconded the nomination , the r e- indisposed , and was obliged to leave The rapidity with which the destructive elemen t England ?• weavere spective candidates addressed the meeting, after immediatel y for his own residence. This , in the Northern .Star" of June, , was shockin g in the extrwn e, She had duct of these Americ an captaina during a moment is the se- descend ed to the lower floors , however , caused the ' which the returning officer called for a show ei cond accident which has occurred within should have occasioned any hostile feelings three children ; one of whom worked at the mill, of peculiar peril and difficul ty, and when tbo hazar- a very labourers to make a preci pitate retreat , and ,'de- to- of Mr. short period in the moving machiner y wards any individuals. together with the husband , the other two stayin g at dous state of the Acheen coast is considered —infes- hands which he declared to be in favour room ; and spite the most, ener getic exertions of the bri gade, ted as the; always are by numero us on really, when one enters and finds home. On Saturda y, M ay 7ih, she and her famil y hordes of ban- Alderman Salomons. A poll was demanded , oneself com- the entire stru cture was sneedilv aliehfc from the We think for any gentleman to discharge ditti and pirates, who are ever read tehalf of Mr. Wire . pletely surrounded by wheels of all sizes in swift bottom to the top. It may his ha were compelled to go with out breakfast , aa they had y, with tho be worth mentioning, nds, for no greater offence than having kriss to tak e advantage of every favourable motion , and sees crowd s of women and children as a fact in confirma tion of as' no money to purchase auy. The wages were paid oppor- peering anxiously over the the supposition to joined a union for their mutual protection, is tunity tha t may present itself to satisf y their cra« The Lite Fatal Boat Disaster at the Cape.— low railing, and almost the cause, that the hops near to the loophole of^the at nine o'clock in the forenoon , when she reques ted touching the moving bodies, it becomes a most ungenerous and unwarrantable use of vings for robber y and pillage—deserve s the highest It is in some degree consoling to find that the late a matter roof wero not in the slightest way injured when' the permission to go home and prepare a breakfast for encomiums of surprise that mischances are not of more fre- that power which capital ives to . It will be a sourc e of unbounded gra- boat disaster at Buffalo Month , Gape of Good Hope, fire was discovered , showing, at least, that no flame g its possessor. the two infan ts, a% well as to purchase some bread tification for us to hear tha t quent occurre nce. It is to be hoped that every pos- It is, indeed the coura geous and by which sis seamen 's ship Castor had passed throu gh in that quarter. . , a giant's use of a giant power. to satisfy the cravi ngs of her own praisew orthy behavo of her Majesty sible precaution will be taken to - preserve the lives Throughou t appeti te and of ur displayed by them on tha t lost their lives, did not ari se from want of judgment Tuesda y Mr. Humpher y, witluMr. We are quite sure.that no proceedings, offen- her husband and tryin g occasion—resultin g and limbs of the exhibitors and the public . Wigan and ' ' ber child at the mill. Permi ssion in the complete reca p- er still. Lieutenant Jenki ns, of her Majesty ' s , other members of the firm who are sive or inimical to any individ ture of the vessel—will not The Lords of the Treasury have, at the request sufferers by ual employer, wbb refuged , and , shockin g to rela te , she coul d onl y only be duly appreci a- ebip Castor , who had been stationed at Buffalo the event, were earnestly emplbyed in a v " ted by the owners of the of the Board of Ordnance , sanctioned the deliver y institutin g w s e er contemplated by the authors of that go to the mill gates and give her weeping offspring unfortunate Clomintin a, Month in command of the seamen and the marines , inquiries into the ori gin' and other cir- bu t will not be per mitted to pass unre ward ed from the Great Exhibition building of twent y-five cumstances address, or by the union of interests which it a trifle of money to purchas e somethin g for them- by landed from the squadron to garris on East London , connected with the outbreaks , but .not the -insurance offices generally. The American revolving pistols for the service of the the slight est clue could be propoBee. We are sure that a selves. She gave the two little Clemintina sent two surf boats on the morning of April 3 to obtained as to the party rational, well ones (one five years has proceeded for Bourb on. . This affair affords officers of a regiment under orders for the Cape. or parties who an- her Majesty 's steam vessel Dee. They were both committed the fiendish act. In the regulated union would, in any trade, be aB old and the other two) a half-penn y each , while she other melanchol y illustration of the danger outside the On Thursday the receipts and the number of course of the of tr a- bar when two beavy seas rose suddenl y, day the ruins were inspected by h beneficial to the employers as the hersel f bad to work wi thout any food whatever, ding on the west coast of Sumatra , and—a tne first of which visitors again suffered a slight decline, the former lar ge number of employed. l as ! breakin g on tho second boat half the officials attached to the several We have always un til the mill stopped at two o clock. Against such that we may have to tell it—adds another incident fitted her, whilst the other being £2,722 10s., and the latter 57,781. The insurance offices. , • contended that their true in- brou ght her back within terests despotism as this the weavers revolte d , and ap- to the catalogue of already numerous atro cities tae bar , when the ri pple of the ebb tide wanlmrf heat of the weather, great as it was out of the Some days must necessarily transpire before the areidentical, and that that ruinous com- pointed a deputation to wait upon Mr , committed by these desperadoes . As vessels of dif- over the boat and filled her, and , althou gh the crew building, was still more oppressive within , and , in exact amoun t of losses can be accurately aScer- petition, by which both wages and .profits are Anderton . He however told them they were ferent nations resort thither for commer cial pur- were ha uling, the boat capsised oa the warp. consequence of the inconvenience experienced , we tained, Accordin g to the present estimates they bo seriousl ec too well fed and ; y aff ted, can only be kept within too little poses and remain some for time until their ladini Anoth er surf boat was immediately sent on the unders tand that it is determined to remove the in- can be little short of £150,000. - = worked , bu t lie would brin g them down a side reasonable limits by the united .efforts of both is completed —bnving freque ntl y to proce ed Jr om warp, but was not more tha n a hun dred yards glazing at the eastern and western entr ances , In consequence of the great f uspicions ' bit. In accordance with this statement he has given p ort to ,porfc in search of and entertained parties; 'It may be that the inj urious effects pepper, and piokin^un from the capsised boat when she tur ned over. to endeavour in this way to secure a refre shing by various par ties, as to some foul play having taken notice to pull off 3d. per piece? The weavers ac- here and there a few pieulaa U thorou gh draugh t of tho interior. of this unlimited competition is aot time-it hehoTes the The men got on the bottom of the boat , but wer e from end to end place during the late conflagra tion in Southwa rk , with yet gene- cordingly Bttuck work and refu sed to go in again governments of their respective all -washed off again , and only three men This will be an immenss relief to visitors , if sue- regard to rally appreciated ; but we countrie s to statio n were the bur ning ot the extensive wareho uses of think that it may until he agreed to the following condition s :—1st. ships of war along the coast to Lieuten ant Jenkins then went himself, cessfdly carr ieif out. • Messrs. Wi prote ct the com- saved. in gan and Co., that were discovered in be reasonably predicted that this competitive To let them have tbeir old wages again. 2nd. To roercial interests of each nati on. "We a whale boat to the sand baak and picked np flames in so ; uw fnii* one .m mysterio us a manner , the head of that mania cannot be permitted to progress un- allow the weavers ten rainuteB after the engine convinced that this U the only Lde b man ;bnt in getting back again the whale boat also ^ — : firm , supp orted ,K*S The Libbbat xon of —A» large and . in- by Mr» Alderman Humphrey, on checked without ultimately reducing 'the star ts to get to their ' work in. 3rd. To" t turned over and one of her crew was drowned , mak- Kossuth. Wednesday to Mr. Payne great .. permi Hnentaal meeting of the inhabitants of. the Stafford- made a formal request , the mass ing altogether . «uc.who were lost—namely, Robert t of the working classes to a condition too married femtles to leave the mill five minutes before shire Potteries wag held in the HanleyTown-hall , on Ci y coroner, staling thatin consequenceof the doubt Langston , gunner' s mate ; Michael County, George entertained was not painful to contemplate. We should it stops, in order that they may have an opportunity Tuesda y evening, for the pur pose of memorialising that this part of the fire acciden- have John Pickles Samu el Goslin, and Thomas ' thought of pre paring the meals. To all these requests he re. Hodge *, , „ a e St " t0 continue to usehisgoodoffices tal, they wished that he would issue his precept for a that any kindhearted, liberal minded ^^ s kS Clemence, able seamen. The body only of the Ll ?Ofc S? jury, and tha t a full investiga tion might take place man would turne d a decided neg ative, rei terating his old charge 0S ut.h and hi8 Mow «»Ptives, at have rejoiced to discover so much he b0Ve obtaln ^media te and ample latter was recovered. The following men were KnS^ T? t was taken Fra Wed into all the circumstances. To this application Mr. sound practical knowledge upon —that they are over- fed, and ; underworked. Im- veweano« ft +t the surf boat—R ichard Saundere , r b 8 Payne replied most willingl y assist very, impor- ' the ng8 and iD saved:— From SS'fcq IM^°f .Etrnri a» a well-known manufa cturer.S , that he would the tant media tely after Mr. Ander ton s reduc tion , Mr. Ellis ™ JwieB su8toed Jacob Feab e8, and George Walke r, able seamen. SLi " i , of * ™ of expenses for Bubjects existing among hia hands. We S7ei - D8 pre6sire the «hy inquiry, but for the reason that the . the and Mr. Homes did the same, and their weavers , to I DU Co Rom the whale-boa t—Bar ford Corton , William meeting itt *yn>P the a year and a half beg most respectfully , to remind this gentle- . ' " ON-- The ve88el Landdrast ™SL .with the ^Hungaria ns were passed unani - inquiries tha t he had held for , in the nurali pr of 104,. alsp struck work , To;Bho w T-Sbf« i f in Clarinbold, James Barratt , Thomas Kenne dy, and mously and a. which much informa tion had been obtaine d man, that in forming < f oJ ~fi 8 ^ Hanover, which has arrived memorial to Lord Palmers ton was di- useful , a union for mutual what a bitter feeling of animont y animate s Jrom St. Vincent' s, bas broug Wm. Hore, able seamen. — United Service Gazette. and offending parties brought to jus tice, - had been the ht thirty-one bales of dtawn uP« forwarded protection, the men are but exercising hear ts of these two firms , we need cotton , as a portion of Melakchol t AccmKsi.—Fode Litks Lost.—On ffiSi»Kicardo , nSEsq., one f a** to J. L. refused to be paid by the Court of Common Council. only 'mention her oargo , consigned t» of the borongh members , for pre- an undoubted right, and that a persecu- order ; and the vessel Vesta Djonday morn ing one of the fishing boats belonging Eentation. tour of the that they .have reques ted all the other manufa cturer s , from BarbadoeB , has Refugees now in England ting spirit will but stimulate Drou ght four bales of cotton as of her cargo. to Str anathro , Aberdeenshire , was upset off that th , and cannot in the town to let none of the turn outs have part W? c a . Md were recfived pre em- We have recen tly noticed some importat ions of cot- 'village by a sadden squall, and of the crew, six *ith£ stronglyK2, , "mark t ed « Magistrate vent, them carrying out their design. We ployment; and accordin gly:several who / expr essions of regard and The Liverp ool Stipendiar y .—The had got work ton from Demerara and these arr ivals from some in number, four were dr owned. A small sloop bap * sympathy . . . " • ° - believe and hope that the objects of the men have since been turne d off; , Mayor of Liverpool received a communication from / Three hun dred and other of the British West India islands are not pened to.be passing at the time, and bore down Bkoiskbed. Elec tor s. stati ng that the have been misunderstood; twent y.ftve of the weavers —On Saturda y last a re- Sir G.'Grey on Saturday, recom- and that a more to- are at present being sud- withou t interest or importance. upon the spot ,- rescuing two of die men, who were tnrn to parliament , was prin ted, had been accede d 1 from which it mendation of the town council to, lerant, if not a , more equitable, view will be PP"ed !>y subscri ption s, the km -Fatai , Accident. —On Monday evening two brought ashore alive, but one of them is not ex- ameara thayhe regiBtered . havihrSd em number of electors in and that J. S. Mansfiel d; Eeq., had been duly ap- taken of the matter. Batj however, 'as the fiBhermen of Stardro sa, near Exeter , named Pep . pect edto survive. The re were on board the beat Ireland » 160,890^, of which 132 .589.were in coun- pointed stipendiary magistrat e for Liver pool, and only effective mode of meeting this aggressive perell and Clement s, wereidrowne d white staking a father and two sons ; one of the sons wa» saved, ties, 20,255 in counties of cities or towns, and 8 046 would enter upon hia dutiesin the course of the en- - A equall upset the boat , and b«- : ¦ spirit, we should advise a simultaneous move- round the Start. tie other son, with the father, was dron ed. : iaborouriw. .. :,,:... • i' suing week. . . . ' .;..,. > . ': , 1 8111 Me8 urm ed they ,, were lost. Clements . . . ment of the whole trade and they that should hSS»9Uaei U»ed ^^that , they^, ^ «»^EH» / and fore assistance , f would > guided by the has left & wife and fivo children to deplore hu lost. ~ ¦ **''¦¦ " ¦ " ¦ ; ' ¦ '' ' ¦ ¦ ¦* * * . * j ' ' ' ' . • . • - . ; ; i. , _ ¦ ¦' * ¦ * : : * - • • ' • • - . . . •»• r- ; ¦ , ( '** ' " ' ¦ ¦ • " ' ¦ ' ¦ " " ¦ • ; :, . . f ,.: ... _ ! . r-v . • •.is¦ __ 6 _- _ ,, THE NORTHERN STAR. T _ W*J

- iStaropeU ft, B.iker said tha t Mrs. Edwards had stated that she builder , No. 11, Little ' I of cotton fibre. Stye Malboro ugh-stre et, Goliien- lEfyt uiDDtn cee. The room was instantly in a blaze , night. "~^! saw noihiug more than Mr. Eaton put his arm square. The flames originat ed fc « was fortun ate ly It had been gener allv „ ^te »n round the nurse in the ground-floor bu' discover ed by Mr . llodgson 8 ^ ^ 1ISAT.T11 of Losdos. —The official return for the girl' s neck. : She had named it to workshops , and speedil y extend ed a few c>e of lizard , or swiff^as u^2P sei1 «»l Mr s. Eaton to the two up- Shocking Railtvav Accident. —Oii Saturday and [/nt °M >" minute s. Some of the hail- ?, i week ending last Saturday show , that 063 deaths . Everall had made the charge appear per floors. The fire , havin» rush ed ere three or f.. po.sonous. Twoins IIy ^ Wfa im worse than it was. out of the last , several hundred s of the scholars, teacher s, and stones >y Ur inches in dreumfc rsnee ever, lanoeVto t£? ^d|S were , registere d in ihe meiMj oliian d-s'ricta. If After some further discussion , bfK , commenced attack ing the pre mises numbered sliall0 something occurred , we are informed £< ifr the it was resolved to defer tho matter to friends , connected with the El t.n Church Sunday and were n? . like br oadbeans. The conmy above ?^m lI| corresponding weeks of the ten years 1841—1850 be the next 10, 11, \t , an d 15 in the same str eet. In a very , whicu wf)s confined almost referred toO Tom. , e par\' S. W&* ' meeting of the board . On Wednesday a full y- School, had a trip by railway to Black pool. On the storm exclu sively to chi d at Warley ' few U,; ftttf taken for comparison, it will be »ee» that th e ave- brief period half a dozen engines were on the Nottin gham , lasu°d but ten minut es, and was b5tten ye g^ attended and special meeting of the vestr y of St. spot , but the flames contin ued same day, 2)000 of the members and frien ds of the was fol- «P us clothes, as it ^ ber£ rage number of deaths in these weeks was 859, and to rag e fur some time , ' lowed by a brilliant .evening. A large numbt- r was sitting neJhl°h "J rM W. that the mortality of last Pancnis took place at the new Vestry-rooms , Cam- and before they could Bur y Youths Temper ance Association took a tri p to ol died in consequence ; fl ®f week ha- produced au den Town be subd ued much, damage panes were broken , anu 'lie low kitchens in the and the £^ > W excess, above the avera ge, , for the purpo se of receiving a commu- was done. . • Fleetwood. One circu mstance occurred on the jour- metis rector of Shonfield , P equal to 109. But in an nication from tho ney , streets , where there was the slightest descent , wore when & - ^Si M^t increasing population a board of directors , referrin g to Murd er of a Child at Ddwich. which threw a gloom on the whole proceedings. ffom a flower in his garden , wa" ln s Ot ab greater number of deaths the vestry a letter -Ou Tuesday In consequence of the filled with water. sequence E F CV - fe f does not necessaril y imply au increased ' ra -e «>f mor- from Mr. J. H. Eaton , the a long inquiry .was gone into before Mr. , demand for tickets being so of Which he lost the one>, »e master of the workh ouse, W Carter great , the railway company could not provide a suffi- The Affra y at Twinstead .— The fearful en- neve >>30 of m tality. The population req uesting the payment the coroner, at the Marl borough r recovered it. his Br|»;>«. of London is now 2,363,144. of the sum Arms Tavern, counter between the police and Mr. Cook , and th ree 0i {.. W"m» Du It of £43 10s. Id., costs incurred by him Camberwell , concernin g the death cient supply of passenger carriages, and a number ol J incr eased at the rate of 1*551 per cent, aiiuually m defend ng himself of a feraale.c hUd , burglars , at Twinstead , has r esulted fatally , Pool? -?-—... l MiZ in the ten years 1S31—41 cent, from the recent prosecution found murdered at th e reside cattle waggons, &c, were fitted up with . seats for , ; at 1 99S i*r aunu- on a charge of having nce of Mr Naile a one of the wounded robbers , having died in lleding- ally, in the ten jears 1811—51 : and 1*773 uer cent. violated Eliza Smith, an in- gentleman of fortune , residing at cna occasion. On the way a number of persons in scotiann . ffitcd • mate of the workhou se DulwichV It ap- an open carriage hatn police-station from the effects of his wound. annually in the fifty years 1S01—51. If the last . On the question being peared from the evidence , that a female- formed a card party, and as there put to a show of bands thero appeared named were a greater number than could p lay at once, they Mr. Cook's man is going on favourably, and J unes , Attem pt to Ovhr turk a Sadcn l per centa ge (that of fifty years) be . taken to repr e- for the mo- Theresa Jane Flayer , a housemaid to M- Naile and Tbe mi Tm™ S rion in favour of the govern or, eleven ; against it, adopted the usual means of ascertaining who shoul d tl>e policeman , though severely wounded iu ' the d-day mail train from ! 'V, , ffi eeii' sent the rate of increase duri ng the current d- ccu- fort from appearances she was suspectr d of having given Wff on L ,i( y-two, a , division bsing demand ed the num- be the person s who woul d engage in play. A young affray, is doing well. Sunda y at 12.40 p. m . " ' ** i«> eir C nia! period , and the average Week show retu rn , Metro polis e child recently , born . panions that he would Mrs . Eliza Prickett , flenrgn Prioketi which the down lnoli [ ^ thi! coinaired with that of the preceding w-ek , exhibits Water Bha.—On Tuesday evening, There was a piece of white ribbon ti get a little fresh air. - He ac- the lad y of , train 'S H' «A ' ?M a publi c meeting of the inhab itan t ghtl y tied round cordin gly mounted upon the carriage until he Esq., of Castle-street , had been sufrVrin i; from ?ome velocity. On a portion a r a continued decrease in deaths ari si -.g from disease? s of the united the neck ; the tongue vfaa protrudin g from the had of u.5 L S>5 ll ' ' pambts of St. Andr ew, Holborn and St. George the gained such an altitude that his head came in contact malad y which required the application of liniment , and a half from the terminm n, ' ab a, 5 e ex of tiie respiratory u.:ceeding carriage ; he never spoke more , and dird supplied it. On Wednesday the Udy was additionally used for fastening the rails to the all °^* k? H?h br -nchi is agains t the government remain s. Mr. Flower , sur- a position that 1 5 ? and pnenmonia or inQamn i'mon of the lungs, Metropoli s Water Bill. Mr. geon, who had made a. pos t almost immediately . In two hours a coffin was pro- indisposed , and Mr. Saiikey, surgeon , pre scribed an if the train^I? ? - in f «? ° i idmanb being calkd to the mortem examination ot vided , and the bod y was conveyed to Bury the same anod yne mixture. He lefr. directions that on re- over the one it was cd in ; b which were fatal _ respectively in 39 and 55 case.. chair , rem arked that an the bod y, said he had no doubt the child had , almostwr!W vS » - The fatality of this class of abundan t and wholesome supply of water was a ne- day : the accident occurred near Preston. - quiring the mixture , nhe should rin g a bell which tho other . The driver diseas -s ha-; now declined 11 breathed some time, and its death was from stran RU- WM ^^fi'pta ifc to cear the corrected av rage ; tha: of ihe zymotic tT ' ' ^' •?«••-!-, andcom fort toevery individual. lation Suspected Murd er near, Norwich.- On Sa- communicated with Mr. Prickett 's apartment , and before he perceived it , and conlj 1 he Billd-i?- intr oduced . caus ed by a ligature round the neck. Ti.e check tho Jf ?'""4 IK« or epidemic class is not above ;he awra g**, and does by the governm ent was for the jury unani mously retur ned t urday last, as a young man nami 'd Johnson , was th at he would then come and administer it. Instead speed of the en«ine • ,„ 1 "° llli n» W B» purpose of huying up all a verdiot of " Wilful of doing X not yet discover a tendency to increase wi h the a«- the pr operty of the old com- Murder against There sa Jan e passing through a lane about a mile distant from so, however , she r,ose during the ni ght anil the event showed , it was be? £ & panies at a fictitiuus value, Flayer ." Norwich , called Mrs. M ardneau ' s Lane , a dog which took in mistake a lar ^e portion of the liniment. The the weight of th e ^My instead of start ing with the most death of Edward son' s arrival at home he found that the animal had was poisoned by inadvertently takin g a liniment con- guard winch is attached to the front '"i 5 ' % j l oi tbr. -sh, appr oved plans Burle y Clayto n, Esq. , a gentle- is raised 0 er 35 !.y typhus , 7 by erysipelas , 1 b , and plant of moder n times, as was man of fortune preceded him , and that th e substan ce which ho car - taining morphine. " between three and four incbts ft 'St- -I ffiChf y notna 1 by propose d to be , who was killed under the following line purpnra , 16 by diarrh oea, and 1 by 'cholera done ? Mr. Lloyd moved the first re- dreadtul ried from the planta tion was a human hand, lie A Runawa y Bankru pt. —On Saturday last a , and the delibera te nature of th , f . Thr solution , expr e circumstances :—Mr. John Duggan Pat- e > i Im a following are the particulars of the la>t-inentio ' ssing an opinion ''That an abundant terso n , of ,186, Piccadilly , immediately communicated the circum stance to the warrant was issued by Mr. Commissioner Ilolroyd , thro w the train off the lino is mani feS^ en ed and wholesome supp ly of water ata ted that on Saturday ;fict ' H case :—In Lambeth , Wat erloo-road , sub-district might be afforded on atternoon he was on horaebaek police; and a minute search was instituted in the for the appr ehension of a bankrupt named Martin , , that this circumstance mus t have W Jt M -?; HB|IU^ the princi ple of a constant , and ridi ng with a known to (secon-J part,) at 47, Oak li-y-s< reet. on 19th June, supp ly, at less tban half friend in Dean-street , Park-l ane. locality, which resulted in the discovery of other por- late of Lewes, Sussex, draper. It appears Mari n car- the miscreant who placed the kev5 *l- ! S ct the present charge ," The deceased , rail e] thfl w'dow of a wheelwri ght, ased 59 year s, died of and contend ed that the scheme whom he knew, was also on tions of a dead body, the remains in the opinion of ried on business in the Hig h.stre et, Lewes , and so , as these aro not above two inches tte'- ' ^ ? proposed by governm ent horseback , and passed passed W^ " tnalignant cholera (18 hour-} " Mr . Da«s, the wnuld tend greatl y to in- them at a gentle canter , their hor se several surgeons who have inspected them being far back as December last e-tabl ished a shop ;it Je r- consequentl y undernea t li the guard i^\ ? W m> crease the present price of »ater. s being walking. those of a liours registrar , states , that " the deceased , who is from Mr. Goodhugh He had got about ten or twelve yards in front , young female. The rumo urs and opinions sey. His practice was to obtain large parcels of goods after tho occurr ence of the above , 3 |j §P seconded the resolution , and stated that from his own whi ch of small l )(Jl the country, retired to rest perf ectly «<•]], and whs when he arrived at a very abru pt corner in Dean- have ariseii from the occurrence ar e of the from the London warehouses on credit., and as soon stones were found .on the rails , Ui \i \ |iffi knowled ge of the locality, the cour ts and other place' t he renewed J n( attacked about 3 o'clock in the morning. Abou t s atreet, where vehicles should certainly only walk most conflicting nat ure , some persons insisting that as they came into his possession at Lewes he sent purpose of accompli shing tlm ,|n % a«^ threa weeka before were not only much in want of a Rood supply of water round a foul mu rder has been committed , and other s them in a collier fro m Shoreham to tion of tho next passing train. A wa' , " •> i ha , when in the country, and also on but of cisterns.. , and met a cab coming in a contrary di- sug- Jersey, where tcli B l8P a previous occasion , she suff.-red -evere bowel cum- He found that the interest of the rection , not at a rap id pace, gesting that the por tions of the body discovered have they were disposed of by forced sales. Property to the remainder of tho day, and the official. Mf &F' ' sum to be paid for the prope rty, ibut too fast for such ^] e plair.t. The medical attenda nt considered of the old companies an angle in the street ; and before been used for anatomical pur poses. The police, the amount of £3,000 was thus got rid of, and about line are making strenuous Effor ts to duJ ^ WEBt it an an- would be £450 000 per the driver coulu c1 douhted case of Asiatic cholera The house is de- annum , which would be a pull up, the shaft , which was forced up with great however , are busily engaged in the investi gation of £700 more removed from Lewe3 to the O d Shi p, offender. Had the tender heen ru nni ntr SH 1|M h>avy charge upon the inhabitants of the tlie ine 1 h scribed as cleanly and well drained. " The birth of metropolis . violence, struck the unfortunate deceased in the circumstance s, and there is little doubt that they Brighton , before the bankrupt decamped. The evi- eng , the chances are tha t the trai nCu ' mW There were 70,000 bouses in Londo n unprovided with groin ' wil l unravel the mystery been thrown off the line, and wi «!,., " W V. ff lsl 728 i>ojrs, and 754 girls, in all 1,482 children , were , which it entered , and .he. was forced com- in which the matter. . is at dence shows that he went to the last Derby, where th ? f ° ' * water , and there was no enactmen t to suppl y this p present 6hro uded. ' is painful to contemplate. reiuiti j ; ^u 0 registered last week. The avera ge number in the d- ficiency . letely out of his saddle, and thrown on the kerb not being unknown he made heavy bets , which he 1 irrespondinz weeks wa« Mr. Evans moved a resolution , affirming ot the pavement ' - p Bath Election. —Nomination. lost , __™_— Six c of 1815-50. 1.2S7. " That the Bill, . 'The shaft was also broken with —The nomina- and the next day proceeded to Liverpool and DisioiiBiK CS us Sibfskj CiitwcH. now before iParliament , would not the concussion. ; tion of candida tes to serve the office Railed for America in the Pacific. The propert y ^ a eci —On Sunday remedy the evils As he was bleedin g profusel y, he of member f r at aft enioon the large and ancient parish complained of, it being unsound in (Mr. Patterson) was this city, in the erisuin a parliament , took Bri ghton 'h as been seized. j reianii . mL* church of principle , and defective in fearful the femoral artery was place in the ¦ ¦ St. Ounatan , Stepney, was the scene of a xery dis- its pnmMons; and if perforated ; he ther efore Orange grove on Monday . There were some thou- A Runawa y Town Clerk. —The greatest excite- . • — fl fr tl passed, -would impose an 1 enormo us placed liim in a cab, ar.id Decay of tiik Ibisu P graceful disturbance , arisin g out of the appoint- burden on the brou ght him to tbe hospital and it .was discov e sands of per sons present , who behaved themselves in ment prevails in Tunbr idge Wells in consequence of opulation —in ,. i Sose ratepa yers , and create an insurmou ntable , red of the census returns of Ireland 1*1 ment of an afternoon lecturer , who was upon that obstacl e to the femoral ar tery was riot injured. . He had every the most creditabl e manner , no demonst rat ion of Benjamin Sears, the town clerk , having absconded. , shoC ti " I'P " future legislation on sounder princ iples." ¦ number of its inhabit ants on the : dl occasion to preach for the first time. The parish- He was atten tion paid to him- In answer to the corom r , any kmd being made, excep t now and then an elec- It appears that he has obtained money to the amount 1st Jim, ^ m# ioners of Stepney claim the ri much surpri sed that government —which professed Mr. P tioneenng cheer ' ,000 by discounting very recentl and is now in the hands of tho Lord LieuC m" ^ 'llf c ght, which has bewi atterson said the driver did all he could after or groan. No banner of any kind of above £2 y, cheerless document ^ exercised at least for two centuries such a great interest in the welfare of .the people at themischief was to be seen;—Mr. Hunt pro posed that many respectable inhabitant of the town , who , by all account* itt t ' iMtLt , of appointing had happened , but he seemed more con- , and Mr . G. Clarendon may ! r an afternoon lecturer and hav e recently e laree—shouW have proposed to buy up the propert ies cerned , abou t , Norman seconded , Captain placed confidence in him , will be brought to the verge take credit for di plomatic h ' 5^ S ' , 'ecteu of the nine old Wate r his shaft than the deceased. Mr . Scobell as a fit and pro- he may look back with e the Rev. Samuel Gower Poole to the office in Companies. That distri ct was Patterson observed per per son to repre sent them in parl iament of ruin. He was collector of assessed taxes , town stntes mnn -liko r, t& W , sup lied ? H M evening services in St. plained of pains in his head. He never befor e endeavou ring As soon as it was light the misery John's Church, to form a committee of noblomen and. TBns Bailwat;— A serious accident occurred to the Roberts w ent into M a idstone and of tho country, presen ting an awwe \:M Upper Charlot te-street , Fitzroy- complained of illness. . He was kept on reserved gentlemen ' gave information number of bir ths « m square , the subject being the in the parish of St. George , Hanov down mail train oti the 20ih inst., near the Butt on to the police. Superintend ent Dunne was quickly , partl y owing to tlio driving " Message of the duty until the 5th of Ju ne, when he got so bad er-square , for ' ; the peop le out of Church. " Last Sunday the special topio for the the purpose of carrying out a similar esign in Viaduct , between Crewe and Wariing ton The line on the spot , and look active . measur es to discover the countr y, who had been cor* J | that he was released from all duty, and was sent to d had been for a few days previousl polled to quit it in day was the .'f Messa ge to the Poor ," and the ser- that parish. The buildin g is constru cted in the y under repairs, the thieves. Two men named Matuews and Burto n, consequence of the ruin comic- |j| the hospital . He (Mr. Wilson) assisted at the poj* and on that afternoon ' the plate-lay ers upon them , and t mi mon was preached from Luke 16, by the Rev. C. mortem examination , and agr Bimplest possible form , .but with every regard , to . , had been at were subsequently tak en into custody, and taken be- par ly from positive and W Sra gsley, tbe well known eed in opinion with the comfort and work on the spot just before the train referred to was sta rvation . ( Hear , hear. ) In what proportion i& af author of AltonLocke. In Mr. Corfe as to the cause of death convenience , of the occupants fore p..Seratt «n ,. Esq., but not being identif ied, ha di scourse ther ev. .—Ins pector Por- There ar e four floors ' due. Whethe r any of the;rails were.l eft out of iMathewa was they distri bute this diuiiuution. He defied anymi: WM gentleman eloquently enforced ter gave deceased the highest chara cter , and two sets of apartments . discharged , Burton , whose shoes ex- tfie' pecuUar views which attrac ted for disci- on every floor, each set compr ising their places , or imperfectly secured , cannot as yet actly match marks left on the flower to_ say it was not an enormous proporti on co»s*e: i fi|: so much atten- pline and humanity . The Coroner " au i med thr ee rooms , ' , ' border near the tion to . bis published works . up, coal cellar, a shaft for conveying the dust be ascertained: ; but from some cause or other ' the window , bei ng remand ed till Frida y. with referen ce to the whole. Lft tho rn snpp cs W$ . He dwelt most and returned the.; following verdict — " Deceased down- It is singular 1; ' emphatically, upon the wron gs and miseries of the wards , a meat-safe , . sink , cupboa rd , and variou s engine was carried off the line , drawin g with it from tha t tho point of the broken . knife was one million put down to the deficiency of liirtk - M died from the nj' rial effects of inflammation of the ten . to twelve carriages in the afterwards suppose poorer classes, attributin g their vices to their ' other conveniences, such, as are not often to bo J train , wit h such a found in Farleigh-street , at some distan ce from the one million gone to America ; t hey W %f spinal marrow, hut how the said inflammation was ' degree of force tlmt the furthe r then , the third million sent ii*1 M porertYx. and ,-ignorance, and ' those again to the cAused ' there is no evidence met with in the dwellings of the humbler clauses. progress of the .house , apparentl y un soiled. " of human beings injust ice, to prove. '' Deceased ' eniirie was only final ly stopped by .the wheels eternity by actual and positive starvation , owing :) wm they Buffered at the hands ' of the rich ; wa8 tobave been married the ' . : There are, moreov er, on the basemen t.floor. four be- . . Dbmbekate Suicide at Plymouth. —On Tues- while to the latter same week. • coming embedded iu the earth up to their axles. the accurs ed system pursued under the govern *' |a he assigned, by direot implica- Hb at op ihk 'We ather . waBhhouaes , each containing ' a copper ifor the use day mqrniug as the up express train which leaves tion, the responsibility of all the soci —On Saturday . last the of two families, and , in addition to the Most providential ly the train ! had passed the preci- Plymouth at 10.20 a.m., was Of the . Wiling. ( Hrar .) When the Irish people to W al evil tha t heat was so excessive throug hout the day that comforts to pito' passing over the battery coer- mi prevailed to so lamenta ble, an extent . After the be derived from all .these appur tenances , every , care us embankmen t, or nothing could have saved the incline of the South Railwa y, years ago heard of a petty paltry measure of several horses dropped down dead ;' and a ahout a mileand 51 preacher had concluded, the Rev. Mr . Drew gentle- has been taken to promote complete (¦jiiie , carriages, and passengers from being dashed a quarter this side of cion agains t them , what wero the names fixed «i> ?| , the man , who was witnessing the inspection of the ventilation ; Totnes , it cut off . th e bead of a te rector of .tha pari sh, who; had occup throughout the buildin g.. ' The torms to atoms As it is, however , no great amount of in- man who appea rs the eovernment of tho day by .1man now no more ; ied a pew Gnards in St. James ' s Park , was carried off to the upon which ' ' to have deliberate ly put himself on beneath the pul pit, rose in hia seat and addr essed it is proposed that each su it of rooms jury has ! been sustained. A menage was imme- the rail. .The trai n was in char ge — ' The base , the bloody, and the brut al Wlnt'-j- 3 hospital insensible. It was found that i he was la- shall be let dia of Marlow the in W the audience just as they were abou t to disperse . have been fixed at' 1 the rate of 63. 6d: a week^ for tely .forwarded to the Warringt pn station , when guard , and consisted of three carriagss What names should be given to them now | | bouring under a coup de toliel. . Mr . Nbrr js, only, drawn rs oft* ¦:% A most painful duty , he said, had devolved upon the first and second floors , 5s. 6d. for the third the manager, promptly.pro ceeded with by the Slromb oli engine. At year of gra ce, 1851, when , aft er five yea SiCIBTY FOB THS PhOPAO ATION OF THB GOSFEL. a fr esh engine and carr iages " . the point mentioned l» nim m having to condemn tbe discourse just deli- floor , and 4a. 6d. for the fourth. Every effort hae , and the mails and pas- there is a considera ble tur n in the road mine, literall y nothing substantial or rat ional }| vered , and whioh —^F orty-four , sermons were preached on Sunday at sengers , after abou t three ' , and a person wilw1 !| ho bad never anticipated hearin g been mad e to save the occupan ts from the neces- hoiivs delay, were for- liKe the deceased wa s, on the approach be en done to prev ent this destruction. One from a pulpit. Mr . various metropolitan churches in commemoration of warded on to Liverpool. of the train door of »J fo Drew then , with some emotion , sity of incurring large expenses . in fu rnitur e,, and . Had the acciden t occurred observed in an adj oining fiel d running towa rds of deaths from starva tion lay at the proceeded to adminis ter the third jubilee of this society. Among the but a minut e or two sooner ,' it' the. Whi gs. Murdere d , or dead in w i| a brief but stern rebu ke prea cher s were his Grace the with this view many "fix tures" , have been sup- : must have been at- line. When first seen on it he was only thirty yards or not , exiled on Ur. Kingsley, whose sermo n Archbishop of Canter- plied which are tended with more aw ful results than di t ches, no one could deny populnt ion « w he declared con- bury, the Archbishop of Dublin, not generall y found in unfurnished any of the off, stooping over the left band rail , apparently put- that tbe tained matter that was questionable in and several bishops houses. The numereus similar catastro phes that have the country was three tlwn it ought 1* h doctrine , and eminent clergymen . mann er in which the " dwellings '! been of late ting somethin gon the p'atesor picking up something million s less per aicious in tendenc y, and untrue in fact. He have been constructed so abundant. -7—Anothe r accident happe ned to the be. Who were these three millions ? They «« . Fire at thb Weste rn Scientific Instit ution reflects great credits upon ' trom the roa d. The truin was at lull speed , and , the « % regretted that exhor tations of so dangerous a oha- , the ooramittee of gentleme n quarter , past- ten o' clock trairi on Saturd ay last , the customer s of tho towns. (Hea r, hoar.) J| Lbicesteb SqoARK. —On Saturday iast. 'a fire broke to whose exertions from descent being severe , it was impossibl e for Dicken- »• raoter should have been offered to the members of the design is mainly.attribu table Eusibn-squai e, when on its way northw ards , about son, the driver, one million of murdered men lord Joh n Russell «utat the above , institutio n, having originat ed in ; and the squalid to stop it at tho moment ; lie, how- 1 h^ a Christ ian church . This interpos ition caused conditions of portions of the immediate two miles beyond . Wolverh ampion , fortu nately un- ever Bounded the whistle to answer at the bar nf, t.lio Almighty G™ the theatre , which has sustai ned: extensive damage , neigh- ' , but the man kept his posi- (Cheers.) Ee least & t much excitement among the congregation , and a bourhood sufficientl y exhibits the urgen t necessity attended with serious injury to any one, .. out which tion, and his head was had killed them , or at the roof beinL' burned off, an d the seat?) in the gallery instantaneously severed from system of which .he he shou. | largo .number - remained round th e doors of the for encouragin g bo valuabl e an attem pt to improve for a moment excited the niost seriou g alarm. Fro m his bpdy . When the tr ain returned it was found was the head , and ohuroh for some destroyed , and the stairs leading to it. . Fortu nately " ' answer for them . inhabit s^ time after they were closed, ex* tbe condition of the abodes of the working classes some unexplained. cause the luggage on tne top of that 'the head had been flung sixty feet forward from He had beggared the | chang ing the pr- perty was insured . ' . of the towns , and had deprived of thr ee ro'-; i comments upon the singular inoident of -¦ . . Chra p Gas in thb City of LoNDON.-On. one of the. carriages cau ght ' tire , and the.fla mes the point of decapitation ;. the body was in a ditch them the evenin g. . , . Soicins of a Teachbb or L'anoua qes.—On Mon- spread with " ' Hons. of customer s, and they should take euro W" | Saturday foreno on l day the . Great Central Gas Consumer s' Company great rapidity . . In one of tbe com- about forty feet in advance , with a left arm arid left ' ast an inque st was take n by Mr. Bill partments of the next , carriage behind!it ho did not deprivo thorn of- three millions me?- 1 Bscokd Charsk : aomks t thr M abtbb op , St. Henry Membu rv Wakley, in the board-rnom passed the Committee , of the :Hou8e of Lords ; . .were leg bro ken. , Th e mutilated remains were delivered ^ Piscius iWoHKHOmne. of tbe withou toppoBition . seated Mr. Paxton , , Mr. Bass,, M.P; ,, Would they allow a system that had work ed *^ ' —On Tuesday, at the weekly St. Andrew 's,, Hoibi>rn , union workhous e, After a th ree years' stra ff le the and Mr. .to the ;brother of the deceased. Mr. Bidlak e,- a gen- destru ction meeting of the board of directors on the old City Company have " Cochrarie , the . active superin tendent - in the who residesat Wliitley farm , to continue in operation for five ."* of the poor of St. body of Mr. John James Irving, a--ed twenty -ninei . a agreed !to - amal gamate : with tleman farmer, through longer ?;,'' ("No. ") Yes Mr Pancras , Mr. Turne r said he -waa anxious to aBk a the new company, upon ter ms buildin g of the. Cr ystal Palace; and ' Mr. Cr arap tbn, which the railroad is construc ted. Deceased was . , . Lucas , Wf teacher of languages . It appe ared that! the deceased by irh ieh'their works . . legislation has murdered one million of Jrisi. ^ -''' question or two, and to call the attention of the had been traching and pipes will be taken for shareBin theamal the engineer of the Submarine Telegraph Company about fifty, years of .age. abachelor , possessed of some ' board to a Ab attbee.tab liBhnieh t' of Di. Bro wn gaitmted from to Calais. These ' Morning Herald. , . | ject of grea t importanc e,' which ap- Esher , which he left a few days company, to bayal ued at the present price of iron and Dofer gentle'men while chat- property ; hej was subject to fits , and within the 1 st , peared tobave escaped ago unde r tbe im- ting pleasantly, together , were ; has »Una Tub Iri su Political Cosvict8. —The folli'Ji the gentlemen 'sTecollection. pression that all the boys were' plotting together P^wsdrictionif or sudden ly.star tled by icn^ays beeu . afti cted severe seizure.: J list communication ' 1 Bendiug. the inquiry into to wearw^T^^J^S-^W and tear. ^ hearin g shrie ks and . '^seeing flakes ' of the 6 50 up > rain , ,dated '.MIobart Town Fi'l)- -' the late char ge of criminal poison Mm. He also laboured , under rhe delusion Thebi 1, as passed* will secure to the , of fire dr ifted before the approac h in tbe morn- brin gs the latest , news of'j assaul t .-brough t sgainr jc Mr. I Eaton public aad the across the ' windows , .of their ' conipa rtni ent. a person resembling him was seen at the , that has been receiv ed by the girl that at the coffee shops in London , which he was in share holders all the•tawfitoXhieJl Mr ing, surae Irish poli tical convicts. Smith, there was another char ge mad e company was Crpmpton guessing what was the inatt er apparen tly laying something on the plate s, It is publis hed in &««*" againBt the the habit of frequenting, a conspiracy had been en- established to confer. 0 J ft JJ g JJJ : ' , and com- spot , but News Letter, with the si Gr ay' ' . master by. two inmates ofrtbat house prehe nding at ouqe the ^an ger, with a coolness and he suddenl y .absconded when delected by the police- gnature " Wm C, - , he; Mr tered into for the purpose of poisoning him. ' On the ' ¦ " Since I wrote last , I * Turner , was anxiousto know if any inquiry 1 gas in the City has so . greatly during ' highl y p raise ftbrth y; opened the door , and man pn .dut y.. ;•;.; ...... • ' , have seen Messrs. MKf had previous Wednesday, mor ning he was ' found ,7 with increas ed that it will ' ' and .Ma rtin ; they, are a P been instituted into:this charge? The reason the his throat cnt , oo the floor be quue sufficient to occupy both leaping from carria ge to carria ge by^he; aid ..of the Extens ivr Confla gra tion at-L ynk , Norfolk. living together at , of his room. Lifeiwas ¦ , ¦ lots of works 3 ' - 'JJi pCSft . '' : ' ;, footbridge,. made called Bothw.ell, about forty here. »H second charge waa.not proceeded with at the time quite extinct. A i his . way;pa8tr tha t ,which ,was in ~.Shorl,lyt!befpre six o'clock on Tuesday morning one miles from razor was clnae;by his ri ght hand. .MHchel and childr en as none «; it was made was, that it was .thou ght it might pre. Verdict— ' . ' im oBBigns ior me «el statu e in flames, and was approaching the; engine, when he of the most alarming and destructive fires which have are soo.n expeoted , " Temporary insanity.'.';/ • ,, . . , ,., the Citv hav- wa8 ' ' the Irish exiles . expect a speed y ret urn to tj- juawe we matter in the first char ge:—A Director : Robbebt op-SA ing.been sent in, are now arr aneed in ih« St? ,n '^bser ,ved, by tijej uaird and' driver , who, as soon taken pjace-in Lynn for a, long series of years , broke 1( ttoRsl.—In {brma tion has been ' aV possible, stopped put in. the , wqr .country and b>nie., Mr. Meagher was m»rr ii That was all settled by the committee of inquiry given of two sailors having been Hall at 'the M,n 8ion jtbe train. I In1 »he.nie ^n,tiine his .k8hop .3 and •warehouse s of a cabinet it robned at the east cally grouped. . Theflwir i^ ^JSB S.cotriparijo 'ns had a 'h arrp w. escape of it , 'for the flames maker, in-the cent-re of .Miss , Bennet, .on; Sa turdav.,.the 22nd inst-., '" appointed: by ihe vestry ^-Mr.i Tamer said was end of London, in the conne of last >efk,: of models!are >ah QU fcSvin . the towln. The premises in ' Bums number , chiefly, by Mr . Bailrtv k a. \l i * J. found, therf vrajr into;the 'c6njp'artmen!s' which he had ques.t!on aresi tuated ' lieuten ant- govern or 's.(Sir .William Denison *) " | ao .saoh : thingj The: matter to which he alluded of money amounting togeth er to about £50. . One of ' v between Ein»-street and H'wh- waa an after char ge leffr" opdn, and -set |he. cll|tlies of. t|ie inmajtes on ,fire street—two .pf the mairi. dsr , sendin g M'Manus, O'Doherty, and O' and oaghtitOj-stand in its pro- them ,,named William; Thwiton; .- was robbed in the . thor ougtifar eVofthe town— M ^ per position ;.thaioharaeter in several P aces. V .Th'ey hU ihe greatest aifficuity and were .pccup !ed ; by..Mr. ,Giscnfd ! •to ]?ort Arth ur; for . three months at ":ird '' S ! of thfr.master should Mile End road of a purse ,. containioe £30 : and. the ' the > " ,' cabinet maUer:' to a oj j ; Properl y wa?4s9SSSwhom have sent three or four ?° in extinguisliiri ^ spajrk8 arid fl akes of fire that >y M«9r 8. w.>& J. ! .r .gping out.of .thejr district , was oveiruk " clear ed>before any; money>as paid. other, Henry Beckett was . robbed of £15 designs '- 1 " V.m&SSSX * Cooper , ' whole- r j fi in bank Hnd found their WflVih: Kiit hevnnH crimp sinffeif ami" sile upnmon gers; and b Judges in the Supreme Court on Fri day, t he -y . ee was b«>nght against Mr. Baton by Mr. notes, and three sovereigns, iby two men , ' y Mr. Aiki W, bookseller 'and ' ¦£«£» d> tbea one of a blister or-tyvo no peraonal injury was silffertd/.Haa he d OCCU ie k8 where M'Manu s appe ared . in , his grey P rW °. .mi :; ' 22Sfti2 i.' l &« 'omanima8ter the former had whom is described at about forty-ooe ytsrs ofige, JSsa^-vs^Vgrjgaf ' ' Mr ; " ' ' Jer6 " P 8^°f ^d ware Port ¦ P'l' * ; ft rip t'b peh' for : , 'Crpm ptori' s presence of niindi - ?i» %'Kah w not Bubd^ ued f ^ form, in which he had been wprkine al *% !^K^^«»eenwliotheUTed in'an improper and five feet six inches high , dr essed in a blue jacket Very mela' ' ff^;/. f?. !« ^ pr . several hour s, since acquits ; ' ¦ hpweyfir ,; ticlipJy cojnslBquence * might have and not nntil ? , the . 1st. of Ja nuary.. After hia with'Mr. i^-s¦ > <¦- ¦ " ^ bve. cottage s ¦;¦ ^A^-iSBraas?-vi hpd ' . . been Bato^n and trowB fra ; and-the other dres sed •! . • ¦ ! —» ^^ » ^ completely n in,blaok.. • . . ' « f S^ S^ was ¦¦ ¦ r r esulted; ' ,P(?rli8jis ^Ken,the !ibgenioustb conceiver of a d M* discard' s works bb had . to . walk from the court house. to ' d! thia ^te^nt corr obo- Mbu hcholy Accident ob,,the, Thame s!—A th6 " CrySt&L Palace nad lieeii !^e!duced ; ashes &™t " ps and ware hbusVn amids t the "L " SSBXiS?"* ' • ! ; . some ¦ Mr.Aikin' public gazo, where he had man/ ?( melancholy occurrence took - place some few miies A Ninaow EscaSpb;— Cowkb, "' Jun e' ' 23 -ii T»{p m'easujfes.migbK^ Sff Jf'?*PM'lJ s printing office also to meet^im suit of em Zi!r?. 8eno'» matter snouiashould,b» - investi- down theARiv er off Holy Day en. thV 8uff«r edx6H8i(lerable ; dama ge from ' t . He had! to • bprro w a gated.«**^i.;^- in order tw «. """**?* Da mvesu- fJ - ' A vessel called RuBsia^barque^gir, Davidk toasteSrolrSivIl! 1 ong'desi 'defated mpans ' of/cqmmuhication ^bfltwee n e.time he fire , and at in order , that he pro ceed to w" : the Flora was beating up the river and ojn jt appeare d'as .if nothing 'sliorr of a could at once (]t from-Wa les, when nahjo Cowes forvotfer^ the ' T Hnv'Rr;lnd g^rd j of yrhi oh this is toother -examplei . miracle ton. L heard- Sir.' sta te, » . y f she went ashore.ne ar tbe Haven ward .3 P S- : 1 oould.Bave. th*. conflagr ation from "extendin gto th' - -lYUliam. Denison 1 «« tKtepS8&,5 tl» fl»e parish. and , and tlje crew imme- Woodward .master, from Aslit wiis all the 'pfeen gers j wero' greatly fright- e ,monstev, dinner ..given "on thp arr ival ot j " ^ { diately proceeded (o put a kedge ceived their orders aittoti.uinl^l whole Of Highr street. = M ssrar Cooper and Mr. Aik'iri ^ nocence, brforeth?»nS ^ *#*&• ° &»' ont .in-orde r to get for Bristol" on H.A isVh^n' 'ened.'iutid several had , to' deplore the destruct ion of are insured : tliat his . Btayj -in - . the 'colonyiVas not W^K ^t : " ' ' * ' r n ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦! ' , but Mr. Giscard ! neglected to ' get his 1 ; ton ^SX&fZSSSZ' l m--M Stock- heir off. They lowered the boat, and vrae.in tbe act deeded for that port,,but onf he b SS th eir i loggagje ;j. ,] /; { : " * ; *¦ ' >. .:% ¦ .: ' more .than a yea r the furt hest. . ,5, ge " smtic&' St; Catherine v AT ;^. . policy renewed during the present year /consequentl y or two at of arranging the ked , when a citme (quI of 's the American ffi ¦ 0"? ' . ;« Wof ffi6 Eu2 , VwLBsf ^STohU iNQTiriNbnWi ori the th e seen .,.Frost. , -j WilH:im«i, -----.-.-.„ j i...»and aJoneH.v<--> r the . , sian, i 20th damage dorie to his prop erty ii a total loss It' ll I I'll " them. The boat was instantly .capsized - and we re- crying, away her larboard; ' ¦ ' •- ' ' '¦ ' •¦ ¦ to <> " !.; .• . . . • ¦:.. -• ¦•;! • - ' ¦> ¦ ¦ ' ¦:. :: Fr ost here ; "'" '' f msdevthp ;J artt 98 h bad : 10m buSkt^S IBM. , a Biunu 01 nan ana rain , or unu sua l violence him . is book-kee per , to a grocer neJ. isharee —M* w^ik * gret to ann ounce that two of the poor telidws , named , &c, and her own bowspri t , leaving uart nf sinking , shafts experiment-' , br oke-immediately over this Jtown; deluging ' tiie K !< op' dp ' , making coal Charles Luihj i of Poole, and • Charles Thomas , of her figure-head on board the !«X • ,..^ Rj . PisB Ekkter 's Synod. —The diocesan Uobart a «»fe forwarf, .rtt atter SUSr! stre ets, and peeping evervthW g befor e \C' A' grea't syhOQ* a ' . Town; :.an a Jones keeps "}Lsr, and in do^g^^iu5S^ha i Sout hampton, ;weffe drowned . , : -:; >.j w, -»; ceeded.to:the westward. .TheS'raSoFeffi ppointed td be Held by tiie Bishop, of Exeter shop near Launcoston . will see by H>e ;' /or Fata l , d she now lies alongside PmtyM&i&&P*$*b 'M%^ 'Pa'rH^ehV Cbmrilen'ced its 'by . You fteedbiSJ tatem|n S^ & Se - Accidknt . at Blackfkiars BBinGB. — a^ the | fiSSmSii pro ceVdingsW Wedhesday . attend- which ,I :send, the Vigilant sails in » «»y f,. fa fe^ Op .Monda y afternouo " three ", .and .wh arf. When ran into she was lng Pjyjne ,Service at the' Cathedral in tlie fnr pnooti w $? r ^c^.^bft ^ ^ ^p^^ WP ^mu oh ,. between1 .four oii-tho Vt^hAnrH l , r . ,; London ..with , timber ; it is ; (I believel bcBa 0 clockVa.porti on of, the.scaffold !nnuef the fourth " p ®^^^ »6-*9 fe>l»f.iWfA4*?^^ «CaVtifcto' ^ii& l bu.rnb' aiore_ than the' ordinary ampun it; of interest was ships ?¦ «$ arcb; ] ' and tlie .buildin g purposes. Many colonial ;6f BlackfiW Brid ge, ob which three ' men tookSeftK! herjust abaf t the v^maint na8ti ^wSsS and panijfested .^tfie publicj buildiug was.not at ' timber ;»' Te had ghe iibi ' . " '' "' " huilt. iii Uobar t.iTpwn with such tte.8t« reIWp«r ,j ^iWBldsugge 8t >,fcmdii'& ^« w*?« %*6 xifaheih /niaflagei been a very ipoVerful tvesael 'shV* : must' "•h'a've 1 -bean auy time inconveiupnil y cro wded . , ' i' .'j ' well. Mr . > ^• ip th SbSaB ^ r?v ^ -¦:¦ ¦ j u , J P.lu9gumi and-found to answer s!l He completely struck down; :.':^ ' I. a :w\ oH ' ,,i;A Pois.ofjpus ,LiZARD.r-A or ^ti me -Mr loadea v pPf necee^y (Mr. hiarke ^-place down,, 1 ^e^4ahe ','iitrir ]g thV 3 . ^ ' ^^ nQe . ,' nnd bis shipmates at Port ' Arth ur » Wellby) thongh t tha t S mi &mm 3toiBa *M*4h ^ ' W CltarU 'S Mumt ord/gu'nsmi tlv, of l VY"arley, .whilat!.dip« , the here*J n, w maswr had been out nB Health ,Bill .as .amende d,:* discussion aroso as to P 3t ?r ver? ill of fever, and two medical men i known that portio n the of spssssss " 8 ^ C ° °f colleotin S tue customs duties a shaft the sent alarming condui pn of the silk trade , it being After some discussion , in whini , f»,« t n the exclusion of the town : < of . Hastings from the therei Wm. • .North^ Side Collier y ^tSg " at the lat ter place had estimated that nearl y half sohedule , which was affirmed on a division. l v I0 were several estates advertised for sale in given the looms are uiiem- .. : ?" w contended f..r the general princi ple ^ re way, and from forty to fifty men and : ' ' The Lodging Houses Bill was read a third time thatl no Est ates Court on Monda y, boys were ployed. ' ¦ ¦ distinction should ba drawn between inland cnmbera d and the buried alive m the pit ' £» ' ' ,' • .. . . J r n . ^s^= and passed. fi . . *®w?s and !°»P°rts in conferr ing persons to compete for them was con- The The Chairman Tiaving opened the business by ~ on -them the ;id- jjance of accident is said to have been occasioned 'The , other orders havin g.been disposed of the bondi requesting an impartial and pa tient .hearin g for , ^ ,B« sy«em. lie referred to the of the of durin g the rais ing of a cart load of coa l, which, house adjourned at'a' quarter past one o'clock. l*Sl tvado an^ meeting Senate the Queen' s when speakers , called upon . K ' manu factu ring products of ^j ffiR t at above ninety fath oms from the surface of ¦, 1 XS heW last week inthe Council Cham- , < ; . TUESDAY, Jons 24. • P V njr tll tiUe «»fc town oould <¦ inrsitr *** the shaft , swayed against the side, and carried away H. Holms, .who commenced by saying, that in urgefZ forS a: \ shar e in- ° the! fa, ° Castle. His Excellency the Lord-L ieu- aS^asBfewK • HOUSE OF -Lord Stanle y postponed cilities aceordotl to ports S DqMi« some of the timbers with which the wall was consequence of the great want of , employment LORDS. of compar ativel y msipnifiont Cha ncellor, pre sided. The deliberations until Monday next the motion of which ho had consequence. • ^nt, as packed , thus loosening and throwin g down a consi- amongB t the operative s of the district , and the ,ln t he subsequent disunion the ver fonr hour s. Arrangements were mad e given notice, respectin g the ' representa tive system motion was i^ed o derabl e portion of the side of the shaft , and doing misery and destituti on which contequeftt ty pwsvlefl, : opposed by Mr. Hume , Mr. Labouch ere S' mcdieal and agricul tural degrees to at the Cape of Good Hone . " , and Lord ntant iug nuscbM to so seriou s an extent , that for ver y many together with the ¦ Galway ; and support ed by Mr. Tatton who had been admitted ad eundem many complaints which da 'ly -National Land Company.—A ] petition was pre- Eiferton Ljent s to the uour a little ~._- hope was entertained that any ' *vwhk Mr. Brotherton , Mr. Spooner , Mr. of ihe reached him relativ e . . ^f *. . .TXT h »^^ *% * \ - 9 ' '* Uey wooii, and Ws Colleges, and who had studied one-third of poor to the general depression , and SS^sa sented by Lord Brotoham , from members of this 'K fellows below would ever be got out alive. Mr. arshaw. these institutions . to of havin g for years past taken an active part in mat ter ^' T^ a8 a amendment of the Company, complainin g;of the treatmen t th ey had ,-ar course ia Appointme nt of The men and boys^ the number between forty pre ambleuJ^l, af ter the word' " On a division there appeared — granting degrees connec ted with the ailk tra de in conj unc- " Whereas " to insert r eceived , and alludin g to a member of the other Uiiner s for was also arra nged ; and fifty, had descended to their work at six o' clock , he had , wol-ds deolarmg the entir e , For the resolution ... fio he open to public tion with a few other s ' ind Sence of this house of parliament , whoso name ho & office is to competitio n, and 1 on Frida y mornin g, and the acciden t occur red abou t , felt it his .duty. to call 8 kingdom of any junediction " would Eot Against ... 65—15 less than eighteen 73 fy of £ mention, as having been accessory to it. lh\e that no will be appointed four or five houra afterwa rds ; bu t its occurr ence public meeting to inquire into the cause of such'de- formgu prmcfe pre |a te, w . potenta te Savings Banks Failures. —Mr. Herb ert moved duty, at salaries of £50, £ and that S Lord Ellenbor ouoh , in a !speech of considerable lias . , 75, and £100 a did not general ly become known out of the pit yard pression , with a view of adopting measures for their Bishop of Home had , by.a certain br ef a res olution , pled ging tiro house , on some fu ture the majority at the last rate ' tly pretended or rescri pt, length , oalled the attention of the house to the case &, in in of payment , for some consider able ti me af ter ward s, when the common benefit. (Hear.) He had watched very recen to constitu te within this realm day to con sider in committee an address to the , ^examin ation !»oth faoa lties arts will according to the of Jotee Pera aud , ameminent Indian merchant and not wives and relations of the missing colliers began to closely the great commercial changes which , during .common ru les of the Chur ch of contrac tor crown , praying that a similar measure of relief ifheld until next year, when the , againBt whom a governrh ontprosecution colleges will have rush to the colliery, giving vent to their fears and the last few years , had been brou ght about by the 0 blSh PS named from had recentl mi»ht be afforded to the depositors of the late L3p!eted their third session. WiHJTwith titles doriJj.Jemed l . f ° see» iind y failed , the accused havin g been ac- grief in piercin g shrieks and piteous cries, and pro - from places belonging to the quitted of Itoohdal o, Scarb oroug h , Tr a lee, and Kili arney "^e following very importan t sta temen t 1 par ty known throug h the countr y as Free Traders s of England the char ges brou ght against him. There relative ducing a scene of the most painful kind which it Crow n One of his reasons for pro- could be ' Sa vings Banks as had been already extended to the Queen' s Universit y in and , notwithstanding the boast of that party, thai to no'quest ion th at Jotee Persaud had ren- p^e Irela nd appears in the has ever been our lot to witness. posing amendm ent was, that some had sup- suffere rs by th e failure of the savings bank io Cuf- -Vfljiia Pa l of Saturda y when their measures were matured by time, and there was dered great services to the British , ai my during the evenin g:—" "We are glad The fall of the shaft was distinctl y heard from posed arc onsiderab lo ambiguit y in the recent campai gns fe-street, Du!>lin. Tho honourable mombcr de- jmionnce tbat the entir e p , they would produce universal prosperity , declarato ry clause of , arid it was the more to be re- jj system of academical above ground , and as soon aa the cart had been ractice the bill , and if such ambigui ty gretted that fended his proposition on the score of justice , sinca «jroction, contemplated it should ,be the prose civtion had been persisted in by the founder s ot the landed , men were sent down to examine the mis- he had found by bitter experience that want of em- existed , cleaved up . But the depositors in the defaul ting banlis had relied en s Colleges is his principal because a governm ent' offlcer , to whom the matter fje of an , now completed by the inllcsta- chief, and they returned with heavy hear ts and ployment , reduc tion of wages, and almost universal object was, to remed y a defect upon the ostensible guarantee of the government ; ^iiment ; in the bill; which , had been referred * in the first instance for investiga- universi ty, endowe d with all the gloomy countenances , perceiving, poverty were the onl g and ur ged further , ' on the score of human as they did, that y results. Some three years Pa ticul ar brief of the 29th f tion , had ; reported that the charges were trumped ity and p ierswhich the older and most honoured institu- the work of repairing the shaft so as ?°?Septem berhtv , wo?1850, didS not" prevent policy, that the loss had fallen upon a very lar ge , to enable per- since, when the newly converted apostle of Free a repetition of the° up and unworthy of credit. The noble Lord also jjE3 possess. The first meeting of the ' sons with safety to descend act and afforded no guara ntee number of very poor depositors and that "if Queen s to the bottom of the Trade had enunciated his theor y,* his ro ost destruc- ^ that the law would complained that * the witnesses had been tamper ed , they {iarersity was held oa Thursday last in the Privy pit , a depth of 135 fathoms , wonld occupy a very 0 deivl with , and concluded were not veimbuvsi-d, at all events • part ially, the asil Chamber tive princ iple relative to commerc e and the landed rimlrr, ' with th« aggresBion by moving for the production fri of the Castle , when the senate lengthened period , as it could only be reached by ' in the same manne as our ancestors had 'dealt 1 with of certain paper s connected principle of self-denial and providence amorle; tha fssopened by his interest—-wh en, after havin g brought ruin . upon acts not ¦ with the case opera Excellency the Lord lieutenant , men suspended in the bucket , only three of whom sirailar 5 conten t with, repellin g, the " parti- : . Lord Brot jg htos defende d tive classes would suffer a very severe shock. Chancello r of many hundreds, of thousands of lish artisans , the conduct of the In- ,5 ;or the Universi ty. The senate , which could be employed at a time. However , the repa- . Eng by cular aggression by substan tive enactment they as- dian authori ties, and l,h° cost of providing a dividend equal to that four hours reducin g the , denied th at the witnesses had paid to the , proceeded .to consider the time ration seemed to be the only effort that could be prote ctive du ties, thus throning them ser ted , m plain terniB . the ' entir e freedom aud inde- been tampered with ; or that the Cuffe-street depositor? , for tlm suffe- ^f& the ' pendence of this ' , . : trial had been un- rers by the examinati on for degr ees for such students used, and it was set about hearti ly, the men work- into an unnatural competition with foreign pro- realm- - ,. • . . l tbat !the vernme had banks fet forth in this resolution , he jiJa d complete d the courses ' The wu L £P "t to consider was, estim ated at of lectures and in- ing in relays, and evincing a readiness and unani - ducer s—when that matK who .has been so much Solicitor-Ge nerai, opposed the insertion of whether there was a pnma /a«acase somethin g under £100,000. unction required ia the Queen ' ' words in the for puttin gthe After some s Colleges should mity to rescue the sufferers in the pit whioh lauded added to his many inconsistencies that grea t- these ; preamb le, which latter , in con- accused on his trial .; They thought remarks from Mr. S. Cbawfoiw and belo. Ic was determined tha t ¦ • • ¦ tha t there was ; Mr. D. MoRHia fc the first degree refl ected honour on them. - est of all inconsist encies, the betra yal of his party , junc tion with the second and third clauses, would,- Jotee Persaud bad accordingl , jjan inatioa should take plae e about the 1 y been tried and una- The 'Cu anckuor end of From eleven in the day till nine on Friday night and the pros tration of the lahd e^jnterest he contende d , sufficientl y effect the object in view. nimously acquitted, j He could not see . of the Exchequer submitted September, when the stud ents in the schools of was consumed workin g , ; the work - that there that^ by passing tho propo sed he in this way, the mSn inces- ing men of this country, No one denied tha t the first part of the pr oposed was any hardshi p in: the matter , for resolutio n , the house ^culture will eligible for degrees , as having santl y, but without making any perceptible pro- were .repeatedl y toid that the govern- would affirm the principle that when we recovere d from amendment was unquestioned law ; by this recital ,' ment , under the apprehensi on tha t there all losses incurre d grade d the two years ' courses of lectu res requi red gress, with further portions of the shaft now and the dire eifecU ot the fai- was ground by the failur e, from any therefore , the law would in no way be stren gthened , for the prosecution , would have betray ed cause . of any savings bunks , si that department. The students in the facult y of then giving way and falling to the bottom lure of the, potato crop and the scarcit y of food its duty if must ne repaid from the publi c , and while it would compel Roman Catholic members' it had not brought the accused to trial . . r evenue. 'This ;£, and in the school of engineerin g, will be 'eli- without any intelli generally, employmen t would be.abundan t, to Joteo Per i princi ple he could not admit. gence having been gained of the wages sanction a declaration which they were not required saud was entitled to; the' full benefit Explaining in some :fe to degrees at the end of the next session, men below, whose fate was consider ed as being would rue , and that 1 ' ¦ j ofhis acquittal , detail tho respective functions performed by tho : in plenty and happiness would be to make at the table: \ . ¦> . - but at the same time the Indian goyernmen t'iriust 3cch will terminate in June , 1852, and those in a most precarious .state . At about half-pa st nine diffused amon gs mana ger , the tr ustees , and the government , in re- t all classes. (Hear.) And all this Upon a division; aftev some discussion, the amend- be absolved from all blame for institu ting the pro- in faculties of law and medicine at the end of the o'clock, Mr . Kni ght , proprietor of the Ashton Yale was spect of those banks , he declared that the onl y re- to be broug ht about by cheapness , by reducing ment was negativod by. 140 against 131. < • secution. The noble lord concluded by promising to £jaon for 18-53—thes edepartments requiring con- coal pit , volunteered his services to descend as far Mr. "WAipotE sponsibility assumed by the lat ter was that of hold- agricultural produce below its , proper , its natural then moved another amendm ent of lay before tho.house all ithe papers bearin g on the •ssons attendance upon courses of stud y extending as the mischief, in order to see if he could ascer tain the preamble by addin g ' ing a certain portion of the invested balances , and vajue . How absur d was such rea ming, how falla- word s declarin g that the case at present in. the ¦ possession¦ ¦ ¦ of¦ the govern- str periods of three and four yeara respectivel y, anythin g to enable him to jud ge of the position of brief purported to consti ¦ , ¦ ¦ ' • • ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ':. to that extent the depositor * were perfectl y safe. cious has time proved it to be ? tute within the real m, con- ment ; • ' • p' •jecial examinations in the faculty of medicine , the men and boys below. The period of Mr. (Hear. ) Pould it trary to the law and custom thereof But here he limited the liability of the overn- •jsever will be held during the really be supposed that ' , a hierar chy of After some explanations from Lord Ellenborou gii , present season, Knight's absen ce was, to the numbers gathered the manufacturin g intere st bishops named from sees and ' men t. •T the purpose of examining the could long enjoy ¦with titles derived the.motion was agreed to! • • qualifications of aroun d the month of the pit , one of the most pain- prosperity while the agricultural from-placea belong Mr. Reynolds was so full y convinced of the moral jisse students in medicine who ing to the Crown of England, .:•• Lord Cam pbell moved; the third readin g of the , haying passed the ful anxiety. Upon his return , however, he was interest is prostrated ? : Must if not be liabilit y of the government , that he intended to de- evident to Lord J. RusskHi resisted this addition , which , Registratio n of Assuran ces Bill,, and after some firlier portions of their course at otherlns titutions , enabled to announce the gratifyin g gence that every thinkin g person that 1 man d the remaining ten shillings in the pound intelli if the farmer is unable upon a division; was negatived by 141 agains t 117. brief discussion . the ^ill' was read a jjd been admitted to complete their educa tion at two "of the hands were alive. De to obtain thir d time and on ' b ehalf of the defra uded Cuffe-strc ct deposi- , at all events, a remu nerativ e - price for his pro- The committee then divid ed upon the pream ble pa ssed, the Mar quis of Lansdowne taking ¦ jjj Queen 's Colleges, and are no w, conseq uentl y, stated that having got as far as it was safe to go the oppor- tors, ' : " I , duce he is also unabl e to pay a fair rate of wages itself, which was carri ed by 200 againsc' 39 ; arid tunity to congra tula te the house eatled to present themselves for degrees. Those he listened and beard somebody below open and upon the satisfac- Mr. BuionT feared that the resolution would offeu to his labou rers ? Is; it not also The Cha irman was order ed to report the bill. lory way in which their .delibera tions igrees will he conferred in September , at the same close the air hatch ; and - clear that if the pri this most a premium upon delinquenc y, and would result , upon bia hailing them, a income of the far mer Oaih of Abjura tion (Jews) Bill .— important measure of in jae with the diplomas in the department of agri- man is diminished and the wages : The houBe legal reform had been con- the annual application for a vote answer ed him and asked for lights and some- went into committee upon this bill . ducted and conclude d. • : ¦ to cover niniila r rJture. The senate having determined the time of - of the labourer reduced, that the mean s of consum p- . defalcations. But as the law was defective and tha thing to eat: The men 'from above continued Sir R. iNGLia retained to the fullest extent Th eir Lordshi p , evening the degrees this year, pro ceeded to con- turn , are also diminished his s then adjourned¦ , after¦ dis posing government had so far interfered with workin g to get the shaft repaired , and succeeded in ; and by. what class will hostility to the measure , but he did not think of some other business. ' ' the savings sser what examiners would be necessar y - thi s diminution of consumption * it ex- banks as to lead to an impression to conduct passing some food to the two men in the top vein, be first felt ? Most pedient to trouble the committee'with :. HOUSE OP GOM&fON S. " ' among tho depo- «3 examination preliminar y to giving degrees to who made certainl y b the ¦ ¦ a division ^In ¦the rnornirig sit- sitors that their money was placed upon a nati onal othe r efforts to make those below hear , y manufa cturing interest ;. For if in- upon- tho pr esent occasion . • > " • - : ' ¦ > ' : . ting of the house:mu ch time was tie students in the schools of agriculture and to hut could get no come and pcctipieaVin consi- security , he suggested as a measure ot;justice tha t . ans wer ; so that the fate of the wages are reduce d the means to purchase MrvPiuMPiRE concurred in the 'expedien oy of riot dering whether Mr, att ' -J ose in the medical facult y, to whom we have al- forty below : Mow s Metro politan Water a; bill should be. brought in to regul ate the future seemed to be of the most hopeless kind. manufac tured articl es are reduced also. Cheap dividin g the committee. The fact th at Supply Bill -should bo trea tod as a fefed. In addition to the degrees which will be At abou t ' bre ad the govern- . private bill, and liability , and tha t the house should take a charitably . three o clock on Saturda y morning it was the universa l cry raise d by a party who wished ment , with all -its appliances- and means , had only whether the 'standin g ord ers in respect to private taferred upon deserviu g candidates , prizes of a becoming incre asingly view of the past. evident that to repair the to push their goods into every been [able; in a house of 400 members , to carry the bills should be dispensed with or suspended ftasiderabl e amount will be contended for by'the shaft so as to admi t , market of the world , in the Mr . Hume declared that the nation was morall y of the usual pit bucket des- at deteriorated second readin g by a majority of twent y-five stamped case of this bill ,.so that it might asdents fro m the three colleges of Belfast, Cork , cending would prices, regardless of the ruin they , be read a second liable to the suffering depositors , and could n ot deny be a work occupying a very long a condemnation upon the bill; whioh time; Ultimately the motion tor cdGalway. It is needless to say how much of were brin ging upon millions connected with the , he tr used, the suspension of their resposibilit y so long as the law time, Mr . Rennol d, of the Malago Vale colliery, soil would not be lost sight of elsewhere. the standin g orders was ' ' was left in its fiaracter and consequence will attach of Eng land.; " Reduce 1 withdraw n. present state of uncertainty . ' ¦ - to honours made a proposition for attempting in some decided rents , ' said they to' the Mr. "Wal pole pointed out that the The Pr eventi on of Offences (lamed under circumstance s of legislation Bill was read a third Mr. Henley regrette d , but could not consent such competition . manner the rescue of the two poor fellows who landowner , while they, the millocracy, were gather - upon this subject -was ,absurdly inconsistent time.and passed . -. . • > . > td Ens, then, do we find ours elves in a , inas- make good with publio money the losses position to were known to be alive. He- pro posed that ing their thousand s and hundreds of thousands of much as it admitted Jews to vari ous - On the order.for ' of the sav- csfcre that there now exists in Ire land civil offices the 'third readin g of the Smith- ings banks deposit ors. a compre- one or two extr a shields or bonn ets should be pounds , wrung from the sinews from which Roman Catholics ' Ho hoped r ather tlmn ex- lasivo scheme of education for of their wretched wer e excluded , for ex- field Market Removal Bill, ; pected that the ministr y every class, and fixed above the' bucket chains , that some ropes operatives. Well ' ample would be able to overcom a rade , and sect, which may , ren is have been reduced ; but the , 'the Premiership; or ¦the¦ Lord Chanc¦ ellor- . Mr. Staff ord made a strenuou s protest against the difficul ties chall enge competition with nooses, through which mi*ht pass their " ¦ ' ¦ ' : ¦ • • • • ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ • • . ' : ' tha t stood in the way of satisfactory Kih that established in any farmer and the labourer are still in want shi p. • . the measure , which , he said , was an atte mpt to es- legislation on th'e subject. country upon earth . legs, should be suspended under them , are still ' Sibthor p tablish a governmen t ue priesthood of the two , and that suffering from unwise legislation. Colonel observed that if the bill , by monopoly , that would run Up Mr. S&ANK? remarked great persuasi ons find , in this apparatus should be lowered to Braine and And have the some extraordinary and . upon the hardship that fell U» colleges of Dublin and Mayn ooth weavers of. S improbable chance , passed tho price of meat.in the metro polis, . ' u pon the workin g , that education Philli ps, so as to enable them to escape by its use. pitalfields benefited • by. the changes ' classes, for whose small savingB such their respective churc hes throug h another place ,- there would have to be all Mr. Home joined in the protest against this " rash all other approve of- while A small bucket was pre pared , and a man named which have take n place ?—(loud cries of "No , no investments wer e impossible , and that of riai aity have, in the Queen's College ") sorts of arrangements made to accommoda te Jew and inconsidera te : measure ," which ,: ho alleged , the banks unsafe . s, dispensed Sorth having in the most gallant manner volun- -have we been better employed , better fed oast a sti k the ablest hands that the , er members as to Saturday sittings, ¦the daily¦ prf ayers gma upon the 'Corporation of London , and Col. Thom pson believed that the sufferers now empire can afford teered to peril the descent , he was lowered to the bet ter clothed ?-("No , and what not. : - . - . ; ¦ . ' ' . violated a itt lilt system of instruction which no")-are wages higher great constitutional princi ple, that of not question had an indefeasible claim has been justly first vein, and in a short time brought up the two t han usual , has cheapness given The Solicitor-General reminded interfering with in equity upon feagsated in a recent number of you an addition al the hon. and munici pal government . He moved the public purse . the Edinhwvh men . Their accounts gave little hope of the Others . , a coat learned member for Midhu rst to defer the third readin g - ' £»», ' the most solid and enli loaf , or a shirt ? Most certainly not. 'toat' the exclusion of for six months . .' . Mr. J. A. Smith repudiated the ghtened education Philli ps said he did not believe that there was a Roman Catholics from the Sir G. Grey assertion that tha •jbe had m Euro pe.' There were Cheapness is br ought about at the sacrifice ot civil offices to which he defended the bilj, arid , in reply to public had rendered itsel f responsible presfiPa t th e soul alive below, as he had himself crawled up to referred depended not upon reli the allegation that , now or here - ast meeting of the senate , his Excellency labour, and the rate of wages is reduced by bringin g ¦ gious/ but upon this was an att empt to withdraw tofore , for the savings banks defalcations. He con- the Lord the mon th of the ti p leading to the bottom vein, political grounds: i ; - •< the control of the mar ket from the city iKuteuant , the Lord Chan cellor, the Lor d us into competition with forei gn produce ™. Surel of London , fessed at the same time that the law required eluci- Chief and had hammered and holloaed , but without y Mr. Hume considered the measure an act of jus- observed that the government had und ertaken the ¦ ¦ fence of the Qaeeh 's Bench, the Lor d Chief havin g home consumption is sufficiently dation and amendmen t. been able to evoke any answer. Braine also intense to keep tice alread y too long;delayed , and which ho management of this matter onl y after the iiron, the Master of the Rolls, Sir Phi lip Cr amp- down prices withont hoped corpora- Col. Dunne supported the motion . expressed his apprehens ions, but considered it pos- , glut ting our markets with the t he government would press through parliamen t. tion had positively-declined it, and the a. Dr. Corri gan, R. Gri ffith , Esq. , Ca ptain sible hands of tho The house divided — that the men might have got to a part of the produce of countr ies where wages are scarcel y Air. Napier remarked , that it- was wholly incon- government would stil l be tied up for Ircom , J. Gibson , Esq., and the Pr esiden ts '¦'¦¦ a specified For the resolution 56 of the vein remote from the ti p, and thought that some known, or only nominally ' sistent in the men who had 1 : time. : . . : . . i ' ' ' : : : Men' s Colleges of Belfast, Cork , and so. Well , after a long , of late, been struggling At'ainst ;, -03—-f Galw av." efforts ought to be mad e to descend into the bottom and painful trial of the for month s in assertion of what they Aft er a protest against tho measur e ine ioiiowing gentlemen ar e princi ples of Free Trad e, we consider ed ¦ by Sir James Mr, UitQuiiART moved a candidate s for the ' • ¦ • • ¦ • ¦ ¦ • resolution recommend ing vein, which he thoug ht might be done by means of find ours elves the supremacy of the Queen , DUKB, : ' . . • Shiteley Professorship of Politic al Economy surrounde d by want and wret chedness, now to foster a mea- tho re-appoint ment of the select committe e on dip. in a reel or windlass. Several men undertook to sure which directl Mr. Cardwell ' : BMu Universi ty :-Thomas William Chea pness has not increas ed the demand for labour, y tended to impugn the supremacy supported the third reading, and lomatic salari es. : Barnes Esq. make this attemp t ; and havin g cautiousl y de- of our Lord and Saviour. J combattcd the i$.; Thomas Edward Cliffe Leslie ' hundred s of our looms are idle objections offered to a measure After some conversation , on the .motion of Sir ' , Esq., ll.b? scended in three parties to the upper vein, a bucket , while the impor t oi Lord 'J . Russell had which he though t . Wd Gra ves Mayne, Esq. , foreign-wroug , not very long ago heard , , manifested an excess of consi- Brotii kuton , the divi sion was tak en on the question, A.B. ; Richard was lowered to them , in which were a windlass pre- ht silks is .on the increase , and this is the hoff. and learned deration toward s the city ' • Saaey Walsh , Esq., LL.B. The likel gentleman declare in that :of London. thai , the house do no-w ad journ . election will be pared for erection, a canvass tube for an air shaf t, y to be our unfortu nate condi tion while the house—'an d he had heard him with pleasure Sir H. VERNBY .spoke in favour of caeruiined the week after next. that ¦ the billi and There appeared for the motion, sixty-four ; agains t and a piece of rope to Jo wer into the bottom vein. present administrati on is in power. There is no neither 'belief or opinions, but conduct , Sir W. JoLLiFFB against 'it; ' • ' The preparations for the reception of the Ameri- A t should be it , thirt y-two. - f er waiting for some time below, the signal was stabilit y in the govern ment likely to creat e confi. the test of fitness for offices and honour s. Upon a division the third readin g ' was cas in Galway, and for turnin g the Americ an expe- He re- carri ed by Tho house accordingl y adj ourned at a quar ter- given to haul up, and the men returne d to the sur- dence amon gst persons engaged either in commerce gretted to hear the hon. and learned gentleman 81 again8t -32, and the bill passed. ' • ' raent to the best advanta ge, are carr ied on with face, having ' ' past twelve. been unable to accomplish their pur- or agriculture. No person will speculate while the now speak in so differen t a strain. (Hear , hear, ) Church: Buildin g ; Act Amendme nt Bill.—In aSeh spir it. pose. They s WEDN ESDAY, Jdnb 25. The tated that the air was sd foul that it Whig Cabinet holds its office b It appeared to him (Lord John -Russell), that while moving the second reading of this Bill, Sir G. reporu from all quarters of the country are was impossible to burn y suffrance only. Let Gbey HOUSE OF COMMONS. -Hunoarian Exiua. eren still any lights there, and th ev a Stanley admini stration he they were perfectly right in doing all they could to described the effect of tho measure , which was, - more favou rable than those received in did not think it possible to descend the tip-shaft formed , and an imme- A petition was pr esented by Mr. R. Ha rris , from ts earl y part of last . diate would promote the Chri atiair religion, and its diffusion designed _ to accomplish a subdivisio n of large week. Summer , thou gh some Xorth , -who accompanied chan ge take place. Under present cir- a publi c meeting held in Leicester , and signed by rat late seems them , stated that he throug hout the globo, they should feel that Chris- parishes in proportion to their popu lation , with the , really to have set in. not " with crawled on his hands and knees to the mouth cumstances a high dut y on corn would be imprac - tianity derived no force the mayor , praying tho house to take into conside- Jiusuai seventy," of the from any mode of exten- object of facilitating the erection of Churches , but bri ght and hot, almost to tip", where he hammered for ten minutes ticable. But some pro tection would be afforded , sion which could in any way or and providin g ration the case of the Hung aria n patriots who wer e , and that degree be called an iuoreased accommod¦ ¦ ation¦ for the ttf meltin g point. The LrinsUr ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ - ' ¦ , . detained in the Turkish Express states that he called with all his might , and could obtain not only to the agricultural , but to the manufa ctur- civil persecution (hear, hear); and it certain l public. . :•'. terri tory by the influence ite crops in that ho y ap- of Russia and province ar e in a- flourishing con- answer , from which he inferred that all the handB ing and commer cial interests also. Confidence peared to him that ,the exclusion upon 'Air. Hume, from the , hast y Austria , and to impress upon the caon, and tha t in serea any such glance ho had been counties wheat is begin- below had been suffocated by the foul air. The men would be revived . (Hear grounds of persons'from offic e by the able to take at the -Bill^-which was executive government the necessity of a strong on* to form in the ear . , hear .) Trade would power of the only printed on From tie west the tmos - concurred in stating that any further attem pt at improve Legislature ; they ' being loyal subjects of Saturday last and solemn protest against this ou tra ge upon the ffcts are equall y good ; for , af ter all , a Tory administration has Her Ma- — apprehended that the measure ; and as to the pota to crop, descent would be at tended with the most imminent jesty,' was aspecies of persecution altogether , would tend to diminish the laws of hospitalit y , and the ri ghts of inde pendent nnever looked better or ever proved of higher value to ,the tradin g world incon- number of free sittings nati ons. . more promis ing. danger , and it now seemed that no chance re- sistent with the high and in ohurches since powers were A fatal affra y than all the Whig political economist Free pure spirit of Christianity , conferred on the Iri sh Politica l took place in Lon donderry last week mained open hut by passing a wind-sail down the Tra de (Cheers.) •• '• ' " • bishops to levy a charge both on the seats to Prisoneks. —Mv . Ah stb? in. teiween some Cabinets put together. (Hear be con- quired of the. soldiers of the thir ty-four th depot; pit and forei ng air down by' means of a revolvin g , hear.) But how 18 Mr. NEWDEOATit ' put it to parliament and structed in new churches , Under-Socretar y of Sta te for tha Hitioned there , and the this to be brou g to the arid on those which wer e constab ularly . The affair fan , so as to afford the men a chance of survivin g ht abou t? Simply by retur ning country, whether it was decent now enjoyed by the poorer rnerhbers Colonies whet her the state prisoner , Mr. •M 'Ma nuff. orginated in some that person s who 'of congrega- insulting treatment oSered by till the reparation could be sufficientl members to the House of Commons who will sup. rejected the very foundation of Christiani ty, tions withou t.'cbst j • ' was :riot discharge d from the custod y of Sir W, to soldier s to a coun y completed . should jMievirig the Bill to involve ' tryman , and the police having Thi s plan was at once" port the line of policy pursued by Lord Stanley be invested with the power of appointin g many considerations ' ' Denison s comman dant at Port Ar thur by a solemn aierfered to disperse resolved upon , and the wo- and ¦ clergy- ' of; great 'importance /- he order , of ., a crowd which had collecte d men and his great par ty. Let men to the cure of Christi an souls «- . ! : • objected to itS'being hurried throug h' the Supreme Court of Van Diemen 's Land fe soldiers men around set to work with such extra- us not witn ess again the degrad. the house . declarin g attacke d them , usin g their belts in th e ordinary " Mr . Reynolds said , that after the painf ul ana moveu such custody to he illegal ? Also whethe r «=.ul al acrity that in an honr and a quarter an ing spectacle of hundre dsand thousand s drawin g such debutes tnat 'Wue read a second time tha¦ t day¦ t. One of the police survived the injuries air t which had ¦ '' •' :' - ' - ¦ -¦ ¦¦ "¦" • < ¦ ¦ the said state .prisoner , after havin g, in cohsequeno a ta h ube of can vass, eighty fathoms in length, was a man aB Geor ge Thom pson , for months occupied the house ai to the six months. ' > - t .. -\ . ' jf he received little more than twenty-four to the hustin gs , of such order , with .tho connivance of governmen t.' completed. This was lowered down the pit, and ly because he oppression of the Roman Catholics of this countr y, The amendment was seconded by Mr . Williams. to, and an inques t havin g been M.J m, hu ™_ simp was a Free Trader , a man who 1 quitted-Hobart Town-, and return ed to his air forced in in the manner described. The men it was . some consolation to find justice awarded to Sir B; Hall concurred in disapprovin g of tne own a**, the jury found tha t he would never give a single vote for the English house " at Launceston , had not again been arres ted had died from the ef- went on with the work as ra pidly a8 possible, but another long oppressed class of' her Majesty ' s sub- summary way! in which the bill \was pushed , and a artisan or the Eng lish labourer by. Sir W. Denisori , upon the same char ge °i Anflict^, by »<*»» Bv. one of the it was necessarily so tedious , and threatened to , who deserted hi s iect-8. All the facts showed that the general feeling found many points to which be str oiigly .'oujerited. On whiohj" Si»3iersP , three. other s aiding and constituenc y for some ¦ ;l :: his excellency had caused him to be placed in 1 ' ab etting. It was occupy such a length of time, that it was thou ght specula tive undertakin g in of England was in favour of the emanci pation of Mr / Plumteb ' supp orted , the bill , -thoug i such smugly recommend ed that the custom h he custod y? Also whether it is true 'that he was of soldiers some other attem pt ought to be made for the deli- America. At the next election return only such the Jews . The immediate object of this very bill found some fault wi th 'i its details , and objected to upon wring belts off duty should be 1 such'his second arres t brou ght all the way discont i verance , if alive, of the imprisoned men. The men for the Tower Hamle ts as will support the was to establish in his seat a gentleman who had any interferen ce " with , the existing sittings 'in 'back .MiGiunox mom the West.-A let ' ¦ , from Launceston to Hobart Town; a distan ce ter from general feeling seemed to be that the descent would enlightened policy of those great statesmen been twice elected to that house by large bodies of churches already bUiU'J , '' > '..:' ' '" , . • " of Wetport , published in the-Doily Express • , Rich- : 120 miles, on foot ? : And , finall whether he says — be too dan gerous to undertake , but at length a Stanley, and Disrael i. men', quite as gooii Christian s as any of the oppo- Sir B. II.f lNOLi s ^oughtith \at the princi , of y, waa e tld f emi ration still sets Btead ilv mond, Then , and nof till ple not, at ,the date of the last 1 « « - t° S towards man , named Fra ncis Smith , who had been before t nents of the measure . As to Ireland , the bill was' sufficientl y understood!to enabl e them advices, sufferin g from a u* far West, and the want of passenger ships hen , may we hope for relief from the nyseries we the feotin" feyer, occasioned by such treatment ?¦'' • ' ¦'¦ v : down , consented to make another effort , and he there was almost unanimous in favour of the Jews ; to pa'ss the second readih g, and all 'objecti ons might Mne prevents the departure s being still more n«. are enduring. (Hear.) The speaker concluded by- ; Mr. Hawks said that from the was lower ed into the lower vein. Others followed with one exception , every Roman Catholic member be diaoussed and.romo yed-wh'en' the clauses came'bn , information which ae-ous than they have been . The moving the following resolu tion ~ ; the governmen t .had at presen t desire to leave his example, and their courageous conduct was re- " That the from Irel an d in that house had supported all the for consideration in ! committee. ' ' ' " • ' • • '. 1 received it appear ed ia count ry cannot be more stron gl les of Free Trad e : that .M'M aniis , at t his time he believed y exemplified ward ed with success, for, after a time they had princip as far as they have pro- staeea of this measure. , ' Sir Gj Grkv adopted the 8anieyiew-, and promised j a prtsott eri ttei by a reference to the class of small , had applied to the court for a wr it vessels now the satisfacti on of making themselves heard by gressed have not only proved , a fallacy, bat a de- Col. Thomfbon was present whori the house went if the bill were read ai' second time then , that a in of habeas corpufc eployed m the trad e. The following retnrn of ' and ^vas consequence 'broug 'the &as some of the men below, and of learning from them cided injur y to the best interests of the countr y ; the length of putting an Old Testam ent into the sufficient inter val should , be allot ted, beforo the ht before bour ti which have left the port of Westport this sea- ' ; when , the return was insufficient !' that the re wer e none of them dead , althoug and that nothing short of protection to the hands of a gentleman who proposed to take his measure was " brought ju' for pomj njttal. arid he was w will prove tbis. It will be seen that h some manu - ; ; : p again arres ted; Tho question 'was likely , with two of them were sinkin g from despair , , and ex- facturing and agricul tural seat, 'He very much regretted that advantage had A prolon ged discussion , turiiiii g chiefl to ba tte ptions, the num ber of hunger interests will restore hap- ; ' y upon raised again before the supreme court of t lip colony, passengers in each ship haustion , ft was now felt that no lime was to be not been taken of that to admit Jews upon using the point whether , iho house !:h ad had tim e la unde r 100. Heretofore the piness and prosperity to the people at large. " ' The honourabl e and learned gentleman sliould numb er avera ged lost. The pumpin g down ot the fresh air had so the words , " On the true fai th of a boliever in 'the enoug h to 'oonsider • arid comprohend " the bill , have frm \m to 300 by each ship:— improved Mr. Hornsb y commenced by observing that it all the informa tion on Ihe subject whic h the govern, the atmosphere that candl es could be Old Testament ." , ' ended in the af ljournment of the debate until Fri- : : ¦ ¦ y«*eis. was all very well for millocrat s : ' ' ¦ ¦'¦ • ¦. ¦ ment might receive. ' -> '1 ¦¦ - . ¦•»• ror> Passengers. kopt alight , and the men, having first passed some to lecture land - The clause was then agreed to, The house, re- day n ext, 1 ' ' '- ; '" ;¦' ' • •• • • y'»ces* ?few York 67 owners on the necessity of reducin g ' Mr. AssTEV.spid ho had asked if the second arre llJla ra food down belo w, ri gged a windlas s and prep ared rents ; but how sumed, and ' the bill was reported without amend - • The house then adjo urned for '¦ two hours, re- Bt AT ¦ ;¦¦;¦¦¦ : had . not taken plaee at Launceatoh , to 1 which aw York Ill to haul up the men. By half-p ast thr ee o' t did it happen tha t the owners of houses in large ments. " assembling at six o' clock. ' •• '' ' : place ^Crescent ... Boston clock he ¦ ¦ Mr. M'Alanu s had returned from Hobwt 1 90 first of them , a man named James Peddar , had been manufac turing towns had. increased the rent of The Court of Chancery and Judi cial Committee Extens ion of ' The CESTn. Hi Crijusa l Court. — Town; 13 4 and whe ther he had not been brou ght back i. "? Quebec U1 hoisted from the bottom vein to the top one ; aud housea occupied by operatives during the last year Bill was read a second-time without discussion; ' Mr . FRBwBN riiove'l a resolu tion recommen ding tho on foot. ' Wander er ... Qnebec 1 • Mr. llAwua said he had alread y told the hon. ' 96 efforts were being used to brin g up a second , named or two ? (Hear hear. ) Sotplt.—The adjourned debate on the report of extension of the jurisdic tion of .the 'Cen 'tral Crimi- ' aid , Some of the princi pal ;: learned *™c? Kew York James Wellon when a fresh the Committee of Suppl y was then resum ed ' " nal Court •' ' ¦ ' gentleman that he should ^Have -all the in- T1 87 , difficult y presen ted advocates of Free Trade in the districts of S by, over the whole of each count y com- ' ¦ ~ S York Uself. The poor fellows had pital- nosiE who made the ; vote brisod in - formati on the government might-receive. Vl ' '•'• •Thme MT- - *7 60 to crawl throu «h a fields and Bethnal- green Mr. , of £300-000 to- the cirmiitl The motion ; he stated , was, SL-aviua is sull in por t waitin g a fair wind very small air shaft had durin g the last twelve wards the expenses of the ' Kaffir war th e designed as; a • ' . UsivEBSiuE s (Scotland) Bill.—Mr. Cowas, *iri- , , and Wellon, being a fusty _ subje ct ¦ basis for¦¦ legislation¦ in: a future two l months materially ' ¦ ¦¦ " ¦ ; ¦:- •¦¦ ¦¦ ' • 1 ¦ ¦ - moving the second gI ar ge vessels are increased the rents of the plain t against the governm ent ' session , ' -i! > •'• ' . . \< fading of . this bill; observed KM i expecte d dailv, which mnn , experien ced the greatest difficult y in making of a com for with- ¦ their u.nBage, wUl fake about 120 weavers ,—yes, of the veiy class wbose labqnr they holding from the colonists of the ¦[ • ait G. Grky that these were not. ecclesiastical , but nierely edui ^ passecgers the passage , whereb y a great deal of time was ex- Cape of Good deprecated , as prema ture , a resolu- have depreciated . (Hear. ) Hopo a representative syttem tion whio > cational , institutions,- unconnected 'with the church ; ' hausted , during which the imprisoned men in the Talk of the aristocracy 1 granted by letters . would tend to limit tho future action of ' 1 bert FaU£Set Why ' '¦ ' ¦ ; - ; th ' and tha t the testsapplied there were ' more of a po*' a magistrate of the county bottom vein were kept in a state of the most they are the best friends of the people. It is paten t. v • : . / ' o legislature; If ,the chan ge suggested by ' the 1 tf JL?°W amoi! 'he - in; litical than of an ecclesiastical nature , ha vine been' ' S t emigrants from Sligo to anxious suspense. At- leng th he was got throu gh the aristo cracy who patronise every thin g of value , Lord J. Russb ll, repl y, stated the mode' in hon. mover were expedient ', he/saw no Reaso n why : Lprea ^ lasti ? week , ' ' ' originally directe d against' Prela tista - arid Pap istBj; ' ' J er Persons of a respectable class and the work of raising the poor fellows was com- and who expend their money liberally and usefull y : which a representative system had been granted to it should be limited to the ' home circuit .'- For the ! ¦ now almost daily the Cape. The letters *paten t ' present he in.order to eject such individuals , then holding pr o^' - ' ' : '• £e found adop ting the same menced and carried on amidst considerable danger not like the monied cotton lords not containedI rip distinc t .rebomm¦endeil that the ¦ resolution should , who hesi tate 1 1 ' ¦¦•¦ ' l! ' ' '' : ' ' ' 1 " : " •;¦' fessorshi ps,^and toi exclude th em' ih. fu ture from 1 ii: • ' t details , but only an outline of the . system, to be bo withdrawn/ • ' .; " • ,' ' - ^ tho : ' until seven o clock at night, by which hour he to work little children almost to death for the pur - ; : chairs . There was | no real diBseri t ' ¦ '• ° ra Ql ' S Cora «--The filled up in the: colony; and . the scheme Was to be ; Mr. Frew kn oori8erited ! ibt ' ' to ' press for , in Scotlan d ; ' ' '* 'ftmfnm Tf r following is whole of them , forty-one in number , had been pose of hoarding up money. of : a the , differences had : lj ' 1|:; the Lenuttr^ Exp ress of Monday :— « : (Loud cries sent home in the shape..of ordinances for the-'de- division ,1 and the ' motion was no relation . to spiritual ' doc- ! • . ' The De broug ht out of the pit—rescued from what at one . ¦ <: then ^ negatived by triri es " hear. ") None of the prop hecies ~ • 1 • ¦¦ " " ' ¦ - : ' : , hut arose from tho iriroads of th 'e" civil' >> ' a I < Ceen S of Cobden, cision of her Majesty ' s government. He explained consent. - ; '' &tully one*J ' Comt*> has been Pro«r- time appeared to be the most certa in death. e ! 1 power.. The.' .object of the bill'-waaHdf " " ' ' ^-Vof the ?best mana ged in Irel and ; and it is Pe l, and others hav e been verified : all have been the course adopted, by; Sj r Harry Smith, ' in. R,BVENi)K: ^Mr. Disraeli; " notice declara • ' i' ' > Many of them, when got out, were in a tery ex- who, gave that on that individuals 'had ' been driven '6ut : -' |lc ! falsified. Under the system of Free , Trade the Spi- stead of filling up the .vacan t seats of the Council Monday nc'xti'npon tho motion! fof.'the1 ' bt these 'iini . ' ^ :'' hauste d state , and some of them had to be carried 1 committal versHioB by an .ac t of the civil v ' :: talfields weavers are sinkin g lower and lower by nominees , complet pd^hat Assembly, by..which' ofthe lrihabf ted House Duty Bill, he should ' power , 'an 'd'tha t it : •'"' in men's arms , but the proprietors of the colliery ; move, was fair and just that they ' ! ! i; i wretchedness and the new ordinances were to bo framed , b as an amendme nt , •• ' ' should 'tj6t be' debaVre d • bad pr ocured the presence of medical gentlemen to misery seem continually to hover y member s ^hat .^cdnsiderm g^ihe lirhite d from , their rights/as British 1 ' i > : :/ elected in tho colohy; "and he detail ed the result of surplus of two millions . announ ced , by; the ' 'Chan- subjects by the 'en« " " locality ofKsaft^s attend upon the poor fellows as they were brought round them ; the cheap loaf to them is very dear ; forcemen t of tests which ho' ! } ^ Abbeyleix should hlaSS ^ th at- measure—the difference s which cellor of the Exchequer ' ' chafaote'ri ied as' an ' ' " "' w J Sgst iS up, and by the o t lack the means arose in the on the national revenues ; pie a savage who administration of suitable remedies f r hey to purchase ; and while the absurdi ty, arid a mockery . could be guilty of thec olwdly Council, and the secession of Sir A/Stiockensti 'd considerin g tt iivt fivo drid ' , millions ' : ruie they were sufficientl y recovered to admit of their blessing of plenty is m a half of income , , Mr. Lo, : j of hougran g and maimin g cattle (the property ringing in their ears they and his colleagues, who; he thbugh ' ' are drawn- :-from ; the Poirie . CKHART said that this'wa ^.an ifnforiuha ta * 51 being removed to their respective homes. They t, had taken a 'J n .arid Prb perty Tip:, time '^ " n ' 1. L. Swan , Esq., agent lo Viscount De Vesc suffer all the pangs of hun ger ; On the other hand, raoBt unfort unate course which 'has bee n renewed ' ' ,. to . brin g this subject forward1 . ' ' ^He ' denie'd" ' "-i t> the i) state that they heard the earth , since, but for it, the or- only for a year , and sub- ' ' ' ¦i ^oiced fiad inha bitants arrayi ng the mselves and stones fall , and agriculture , with the millions dependent thereon dinanc es would have !" ' that the se testB , had a mere, political origin'Y they ^ . • 1 - felt themsel ves blocked in; , been transmitted to this niitted to the cbnsVd fer atiori of a 8elect 'oommittee ; w ' ' ' Jl ¦ * w>8 discovery and punishmen t of the that the air at times country, and received ' and considering 1 . erp .iHtrb jluced in order to stre n'gth en the ohuroh j' ' " • '' ' ' miscreants became so foul tha t they are alike sufferin g from the competition to which the consider ation of the the provisional state in"-which ' th 'e No have degraded their neighbourhood. " ve coulded hardl y exist, and home government , 1 1 •revenuo 1 ' and to^giver the . people of Scotland a rel igiqui —A meet- Ust P*risn had they not th ey are subjec ted with the serf-grown corn of and a representa tive constitu ^ was tbus left; it appears to the K6use;rndre ' ' *S was held at Abbeyleix last week. Lord De «r * r£ *S- earth buc- tion would have been ' oduca tion. . Thi bill , he coritehde 'd^wa s ihcbn ipjii^ 1 '! '« ceeded, by dint of^ great labour , Sussiaan dof Poland. To destroy the landlord inte- now in force in the colony.' . consigtent with tlie jm aintenance of publi c credit; ' ' ; " " ¦« ¦ .; be deferred for six inq'ntha: - - ' ' «•!* "i V-- .t.fli^.'.i;. * V: entered into for the conviction of the bey wor ked tUl thr ee o' was considered. effecting changes 'ih other branoheff of " taxa tion; v " 1 ' : r i ¦ Miy party. clock on SaSday morn the British farmer is to depreciate the means which er , 'Mr . EwART . defend pd the bill; whiohVwa8 fOuri d.ed - • '* •'¦ ing, when their cand les * The, Guj ipowd Stores , (Liver pool) Exemption whioh might boherwis e haye been considered be- ' " were all gone, and them- supports the nation. He rejoiced that the time Bill ¦ • ¦ ¦ " sj. - - 1 ' upon the general p^ihciplo f opJ Btfiiig tW-^iytfftji- n' li- selves completel y exhausted Repeal went throu gh committee! • ' neficial .' ' '¦ ' 'i' i j i > :/ c.i ^i i- :« .:>?. -:..; .i, '- . , : •.;; ' ' 9 ^' 3EPAKTCH E , and they gave them 1 ties to all/arid .'was'in'tfccordah 'ce ^thieli feio D'.'khft JV '.'. ib? of the Afbica.—On Saturday, at was not far distant when a Stanley administration Civil Bills, &c, (Irel and ) Bill.—The house ' Inlasd BoKDiHO. iiMr, Milker ' Gibson- moved for ' 1: :!J ' i|; 1 " "o ¦ with the spirit of the times!.™: ' ' '- ;>••• ? 'is :, ttj mjj i :n- f 0 clock p.m., the British and Xorth American to the earth alive Findin g would be again in power ; and he agreed with the then went into committee upon these,bUls| upon the appoi htmont pi a select;cominittee to inquire * ; tint the best air was . • Sir G. GRB t Bhouia - vpfelfor .thV'^c6nd-. rea toiv' ' g-il Mail steatn-shi p Afric a left to the bottom of the pit that there was no which they were some time ocoupied. The 'Chair- into'the ' wd'rfcingof the bonded wareho use system at ' -'* , Capt ain Byrie, , they took to that , wher e last speake r, hope for the people ¦! i; ¦ '•¦ ¦ oftue bniiat the same time 'he'diH ..^ fi» New York direot some of them went to sleep mas reported progress. ' ; • ' • Manchester ^ «8>far ' a!8 it affected importers ^ dealers , ^,¦ J™y > with the mails, ; others betook them- until the present ministry were ejected from power . this was a 'yery icbriveriWrit 'time itt intr o'dn ¦¦ ' ra Snty passengers , and one of the most seives to prayer. Subsequently, Mr. Laboucherb , in moving and the gfheral interests ; bf-trade 1 in. thtit ; town. ' - Ce':'tiirf .>^'>ri ' ' w, . , two of them forced He then sat down amid loud cheer s. . . : the second reading ' subjeqtj andadiviston Wuld iittt WpVefthtoi ' !pS ;- i 0 ,.. . 11&a ^S' ies ever shipped from England to the iheir way to the entra nce to the ti of the Lands Clause s Consolidation Manche ster-iiaa related by tbe- 'hon. imember—had ' :: 1 Cai ^a p,, where they The resolution was adopted. (Irelan d ) Bill, ! the real opmion of! 'the hoUBe(. 5With ^b4ak *-«» i. .,- X f^-J tt's. The wind and weather were both heard , and were heard by, their gallant observ ed that there were circumstance 's in the enjoyed 'bonded privilegesfor afew years ,' upon ^ the uur atJl e deliverer s . ' the wmgmUil wJSSSmi' , and she proceeded to sea amidst the who never desisted from their exerti ons tenure s of land in Irelan d which called jor, a ' uirderstaridta g that ; the corporation should pay all ^^' Z\ rs until everv1 more * r<* 01 a numerous concourse of spectators , after man and boy was got out. "F toihbb Tba ces op Sir John Fha nkun. — simple summary, and effectu al mode of proceeding tho custom house! 'expenses. ' .^.The arrangement was 1 sato-e of four guns to her tender the It is btated that an applic ation will be made With reference to a statement which is going the in t he valuation of lands taken for , rai lway8 thari .'however , leffat the , discretion of the Chan- &Whte to -a the Secretary of State to send down an inspector roun d of the press , headed as above , and alleged to by jury trial , for. which he proposed to substitute a cell6r of theiExdhe quer ,*wlio:had-indioateu pur * ' . This ^ " '8 Oktm»t J»» Pols the fikest Remedx in of collieries te investi gate the causes of the accident have been mad e by William Millar , a seaman, of system of arbitra tion , upon the detai ls, of w. hieh he pose of withdrawing the privilege :hereafter. w^" step ; unoalled for :and mis- at which had nearly resulted in so awful a sacr ifice of the Prince of Wales, whaler , ia 1848, and now would consult Irish members , lie asked the' House ,' ho intended ,; was'- Stwport of ^ ; so< far from' mstem fsw ' ^ ""S , had been afficted from his in- gone out at pre sent , merel bhievous , and he maintained that ; the cro human life, and that that officer will also be re- in the Prince Albert , we are enabled to y to sanction the ^rihciple¦ ¦ the ola or 11 - ¦ :¦• - ¦- ' » K 8 evil, which was greatly stat e bill...... : ,; ; . bonding gystotn being retren ched ,' the ' government *3m ^S1 of^ quested to examine the state of some othe r of the that Mr. Lee, who commanded the Prince of . . ,. , . M . ^y Matnre lu Sasasste^ttsfe' 'i IteS™ ? ^ ^ enii)l«jBieiJ t the west of England collieries to ascertain if Wal es, says .that he 'was not at the time in ques- Mr. Disraeli protested againW ought to pay tho expenses attending it,;seeing that m.be appli ed to were . nnsuccessfi a in their they are such a course of ^aun ^t ' principle. tion in Jones ' into pro ceedings that of " the publio revenue had profite d by it .'nearl y: as 3 fi8 c se CTMI those at th e Infimiary at being worked upon a safe s Sound. He supposes he ran up obtaining, fi-om the house an j ¦ t ^^m J er t. " ' Lan caster ' ' 'en as Manohester 'itselfi ri .••' ' r. - • -¦* .« - «j ! i j ; j * (i Ilitf ' " * he had gone in the hope of obtaining Sound. He remembers guiding a boat assent to, the princi ple^f a bill anij jth Qq settling, its rau ' ' ' BERM : T ' 1 of the ATeE» 1 . I^A8KB.'(lRl!iAiii))iBltt.WJ ' ¦= V«J' «1 n?« condid on he commenced the use of H0H0- m shore for a short time,; butneither on ita return details with certain member s* out .of the house, , Tha; QniJicELi ^R j ; Exchequer explaine d M?iS?n ^ * ? : Educa tion. —Three of her . Majesty 's inspectors of t ' ^ f?° l»? a the ii(K!Ona reaatog of^hia- ' ' ¦ . ' Iksefc' ""?na ^ rais ' . andfe W «pa wasby the core hy o the ship, nor durin g the homeward voyage did This course was tha t th!e privilege ofibonding ^aa about to 'b e^ith- Ssw-lt : ; 1 nnoered thoie that the time has * a ^ ^ u tfitVI iT^ ? «> wg«i. schools have published opinions ne tear of any cairn of atones having been BWn ;?r The debate which eusued ^umea^Weftf.flp draw& ' ' MaricHe itnr SuTlply $f>.33!fto$ty-' ;wj &m: w^w'^mn^wn^ !> - ^ «to bB ttnecUy^ nnracnIon s. ' ' Ou this ftoni he ^ iP?»m}fiBp6*B ' iii ( «'*- " come for an education rate . Entetf Strvite Qaztut. . . . . ,: point,; The pr inciple of 'd continue ' ' , Tipon>th eii vahiMidn - of ;l*u* (o* thejall .pnjjjb ,ob .jeefea\to. ,auth pr»t fesl .a onjeijte^ ;tp, •Sefray iiBfl .sale; to'alio ^'the terian t? Hwfoitiyt& -' -- • ; ¦ ¦ ^ ' •• 1 i»pC8B«i i*|' " ¦ !: •;! ¦ '• -¦¦ f ¦ '''' !¦ I-" . "' •' '•;; 'Vi .l ' -. ¦' •;•(< .•: •!': ¦'V . i. ;• • i - siT .:,IV \ :• .- . t} . . ^ "< i 'xi: )'. .:!:, oi'J-itf — Vl/'rt 0"S ¦ ' . . / THr NORTHERN BT'A'fl • ; " '" V ' June 28, 185 ¦ . :. _^__: 1. ^JL-^^^^^^^^^^ "^— KMtt ^__ a MMi ^^ l ^ for a sfti tsun time, and was out of .nrrcirs ^ , and DESTRUCTIVE falling with one simulta neous crash upon the custody, and shortly afterwards a boy, gent bv the -ffho vis rated to the value which entitled him IIAIL STORM. spom Fortu nately the gaoler * complai nants proved the contrary by legal evidenoo wooden flooring below, prisoner Corri gan to reconnoitre, knock ed at Mr s. lie must tak e the consequenc es.—Mr . Elliott to t:.e tile.itive franchise , to come in mid obtain a few minutes pre- ' and inquiredfo r Kenny ; con- Some portions of had quitted the room only Walker s door , but findin g sented to enlar ge recogn isances for lea ^ s, und er certain condition *, aft< -r the absolute Lancashire were visited with a CLERKENW ELL.—Giviso a. Fame Giuba otek. must have been exceed- was wron g, and actin g tho a week storm on Saturday eveninw last which though of vious, or the consequenc e that something up to his observin g order lor the sale of the laud should have been , —A barman , emp loyed at the Queen ' s Art ne, Bat tle fatal. at the same time that , wheth.er gentlemen short duratio n , was fear fully and destroyed ingly dangerou s, if not instruction s, he pre tended that he had made a mis- or not madf. violent , Brid ge, was charged by Mr. J.ini es, landlor d of the STREE T. - Attorn to , the pavties char ged had not acted in that a good dr> al of proper ty. appears to have cora c MARLBOR OUGH # take a_ nd come to. the wrong house. Mrs . Walker ' s 'mann er M; Xapiku ur ged a variety of objectfons to the It Wheat8beaf , Ed goware-road , with havin g given Husted , aged eigh- that persons in their Btation ought to havn from St. Geor ges passed over a Commi t " Suicide .—Jem ima suspicions were aroused , and looking down the done . ¦. ¦ ' bill. -v!i;cli would , he said , put an end to all Channel , and to have false char acter to a servant. —Mr . James saw attempt ing to commit and immediately secu- llolyhead its course an teen , was charged with street she saw Cor ri gan , recogn ised rity for property in land in Irel and . , Cheater , and Birkenhead in , adverti sement in a morning paper , stating that a herse lf into the Serpen- at all of violence suicide by throwing her as the well-d ressed person who had given Kenn y Th e Irll was likewise opposed by which places travellers speak of its young mm wanted a situation as barman , and re- Br andsford stated - Mr. Fren ch and at ear ly period s rea ched the tine Hyde-par k. — Inspect or a most undeniable character , and immediatel y gave JKAtlWW, '*;. Col'Hifi DosxB, and snpj the details eight o' clock in the evening, but the town felt com- who ho was standing on the north her identity. Part of the stolen property was found tout n. tie whole princi ple of the bill, which gave the man an excellent character , and falsely with a sergeant , when he saw in the possession of Kenny ; and upon the female Mabk -lane , Monday, J une 23.—The quantify would parativel y little of it3 force . Tho majn i ui y of the ' tine, in company ' of wheit give t-< a temporary board , appoi nted for a represen ting himself as being the landlord of the some person come by the waterside and sit oa one searcher at tho polioc-station examining the person offering from tlie neighbouring counties th ia morning par ticu- element s seems to have fallen upon tho villages and was sniiill lar ;y r;iiise, powers of con trol house, and tbat the advertise r had been in. his ser- In about a minut e after he saw of Curngti n, some more ot the missing ar ticles , and ttns taken b,v tlie millers at an advan ce of over laiidlo.ds. and towns starting tbe Cheshire border of the county— of tho benches. were fully Is per qr. even » -cr creiitors , utterly urero ucilaiil e vice seven or eight months , and had Uft six weeks disappeare d. This excited his found with duplica tes relating to other portion s upon las t Monday 's price s. With for eign with the Cheadle , Didshury, Lovenlmlui p, Gorton , Demon, that the person had , of we were pn-tt y wel l sup plied from the Black mlii- uf proper ty in any countr y ago in consequence of his not being able to give to the spot be found a Sen Med itpp . He moVed to Droylsilen, P.iirfiold, Ash ton , Oldhani , Aliddleton , suspicions , and on going the property which Corri gan urged the searcher to raneau, and Hal tic Ports , but prices! were the deirr ibt ' «?cond ro utin g him sufficient wages, complainant received him into the seat , and on looking turn dearer for sis ino:uld not consent , said , with agoud demand Flour readier sale, :ma Is bits-ii-Ic Mr . 8. Crawf ord his service and after remain ing in it fifteen day dark' mass floating on the a nd biirrel higher. Barley without suppor ted the princi ple of the was fearfully gran d, thougli. terrifi c. Masses of ,. s he in to the river he Baw a they at any rate could not charge her with stealin g mat erial alteration mease-e. met with an accident , and complainant had reasons into the river , and , Beans and peas fully «5 dear. Having a . heavy dark clouds loomed in the western horizon top of tho wate r. He rushed it, whatever they might do witlfres pect to receiving O u«l tuwW ^f Th hill was to justify his suspicions that tho defendan t bad difficulty, succeeded in getting oats from tlie continent , prices must be not- d Is iU rejected on a division by 04 against lonff before the storm actuall y burst forth , aud af tev considerabl e it. Sergeant Tewsley traced part of the stolen pro- r nr J5. given a false charac ter ; and on makin g inquiries and bor e her to shore in a eheavev than on Monday last, but at this reduction thore' lightning darted from them in such rapid flashes hold of the prisone r , perty as far aB Winches ter by means of . duplica t es was a tolerable Irse sale. Ttii O anpowder Stores (Liver pool) Exemption , he ascertained that he was not die landlord of the and as he had no assistance tha t it appeared to spread through the atmosphere state of insensibility, found en Corri gan. —Kenny in de.feii(:e pretended Richmond , V orkshire, JuneSl. —AVehad a tolerable Rep -v Kill was read a third t;me ani passed. Queen 's Arms , and that the party whom he had cut open her dress. A police suonW like waves «f vivid flame. There was not a breath immediately at hand , that Corrigan was not the person who gave the of wheat this morning Wheat sold from 5s 3il to Gs Oil • Ti:f h-t '.ise then into committci: upon the recommended had never been engaged to serve his aid and the prisoner Oa ts from 3s Od to 3s Cd ; Barley from went of wind stirrin g at this time and the in ser«eant short ly came to , character, nor to whom she had given themjstress ' s 3s Cd 10 3h 9d • H>..mlns Med :cil Cuari ties was engaged , sultriness that establishment. —It was aliened lor the defence Society ' s receiving- from 4s to 4s 6d per bushel. ' (Ireland) H li; and was almost intole rable. A few heavy drops of ra in was taken to the Huma ne things .—Corrigan said that tho property was her "Witb :w details ;Hied that the receipt of further informa tion der like distant artiller y. Then came the elements ter tendance of her paren ts, SOUTHWAItK. — Stealin g i-bom the Person. — Oats and beans slow sale without alteratio n in value iven him —Mr Combe decided Dr iving.—The ad- ' res prvt-i:! * the tre itmeiit of the Ilindo o mer- together in a general burst , as if they would he had g . . on con- Th e Char ge of Furious Frederick Cornelius Lewis, a youn g man of respect- Other articles steady. bear victin g the defend ant in the mitigated chant J ot^e Persaud , by the East India. Coin- down , tear up, or destro y everything in their course , .penalty of journed case, of damage and endan gerin g life by wil- able appearance , was placed at tbe bar before Mr. CATTLE . 410 and the costs, the extreme penalty being driver of one of panr , -.vntiraiin g the view of the case lie had htelv flail, rain , thunder , lightnin g, and wind—all com- £20. ful negligence , on the par t of the A'Beckett , charged with stallin g two £5 Bunk of Smitufield , Sfonday, June 23.—To day ' s mark et Singular Case. —Mr. Lovell , one of was offer- 'i t<> their lordshi ps, in duced him to brin< r the mingling in terri fic combination—brewed a storm the over- Hansom ' s cabs, in which a gen tleman named En gland notes , and twp soverei gns from the person seasonabl y well supplied with each kind of foreign stock- seers , and Cover , an assist ant overseer hut the arriva ls of beasts from snbj t! forwa rd again; he accordin gly gave notice such as is seldom witnessed. The wind blew in , of St. M'Garel , residi ng in Wiinpo le-street , was the com- of John Jonning s, a seaman , recentl y paid utf from our own grazing distri cts And rew 's Holborn , app lied to Mr. Combe exhibited a material falling (iff ; nevertheless , ami tbat iie should fulfil tha t, duty on Friday evening. frarful gusts , and the hail fell in masses which ren- , for ad- plainant , came on Monday before Mr. Bingham. — one of her Majest y' s shi ps.—Mr. Clarke , box keeper not vice and assistance under the following circu m- which has already app eared , was to withst anding that tho attendance of both town and country TJ.c Frt-e Farm Beats (Ireland) Bill was read a dered it unusually destructi ve. At Gorton , about The char ge, of the Victoria Theatre , sta ted that on the prece- buyers wa< tolerably stances. —They stated tbat the inhabi tants Mr. M'Garel was proceeding ^ood, the beet trade rule d very inac. eecoM t'ine. a mile from the celebrated Morravian establish ment of th e effect that while ding night , while in .the boxlobb y of the thea tre , his live, at prices about equal to ihose obtained on Southampton- buildings , Holborn, bad made ham the carriage was Monday Cii-.iiiTABLE thcsts Boa.—On the motion for the nf Fan-field, the windows of the cotten-mil l of Mr . com- along Park -lane in his broug attention was drawn to the complainant , who was last, whilst a to tal clearanc e was not effected. Tlie hig plaints to the parish officers of hest seco;:.i reading of this bill, John Rylands , on the western front were struck an abomi nable knocked over, his coachma n had his arm and collar sittin g between the prisoner and a female in the quotation for the best Scots was ?s Cd per 81bs. Although stench which emanated from the numbers of sln The I/ikd Cbaxceli/ik supported and explained with such violence by the hail , that up wards of 500 a house, No. 39 bone broken , his own life was in danger for some saloon. The compla inant appeared to have lieen ep were somewhat ; extensive , the de- ' Sou thampton-buildings , in consequence of a mand for that descri ption of atock was tolerably firm the t .;?a->ure. It was designed to amend the defec- squares of glass were br oken. A gentleman who party tim e, an d considerable damage was also done to the drinkin g, and he held in his hand a £5 note, which , at refusing to remove a dead body. On fully Friday ' s prices, which were 2d per 81bs . lower than tive v-:ite i.f the existing law, so as to afford a. better «itnessrd the storm her e, says that the hail fell in inquirio s brou gham and horse. —The defence was that , the was torn in the middle , and he asked being instituted by tbe overseers ' the prisoner on Monday. The very prime stold Downs sold at 33 lUd pro t- cuon to the charitable institutio ns which held balls which were generall y as large or larger than , • it was ascer- driver of the cab , finding his horse had shied at to give him up two other tained that some time ago. the wife £5 votCB which he had per 81bs. Lambs, the supply of which was good, moved prop-f ly under endowments, and to check the abuses hazelnu ts, and many of them were nearl y as large of a man , a law something in Park-lane , and that he had no control belongin g to him. Witness (iff steadily, at fully the late decline in valu e. .writer died ; her death was dul , upon seeing the state The highest aitf nwWorsa tions that were now found to prevai l as walnuts. Though most of the hailstones were of y register ed , and over him, and called out to the complainant ' s of complaina nt , and hearin g him demand the re- figure was 5s. per81bs. From the Isle of Wigh t 200 came her remains were deposi ted in a coffin fresh to hand n the ;>i-na gement of tbe funds in questi on. a roundish form , many of them were mere flattened , and became coachman to get out of the way.—The evidence storation of his money, went up and spoke to the per railway. We hsid a very dull inquiry for so decomposed that it was a nuisance to the whole brou ght Mr. M'Garel in addition to the calves, but no actual decline took place in prices. In Th*; bill was also supported by Lord Brougha m nieces of ice, more like the squares of ivory used by , pre - prisoner , asking him if he bad the sailor 's two £5 and Ur .l Henley, and after ' f»r dice. Severa l of the neighbourhood , especiall y to those who were vious evidence , was that of two police constables pigs nest to nothing was doing, at last week's currency, , some remark s from of those which were gathered up , notes. Tbo prisoner immediatel y produced two £5 •Beef, 2s Id to 3s Gd ; mut the E tvl of Chiehester b inmates of the house. Applica tion had been made who stated that they heard the defendant ton, 2s Cd to 3s Od ; veal, 2s 8d , the motion was agreed to, y some other parties were measured , and .varied call out notes ;' and said the compl oinan t g.ive tliehi.to to 3s 8d ; pork , 2s 4d to 3s 8d. and Ur, bill re ad ° * to the husband , but he refused .to bur y the body.-or as if Ms horse had . . him —Price per stone of albs " a second time. . from thr ee-fourths to seven-eig hts^ of an inch in ' v . become unmanageable , and that to keep, adding tha t the sai lor was his friend , and sinking the offal. The h ' to accede to the request of the parish pmt-er s foK they Lad seen the defendant Kewoatb and LEADENir m 1- ouse adjourned at a quarter past seven bread th ? No wonder tha t they proved so destructive driving the same that they both, came up that day from Rochester , b , Monday, June 23.—Inferior ' them to bury it, and unless it was immediateiy re- hprae many times y beef, 2s 2d to 2s 4d; middlin g, ditto , t 2 8 O clock . to the glass with which they came in contact. . At . afterwards , and th at the animal the train . Witness took tho.two £5 notes' 2s Cd o s d; moved and interre d the consequences might prove appeared to . from the prime large, 2s lOd to 3s Od ; prime small , 3s Od to 3s 2d; HOU *E OF COMMONS .—Tie ionse met at Droylsden , between Gorton and Fairfield , they were be a quiet one.—Oh the part of tho prisoner , who wanted them back again exclaiming ' highly dangerou s, if not fatal. They suggested driv er a gentleman came forward , large pork , 2s 6d to Ss 4d ; inferior mutton , 2s flil to 2s lOd ; twel ve o clock. yet more destructive. The windows of the Catho- , who said he was that he was only keepin g them safe for the middling ditto 3s Od to 3s 4d that he (Mr. Combe) should issue his ord er to tfie in tbe cab at the time. The hors e was owner ; prime ditto 3s Cd to 3s 8d; St. Aluixs BaiBEar Commission Bill. —The lic chapel were struck by them , and nearly 200 at first going until he was sober. The prison er also veal, 3s Od to 3s lOd ; small pork , 3s Cd to 3s 8d; parish authorities for the removal and inter- steadil y, but when in Park -lano the driver asser ted third ;c t< lmg of this bill was opposed b/ sqnares of glass were destroyed in them. Great ment of .appeared that the woman sitting with him was his siRter and per 81bs by the carcase. nu mbers of the cottages tho remains of the deceased instante ?. to have lost control over it, and to bo doing his , Mr . Rane es, wL-o disappro ved of tl e method pr o* of the poor were struck at -r-Mr. Combe inquired what the sailor having afterward s stated trat tho pri- ;. provisions. poseo fur conductin g tbe same time by the Btorm , and the windows were object the husband best to pull up, at the same time calling out loudl y the inquiry. Tbe cooimissiou, could have in keeping the body soner had some gold belonging to him , ho (witnes s) London , Monday. —The arrivals last week from Irslend he argued , would form a secret and inquisitoria l completely riddled by the hai lstones. Nearly all the of deceased to warn people in the stre et.—Air. Bingham said above ground in such a state of cal led forwa rd Murray, the officer of the theatre were 7,120 firkins of butter , and 1 ,640 bales of bacon ; tribu :: .il. whereas a committee of members cotton-mills , both in Droylesden and Fairfield , and decomposition .— he could not resist the force of the evidence , which , would Mr. Lovell said he believed the and gave the prisoner into custod y.—Th e prisone r and from forei gn por ts, 3,100 casks of butter , and 740 havo I) -m able to undertake an open inv f Star Chamber. Lees' mill to some extent The bands employed to his remed y.—Mr . Lovell ; arm aud collar -bone bad been bro ken a . Is that your order , also withou t to the prisoner having asserted that the sailor was r ange in value . Dorset, fine weekl y, 78s to 80s per cwt, ; jVIr. Cluce controverted some in Mr. Christy ' s mill or many of them , your worshi p ?—Mr. Combe : tbo means of obtainin g recompense of the objections , , occupy No; but it is what ?—Mr. Bingham his friend-tha t they had come up by the train from do. middling . COs to 70s ; Devon 60s to 76s ; Fresh 7s to urged against the measure cotta ge houses near the premises in Queen-street I should recommend ; that is was of opinion tha t the only ground 10s per doz fi>s. , and suggested alterations , , what I should do myself on which re- Rochester the same day, and that the woman in that w aid remove others. and the windows of these were so riddled b under the circums tances , dr ess could be sought was that the horse in the y the and I think there would be no dang er company was his sister. Murra y added that he BREAD. Some further discussion ensued bail that upwards of 200 squares of glass were de- for you to do cab waa not a 1J ' defendant no intention to evade the duty, soner , asked the sailor what liquors he had been f'?SL ^. " or t '»>'P. G,803 from Sydney, the no uf ¦; adjourned at a quarter past one. by tbe lightnin g, but the flames were extinguished or to vio- foun d in his pockets , betides the ar ticles above enu- dri nkin g 1,.'38 from Van Diemen' s Lund, 491 from late the law for any purpose whatever. —A coach- merated small in the company of the prisoner and the Swnn Hiver , 76S without any great damage. Another houso at the , pieces of stone and ooal , eviden tly woman from tho Cape of Good Hope, 345 from Valpara iso, 380 ( Fr an our Second Edition of lost week.J man , who had drive n the omnibus on the day before taken from , and whether they had an opportunity given from Odessa same place was stru ck by the electric fluid , and iu- specimen s in the Exhibition . The them of mixing , and the rest from Egypt, iic. The marketig FRIDAY. Jijkb 20. tha t on which the complaint was made anythin g of a delet erious cbavacter quiet. From Germany the jnred. At Newton, near Manches ter , where , said as he quan tity of grain found upon him wa8 about balf-a- advices are favourable as to HOrSE OF COMMONS .—A new writ was was driving along in the dri nk ?— The Complainant , i,n rep ly, said in the wool fairs . or- Shooter ' s-brook and the Bluebutton-brook form a on the former day he observed pint. There were about two ounces of cotton , and dered f• - .» the borough of Gre enwich in room of that one of the horses had a wound some places they had beer and rum before the bar , LlVEltPooL , June 21.—Scotch—The demand for Laid , the junc tion, a number of cottages were flooded ; and upon it which an ounce of woo). The qu antity could not have Highland Woel is still limited late deceased member ; Mr Barnard . rendered it unfit for such work and at other houses they went into the parlour and , consumers only takine for . at a beer-house kept b Mr. Gaggs several barrels , and he accordin gly been turned to any pecuniary account. —The priso- immediate wants , in hopes of doing better Eccl esiastical Titles Bill. y unharnessed it and sent it home to the depot had liquor there ; tha t ho did n.ot attend much at te clips, —The house having of als were stove in, a pig and pig-cote carried , at ner stated tbat he was a student. He had no inten- w mte Highland none. Crossed and Cheviot Wools are gone into committee ' on the Ecclesiastical Titles the same time removing the plates from to wha t they were doing, as he was so overjoyed still away, and other dam age Was done inflictin g a loss the ornnir tion of stealin g the article s found upon him. Ho much neglected, and anythin g doing will be at rates Bill , w-.eral amendments were proposed and , bus, to show that he to get ashore .—Remanded. in favour of the buyers. , nega- of npwards of £10. could not take any passen gers; had only taken small pieces by way of specimens , tived , In't . after a long discussion , the second and that next day, by the merest acciden t not thinkin g THAMES. — Capiurk of a Bur glar. — John Very consider able damage was caused by the , and in the there was any harm in so doin g, and laid Hi third c-f.i5 9 6 to 10 6 storm in the neighbourhood of Oldhatn , and several any idea of making a proper t y of them. years was Write HiKhJand do. The C';air jiax then reported Exhibition , he had forgotten to —Mr. Bingham , char ged with loiterin g abou t Washin g- n c to 12 6 progress , with, leave pers ons were severely injure d although no one wast put in the pktes , aaid it appeared that the articles laid Cross ed do., unwa shed 10 to sit a--i H0 to l7 8 The ?isolation of the committee on Home-made proprie tor was determined a detecti ve, detained him, as he was well known , Wlnte Chevj otdo . do 22 0 to 26 0 th an £200. The whole of the roof of the back part to prosecute the case.— actua ted by a foolish desire to proc ure specimens Spirits ii Bond was received Mr. Bateman (from the office of the Solicitor to to see what he had , and felt his pockets, which Imports for the week 97 bags , and leave given to of t he house, and thos e of the articles exhibited ; that he thought they Were Previousl y this year; bring in :< Bill on the subject. of some outbuildings , were the Exoise) submi evidontl y contained keys, whereu pon the fellow 868 bags. comple tely stri and souie very tted that all that was necessary of trivial value ; and tha t he did not take them The , use adjourned at a pped off by tbe wind , was to prove the violation of the act snatched away his coat , threw off his HIDES. is' quarter past one. valuable furni ture destroyed , includin g a mirror of of parlia- ammofu ran di with intent to commi t a felony. He hat, and ment, and that had been distinctly took to his heels. Finding he gained ground the Leaotnhail .—Market hides. 5filb. £50 value. A large chimney at the colliery was proved. —Mr. though t, therefore , the case might be disposed of by to Glib., lid. to 1R Lewis submi tte d that a mag istr ate sergeant called out " Stop thief I" when a man Oou> F.xcitemexi is Mains blown entirel y do wn. Two cotta ges belong , in convicting sending the priso ner to pris on for six weeks. tio' 801b- S81b. .—Probably not less ing to under suoh circumstanees would dressed as a butcher c-uieht him bv the Eriinhnnrii d '« , 2|dto 3d. ; ditto, the same gentleman sustainad damage to the , decide in op- MARYLEBO NE.— Robbbr y. — Benj imin Law- 88SS b.h ^m^Jto SSlb., 3J to than 200 men have started this week, and are r eady , position to the spirit and meanin g Castle—a distance of nearl y half a mile. The 3J d. : ditto961b. to ltalb. , 3Jd. to-d. to sta rt next Monday amoun t of £6. A barn belonging to Mr. Thomas of the act alto- rence , aged sixteen , and J ohn Jones , aged fifteen , M t0 for the gold mines of the gether , which never was made to punish an acci- street was a dull one, through which you would Y° "?%• r *H 5 Calt-skins/elh, Is. 0d North. A company Platt , farmer , at) Crompton , near Oldham, was were charged with having stolen pr operty of difte- toto $3s ZOd. : horse-lu dcs 5s. to 0s. of a dozen men, from Gardin er, deutal omission.—Mr . Bateman said if excuses scarcel y meet a person passin g in an hour passed up the river this morning. blown entirely down. The loss in this case was rent description s to the value of moro than £100, . At Companies are were to be allowed in such caseB daylight next morni ng Sergeant Smith and fittin g out here and in Augusta about £40. Part of the roof of another b irn at , there would be belonging to Major Morse Cooper .—From a preli- Mills to start next week. plenty at hand upon all occasions. If the magis- lound six skeleton keys and a "jemmy " STATE OP TRADE. We are iuforraed , upon good authority that gold the same place, belongin g to Mr. William Taylor, minar y statemen t made by Miss Walter , 9, Devon- within trates were to listen to such apologies for missing sliirc-plii ce ten yards of wher e the prisoner had been stop ped ESTE has been recentl y found in the streams tha t rise on was also blown off, the damage amounting to £10. , it appeared tha t the prisoner Lawr ence J no We haTe plates , as that they ; had been lost and stolen , why had lived Sergeant Smith heard a r attle as of keys during ,,^hS1! ?' " -t— a steaa y mar ket, with , the eaar side of tbe height of land and flow into the On the road between Oldham and Middleton , in the as groom in Mrs. Walter 's service , and nowgC °f PV1C S; l)utin as maTi y of the princi they would be lost and stolen every day, and there that he was t he chase . A person who had ongaged the pri- httt. « succeededS of pal houses vest br-.nch of the Penobscot. The head of these township of Chaddenon , the gable end of a newly, dischar ged on the 8th ult. Jones suc- placing most thrfr pressing would be no use of an act of par liament at all upon nofc kn ovving his character, had been ^orders 2 , and as Streams t< in the vicinity of the head waters of the built cottage was entirely blown down , and part of ceeded him in the situation , and after remainin g a T™ ' 1> . robbed many theof the spiSners and manufac turers the subject.—The Lord Mayor : No doub t of it. I of £20 or ±30, but tbe offence could not stream s that flow -west into the Gbaudiere. So the roof carried away. The wall fell upon some few weeks ho left , havin g given no more than four be brought tMSC *" ^ "a***" a quieter , though not convict tbe defendant in the penal ty of £10. He home. JNmeteen duplica tes bad been been eneQur a8i»g a When prices have doubt exists of the presence of gold in the streams boys, who wer e standing near it, inflicting very se- days notice. In a stere-room over Mrs. Walton ' s found at all nESXi » *l*et. may, if he pleases petition the Board of Excise in stables at his lodgings.-Mr. Pelham , for the defence , S * honever < ^ey are rat her in the buyer * , fa- that flow into the Moose river , emptying into vere injuries . One of them , named Joseph Wil- , Maior Morse Conner h«ri a »root. rf o..i ,.f vmfr Th B t h in? extract f i mitigation , but I ha ve nothing to do with that part property cross- examined the offi cers with great dexterity on ^iteMi vB°iIr . . ' °nl the monthly circ ular of Moosehcid Laka. The whole country around the Hamson , eighteen years of age, bad both arms and deposited in boxes and draw ers. Law- °U6ein lhe shi ln tradc of the question. —The defendant requested to be rence was but could not elicit anythin g favourable to the pri- overHnTm ^i - PP S - P™ed for the tributari es <<«n'* , when we regard H.e Oper ation?.—NewTori Tribune. sustained by the cottages in Chadderton is esti- the property gone was deposited in a room over J -™ ' ^? stor med extent nf^' T a d Hie GUILD HALL .—Bdholabt. —Isaac Solomons was a sheriff s officer stepped up and Qirectly ", large mm of the Population Atb.—The electors , of this count y have been mated at nearly £300. la Chadderton park the my mistress s stables. I roceived infor mation ar reste d him for toSSv orA^! indirec tly? dependent on its* charged with being unlawfull y in possession of that debt, and drove him off to the. Queen ' short pr osperity. The somewhat takea by surprise by an announcement ground was torn up in many places, and 140 trees a robbery had been commit ted , and on my goin s Bench Pri supply of cotton ' difficul ty appe ars to feat .in end • various article s of silver pla te alleged to have been K son . Some time after , Mr . Ja from Mr . Alexander Oswald, that he does not in- were blown down. In the townshi p of Tonie eighty into the room , or loft , as it might be term ed tmn n , and several stolen .—James Charle s Walker said : I am an ap- , I others who bad been assau lted are tend to stand for the represeatatiou at the next other trees wer e similarly destro yed. At Warring- found tbat a number of b oxes and draw ers had by Mr . Dimldali whil? .hf ?n/ ° m? sca?on decidedly favourable ; prentice to Mr . Sirrell , tbe gold and silver been and his friends , attend ed , and while the inducem ent has been great for the past two election . The hon. gentleman has just issued his ton a house was set on fire by lightning, and the refiner , broken open and most of them wem mu ri v »mnf „ . Mr . ft llan tZ the and P of Barbioan , On Monday morning the m" ter al y <0 > the °ul tivation of that farewell »Jdres9 to the electors , bearin g date Lon- engines were called out, but the flames were fortu- prisoner they had evidently beon forced by means of a sSta ple botlftboth m AmericaA - andi \ called at our shop, and , withou t say ing a word to elsewhere . And moreover don, Jnn? 17, but he assigns no reason for his with- nately extinguished without much damage being chisel.-Sergean t Biittersb y Siiid : About the 20th S»£ any one, he put into tho scale tho propert y pro- tSCE£sS d dra wal j i-j,,, public life. done. A person named Ibbetson was sitting in his of May I received, information of the rob bery, and duced. Having received informa tion that a bur. ™ Osi of the last remnants of the Order of Malta shop in Salford , when the lightning struck one of that Lawrence had absconded from his situation S™«'?»" '»- -« , glary had been committed in a ' the Chevalier Parisot do Guymont, the windows, and smashed a pine of p house in Broad- I sought for him for some time with out who belonged late glass, street-buildin gs on the previous ni success to the family of the illustrious Gran d Master Lava- four feet by two. He himself was stunned , and ght, I informe d and I ascertain ed that Jon es had been Mr. Sirrell of the circumstances in the required bailjo answer * latte, has just died in the was unable to speakfor upwards of two hours. He , and he advised his company several times. I at last to the off™™ Tf ».t.i. j S^ convent of St. Jean de me to call in a constable and give prisoner into found to s^a*^ Catane, in Sicily, to which the directing chapter of is now perfectly recovered. There in a rumour tha t out that he was living as groom to the begged suggest th 1 custod y. I went to the door for that pur pose Marquis £ Kffi^N ftfeJaaa. that celebrated order had retired . He distinguished two persons were killed at Chorlton-cum-Hard y, , when of Ely, whose stables are in Lyall-mews, Belgrave - Ca8ft W0Uld be fu y me^nd a«- ^i *! prisoner , divinin g my object , rushed past me into sweffiM1 " himself in the expedition whioh the last grand but we have not been able to trace it to any au- square. I there took him into custod y ".»PJlew'">«eof Ms >t the proper time of tl c tbe street, and tried to make his escape, but find- y, and on m dZd fln? .J to master sent against Algiers, towards tbe end of tbe thentic source. Following the course of the storm telling him the nature of the charge he said n^W recognisances meet ing I pursued him he turn ed round , and returne d " I th~the case. H e hoped E^^toMswafe eighteen th centur y ; and General Bona parte, when from Holyhead into Yorkshire, the wire coils of at , knew there was a bundle of thinm t ied un ™a «u that , under the peculiar cir- with me to the shop. I compared the articles with to be carried away ; e8 the ca e lollams much e ha took possession of Malta, demanded to see M. least twent y-five of the telegrap hic instruments but I told Ben (Lawr ence^ s hi8 worsh would Pwmfc the same. 39.40" inchS-BSMT India sliirtines are those describ ed in the information and found thev thath.r,Z t course tof v ' 'P 33Sugho- generall F*~ de Quyraont . and received , him with marked dis- were completel y fused. In Rochdale six cotta ges that if he did not put the thin gs back I should be adopted —Mr. Jarman said Wel t y by011 Ud., andthem, in some1)as' cases, 3d per piece! tallied in every respect. When the prisoner was tell b th 1 tinction. He was in the seventy -seventh year of in course of erection were washed a<*ay by the flood , mistress ." Wi tness , in continuati on said—I ? nght and Pr °Per after he trea tment b^n more limited first stopped he clasped his hands and said after wincwhs hih he J ' * SsincetaMXte the last Indi a mail*^ came to hU *ge. and carried to the gasworks , which were at once , " Oh ward s heard that the prihoners and two had experienced , to prefer a bill of indict- ^ hand. Manufactur ers pray don' t." He did not ask any price for them others had ment tor the Wel 01Wd with con tr acts for fu ur S Tk inau gurationof ; the Midland Great Western stopped from working. Tbe loose sand and earth , sold some thin gs to a -Je w in Houn dsditcti assault upon himself against five indi- \eryvprl andrJT the ' mark et is ensy but they would not have been worth much ; that viduals , of stocks. LonKClotUs and T Railway to Gahray is expected take place on the got into the svphoa which communicates between mor e Jew I saw, and he told ro e he had bought amongs t whom was Mr. Henr y Dimadal e. to . than 10s. as old silver. I have known prisoner as some Tha t bill was lit of Ausrust. the purifier and condenser. At Mills-hil l, near articl es of wearin g apparel in Devonshire- mews found a true one, and tho parties had , Lord .Giarendoa has promised to a customer at our shop.—Alderman Farebr other • as the learn ed attend , and- an invitation to her .Majesty ifl com- Middleton , a barn was completely blown down , and all of which he had since Bold.—Spicer 47 • gentleman had stated , put in bail to To buy ? Witness : No, sir, he brou ght us old V On meet that char ge templa ted . . . some stabling much injured. A servant girl wae Monda y evening I took into custod y the at the proper time. He (Mr silver to sell.—Mr. Jenkin Elwin , 20, Broad .stree t- pr isoner Jarm an), Tin Kin? of Pruss ia his nominated the Gran d struck by lightning at Rochdale , and lay insensible Lawrenc e, whom I saw pa ssing along the however , begged to state the fact that iii buildings, surgeon, aaid : The ar ticles produce d road at the first instance notwithstandin g Duke Nicholas of Ru ssia head of » regiment of or several hours afterwards. , Clapham-ri se. I had previ ously a descri , the indignity and consistin g of a pair of sugar tongs , broken ption of him annoyan ce to which he had been Guirauiera . and the Grand T>nke Michael chief of , a On laying hold of him I said , « Ben , I subj ected he hid cadd y spoon, a thimble , a silver caustic holder wan t you • pursued the mildest possible.course & regimen t of and you must go along with me, for you have , bv onlv annlv hussars ; while on the other hand the top of a.smelling bottle, are my property. On absconded ing jor a summons against tho the son of tbe Prid ee of Prussia has teeunominated Two Men Deownkd hi a Fight at Sba. from your forvice , and a great deal of nromr tv W offenders, and had — On Sunday night, at a late hour, my house was broke n » they exhibited by » c sr chief of peen stolen ." In reply he said , 't a corresponding spirit, and met 116 short f an Jr * » regimantof hussara. Saturday morning last a fatal affray took place on , into by some parties , and the above things I didn steal the the forss the laTt tt fewi mnJ? S^ '^, average ^ ttam.mnt he >o«y a Jew come into the and had been to sea some hours , when a difference before Alderman , possession of an actor -it to be died before Farebrother for fur ther examina- the Surrey Theatre. The wSf&Sft^J"™ ' took place between the engineman and the fireman tion relative part y who purchase d nothing else against to tho charge1 of receivin g and embez- them was not pre sent.—Remand ed thmXc^fSLTC with regard to the stoking of the vessel. They zling various sums Stye ©a^tte . , ; the monies of his employer. WESTMINSTER. -Fai.se Char acter quarrelled first with their tongues and then took Further evidence was then takea and Rob- to obtain an ad- beries by Servants. —Jane Kenny From the Gazette of to blows. They first commenced to fight forward journment of the case, and prisoner was and Maria Cor- d Tuesday, Jun e 2M Fatoth Iowmra /inaletter remand ed ri gan were char ged with aiu -Hh hh nuMle «yM£ .WSi- «»J ^und to the ral fet »VB xtensiver obbery und er J? BANKRUPTS. that circumstances are leadin g in the vessel, and were with some difficulty separa- for a few days »o bring witnesses from Gravesen d. him to wiAnVii^ ¦ the following circumstances .—The prisoner Kenn v Benjamin John ted by the steersman ; he had scarcel y got back to Nabrow Escapb of the Gaowr. —About a Bcnton , Wh ite Hor se-str eet Stenncv lived for five weeks in the service of Mrs. Walker ss : covn nivi chant- Willhnn Davios P the convewon of England his helm, however, when, they again commenced q-ua rter- past fonr on Monday afternoon , and shortl ?^* ^s , Waibrouk bit - co!l to Popery, - and y a lad y residin g in Pros peot-phce merchant —Anpnstiis Dozzi Granvi lle uS he to fight , and before af ter the business of the , Chelsea ; durtnc , Harrow -on-the Hill mtends to devote the summer to a course he could interpose a second court was terminated , and which time dvesses, trinkets ' , linen , and of mi, time they thfe magistrates bad departed other mi£ sions and retreats , wifh "interv als of rest had got abaft the funnel , and having , the clerks and cellaneoui pro perty, -to n considerable . - - ; - K"« «ur grappl ed each other closely, omcers in amoun t were happly s -lud-les." . - . fought to tie larboard . the justice room were alarmed by hearin g missed. The pr isoner was A oow.s» side of the boat questioned upon the 'Ket is amongst the latest ar ticles , and in.a momen t, having tripped a frightful crash in the gaoler ' s room adjoining the sub ect and g -Jam observed .W»*-Mr. 1 "»< of themselves j , . at first denied all knowled e of it • hm tl at Rontl ^^ t GeorSueoi ge TMcT'lidi-y, nultucb \\ itau utility r»>ou;Med^ ever tbe rails, they , i^S^rnot Wlsh to y, uvviek shire , in thepaten t office. Mr.W fell headlon g into court. ; The noise resembled more the explosion su bsequently on being closely ^^Mmtit wag so, assort ^ ^ bookseller Haieh! but tl,! »S t Of Huddcrsfield 9 8teer8 «»an taxed with it, said of avr est rai !?ht bo a SCOTCH SEQUE STRAT IONS. , claims the credit of the invention . immediate ly ran forward from a gun or pistol! than anythin g else. One . of that a person came mere trick to getQt u h . ami ^sto e? the whom she let. m and permitte d ;.,«» . / _ i J? "rid <«of • theth« churae. m sn fcn- a« fhn It is saw th at Cap tain- Somerset wrote PPPP^ boat , but before be could do so the y the .gen tlemen seeing a cloud of smoke proceedin g to take the propert y. ruvgiu uu i. oi [no mnuort and pith y—" Write to Mrl Hard- 69 it was an attempVto rescue some.of the prisoners som« distance proceed ing mese, i she said she could not find Cn S tlutikm jr him for his reproof , and atone, dl wned are L BlS thatafe usual ly temporarily confined in- the- cells at the same time P nt A «WER Sue man Ui^f ° *« admi tting that it was the peison l ^ 3 }B ,¥ : of No 5, Mncctofleid -rtreet , ,Lyo"r ?*urse« t0 tlw policeman whom you have beneath . But on arriving at the scene of the sup- who had given her a 1 Westminster , at the Printing- te fulle characte r by Sh office lfi O It w- *% posed attack it was found that the report arose means she had entered Mrs. ^'s sf ind.m"' -««et , Upmarket , in the City Walk er ' s ser vUX a t Uld his attoniioss^ oTJrfKS e»hnm»thl ep for» Sr^s— U from the whole of the ceiling of the gaoler 's room had bad the property ^Mr Dim,S,M! ^" » ? r/ - Ilis °liJ- tho said Wiuiah wh. onetice with which h nn.M -tViit n« e u charged, but if the ssw}l si2a l?sjf s3*e sU J parish-