
P.4rrm ComolexNumbers 39


Our system of developed as the need arose. Numbers were first used for .As society advanced,the rational numberswere formed to expressfractional parts and ratios. Negative numbers were invented to expresslosses or .When it was discoveredthat the exact size of some very real objects could not be expressed with rational numbers,the irrational numbers were addedto the system,forming the of real numbers.Later still, there was a need for anotherexpansion to the system.In this sectionwe study that expansion,the set of complex numbers.

Definitions In Section P.3we saw that there are no even roots of negative numbers in the set of real numbers. So, the real numbers are inadequateor incomplete in this regard. The imaginary numbers were invented to complete the set of real numbers. Using real and imaginary numbers, every nonzero has tyvosquare roots, three clbe roots, four fourth roots, and so on. (Actually finding all of the roots of any real number is done in .) The imaginary numbersare basedon the symbol V - l. Since there is no real number whose squareis -1. a new number called i is defined such that i2 : -1.

Definition: The i is definedby lrnaginaryNumber i i2 : -1. Wemay alsowrite t : \/ -1.

A is formed as a real number plus a real multiple of i.

Definition: The set of complex numbers is the set of all numbersof the form a I bi, ComplexNumbers wherea andb arereal numbers.

In a * bi, a is called the real part and b is called the imaginary part. Two complex numbers a * bi and c f di are equal if and only if their real parts are equal (a : c) and their imaginary parts are equal (b : d).If b : 0, then a * bi is a real number.If b * 0, then a * bi is an imaginarynumber. The form a * bi is the standard form of a complex numbeg but for conve- nience we use a few variations of that form. If either the real or imaginary part of a complex number is 0, then that part is omitted. For example, 0*3i:3i, 2*0i:2, and 0+0i:0. If b is a radical, then i is usually written before b. For examplg we write 2 + i\/t rather than 2 + \,6i,which could be confused with2 + \/3i,If b is negative,a symbol can be used to separate the real and imaginary parts as in : - - 21i, 3 + (-2)i 3 2i. A complex number with ,such as + may be writtenu=. 40 ChapterP rrF Prerequisites

fua.trV/a I Standardform of a complexnumber Determine whether each complex number is real or imaginary and write it in the standardforma I bi. l*ni a.3i b.87 c.4-5i d.0 e. 2 Solution a. The complex number3i is imaginary,and3i : 0 + 3i. b. The complexnumber 87 is a real number,and 87 : 87 + 0i. c. The complexnumber 4 - 5i is imaginary,and4 - 5i : 4 + (-5)t. d. The complex number 0 is real, and 0 : 0 + 0i. L+t : Complex numbers e. The complexnumber is imaginary,anaLld ) * T,.

4fV Tful. Determinewhether i - 5 is real or imaginaryand write it in standard torm. r

The real numberscan be classifiedas rationalor irrational.The complexnum- berscan be classifiedas real or imaginary.The relationshipbetween these sets of , FigureP,23 numbersis shownin Fig.P.23.

Addition, Subtraction, and Multiptication Now that we have defined complex numbers, we define the operationsof with them.

Definition: , If a * bi and c * di are complex numbers, we define their sum, difference, Subtraction, and and as follows. (a + bi) + (c + di) : (a.| c) * (b + Ai (a + bi) * (c + di): (a - c) + (b * d)i (a + bi)(c + di) : (ac - bd) + (bc + afii

It is not necessary to memorize these definitions, becausethe results can be obtained by performing the operations as if the complex numbers were binomials with I being a ,replacing i 2 with - I whereverit occurs.

fuaw7/e [ 0perationswith comptexnumbers Performthe indicatedoperations with the complexnumbers. ^. (-2+ 3, + (-4 - ei) b. (-1 - 5, - (3 - 2i) c. 2i(3 + i) d. (3,)2 e. G3i)2 f. (s - zi)(s + 2i) Sotution ^. (-2+ 3,)+ (-4 - 9i): -6 - 6i b. (-1 - s, - (3 - 2i)- -l - si - 3 i 2i : -4 - 3i c.2i(3+ r: 6i + 2i2:6i + 2(-l): -2 + 6i d. GDz:32i2: 9(-l) : -9 P.4rrr ComplexNumbers41

e. (-3t)2: (-3)2i2: 9(-1) : -9 f. (5 - 2i)(s + 2i) : 25 - 4i2 - 25 - 4(-l) : 2g ffi Checkthese results with a calculatorthat handlescomplex numbers, as in Fig.P.24.

77V TiA. Find the product (4 - 3i)(r + 2i). r r FigureP.24 We canfind whole-numberpowers of i by using the definition of multiplication. Sincefl: iandi2: -l,wehave i3 : il . i2 : i(-l) : -i and i4 : it . i3 : i(-i) : -i2 : l. The first eightpowers of i arelisted here.

.l .) -l . .? .4 l- : I l-: l- : -I l : L

.5.6..1..R -l - ..1-: I l-: l -l ,- = I This list could be continuedin this pattern,but any other whole-numberpower of i canbe obtainedfrom knowing the first four powers.We can simpliff a powerof i by using the fact that i4 : I and(i1) = 1 for any integern.

fua*Vla I simd*ying a powerof f Simpliff. -i83 a. b. i-46

Solutioa a. Divide 83 by 4 andwrite 83 : 4 . 20 * 3. So i83: (i\20. f - 110.i3 : l. i3 : _i. b. Since-46 : 4(-12) * 2, we have - - - i-46 e+y-rz.i2 1't2.;2: 1(_t) _1.

TrV 77a1. Simplifyi 35.

Division of ComptexNumbers The complexnumbers a t bi anda - bi ne calledcomplex conjugates of each other.

fud*Vle I Gompleorconiugates Find the product of the given complexnumber and its conjugate. a.3-i b.4+2i c.-i

Sohtion a. Theconjugateof3- iis3 * i,and(3- t)(3+ t:9 - i2:10. b. Theconjugateof4+ 2iis4 - 2i,and(4+ 2i)(4- 2i): 16 - 4i2:20. c. Theconjugate of -i is i,and -i . i : -i2 : l.

Try 7fif5. Find theproduct of 3 - 5i andits conjugate. 42 ChapterPrre Prerequisites

In general we have the following theorem about complex conjugates.

Theorem: ComplexConjugates

We use the theorem about complex conjugates to divide imaginary numbers, in a processthat is similar to rationalizing a denominator.

fud*F/e I uiviaing imaginarynumbers Write eachquotient in the form a -l bi. 8-t I 3-2i A. - D. _ u.- z+t )-+t t Sotution a. Multiplythenumeratoranddenominatorby2- i,theconjugate of 2 -l i: - -,] t6- toi_+i2 rs- r0, =: 1? ?!? _ _ : 3- _ 2i 2+i (2+i)(2-i) 4-i2 s - Checkdivisionusingmultiplication:(3 2i)(2 + r:8 -,. . 1 l(s+4, s+4i s+4i 5 4. v.- s-4i (s-4r(s+4r) 2s+16 41 41 4t' ls a \ )s )o 20. 16., s-2i, Check:l: + -t l(5 - 4it: 1 +'-!i - - t/(5-4i ) rFrEc """""'\+r 4r') 4t 4t i' n'- Sr'4l+4"/41i. {3*21}r[ -2-Si, :4 + 1q: r 4t 41 ffi You can alsocheck with a calculatorthat handlescomplex numbers, as in * FigureP.25 Fig.P.25. tr 3 - 2i (3 - 2t(-r) -3i + 2i2 -2 - 3i t ^-u -t' I Check:(-2 - 3r(, : -3i2 - 2i : 3 - 2i.

4fV \fut. wite in theform a * bi. #

Rootsof NegativeNumbers In Examples2(d) and 2(e), we saw that both (3t)2 : -9 and (-Zi)2: -9. This means that in the complex number system there are two squareroots of -9,3i and -3i. For any positivereal numberb,wehave (tli)': -b and (-:t/t)t : -b. So there are two squareroots of - b, iV b and - i \/ b. We call i\/ b the principat root of -b and,make the following definition. P.4ttr ForThouqht 43

Definition: of For anypositive real numberb, f -b : i\/b. a NegativeNumber

In the real number system, f-z u"d \F-g_ur"undefined, but in the complex number -z systemthey are defined ut f : i\/iand V-g : i\,6.Even thoush we now have meaning for a symbol such as \/-, all operations with compiex numbers must be performed after converting to the a + bi form.If we perform oper_ ations with roots of negative numbers using properties of the real numbers, we can get contradictoryresults:

\/-. V:8 : V(-rX_s) : r/te : q Incorrect.

ifr.i\/8:iz.ft6:-4 Correct. . : Theproduct rule fi f b t/ot i"used only for nonnegativenumbers a and,b. ercw/e @ Squareroots of negativenumbers write eachexpression in the form a t bi,where a andb arerealnumbers. .l/la -4 + \/4 + V-18 b. ". Solution The first step in each case is to replace the squareroots ofnegative numbers by ex- pressionswith i. VrT + V-18 : if8 + ". i\/n:2i\/i + 3i\/t : 5i\/t -q + \/-s0 -4 + i\/Eo -4 b. + 5i\/t 4 4 o, :-r+i,fi f4(fs - : - : - ". f-) tit/i(t i/t) ei\/j 3i2\/6 :3f 6 + sift

77V lbr. y,rir"?-!4 inthe form a t bi. For Thought True or False?Explain.

1. The multiplicativeinverse of i is -i. r 6.s-f4:5_ eip 2. The conjugateof 1is -i. r 7.Gil2+9:0r 3. The setof complexnumbers is a subsetof the set of real numbers. p 8.(-3r2+9:0r : 4.(ft - ilr)(\/t + ifi):57 f. ia lr l0.ir8:1p s.(2+5i)(2+5i):4+2sF ChapterP rril Prerequisites

M Exercises

Determine whether each complex number is real or imaginary and Write each in theform a t bi. (Exampte5) write it in the standardform a * bi. (ExampleI) I r | | { r -3i3 st' 3 t t Imaginary, -,1+ 52' 53' 1. 6i lmaginary.o+ 6t 2. _3i+ lft ,. , ;i 5+a2e- ni | - it- r' I -+-tll Imaginary,V6 - 3i r ,/ JJ -3+3i -r-.410- -72Rear,-72 ,'/s4.--!i-!*6 4. + oi S. f7 6. -ift Imaginary, 55. 3-3156. r, -2+i5 5' t -t Real,\4 + 0i o - t/ii 7. + 0i 8. 0 Reat,0+ 0t 2-i ;Real,:, ',. - *. | 13 #+ +' =+,i*lf,sr. 3ao*-*r Perform the indicated operations and write your answers in the 7 -t 60.4+2i +1. forn a bi, where a and b are real numbers. (Examples2 and 3) 5-3t17 t7- e. (3 - 3i)+ (4 + 5i)7+ 2i r0. (-32+_2i)+(5 _ 6t Ilrite each expression in the form a * bi, where a and b are real numbers. (Example6) 11.(l -, - (3 + 2i)-2- 3i 12.(6 - 7i)_ (3 _ 4i) 6r. \/-4 - t/-s -i 62.\/-16 + t/-zsgi 13.(r - ^[D + e + zi\/r)o *,l,frtt 63. \/-4 - r/rc -4 + 2i 64.\/4. r/-t -t 14.(5 + 3i\[, + - * e4 si\/i) r zixG -e as. $/-a)z 66. (V=)3 -sit/i \o < /'t r\ / ,\r rc.(s+1)_11_.1 *;r 16'(; - - - -6 + V-J \ 3.) \2 t')t ;') (' ;') 67.\/-. Vrso - ro 6s. -zt-t-, * 6 , 3 17. -6i(3 - 2i) -t2 - -3r(5 _ tli 18. + 2i)6 tsi -2+\/-20 ^ '/----'- - 6s. -r +1v3 7s.2-t1!-:-+, 19. (2 3i)(4+ 6i)26 20. (3 - i)(s - 2i) 13_ ll, 2 - - 2r. (4 5r(6 + 2i) 34 22i 22. (3_{str)[z + si) 7r. -3 + V! - 4(l)(s) 72.| - \4-rf:7(l)(l) -l+i\/tt - t-it/i 23. (s 2i)(s + 2i) 2e 24. (4 + 3i)(4 _ 3i) 2s ,l -r n/ -, - 73. V-8(V-2 + \/8) tt. t/-o(t/i - \/=) 2s.($ - i)(t/l + i) + lt4 + zit/z - 26.(\/, + i\/r)(\/, it/i) s Evaluate the expressionll#3for each choice of a, b, and c. (Example6) 27. (3 + 4i)2-t + z+i 2S. (-6 - 2i)2tz + z+i 75.a: l,b:2,c:5 _l + 2i 76.a = 5,b: _4,c: zs. (\/\ - zi)zr - I ci\/i 30. (\6 + i\/t), z + oit/) *+-t2l )) 31. itl t 32. i24 t 33. ie8 - I 77,a:2,b:4,c:3 78.a:2,b:-4,c:5 -z + it/i z+ile -i -i 34. ite 3f. i-t 36. i-2 -r 2 -=---;-Jbr-t-t/ir-+*" ,= '38. Evaluate the expression each choice of a, b. 37. i-3 i i-4 I 39. i-t3 -i and c. (Example6) -t -l 40. i-27 i 41. i-38 42. i-66 'n' t7 'o' -12,c:84 i;_t;!^,86,c: Zi ],,8 Find the product ofthe given cornplex number and its conjugate. (Example4) 81.a:-2,b:6,c:6 82.a:3,b:6,c:8 z+x6 -t - - it/G 43.3 sisl 44.4 + 3i2s as. 2it7l4 46. ircte 2 3 )+ !- Pedorm 27t4_ the indicated operations. Write the answers in the fonn / a * bi where a and b are real numbers. 47.i1 4s. -i\/,s 4s.3 - iftrrlro. 1 + iU - 22 83. (3 sr)(3+ 5134 84. (2 - 4i)(2 + 4i) 20

tDue to spaceconstrictions, answers to these exercisesmay be found in the complete Answers beginning on page A-l in the back ofthe book. P.5rrr 45

8s. (3 - 5, + (3 + 5t6 86.(2-4i)+(2+4i)4 98. Cooperative Learning Work in a small to find the two squareroots of 1 and two squareroots of * 1 in the complex ?-5t a r< 34 number system. How many fourth roots of I are there in the s7.-;---] - li 8s.2# _T J -r )t tt tl complex number system and what are they? Explain how to find all of the fourth roots in the complex number system for +l' +i' +l 89.(6-2i)-(7 -3t-1 +, e0.(5-6r-(8-er) anypositiverealnumber. Fourthroots of 1 are and -3+31 + i. Fourthroots of x for x ) 0 are + {x and,+ i{x. 91. is(i2 - 3i)3 - i 92.3i7(i- 5;3)rs 99. Evaluatei0!+ il! + i2! +... + il00!,wheren!(read"nfac- torial") is the product ofthe from I through n if n > 1 and0!: l.gs+2i For Writing/Discussion 93.Explain in detail how to find in for any positive integern. 7hwrry Ocr#nafha Ea'r lf e ftI

94.Fin! a nurqbera * bi suchthat a2 + b2 is irrational. Reversingthe Digits Find a four-digit integerx suchthat 4x is an- tlz + itlz other four-digit integerwhose digits are in the reverseorder ofthe = : - 95.Letw a * bi and,w a bi,wherea andb arerealnum- digitsofx. 2178 bers.Show that w * w is real and that w - w is imaginary. Write sentences(containing no mathematicalsymbols) stating SummingReciprocals Thereis only oneway to write I asa sum theseresults. ofthe reciprocalsofthree differentpositive integers: 96. Is it truethat the product of a complexnumber and its conju- 1*l*1=', gateis a real number?Explain. True 236- Find all possibleways to write I asa sumof thereciprocals of four 97. Provethatthereciproc.alofa t bi,whereautdbare notboth .ab differentpositive integers. __i_ _ ___;___ Z€iO. .a.+b.d.+b.rS -_- r. I l I ll I I ll 1 I I _f _I-I-_I-l-l--I-f _I- 2 3 l0 t5'2 3 9 r8'2 3 8 24' l _r_r-r-_r-r-r--r-r-r-I I t1 I I 1l I I I 2' 3' 7 42'2' 4' 6' t2'2' 4' s' 20 fMPop Quiz - l. Findthesumof 3 + 2i and4 i.'7 + i 4. wite theform a t bi.'|| . , VlTrin f , Find theproduct of 4 - 3i and2 + i. 11 - 2i. Find i27. -i 3. Find theproduct of2 - 3i andits conjugate.13 6. What are the two squareroots of -16? +4i