A STUDY on the RATNAGOTRAVIBHAGA (UTTARATANTRA) Being a Treatise on the Tathagatagarbha Theory of Mahāyāna Buddhism
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S E R I E ORIENTALE ROMA XXXIII JIKIDO TAKASAKI A STUDY ON THE RATNAGOTRAVIBHAGA (UTTARATANTRA) Being a Treatise on the Tathagatagarbha Theory of Mahāyāna Buddhism Including: a critical Introduction, a Synopsis of the text, a Translation from the original Sanskrit text, in comparison with its Tibetan & Chinese versions, critical Notes, Appendixes and Indexes. ROMA ROME ORIENTAL SERIES Already published: I. — Tucci G., The Tombs of the Tibetan Kings. II. — PETECH L., Northern India according to the Shui-ching-chu. III. — FRAUWALLNER E., On the date of the Buddhist Master of the Law Vasu- bandhu. IV. — ROCK J. F., The Na-khi Nāga cult and related ceremonies. Part I and II. V. — Conferenze, Vol. I. Containing lectures delivered at Is.M.E.O. by G. CCEDES, J. J. L. DUYVENDAK, C. HENTZE, P. H. POTT. VI* — CONZE E., Abhisamayālañkāra. Introduction and Translation from the original text, with Sanskrit-Tibetan Indexes. VII. — Conferenze, Vol. II. Containing lectures delivered at Is.M.E.O. by H. CORBIN, N. EGAMI, M. ELIADE, J. FĪLLIOZAT, P. HUMBERTCLAUDE, J. MASUI, E. H. DE TSCHARNER. VIII. — FRAUWALLNER E., The earliest Vinaya and the beginnings of Buddhist literature. IX. 1. — Tucci G., Minor Buddhist Texts, Part I. Containing A s a ñ g a ' s commentary on the Vajracchedikā edited and translated; Analysis of the commentary on it by Vasubandhu; Mahāyānavimśikā of N ā g ā - r j u n a ; Navaśloki of Kambalapāda; Catuhstavasamāsārtha of Amrtākara; Hetutattvopadeśa of Jitāri; Tarkasopāna of V i - dyākaraśānti. With an appendix containing the Gilgit Text of the Vajracchedikā, edited by N. P. CHAKRAVARTI. IX. 2. — Tucci G., Minor Buddhist Texts, Part II. First Bhāvanākrāma of Kama- laśūa. X. — Materials for the study of Nepalese History and Culture: 1. Tucci G., Preliminary Report on two Scientific Expeditions in Nepal. 2. GNOLI R., Nepalese Inscriptions in Gupta characters. Part I, Text and Plates. 3. PETECH L., Mediaeval History of Nepal (c. 750-1480). XI. — GNOLI R., The aesthetic experience according to Abhinavagupta (out of print). XII. — ROCK J. F., The Amnye Ma-chhen range and adjacent regions. A mono- graphic study. XIII. — CONZE E., Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā. XIV. — Le Symbolisme cosmique des Monuments religieux. Actes du Congres qui a du lieu â Rome sous les auspices de l'ls.M.E.O., avec la collaboration du Musee Guimet, Avril-Mai 1955. Conferences par R. BLOCH, J. DANIE- LOU, M. ELIADE, M. GRIAULE, C. HENTZE, C. LEVI-STRAUSS, H. C. PUECH, G. Tucci. XV. — WYLIE T. V., A place name index to George N. RoericK's translation of the Blue Annals. XVI. — FERRARI A., mK'yen brtse's Guide to the holy places of Central Tibet. Com- pleted and edited by L. PETECH, with the collaboration of H. RICHARDSON. XVII. — Orientalia Romana. 1, Essays and Lectures, by E. BENZ, H. CORBIN, A. GODARD, L. HAMBIS, V. MlNORSKY, S. P. TOLSTOV. XVIII. — ROERICH G., Le parler des Amdo. Etude d'un dialecte archaīque du Tibet. XIX. — VAN GULIK R. H., Chinese Pictorial Art as viewed by the Connoisseur. Notes on the means and methods of traditional Chinese onnoisseurship based upon a study of the Art of mounting scrolls in China and Japan (about 600 pp. Size 30 X 22 cm.). Limited to 950 copies. XX. — MAHLER J. G., The Westerners among the Figurines of the 'Pang Dynasty of China, /• XXI. — Un Editto bilingue greco-aramaico di Aśoka. La prima iscxizione gteca sco- perta in Afghanistan. Testo, traduzione e note a cura di G. PUGLIESE- CAHRATELLI e di G. LEVI DELLA VIDA, con prefazione di G. Tucci e in- troduzione di U. SCERRATO (out of print). XXII. — LEE P. H., Studies in the Saenaennorae: old Korean poetry. XXIII. — GNOLI R., The Pramānavārttikam of Dharmakīrti. The first chapter with the autocommentary. Text and critical notes. XXIV. — Tucci G., Deb fer dmar po, Tibetan Chronicles. Text and English translation (with original text) [in the press]. XXV. — WYLIE T. V., The Geography of Tibet according to the 'Dzam-gling- rgyas-bshad. XXVI. — CONZE E., The Gilgit manuscript of the AstādaśasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitS. Chapters 55 to 70 corresponding to the 5th Abhisamaya. Text and English translation. XXVII. — GNOLI R., Udbhata's Commentary on the Kāvyāīamkāra of Bhāmaha. Sanskrit fragments from Pakistan. Edited with critical notes. XXVIII. — ROCK J. F., A Na-khi-English Encyclopedic Dictionary, Part I. XXIX. — A bilingual Graeco—Aramaic Edict of Aśoka, Text, Translation and Notes by G. PUGLIESE-CARRATELLI and G. GABBINI, Foreword by G. Tucci, Introduction by U. SCERRATO. XXX. — GNOLI G.f Le iscrizioni Giudeo--Persiane del Gūr (Afghanistan). Text, Italian Translation and Notes. XXXI. — AUBOYER J., Introduction â Vetude de fart de VInde. XXXII. — SCARCIA G., Sifat-nāma-yi Darvīs Muhammad Hān-i Gāzî. A Muslim Crusade against the Kafirs of Lagmān in A. D. 1532. XXXIII. — TAKASAKI J., A study on the Ratnagotravibhāga (Uttaratantra) Being a Treatise on the TatLāgatagarbha Theory of Mahāyāna Buddhism. Special series: Orients P oli a no • Studies and lectures delivered at Is.M.E.O. on the occasion of the 7th Centenary of the birth of Marco Polo (1254-1954), by E. BALAZS, P. DEMIEVILLE, K. ENOKI, L. CABRINGTON GOODRICH, E. HAENISCH, L. HAM- BIS, A. MOSTAERT, L. OLSCHKI, A. NILAKANTA SHASTRI, E. H. SCHAFEK, B. SPULER, R. WITTKOWEB. Forthcoming Works: TūCCl G., Deb ter dmar po, Tibetan Chronicles. Text and English translation (with original text). ROCK J. F., Na-khi Culture as expressed in their literature: an encyclopedic Dictionary. Part II. RUEGG D. S., The life of Bu Ston Rin Po Che. Orientalia Romana. 2, Essays and Lectures, by V. S. Agrawala, P. Beonio-Brocchieri, P. Corradini, L. Lanciotti. Works in course of preparation: PENSA C, - Vimuklisena's Abhisamayālankāravyākhyā. Sanskrit Text. Tucci G. - GARGANO A., The Abhidharmasamuccayakārikā by Sañghatrāta, text and commentary of a hitherto unknown work, the Sanskrit manuscript of which has been found in Tibet. Tucci G. - PETECH L., Grub-mHa-sel^gyl-me-loñ (Crystal mirror of the philosophical and religious systems), translated from the Tibetan. TtJCCl G. - PETECH L., The Fifth Dalai-Lama's Chronicle of Tibet, translated from the Tibetan. ISTITUTO ITALIANO IL MEDIO ED ESTREMO ORIENTE SERIE ORIENTALE ROMA SOTTO LA DIREZĪONE DI GIUSEPPE TUCCI VOLUME XXXIII LA REDAZIONE DELLA SERIE E CURATA DAL PROF. ANTONIO GARGANO ROMA Is. M. E. O. SERIE ORIENTALE ROMA XXXIII JIKIDO TAKASAKI A STUDY ON THE RATNAGOTRAVIBHAGA (UTTARATANTRA) Being a Treatise on the Tathāgatagarbha Theory of Mahāyāna Buddhism Including: a critical Introduction, a Synopsis of the text, a Translation from the original Sanskrit text, in comparison with its Tibetan & Chinese versions, critical Notes, Appendixes and Indexes. ROMA ISTITUTO ITALIANO PER IL MEDIO ED ESTREMO ORIENTE GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS PACE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ix PREFACE xi INTRODUCTION 1 SYNOPSIS OF THE TEXT 63 TRANSLATION AND NOTES 135 APPENDIXES I. - Supposed form of the Original Sloka-grantha 393 II. - Corrections & Emendations to the Sanskrit Text 396 III. - Description of the Ultimate Reality by Means of the Six Categories . 400 INDEXES 1. Index of Sanskrit Terms 411 2. Index of Works, Authors & Schools 437 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (for Synopsis and Notes on the Translation) S = Sanskrit text of the Ratnagotravibhāga ed. by E. H. Johnston Sanskrit term X ' = Tibetan translation of the Ratnagotravibhāga (Sde-dge Edition, Tohoku, No. 4025) Tibetan term Ç = Chinese translation of the Ratnagotravibhāga (Taisho Daizokyo Edition No. 1611) Chinese term O = Sublime Science of the Great Vehicle to Salvation, by E. Obermiller (Ada Orientalia, XI, ii, iii, & iv) J = E. H. Johnston's Preface & Notes on the Ratnagotravibhāga K. = Kārikā v. = verse Taisho = Taisho Edition of the Chinese Tripitaka Tohoku = A Complete Catalogue of the Tibetan Buddhist Canons, ed. by Tohoku Uni- versity, Japan (1934). BHS = Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit BHSDic.= Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary, ed. by F. Edgerton (1953) M. W. = M. Monier-William's Sanskrit-English Dictionary PTS = Pali Text Society's Edition of the Pali Tipi^aka AA = Abhisamayâlânkāra of Maitreya, ed. by G. Tucci (Gaekward's Oriental Series No. 62) AAĀ = Abhisamayâlañkārâloka of Haribhadra, ed. by G. Tucci (ibid.) AAN = Anūnatvâpūrnatvanirdeśaparivarta (Taisho, XVI, No. 668) AĀS == * Anuttarâśrayasūtra (Taisho, XVI, No. 669) AbhidhS = Mahāyānâbhidharmasūtra AcintA = Tathāgatagunajñānâcintyavisayâvatāranirdeśa (Taisho, X, No. 302) AksP = Aksayamatipariprcchā (Taisho, XIII, No. 397 (12)) AN = Añguttara Nikāya (Pali, PTS Edition) ASP = Astasāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā (Wogihara's Edition of the Abhisamayâlañ- kārâloka) AvatS = Avatamsakaśūtra (Taisho, IX, No. 278) BBh = Bodhisattvabhūmi, ed. by U. Wogihara BGŚ = * Buddhagotraśāstra (Taisho, XXXI, No. 1610) DAS = * Mahāyānadharmadhātvaviśesaśāstra (Taisho, XXXI, No. 1627) DBS = Daśabhūmikasūtra, ed. by J. Rahder J. TAKASAKI = Dharmadharmatāvibhāga (Skt. Fragment, ed. by S. Levi; Tib. ed. by J. No- zawa, Prof. Yamaguchi's commemoration Volume) * = Drdhâdhyāśayaparivarta (Tibetan KG, Sde-dge Edition Tohoku No. 224) = Dhāranīśvararājasūtra (Taisho, XIII, No. 397 (1-2)) = Gaganagañjāsūtra (Taisho, XIII, No. 397 (8)) = Jñānâlokâlañkārasūtra (Taisho, XII, No. 357) = Kāśyapaparivarta (Ratnakūtasūtra) ed. by Stael-Holstein; (Taisho, XI, No. 310 (23)) = Lañkāvatārasūtra, ed. by B. Nanjio = Madhyamakakārikā of Nāgārjuna (ed. by Poussin) = Majjhima Nikāya (Pali, PTS Edition) = Mahāparinirvānasūtra (Mahāyāna) (Taisho, XII, No. 374) = Mahāyānasūtrâlañkāra (ed. by Sylvain Levi) (P) = Mahāyānasamgraha-bhāsya, tr. by Paramārtha (Taisho,