Haaretz | Friday, June 4, 2021 5 WEEKEND

“unauthorized” settler outpost of Evi- atar on land belonging to and The Twilight Zone two other villages, Qabalan and Beita. Gideon Levy In the past few weeks, about 20 structures have been put up, suppos- and Alex Levac edly in secret, at Eviatar, to the east of the village. The outpost was estab- lished about a month ago in the olive groves of Jebel Sabih, in response to mar Snobar is brought into a stabbing attack at Tapuah Junction, the room so he can be shown and the veteran settler activist Dani- off, held in the arms of his ella Weiss, eyes glistening, declared Aunt Iman, his father’s sis- its creation on television. This week we ter. Umar is wrapped in a saw the new outpost, which lies along Ulight blue wool blanket. His little head the road that descends to the Jordan turns from side to side, his face is sal- Valley. A huge bulldozer of the Israel low, his hands are miniatures. Defense Forces was in the center of the He’s 2 weeks old. A tense silence falls unauthorized outpost, with a group of in the room at the sight of the newborn. settlers gathered around it. Only his grandmother breaks into quiet When Tareq learned that the road sobs, “Haram [“pity” in ] on the from the village was blocked, he drove baby,” she whispers through her tears. toward the demonstration; with him The other family members stop them- were Hamada and a few friends. Chil- selves from responding like her. dren and teenagers threw stones at the But no one in the room is left indif- soldiers, who fired tear gas, stun gre- ferent at the sight of the infant. No one nades and rubber-tipped metal bullets can remain indifferent, not choke up, at the demonstrators – a familiar Fri- when there’s a 2-week-old orphan. day ritual in the . According This baby was born into orphan- to Hamada, the soldiers and the demon- hood. Two days after his birth, an Is- strators were about a hundred meters raeli soldier shot and killed his father, apart, and the stones didn’t hit anyone. who was unarmed and was nowhere Hanna Snobar, Tareq’s mother, holding her newborn grandson, Umar. Tareq’s sister Iman is sitting next to them. Hamada says Tareq was frustrated at near the soldier, during a demonstra- not being able to drive to and tion next to his village. Tareq Snobar may even have been furious, but adds lived only 27 years and was a father for that the two of them didn’t take part in just 48 hours. He saw his firstborn son the stone-throwing and simply watched at his birth but never got to bring him from afar. Then they went home for home, as he had planned to do on the lunch and afterward drove back to the day of his death. A father for 48 hours demonstration. Tareq’s father begged The village of Yatma is east of him not to go, but Tareq was adamant. Tapuah Junction in the center of the At 4 P.M. the soldiers stepped up the West Bank. We were there last Novem- Tareq Snobar was on his way to the hospital to bring his wife and newborn son home. The road from frequency of the gunfire, maybe to end ber with Abdulkarim Sadi, a field re- the demonstration; then they switched searcher for the Israeli human rights his village, however, was blocked by Israeli soldiers because of a demonstration against both the Gaza to live fire. Hamada says another unit group B’Tselem who accompanied us military operation and a new settler outpost. A soldier took aim from afar and killed the new father of soldiers or special-ops police ar- again this time. Back then we were rived in a white van and took position. looking into the circumstances of the The demonstration didn’t abate. At death of 17-year-old Amer Snobar, a that point, only two people had been relative of Tareq who according to Iman, 33, were there, too, along with in her room. a restaurant in Hawara, north of their wanted very much to bring his wife and wounded, by rubber-tipped bullets. witnesses was beaten to death by Is- Hamada Snobar, 31, who was with his It was Friday, May 14, what be- village. Tareq spent four years in an son home and present Umar to the fam- At 7:40 P.M., Tareq and Hamada were raeli troops. This week, waiting in the cousin Tareq when a soldier kneeled, came a black Friday in the West Bank, Israeli prison after being arrested at ily and their neighbors. His plan was to still standing there, still unable to leave living room of Tareq Snobar’s home aimed his rifle and from long range though no one in Israel is aware of it. age 17 for throwing stones and taking go that afternoon to the hospital where the village. Suddenly Hamada spotted a in Yatma were his immediate family, fired one deadly round, apparently On that day Israeli soldiers killed no part in disturbances. He was released his son was born two days earlier; no soldier kneeling down and aiming his ri- all very subdued, though the father, with the intent to kill. The soldier cer- fewer than 12 in the West in 2015 and two years ago married one imagined that a few hours later fle at them. The soldier was about a hun- 64-year-old Umar, who for most of his tainly didn’t know that Tareq had just Bank, the most on a single day since Ranad; the couple lived in the family he himself would lay dying in another dred meters away, Hamada says. “He’s life worked in construction in Israel, become a father for the first time and 2002, under cover of the war raging home in Yatma. Nablus hospital. At the entrance to the aiming at us!” he shouted to Tareq, but gave us a smile. Tareq’s mother, Han- was thrilled to be on his way to the in the Gaza Strip. Tareq Snobar was On May 14, Tareq returned home village a demonstration was underway too late. One lethal bullet slammed into na, 54, a dialysis patient, was enveloped Anglican Hospital in Nablus to bring one of them. Two years ago, he and his from the restaurant at around 2 P.M. of people from Yatma and nearby to Tareq’s left hip. by her mourning, mute in black. His his son home. The baby’s mother, Rand brother Mohammed opened a restau- It was a holiday, Eid al-Fitr, marking protest the war and killing in Gaza, brother, Mohammed, 28, and his sister, Naanish, 22, from Nablus, was closeted rant in Yatma after previously owning the end of Ramadan fasting, and Tareq and to protest the establishment of the Continued on page 12 The best-laid plans Contrary to the claim that Israel suddenly found itself holding territories after the June '67 war, declassified documents reveal detailed directives drawn up by the IDF ahead of the prolonged policing mission it would be tasked with

the Operations Branch), which was then headed by Yitzhak Rabin, drew up a widely circulated directive regarding the organization of the military gov- ernment in the territories. This order sheds light, in its words, on Israel’s “ex- pected directions of expansion,” which in the assessment of the security per- sonnel would be the focus of the next war. These territories included the West Bank, Sinai, the Syrian heights and Damascus, and southern Lebanon up to the Litani River. The August 1963 order was pre- pared following an evaluation two months earlier by the military govern- ment unit that controlled the lives of Arabs within Israel. In internal corre- spondence, it suggested that the future organization of rule in the territories had been executed “hastily” to date and “does not completely meet all the needs.” Arab prisoners of war being led blindfolded to interrogation in the Old City of Called the “Organization Order – Jerusalem, June 8, 1967. Goren / AP Military Government in State of Emer- gency,” it stated that, “The IDF’s thrust to transfer the war to the enemy’s ter- Adam Raz preparations that were made in the ritories will necessarily bring about military in the years before 1967, with expansion [into] and conquest of areas the intention of organizing in advance beyond the state’s borders.” Based on or years, most Israeli histori- the control of territories that the de- the Israeli experience in the period fol- ography maintained that the fense establishment assessed – with lowing the Sinai campaign, the docu- country’s decision makers were high certainty – would be conquered ment stated that it would be necessary F taken by surprise by the fruits in the next war. A perusal of the in- to install a military government quick- of the victory that were harvested with formation indicates that the takeover ly, because “these conquests might last lightning speed in June 1967. “The war,” and retention of these areas – the West for a short time only and we will have to Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said, Bank from Jordan, the Sinai Peninsula evacuate the territories following inter- three days after its conclusion, “devel- and Gaza Strip from Egypt, and the national pressure or an arrangement.” oped and rolled into fronts that were Golan Heights from Syria – were not The part that followed, however, was not intended and were not preplanned a by-product of the fighting, but the meant for those who would be tasked by anyone, including by me.” On the manifestation of a strategic approach with administering the military gov- basis of these and other statements, the and prior preparations. ernment in the future occupied area, view took root that the conquest of the The IDF’s meticulous preparations and it hints at the intention of the or- territories in the war was the result of to conquer the territories had already der’s authors: “However, a convenient a rapid slide down a slippery slope, a begun early in the 1960s. They were, in political situation might develop which new reality that no one wanted. part, the product of the short and bitter will make it possible to retain occupied However, historical documentation Israeli experience in the conquest – and territory indefinitely.” stored in the Israel State Archives subsequent evacuation – of the Sinai Indeed, the exploitation of that “con- and the Israel Defense Forces and De- Peninsula and the Gaza Strip in the Si- venient situation” necessitated the me- fense Establishment Archives in recent nai War of 1956. It’s against this back- ticulous organization of the modes of years demands that we cast doubt on ground that we should understand the military rule in the occupied territo- the credence of that view. The informa- document titled “Proposal to Organize ries. Accordingly, the IDF devoted at- tion cited here constitutes just a small the Military Government,” written by tention to training and preparing the part of a wide range of documentation the head of operations, Col. Elad Peled, units and administrative bodies that being held in governmental archives in June 1961, and presented to Chief of would rule the Palestinian popula- relating to the conquest of the terri- Staff Tzvi Tzur. Six years before the tion. They bore broad responsibility: tories, and which remain classified. Six-Day War, the proposal consisted of from legal issues attendant on the oc- Long-term stubborn persistence was detailed, initial planning for the forces cupation of territories, to intelligence necessary to effect the declassification that would be needed to rule in what gathering about the population and the of some of the documents on which this would become the occupied territories. infrastructures in the West Bank. article is based. Two years later, in August 1963, the The documents describe detailed IDF’s General Staff Branch (afterward Continued on page 7 Haaretz | Friday, June 4, 2021 7 WEEKEND

with the infant, known as “sleep training.” co-sleeping at this stage in the child’s life into a less successful “I approach this with humility, because I didn’t breast- experience for the adults, and that is perfectly fine.” feed, obviously. Still, I co-slept with my son. I am aware of the difficulties that are piled on the shoulders of parents in a dynamic world that creates stressful situations. But Continued tradition I’m not sure that the changes of the dynamic, modern “We are not kind enough to our infants,” McKenna world should be loaded onto the narrow shoulders of the sighs toward the end of our conversation. In large mea- infant. I only tried one time to ‘train’ my son to sleep, sure, he has devoted more than 40 years of research to when I put him in the crib and let him cry. I snapped helping introduce something of that goodness into our after about 10 minutes, took him in my arms and vowed: behavior with our offspring – a process that perhaps will Never again. To this day – and he’s 42 – I feel guilty about also make us beneficent toward ourselves. If we only in- it. I know that what I have to say will not be pleasant to ternalize that we are not a potential harm to our children, the ear, but in my view, the practice of sleep training is that there is no need to invest in “correcting” them – that absolutely child abuse. It’s a practice that’s based on a it’s enough to maintain close contact. totally mistaken myth to the effect that infants have ‘a In the end, he can look back with satisfaction. The conclu- problem’ and that uninterrupted sleep is ‘good’ for them. sions of his research are trickling down ever more into the Let’s be precise: It may make things easier for parents, heart of the medical establishment, he is a lecturer much in and that’s understandable in our demanding world, but it demand and is courted by scientific journals, as well as hold- is definitely not what babies need.” ing a professorship at Santa Clara University, in California. Nevertheless, the physical and mental exhaustion parents In keeping with the principle of practicing what he preaches, experience is making sleep training increasingly popular. McKenna is also applying his ideas about the importance of Advocates of this form of behavioral intervention maintain physical closeness to his toddler grandson who lives nearby, that being able to fall asleep independently is an important and enjoys seeing that his son is also continuing the tradition skill that parents can impart to infants and that it can assist of close contact with his son. in cognitive development and in improving the functioning of “That,” he sums up, “is the greatest satisfaction.” the immune system. In addition, they argue, continuous sleep also has an influence on emotional and social development. As a lactation consultant who in the course of my work James McKenna. “We are not kind enough to our infants,” he sighs. Einat Talmon is a lactation consultant (IBCLC). with mothers in Israel deals with issues relating to the sleep of breastfeeding infants, I have read a number of the studies on which these arguments are based. Some of the research deals with the importance of high-quality sleep in general, without specific reference to infants, whose sleep patterns are decidedly different. Other studies refer to sleep difficul- ties in toddlers and children, but not in infants. Some of the research lacks clear, objective criteria for defining such terms such as sleep “problems” or “difficulties.” I have not seen any study that concludes that sleep training is actually beneficial to babies. I did read studies maintaining that such training is not detrimental to an infant, in either the short or long run. The question is whether “not detrimental” is a sufficient conclusion when it comes to an attempt to change our children’s behavior. Many parents relate that sleep training absolutely saved them. Do you think that behavioral intervention in a baby’s sleep is never good? “All I can do is accept the fact that in certain circum- stances there are parents who will insist on that kind of training in order to optimize their rest. But it’s important that they not deceive themselves into thinking that it’s be- ing done for the good of the infant or the toddler. No mat- ter how we look at it, from the child’s perspective, sleep training is a cruel and unusual punishment even at later ages, which has to do with processes such as weaning and basing nutrition on solid foods, and not with ‘regularizing’ the child’s sleep.” ‘‘a symbol of Your study deals for the most part with an age in which the human infant is completely helpless. Until what age do you advocate co-sleeping with children? “There is no biological boundary that states that a child resilience... a song should not or does not want to co-sleep with its parents in or- der to feel safe and protected, as long as it’s appropriate for everyone. In the case of toddlers and children, it’s no longer a purely biological thing, it’s social. The social circumstances, sung to life’’ which are a by-product of Western society, are what transform —THE JERUSALEM POST BEST-LAID PLANS

Continued from page 5

Whereas no one within the defense establishment dis- ‘‘In order to...come puted the IDF’s superior power and its ability to conquer swiftly the territories from Egypt, Jordan and Syria – be- fore 1967, officers in the military government that existed inside Israel were apprehensive about the preparation of out strong, you really the units that would rule in the territories. Along with the military doctrine that called for the fighting to be moved into enemy territory, a doctrine existed concerning rule of civilians, based on the recognition that following such a take- need to be someone over, Israel would control an occupied civilian population, whose administration would necessitate the establishment of a military government bureaucracy. Col. Yehoshua Verbin, in his capacity as commander of the like Miriam.’’ military government inside Israel until 1966, with extensive experience in operating the mechanisms of supervision and control over Israel’s Palestinians, played a central role in preparations for executing the order to establish a military —RABBI AVI BERMAN, Executive Director, OU government in the conquered territories. In a moment of frankness, in December 1958, he admitted to a ministerial committee that had convened to discuss the future of the military government within Israel, “I haven’t even decid- ed for myself whether we are doing them more harm or good.” However, as a senior commanding officer, in June 1965, he warned his superior, Haim Bar-Lev, that the com- mand structures of the administration for ruling occupied ‘‘Miriam's Song will territories were insufficiently qualified to carry out their future mission. “Very little progress has been made on this subject.” He added, “It appears that the commands of the administration in occupied territories will not be suited to inspire those who fulfill their tasks.” This was two years before the war. Involving officers of the military government that had been imposed on Israel’s Palestinian citizens since 1948 in the planning was logical, because the organizational and read it, as it has military framework that operated vis a vis that community constituted the basis for rule in the territories that would be conquered in a war. In 1963, the units of the military govern- ment already had 15 years of experience in imposing “order” inspired me.’’ and supervision over those Palestinian citizens, by means of a strict regime of permits. From a military perspective, it made sense for this body to serve as the model for the structure of rule in the territories that would be conquered —PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU in the next war. However, after the 1967 war, Defense Minister Dayan re- jected the proposal of Shin Bet security service chief Yosef Harmelin to replicate the forms of control of the military gov- ernment in Israel in the territories (a stance that for years was cited to demonstrate Dayan’s supposed enlightened view). However, even though Dayan generally refrained from ap- Miriam’s Song pointing former military governors from within Israel as governors across the Green Line, the normalization of the The Story of Miriam Peretz “enlightened occupation” bore a character similar to that of the military government that had existed within Israel. Ac- cordingly, the vaguer the temporariness of the occupation by Smadar Shir became, the cruder and more violent it became. To illustrate the direct line that connected the military 9789652298355Prices do not |include PB | 352 ppshipping | 110 NIS government that existed within Israel (until December 1966) to that operating in the territories after the June 1967 war, it’s sufficient to look at the metamorphosis its official branches underwent. In the months following the war, the unit that had operated the military government in Israel was rebranded as the “department of military administration [email protected]@gefenpublishing.com and territorial security.” Today it’s known by a different, catchier name: “Coordinator of Government Activities in | Tel: 050-5277-872 the Territories.” Look for us on | Adam Raz is a researcher at the Akevot Institute for Israeli-Palestinian Available at Amazon, Steimatzky, Pomeranz, selected bookstores Conflict Research.