Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Picnic Sunday, September 29Th
August 25, 2019 SAINT RAYMOND NONNATUS MINI-CONFERENCE ON MARRIAGE The traditional dates for the life of St. Raymond Nonnatus present Join us during the third and final year of the Archbishop’s Remain in him to us as a man of the 13th century. Born in Portell, when his My Love: Initiative for the Renewal of Christian Marriage and Family Life. mother had already died, he came into the Sunday, September 15, 2019 from 2-4:30pm at Cathedral Basilica of world by the dagger of the Viscount of Cardo- SS. Peter & Paul, Phila, PA. Visit: archphila.org/remain2019 na, who took the child out of his mother's womb; hence, he acquired the nick- ABBEY FAITH AND MUSIC FEST name Nonnatus (not born). September 21, 2019 at Daylesford Abbey, Paoli, PA. For more info, visit: www.theabbeyfest.com We discover in Raymond a life dedicated to redemptive service, enduring the same suffer- MASCULINE GENIUS INSTITUTE ings as the captives, and sustained by the 4th Annual Summit on Saturday, September 21, 2019 from 7:30am- strength of the Eucharist, filial devotion to the 4pm at Archdiocese of Philadelphia Chancery, 222 N. 17th St, Phila, Mother of God and mother of mankind. PA 19103. Theme: Men In University: Upholding A Balanced Path. Cost: $40/person. Sponsored by The King’s Men & The Men’s According to tradition, the Pope decided to Academy. To Register, visit: www.masculinegeniusinstitute.com appoint him cardinal with the titular church of Saint Eustace, a Ro- man basilica near the Pantheon, where his image is preserved; but, while he was traveling to Avignon, he died in Cardona.
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