CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1821 HON
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September 23, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1821 AUTHORIZING USE OF CAPITOL In June 1974, a large crowd gathered for Flyers. They have been world-wide travelers, ROTUNDA TO ALLOW MEMBERS the ground breaking to begin construction of goodwill ambassadors, and advocates for his- OF CONGRESS TO RECEIVE HIS this facility. The first patient was admitted in toric Mission San JosÂe. ALL HOLINESS PATRIARCH BAR- December 1977, realizing a dream and long- Keith and Anne Medeiros set a new stand- THOLOMEW term goal of former Congressman Jerry Pettis. ard as innkeepers for those whose travels Jerry Pettis was a good man and a close per- took them to the Bay Area. Their hospitality SPEECH OF sonal friend. Today, his legacy lives on was a welcome respite for travelers. HON. PATRICK J. KENNEDY through the commitment and fine work of the On September 22, 1997 the friends and col- OF RHODE ISLAND men and women who strive to serve our veter- leagues of Keith and Anne Medeiros will honor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ans with great care and respect. Jerry Pettis their many years of community service. I join my neighbors as they extend a thank you to Tuesday, September 16, 1997 would certainly be proud of this fine institution and the many worthy people it serves. Keith and Anne for all they have done for Fre- Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island. Mr. Speak- The Pettis VA Medical Center has 125 mont. er, I submit this statement in support of House acute care beds and 106 nursing home beds. f Concurrent Resolution 134 authorizing the use With a budget of approximately $109 million, TRIBUTE TO ST. RAYMOND of the Capitol rotunda for a ceremony for His over 600 volunteers, and over 1,200 employ- NONNATUS PARISH All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholo- ees, the facility last year alone, had over mew, the 270th Archbishop of Constantinople 6,500 admissions and over 230,000 outpatient  and new Rome on October 21, 1997, from 11 visits. Working closely with Loma Linda Uni- HON. JOSE E. SERRANO a.m. to 12 noon. versity in many areas of clinical research and OF NEW YORK The Ecumenical Patriarch occupies the fore- study, the medical center continues to conduct IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES most position among the National critical work in a variety of scientific dis- Tuesday, September 23, 1997 Autocephalos Orthodox Churches worldwide ciplines. and has the responsibility to coordinate the af- Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor In addition, the Pettis VA Medical Center fairs of the Russian, Eastern Europe, Middle, for me to pay tribute to the Parish of St. Ray- has vigorously explored ways of providing the and Far Eastern churches. Worldwide, the Pa- mond Nonnatus, which yesterday celebrated best possible service to the more than triarch is the spiritual leader of 300 million Or- 100 years of serving the community in my 290,000 veterans in Riverside County and San thodox Christians of which 5 million reside in South Bronx congressional district. Bernardino County. The recently opened the United States. The parish was named after a 13th century Victorville outpatient clinic, for example, has Therefore, it is important that Members of Spanish mercedarian and cardinal. It is lo- greatly improved access to primary care for Congress, as leaders of a nation that was built cated at 1759 Castle Hill Avenue, in the thousands of veterans in California's high on religious freedom and tolerance, have an Bronx. desert region. opportunity to receive and honor one of the A mass of Thanksgiving offered by Arch- Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join me and our world's preeminent religious leaders. Ecumeni- bishop John Cardinal O'Connor opened the colleagues in paying special tribute to the cal Patriarch Bartholomew not only promotes ceremonies of the parish's 100th anniversary. Jerry L. Pettis Memorial VA Medical Center on peace and religious understanding throughout The church belongs to the family of parishes its 20th anniversary. All of us owe a tremen- the world, but he is also profoundly committed that were established in the late 1890's in dous debt of gratitude to our veterans, and we to preserving and protecting the environment. New York City; among them is Holy Family also owe a special thanks to the memory of Today, as the 270th successor to Apostle An- Parish, which this year also celebrates its our good friend and former colleague, for drew, His All Holiness continues efforts on be- 100th anniversary. whom this facility is named. To both Jerry The origins of St. Raymond Nonnatus Par- half of religious freedom and human rights. In closing support, is an expression of ap- Pettis, and our veterans, Congress thanks ish date back to 1843. A small church was preciation to the members of the Hellenic Cau- youÐand salutes youÐon this historic day. erected under the leadership of Bishop John cus for their advocacy of this resolution as f Hughes. In the 1890's Father Edward McKen- well as H.R. 2248, the recommendation to na saw the church in poor condition and de- IN HONOR OF KEITH AND ANNE cided to erect a new building. The church was award the Patriarch with a Congressional Gold MEDEIROS Medal, of which I am a proud cosponsor. H.R. built in 1897 in a beautiful Byzantine style, with wonderful stained-glass windows. 134 as introduced by BILIRAKIS from Florida, is Since its beginnings, the church has served a measure which provide the occasion to re- HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK OF CALIFORNIA a multiethnic community. In the early 1900's ceive such an individual of high character and Catholics from all over Europe were members moral standing as His All Holiness in a man- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the congregation. More recently, African- ner befiting their rank and title. Tuesday, September 23, 1997 Americans and members of the Hispanic and f Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to Asian communities have joined the parish. A TRIBUTE TO THE JERRY L. commend Keith and Anne Medeiros for their In 1908, under the pastorate of Father PETTIS MEMORIAL VETERANS distinguished careers of service to the commu- McKenna, a school was established to edu- AFFAIRS MEDICAL CENTER nity of Fremont, California. For 42 years, Keith cate the children of the community. In the and Anne lived in the Fremont area. In that 1950's, Father Thaddeus Tierney oversaw the HON. JERRY LEWIS time, they consistently worked to make our construction of a new school of accommodate community a better place. Both have been OF CALIFORNIA the growing number of students. Even today, dedicated to the field of education as elemen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES it remains one of the best equipped elemen- tary school teachers. Keith Medeiros also tary schools in the Nation. Tuesday, September 23, 1997 served as school principal, and as a member In addition, two other schools were estab- Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I of the Alameda County Board of Education. lished, the Boy's High School in 1958, and St. would like to bring to your attention the fine Anne Medeiros taught English as a second Raymond's Academy for Girls in 1960. A con- work and outstanding public service of the language. vent, a rectory and a cemetery are also inte- Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans Affairs Medi- Their service to the community has been di- gral parts of the parish. cal Center in Loma Linda, CA. As the chair- verse. Keith Medeiros worked as an Indian Since the 1970's a social ministry was ex- man of the House Appropriations Subcommit- Guide Dad, a Pathfinder Toastmaster, a panded to better serve the needs of the com- tee that provides funding for veterans pro- Chamber of Commerce activist, a Fremont munity. Monsignor Henry J. Vier added a grams, including veterans medical care, I am Rotarian, an on and off stage actor and toast- Spanish mass to the Sunday schedule. He especially proud of this facility at this historic master, and a Washington Township Men's also established the Bronx Association for moment. On Thursday, September 25, this Club member. Anne Medeiros served the Special Education, the Archdiocesan Drug Ad- fine facility will celebrate 20 years of service to community as a representative for Congress- diction Program and the East Bronx Hunger veterans who live and work in southern Cali- man Don Edwards, and as a board member Program. fornia. My dear friend and predecessor in for the Serra Center and the Committee to Re- Through the years, the church has been Congress, Shirley Pettis Roberson, will ad- store the Mission. They shared their talents as renovated several times. It now houses a dress those attending this very special cere- members of the Fremont Gourmet Club, the magnificent marble alter, a great canopy, and mony at the medical center. Fremont Dance Club, and the Fremont Kite an organ. E1822 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks September 23, 1997 Today Father Charles Kavanagh leads the Louisiana's Department of Environmental May on grounds of environmental injustice, church. He is the 16th pastor of St. Raymond QualityÐcharged by the EPA to regulate one investorÐNorthern States PowerÐhas Nonnatus Parish. The parish now provides the state industryÐfound in May that announced that it will pull out after a seven- Shintech's plans satisfied the state's de- year (and counting) regulatory process. ``At community with various social services, includ- manding emissions standards. But some point these companies just throw up ing the Family Outreach and Youth Program, Greenpeace and its allies, determined to stop their hands in frustration,'' sighs Mary St.