Friday 25th October 2013 11:00 am

The Guildhall, ~Londonderry Attendees

Present Winston Patterson (Chairman) Donal Tipping Laurence Arbuckle Phil Mahon Theresa McLaverty Michael McCormick Seamus Rodgers Joe Miller

In Attendance - Loughs Agency John Pollock – Acting Chief Executive Officer John McCartney – Director of Conservation and Protection Barry Fox – Director of Aquaculture and Shellfisheries Kevin Wilson – Director of Development Siobhan Wilson (Minutes)

Invited Guest Peter Archdale – Chairman of the Advisory Forum

The Board members met with Peter Archdale chairman of the Advisory Forum prior to the full meeting. Peter addressed the Board Members providing an overview of the functions of the Advisory Forum including the work carried out by the various focus groups within the Forum. Peter included in his address how the Forum captures the concerns of the stakeholder’s involvement.

Peter advised the Board Members that James Haughey chairman of the Salmon, Inland Fisheries Focus Group had requested that he bring the following motion to the attention of the Board:-

“The Forum is very concerned with the high risk of degradation of fisheries caused by the current procedures in the licensing of water abstraction and hydroelectric schemes. As a result we feel strongly there is a need for a fundamental review of the policy and practice of the licensing of abstraction and hydroelectric schemes as presently carried out by NIEA.” Prepared by S Wilson Nov ’13 Page 1

The Board agreed that further discussion was needed and that they would address the issue at their next meeting.

Winston Patterson thanked Peter Archdale for attending.

1. Apologies

Alan McCulla Andrew Duncan Jim Wilson

2. Conflict of Interest

There were no conflicts of interest with any agenda items.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record.

Proposed Don Tipping Seconded Phil Mahon

4. Reserved Minutes

The reserved minutes were noted and agreed.

Proposed Don Tipping Seconded Phil Mahon

5. Matters Arising

Don Tipping raises the matter of the Omagh Office which was included in the Corporate Services Report at the last meeting. Don added that he was concerned with the Health and Safety aspect of the office. John Pollock advised the meeting that the most important issue is that the toilets and showering facilities are inadequate at the Omagh Office. John added that the sponsor departments have asked for a strategic review of all Loughs Agency premises. John further added that in the long term a decision will have to be made on whether or not to upgrade the

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existing building or sell it on and build a purpose built unit for the Agency’s needs.

Joe Miller advised the meeting that the costs will need to be reviewed and suggests that this matter should be discussed at the next Audit Sub Committee Meeting.

6. CEO Report

John Pollock, Acting CEO provided the Board with the following report:

John advised the meeting that the past week has been full of events both supported by the Agency and attended by staff from the Agency. He added that the highlight of the week was the support of the Agency at the Turner Prize Opening Reception on 22nd October where the Agency sponsored the supply of Irish Flat Oysters from . John described the event as very successful in both the excellent quality of the display, superb service of the oysters to the attendees and to the future success of the Lough Foyle Oyster. He added that this event has put the Agency on the map. John thanked all staff involved for their hard work and exceptional attention to detail in the preparation and execution of the event.

The Agency welcomed the Minister of State Fergus O’Dowd to the Headquarters on 23rd October 2013 where the Minister met with the Senior Management Team ahead of the reception on the Irish Navy Ship LE Aisling in town for the Turner Prize event also.

Barry Fox added that the chef in attendance at both events Emmett McCourt of North West Regional College had received two trade enquiries for service of Lough Foyle Oysters at events later in the week.

John Pollock, Barry Fox and Winston Patterson attended the NSMC Meeting held in St. Columb’s Park House on Wednesday also. Winston Patterson added that this was a very uplifting day and he added that all 4 Ministers were very complimentary of the work of the Agency. John Pollock added that the Business Plan 2013 was approved by NSMC.

Theresa McLaverty advised that this could be an opportunity for the Agency to gain funding for marketing the development strategy

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in her area as there is a lack of awareness there. Don Tipping added that Minister Fergus O’Dowd represents the Carlingford area and this too could be an opportunity for funding development projects in all areas.

Kevin Wilson welcomed Theresa’s idea and added that it is an intention of the development directorate to submit a press release to the local papers in the Foyle, Donegal and Carlingford areas.

John Pollock advised the meeting that a new Board Member will be announced in the next couple of weeks. His name is Mick Murphy and he was a former MLA and Councillor South Down. It is hoped that he will be in attendance at the next Board Meeting in December.

7. Directors Reports

Corporate Services

John Pollock, Acting CEO provided the Board with the following report:

Financial Statements & Audit The Staff of the Agency have continued to work on the Internal Audit findings which resulted in their “limited” rating. Several of the recommendations have been already rectified, require legislative change or are out of the control of the Agency. An updated table on progress to date will be provided to the Board.

External Audit commenced their audit on the draft 2012 Financial Statements in March and is nearing completion. Their management points when available will be brought forward to a future Audit Sub Committee / Board Meeting. The C&Ags office in the South have to review the financial statements before final sign off.

North South Ministerial Council The North South Ministerial Council Sectoral was held at St Columb’s Park house on 23 October 2013 and the meeting coincided with the Turner Prize and the reception hosted by the Minister for Communications Energy and Natural Resources Mr Pat Rabbitte, T.D. on the Irish Navy boat L.É. Aisling as part of the Agency’s promotion of local native Foyle Oysters.

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2012 Annual Report The draft report has been cleared by both Sponsor Departments and was noted by Ministers at the recent NSMC meeting on 23rd October 2013 this will now go forward for translation and final print.

Staffing There is currently only 1 vacancy – CEO Post

Advisory Forum The Advisory Forum held a stakeholder workshop on 2nd October. The outcomes of this meeting will assist the Agency develop its thinking for the next corporate planning period and also highlighted topics for discussion at focus group level.

The next plenary Forum meeting is scheduled for March/April 2014 and focus group meetings will continue to meet over the next few months.

Business Plan 2013 A final draft of the plan has been cleared by both Sponsor Departments and Finance Departments with formal approval given at the North South Ministerial Council Sectoral meeting.

Corporate Plan 2014-16 and Business Plan 2014 The guidance was received on 11th September from the Departments of Finance on format and budget availability. Further efficiency cuts have been imposed of 4% per annum cumulating in 12% in 2016. The Agency has initiated the drafting of the plans and will bring forward drafts for Board approval when available.

Review of Financial Memorandum No further progress to report on this issue. The review of the Financial Memorandum was initiated in 2010. The Agency still awaits formal notification from the Departments of Finance. Sponsor Departments have agreed an interim amendment to the tendering thresholds to mirror those of the Departments and Central Procurement Directorate pending word from the Finance Departments. This issue is regularly raised by Internal and External Audits and is beyond the control of the Agency.

Amendment to the Foyle Fisheries Pension Scheme The Agency has drafted an amendment to the current pension scheme to allow the scheme to recognise incoming service from other public sector pension schemes. The Departments of Finance

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have set out a road map of the sequence of the necessary approvals and it is hoped that this amendment will receive final NSMC Ministers approval by December 2013

North South Pension Update The Economic Appraisal on the Agency joining the N/S Pension Scheme has been cleared by both Sponsor Departments and is currently been considered by both Finance Departments. The Agency has been in correspondence with its sponsor departments and are advised that the Finance Departments have been in discussion on the implications surrounding staff salaries and grading. The Agency has again been advised of the road map for the necessary approvals and is working on these with a view to finalising this issue in early 2014.

Aquaculture and Shellfisheries

Barry Fox, Director of Aquaculture and Shellfisheries provided the Board with the following report:

Native Oyster Fishery

The Lough Foyle Native Oyster Fishery has been open since 19th September 2013. The opening of the season was conducted in accordance with the new “Policy and Procedure for the Native Oyster Fishery” Procedure I Fishery Set-up, created in response to audit recommendations. The policies and procedures laid out in the new document worked well and have helped to create a more robust structure to the application process. All information is now much more centralised and appropriately documented. It is hoped that this will lead to the administration aspects of the fishery becoming more streamlined.

In total 60 licence applications were received. All licence applications underwent two independent reviews. All applicants were assigned a unique reference number and their details were entered into the Native Oyster Licence Register. To date there have been 49 licences issued.

Procedures II and III of “Policy and Procedure for the Native Oyster Fishery”, relating to Logbook returns and Issuing of tags have also now been enacted. Procedure II Logbook Returns

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Logbooks are to be returned to the Agency at the end of every week during the open season of the Native Oyster Fishery on Lough Foyle, in the stamped addressed envelopes provided to licence holders. All stamped addressed envelopes arriving at are to be placed in the safe box for the attention of Aquaculture and Shellfisheries Monitoring Officer. Electronic logbook returns excel book to be completed weekly by Aquaculture and Shellfisheries Monitoring Officer. Procedure III Tag Issuing Tags will be issued on a Thursday evening at the Greencastle office between 7 and 9 pm. Tags issued are to be entered into the Native Oyster Register and licence holders must sign the register. Licence holders must present their licence in order to receive tags. The Native Oyster Fishery Licence Holders AGM was held Redcastle Hotel on 29th August 2013 at 7 pm. In total there were 21 representatives from the fishery present. Presentations were given by Cass Bromley (IBIS) on ongoing enhancement work; Ciaran McGonigle on the status of the fishery and Sarah McLean on ongoing MSC Certification. Minutes of this meeting are in your Board papers.

Shellfish Hygiene Hygiene sampling continues to run smoothly. Biotoxin samples of native oysters were collected from both NI and ROI in mid August and again 2 weeks later in accordance with the codes of practice, in order to allow safe opening of the fishery on the 19th September. Sarah McLean attended the Molluscan Shellfish Safety Committee (MSSC) in Dublin on 16th September. At the meeting updates were provided on microbiological, biotoxin and phytoplankton sampling regimes in ROI. The biotoxin and microbiological codes of practice were reviewed and comments made. There was also a representative from RASFF (EU – Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) present. The pros and cons of the system were discussed in some detail. The schedules for NI sampling for October 2013 to March 2014 were set at the FSA NI scheduling meeting in Belfast on 17th September. As yet there has been no change to the sampling frequencies as a result of the review of shellfish hygiene sampling techniques at FSA National level.


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The Pathway project is still in progress. All the projects and aims have been developed and the costings and staff times have been revised to reflect the new shorter project time. The Ireland team are in the process of organising stakeholder meetings to firm up stakeholder involvement and to concrete actions.

Seed Mussel Carlingford On 16th August 2013 a seed mussel survey was carried out in the channel in Carlingford Lough. The survey was carried out onboard the Rían John using one 1.8 m dredge. In total 17 sites were dredged. Tows were between approximately 300 and 900 m in length. No seed mussel was found in any of the tows. Handful (< 20) of adult mussel was found in dredge number 9 but this is likely to have been over spill from a licensed site as opposed to wild mussel spawned and matured in Carlingford. The majority of the tows were carried out over shell type substrates. The dredges brought up numerous other species of which Sea Squirts were the most abundant. A full report will be completed and submitted to DARD.

Tralee and Clarinbridge Trip A fact finding trip to the Tralee and Clarinbridge native oyster fisheries has been planned for mid October. The aim of the trip is to investigate how the fisheries are managed and to gather ideas as to how techniques may be transferred between these fisheries and Lough Foyle. It is hoped that Barry Fox, Ciaran McGonigle, Sarah McLean and Cass Bromley will be involved in the trip.

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travel Fellowship Sarah McLean has applied for a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travel Fellowship. The Trust award travel grants to British citizens from all walks of life to travel overseas, to bring back knowledge and best practice for the benefit of others in their professions and communities. Sarah has submitted a project entitled:

“Study of Multidimensional Interactions between Aquaculture and Non Native Species”

The project aims to highlight the complex issues surrounding non natives and aquaculture. There are 4 main objectives to the project:

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1. Gain a better understanding of the types of novel/non native species being used in aquaculture, the pros and cons of using them, the development of appropriate aquaculture practices and the legislative drivers at play 2. Identify the multidimensional interactions between aquaculture and non native species taking into account the possible economic gain of cultivating them, aquaculture as a pathway for species invasions and the cost to the sector of such invasions 3. Gather information to create best practice policies that will optimise the economic gains of cultivating non natives whilst simultaneously preventing alterations to native ecosystems, habitats and/or species 4. Learn about procedures for identifying risk, precautionary principles and contingency plans

Applicants shortlisted will be told in Mid November and will be interviewed in London in January/February 2014.

Management Agreement We have received no further correspondence from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine relating to the management agreement. We are advised that DCENR are currently in contact with senior officials in DAFM to try and progress the operational side of the agreement.

Field Work The autumn oyster survey is now complete and a report will be available to the Board at their next meeting. The Agency commenced field work for delivery of a Carrying Capacity Model for Lough Foyle at the beginning of October. Included in this work will be water and shellfish sampling and growth trials. This work is being done in collaboration with the Agriculture, Food and Bio- Science Institute (AFBI). This will allow up to date estimates of primary productivity that can be coupled to the hydrodynamic model for the Lough.

Students from University of Ulster are making 2 visits to the Agency in October as part of the Marine Science undergraduate course and will get a tour of the MMV Ostrea as well as a practical afternoon on Foyle mussels with the Agency’s

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Marine Scientist. Work with IBIS researchers is continuing with a further knowledge transfer workshop held in Newry in September. This workshop provided a good networking opportunity for Agency and IBIS staff with industry and other Agencies. The Agency hosted Nicolas Chopin from BIM for a day on the MMV Ostrea during August to collaborate on some survey work in Foyle on the seed mussel area near Greencastle, no commercially viable quantities were found. The Marine Scientist was given a demonstration of the side scan sonar BIM use for their seed surveys in the Irish Sea and elsewhere.

Barry Fox added that there is a trip to Tralee next week on a fact finding mission and that this trip will be reported on at the next Board Meeting.

Barry also added that there were no further developments with the Management Agreement and he hopes to have more information on this at the next Board Meeting.


Kevin Wilson, Director of Development provided the Board with the following report:


Since our last meeting the Development Directorate has been continuing with our efforts across the various objectives within our business plan and looking to the future, where the opportunities exist for further development of Marine Tourism, Angling Development and education throughout the Foyle and Carlingford areas.

The latest meeting of the Loughs Agency Advisory Forum provided facilitated broad discussion on the future development of Marine Tourism and Angling Development. These discussions will be included into our planning process, which will result in the development of new projects and programmes in the coming years.

2.0 ANGLING DEVELOPMENT Board Update – 11th October 2013 – Lionel Knobbs, Angling Development Manager

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2.1 Game Angling

The Game River angling season has experienced unusually low levels and easterly winds causing fishing for trout and salmon a bit of a struggle for many.

We have had no big floods this season (Bankers) but a few small rises in levels aiding the upstream movement of salmon. Salmon runs reported this season have been recorded as the best in many years on many of our rivers.

2.1.1 Mourne Country Park

Carlingford’s Whitewater will be attracting many new anglers this season with the addition of day tickets availability on the Mourne Country Park SDF funded project.

Unique Day Ticket Angling in the Mournes – never offered before Mourne Country Park offers quality angling on the County Down Whitewater, a spate river rising in the Mourne Mountains and spilling into Carlingford Lough. This river is well known as a sea trout river with salmon and brown trout also. Day tickets are available for visiting anglers from Rafferty’s (Maxol) Garage Newry Road, Kilkeel and can also be purchased on the Mourne Country Park website www.mournecountrypark.org. The Day Pass angling ticket offers the opportunity for tourists and visitors to fish in the tranquil and beautiful wooded glen not previously accessible to visiting anglers. A full day’s beat costs £30.00. A party of 5 anglers will pay for 4 tickets and receive the fifth free. Mourne Country Park has utilised grant money from the Loughs Agency Sustainable Development Fund to enhance access to angling beats on the Whitewater River. The improvements include pathways, steps to the river edge and ropes on steep slopes to facilitate access. Less able bodied anglers are able to take a vehicle. It is envisaged that the investment in access works will prompt an increase in visitor numbers, leading to spin off benefits to local businesses.

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The Loughs Agency Sustainable Development Fund offers funding for marine tourism and angling development project proposals in the Carlingford Lough catchment area and the Foyle area. Bonnie Horsman, Director of Mourne Country Park, said “We are delighted to have improved our angling paths and river access and we are grateful to the Loughs Agency for enabling us to do this. The Kilkeel Angling Club have also played a big role in improving our stretch of Whitewater River. We now offer a magical ambience and excellent fishing at Mourne Country Park which we hope visiting anglers will come and enjoy”. For more information and to book visit www.mournecountrypark.org. You can also call Bonnie on 07730 401331 or Garrett on 07534 700920.

2.1.2 Visiting Anglers

Below is a catch record from one of our visiting English anglers Larry Swire, and this outlines our Salmon angling possibilities this season so far. Larry has returned again for a second trip and is reporting similar catches.

Hi Lionel,

Here is my catch record from my September 2013 trip to the Foyle rivers.

Thursday 12th Reelan 4 salmon 3lbs to 5lbs Friday 13th Finn 6 salmon 3lbs to 8lbs Saturday 14th Finn 1 salmon 3lbs Sunday 15th Reelan 6 salmon 3lbs to 12lbs Monday 16th Derg 6 salmon 1.5lbs to 6lbs Tuesday17th Derg 2 salmon 3lbs + 5lbs Wednesday 18th Owenkillew 3 salmon 3lbs to 4lbs Thursday 19th Derg 3 salmon 2.5lbs to 8lbs Friday 20th Owenkillew 2 salmon 4lbs + 9lbs Saturday 21st Owenkillew 2 salmon 3lbs + 5lbs Sunday 22nd Strule 4 salmon 2lbs to 11lbs Monday 23rd Mourne 2 salmon 4lbs + 4lbs Tuesday 24th Derg 1 salmon 5lbs

That's 42 salmon in 13 days, brilliant fishing and 42 more than I have managed over the rest of the season fishing in England and Wales!!!!!!

Hope to get over again in October for a bit more of that.

See you soon


2.2 Sea Angling

Sea angling has been a late start as previously outlined but is now producing good catches from Foyle and Carlingford. This was Prepared by S Wilson Nov ’13 Page 12

demonstrated from the Lough Foyle Sea Angling Competition held on Saturday 12 October 2013, where the average catch made was 10 fish each.

2.3 Coarse Angling

Reports remain positive from Newry canal and other fisheries within our catchments. Loughs Agency will be supporting events in the coming weeks including a Pike fishing event 16th Nov Lough Muck Co Tyrone.

2.4 Promotions

From an angling perspective we continue our focus on the development of our presence on Facebook and this has been a huge success, in particular the short DVDs published that have received many thousands of viewings. These short DVDs, photo albums and press releases are a great way of promoting the Loughs Agency angling and we will continue to develop and utilise this in the future.

The use of Facebook has also provided a real time discussion platform for anglers. Many anglers have questions or queries about different aspects of the work that we do and this has proved very useful when having debates about topics such as ‘catch and release’.

2.5 NI Angling Review

The Strategic Review of Angling in was commissioned on the 8th March 2013. As previously reported, an extensive consultation process has been undertaken, with many public forum meetings taking place throughout Northern Ireland.

The review is in the final stages before being published. The draft has been passed to relevant departments within DARD & DCAL and will be released after final agreement. In the coming weeks, the Agency will meet with some of the partners involved in the review to discuss the draft recommendations and explore the possibility for joined up working to tackle common issues.

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2.6 Events

Sea angling remains positive with good catches, some outlined below that includes our catchment. Further sea fishing events supported by Loughs Agency will take place including Sunday 12th October; with 80 entries so far we look forward to continued positive catches. Results below highlight some of the positive catches, fishing over 3 Sessions at - Waterfoot-Ballycastle-. A total of 38 anglers caught a total of 837 fish, LSDs, Flounder, Turbot, Pollock. These events acted as the qualifiers for 2014 events, results below:


Name Fish Caught Points earned 1 Brian Wallace, CARRICK B&R SAC 35 Fish 6 Points 2 Eugene Andrews, GAD SAC 28 Fish 6 Points 3 Ronan McMonagle 7 Points 4 Raymond Gibson 33 Fish 8 points 5 Sam Stirling 21 Fish 8 Points

The longest flat fish was a flounder, measuring 39cm in length and caught by Cathal Donnelly. The longest round fish was a Pollock, measuring 35cm and caught by Sam Stirling.

2.7 Stakeholder Engagement

The Agency continues to work with positive engagement with our angling stakeholders. In the past number of weeks we have met with several organisations and discussed plans for the coming months and years.

A number of meetings are now being planned with several organisations to evaluate the past events and to start planning global angling events up to 2015.


Board Update – 11th October 2013 – Andy Sides, Development Officer

3.1 RYA Sail Training Centre – marine tourism skills development

For Information

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A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

This project continues to run in partnership with OYTI, aiming to close a gap where there are no club or private sector sailing schools in the Foyle area. Assistant instructor course completed.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

An instructor course (RYA accredited) will be delivered in October. Recruitment of students is currently under way.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

The Loughs Agency sail training initiative featured on national television in September, receiving good coverage on UTV’s Lesser Spotted Culture programme.

3.2 Sustainable Development Fund - SDF

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

SDF 2013 opened in February with 67 applications received by June and 29 letters of offer issued. Claims have been processed to a value of over £33,000.

Extensions have been approved by board subgroup and have been granted to relevant projects to permit completion within the bounds of the offer.

With decommital from projects failing to proceed and projects under spending, there is potential to offer funding support to reserve projects. The board subgroup has approved the allocation of funding to reserves on the basis of budget availability, ability to complete by the end of November and ranking in the scoring at assessment.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

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Claims will be processed and letters of offer allocated to reserve projects.

An evaluation report will be drafted to assist with review of the SDF initiative.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Far and Wild completed their project and have generated press publicity. It is hoped to create other promotional opportunities as projects complete. Publicity is key to ensure transparency (that is, it is clear to the public and other funders that a project promoter received funding from Loughs Agency). There are also promotional opportunities, of course – promoting the project itself (often a business that needs to generate turnover) and highlighting the Loughs Agency role in developing angling and marine tourism.

3.4 Cruise North West

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Cruise North West continues to promote the Foyle as a cruise ship destination.

The table below details visits.

Date of visit (2013) Name of Vessel

21/04 Hebridean Princess 18/05 Quest for Adventure 13/06 M/Y Big Eagle 22/06 MS Astor 06/07 The World 09/09 Seabourn Pride

These ships bore a total of 2,682 passengers and netted an estimated £198,900 to the local economy.

For Approval

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B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

It is proposed to renew Cruise North West membership, this fitting with the Agency’s aims and being an efficient investment (approx £6,000 per annum).

The Board were asked to note the above section for inclusion in future development programming.

For Information

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

The presence of such large vessels as cruise ships on the lough and river are promotional tools in themselves. A stirring sight, they tend to generate discussion, whether in council chamber or other forum and focus attention on the marine tourism potential of the Foyle.

3.5 Basking Shark Study

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The Inishowen Basking Shark Study Group continues its work with the support of Loughs Agency and others. In July, a 6-8m length basking shark was successfully equipped with an Agency sponsored satellite transmitter or ‘Spot’ tag. This wildlife computer SPOT tag was deployed off Malin Head and satellite plots now locate the shark off the south of Spain!

Spot tags provide location information and movements are proving to be confusing to scientists - some sharks stay in northern waters and others move south, such as the Foyle fish.

For Approval

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

It is proposed to renew IBSSG membership, this fitting with the Agency’s aims (approx £1,500 per annum).

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The Board were asked to note the above section for inclusion in future development programming.

For Information

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

IBSSG has generated publicity in local and national newspapers. National Geographic have expressed interest in the project, too. An article on this project was carried by the Irish Branch of the Institute of Fisheries Management (IFM) in their current periodical. IFM also referred to this in their journal.

3.6 Portable Marine Event Platform

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Warrenpoint Harbour Authority has agreed a draft memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the operation of a portable event platform. This consists of a set of pontoons that can be temporarily placed in position at suitable locations on Carlingford Lough to facilitate maritime events.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

The MOU will be signed and the facility procured.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A press launch is planned in order to highlight the availability of this system and to promote marine tourism in the Carlingford area.

3.7 Omeath to Carlingford Greenway

For Information

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A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Louth County Council have been offered Loughs Agency match funding for a strategic €700,000 Greenway project in north Louth. This project involves the development of cycle / walking path along the southern shore of Carlingford Lough.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

A draft memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be agreed and signed.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A press launch is planned and an official opening will follow in due course.

3.8 Beach Access

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Loughs Agency has taken delivery of two all terrain wheelchairs. These will be made available at Benone beach and at beaches in east Inishowen. In addition, Loughs Agency has instigated a boardwalk scheme on a beach in east Inishowen. The board walk will manage visitor access and reduce erosion problems on a sensitive dune habitat. NPWS is very supportive and welcomes the initiative.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

A. draft memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be agreed and signed with Donegal and local authorities. These bodies station lifeguards on their beaches and these staff will manage the issue and use of the wheelchairs.

A. MOU will be put in place with Donegal County Council to effect implementation of the board walk project.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

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A press launch is planned.

3.9 Coastal Motorcycling Trails

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Loughs Agency has placed a number of coastal biking routes on a website that is used by biker tourists in planning their trips. Routes include – Malin Head, Greenore/Carlingford and .

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Additional images will be uploaded and publicity generated.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Publicity will be generated in the motorcycling press.

3.10 Clipper 2014

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Loughs Agency is a member of the steering group for Clipper 2014. This round the world yacht race sails into the Foyle in June 2014 - provisionally in the area 21 – 29 June. Planning proceeds apace.

For Approval

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

An event plan will evolve, a funding package will be assembled and marketing will commence.

Loughs Agency will develop marine tourism focussed subprojects in order to animate the river and highlight marine tourism potential of the Foyle, requiring an appropriate budget.

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The Board were asked to note the above section for inclusion in future development programming.

For Information

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Derry City Council has already generated publicity which included Loughs Agency being interviewed on BBC radio.

3.11 Interreg IVA Marine Tourism and Angling Development

3.11.1 Inishtrahull (mooring buoy, advisory signage)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

As approved by programme steering committee (PSC), a formal request has been submitted for review of the SEUPB decision not to fund this project.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Await outcome of the above request for review.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Not relevant.

3.11.2 Malin Head (passing places for vehicles, footpath, viewing platform)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The contract for the paths and viewing platform has been awarded and works should complete in November.

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B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

An official opening is planned but will likely be held back until just ahead of the Saint Patricks Day bank holiday in order to maximise benefit in terms of tourist response.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

The launch of the project secured significant exposure for the area – as well as the project, the Agency and the funder. The programme steering committee (PSC) met at Malin Head recently and visited the site. There has been directly voiced praise for the passing places element, with a local canoe tour operator saying how it has helped him negotiate these narrow roads with a trailer and a local bus operator pointing out that tour buses are coming again to Malin, now that they are confident they will not be stuck!

3.11.3 Benone (a beach activity centre)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The value for money assessment of the Benone proposal has been approved. Short listing documents have been drafted for a design team.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Design works will get underway and a planning application will be submitted.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A project launch is planned in order to generate awareness of what is planned and to highlight the role of the funder and the programme generally.

3.11.4 Foyle Marina (event platform - pontoon and quay)

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A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Both the quay and the pontoon continue to be well used, key elements of the marine tourism infrastructure on the Foyle.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

A sailing course will run from the pontoon. A value for money assessment has been submitted to SEUPB in order to further develop the project with additional low scale berthing capacity proposed.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

TV news reports occasionally use the marina as a backdrop to local reportage.

3.11.5 Gribben Quay (access to the River Foyle)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

A design team is being procured. The landowner who owns the access lane has consented his approval for the project.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Design work will commence and a planning application will be submitted.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

None as yet.

3.11.6 Backwater (access to the River Foyle)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

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A design team is being procured.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Design work will commence and a planning application will be submitted.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

None as yet.

3.11.7 Lough Derg (a management plan)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

A value for money assessment (VFM) has been completed and is with the funder.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Secure approval for VFM. Tender the management plan.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

3.11.8 Mellon Beat (angling and habitat enhancement River Strule)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Planning permission received. Tendering of capital works has commenced.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Visibility splay works will be completed.

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C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A project launch is planned

3.11.9 E-Licensing (angling licence)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Partners (IFI, DCAL) have accepted partnership agreement in principle. ATR

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

A project steering committee that encompasses the tourism and angling sectors will commence regular meetings.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

None as yet.

3.11.10 Summary Position

The Board were provided with an update on the progress of the INTERREG funded programmes.


Board Update – 11th October 2013 – Gillian Simpson, Information Services Officer

4.1 Outreach Activities

Achievements since the last Board report:

In August we participated in several events. At the beginning of the month we brought the Marine Discovery Tank to the Moville Regatta. Both visitors and locals were very interested in the marine creatures we brought with us and learning more about each species.

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We provided 2 days of river canoeing on the Foyle on the 7th and 8th of August and made sessions available to the public. The sessions were very popular and fully booked with both families and small community groups participating.

Loughs supported the Carlingford Oyster Festival on 10th and 11th August. We provided a small marquee, seafood cookery demonstrations and the marine discovery tank. The marquee was very busy with both locals and visitors.

The marquee was located next to the Tourist Information Office in the car park overlooking the harbour. It was in a prominent location with lots of passersby. The weather was excellent during the weekend with only a few scattered showers. Other exhibitors in the car park included traders, food stalls and a fairground. Outside the marquee we had a sign advising the public that cookery demonstrations and the marine discovery tank were inside.

The Oyster Festival offered an excellent opportunity to profile the Agency to stakeholders in the Carlingford Area. In addition, having a good representation of Carlingford staff meant that we could engage with the public who enquired about a range of topics from ‘Who are the Agency? What does the Agency do? Where is Riverwatch? and are the Oysters in the Lough still infected?’

The cookery demonstration showcased local seafood cooked in a variety of ways. Demonstrations were held every hour on the half hour. The audience listened carefully to the chef, asked questions and were eager to taste a sample at the end. The smell of the good cooking filled the tent throughout the day!

The mobile marine tank was very popular with adults and children and was the busy throughout the day. The Carlingford crew had carefully collected a variety of fish and shellfish including: 15 Spined Stickleback, Rockling, Shrimp, Oysters, Mussels, Clam, Cockles, Shore crab, Hermit crab, Anemone, Seasquirts, etc. Staff informed the public about each species, their habits, habitat, life cycle, etc much to the interest of the visitors. The team emphasised that everything came from the foreshore of the lough without the use of special equipment, boats etc. and so is accessible to everyone.

We had a table display exhibiting information on aquaculture in the Lough and the role of the Agency. Visitors were able to view and Prepared by S Wilson Nov ’13 Page 26

read over the information at their leisure. Visitors were also welcome to take a fish species poster home.

Information was also shared with visitors on the INTERREG projects on the Sunday. Simon Canning advised visitors on the projects and how they were progressing. Nearly 2,500 people visited the activities in the marquee.

We partnered with the Faughan Valley Landscape Partnership in a clean up of Enagh Lough on 13th August with Enagh Youth Forum.

We partnered with Belfast Zoo in the ‘Zoo School’ delivering half day workshops to children on fish covering different species of fish, the life cycle of the salmon and dissection. Many of the participants who took part in the 5 day programme said the fish workshops were the best part of the week!

We supported the Greencastle Regatta which took place on 15th August again with the popular marine discovery tank.

The Loughs Agency arranged, in conjunction with the Faughan Valley Landscape Partnership, a River Discovery Day on 16th August which included the following:

 20 min angling taster sessions in the starter pond (88 sessions)  4 x 45 min River Safari’s on the Foyle (96 people)  Bird of Prey display  Butterfly identification  Arts and crafts  DOE exhibition on marine litter  Bat exhibition by NI Bat Group  Invasive Species exhibition  Pond dipping  Fish Dissection  Re-think Waste exhibition  Public feeding the fish in Riverwatch  Nature Trail  Faughan Valley Landscape Partnership  Launch of the new Riverwatch Woodland

The event was located at the Loughs Agency HQ in Prehen and used the entire site for exhibitions and activities. The event took

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place during the Fleadh and was pitched as an alternative event aimed at families. The weather between 12 and 4pm was excellent and encouraged dwell time for visitors attending the event. Most people stayed for more than 1hr and many stayed for the entire event. Visitors had brought picnics and made use of the picnic tables and the front and back of the building.

The NI Bat Group advised visitors on local bat species and also carried out arts and craft activities with children making masks and clay bats. There was a nature quiz run by FVLP also in reception.

Riverwatch had activity packs for the children and also a public feeding at 3pm which the visitors enjoyed.

During the day we launched the woodland area with Sean Curran and Karen Kirkegaard from Groundwork. A newly illustrated map of the woodland and identification guides were available for all visitors in booklet.

On the Foyle there were 4 river safari trips. The trips were popular and ran at full capacity. The groups reported seeing a seal, heron and other water birds. Every child on the group received a goody bag with binoculars, hand warmers, poncho, pencils and identification guides to help them on their safari adventure. Approximately 500 people came during the afternoon event.

In September we participated in the Culture Tech Event at Ebrington Square for 3 days. During the first 2 days we engaged with local primary and post primary schools and the event opened to the public on the third day. All 3 days were very busy and visitors were very interested in the marine discovery tank, dissection workshop and water invertebrate workshop. During the 3 day event we had 760 people participating in workshops.

Feedback from organiser ‘I just wanted to say a massive thank you for the immense contribution you both made to the success of Culture Tech Junior. As you know, the Thursday and Friday schools days were considerably more hectic than we had envisaged (especially the Thursday morning!) partly due to the unprecedented level of partnership the scale of the event demanded but also due to tremendous interest and uptake from the schools - and you both stayed enthusiastic and worked incredibly hard (in the face of some tremendous challenges!). You provided really interesting, engaging and fun learning activities and

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the children (and perhaps even more importantly, the teachers) really learned a lot and left the event buzzing!’

Also in September we attended the NIEA Open Day at Ness Woods and the public were intrigued by the water invertebrate sample we had collected from the small pond on site and the local stream. Visitors were informed about the importance of the river invertebrates. This exhibition tied in nicely with Stevie Moates who was also at the event tying flies, mimicking those in the water samples.

Visitor Counts (with 2012 comparison)

The Board were provided with a chart comparing 2012 and 2013 Riverwatch visitor numbers from January until September. The chart showed more visitors in August and September in 2013 compared to 2012.

Visitor Comments:

 Garrett from USA – ‘Amazing!’  Chance Family from Kent - ‘The most wonderful thing we have done here. Brilliant.’  Parsons Family from Toronto – ‘Enjoyed exploring. Great displays.’  Thompson Family from Derry – ‘The kids loved it’

Plans to the end of the year in this area

In October we have 2 clean up events planned with Benone Beach in partnership with Surfers Against Sewage and on Inistrahull Island with National Parks and Wildlife and Donegal County Council.

We will be delivering 3 full days of workshops in St Columb’s College and have bookings for school visits from Oakgrove College, Primary, Steelestown Primary, Holycross College, Thornhill College, Foyle College, Sacred Heart Primary, St Mary’s Primary and Eglinton Scouts. Riverwatch will also be attending the Seagate Real World Science Fair on 25th October.

Michael and Gillian are attending ‘Shore Thing’ training in Portrush on 15th October as a follow up the Marine Literacy Conference they attended earlier in September.

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We are co-ordinating the making of a short 3 minute film about Native Flat Oysters for the Turner Prize and we hope to be able to use this in our education work also. We are liaising with the Freshwater Pearl Mussel Group with a view to running an education programme with schools in FPM catchments.

From 28th October to 1st November we will be holding our annual Halloween Event partnering with W5, World of Owls, TACT, RSPB and Belfast Zoo.

Michael McCormick asked Kevin how did the Carlingford Seafood Festival go and was it successful. Kevin confirmed that the event was very successful as described in the report and it is hoped that many more event and festivals can take place both in the Foyle and Carlingford areas in the future as they were very well received by the public.

Kevin added that the Clipper Event will be returning to the Derry in 2014 and it is hoped that a Lough Foyle Seafood Festival can be arranged to coincide with this. He added that the Agency are working with Derry City Council, Limavady Borough Council and Coleraine Borough Council as these bodies could potentially be involved in the festivals and events.

There was a discussion on the berthage for cruise ships entering into the Foyle. Kevin confirmed that he is in discussions with Derry City Council and other partners as a member of Cruise North West in relation to this and he has also had discussions with Peter Conway in Warrenpoint Harbour in respect of marine event platforms.

Kevin Wilson

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Conservation and Protection

John McCartney, Director of Conservation and Protection provided the Board with the following report:

Update for Loughs Agency Board Conservation and Protection The 2013 game angling season is coming to a close, anglers seem to be generally content with good rod catches reported across the catchments. The Oyster season seems to have started well, most of the fishing fleet have been boarded by fishery officers and there is a high level of co operation within the fishery both on shore and on the Lough. Sadly the Agency had to continue its legal action against Louth County Council over the Omeath discharge. The council were fined E4000 at Dundalk district court, but on a positive note they appear to have been awarded the funding to build a new treatment works.


 The 2013 Angling Consolidation Regulation is being evaluated by the Agency after extensive comment from Departmental Solicitors.  The Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Licensing of Fishing Engines) Regulations 2014 is currently the subject of public consultation.  Agency staff are drafting the proposed Foyle Area and Carlingford Area Complimentary Permit Regulations 2013 for submission to Departmental Solicitors.

Health and Safety

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There have been no recorded accidents to staff since the last Board meeting.

Comparative fish counts

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 September September September September September September September September Faughan 3426 3037 737 598 604 1455 99 1458 Finn 5597 3203 2031 2099 1156 1753 2094 2557 Sion Mills 8768 3432 2544 7488 1912 1123 2786 2987 Roe 1192 4238 3513 1964 2660 2272 2864 3401 Corrick Not available 150 173 151 1295 21 45 465 Newry Not available Not available 193 100 430 0 690 228 Omagh Not available Not available 197 55 127 359 190 196

Enforcement Actions In 2013 so far, Agency staff have seized 119 illegal nets, 42 rods, 3 boats, 195 fish, 19 bags of oysters and 1 car. Staff have dealt with 52 pollution incidents including one wild fish kill, and taken 5 sets of statutory samples, the breakdown of seized fish is as follows; Fish:

Salmon 167 Sea Trout 9 Brown Trout 4 Rainbow Trout 5 Roach 6 Dogfish 1 Pike 3


John McCartney provided a summary of pollution incidents dealt with by staff, with agriculture having the greatest impact on pollution levels. Prepared by S Wilson Nov ’13 Page 32

John McCartney gave an update on his report to the Board of the following items:-

Cooperation with the Oyster Fishermen has improved this season on the Oyster Fishery although returns may lead to regulatory actions.

John confirmed that Louth County Council were successfully fined €4,000 in court for untreated sewage plants.

He added that there was one minor road traffic accident.

Fish counts were up on rivers Faughan and Roe and are doing well this year. There were two minor fish kill incidents in the Ballykelly and Glevin Rivers and the investigation remains ongoing.

John has had confirmation from NIEA that the Hydroelectric Scheme will begin on the River Roe in January and he has asked for sight of the plans for this scheme.

There are ongoing investigations by NIEA into large landfill sites. Laurence Arbuckle asked John if there was any update on the sewage treatment works in Muff, Co Donegal and John confirmed that he had no update for him but that he would chase this matter up.

Michael McCormick asked John about the pollution problem in the River Faughan indicating that he has concerns that the illegal dumping of waste is very toxic to fish and the environment. John added that the ground water in the Faughan may be affected then this could cause a massive pollution if a draught happens. As this is being dealt with by the PPS then the results will be sealed for court purposes. Theresa McLaverty asked if NIEA taken action and closed the site. John confirmed to Theresa that they are taking this problem very seriously and is being dealt with.

John McCartney

8. MMV Ostrea Update

Barry Fox gave his update on the Ostrea to the Board. He added that the 130 days at sea was unrealistic due to the issues on having no surveying access and also the demand on staff to go to Prepared by S Wilson Nov ’13 Page 33

Belfast and Letterkenny weekly with sample deliveries. He advised the Board that a more realistic figure of 75 days moving forward. Don Tipping advised that he would like a further meeting of the sub group to discuss this at length but that if this was urgent then an agreement could be decided today. Barry Fox and Phil Mahon both agreed that the matter is urgent from an audit prospective. Winston Patterson added that if the Board have to agree to this for audit purposes and this was proposed and seconded by:-

Proposed Don Tipping Seconded Michael McCormick

Michael McCormick added that a he too would like a further meeting of the Ostrea Sub Group in the near future.

Barry Fox advised the meeting the clawback letter included in the papers is extremely confidential and should be treated as such for the use of the Board Members only.

John Pollock advised in recent years the European Commission had been querying the vires of the EC (FIFG) grant awarded to the monitoring vessel MMV Ostrea. After lengthy discussions with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the European Commission has concluded that a proportion of the grant may be ineligible. In addition, the Commission has accepted that the DARD Internal Audit recommendation that a flat rate correction of 10% of the EC (FIFG) funding element of the project should also be applied.

Discussions with the EC are ongoing and the Department is currently considering whether the potential loss of up should be borne by the Department or whether some recovery will be sought from the Agency.

9. Risk Management Update

John Pollock advised the Board on the Risk Register documents and that the Financial Memorandum and the Management Agreement are out of the Agency’s control. John added that both sponsor departments are happy with the register.

10. Internal Audit Recommendations Update

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Papers relating to the Internal Audit Recommendations were provided to the Board Members and the Board were asked to note the sections in Blue are out of the Agency’s control.

John Pollock advised the Board that the Internal Audit had returned to carry out a review of all their previous recommendations and early indications would show that the Agency’s audit rating would be reinstated to satisfactory. He will keep the Board informed on progress.

11. Outturns Against Targets

The Board were provided with a copy of the latest Outturn Against Targets. Members were asked to consider and note outturn against the Agency’s Business Targets for each of the four Directorates.

12. Audit Sub Committee Update

Phil Mahon provided an update to the Board from the Audit Sub Committee. An outstanding issue still remains about Fishery Officer Logbooks and the request for these to be duplicated. Phil advised the Board that the Agency need to make a statement to the auditors and to possibly look into piloting the electronic fishery officers logbook scheme currently used by Inland Fisheries Ireland.

13. IBIS Project Update

The Board were provided with a paper written by Paddy Boylan giving them a detailed update on the IBIS Projects and the work currently being undertaken by the students.

14. Loughs Agency (Foyle Fisheries Commission) Pensions (Amendment No: 2) Scheme

John Pollock advised the Board on the update regarding the pensions scheme. He added that the Agency need to bring forward an amendment to allow to join the North/South Pension Scheme and also to bring forward the agreement to carry on any previous pensions held by an individual. John added that the ministers are happy with the progress of this matter as stated at the last NSMC Meeting. Winston Patterson added that unfortunately we have no control over this matter but it is very

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important of the staff of the Agency going forward that the Board shows their support.

15. AOB

There was no further business discussed.

16. Date and Venue of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on 4th December 2013 at the Redcastle Hotel, Co Donegal.

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