HARDWARE- What Grand Forks Dan Do
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FIRST YEAR.-NO 43. GRAND FORKS, BRITISH COLUMBIA. SATURDAY MARCH 6, 1897. PRICE FIVE CENTS 1 property Bhootiug dowti the face of the clill beneficially in aiding the growth ot the above the old.vorking, where it la thought the town and providing proper sanitary re W. J. ARMSTRONG & CO. two stringcis Forming the vein come together. gulations and Are system which now A forty-foot tunnel has been run on this pro m TOO SLOWdevolve s on tho government.'1 ANACONDA, B. C. perty, but did not reach the intersection of the Mr. Stuart ia an old newspaper man parallel stratus about GO fe'it distant. Parlies being the originator ot the Vernon News Steel ranges, Stoves, Silverware, Graniteware, Crockeryware, Glassware, PE0PEETIES READY TO PRODUCE owning Lhe extension of this properly are do HOW THE PRESENT DIFFI0ULTYIN also, tho Midway Advance, and aB ing this work near tlie end line of the Yankee Woode .ware, Tinware, Toilet sets ho has an experience of some seven AS SOON AS A RAILROAD (iirl ground for the purpose of definitely locat SECURING GOVERNMENT AID years in this section hois one of the best ing the proper place to work on their ground. IS ASSUREE posted men in the lo*er country, and 0OULD BE REMEDIED. consequently his expressions are worthy LOCAL MINING NOTES. of comment, Messrs. Snyder and Filley aro ma kin g A Recorder At Grand Forks -HARDWARE- What Grand Forks dan Do. preparations to start work on their properties as PREPARING TO PROSPECT. soon fiB the snow is sufficiently out of the Df All .Gilds, Cutlery, Churns, Sowing machines, Wringers, Washing ma mountains to permit of work being done. Their ManyParties Outfitting: for Their Spring claims are known as the Ogden and Olymjiia Would Stop the Practice of Record chines Window shades, Wagons and Trucks, Fururco Work, Steam and Pipe Thirty-three Mines Within a Radius Expeditions. and are situated on what Is known as the ing Locations in the Rossland Fitting Iron Pipe and Fittings, Etc., Etc, of Ten Miles That Are Capable miners trail near Capt. Carters camp and about As soon BB the snow begins to show of Keeping Railroads Busy the two miles northwest of Newby's ranch. District. The North signs of its resistance to the inevitable FIRSTCLASS JOB SHOP IN CONNECTION. Year Round. Joseph L, Wiseman has completed Fork Country. there wid be a busy throng of prospect another assessment on this property lu Provi ors penetrating tin* hills, most of them dence camp, called lhe Texas. Some high gold heading for the upper North Fork coun A number of Grand Forks people who have and copper assays has been made from thecrop- A. K. Stuart, agent of tho Midway try, where it is reported some rich ter WILLIAM MADER recently visited Kosshuni, have been summari pingof this property. townsite.spent a couple of days in (Irand ritory exists that is practically unex Wholesale and Retail plored. ly jarred up by Rosfilrtndites when a railroad A Spokane company has recently Forks, last woek, OL* business in con was mentioned as coming into this section, and stocked the Star and Crescent property on Ln nection with his duties as dopu ty collec There were a number of prospector^ were questioned as to our capability to furnish Flcur mountain and now have a force of men tor of inland revenues fur this section. as far up us sixty miles- near the Fast suflicient ore for shipment in case the announce- Fork, late last fall, aud from specimens at work. It is the company's intention to push Mr. Stuart is one among the fow Cana mbnt was made that work was to be started on work on thia property and show up their claim of quartz taken from the surface one is :BUTCHER: the route from there to (iratul Forks. dians who has acquired the progres inclined to believe that a rich gold coun without further delay. sive ideas of hiB American cousin from Has Removed to the Basement of Wright &, Luther's Store Where For the benefit of those who doubt the pay try exists not far up tho North Fork The meeting of tho Olive Gold Min- acrosB tho line, and expresses frt-oly his river. Tho formation is principally Will Be Found the product and shipping proposition of our mines, we herewith furnish a list of the properties that ingcompany which was called to be held at tbe opinion of the slow-go oasy manner granite and porphyry, and the veins are are in shape to meet any such agreement as is office of the company, at Spokane, last Monday, which tho provincial government has of true lissures, though small aro said to bo required by a railroad company doubting a hick has been postponed until the 17th inst. It is transacting its business In an inter rich and in most instances free milling. FINEST LINE OF MEATS IN THE TOWN. expected that some important business will be of supply and business from ibis source. The view with Mr. S. on tho su bject he said: The granite formation bordering on the list consists ol tlie following iu their respec disposed of this occasion. iron-cip belt starts in aboutlifteen miles "J he trouble bus in the fact that our up the North Fork and continues as far tive districts: Robert Clark has a force of men at provincial officials aro of tho old school as tho range extends to the north. This Bridge Street..---..- Grand Forks, B. C. The Volcanic. Columbia, Wonderful, English work doing the assessment on the Wellington and consequently from 20to->5 years be is known as tho Qranite belt and BOIIIO and French Group, Pathfinder, Diamond, Square property Hitch, Hidden Treasure, Monarch, Tiger and hind the times, and it is a hard matter tino Hoat carrying free gold has been found iu numerous placesalonj the river. Bonanza Mountain mines, on the east side of the GREENWOOD AND VICINITY. to awaken them to a realization of the North Fork. rapid growth and progress that is sure Several parties came down from this The Twins group, Garnet, ano4 at leant a half From the Boundary Creek Times. to follow the opening up of any mining sectioi lato last fall bringing with them dozen others on PUBS creek. The Boundary Mines company have district and especially one that has the some of tho finest gold quartz yet found VICTORIA HOTEL. i Bowed the bond on tho Falco.i and Rob Roy in this country and in ono instance a The Emma R-Bell, Oro Denero, Summit and wonderful showing that this has. Mountain Rose, in Summit camp. claims, in Central camp, to lapse. prospector who had put in several weeks "The Kettle river mining division is on the East Fork, displayed several goo 1 The Wolverine, Minnie, Jeannie May, and Mr. T. A. Garland has purchased the Grand Forks, B. C. Great Eastern in Brown's camp. bound to push itself to the front just as sized specimens of froe-gold rock, to Snow King and Winner, iu Wellington camp. the Kootenay district has. At present which un old prospector in his habitual The Seattle group, No. t., Drum Lummon and The Snow King adjoins tlie Reno, The Mammoth Hotel of the Kettle River District. several others in Seattle camp. its progress is being greatly retarded by courtesy to a kindred spirit, who can The Winnepeg, Calumet and Terrible iu Well After an exciting race Messrs. Fisher tardy the manner in which the provincial soften tho outlines uf cold facts, with a ington camp. and Lewis succeeded in obtaining a record of government is acting relative to public strong solution of imagination, said: MRS. A. V. DAVIS, Proprietress. Ihe American Eagle, Gold Drop, Yankee Girl the St. Lawrence, formerly the Mountain View, improvements, As it is now, when as "If you have that kind of quartz up tho and Eagle on Hardy Mountain. adjoining the Mother Lode. It is understood sistance is asked from the government North Fork your iron-caps will sink in NIGHT CLERK ALWAYS ON HAND. BATES $1.50 AND $2.00 PE-h DAY for the building of a road or a bridge, to significance before long und the rich The City of Paris, and Lincoln, in White's that Messrs, Hood and Smith are to receive a the reply invariable is, 'wait till the rail est mining section in British Columbia camp, and the Star and Crescent and LaFluer half-interest In the claim. Mr. Fisher's party way conies, then tlie department of pub- is yet to be found." GRAND FORKS AND BOSSBURG DAILY STAGE LINE m the reservation. drove from Greenwood to Midway in thirty-live lie works will give the necessary aid Thii fact is pretty well backed by tho The Boulovarde group, Bonitaand Riverview minutes. asked, provided tho railway does not execellent prospects found along the WRIGHT & SCHWAM; PROPS. group near Grand Forks. C. F. Bartholomew left on Tuesday traverse i,the route for which aid is river bars and up tho branches, for As near as we can enumerate them there are asked,' not realizing that tho more placers. Several used burned-out frying at least fifty mines iu this district that would for Spokane to order a whim for the Combina tion. The shaft Is now down (i() feet on the improvements aro made in the country pans, and washed the gravel with good be producers today hail wc railway facilities the greater inducements will be hold results. The auriferous float indicates BOSSBURG TO GRAND FORKS DAILY Hilda market for the ore.