Nova Hedwigia, Vol. 109 (2019), Issue 1-2, 135–148 Article Published online May 20, 2019; published in print August 2019

Type revision of two species of Crinipellis Pat. (, ) from the Amazon forest

Jadson José Souza de Oliveira1* and Michael John Gilbert Hopkins1 1 Coordenação de Biodiversidade – COBIO and Divisão do Curso de Pós-graduação em Botânica – DIBOT, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia – INPA, Av. André Araújo 2936, 69067-375, Manaus, AM, Brazil * Corresponding author: [email protected]

With 6 figures

Abstract: Two species of Crinpellis originally described from the Neotropics are re-examined here, based on the type material, C. galeropsidoides (also including fresh collections) and C. metu- loidophora. In literature, both species were found in need of complementary information since their protologues are deficient in morphological and ecological data. This is particularly due for C. metu- loidophora with a poor description consisting of very few Latin words in a footnote. This species is considered relevant for being the type and only one species of Crinipellis sect. Metuloidophorae. This study provides detailed morphological description of both taxa followed by photographs, line- drawing illustrations and taxonomic comments. A key of the sections and subsections of Crinipellis is also provided. Key words: ; Marasmiineae; fungal diversity; ; tropical forest


Crinipellis Pat. (Marasmiaceae, Agaricales) is a group of easily recognizable marasmioid or collybioid mushroom-forming fungi that inhabit the litter of temperate or tropical for- ests (Singer 1986, Antonín & Noordeloos 2010). The basidiomata are characterized by having a strigose, wooly to pilose, membranous to coriaceous pileus since the pileipellis is formed by a trichoderm consisting of long hair-like, thick-walled, dextrinoid hyphae irregularly arising from a hypotrichium; by having white to cream, free to adnate lamel- lae; by having a stipe that is never glabrous, but often presenting a trichodermic stipitipel- lis; and by having smooth, hyaline, inamyloid or dextrinoid basidiospores (Singer 1976, 1986, Kerekes & Desjardin 2009, Antonín & Noordeloos 2010, Antonín 2013). The type species of the genus is Crinipellis scabella (Alb. & Schwein.) Murrill. The genus was

© 2019 J. Cramer in Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2019/0538 0029-5035/2019/0538 $ 3.50