
Development Management Committee 7 March 2012

County Matter: Waste Disposal District: Proposed Green Waste Composting on Land near , South Applicant: Devon Waste Management Application Number: DCC/3308/2011 Date received by the County Council: 6 December 2011

Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment

Please note that the fo llowing recommendation is subject to consideration and determination by the Committee before taking effect.

Recommendation: It is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix II to this Report.

1. Summary

1.1 This Report relates to a proposal for the composting of green waste at a site south of East Allington, in South Devon.

1.2 The main issues in the determination of this proposal relate to the potential impacts on the highway network; visual impact; and overall sustainability considerations.

2. Background

2.1 Planning permission for two sites for the composting of green waste was originally sought on two adjacent fields. Following advice from this Authority, one of the applications was withdrawn in order to seek to reduce the impact of the movement of tractors and trailers through East Allington.

3. The Proposal

3.1. The site which is proposed to accommodate the composting material is located approximately 1.5 km south of the crossroads in East Allington, within the Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV). The application seeks to provide a site for the composting of household green waste which is initially shredded and screened at a proposed facility at Mounts Plantation, East Allington. Access to the composing site would be along the A381, turning left at Firs Cross, following on to East Allington, turning right at the crossroads and bearing right at the fork in the road (past the church and the school), and continuing along this unclassified road toward Flear for appropriately 1km up to the gate entrance to the field. Using this route the distance to the site is approximately 4.4km.

3.2 The household green waste mainly arises from Civic Amenity facilities at , and Torr Quarry, with a smaller amount from local landscapers. This would be initially processed at Mounts Plantation before being transported to the application site by tractor and trailer. The composting process at the farm would involve the formation of the green waste into open windrows, being 3m high, 6m wide and 80m long and holding approximately 500 tonnes of green waste.

3.3 The processing of the windrows involves the monitoring for temperature and moisture and the turning of the material three times during the composting process. The processing takes about twelve weeks to complete before the compost is ready to be spread to the farm land.

3.4 This site would form part of a network of sites required to deal with green waste from Mounts Plantation shredding facility. There is an additional site proposed near South Milton [Application Number: DCC/3306/2011] which awaits determination, and a further site would be required in the future to compost the material from Mounts Plantation.

4. Consultations

4.1 South Hams District Council (Planning) – in a draft response from the Council it raises objection unless alternative transit arrangements or routes are adopted as a controlled part of this development. It also raises concerns that the windrow location proposed is not in an optimum position to minimise landscape visual impact.

4.2 South Hams District Council (Environmental Health) - comments that: the moisture content of green waste windrows would require regular monitoring to ensure that they are not too dry, which would create dust and bioaerosols, or too wet which would create leachate; no shredding or screening of material should occur on site; the turning of windrows should only occur when needed in order to maintain aerobic conditions; and regular litter picking should occur on site.

4.3 East Allington Parish Council - objects to the application. The Council considers the proposed route to be too narrow for such vehicular movements and that large tractors and trailers will result in danger to pedestrian and other vehicles. The Parish Council also considers that although the application mentions avoidance of school times, the school operates as a pre-school and playschool with extra activities in the evening. This means the entrance to the school is in operation in the morning from 8.30am to 5.00pm in the afternoon.

4.4 Environment Agency - has no objection to either of these applications, subject to the appropriate Exemptions/Permit being granted by the Agency.

5. Advertisement/Representations

5.1 The original applications were advertised in accordance with the statutory publicity arrangements. There have been 27 letters/emails of representation received, 26 of which raise objection and 1 emailed in support of the application.

5.2 The 26 letters/emails raising objection to the application do so on the following grounds:

• the access route is single track with few passing places and by virtue of this is unsuitable for the volume of traffic generated. • the routing through East Allington will create dangerous conditions for pedestrians and residents within the village. Access to the school is direct from the road with no pavement facility, and small children have been seen to run into the road without due care and attention retrieving a ball. • the access route though the village is used extensively by horse riders and an increase in heavy farm vehicles would lead to conditions of danger for these road users. • the use of large tractors and trailers would result in structural damage to the roads and properties throughout the village. • the use of large tractors could block the road limiting access for emergency vehicles. • the access route is signposted throughout the village to be “unsuitable for heavy good vehicles” and for “light traffic only”. • the proposed development would result in an unacceptable level of noise and disruption to the residents of East Allington. • consideration should be given to on farm composting sites that are closer to the shredding facility.

One of the letters of representation considered that if another route was provided that avoided East Allington, then they would have no objection.

5.3 The email in support of the application commented that the traffic throughout the village would be slowed by the proposed movements, making the route safer. They also observe that it is an agricultural area and that the proposal provides local jobs for local people.

6. Planning Policy Considerations

6.1 In considering this application, the County Council as Waste Planning Authority is required to have regard to the provisions of the Development Plan. Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that where regard is to be had to the Development Plan, the determination shall be in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations, which can include emerging policies, indicate otherwise. In this case, the relevant Development Plan policies are summarised in Appendix I to this Report and are discussed in Section 7 below.

7. Comment/Issues

7.1 It is considered that the main material planning considerations in the determination of this application are the impacts of delivery vehicles on the highway network; visual impact; and overall sustainability considerations.

Highways Impact

7.2 Vehicle deliveries to the site would take place by tractor and trailer. A 500 tonne windrow would require up to 45 deliveries. Only one tractor and trailer would be used, and up to 14 deliveries could be made in a working day. The site could be filled up to three times a year. The spread of deliveries varies between seasons, in the winter months it may take a few weeks to fill the windrow to capacity, in the summer months a few consecutive weekdays.

7.3 In assessing the access route through East Allington, whilst it is understood there is a concern for the road to accommodate these vehicles, they are essentially no different in size of an emergency vehicle. The agricultural nature of the surroundings also makes this form of traffic suitable for the area, and there are no objections from a highway capacity view. It is also noted that the use of the compost will replace some of the deliveries of other fertilisers, including sewage sludge.

7.4 However, it is recognised that in order to reduce the impact on local residents, only one site should be used. Following this the second application was withdrawn.

7.5 Objectors to the proposal have raised concerns about structural damage to the road, damage to adjacent hedges and verges, and structural damage to properties within the village. The rural road network is maintained to a standard to cater for agricultural vehicles and whilst such vehicles have increased in size the type and level of traffic generated by this proposal is not considered to be unusual or excessive. It is not considered that it would put an excessive burden on the highway network, nor cause additional damage to verges or hedges.

7.6 In the event of planning permission being granted, it will be necessary to impose an appropriate condition restricting the delivery hours to weekdays only between 0730 and 1800 hours. Furthermore, it will be necessary to restrict deliveries during school term times to avoid the dropping off (0840 to 0910 hours) and pick up (1500 to 1530 hours) times.

7.7 Taking into account the issues raised above it is considered that there is no highway objection to the use of one site, with the appropriate restriction of the delivery hours.

Visual Impact

7.8 The site is located within the Area of Great Landscape Value and is visible from both local and more distant view points but is screened to some extent by existing road side hedges. The site is within the context of the wider landscape, the windrows, because of their content of shredded green waste, would merge into the agricultural landscape when viewed from any distant points.

7.9 In the event of planning permission being granted a planning condition could be imposed restricting the heights of windrows to 3 metres, and that they are kept within the planning application boundary.

Sustainability Considerations

7.10 Composting of green waste is regarded as a sustainable operation as it reduces the quantity of biodegradable, waste going to landfill. In terms of transporting waste, the proposed site south of East Allington is reasonably close to the shredded waste source. It is also sustainable in transport terms in that the compost will be used on farm and not transported further. The proposal accords with the provisions of Waste Local Plan Policy WPC1 as composting is a more sustainable option in the waste hierarchy than landfill.

7.11 Obtaining the green waste arising from Civic Amenity Centres supports Government objectives and targets for reuse/recycling and the Structure and Waste Local Plan policies which endorse the proximity principle and regional self sufficiency. Using green waste compost would provide a natural local resource to fertilise soils in preference to sewage sludge or chemical based fertilisers.

8. Conclusion

8.1 This proposal, in conjunction with the Mounts Plantation Shredding Site, allows for the development of a co-ordinated network of farm sites dealing with relatively small amounts of green waste compost.

9. Recommendation

9.1 It is considered that with the imposition of appropriate conditions the impacts on the highway network are acceptable, and the proposal will not give rise to a detrimental visual impact. The proposals are therefore considered to accord with Policy WPP34 of the adopted Waste Local Plan.

9.2 It is therefore considered that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in Appendix II to this Report.

Dave Black Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment

Electoral Division: Thurlestone, & Allington

Local Government Act 1972: List of Background Papers

Contact for enquiries: Charlotte Pope

Room No. ABG County Hall

Tel No: (01392) 382130

Background Paper Date File Ref

1. Casework File December 2011 DCC/3308/2011

cp070212dma sc/cr/east allington composting 08 hq 290212

Appendix I To PTE/12/10

Planning Policy Considerations

National Planning Policy Guidance and Statements : Policies: PPS1 (Delivering Sustainable Development); PPS7 (Sustainable Development in Rural Areas); PPS10 (Planning and Waste Management); PPG13 (Transport); PPPS23 (Planning and Pollution Control) and PPG24 (Planning and Noise).

Devon Structure Plan 2001-2016 (Adopted October 2004) : Policies: ST1 (Sustainable Development); CO4 (Areas of Great Landscape Value); CO13 (Protecting Water Resources); CO15 (Air Quality); CO16 (Noise Pollution); WM1 (Waste Management); and TR10 (Strategic Road Network and Roadside Service Areas).

Devon County Waste Local Plan (Adopted June 2006) : Policies: WPC1 (Sustainable Waste Management); WPC2 (Development Control Considerations); WPP4 (Consideration of Proposals at Sites not Allocated in the Plan); WPP11 (Areas of Great Landscape Value); WPP14 (Maintenance and Enhancement of the County's Nature Conservation Resource); WPP17 (Water Resources Protection); WPP20 (Transportation of Waste); WPP21 (Road Transport); WPP22 (Health and Air Quality); WPP24 (Site Design and Appearance); and WPP34 (Composting Facilities).

Teignbridge Local Plan, 1989 - 2001 (1996) : Policies: ENV1 (Landscape and Nature Conservation Designations); ENV3 (Areas of Great Landscape Value); ENV4 (Countryside); ENV9 (Environmental Pollution); and P1 (Agricultural Land).

Appendix II To PTE/12/10

Planning Conditions

1. The development shall commence within three years of the date of this permission.

REASON: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Waste Planning Authority, and as may be varied by the planning conditions below, the development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the details submitted on the site and location plans and the supporting planning statements.

REASON: To enable the Waste Planning Authority to control the development in order to minimise its impact on the area.

3. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Waste Planning Authority, the development hereby approved shall be only for the composting of shredded green waste*.

REASON: To protect the local environment and the living conditions of local residents.

* NOTE: Shredded green waste shall refer to any plant waste which has not previously been altered in any form except by being shredded. It does not include vegetable based kitchen waste.

4. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Waste Planning Authority, no shredding or other mechanical processing of green waste, other than screening, shall take place on the site.

REASON: To protect the local environment and the living conditions of local residents.

5. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Waste Planning Authority, deliveries of green waste shall only be carried out between 0730 to 1800 hours Mondays to Fridays inclusive, with the exception that no deliveries shall be carried out between 0840 to 0910 hours and 1500 and 1530 hours during school term time. No deliveries shall take place on Saturdays, Sundays or on public holidays

REASON: To protect the local environment and the living conditions of local residents, and to avoid conflict with school drop off and pick up times.

6. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Waste Planning Authority, no plant or machinery, associated with the development hereby permitted shall be operated outside the following times, 0730 to 1800 hours Mondays to Fridays, and 0730 to 1200 hours on Saturdays, and at no time during Sundays or on public holidays.

REASON: To protect the local environment and the living conditions of local residents.

7. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Waste Planning Authority, the amount of green waste processed on the site shall not exceed 1,000 cubic metres in volume.

REASON: To protect the character and appearance of the local landscape and to protect the living conditions of local residents.

8. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Waste Planning Authority, no more than 1,500 tonnes of green waste shall be processed at the site in any calendar year.

REASON: To protect the character and appearance of the local landscape and to protect the living conditions of local residents.

9. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Waste Planning Authority, the compost heap shall not exceed 3 metres in height.

REASON: To protect the character and appearance of the local landscape and to protect the living conditions of local residents.

10. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Waste Planning Authority, the control of Japanese Knotweed and other injurious weeds shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted document named 'Control of Japanese Knotweed & Other Injurious Weeds' dated September 2009.

REASON: To prevent the spread of injurious weeds and Japanese Knotweed, in order to protect native vegetation and natural habitats.

11. There shall be no selling of composted materials to the public from the site or the public delivery of green waste to the site.

REASON: To prevent additional traffic movements to and from the site and to protect the living conditions of local residents.

12. Compost produced at the site shall be used solely for incorporation into the farm holding in which this permission site is located.

REASON: To prevent additional tractor and trailer movements on the local highway network.

13. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Waste Planning Authority, the extent of the site shall be marked out using 1 metre high agricultural fencing posts which shall be retained on site at all times whilst composting operations are taking place.

REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans.

14. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Waste Planning Authority, there shall be a maximum of 14 deliveries of green waste to the site in any one day.

REASON: To protect the local environment and the living conditions of local residents.

15. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Waste Planning Authority, the development shall be for the composting of shredded green waste arising from the Mounts Plantation Shredding Facility only.

REASON: To protect the local environment and the amenities of local residents.

Proposed Route

Only Alternative Route