Gaius, Roman Praenomen. Caburus
Cenabenses, -ium, m./pl., inhabitants of C Cenabum. Conabum, -i, n., chief city of the Carnutes; now Orleans. C., abbr. for Gajus (Cajus), Gaius, Roman Cenimagni, -orum, m./pl., British tribe. praenomen. Cerberus, -i, m., three-headed watchdog of the Caburus, -i, m., Gaius Valerius Caburus, a Gaul lower world. honored with Roman citizenship. Ceres, -eris, f., goddess of agriculture. Cacus, -i, m., legendary giant. Ceutrones, -um,, (1) tribe in eastern Cadurci, -orum,, tribe of Aquitania. Provincia; (2) Belgic tribe subject to the Caerosi, -orum, m./pl., tribe in Belgic Gaul. Nervii. Caesar, -aris, m., Gaius Julius Caesar, general, Charon, -ontis, m., ferryman in the lower author, statesman. world. Calais, Calais, m., Calais, one of the Argonauts. Charybdis, -is, f., whirlpool between Sicily and Caleti, -orum, m./pl., tribe in southwest Italy in the Straits of Messina. Belgium. Cherusci, -orum, m./pl., German tribe north of Calypso, -us, f., nymph, ruler of the island the Suebi. Orgygia. Cicero, -onis, m., Quintus Tullius Cicero, Caninius, -i, m., Caninius Rebilus, one of brother of Marcus Tullius Cicero, the orator; Caesar’s officers. Quintus became one of Caesar’s lieutenants in Cantabri, -orum, m./pl., warlike tribe in Gaul in 55 B. C. northern Spain. Cimbri, -orum, m./pl., Germanic people that Cantium, -i, n., district in southeast England; joined with the Teutons in the invasion of now Kent. Gaul; invaded Italy and were defeated by Capitolium, -i, n., (1) the Capitol, temple of Marius. Jupiter Optimus Maximus in Rome; (2) one of Circe, -es, -ae, -en, -e, f., an enchantress.
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